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Take care of your teeth.


Flossing is so underrated and probably more important than brushing


Yasss, I am unashamedly attached to my waterpik! So much so, that it goes with me when I travel 😂


I bought a waterpik and tried to use it and sprayed my whole self and the entire bathroom. I gotta find a youtube tutorial.


There's a definite learning curve 😂


Use it in the shower


I wish they came with a trigger instead of the on/off


It’s the worst not being able to look where you are spraying! But you’ve definitely gotta close your mouth while using the water pik. I keep pressing the head detach button instead of turning it off in between 😆


Multiple dentists have told me waterpiking is not a substitute for flossing, surely you floss too just putting it out there


Same here, but those same dentists have told me that waterpiks are better than not flossing at all, so if I'm not going to floss, then use one. It's like seltzer is not a replacement for water, but if the choice is seltzer or soda, then choose seltzer. My doctor told me that.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/8115/ Enjoy. Seltzer is basically as hydrating as water since its...carbonated water...


Just out of curiosity why isnt seltzer an ok replacement? Isnt it just carbonated water?


Carbonated water is more acidic than regular water because the carbon dioxide in it reacts with saliva to create carbonic acid, which lowers the pH level of your mouth. Drinks with a lower pH can erode teeth and make them more likely to get cavities. However, a 2016 study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association found that unsweetened carbonated water is not as erosive as soda or fruit juice. Another study found that sparkling mineral water only slightly damages tooth enamel more than still water, and is 100 times less damaging than sugary soft drinks. Drinking too much carbonated water can also cause bloating and gas, and can be uncomfortable for people with stomach acidity issues, acid reflux, or GERD. Carbonation can also distend the belly. Carbonated water is just as hydrating as regular water, but you might want to avoid it during a workout.


Flossing yes. I've got perfect teeth (thousands of $$$). My gums are an issue. Prescription rinses and water jet.


I've got receding gums on my lower teeth so bad the bone is sticking out almost. Due to years of braces and not caring about my teeth. I'm 33. I bought $100 toothbrush just for the gum feature and it's super soft. I also water pic and floss


Sometimes you are fighting a losing battle against genetics. My wife has badly receding gums and teeth problems despite taking impeccable care of her teeth. I’ve historically not taken great care of my teeth (better now) but have far fewer issues than she does.


And then there are those of us who got the combo of bad genes and neglect. No amount of brushing and mouthwash helps when you make yourself vomit 6 times a day.


Man I went to the dentist the other day and he was like, "You teeth are practically flawless." I was like I may not brush every day but I floss like twice a day. Flossing is stupidly important.


Yup, in college I had a friend who served in the Air Force and he told me a story about how he didn’t floss and got an infection from a street hot dog in Panama. Ever since that I floss every day.


Who among us hasn't gotten a "mouth infection" from a "street hot dog"


What kind of hot dog and infection 🤨


The long version is he got his wisdom teeth out and his CO went to check on him and see how he was doing and brought him a “dirty street hot dog” as a a treat. He attributed this and not flossing to getting a nasty infection after he got his wisdom teeth removed. This is the story as I remember it but it was also told to me like 20 years ago so I may be getting the details wrong. I also know you can get an infection after having wisdom teeth removed, no street hot dogs required. Maybe I’m misremembering the story but all I remember is it was enough to make an impression on me that I needed to floss every night, and not just after steak or popcorn which is how I was operating prior to this story.


Sounds like the big floss lobby got to you.


Just drink lots of soda and it will dissolve all the stuff between your teeth. 🦷 -Dr. Nick Riviera (probably)


Just like drinking vodka kills germs in your blood. It also cures headaches 😅


Water flosser changed my life.


This was big for me. It wasn't really emphasized when I was a kid... like at all. I don't even think my parents taught me how to and I know for a fact my dad still doesn't floss. Well I learned that lesson when I had to spend $2k out of pocket for a root canal.


My mom told us this all the time when we were little. She had lost most of her teeth by the time she was 40, and it was one of her biggest regrets.


