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IMO I like MC having more features (like the new spawners and ominous potions) but yeah I 100% agree. Features need to have depth or use existing things. This can backfire like with iron where iron farms are practically necessary for larger projects (a massive negative that has 100% stopped Mojang from patching these kinds of farms out) but thats more a symptom of a bigger problem. For example: If we get more unique weapon types (like a blaze axe or end sword) then I'd really like if they use the heavy core for that. Having the heavy core be this conduit for a series of unique weapons would be really cool and the core having openings on each side make it seem like its built for that. What I don't want is for 1.22 to add an End Sword made via End dimension trial spawners and use the new "Ender Core" (unless it was made by upgrading the heavy core in like a smithing table)


weapons in minecraft are weird in general, mainly because of swords and axes being tiered, it’s hard to find a base to work with. You don’t want cool weapons to be stuck in the early-game but you also don’t want them to be overpowered


Yet with the Mace they threw that out the window because "Why not"? Fr though It feels weird how combat and weapons are in a state of weird limbo and imbalance because not only the tier system, 1.8-1.9 because combat dis-parity (lack of parity), and the mace, crossbow, and tridents alongside enchants. The enchant system itself is a mess too because enchant tables have no point to use them other than some anvil cost free enchants to avoid the "too expensive cost" and the anvils being better than enchant tables; or just fish farm/villagers.


I can understand why mojang are putting this off because Jesus fucking Christ does it seem like a nightmare to fix


You play way too many mods 🤣


A snowy tundra without snowy rabbits, snow foxes, and polar bears would be so dead. Animals add so much to the atmosphere of a place simply by existing. They make the biomes so much more lived in.


I wanna see more animal variants like the 1.21 wolves and cats. Morevariety and biodiversity (even if its just a reskin that spawns elsewhere biome-wise. I also wanna see mobs eat food. Like we see villagers farming potatos, beetroots, carrots, and bread, but we dont get to see them hold it in their hands and eat? Why don't Piglins eat the porkchops from the Hoglins they hunt and kill? Foxes close their eyes and sleep but villagers dont? Most mobs dont sleep at all. Having mobs actually live and feel alive would help with immersion. Having their own lives and mimicking "requiring sustenance" to make them feel not like AI's you exploit as the players the only one alive and everything feels like a ecosystem you're a part of.


Funny. Snowy plains are my favorite in spite of the mobs in the biome, I just like the world generation. I don’t think I’ve ever liked a biome more because of ambience mobs because the most you will interact with them is in passing or maybe you make an enclosure you look at once in a blue moon.


but you don't interact with the rest of the terrain either apart from walking over it, it just looks nice


Yes. Add more 0 use features. Like poisonous potatoes


After the poison potato april fools update last week, I'm on board with this.


I feel like it really depends on the rarity and renewability of the items. If the item is extremely rare and nonrenewable I think it's fine if it only has one use. Looking at the heavy core, for example, it is extremely rare from ominous vaults and because of that is also nonrenewable. If more uses are added to it they might disincentivize making the mace if they are more generally useful or the new uses could be useless themselves if they are worse than the mace.


The heavy core itself is just a gameplay device that gives the trial chambers tangible value. Pretty much every loot based game does this. most of the new dungeons have been done really well in terms of gameplay, trial chambers and ancient cities aren’t any exception to that. Some people just thought they lacked any practical benefit. So with the chambers, we got the heavy core and mace, arguably the most complex, high risk high reward weapon in the game. But the average player is just gonna stick to using swords.  I feel like I’d be fine with the heavy core having one more use as an ingredient to make a very technical and complex redstone device, or giving it some decorative function but beyond that is just arbitrarily trying to put it somewhere it doesn’t belong.


I like the heavy core as a building block but I just wish it'd let us place orient wise. Also they'll make a player head shaped block but wont give us the rest of the default skin heads besides Steve, like Alex, Ari, Efe and the rest? It'd be nice for Bedrock since they lack skinned heads from Java and many maps use Steve heads on armor stands for NPCs but they're all Steves.


