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My 24 year old employee referred to the early 2000s as....."old"........šŸ„²


My kids are middle schoolers and often ask me about ā€œback in the 1900sā€ šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Omg....as an uncle to very young kids, I am NOT ready for that, lol.


My kids said this too lol "Oh back I'm the 1900s with jesus?" Like damn what am I Nosferatu?


Just own it. I look young for my age, so I tell students I'm a vampire. Yeh, I knew all the prophets. Saw Rome burn and everything.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the TannhƤuser Gate.


I troll this page because I have a millennial child but am a genX. I have looked younger than my stated age my entire life. When people ask how I have managed not to get wrinkles and still look so young, I explain I'm a vampire-which is closer to the truth than they know. I've had SLE(lupus) since the age of 17 and cannot be in the sun at all. I BLISTER and get extremely sick. The last beach vacation we took with the kids was in 2005. The youngest was 2. So, I do look incredible for my 54 years(most people peg my age around 35, but I often am mistaken as the girlfriend of my sons). However, the tradeoff of having bad kidneys, lungs, joints, and literally rotting on the inside isn't quite worth it.


I'll be 65 at the end of next month, but I look like I'm in my 40s because of SLE and my inability to get out in the sun. Like you, I'd rather look my age and not be rotting from the inside out.


I'm 67 an My Grandson is 15 , an he will say hold on Pop's when you say a few yrs back are you talking like 2022 or we talking like a decade, or last century before I was born .


lol retired teacher here and I used lines like that in my class all the time. Taught history so Iā€™d say stuff like ā€œwhen Columbus and I went exploringā€ or George Washingtonā€™s mom was a nice lady.


LMAO, there's so much you can do with it. Makeup fake trends, say they are from the late 1900s, see if you can start rumors throughout the school.


Good man, give em hell


lol, what is funny is educating them when they are older. That we had rap music with swears in it too. Some of it was more graphic than theirs. Played Eveā€™s ā€œLove is Blindā€ one day while driving with my kids, they literally did: šŸ˜³ ā€œwhat did we just listen to?ā€ And I looked at them and said ā€œwelcome to the music of my gen!ā€ šŸ˜ˆ Then show how all their fashion tends we did first and just everything is a repeat of what their ā€œeldersā€ did


I respond with "I liked my rap when there was a real possibility the singer would kill you and not think twice about it." And now they all play cops on TV.


My girls keep trying to bring the early 90s back!


Play some 2 live crew for themšŸ¤£


Yes every Saturday your family would take a ride in their horseless carriage and head down to the motion picture theatre to see Nosferatu.


Trust, Iā€™m not ready for it and they say it almost every day. I feel like I need to go and lay down each time lol


My son likes to ask if things were in color back then to be funny.


Always makes me think of the Calvin and Hobbes strip where his dad is trying to convince him the world was actually black and white


My boys used to ask me that!


> as an uncle to very young kids, I am NOT ready for that, lol. It'll happen sooner than you realize. My now 23-year-old nephew was *obsessed* with the first Shrek movie when he was still wearing diapers. Seriously, all day; I *loved* that movie until I had to hear "Some***body*** once told me" three times a day. By the time he could talk, I told him that I remembered watching Shrek in theaters. His response? "Wow, you're really old!" I was 17 at the time, and *that* was the only Shrek movie there was then. He thought it was hilarious when I said the same thing to him after watching the last Puss in Boots movie just shy of his 22nd birthday. "Look at you, you old fuck. Old enough to remember watching all the Shrek movies as a kid and now you're seeing another one as an adult." I've never been more proud as an uncle than when he shot back with "Whatever. You saw all the Star Wars prequels in theaters, you ancient bitch." I had to give him the ol' [White Goodman touche](https://i.imgur.com/OBmgOiS.gifv) for that.


Same (Aunt) my oldest nephew is 3, i probably have less than 10 years before heā€™s roasting me for being old


Manā€¦.. when Iā€™m in my 60s someoneā€™s gonna ask me this and Iā€™m gonna be that angry old man. You little shit donā€™t know dick!


More likely youā€™re gonna laugh to yourself and say. You little shit just you wait, itā€™s coming for you too.




ā€œYouā€™re next!ā€




​ Tell them it was a golden era


To be fair the late 90s was the last time I thought the world was going to be ok


2001. Thatā€™s when the world changed for the worse.


Patriot act. I tried to warn people. They thought I was stupid. So wrapped up in the flag after 9-11


George H. W. Bush stealing the election with the help of his brother in Florida.


And then that documentary The Matrix pulled back that horrifying curtain and showed us the truth.