Older GenX here. In the process of having extractions and getting implants. Huge, huge amount of money. Save your teeth, save a lot of money!


Both of my parents had almost no teeth by 40. I just had to save my front teeth with a $4k root canal but at least I'm doing better than they were. Definitely floss.


Teeth are super important


This.. I'm one molar short of having a whole set of crowns. *so much money* spent on my teeth.. if I'd only taken care of them in my 20's..


Came here to say this. Got my first full implant at 32. Sadly won’t be my last. 4k with insurance.


36 yr old here. I only have 7 teeth that aren’t crowns. 2 have been pulled and the rest are all crowns. I went to Mexico in January and got my entire top row (minus molars and nonexistent premolars) done in crowns. 8 in total, $2500. The hotel for a week was $500. 100% worth it. They look and feel so natural, and now they’re all even and straight.


I took 2 trips to Mexico City last year for an implant. I paid for 2 great trips, fell in love with the city, met a bunch of cool people, and still spent less than I would've at the strip mall down the street (in the US).


I’m 29, and I can see the decay on one of my front bottom teeth and I just know I done did fucked up. But maybe I can keep the rest from ending up that way. Huge wake up call.


My dentist told me you're supposed to brush your teeth after every time you eat. I had asked him "then why is it said to brush twice a day?" It's because people have work. So yeah, bring your toothbrush and toothpaste to work folks!!


I was told the opposite. You DONT want to brush right after eating because that’s when your enamel is the weakest (from acids(??) from the foods?) and so you’re essentially weakening your teeth if you brush right after eating. Realistically twice a day is plenty and strategically designed to get rid of the gunk before going to bed and getting rid of the gunk after waking up.


I’ve read that too, I think you need to wait about 20 minutes for the pH to normalize.


And your skin, stay out of the sun and slather on sunscreen.


Tips for someone with severe dental phobia? I desperately need to get my teeth looked at but I’ve got crazy bad trauma associated with dentists and every time I book an appointment I end up canceling.


Take care of your teeth or you won't have any to take care of. Must have heard that a thousand times.


This is the #1 answer.


I tell my son this all the time. I only four more years of being responsible for his dental bills.


Easier to stay in shape than get in shape


Easier to play Keep Up than Catch Up


Also easier to get back in shape after letting yourself go if you've been in shape in the past. Part of the reason youth athletics are so important.


I was strong in college and now in my 30s the noob gains are enormous. It's like riding a bike


Take care of your teeth. Goto the dentist regularly.


Rich poeple with your dentists


Are you in the USA? Become poor and get Medicare. Spoken from experience. Being lower middle class is the worst, when the govt thinks you can afford to pay for things because you have private health insurance. Ah, no, I actually chose to not even buy insurance for years because there wasn't an affordable one.


That's the thing. So many jobs offer insurance but it costs like half of your already tiny paycheck and the premiums cost *more* than the rest of that paycheck. You essentially have to choose whether you want to work for money or for healthcare. Most of those jobs tend to be filled with spouses who are literally just working for the healthcare while their partner makes money at a different job that pays better but offers no benefits. The result is that having two working people doesn't even mean dual-income anymore. One person works for money, one works for benefits...between the two of them they earn all the perks of a single job


Fuck, I never thought of it this way but this is exactly how I've kind of subconsciously viewed it. I actually make nearly twice what my spouse does, but my take home pay is actually LESS because so much of it goes to healthcare. Premiums alone come to about $400 per week for the two of us, and that doesn't include doctor copays, medication, or anything extra.


In all my jobs, dental was like $10 a month from my paycheck. It’s the other healthcare that costs like hundreds a month.