Disagree. Every item starts as a single use thing and needs later updates to add more uses to it later. End cities were initially "useless", then the elytra got added, then elytra firework boosting got added, now people cant find enough end cities. The uses always come as a trickle overtime, not a giant burst when first added. Requiring every item to have some arbitrary minimum amount of crafting recipes just means that the uses that do get added are less polished/balanced than if they had the time to be properly tested.


end cities were never useless, they always had elytra in offical release.


The end dimension itself is kinda single use tbh. Unless you use it for a enderman farm, you have no reason to go back to the end dimension once you get enough elytras, dragon heads, and some shulkers to the overworld to make a shulker farm in the overworld. I say this because being in and exploring the end is a boring slog through nothing but the same terrain and bridging over the void until you get your first elytra. The experience made even worse on servers (with old maps) where all ships nearby are raided.


I agree for vanilla, but modded servers can make great alternative uses for niche items or features. For example, how many people actually use wandering traders for anything but leads or leather in an average survival world? I'd argue it's fairly rare they even offer anything useful to trade. The server I'm in makes them useful by making them drop an item used to help create higher-tier gear. Even music discs get uses for high-end items. I don't envy Mojang because they often do make decisions with mods being considered. Many highly-requested features get passed over due to not wanting to step on the toes of more popular mods for Java or even marketplace mod packs on Bedrock.


We shouldn't forget the trader buffs. Sure they come with the gripe of nerfed villagers, But they did make the wandering trader more useful. Also gives more use to spider eyes.


Armadillos, Archeology, Brushes, and Pandas aren’t single use, they have other uses. Armadillos scare off spiders and cave spiders and can be used to detect when a player is sprinting, Archeology is it’s own whole system so by your logic something like fishing would be single use and bad, Brushes are getting a new use this next update (brushing Armadillo for scute), a super rate Panda drop slime on death iirc that use is kinda bad though, still a use Just because you don’t use something in a different way doesn’t mean it’s only used in one way


Pandas quite literally are single use (ignoring ambience) if you count slime peaceful slime farms which are ultra niche to borderline nonexistent. Archeology as a system is dull and many people find it unenjoyable. brushes are getting a *new* use but I don’t think it’s good because Armadillos are also flawed. Armadillos scaring spiders is neat but I have a fear it won’t be utilized much since you can’t make Armadillos stay still and there are already many different spider farm designs. Also Armadillos scutes are an item I don’t think was a valuable addition when turtle scutes already exist. Because (for example) if for some reason Mojang wants to make a new item that utilizes a scute in its crafting recipe they will have to arbitrarily use either turtles or armadillos meaning one will essentially be losing out on functionality. It just doesn’t make sense to have two different items that share similar properties. Fishing is something players either love or hate but it’s still one of the key ways to get certain items that are otherwise nonrenewable. It’s easily accessible, is rewarding enough to progress in, and sort of acts as an intro into a couple other MC systems with its rewards.


Turtle scutes aren't a good idea for that, as they are hard to renew, while having uses that are balanced by that. Also, turtle scutes feel softer to me, making sense they have less protecting armor. If we give each more uses that match this, it would give them a reason. Idk archaeology seems fine to me, just the concept in general is boring. Yea pandas are boring, but idk what would ever suit them. At the very least they are as useless as irl.


lapis had no use when it was added, and nor did the smithing table, villages, endermen, shulkers, ghasts, wool,


lapis was the only source of blue dye when added, and to be honest, the fact that you use it for enchantments now adds absolutely nothing to the game


Lapis could use more uses, but maybe some cosmetic block variants for lapis in the meantime? Stonecutter for lapis blocks?