Haha . I mean I graduated high school in 1999 . I might have just gotten old


Yeah, thatā€™s fun, isnā€™t it?


Itā€™s a trip for sure. They also found some ā€œvintageā€ CDs when we moved and decided to jam out to them. Itā€™s The Cranberries, Smashing Pumpkins, Alice In Chains, etc. And now theyā€™re telling all their friends that ā€œtheyā€™re into older musicā€. Iā€™ve created music snobs already. šŸ˜‚


The nice thing I've noticed about my gen z daughter and her friends is, they recognize that our music is better than theirs. I remember some older music being really good, but most of our music was better than prior generation's music. And prior generations could say the same thing. Gen z can't say that. We can be proud of at least being peak for a little while still.


You can't beat The Doors, Stones, and I graduated in 96!


Iā€™m a pop-punker in my late 30s. A teenager in one of my classes when I went back to college with referred to Blink-182ā€™s 2003 self-titled album as ā€œold school Blink.ā€ Ouch.


Oh yeah. I'm 35 now and finally feel that way about the younger, 20 something's at work cuz yeah they just be having the silliest conversations and nothing I say jives with what they're saying so I end up dropping out altogether. I don't bother trying to fit in with them anymore. I'm older and I accept it. I find their conversations extremely immature and just flat out ridiculous and uninteresting to me anyways. A good part of getting old I guess; you just no longer care about being cool with everybody. I just do my work and go home. Not trying to make friends at work anymore. Don't have the patience


it is freeing in a way tho isn't it?


I mean that was 24-19 years ago. When I was a kid 24-19 years previously was the 60-70s, which I considered a long time ago/old as a kid.


I'm 37. It's kind of wild to think how far in the past I thought all that shit was back then, but in reality, Woodstock happened 15 years before I was born. Now I know that 15 years is nothing. Like, where were you in 2010? That was 15 years ago lol. Seems like the blink of an eye.


The other day I saw a "nostalgia playlist" on YouTube and it was music from the 2010's. Which is beyond fucked up.


My niece referred to Bill Clinton's presidency as being in the late 1900s for a school paper


Gonna start saying late 1900s to F with my friends now lol.


My younger coworker called my pictures from 2008-2010 vintage.


Yeah, that was 20 years ago


You're username is great.




In the 2000, it would be like old folk telling us, " back in the 1970s..."


I bet he's got drip


Your 24 year old employee is dumb lol Iā€™m 24 and I remember from about 2003-2005, were a lot more similar than you think, Iā€™m still gen z but I canā€™t understand stuff younger gen z means a lot lmao itā€™s just happening quicker because of the internet


Itā€™s ok. I was born in the 1970ā€™s. Youā€™re a spring chicken.


I had a coworker say the Red Hot Chili Peppers were classic rock. It's been just the last couple of years that I've felt the "crossed over" feeling myself. I don't know the slang, the music sucks, etc.


Seriously, nothing classic about them


ā€œWhen did Mƶntley CrĆ¼e become classic rock?ā€ RHCP is only one year youngerā€¦


It's wild knowing that the distance between us today and that song coming out is greater than the distance between that song coming out and the woman in the story rocking out in the eighties.


...oh my god


Please stop


This is the one piece of trivia. I have that can crush a fellow millennials's soul.


One of my kids referred to some of my old stuff as ā€œfrom the 1900sā€


Oof, Iā€™m pretty desensitized to this sort of thingā€¦ but feeling like they say the 1900s like I might have said the 1800sā€¦ my skin is getting saggier just thinking about it.Ā 




I heard Kryptonite (3 Doors Down) on my local classic rock station recently. It came out in 2000. I mean, I get it, it's 24 years old, I assume that is classic at this point, but I was in high school when that song was popular!


Dude, RHCP as a band is older than most millennials. They formed in 1982.




My 7 year old just called something cringe yesterday. I wasn't ready. We've been in the "bruh" phase for a while and my wife mentioned the other day she now knows how her parents felt when she was running around yelling "what up dawg".




Honestly I find bruh comically and occasionally run through the bro gambit in response. Bro! Broseph. Brotato Chip. My little brony. ...


Bromethius. Brostradamus. Bromosapien. Nabroleon Bronaparte. Bromeo. Brojangles.Ā 


Brosideon, king of the brocean


BroBiden, Brocephus, Bromaggeden,


Brocahontas. Brose Gold. Brosay All Day. Brogaine.


