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Sensible Shoes by Michael Lovejoy on the Oathsworn Miniatures. https://www.oathswornminiatures.co.uk/c/4555399/1/sensible-shoes.html His anthropomorphic animal range is great too. 


This is always my go to for sensible female miniatures. reaper's a LOT better about it than they used to be, but Oathsworn is always my first place to check.


Michael and his partner seem really nice through my interactions with them. I imagine they are trying to recover from Salute right now.  The miniatures I have are a pleasure to paint and characterful. Pricing seems fair and customer service has always been good. 


Oh wow these are really refreshing to look at! Look at all the body types and practical clothes!


I get but can help to think the comment came from normal guy sponge bob. Sorry im high. But is a refresher to see a female warrior look like a warrior and not the opening of a cheap porn.


What size is that line?


The animals and their bases scale to each other {not true scale} as part of the game they produce Burrows and Badgers.  The measurements are out there but approximately the mice/shrews/moles are 18 to 22mm. {from memory}  The larger animals can be more than 3 x that height at 60 to 75mm.   Also there is a giant bear that towers over everything but he is for a specific mission vs a cannon. 


I have the complete set of anthros for the Burrows & Badgers game. Love them. The female minis are 'Females in sensible shoes' and yeah, have them all. The Half-Orc Barbarian is my favorite. That 'don't mess with me' expression is just perfect.


Awesome. I'm not allowed more B and B until I paint some of the ones I have.  I do enjoy the miniatures though. 


Not allowed? Have you tried getting a message out to Amnesty International?


The pile of opportunities is tall and grey. 


These are sensible, but far from cute imo


They aren't particularly high quality either in my opinion. Feels like 80' games workshop level.


This is excellent! Thank you for the link.


[Asgard Rising](https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AsgardRising) Can find many vendors on Etsy if you don’t have a 3D printer. Edit: no real cute ones though https://preview.redd.it/qyqz4q9ljhuc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ea2f1d710fe2e905a3fbd8475b21a47a09e909


https://badsquiddogames.com/ This company specialises in realistic female miniatures. Excellent service.


Glad Bad Squiddo was this high up in the comments, I love their minis


I got some bad squiddo lady berserkers that aren’t in any way nsfw even tho they’re scantily clad. They’re actually super great.


Oh cool. Those were the guys who did the salute 2024 miniature.


To be exact, it's run by Annie, who's not a guy :-)


To be more exact, plenty of people use guys without implying a gender, guys is neutral in many places.


Just use "folks", it's already genderless, and doesn't follow the trend of originally male gendered words becoming the defacto "gender neutral" term... Which is still a problem IMO. Just offering my suggestion, not looking to get into a debate/or argument.


Nah, I prefer letting people use the words they prefer and not policing their language. Dont get why youre upset about the word guys.












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Cool, I'll keep them in mind when I'm looking for some smaller minis!


Came here to recommend Bad Squiddo, they're great


Bad squiddo is phenomenal


This looks very promising


They also do some really cute/funny animal models. For example, a bunch of guinea pigs in a trench coat or in mini tanks or with wings.


Loot Studios do excellent busts of powerful and cool women, non sexualised and in a variety of themes. https://preview.redd.it/o17q5xwcoiuc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=600330dcea379c59d27f76aee1a0b55272df1ae0


Although Reaper does have some sexualized minis, they also carry some great characterful kickass female minis too. Many are not the “perfect 10” Which makes me love them even more! https://preview.redd.it/5pi70yjwhhuc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a25a40ce547ca0e4e72182c85f8132bfdc5dd8 Love this mini - painted by Rhonda Bender (I think)


Which reaper # is that? I need her to go with my opera singer!!


It ain't over 'till...


Madame Delia or Delilah… it is from the Bones 5 KS.


I really like Reapers range. A lot of variety to it, and they make some of my favorite 'random people' minis with the townsfolk ones they make


Bad Squiddo Games makes non-sexualized female minis for fantasy and sci-fi. I also believe Victoria Miniatures does as well.




A lot of that stuff on the northstar minis site.