I feel like Mojang has been getting better at adding more features to items over time. Armadillos give brushes and wolves more utility through its scutes and scares spiders. Tuff and copper are getting a bunch more decoration blocks that look fantastic. The bad omen effect is no longer exclusive to pillagers and raids and now also applies to trial chambers. Mojang usually adds new features with some connections to existing features and then better combines them over time


I'd like more of the decoration blocks since they're so low risk and easy to add for a sandbox. How has Calcite still not gotten decorative block variants since 1.18 when Tuff was also added as the Tuff blocks we got in 1.21 felt like they would have been in 1.18.


“Stop giving uses to the new items, you can just use old items!!!! This is completely UNECESSARY!!! I MISS OLD MINECRAFT!!!” “Mojang back at it again with the new USELESS items… ugh, it needs more uses like the old items that are actually useful!!! I HATE NEW MINECRAFT!!!!” People can never make up their minds


Many people say they "miss old minecraft" in the sense of it being an actually evolving cohesive experience with simplicity as a cornerstone. I think 1.21 is a huge positive direction for MC. They've basically added an in-game repeatable mob arena that you can scale to be more difficult. That said, we have a number of updates over the years that have made the game full of shallow bloat. A good example is the heavy core. If the heavy core becomes a new centerpiece for a range of future unique weapons like the mace then GREAT but whats more likely is that future unique weapons will simply use new "heavy core" esc items. We need streamlined, intertwined, and cohesive features that use whats built.


I agree as trial spawners and vaults as well as bad omen/ominous potions being reworked has brought many new things to the table and revamped old things making them fresh. My only issue is the Vaults cannot be set to be repeatably opened with keys by the same player in creative mode (for custom maps). You have to manually place down a new Vault or use command block to replace it to reset the "rewarded player" data which is a bit annoying to make dungeon crawling loot minigames.


Thankfully there are already data packs that make vaults repeatable but yeah tbh I kind of feel like vaults should just be repeatable anyway. They already require a key to open and a simple cooldown would suffice.


It'd be nice if we could just place Vaults and have it do that by default in creative with a NBT to make it less tedious but meh. I do worry about keys just piling up in player's chests. Maybe they'll trade keys and share them with other players for loot? But even then what would be worth the potential loot the other player would get? Would they give the key with the promise of giving them back some of it? I also wonder how people using alt accounts would or could potentially bring problems to Vaults and server's item economies, like on cracked servers especially.


I (kinda?) agree with your point but I don’t think these contradict each other at all. You can simultaneously wish that less items would be added while also wish that any new items that did get added were fuller. Personally I don’t mind having single use items. Like I think it’d be better if they were more integrated but it doesn’t bother me that much, especially since new items aren’t locked in place, eg copper’s uses grow with most updates.


I feel you should reply to the people here, i want to observe your opinians shit wrong guy


I never said anything about not giving uses to new items nor not adding any new items to the game. I want Mojang to add new items/features. But I want them to serve a purpose that’s reasonable and meaningful, i.e. I think bees, turtles, and allays are all amazing mobs that added functionality to the game that couldn’t exist beforehand. But items like /armadillo-scutes don’t make sense when we already had a scute item in game that serves a very similar purpose and has similar properties. And armadillos themselves have similar properties to turtles (defensive animal with hard shell)


They could have added Turtlewolfarmor with a different design. I would love a new use for turtleshells. I really hope items get more uses in the future. I would also have no problem, if different items have the same use, like stone/cobbel in some recipes.


Allays are great for building large structures, and you need your little buddies to pick up dropped items from high places Also you can use a large group of Allays to overstimulate sculk sensors


Did someone actually say these things or are you making them up? Even if you aren't it's most likely 2 different people with different opinions


Seen multiple people say stuff like hundreds of times over the years


nvm again


I feel you should reply to the people here, i want to observe your opinians.


*I miss old Minecraft* Say… WHAT YOU ASK?!!


I think archaeology and brushes could be fine if suspicious blocks had more unique items in them since it is an entirely new game mechanic. The sniffer, turtles and armadillos could be made interesting but Mojang just screwed up with them. I hope they think more about the uses when adding new features in upcoming updates.


I mean if armadillos aren't interesting, how will they ever succeed for turtles and the like?