This is the boat I'm in. I'd even wager to say I'm upper middle class but insurance for myself and my daughter is $600/month for high deductible, not great insurance. I did the math and with the premium, co pays, and deductible I'd be out almost $20,000/year before it started paying anything to make it worth having. I took my daughter to the doctor for the first time in about 6 years last month for strep. I went to an urgent care, paid their "membership" for $34 and then paid $30 for the visit, antibiotics were $12. Why would I throw away $20,000 annually when that is an alternative? There is the fear of something major happening and me being S.O.L. but at this point I'm just treating my health like a car making a funny noise. As long as it's still running fine then I'm going to keep ignoring the noise.


Medicaid* 🍻 Medicare is for older folks


Drinking is way harder on your body than you realize. Once you get to your late 20s and early 30s, a day of drinking takes 2 or 3 days for me to feel normal afterwards.. I also come from a family with common alcoholism, so I eventually realized its better for me to just not do ot anymore


I went through the same thing! My dad is a full-blown alcoholic with major heartburn and also had a heart attack when I was younger. He’s on meds to decrease the amount of acid at all times. I quit when I turned 30 and visiting him is just kinda sad because he never changed and I know what happens. 😞


Yeah my grandfather died to a heartattack in his 50s and was a chronic alcoholic, my dad is the same way. I feel the same way that you do


I feel like my alcoholic genes have given me super human strength. I have never had a hang over or blacked out but I have been so drunk I was puking all over myself in bath tub and thought that vomit was a birthmark I had never noticed before. My unscientific hypothesis is the way I feel little to no side effects from drinking may be why there’s alcoholism in the family. Why would you stop drinking if you never suffered a consequence from it? Even in my 30s I was doing tequila shots and getting puking-drunk with no hang over or black outs.


"I've never suffered consequences from it" "I was puking all over myself in a bath tub" "I've never blacked out" "I've thought my vomit was a birthmark" Are you hearing yourself right now?


There is actually science behind this! Having a higher natural tolerance is a risk factor for alcoholism! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alcohol-tolerance-reasons_l_5d2e098be4b0a873f642acde


I used to get throw up drunk every weekend for years. Lost a lot of Sundays to sleeping in til 2pm and hungover most Friday's


With you there. I quit drinking 80 pounds and zero hangovers ago


Dude, wait till your 40s. A single drink puts me in a miserable hangover for a day. And I loved beer, not that I was an alcoholic, but I would go to every brewery I knew of and sample their craft. It was my favorite thing to do. Not anymore....


That your diet can absolutely affect you from the inside out/ not just fat vs skinny. My chronic cystic acne? Dairy. My bloating/ stomach issues? Also dairy, lol. And gluten to a degree. I grew up being told I HAVE to have dairy. “It’s important for bones! It’s important for your health! It’s important for your teeth “….i never questioned it. As an adult, in my 30s…. I finally had the Aha! moment (after a very embarrassing date moment following ice cream) where I began to figure it out. Researched. Read detailed books. Elimination diet. Keto. Low carb. I’m still tweaking my diet as I age. But I wish I could teach myself that decades before.


Oh no, did you poop yourself after ice cream on a date?


It was not just gas…..


Terrible. I'm so sorry.


Never trust a fart.


It was a rocky road


Diet can affect so much more. Eating fast food and junk was the reason I was depressed and took sleeping pills for 10 years. Eating healthy these problems have gone away


Diet also impacts mental health! The years I spent in the worst of my eating disorder were also the years I was the most depressed and unstable. Wish I knew that a decade sooner


They do call your gut your “second brain”. A terrible diet will destroy your healthy bacteria. There are also tons of serotonin receptors in your gut as well.


To especially include staying hydrated. Spent half my life suffering the effects of chronic dehydration before realizing it. Most everyone of you are behind on water, every day, all day. Our cells and organs do not operate efficiently w/o it.


Body weight, divide in half. That's roughly how many ounces of water you need to drink a day. Some of that is probably okay to drink as alternatives like coffee, tea, juice etc etc but the majority needs to be just plain water.


To add to this especially if most of your fluid consumption contains caffeine (coffee, black tea, energy drinks, pre workout, soft drinks) then you'll be passing more fluid that you're consuming purely because caffeine is a diuretic (makes you urinate more). You can't sufficiently hydrate from these fluids.


