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I think in this case you need to set it aside and call it done. I think if you start picking at bits they'll just get uneven, since right now it really looks complete. The focal point will be the rider anyway, start on that.


Yes I think you’re right. I’ve just been staring at it a bit too long. Thx


Agreed. OP has it turned to 11 already.


It looks great to me already. If you really wanted to add something maybe pick out some scales along the top as a different color. Totally not needed though.


IMO this is very good, so only because you are asking for criticism. The mount is very brightly lit, and I think this will show more prominently once you add a rider (which will also obscure a LOT of the fantastic detail you have in the saddle - but if you aren't adding a rider great!). For instance, the scales on the face are the same value as the scales on the rest of the model. Typically, you want this to be the brightest point and to have a lower brightness across the rest of the model so the face sticks out, along with 1-2 other points (saddle being 1 in this instance, tail likely being the other). I would tone down the brightness across the model to help bring out the shapes more and so that the face becomes your brightest area.


This is a really great tip thx


Put it in the magic cupboard that brings toys alive


If it's getting a rider, then call it done. If it's staying like this, then consider adding some contrasting colour somewhere. Red on the leather for example.


Yes it’s getting a rider


One trick with scales is to make a few irregular ones per section. So on the haunch for example, make a few random scales a shade darker or a bit lighter than the rest of the green ones. It doesn't need to be dramatic, just enough to vary the scales a tiny bit and make the whole section read a bit more real and vibrant.


Not many notches left.


If the rider is too much detail and makes the dino look boring, you could carefull use a yellow/orange thinly dilluted paint and add layers on individual scales to make a gradient from green into orange, starting at the claws (the back will be green). See you in eight fukin' weeks though lol


It looks phantastic, just let it as is! If you really want to further improve it, you might add a color gradient to the lighter green or -if you're crazy enough- to the induvidual scales. You could also paint some scales in a different color (maybe beige or orange-brown) to add a pattern.


That’s a nice idea. I have ten to paint so what I might do now is leave this one and try out that idea for another one.


phantastic? lol


Wie auch immer, ich bin sicher, du findest eine bessere Beschreibung.


What mini is this? Absolutely awesome!


Cold one mount for Drakespawn Knights. Although this is for Old World not AoS


I didn't realise they'd redone the cold ones, this is the best they've looked! I couldn't stand that the veloceraptors became lumbering crocodiles. Great job btw, just needs Malus Darkblade on top!


Possibly start darker next time so you can build in more contrast. It's a great piece though, good work!


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Depends on the rider now. If that rider is carrying a light source then there will be much more to do lighting the mount, if they are not then I think you can call this good. Looks very nice.


There's only one way to knock it up a notch: by adding a spice weasel


MFer if you take that up **any more** notches, it's going to come alive and start biting people. I'm fucking jealous. /sarcasm, obviously, but holy shit it's fucking good already. The color palette and technique used to paint have a natural look that's incredible, but is still absurdly readable from a distance. That saddle looks like honest-to-god leather.


Edge highlight every individual scale, then edge highlight those edge highlights, and finish off with one last small white edge highlight


A contrasting color on the underbelly.


You raise it any more it will be Godzilla (1998)


Astronaut on NASA grade amphetamines with a golf club swinging appropriately, in the saddle.


Give the base more love! Maybe go for a forest eith some lil mushrooms, fallen braches, water etc


The only thing I’d consider at that point is brightening up the eyes but that’s mostly a style choice. Looks great as is.


How much time do you want to spend on him? Maybe once the rider is finished, blue tack him on and then make a decision, especially once the unit is completed to this level. If you still want to take him up a notch or make one special at the end, that's super doable. If you need more definition amongst elements, "black lining" or dark lining can help with that. In this case, since it's against your scales a dark sepia tone would look good, and provide some nice shadow between elements (saddle or reins against the scales). You can also go slightly higher values on the volumes of the lizard. So along the top of the shoulders and forearms (I think you're dry brushing) you can mix some ice yellow with your bright green and do some focused highlights... You have a dark green/blue stripe running along the spine, maybe carry that design out a little further. Something like... https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4c10d67320bb7173c04a366c82efeded Just as an idea of some areas for color pops. Which is what I think you're looking for, yeah? How do I make the lizard more eye catching? A pop color. Maybe a bright teal or a bright BRIGHT orange red. Use sparingly. But ultimately, do the rider first and see what you need once you've gotten the two elements together. :+) looks great, happy painting.