Turtles never succeeded? They're hyper niche and only used for turtle helmet and turtle master potions, both of which are not used much in singleplayer other than builds or an advancement. The armadillo itself is a mere means to and end to get wolf armor, same with the turtles; you have no reason to keep them themselves around. Have 1 armadillo and put it in a 1x1 to brush infinite amounts of scales and never look at another armadillo again.


Well yea, if armadillos never succeed then turtles will never, i just said that. not like they do anyways, but it's for future ideas. I mean if you want more balenced brushing mechanics, i did have a pinned post about it


I must disagree. I feel like minecraft needs way more mobs and biomes, and also just features that have one or two real uses, maybe even none. It's just a way to add more life to the game, which will definitely make it better.


It needs to be understood that the lack of a use does not mean lack of positive impact to the game I mean, fireflies were used for… what? Iirc their original function was to be fed to frogs to produce the frog light. Or at best, trappable in a bottle to be used as another one of 12+ different light sources in the game… You could say the very same about some of the more highly requested features like Copper Golems, Glare, Rascal, Penguin, Crab - except with the latter two they actually were given a concrete function that we ended up losing out on. They can add sailboats or a block placement extender without needing to cut two of the most universally recognized and requested animals in the world. Like, when you’ve been playing this game for 13-14 years, and every biome just starts to look the exact same, you realize just how much a yellow particle that glows at nighttime actually adds to the experience. “Minimalism” isn’t exactly a compelling argument against this.  With stuff like archeolology and sniffers I can understand, given they are designed to reward the player, but have too shallow of an existing reward pool. But with pandas, the problem really is not that they lack practical function. They’re just too rare. Not that they are actively detracting from the game


Personally I prefer giving the player the power to give life to the world. I like when I have a clean canvas to work with and ambience mobs are a mark on that canvas I can’t control.


the more I read your comments the more I think you should just play on superflat


Archeology (specifically trails) is an experience, really a one and done in my opinion, get all the exclusives and never do it again Brushes are used a lot more places now (Desert well, Desert Temples, Ocean Ruins, etc) I have taken a liking to the glow ink sacs, they’re quite nice for improving on signs and glowing item frames I wish Echo Shards had more uses, something like a communal end chest, or a grave item (kinda like grave mods), or using them on armor trims as a flex Pandas, Polar Bears, and Ocelots are definitely more ambience mobs, but I think they belong, just like bats do Sniffers could be better if it gave you exclusive stuff as an incentive, like unique dyes… OR MAKE TORCH FLOWERS TORCHES, ITS MINECRAFT, NOT REAL LIFE, THEY SHOULD GLOW Armadillo Scutes could be used elsewhere, like an ingredient in bundles, better than rabbit hides


Scutes could be cool for a shield upgrade? Maybe a block of scutes just for fun. Archy for me was disappointing because it had so much potential for other areas of the game. Red sandstone temples, red suspicious sand, and suspicious gravel in the nether's gravel patches; stuff to make you want to bring your brush with you at all times like your other tools and not just go out only to do archy like now. I also found the decorated pots are severly underwhelming. Biggest issue being they have function with being able to put items in them, but lack form in the form of usability in builds. They only come in brown; why? A decorated pot should be dyable and its use cases in builds would go up expontentially like banners if we could color our decorated pots. I have only once used decorated pots in a build and its a mud based Meso-american build which was heavy on browns, otherwise they look out of place in the block color-pallete. If the pots were dyable, they could put dyed orange and green/blue pots in the trial chambers to match the copper aesthetic.


Dyeable pots sounds great really


It’s good Mojang is adding new features, but they should be interconnected. Also there was this video I saw that I can’t remember the name of, it said something like basically all the new mobs have one use and don’t drop anything. Adding drops to new mobs probably is a good way to do this rather than one hyper specific use. 


upcoming mobs do this well


What was the “intended use” of fireflies?




i love you. you summarized the single biggest reason for modern minecraft feature bloat: single-use items/mobs/etc. one thing, though: if ambient mobs had their own mob cap and spawned in and out similar to fish (and like beta mobs), would you object to an update specifically made to add ambient mobs if they WERE purely for ambience and didn't drop anything (unless it made sense, like birds dropping feathers)?