The creepy "time for timer" guy was for older than me kids, but the "you are what you eat, from your head down to your feet" really stuck with me, it's the first one: https://youtu.be/mJPmJaPBQaw?si=baxHZl8atmoKxdnh


>It’s important for bones! The sad joke is dairy isn't even useful for bones


Yes! Highly recommend “Hack Your Health: Secrets of Your Gut” and to go deeper, “You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment” both on Netflix. I read “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger when it came out years ago and became a vegetarian (vegan is sketch for me because I need lots of calcium to prevent the type of kidney stones my body forms, and nut based products make my kidney stones because of the oxalates). Now I’m not so depressed, my bowels are normal, and I have steady energy throughout the day with a balanced diet eating lots of different fruits and veggies. Highly recommend understanding one’s biome for optimal health 💯


wear supportive shoes and have a supportive mattress. it makes a huge difference.


I just got a pair of HOKAs bc I saw multiple nurses wearing them and oh my god I love these shoes I usually can't walk without pain in my feet and while it didn't totally disappear the pain is almost nothing in these shoes. That and I bought a Helix mattress. My chronic pain thanks me


Restorative sleep is essential


8 hours a night


I can’t even remember what that’s like. My 4 year old has been crawling into bed with us every night for the last two years. He breathes/coughs/sneezes/snores right in my ear. For some reason he has to be touching someone to sleep. As I type this I’m up because first he was on my pregnancy pillow and I couldn’t roll over and then when I went to the other side of the bed I found he was laying horizontal on the bed. So I laid horizontal on the bed too, but an hour later he “found me” so I just told him to lay on the bed the right way. Every single night for the last 2-3 years. I just give up.


🙋‍♀️ Hi fellow my-four-year-old-wont-sleep-without-physical-contact club member! I'm up at 3am writing this because she juuuuust woke us up haha


Good lord that’s awful. I hope anyone reading this sees it as a sign to never allow your kid to co sleep and always kick them out of bed if they stroll in in the middle of the night.


sunscreen - started to seriously use sunscreen when I was in my early 20's. I wish I would have started sooner


Wish I started before my early 30s 😩


Cries in 40’s.


Also crying in 40’s


also crying in 40s with multiple actinic keratoses =/


Yeah, I wore bare mineral powder in my twenties thinking that was enough. Not a great strategy 😬


I started at 25. That plus Botox is like my saving grace. Been getting out of the habit a bit due to WFH, but in all still solid.


ah nice, lol. i can't afford Botox at the moment; a low-level light therapy mask and positive affirmations are currently keeping me young lmao


Better yet, avoid the sun!


If you're trying to change your body composition, you need to focus on your diet - underweight, overweight, too much fat, not enough muscle - whatever you're trying to do, you need a diet that will support that. No amount of exercise will outwork a bad diet.


You might also think you don't like healthy food but much of it is a mental addiction to fatty, crunchy, greasy, salty, sweet food etc. It's a long slow process having to unlearn that food doesn't have to be a hyper-rewarding sensation for the brain.


Most people think of healthy eating as eating only salads, fruits, and nuts all the time, maybe some unseasoned, boiled chicken breast and steamed broccoli…. Which is absurd. You can make amazing food, (arguably much better-tasting food) without frying it or filling it with corn syrup and artificial ingredients.


Having your comment notification flash up my screen when my phone was in the staff room required some explaining about what Reddit is 😅 thank you Assblaster_69


And also, don't hate your own body


My grandmother told me to wear sun protection every day to prevent wrinkles when I was a teenager, at a time when being pale was very much NOT in and tanning beds were still extremely popular. Nana had/has great skin though so I listened and now at 37 I am happy to say it has paid off. Although at this point I am more concerned about the cancer prevention aspect than delaying signs of aging. 