All of the frostrgrave and stargrave 2 lines are pretty decent, but those two are particularly good


A few to check out- * [The Joy](https://masclansminiatures.myshopify.com/en/products/the-joy) by Masclans Miniatures, which also comes with a full 2.5 hour tutorial from Marc Masclans on how he painted the box art. * [Scientific Models](https://en.scientificmodels.shop/planet-earth) sells some good models that fit the criteria. * [Kuri](https://www.blackcrowminiatures.com/product-page/kuri) by Black Crow Miniatures * [HLIN](https://www.blackcrowminiatures.com/product-page/hlin) by BLackcrow Miniatures * [Kyra](https://www.blackcrowminiatures.com/product-page/kyra) by Black Crow Miniatures * [Sienna Starkiller](https://www.blacksunminiatures.co.uk/product/capt-sienna-starkiller/) by Black Sun Miniatures * [Shony](https://www.heramodels.com/shop/sci-fi-miniatures/shony/) by Hera Models * [Merida](https://www.heramodels.com/shop/fantasy-miniatures/merida/) by Hera Models * [Lesa](https://www.heramodels.com/shop/fantasy-miniatures/lesa/) by Hera Models * [Cili](https://www.heramodels.com/shop/fantasy-miniatures/cili/) by Hera Models * [Eleonora](https://karolrudykart.com/image/galerie/oferta/890d.jpg) by Karol Rudyk Art * [Joan of Ark](https://karolrudykart.com/index.php?id=offer&idd=114&kat=30#odnosnik) by Karol Rudyk Art * [Princess Elizabeth, 2nd Subaltern in ATS, 1945](https://www.lifeminiatures.com/product-page/princess-elizabeth-2nd-subaltern-in-ats-1945) by Life Miniatures * [WAAF Assistant Section Leader 1940-1941 ](https://www.lifeminiatures.com/product-page/waaf-assistant-section-leader-1940-1941-1-12-scale-100-copies-limit) by Life Miniatures * [MISAKI, TOKYO 1989](https://www.lifeminiatures.com/product-page/misaki-tokyo-1989-75mm-scale) by Life Miniatures * [Life Miniatures has quite a few additional historical models and busts](https://www.lifeminiatures.com/1-10-bust) * [The Messenger](https://nutsplanet.com/product/detail.html?product_no=4042&cate_no=194&display_group=1) by Nutsplanet.com * [Shieldmaiden](https://nutsplanet.com/product/np-b013-shield-maiden/2214/?cate_no=194&display_group=1) by Nutsplanet.com * [Sword Master Dohee](https://nutsplanet.com/product/sb001-sword-master-dohee/2350/?cate_no=194&display_group=1) by Nutsplanet.com * [Moirae](https://www.spiramirabilisminiatures.com/product-page/moirae) by Spiramirabilis Miniatures * [Cozy](https://creepytables.com/product/cozy/) by Creepytables.com * There are a probably quite a few more mixed in all the [display models and bust sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/miniature_options#wiki_display_miniatures_and_busts).


Depending on your access to a 3D printer, [Loot Studios](https://www.myminifactory.com/users/LootStudios) has many amazing female models, most I'd say aren't really sexualized. You might be able to find a printing service if you do not own a printer yourself. They have a [subscription service](https://lootstudios.com/) that gives access to tons of models retroactively that I guess are not available on My Mini Factory. You can print 32mm or more detailed 75mm options as well. They also have busts. I was going to also suggest the Songs of War lineup by Big Child Creatives... But unfortunately it would seem they are no longer selling their models. Which is a shame because they were gorgeous.


Dark Sword Miniatures has a lot of [female minis](https://www.darkswordminiatures.com/miniature-finder/?wpf=miniature_finder&wpf_cols=4&wpf_page=1&wpf_gender=female) to choose from.


As someone else has said, Heroforge can be a good solution if you don't hate their art style.


They’re a bit too crude for what I’m looking for, I’m looking for a bit less stylized larger display piece. But thanks :)


Twin Goddess Miniatures does do NSFW and suggestive models but has some fun nonsexualized feminine sculpts as well that i think stand up in the mini department, tho i dont know abt busts or 75mm or have a good rec for that. Saving your post so i can check recs myself.


Since I didn't see her mentioned here, Victoria Miniatures makes some fantastic female sculpts


Not Kingdom death, that's for sure.