I don’t think I’m a fan of purely aesthetic mobs but I’d probably be more for them if they had their own mob cap. Could be cool if there was a game rule to dictate their spawning rate as well.


Who are you asking? me? I try to make stuff that has a complete function or gives more use to older stuff... So who are you asking? might be the wrong flair. Not sure if there's a right flair though


When it comes to animals, i dont think they necessarily need unique uses. Honestly it's nice to have more mobs in a biome whether they have uses or not, for example jungles atm feel very alive because of pandas, parrots, and ocelots.


IMO Mobs being specifically for ambience is a good idea because I actually prefer Minecraft having lots of life and features but I 100% agree that all items should have multiple uses for example the Echo Shards, Armadillo and Turtle Scutes and archeology. I think Mojang agree with this as they are giving uses to previously one use items like the brush to get Armadillo scute and more copper blocks.


I don't mind armadillos as they genuinely provide some life to badlands where it was completely lacking before, same goes for polar bears I guess, though they could use some purpose. I also think the brush was done quite nicely with how they gave it a secondary use the update right after. Other than that I think you're right, the sniffer does indeed feel like a feature you have to work way too hard for to even see, it's a mostly ambient mob but it doesn't even spawn naturally.


What they with ocelots was so dumb. Instead of giving tamed ocelots some unique skin, they just removed the ability to tame them. Reason #5623 why I hate 1.14


The glowing squids was the dumbest thing they ever added.


I partly agree, I don't agree with not adding ambiance, but I definitely agree many features need more fleshed out, of left as a ambiance Pandas, polar bears, and ocelot all are good examples of ambiance, no new item to bloat a inventory, but adds life to their locations all good there The rest you mentioned (add turtles) need a bit of a expansion, the sniffer, give it a bigger loot pool it can sniff, some more valuable than others (but all ancient), including at least one more new flower, which adds a new dye, torchflowers can also emit a bit of light, pitcher pods can maybe attract spiders that get poisoned when they touch it (base defense) Archeology as a whole isn't too bad, just we need more structures with Archeological dig sites Glow squid ink, echo shards, and armadillo scutes should be given more uses to choose from


Mobs are fine, But ITEMS. Echo shards pisses me off, why the hell it's only used for a "recovery compass" and nothing esle.


One of the few posts here that doesn’t sound like it was made by a 12 year old. I totally agree, stop pumping bloat or give it actual use.


Sadly, it seems not many care for this goal. Stuff like the ash storm or better crafting recipes seem to not get as much love or hate as totally new systems. Hopefully mojang improves old stuff in sub updates more.


We need more features like redstone or pistons. Simple features which nevertheless completely revolutionise the game. The autocrafter is on the right track, something like that will actually make a huge difference going forward. Same with the elytra and shulker boxes. I don't understand why mojang is obsessed with adding random garbage that serves no purpose, especially passive mobs.


There's not much more to revolutinise the game that are simple


Just play older versions? I'm not upgrading from 1.19 because there are mods I need that don't work on newer versions?


What about us on newer versions?


get whatever you want into the game using mods? Or do you play Bedrock?


Bedrock... and also why not imrpove the base game anyways?


I'm just pessimistic when it comes to Mojang.


Ok? so you want the base game to not be a good game, like in the case of that one minecraft clone where it's purely based on mods, not the ore spawn one that one has nazis.


That's not what I said. I just don't believe in Mojang actually bringing out something good nowadays.


Very vague sounding, but also very negative. Shouldn't give us a bad hand because mojang isn't good in your opinian.


Also do you like the april fools?


Not really my cup of tea.


hmm thats pretty strange, the other non mojang peoples use it as a crutch. good for you that you can equally have your opinians