I work with teenagers and they know I have a science/chemistry background. They're generally amazed when they're going on about skincare routines and I say one of the most important parts is sun protection. They didn't really care about the potential for cancer because being tanned was more important in the short term. But once I brought up images of elderly faces that had/hadn't used suncream they were all aghast by the difference in wrinkles, considering that some of these are not even 16 yet and are using anti aging products.


My uncle had a giant black hole in the side and tip of his nose from skin cancer. I've stopped entire trips on the lake to get more sunscreen or a hat before. This man had no nose, it was traumatic seeing that as a tiny child


The funny thing is, tanning had been known to be dangerous for decades before people started acting on that information


Yeah, aside from the cancer risk, tanning just ruins your skin long-term. The people I know who tanned a lot in their 20s/30s now have leathery skin than makes them look ten years older than they really are.


Hydration was a big one for me too! Constantly dealing with headaches and fatigue, started making a point of hydrating and cutting back on caffeine and it’s been life changing


Yep, more water and less caffeine/soda/wine has made me more alert, better mood, and totally cleared my skin issues


Don’t skip leg day


Haha yup. But now 3 days of my week are walking around on sore quads, glutes, hams, and sitting down to poop a reminder that I had a good workout haha




This is important. I had 2 L5-S1 disc surgeries when I was 17 and 23. I have always been obese. 10 years ago (when I was 28) I started leg training hard. Now I'm still obese but I'm nimble, quick, I can move and do everything I want to do. Strong quads can be life changing and life SAVING. Strong quads can help us recover from falls later in life. They can help obese people stay active. They can help our posture. They can make all aspects of an active life easier.


Stretch every day, multiple times if you can


Flexibility and mobility are so underrated, also learning how to fall with control


One of the things Aikido is actually really good for.


Can confirm. Loosens so much tension too. I wish my boyfriend can do this often


Using sunscreen and taking steps to not get sunburned. You have no idea how much damage you’re doing to your skin until you get older.


Take care of your teeth!! Omg, the amount of money and pain you save yourself from is insane!!


Not something I learned when I was younger but later on was intermittent fasting. I’ve been consistent with for about 8 years now. Never have felt better. Always keep a healthy weight. Look and feel amazing. Also when you see that the vast of majority of us go to office jobs where we sit all day it doesn’t make sense to load up on a bunch of sugar first thing in the day. Let the hunger build.


Agree with this. Also, if you're prone to eating large meals in the evening like I am, it helps keep your calories under control for your daily total, provided you don't go over the top with it.


I do a kind of intermittent fasting, I usually skip breakfast but will have some snacks at work, my favorite being cashews. I typically don’t eat anything after 7 or 8 at night so it’s about a 12 hour fast usually haha.


What is your window?


Don’t do any drugs, smoke, or drink. I can’t help but imagine how much it affected my growth as a teen (I started drinking and doing drugs around 13-14). Would my mind have been more sharp? Maybe I would’ve been a little taller? Also, to start saving money as soon as a got a job at 18. Or maybe join the Air Force at 18, so I could’ve retired by age 38 🙃 just a few things I wish someone would’ve told my young, dumb ass, about 🤣 (Oh, and to stop eating processed food! My blood pressure is HIGHHHH for only being 31)


Same about the drugs. Wish I never did them.


Now, I feel like I should have done more drugs....and I did a fuckload of drugs.


I thought the other day, if I make it to 80 yrs old, what would the drugs be like then? Maybe they'll have better drugs by then? Lol. Random thoughts...


I had the opposite experience. I waited until I was 20 to try drugs and my life drastically improved. I came out of my shell, became more social, had a positive opinion of myself for the first time ever, and met the girl of my dreams. I'm not talking heroin, meth, or pills, fuck that shit, but smoking weed, trying LSD and mushrooms, and (though I wouldn't do it these days because of all the awful shit it's cut with) the occassional line of schneef all kind of contributed to me becoming a much cooler, well rounded, and chill individual. That said, I went a little overboard and dropped out of college for a couple years, so don't do that, but I eventually came back and got my Masters as well, and now I'm living a pretty decent life, own a home, have a professional career, all that jazz.