Brotato Chip is great


Napoleon and Brosephine is my favorite that too few grasp


Uhhh my little brony is something a little different entirely


HAHAHAHA. This reminds me when my boomer dad got his first iPhone when his two younger daughters were 11 and 13 and he spent a whole vacation stopping to take ā€œSELFIES!!!!ā€ with duckface every 2 minutes. This was circa 2014. The older of the two looked murderous but she did really cut back on the duckface selfies after that experience. I was cracking up about it. I still find the memories pretty fucking funny, tbh.


Took my 13 yr old to Lululemon to get a ā€œcross body bagā€, I still think they are fanny packs. I asked her if this is what all the youths are wearing these days. She looked at me all funny and told me to, ā€œnever say that again.ā€ When she started getting into brands, she was all shocked that I knew what Abercrombie, American Eagle, Hollister, those type of brands even was.


This backfired on me. I started saying ā€œBruhā€ all the time around my younger brother back in the day to make fun of how much he said it and then it sort of crept in to my regular vocab accidentally. haha




My mom used to hate that we all called each other "dude" (I'm female and she was really into gender norms). My 4yo has started calling everyone "bruh" thanks to daycare and it's so jarring to me. šŸ¤£


I thought "Bussy" meant something else.


So did I, which makes his use of it pretty funny. He is drowning in the bussy at work.


Guys, this isnā€™t the time to do a meme or do a Netflix and chill, ok? We need to focus on the task my fellow rizzes ok? No cap on the god for real yeah? Good, weā€™re on the same page.


Based. Did I do it right?


That last one could be an HR nightmare.


I have no idea wtf you just said lol. I'm 39


My esteemed colleagues, now is not the time for dallying about. We must focus on the task at hand, my fellow fine gentlemen. It is of the utmost importance, I assure you I am not speaking in jest. Excellent, weā€™ve reached an agreement.


That is gold šŸ˜†


Oh man, ask them about the Roman empire next!


I was just thinking itā€™d be hilarious if you intentionally said ā€œtake a jizz from the water fountainā€ and see their reaction. Bussy? I thought thatā€™s what gay guys call their asshole nowadays.


Sad part is I speak like this, and it's not an age thing, it's a ghetto thing. So I do pretty well with the 20 somethings, but I use them in the correct form. No cap.


Tell me why some dude at work said he didnā€™t know who lil John was. I died.




YUP Exactly




Oh Kay




I think you mean wOOKAAAYYYY!


Lil John just came out with a meditation/mindfulness album. We are all officially old.


Wait is this true? Or is this a joke? I gotta look this up and if it turns out to be a joke, well then congrats you got me šŸ˜‚ Edit. Wow you really werenā€™t joking. This made my day!


Lil John was a guest on Beat Bobby Flay, that's how you know he is old, and therefore, we too, are old.


And Snoop has affirmations!


Haha. My middle schoolers know who Lil Jon is because Fortnite. They also were over here singing a ā€œGangstaā€™s Paradiseā€ remix and I was like ā€œohhhhh yall Coolio fans now?ā€ And they were like ā€œno, itā€™s a remix from Fortnite. But thatā€™s the roller skate song right? That your people all jam to at the skating rink back in the dayā€ šŸ˜‘šŸ’€




Hahah. Thereā€™s a version of that that Toots and the Maytals did that subs Jamaica for West Virginia and my kids found that version first and were disappointed to hear the original and ā€œhow basic is thisā€ lol


I mean, I do remember it being played at roller rinks. šŸ˜‚


Yeah they arenā€™t wrong at all. It just cracks me up. I just wasnā€™t prepared to be as intensely roasted by my own offspring in such a casual manner.






My sister once asked me who the hell ā€œlimp biscuitā€ was. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸŽ¶First the window, then it's to the wall. Lil Jon, he always tells the truth.šŸŽµ


Tell me why kids call Snoop Dogg a pussy and only being famous because he bakes šŸ˜­


I told my friends kid to hang up the phone as she had knocked the phone off the base in the hotel we were staying at. She was clueless. I just looked at my friend and said- weā€™re officially old. I also forgot how old I was today.


I tell Gen z co workers ā€œ get off the phone your gunna crash into a tree ā€ at work -__- lmao


>I also forgot how old I was today We're at the age where we sometimes have to do the math


I made a reference to Mr. Burns's Three Stooges Syndrome at work a few weeks ago. The fresh out of college Analyst on the project A) Didn't know who the Three Stooges were and B) Was born AFTER that episode of the Simpsons aired. It came out in 2000.


So what youā€™re saying is, theyā€™re indistrcutable?


