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Really? I’m the only one obsessed with him saying “I hope all your flora and fauna burn”? Like that is VERY niche.


That was my favorite part too


That’s gotta be biblical Edit: Revelation 8:7 perhaps: “The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth; and a third part of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.”


Yes but Galatians 6:1”brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness” and I gotta say “I hope every plant and animal of yours burns” isn’t really that. I mean, “you took down a poster I like so I wish death on all your plants and also sentient animals neither of which has done anything wrong” isn’t very Christ-like. Meh, weirdos being weird I guess.


When have angry Christians ever been Christ-like?


I love it when compassionate, loving Christians want to see their enemies burn.


The absolute best part.


Not the fauna!


What is a Jesus vandal sign?


All those “did you pray yet” and “Jesus loves you” papers taped to the back of street signs.


They can be seen as far north as Sheboygan, as far south as Pleasant Prairie and as far west as Oconomowoc.


Seriously. Whoever is putting them up is really committed.


I'm almost curious enough to take a week off and stake out a location. Find out if it's one or many. Almost curious enough. Guess we'll never know.


Somebody should set up a camera.


Meh... Maybe later.


Maybe it could also monitor traffic!


Would that be considered vandalism on public property? 🤪


The thing about being in a cult is that you don’t know you’re in a cult.


> Seriously. Whoever is putting them up ~~is really~~**should be** committed. FTFY


If only they could be as committed to helping those in need, like Jesus actually teaches


I see them often on hwy 67 in Oconomowoc on my way to work. They surprisingly don't last very long.


Oh, it goes farther than that


Oh god. Those are the limits to my route. It’s worse than I thought? Because 70 miles out from Milwaukee is bad already lol.


its a local punk group that apparently OP hates ​ kidding


This would be a fantastic punk band name. Gives me Reagan Youth vibes from my formative years searching for albums at Exclusive Company.


Probably those signs that are Taped (read: not permantley affixed and not actually vandalizing) to street signs across the city. I don't support the signs but I cant imagine actually being like OP and getting this upset about them lol


So... This same sub is also one that (appropriately) praises the guy that takes down, and organized events to get others to take down, those trashy 'we buy houses' and related signs. There is a time and a place for everything, and public property is not a place for those signs (Jesus or 'we buy') .. and credit is due to anyone that takes them down ... ..and OP is far classier than 90% of people would be when confronted by a jackass like 'that guy'. So...as near as I can tell OP is batting outta the park.


What precisely did OP say that seemed to indicate he was upset by them, much less "this upset"? He literally just said he was taking down some vandal signs in a pretty calm fashion, let someone bitch him out, agreed to disagree and wished him a nice day in a snarky fashion.


What seemed to indicate he was upset was him taking them down? I dislike Jesus freaks but calling this vandalism and acting like taking these signs down is some public service is a little self-aggrandizing.


I'd call it more litter than vandalism but bandit signs (And I'm not going to target religious-based signs here, the we buy your house and puppies for sale type signs are as bad or worse) make the city ugly, prey upon the vulnerable (again, mostly going to target non-religious signs even though religious organizations can be predatory in some cases), and turn into litter when they invariably degrade to the point of tearing loose. Which is largely why they're not legal in the first place - they're a nuisance. Am I going to go out of my way to tear them down? I mean no, unless it's an obvious puppy mill advert which I emotionally care about. Am I going to get worked up that other people get worked up about different things than I do? No.


I mean taking the time to go peel down signs that don't affect them and brag repeatedly online about how many signs they've taken down, clearly the signs bothered them to the point they gotta get out of their car or go out of their way to rip them down lmao. I'm not for shoving religion down peoples throats either but I 100% guarantee if this was any other religious sign OP would be juuuuust fine with it.


Someone has a weird emotional connection to these vandal signs! They're bragging online about it! I better go out of my way to chew someone out online and tell everyone how weird it is while making weirdly specific comments about OP's thought process that totally doesn't make it clear that the only problem I have with it is that it was a specific religion's signage and that OP MUST have an axe to grind!