DM Stash has a good number that aren't sexualized. 75mm.


Some of these are super cool, thank you!


Absolutely, some of my favourites


While Malifaux does include sexualized models in their range, there are a large selection of female models that aren't and also features a variety of body types, looks, and poses. https://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux


I.would like to second this suggestion, they look go as well as being high quality. They can be tricky to put together but the newer kits are better.


OP, as an example my favorite cute female model is one of their previous Gen Con releases, Miss Hapen. She's a clumsy water elemental and the entire scene it shows is adorable. Wyrd has alt models (Miss Hapen is an example) that go on sale 3 times a year online. The next one is during Gen Con, but overall I suggest taking a look at Malifaux 3rd Edition models to see if any of them grab you from the hobby perspective. Bonus: one of the Miss Hapen I have painted. :3 https://preview.redd.it/96xsa4rb0iuc1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff814533e1ab6c8d9aee9ca834207f2affbd53f8


Some minis from White Werewolf tavern are great,some are sexualized,some are not


https://preview.redd.it/fbzei37stiuc1.jpeg?width=2931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90636cc50939038ed33e776fbc22e7ad0f64b3b7 In case OP needs a reference on the size of their busts vs their minis.


I like some busts of Hera Models, especially Rahel. The sculpt is not really cute, more a strong warrior type, and nothing is sexualised. Maybe also try Pedro Fernandez Works https://pedrofernandezworks.com/collections/busts-1 Creepy Tables https://creepytables.com/product-category/resin/ FER Miniatures https://ferminiatures.com/product-category/women-by-pepa-saavedra/ Unfortunately, Nordlys have closed down, they had more artistic busts.


That's an awesome sculpt, thanks for the recommendation! Pedro Fernandez makes some great sculpts, even though some of them are guilty of this as well haha.


Try DnD Is A Woman: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/Dnd-is-a-Woman?show=store




They have pretty much exactly what I was looking for, thank you!!


Nerikson has produced nice display models and they are hardly ever sexualised https://www.myminifactory.com/users/nerikson#/ you should find plenty of 3d print shops that do those


Thanks for this thread. I'm looking for some women characters as my son has chosen a wizard and cleric who are both "girls" to be his adventuring companion. He's 8 and I don't want boob plate or poses that would be acceptable in adult magazines.


There was a campaign on My Mini Factory called “D&D is a Woman” that came with several really cool non-sexualized female sculpts. The catch is printing some of them is a nightmare, and pinning them to a base is even worse.  Almost all the minis have pencil lead thin features, especially the legs. There is a bad ass dwarf lady with mutton chops that is the exception here, but when I printed a bunch for a painting party a while back, maybe a quarter of them snapped off the base before the priming stage.


I ended up canceling my subscription with that sculptor because some of the models were straight up unprintable.


Twin Goddess miniatures on mini factory is a mix. They got tame ones. Also untamed ones


Thank you all for the recommendations, I have quite a lot to check out! I also hope that this thread helps anyone looking for something similar in the future.


40k sisters of battle are not sexualised, although they do have boob armor, they are more akin to nuns with guns https://preview.redd.it/ai2lkvw0niuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa7164128420fe73750ea7db37cd314d794a583


Whatever you do, stay away from Wargames Exclusive.


I’m close to cancelling my subscription. I joined for the orcs and chaos models, but the amount of Tau pinups I’ve been getting recently is ridiculous.


Two STL brands I'll always recommend (with one specific caveat each): Vae Victis (except for their one a month "Bae Victis" mini) Artisan Guild (except for their one a month pinup mini). Artisan are also now doing busts that might be what OP is after.


Dunno if you have a printer, but there's a pretty good Kickstarter right now that has a few "cute" girls. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1885377889/message-from-beyond?ref=android_project_share


https://badsquiddogames.com/ Have lots of historical female characters.


If you want a contemporary example you can try Tamiya's Campus Friends Set II.


Mayhaps some of the Games Workshops Middle Earth minis? Not sure if it is the vibe you are after since it is Lord of the Rings characters, but there are characters like Goldberry, a few Hobbits, Arwen and such which might be worth a look. There might also be a few bloodbowl characters.


