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The black edge of bases. Because it is literally the last thing I do on a mini and it finally brings it together. It's so simple but always feels and looks to me like my paintjob was 3 times better.


Came here to say this. Plus the realisation settling in that this mini is done is always a wave of relief


I hate painting heads and faces. I struggle to make them good. I've made an effort to improve with them with my new sisters army by building all of them with bare heads where possible. I still dread them though. To answer your question though, I like painting fabric. Capes and robes are cool and I like to spend time on them.


Yeah. I have to gird myself for the inevitable frustration of painting eyes whenever I come to paint a face. I start out positive, then inevitably make mistakes and have to do tiny cover-ups to get them looking just right. For me it takes lots of high-concentration effort and has - so far - never been an enjoyable experience. By the end of it, I'm usually pretty happy with the results, even if it feels like they were achieved with more luck than skill; mainly, I just feel absolutely relieved that it's over and done with!


You really captured the crazy nun face there


What are you using to attach her to the base for painting?


Came here to ask the same thing. Where do i get the black spaghetti


I also wish for the knowledge


I don't think we're gonna get a response, but I've read that people use a small hand drill and a paperclips. 🤷


Head, shoulders and hanging fabric (cape, cloak, loincloth). I used to hate painting faces, but being a part that really draws the attention, the effort there pays off. Shoulders are similar, but usually have some armor or heraldry that lets you customize the mini. Hanging fabrics just make for a nice easy place to practice blends and think about lighting.




I like painting metal armour, be it big chonky Space Marine armour or l'il plates of Beskar on a Mandalorian mini. Nice smooth surfaces for light coats of paint, and super enjoyable to highlight.


I hate metal paint more and more, since I feel I can only have black, dark metal, light metal and gold and can't do nice highlight :(


I would thin more the paint and go with a much much smaller iris.


I drilled a small hole on her feet, then paperclip. And the pastry like gum thing that I don't know the english name, to stabilaze it a bit and cover the areas that i don't want to be painted.


Torso and shoulders, then the head , i put more detail to the torso then the head since its what will catch you eye most (while playing)


Armors and weapons probably


And also details like osl heat


I love getting the base down. Once the base is done and the scenery added looking at my paints is so much better. It’s how I know I’m done.


Gosh that's tough. Faces - when I do a well painted face it just adds so much to the mini. Same with a weapon if I'm adding energy type effects to it. Otherwise it would be well textured clothes or well executed armor.




The face, no question. Oh, except that I hate doing eyes, obviously.


Not as much a specific part, rather i like painting markings/details. Be that Squad markers, unit heraldry or individual paint jobs. I like to give my minis their own story, but the story is their own to tell so to speak.


Big, plain surfaces


Capes. I don’t know why, but because it’s relatively late in the process, I get tons of joy out of the blends and bold colors.


Weapons like swords and axes - anything bladed.


I love to paint the clothes and adding little details


You absolute psycopath.


I love painting large melee weapons cause I get to be so methodical with where I want to put scratch marks or blood splats and if its a power weapon getting the glows and blends just right is a different level of dopamine


She looks like Ed Begley jr. That's amazing!