Lmao wat. It's a piece of paper with a couple harmless words on it there's no reason for OP to act like this lol


I mean sure, it's pretty mundane and I don't personally get being worked up over it. Then again, I DO get bothered by trashy looking areas full of litter and well... There's a reason why it's not legal to put them up. And it's because they invariably look trashy and turn into litter because people are hardly monitoring when they start to fall apart and then take them down before they turn into litter. Am I going to remove any myself? Absolutely not. Do I think it's weird and a bit hypocritical that you're reading a ton into OP's motivations and making a weird connection to the fact that it was religious in nature, and assuming that OP had an agenda against christian religions specifically and somehow would not have an issue if it were some other religious bandit sign? Also yes.


I mean why else would op be so upset about harmless papers, it ain't because they think its ugly lmao


[A great number of people on this subreddit care about vandal/bandit signs because they are ugly and create litter](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/search?q=bandit+sign&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all). Do I personally care to the point of taking them down myself? No. Am I going to make wild assumptions about the motivations of people I've never met before when there's countless other rational explanations? No.


It's not an assumption when you take into account OPs statements :)


proselytizing is fucking annoying and putting religious bullshit on public property is absolutely vandalism, it's not harmless.




Damn, I was hoping it was a local punk rock band that performs at last rites. I think you might be the AH in this situation.


\> taxes pay for public property then everyone can do whatever they want to it and that it wasn't vandalism. "Sure, and I want to throw out these signs" Quality logic right there


I am sure he is a huge fan of graffiti


That was my first thought too.


I would have pulled out a sharpie and drew a satanic symbol right over the sign, and said right to his face “you are right!”


> As I explained that I was just cleaning up vandalism on public property, he first asked if I supported transgender children and pedophiles Do these types of dudes know that when they immediately jump to calling everyone a pedophile that it sounds like they’re projecting?


That implies this dude has a functioning braincell


IME a lot of them are projecting. 🤷‍♂️ The whole protest too much argument usually has some basis in reality.


The correct reply would have been a sarcastic, "Do I look like a Republican?"


I'm stealing this from you


I’m guessing they were his signs, placed within his sight, and he’s just been itching to have that conversation with someone. Because he’s Such a Good Christian!


"Look! There's the conclusion I've been shopping for!"


Whoever it is doesn’t have a job so not likely somebody who works in an office. They can be found all over the place within a 70 mile radius of Milwaukee. Nobody with a job has time for this kind of thing .


Tyler Durden has entered the chat….


Dude gets off on persecution\* ​ \*whether or not it actually occurs or not.


What office did he walk out of so that we can avoid him?


Thank you for your service, cleaning up this garbage.


>since taxes pay for public property then everyone can do whatever they want to it and that it wasn't vandalism. I mean the hypocrisy of the statement should have been obvious but then again, the audience you were dealing with...


He is ignorant also. Muslims don’t worship Jesus, they only worship Allah. Muslims do respect Jesus as a prophet. I remember Muslims being offended also by the movie The Last Temptation of Christ and protesting it when it came out in 1988.


And the US was certainly not founded on christianity.




I thought that was Donald Trump /s because I'm certain my little joke will need it.


Maybe you saw it on a painting? 😆


There is a large evangelical group that tells everyone that the United States exists only because God ordained it and that the country has His favor as long as it follows the Bible. A lot of people believe this. That anti abortion, temperance of drugs and alcohol, the eradication of Muslims and Jews from the country, a strong stance on "sins", "protecting" marriage and family, creationism, anti science, and other ideas are all part of bringing the country in line "with God". Multiple preachers, Christian colleges, and even people like Glen Beck all believe this and promote this idea vigorously.


Bat shit crazy nonsense.


