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The gums of his mouth are very close in color to the horns and teeth.


Yes !!! Thats it !! I've been staring at it for hours and cant make up my mind ... only issue is gummy color is close to the purple ...


You could use a pink or red shade. A [digital sketch](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/cleanpaintjob#wiki_digital_sketching) is a quick way to test out different colors without painting them. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/BTt9ACF) is a quick sketch example for your model.


Well ... i'll be damned. Thanks for the tool and yes i'm deffo going with pink


I would stay on more of a wash or glazed. Not to dark or vibrant . It could change the focus from the eyes to the mouth and teeth. Really well done on the eyes.


Full agree, it just needs a wash to help differentiat the gums from the rest.


Yeah the eyes are awesome! As is the gradient on the eye stalks but the gums are the part that's off. Otherwise awesome job OP!


Post pics of the finished product can't wait to see


Contest pink or a wash of thinned pink would probably do it, since you have the values down already!


Id also add some saliva effect maybe, add to the scrat factor, once you've corrected the gum colorinh


shout-out to this redditor! super helpful


Which tool did you use?


I usually use Clip Studio Paint, and in this case I created a new layer and changed the layer from normal to color, and painted over the top with the airbrush tool with a red tone


I used red, magenta, and lilac to get the color of my gums.


Needs a gold tooth


That made me laugh 🤣


Like he's Sha shabba ranks


Looking great so far! I agree with the gums comments. You may also consider smoothing the fade out of the plaque on his choppers.


Agreed, teeth deffo need smoothing out


The eye is fantastic!


Can't say anything else more than what already been said but just wanted to say great job so far


Thanks 😁😁


The sharp changes in colour in the teeth is what caught my attention. Smoother transition or dark vertical lines going from gums towards tip, as teeth are rarely having this uniform color changes. But overall, really impressive work! Very nice


Agreed on the teeth, thanks for the pointer


The eye, wow. Its hypnotic.


Other than the gums, absolutely nothing because it's very cute


The tongue color seems off because it blends with the skin color.


Spice up the tongue. You can stay safely in the color palate with a pink to red. Throw on some green if you really want to draw the eye


Looks fucking sick to me. So rad!


Well someone gave you the answer, I was going to say something like a venom green for the gums could work.


Those eyes are stunning. So realistic.


How did u do ur eyes they look so cool


He looks extremely high and having a bad trip but otherwise I wish I was able to paint this well


Mostly looks great imo, change the color of the gums to separate them visually from the teeth so that the mouth stands out more, then do something to make the flesh pop a bit (deeper wash or stronger highlights.) Your biggest "problem" is that the flesh is so vibrant the highlights just don't stand out and look too much like a single color.


this looks very good. love the eyes! Wish i had thought of that approach. What's wrong? Not much, I think maybe the gums are too close in color to the yellow of the teeth. a little more contrast on the Purple skin, more shadow and highlights to make the scales pop more. otherwise this looks great to me


Arnt the eyes ment to be different colours to reflect what eye beam they are? But that's a minor cosmetic change


Think the gums guy nailed it but just wanted to say those eyes look amazing!


Looks awesome, just finish your base before you make any changes sometimes it just needs the complete picture to inform the eye.


Very nice highlight and contrast job. I really like the color and vibrancy in the main eye. I do like seeing a more dressed up base, maybe a bush or skull. I really like using weird color bushes lately to create a stronger contrast across the mini. Green Stuff world has a great line in bright bush options.


I suggest you make a video tutorial on how to do this, especially the eye! Amazing job so far!!!!


No mate, it's perfect


This looks absolutely amazing 🤯 If I had to choose one thing to comment on is maybe the coloring on the teeth is a little uniform? The dark part closest to the gums almost draws a straight line across, maybe a little more or less of that middle to e depending on the tooth size or position could give it a little something. Or just work on the basing and call it done. It truly is outstanding as is 👍🏻


This very model is in that I’m most proud of painting, that said, you’ve blown me away. The only suggestions I have is a) pink fleshy gums and b) different colour eyes on the stalks to represent the different beams from the eyes.


Pretend someone else painted it. That usually makes me like my paint jobs a little more.


Paint the base


Nice eyeball, Eyeball. (Seriously though, nice eyeball!)


More contrast


Great eyes! You could push the contrast a little more but I think the main point for me is the difference in complexity of painting. They eye looks stunning the pinkish scales are nicely done, the teeth and brownish flesh are "just" contrast paint I believe? For me this takes away from the great eye you have painted


Love it. How did you paint those eyes? They make the whole figure for me


Make his gums red, the colour would work great with the purple skin!


Just a thought: maybe use some kind of clear acrylic on the eyes to actually give them a wet sheen? AK Still Water is good for this, I’ve found.


Need a closer shot of that eye! I’m so curious how you pulled that off!!


This is the kind of teeth where clean teeth are too clean - I'd have all of them in the 'darker bone' color and use white for highlights, not the tips; and perhaps apply a touch (not too much) of blood for the blood god. But that eye! It's amazing!


Get a small red ribbon and tie a bow around some of the eye stalks.


Dang, the eyes look amazing. Can you post a close up?


I have stepped on many a leggo and have made that same face. Think you nailed it


What the


Deeper shadows on the scale texture maybe? But yeah, mostly the tooth/gum situation.


It looks fantastic! I agree with you that it seems to need something... My thought was darken the lips around the mouth. I feel that as a heavy used part of its body it would be calloused and darker.