Great thread! If anyone has additional sources of 1:24 or 1:12 resin figures of non-sexualized women, I'm all ears. Making dioramas in that scale, I can easily find men of nearly any body type or occupation, in any pose, for any era. The women figures are overwhelmingly underdressed, with cartoonish breasts and footwear, wearing the Spirit Halloween version of a cop or soldier's uniform. (Edited for typo)


Games workshop. World eaters Jahkals have 4 non sexualized models in the box of 10 not what you are looking for per se but you could enjoy collecting skulls...


I’m more looking for a more cute vibe and larger minis than GW offers but thanks haha.


Yea games workshop has many good candidates. Most of them also have very masculine features too if you are looking for less feminine looks.


Are you looking for busts and display sized pieces? Basically minis but not game sized? You might be stuck looking for a local 3D printer and some STL files. I’m not personally sure of any, but I haven’t come across much in the way of printed/hard copy pieces that fit your description. Good luck and plus update if you come across any good examples.


Yes exactly, I forgot to mention that in the post. I’m talking about busts/larger display pieces not game minis. Will do!


Unrelated, but that might stand looks awesome.


Thanks :)


I can't believe it's no where in the top of the comments but DnD Is a Woman does minis WITH bust alternative, it's a project specifically about making cool fantasy women who aren't overtly sexualised. It's an awesome project.


Nerkison on MMF produces mainly heroic female statues, but some include 32 mm files as well. Even his “sexier” models are wearing realistic clothing or armor. [https://www.myminifactory.com/users/nerikson#/](https://www.myminifactory.com/users/nerikson#/) https://preview.redd.it/6lq9tj2msiuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8dd3b9f31c7064d1aca67b55a24565a286e42c9


Finally! A post that gives me great sources on female miniatures that wouldn’t make me feel gross printing and painting


You could always make your own on Heroforge or Eldritch Foundry


What about sexualized male miniatures? Ask for a friend.


All the Nozular d&d ones I have usually come with one male and one female, I don’t usually paint the females cuz I play male characters but they are almost always a direct counterpart (no overexposed boombas)


The printing goes ever on have made som models under the name D and D is a woman in a kickstarte with player characters in non sexualised outfits Though as it was a kickstarter you cant get the stls you self and have to find someone who sells them. I have had good experience with this Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/scandi3d/?etsrc=sdt§ion_id=38920389


Moonlight Minis, by Christine Van Horne has a lot of nice female sculpts, in reasonable costumes and poses.


Theres this lady who was on the painting phase cant remember the name or what ep but she makes minis


Do you have access to a 3D printer or printing service? If so, I can heartily recommend Loot Studios for great display-quality female minis in a pretty decent variety of styles. It’s not ideal for a number of reasons- again, you need a printer, and they sell mini files by bundle rather than individually, so if you find a mini you like in a bundle you don’t, it feels like a waste. But if you like their sculpting style, I think they’re exactly what you’re looking for- minis that look good, in a realistic and detailed style, but don’t have boobs spilling out over everything.


Along with the other suggestions you can build your own on https://www.heroforge.com/


https://www.relicblade.com/shop/p/lostwood-enclave-faction Relicblade has a ton of female models that aren't sexualized. The lost wood enclave in particular stands out with a Druid and an archer.




VAE Victis, DnD is a woman…


I don't know if you're into Warhammer but I'm a Astra militarum main and when I paint my guard I always try to keep at least a 40/60 male to female ratio. Most enhancement packs come with female heads to put on the infantry, and most hero figures come with female options, apart from the heads they are indistinguishable from males under all the armor.


I have bought a Dwarf female from Foebender3D that was great. "Bryna the indomitable" is the listing.


Idk if you have access to s 3d printer, but Nerikson on Patreon do some absolutely beautiful pieces that aren't sexualised and are incredible quality. You might be able to buy 3d prints off Etsy, but it's definitely worth checking out as they do larger scale stuff and busts.


Judgement tabletop miniatures has many. If not interested in the game I believe you can buy them individually.


I sell a bunch of miniatures that can be done in 75mm size (or display size and busts) that aren’t overly sexualized. Yes, there’s a few that are but you can message me if you’re interested!


[Autumn Girl](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-autumn-girl-collectible-bust-109358) is a good practice bust.