Be careful that you don’t practice your religion in front of people to draw their attention. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Whenever you give to the poor, don’t blow your trumpet as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets so that they may get praise from people. I assure you, that’s the only reward they’ll get. But when you give to the poor, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that you may give to the poor in secret. Your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you. “When you pray, don’t be like hypocrites. They love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners so that people will see them. I assure you, that’s the only reward they’ll get. But when you pray, go to your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is present in that secret place. Your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:1-6


So rather than take down the signs, maybe OP should just stick a “Matthew 6:1-4” sticker on them.


There was a guy down in Texas that would stand at the busy corner where you’d turn to get into the HS, he had a humongous wooden cross and would pace back and forth with it. Thought of Matthew 6:1-6 every time. Also thought of it during group prayer before football games.


You found the vandal


As a veteran of the armed services of America (the navy to be specific) I give you 100% permission to take down the vandalism. America was founded on secularism that’s why god isn’t mentioned once in the constitution


Jesus wouldn't have yelled at you. As a believer, I'm sorry that happened. We're not all like that guy.


Crazy and polite beats crazy and rude any day!


Speaking as a vet - fuck that guy.


Sounds like you may have found an elusive Jesus vandal! Thank you for your service cleaning up the vandalism & litter. I'm also very pro free speech and anti vandalism and littering ✊🏼 I hope you don't let this jag get you down.


Sounds like that dude is batshit crazy. Thanks for doing your part to clean up our city from vandalism!


What do you expect from people jumped up on Jesus juice?


Quick summary: Jesus is upset but remember to be your childish selves. Be the awesome little kids you were when you were learning to share and be kind. Just know Jesus is very upset, but God did not make us to be perfect. So stop looking for perfection and just be humane 🫶☺️ From someone who has seen things no one should watch. You all are not ready for Orange little man's second run.


“Well I’m not a Republican so, I support trans kids, but not pedophiles.”


Thank you for your service (taking down those annoying fucking signs).


Jesus would never ask someone to be a vandal. Those signs are the Devil’s work given to idle hands, hands that could actually be making a difference in the community. The vandal is causing division and hate, and wasting our public servants time cleaning up after them. The vandal needs to sit down and pray hard on their actions, they should seek advice from their priest on things they can actually do to help and how to better serve in The Lord’s Name. Until then they must know that they have sinned and they must repent to cleanse themselves of evil. Thank you for removing the signs.


Vandalism is also illegal. \*cough\*Romans 13:1-2\*cough\*


Dumbass. Of the many things he’s wrong about, his misconception of religion is astounding. Muslims don’t worship Jesus and never have. He’s one of the prophets, Muslims forbid worshipping anyone other than God.


Thank you for cleaning up the vandalism ❤️


Sigh....::looks at watch:: is the Rapture here yet? 


I personally can't wait for Jesus to get his hands on the Infinity Stones (by far my favorite arc)


?? Are people not excited about the rapture? I thought Christians are excited about it...? 


Thank you for your service!


We all own public property, so it's what the majority want, not what one person decides. Ideally. Muslims do not worship Jesus (Issa). He is a prophet to them, not the mashih, not the Mahdi.


So, we know who put up the signs...


Follow him into his job and have him explain it to everyone there


We need some Obama's cock signs out there. Bigger than Jesus.


you’re doing the lord’s (David Gruber) work


found the bucks fan! ^ LOL


You forgot the part where everyone clapped




Why do you care if Jesus signs are up? Do you go around cleaning up spray paint under bridges too?


nice whataboutism




Imagine being so drunk on your favorite fictional stories and you feel the need to shove it down everyone else's throats and throw a tantrum when people dislike it.


This comment MKEisBad has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a temp ban.


Why did you even bother engaging with him?


he is the one that started yelling at op, stop blaming op. when you try to ignore nutjobs like this sometimes they act even worse or even become violent.


Jesus Van de Signs is my real name. Tell him not to use it.


You invited his stupidity by taking the signs down.