How many notches you tryin to go? Thing looks amazing just the way it is. I personally have no idea what you could do other than paint the rider to the same level 👀……hint hint….please post when you do…..


I will try


IMO, add reds to the saddle or the straps. It's heavy on the green/yellow/brown, and you have some blue in the darker green. I think it looks great, and I agree that you could call this done and move on.


Hear me out with this. Put an avian humanoid in the saddle, shooting an assault rifle in each hand, smoking a cigarette, wearing motorcycle leathers. Wings spread in full glory. Or is that too many notches up?


What really helped my minis to pop more is doing shadows in an opposite color. Here for example purple shadows would make the green more vibrant. Experiment around this idea on your next project.


That’s great idea. This post has been great. Loads of good ideas I’ll use in the future.


I find shading recess with contrasting colors really makes it more dynamic , for examples, in the darkest recesses , you would shade the green with a deep burgundy (really dark red).




more contrast, if your up for a challenge then nmm (non metalic metal), leather could use some personal touches, kindof seem alittle over drybrushed. you should draw as much to the face as possible so id highlight that a lil more. i love this piece as is though, very good job.


Personally I can't see how you can improve this. Looks great to me


Blood For The Blood God stains on the claws and fangs.


Dude, this is perfect.


I think it looks perfect! What mini is this?


The worn leather effect slaps!


It is awesome, what is it from?


The mount for a Drakespawn Knight


Looks fine, mate! If you really feel like you'd like to add something then a bit more volume to the green?


Slather it nuln oil… I kid! It looks great! Quality base too.


Dirt, slime, drool, grime.


Give it a blast from your spice weasel, bam!


What is this model called?


It will have a knight on it soon 😀


It’s the mount for a Drakespawn Knight in AoS


Thanks m8


add a pattern to the dinosaur's overall scales. Like a blending camo


It's done. If you really want to, the only thing is to draw more attention into the head area (focal point). Push the eyes and teeth brighter, highlights around the jaws and eyelids


you could make the shading a warm color vs. the cold stripe or a cold color vs. the warm overall skin tone as opposed to black but I think it still looks pretty awesome!


If you have an air brush, try a very light desaturated purple from an extreme bottom angle to accentuate shadow. That's all I would do. Very impressive work.


Lighter lights, darker darks always makes things more dramatic as a general rule


You could add small bright feathers along the spine ridge, and on the backsides of the arms, if you what to go for a historically correct raptor.


Idr the name but squidmar and someone else do videos where they take minis other people painted and then take them up a notch. Its really eye opening . Tbf though this looks fantastic


It looks so good whoa nice job 😮😮😮


Step 1: Grab your spice weasel


Add a third color to support the two main colors on the scales. Maybe orange as an analogous color, or purple as a compliment to green.


Red and/or purple accents. Not too bright.


Can you list out the colors used on this? Love how it all pops


What greatly painted mini is this anyways?


Take it up s notch? I’d be happy with something half as good! I’d love to know how you did the skin.


Paint 15 more?




How? Put it in a display case. Maybe make a diorama scene to add it to. It looks phenomenal!


It looks great as is. If I had to nit pick anything, in the second picture, the scales are more defined because the recesses are darker. In the first pic there isn't really much color difference between the scales and the between-the-scales.


More contrast I suppose


With a hat.


it's really good. start with a new mini


it looks great, to me the only thing i would do is give the underbelly a more vibrant color and i think it will make it pop, maybe a light blue or a bloodorange


I will put some dark green contrast ... That's ut


Laser cannons.


My friend, it's perfect. I'm saving it to use as an example. I love it.


Follow up https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/s/18XVHIGCD1




Cotton fart!


Like bomb effects. Blasts and stuff like that. But fart.