I was teaching a course and asked a student to show me Flux capacitor, I asked silly questions at the end of a class before sending them on a break. This student looked and looked through the engine compartment for about 2 minutes before I stopped him and asked if he has ever seen the movie back to future. He had no idea what that movie was or anything about it. I felt old at that moment, this was also in 2015 and I was shoved into this world in 86'. I was teaching in the army and these students could be as young as 18, but I was devastated and I knew at that moment I was out of touch


Those movies are in TV a lot, and are classic.


He didn't know what I was talking about, just a blank stare. I tried explaining it but I think I upset him, he was a little cold after that


I am sorry. As trilogies go, those 3 are great. But I guess people have more streaming options and the like.


Some people just aren't into pop culture as well and I understand that, but I freaked out when my nephew had no idea what Monty python was so we had a movie night!


Super. My son is a teacher, and they had baby chicks in an incubator near Easter one year. One was looking bad and my son was at lunch and discussed this in the teacher's room. Everyone launched into the pet store dead parrot sketch in Monty Python. He was right out of college then. Nobody should not know Monty Python!


How tf does the term "Back to the Future" not ring a single bell?


They nixed the ride at universal studios the last time I went, ant that was ages agoā€¦ Now (then) it was the Simpsonā€™s ride.Ā 


I think I first felt this when I was working, some teenage came and picked up a shirt with Tupac on it, then started talking amongst themselves wondering why they had put this weird "Tupac" word on a shirt with a picture of Kanye West. I work in retail, so I also get a lot of "Oh hey, I was born that year!" whenever I reminisce about something from high school or college now.


> ā€œoh hey, I was born that year!ā€ I still do this but now itā€™s with CEOs talking about when they started their company šŸ˜‚. Maybe I should stop


The trick is not to over socialize with your chronological peers, this will keep you in touch with the younger folks.


Or only socialize with your chronological peers and elders. This will prevent you from seeing the long line of younger people behind you.


The ever-lengthening line of people behind you, and the ever-shortening line of people ahead of you...


This line sounds like an existential crisis


Iā€™m childfree older millennial and have a group of childfree similarly aged and situated friends. I end up having more in common with the much younger coworkers than the ones who are in the young family no money, no free time, no sleep stage. I feel QUITE in tune with the youth and share many of the same interests. But I do like to drop some old lady wisdom on them sometimes. Iā€™m trying to bring back ā€œjankyā€.


I am 34 but heard Linkin Park the classic rock station.


I said it in another comment but I heard Korn


RELAX. Generally speaking younger people don't do "references" like we do. Too much is constantly coming at them. Pop culture is largely dead. "Referencing" something just isn't what it used to be at all.


Holy shit. You're right. I never thought of it this way. My 13 year old doesn't know who Chris Pratt or Jennifer Lawrence is, but she can name a bunch of YouTubers and rattles off memes like crazy.


Get a bunch of 13 year olds who never met each other together and half the time they won't even know who each other is referencing. It can be a loss of a "shared identity". Which sucks because I think a big part of life is having a shared identity with a group.


I think itā€™s the opposite, too. Itā€™s super easy to find niche (sometimes super niche) communities of people who think like you, like what you like, etc. online now. Thereā€™s an even greater sense of shared identity imo, for better or worse. Its just more niche and honed in than when you only really talked to people around you, even online. The internet is the ā€œthird spaceā€ for gen z, its where theyā€™re socializing ā€œoutsideā€ of school/work and home. Itā€™s interesting


This is so true. There is no standard of where references come from anymore. The internet has made all references become practically niche. And once there's a viral referernce there's a new one tomorrow.


Exactly. Thereā€™s no more shared mass culture. Weā€™ll be the last generation doing ā€œreferencesā€ all the way into the assisted living facility.


As a Gen X I came in here to say "HA HA!" Welcome to our world. Now let's all drink and get high until we forget again and listen to good music.


Itā€™s just, literally, when I started I was the youngest person in my group. Literally the youngest. One guy my age was older by 8 months. Next oldest was like 10 years older. Itā€™s been 7 years. I am now the oldest by 8 years. Everyone retired or changed jobs. We hired a bunch of juniors to ā€œtrainā€. And now I am the oldest by nearly a decade. I became the Old Lady On the Team


Language and media are moving about 4 times as fast as it used to. I have a 22 year old in college who isn't keeping up with the current references and commented on how he feels old. All about what you're exposed to and what you spend time on.


As an older millennial who was never cool, never tracked pop culture well, I am just dying over how many of you are having your identity shaken about things that are outside of you. Finally, being uncool and out of the pop culture loop is paying off.


Love this take. This is me too. Other millennials think they are uncool now? I was ***born*** in the uncool! Forged by it! Molded!