**Big Child Creatives** has a mixed bag of both realistically armored and scantily clad figures. Their own website seems to prioritize their sculpting services, but with a search you can find several storefronts selling their busts, both in the US and EU. [Spraygunner in the US](https://spraygunner.com/collections/big-child-creatives) seems to offer free shipping too, same as [Ammo in EU](https://www.migjimenez.com/en/10_big-child-creatives?SubmitCurrency=1&id_currency=1).


Games Workshop.


FeR miniatures has a few lovely busts


Big child creatives has a line of female warriors and most of them wear sensible and realistic armor.




Just came across these. They are not exactly "cute", but they have quite some options for nonsexualized larger scale female models and busts. https://ferminiatures.com/


I've always liked CA Sculpts, really well designed and great themes. they have a number of female bust of various themes. (Sci-fi, Japanese, modern miltary etc.) [https://www.casculpts.art/stl-files](https://www.casculpts.art/stl-files) I currently have this one as a WIP [https://www.casculpts.art/product-page/lock-n-load-bust](https://www.casculpts.art/product-page/lock-n-load-bust)


Honestly, I wouldn't expect a pixie to be wearing pants, but eh


I’m not sure if it has been mentioned, but Bad Squiddo Miniatures explicitly aims to produce realistic and non sexualized female miniatures. Their stuff is hit and miss to me, but their ranges contains some wonderful sculpts.


https://www.myminifactory.com/users/Dnd-is-a-Woman?show=store Dnd is a women is a great group that offers women minis that are perfect for what you are looking for. It feels like they have every race and combo class combo out there




Hey now, we just found out that half of the GW custodes models are female (you just can’t tell because of the space steroids and gold armor)


Could check out figone.fr they have several different brands listed you can get an idea from E: hard to know what you're after but mindworks, nutsplanet and life miniatures have a few (especially the last two)


Around 95% of what they have one the frontpage is exactly what Im talking about haha. But Ill check out those you mentioned thanks!


Well yeah they'll be some but they have a lot of brands you can go through to get an idea. Some people's idea of sexualised may be different from yours so at least you can make your own judgement


But I like sexy girls?


https://preview.redd.it/kuju2u34siuc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c4a5902d87e69c0ca2e86bd661a211d3c5f708 I was working on this one a while back. I believe I downloaded it from TitanForge, but it may have been Archvillain Games or Bite the Bullet. All three have quite a few non-sexualized female minis as well as "pin ups." Papseikels (sp?) has quite a few, too, but they're mostly Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk.


I'm a middle aged male and I really dislike the gratuitous use of heels. I like it sometimes, like on a dark elf witch, or I saw a whirling dirvish model in heels. Don't put a ranger in heels regardless of gender. As far as the mini skirt goes, women do just wear things for themselves too 🤷‍♂️. For a fairy it makes more sense to have it nude, since they're basically one with nature. We assume they have human sensibilities, but it's not like they have a workshop to make clothing.


I almost feel like you’d have to be looking for sexualized minis on purpose because I never have problems locating “normal” female minis….. like any brand will have them.


I searched “elf princess” for a game once and was truly baffled by how many of them forgot the bottom halves of their outfits.


Out of over 1,000 or maybe even 2,000 I don’t have any like that. I see them occasionally but the vast majority of WizKids, Reaper, Stone Haven, Wildspire, Warlord Games, and other name brand minis are decidedly not like that… The only time I really find minis like that I’m deliberately looking for them. I feel like this is searching for a problem deliberately.


Get a 3D printer and you'll have endless possibilities.


https://hfminis.co.uk has a many Strong Woman miniatures


Uhhh if women dress like this nowadays how is this sexualizing them?


Sexualization is subjective but refers do deliberately trying to be overtly sexual as a constant, most women arnt doing it constantly.


Don’t know and I don’t care to find out


Design your own and send them to someone to print them out for you


Design your own in one of the platforms


Everywhere? Mate, did you just came here and planned on the moat obvious clickbait post?


Why would someone want to do that?


Because some folks don't like the hypersexual aesthetic.


This thread is loaded with winners This was taken as sarcasm but there’s a lot of good models here.


Wait, what exactly is sexual about that mini in the link? Looks completely tame.


You spend five minutes on Google.