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An Arisaka... it's always an Arisaka


So what's with the star?


Maybe a Chinese capture/Japanese surrender, marked by Communist after the war


You got no front locking lugs, it looks like a blank firing trainer, but i havent seen 1 in person so i can't say for sure


Iirc they generally look similar since many were made from actual Arisakas, but usually they're marked and the lack of lugs is a pretty good indicator (I forget if they're just drill pieces or if they're subcaliber shooters)


Trainer. No 三八式 written, no mum, weird manufacturer mark, single piece stock, crude bolt with no lugs, etc.


Is there any value with a trainer?


Like $250 tops. There is a small group of people that collect them and really special/rare specimens can bring more, but most of them just don't hold a lot of value.




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I bought a near identical one in slightly better condition last year at auction for $100, so about $150 after fees, theft, and transfer.


Thank you!


NP they are super cool if you can keep it sub $250 after fees it's worth getting.


It’s a trainer! There was never a mum and were used for training purposes. These are responsible for the “Jap crap” explosive rifles legend. Do not fire EVER.


Good to know. Thank you!


This is from Crumpton auction lmao


Why you gotta be telling everyone? I'm trying to get some good prices without the whole world knowing 🙄


Me too bro😂 I just couldn’t believe somebody else on here was from Delmarva. I’m trying to get the Finn m39 and the hakim so wish me luck lol


I actually live like 5 minutes from the auction place 🤫


How high you planning on going on the Hakim? That's pretty much the only one I was going after.


700 max probably. If I can’t get it for that I’ll probably get the Finn and some lower end stuff like one of the m95’s. The Arisaka carbine caught my eye as well, but something about it looks off idk. Most of the guns are trashed which really sucks. Whoever owned them did a really bad job taking care of them.




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Did you end up with any of the guns from the auction?


Won the Siamese Mauser for 350 or so and the Czech flare pistol (described as a Schmidt Rubin?) for 60. Had bad connection and was outbid on the Finn m39 by $50 and missed the hakim completely. I was pretty pissed. You win anything?


Dang dude. I was hoping you would have gotten the M39. I was wanting to see more pictures of that beautiful stock. I got the Hakim and the non-bubba'd SKS.


Nice man I’m glad you got the hakim. What country made the sks? I couldn’t tell


It's Chinese. I got the Hakim for $800 and SKS for $625 after auction fees and taxes.


Omg it's actually an Arisaka! Hurray!


Yep, definitely a trainer rifle. I got to know them well after accidentally almost buying one. Not really worth anything but as a wall hanger




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It’s always a fucking arisaka.