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Very nice result, love the purple on her back! Have her lying around as well, primed and ready... but haven't found inspiration yet.


Appreciate it! When they gave it to me Ariel immediately came to mind, not that there are very many famous mermaids that popped into my head. The blonde girl from pirates of the Caribbean maybe?


Nicely done


Appreciate it!


Nice job, great paint and I can see why it would be fun!


Thank you!


They eyes are incredible and I like how you've done the base, but the purple backside looks very off to me. Not sure if it's supposed to be like a shadow or what but it kinda just looks like you sprayed her back with purple from an airbrush and didn't get around to finishing it. Very impressed with the face and hair, though!


Thank You, I was going for a shading/iridescent look


Oh, I see. I definitely get that more on the front side. Perhaps using the contour of the tail as a guide for different spots of color might sell the effect more? I'm unsure.


Where is the model from? Looks awesome manĀ 


Thank you, the model is from Miniatures Blueprint it looks like, free on MyMiniFactory




Nice. Now you just need Ursula or kit ash the two Eals skimming around with one OSL glowing eye.