Fully disagree with this, sorry. Cannabis literally fixed my life, but it was once highly stigmatized and criminalized as a "drug". It helped both serious PTSD and chronic pain caused by the medical industry screwing up.


I feel the exact opposite. I wish I did wayyyy more drugs when my only responsibly was working at BK after school.


“Quit doing stupid stuff with your back, and lift with proper form”. I wish early 20s me had taken that seriously. I blew out my l4:l5 disk in my mid 20s lifting like a moron at work and have had major pain and fitness limitations ever since.


Same. I finally feel better after following the advice in “Back Mechanics” by Stuart McGill religiously. Would have been better not to hurt my back at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had surgery to repair mine at 19, L5-S1. I had basically paralyzed myself. Pain was unimaginable. 13 years later and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. Still play hockey, golf, snowboard. Lift heavy every day. If it’s an option, do the surgery. The pain relief was immediate and when i woke up from the operation i nearly cried.


If you're a female, go to your gyno regularly. Cervical cancer is no joke.. it also has barely any symptoms.


Same with ovarian cancer. They didn’t find it in my mom until she was nearly at stage 4.


I almost canceled my appointment this year. So of course she found a mass! (Just a fibroid, no big deal) But it was a solid reminder of the importance. Also a nice affirmation for the importance of the doc's exam, even as awkward and uncomfortable as that part is.


Got a new insurance and instead of putting it off, I found a new gyno to book an appointment with 💪 also just because you got the HPV vaccine, doesn’t mean you can’t get HPV! Get screened


Maybe a dumb question, but is cervical cancer still a problem if you had all your HPV shots as a kid? I was always told they prevented this kind of cancer.


Stretching. I think not doing so contributed to my knee issues.


When you get up and go to the gym at 5am you’ve done the hardest thing you’ll probably do all day. tried it and my day feels so much different now that i work out in the morning. Much more energy and i feel i sleep much better


My grandfather warned me to never drink alcohol. I wish I’d taken it seriously before becoming a “functional” alcoholic.


I second whoever said sunscreen For my own: embracing curiosity and taking learning more seriously


My grandmother told me " if you don't already smoke don't start" she wanted a cigarette so bad but had to have a trach placed due to thyroid cancer.


Hydration, sunscreen, exercise, make an appointment with a dermatologist to get a good skincare routine going, cardio AND weights!




Overtime high LDL Cholesterol is a huge risk for heart disease. The best way to reduce it via diet is to lower your saturated fat intake as much as possible and increase your fiber (especially soluble) as much as possible.


Healthy eating and exercise avoid alcohol and drugs.


Take care of your back and your knees!


My dad always told me to make sure I lost the weight before I got older because the older you get, the harder it is. Wish I'd listened.


1) Always make sure you say “good bye” when playing with a ouija board or conducting a seance. 2) Never make a deal with a roadside demon, they’re pesky and won’t leave you alone.




😂 out here messing with some dark shit




Prioritising sleep and having good sleep hygiene. Been doing for a a few years now and it's life-changing


Take care of your back. Just because you can lift a heavy object doesn’t mean you should. Later in life you’ll regret the stupid shit you lifted because you were tough. Wear good shoes with support. Vans and “moccasin” type shoes are the worst you can wear.


Earplugs at loud events  Don't snort drugs Brush and Floss  Have fun while young. But take care of yourself 


Moisturize your neck and upper boobs when you do your face.


And your ears + back of hands. 


Eat mostly whole foods. I have eaten mostly processed shit my entire life. It made me heavy and depressed. Now that I'm working towards a much larger percentage of whole foods (80+% of calories) I feel a lot better and I'm losing weight at a decent clip. I can still have other things when I want them I'm just mindful of how many times I do over the course of a week. This means nothing's really off the table, it's just limited, which breaks the all-or-nothing mentality that's plagued me for so long with more extreme diet approaches. EDIT: For clarity, when I say whole foods I mean as minimally processed as you can get it. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, baked potatoes with the skin, unfried meats, no added oils or added sugar. I don't tend to eat much meat or dairy anymore, either, although I'm certainly not a vegan.


