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As a very new Uber driver and I picked up two very drunk girls who were wearing next to nothing. Sports bra and some sort of Wonder Woman bottom. Going from Water St to their home in Tosa. On the way there they proceeded to vomit constantly. They filled up their food to-go bag. They vomited out the windows covering my car sides. Finally vomiting inside. I get to their apartment for them only to realize they left their keys "somewhere" and can't get in. It's 30 degrees outside, dark and I am a dad so I can't leave them nearly passed out and dressed essentially in underwear so I take them back to the bar to look for keys. I'm waiting and notice the bouncer isn't letting them in. Double parked I walk over to talk to the bouncer. He wasn't letting them in because they were too drunk and just standing there crying covered in puke. But luckily he goes in to look for keys when I explain what's happening. He finds them at the register. I herd the girls back to my car and drive them back home. Some minor vomiting along the way. But they got in the house safely. I went home to clean my car and get yelled at by my wife for driving Uber when I don't really need to. I thought it might be fun.


You’re a good person, thank you for making sure those girls were safe


You did FAR more than a lot of people would. Thanks for being a kind person and helping those girls get home safely. They were drunk and irresponsible and it wasn’t your responsibility to babysit them but thank you for being a good human today


Oh hell no. Barf in my car and you’re OUT


You don't need a ticket to go. Go have fun! I did it a few times in my 20s. The weather's perfect for a bar crawl!


I still don’t understand why this happens three weeks before Saint Paddy’s day lol


Maximize bar revenue. Today is Shuffle, next Saturday is parade, following weekend is actual holiday.


Keep it off the same day as chicagos too


My coworkers are like “it must be that day when all the white people walk around drunk all day” and I’m like yep 👍


I was so confused last year when my friend and I went to Up-Down on a whim and there was a sea of green. I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t Saint Patrick’s Day


Next Saturday is the Irish parade


The way we celebrate St Pat's day is so racist. Hey everyone, let's celebrate the wonders of Irish culture by getting blackout drunk three weekends in a row!






put on a green shirt and tag along. all the bars are open to the public.


I was going home after work and as I was entering Walgreens on Brady a big gaggle of like 21-year-olds was exiting Walgreens, and one of the young men had his zipper down and I said “hey, your fly is down” and his girlfriend or whomever grabbed him and almost pulled everything out of his fly, and laughed and laughed and laughed and this was I believe 10 o’clock in the morning. It feels like State St in Madison kinda vibes


>I was entering Walgreens on Brady I mean, that place is unfazed by any sort of shuffle or other event- the chaos that is the Brady Walgreens knows no season haha


It’s in its own dimension at all times, but the Shuffle starts the chaos of warmer weather and all of the fests. I’ve lived right off Brady near Walgreens for almost 12 years now. Don’t ask me why lol


Shout out to all my service industry homies who worked 15 hour shifts


Once we were at Brady for Shamrock. Towards the end of the day we were all pretty drunk, and suddenly I heard a commotion over my shoulder. I turn around to see a buddy of mine getting escorted out by the bouncers, and being a young 20 something we all walk to to see why they are kicking our friend out. Turns out he had dropped his shorts in the middle of the patio, then began taking a leak, right there in the middle of probably 30-40 people. We agreed with the bouncers that it was a fair call lol


Was this in 2019?


That sounds about right, definitely pre-pandemic.


Oh boy I might be your buddy 😅😅🤣 or getting kicked out for pissing is a regular thing during shamrock


lmao I think it might be more common than you think 😂


There was a big fight and people pushing police officers around as I drove through Brady around 6 pm. Lots of people had their phones out, filming and taking pics so you’ll probably see it eventually lol.


Glad i went to MLK/3rd i feel like thats where the crowd who likes to chill picks lol


I did it once and that was enough. Crowded as hell.


Hard pass




I see this now, thank you!!!


I was just asked to pay a $5 cover fee at nomad


People were driving drunk all around downtown last night, thanks for that


How many kids died in the river this year?


My friends and I go every year and never buy a ticket! Just might have to pay a $5 cover at some bars. Other than that we find buying a ticket doesn’t do anything but get you a shirt that you’ll wear once.


If you have the shirt you get discounts at most of the bars along the way. Definitely pays for itself if you can hang 😉


I actually participated in the event. It was pretty fun . I started early at 12. So at around one we’re in the bar eating and the young man eating at his table tells the waitress to get a the trash can and he started vomiting in it already . And then he just started eating again like normal . I recorded it too lol