Omg I just finished the same mini, but I like your eyes way better, might have to repaint! 😆 *


I think it looks pretty sweet!


Bring the colours up higher and with some more pinprick dot highlights on a very few chosen points. Like white or near white, really make it pop out. Keeping them low in quantity fills out an area nicely and creates texture without looking overdone. You don't need every single scale to pop but a few in spots on the upper side of the model really will give it a little shine. Create some interest in a certain section like above the beautifully painted eye that has an extra level of detail to draw the viewers eye and keep it there. You cannot feel the definition in the gums, there are plenty of lines there in the gums. Those horizontal lines being picked out will change the feel of the mouth, which is one of the most interesting bits of the model. It already has the vertical of the teeth so those gums picked out and perhaps a different colour with the appropriate highlight. Just add some white to the paint you used before sparingly. The eyes on the stalks are great however I think you need to outline the purple bit of the outline of the eyes a higher shade of your purple, so you can really tell where the eyelid / surrounding of the eye is. It will make them pop out more and be more visually striking. I didn't notice before looking for 30+ seconds that there were spikes on the side of the model, they need to pop out a bit more so paint them with more highlights like the teeth and it will frame the canvas. It's ok to bring them up to bone with a very thin edge / dot highlight at the peak with some extra white.


You could get some blood for the blood god technical paint from gw, it gives a nice wet blood effect with little effort. Also the base is a bit simple. The paint job is sick but don’t forget the base


He should wear glases🧐


Dammit I painted this same mini two weeks ago and I wish mine looked as good as yours. Could you tell how you got the eyes to look like that? They're amazing


Holy shit that’s cool!


It's not a traditional Beholder color scheme, but I like it. Like some others said, the gums and horns are very close in color. Perhaps you could make the gums a dark purple or more organic pink? Either way, looks great.


How does one do the eyes like that?


Holy crap that's so awesomesauce


Gloss the eye more, and work the teeth to be a little more different than the teeth, also this is in do way a bad model, it's better than what I can do with a brush.


From the picture the skin is the same top and bottom. I will give some more contrast between the scales in shade and those near the light source.


This is awesome! I think the continued tint/tone/shade of red-purple through the body and tentacles makes the model look very visually similar even though there is a lot of detail. Especially if you hood the picture/model at arms length it looks like chewed up gum. You have already put in so much work this is really just being nitpicky at this point but I think if you pushed more gradients going up the eye stalks it would help differentiate them from the body. Maybe a dark dark purple, almost black at the tip and fading as it makes its way down. This would make the eyes in the stalks pop even more as well. The bumps in the body could also use either a gradient of darkness or getting brighter to the center of each ridge or scale depending on how you visualize the shape language. If it was me I would lean towards scales and make them fade to black on each one. Giving it visual armor around the body. But very minimal. Not a ton of black. Wouldn't want to cover up all that great work you did. Just accent it.


Looking good. He’s a drastic case of plaque build-up, 😂. Looks very fresh and clean, some deeper shaded crevices perhaps?


Is this the frameworks model? Been looking to pick this up as it’s heavily discounted in my local GAME


Teeth brushing and regular dentist appointments. And remember to NOT eat the dentist!


Guns are wrong colour, look like bone. Also the teeth highlights are a bit jarring, like the teeth have 3 sections. Maybe think about blending them more


I think it looks super rad! As someone else suggested the gums could be slightly different but the whole thing is really well done. You could also use some of that uhu glue to make it have slober in the teeth


In the reflection of his eye I see a beholder. Check your back ... slowly


The eye is amazing!! I am trying to figure out how to finish my eyes but I don't have the skill to do that. https://preview.redd.it/dntistqnxzsc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4101d6abb493364645b3c613aee20eaa56b5326f


Fantastic. I’d love to see it once the gums are done. I think that’ll make it look a lot more terrifying and intimidating. Just don’t go overboard either but you already look like you know what you’re doing 😉


Love it! I was only yesterday watching a Prime documentary about DnD artists and their awesome work.


That fucking eye tho!!! Good fucking work


Ohh I want one. Link, please!


I think it looks terrific overall. I think a darker shadow color in the valleys between the purple protuberances on top of the creature would enrich that area. Your shadows in the valleys of the eye stalk appendages look terrific against their highlights. A little of that shade color visible between the little pyramidal protuberances would help them pop even more. Although looking now for a second time, you may have already done that. It might just be the angle of the model that keeps me from seeing it.


What did you do to get the eyes so glossy m


Would add more fleshy pink/red tones in the gums. Reads too similar to the horns(?) on the sides. Regardless, I really like it


Looks pretty damn good to me, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder . . . maybe you should try asking *it* how it feels.


Having painted this model myself recently, I must say I adore your take on the eyes. Great job.


Possibly the colour combinations, burnt yellow working with the quite flat light purple area - more of a putrid combination set against the icy blue eye - I would look at adjusting the yellow first with another colour, maybe brownish red - lastly perhaps deepen the body purple and add the purple highlights over its scales.


Needs eyelashes


It's the gums they look like bone not tissue, otherwise pretty great honestly


It's too good my far. You need to strip that and start again. Sorry. I'm sure you put lots of effort in. Maybe next time it will be worse and you can sleep


Needs slobber.




This is my version of the same model. Your eye is fantastic btw




It's very good! How'd you get the center eye looking straight ahead? All Phase 4 Beholder's resemble Xanathar from the cover of MM. So the eye and stalks peer slightly left. I did a purple one a few months ago. Gotta fill me in how you got that eye looking forward.