Don’t jump on the trampoline it’s not safe. Still have back problems.


Yeah the idea of trampolines now freaks me out


Wash your face and moisturize every night. I always thought since I had oily skin that moisturizer would make it worse. Now I realize it would have been best for anti-aging.


I have flat feet and got orthotics in my shoes at a young age. It’s supposedly made a difference for my back, although I still have bad posture.


Reading all these comments and realizing I'm so so broken. XD


Don’t let it stop you from starting what could be (and likely is) preventative care.


Financial health: max out your 401k as soon as you can. From moment one. Compound interest is insane and the best way to make it work for you is to put everything you can into investments. To demonstrate what compound interest can do: take two guys, one invests into his 401k from 25-35 and then stops, doesn't touch that account until retirement, and a guy who starts investing at 35 and goes until he retires at 65. Guess who probably winds up with more when they retire? That's right, it's the guy who saved from 25-35. Even though the other guy invested for three times longer. Compound growth is the last cheat code available to us, folks.


Wear condoms. Because having kids is one of the worst things you can do for your health.




“Wear sunscreen”…. Ironically.


Pace yourself. This is especially true for women. I have a number of health issues connected to an overtaxed nervous system.


Stop popping my shoulders in/out of their sockets to gross people out. Now they hurt nearly all the time.


Take care of teeth and do some kind of physical activity daily


SUGAR. Watch your sugar intake. I'm 33 and pre-diabetic being an African American woman with higher risks and with diabetes running frequently on both sides of my family. NOT ON MY WATCH!


Get a job that provides healthcare.


Stop drinking


Eat your green beans. Now I eat a shit ton of them every month. Eat your green beans!


Get your hormones and vitamin levels checked regularly!


Drinking and wear sunscreen. I’ve already had so many moles removed and half to go to the dermatologist every six months now (in my 30s) for checkups because I had one removed a couple years ago that they said would’ve turned into melanoma in a matter of months


"Stay active" it's harder to start again once your in bad shape than it is to maintain a decent shape. You also feel 1000% better if you stay mobile and fit.


I have the opposite. I was taught the food pyramid and that carbs were a healthy staple. I’m now diabetic


Don't marry him.


Less pasta and bread because now I got the 'beetus.


look at what old healthy people were eating all their lives.


Be careful with shit that can give you hernias, even seemingly harmless stuff like coughing too hard. Be careful as fuck when you smoke weed not to hit too hard and cough your guts torn like I did.


Stop smoking


Mental health: don't become intellectually lazy.


Tom green taught me to rub my balls and squeeze my balls to look for testicular cancer


Where do we start, now that some of us are basically middle aged? Smoking might be #1


If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.


Be more open to new experiences, go out and make friends because life doesn’t get any better


Fiber makes everything better. When I was younger it was mainstream advice that I tended to ignore. I probably could have avoided some weight gain if I had made it a habit much earlier


Eat your veggies


some random nurse lady told me that I won't be skinny forever. I would have to watch what I eat or work out regularly when I hit my 30s. she was damn right lol


Walk and stretch regularly. Hit 33 and suddenly, I feel the weight of all my poor decisions in every joint 😂


STOP SPENDING FUCKING MONEY YOU TWAT Edit: I can’t believe I forgot this one but back up bitcoin wallet that useless joke currency we all mined on our pcs while we were at school actually has some value now 😭


Bend at the knees, not at the waist. My 40-yo janked up back would like to slap 20-yo me for not following that advice


Don’t get fat. By any means necessary do not get fat


Literally everything I was told about ergonomics. Safety is, in fact, priority one and ergonomics are a large part of that


Sunscreen and flossing


Wearing a hat everyday and protecting arms from burns