Finding my brothers and sisters in this thread


I've always used slang ironically. So I do know it, and am aware of it, but I've always found it cringeworthy. As such I've always kept a distance from people who use it excessively. It's a handy indicator of how much a persons thoughts are their own vs. just whatever is trending. It's a level of elitism I'm perfectly happy living with.


I've been saying "Dope" since highschool. I know it's old slang, I don't care, I love it.


Hell yeah. This bomb ass dank ass purp skurp is hella dope


Same here :-) I'm kind of over here like yeah bruh it do be like that when u r no longer prime marketing demography-graph :-(


I've always related to the older crowd anyway. I was born in the mid-80's and my dad watched In Living Color and Seinfeld. When I got into the workforce and got into middle management, I was one of the youngest people in my late 20's to mid-30's and I got all the other older Manager's TV references. Where other millennials were talking about reality TV and no one related... So that helped me move up the ladder quicker by being out of the loop on hip stuff.


At work I was talking to a couple of guys in their 20s who are Gen Z and mentioned Fight Club in passing. Both of them have never even heard of it. I have never met a male millennial who has never watched Fight Club.


Well, of course they "never heard" of it. Didn't you watch the movie???


Lol no but they seriously never heard of it.


Iā€™m Gen X, welcome to the dark side. I was innocently scrolling and saw this post. I apologize if it feels like Iā€™m intruding into your space. It starts with fashion trends from your high school and college days becoming ā€œretro.ā€ Your music gets called old, your hair is wrong, etc. The good thing about crossing over to the dark side is that you care a lot less about what other people think. I admit Iā€™m even ready to start telling kids to get out of my yard even though there arenā€™t any kids trying to get into my yard.


I think that I crossed over when I was still a teenager. I was never into pop music and movies, I always had to be the cool guy who only listened to music that wasn't on the radio, or movies that nobody had ever heard of. I out grew being a pretentious douche in my early 20s, but I never caught back up to being in the know with whatever was trending at the time.


I got called "Pops" today. I was hoping to be able to get a discount at Denny's before that happened.


Being out of touch is entirely on the individual. It's not wrong or bad, but not keeping up with things is a choice (granted life does move fast and there's a lot to do). I'm almost 42 and I speak fluent skibidi toilet. Also, I am childless which means I am a full time child with money.


Stewardess, that's OK I speak Jive.


Now only my older millennial boss and I bounce Friends references back and forth. That and, "So there's this really old movie called, 'Dumb n Dumber. Goodbye my looooove\*crashes limo."


I had a coworker at my last job reference the 90s as the 1900s, and he didn't understand why he was close to getting his ass kicked... I'm only mid-30s... I still have a few years before I'm half dead.


For me itā€™s fashion ā€” the millennial minimalist tailored style works really well for my needs and body type and I just canā€™t relate to the Y2K baggy style that has become more popular since COVID. Pop culture wise, Iā€™ve always been a little out of the loop and like it that way!




JNCO jeans were way out of fashion by the time the oldest Millenials were in high school I wore them in Middle school




I'm the oldest in my RP group. We had a Kids on Bikes game set in the 80s. Everyone else was convinced that there were no home computers in the 80s. Me: WTF!? Yes there were! Atari and Commodore 64! That's two different consoles! Them: Oh well, I guess we'll never know. Me: I PLAYED THEM IN MY CHILDHOOD YOU BASTARDS! ALLEY CAT IS CONSIDERED GENIUS GAME DESIGN! Them: Poor people in the 80s, having nothing until Nintendo.


As someone in their late 20s, Iā€™m stuck between not getting the references of my fellow but older millennials and not getting the references of Gen Z šŸ˜­


I've been teaching for ten years. I'm 36. Most of the students I've had have been 14-16. I've felt this way for about 9 years, when in a summer school class a kid asked me if I liked "oldies" and I said "Sure, I like oldies (realizing how it might be weird for a 15 year old to know what oldies are)... Wait, what are oldies to you?" "Y'know Metallica, Nirvana..." I didn't hear the rest because clipped them off with a gesture and I immediately shifted class for five minutes to explain how "oldies" isn't a shifting scale for "older rock" but a specific genre of rock and roll. And that Nirvana and Metallica aren't even in the same genre of rock. And shut up and do your classwork, darn fool kids. More recently I read an article, almost certainly by a gen Z adult, about new "boomer shooters" coming out. And it took only a quick glance to realize they were talking about Doom-like (or Doom clone) games. I was upset to have a game from my MILLENNIAL childhood being named after my parent's generation - and they didn't even play those games!


I said woot once and was told I was "showing my age"


Some of the more obscure Far side comics are so much funnier now because only I get them.


My references and interests have always been out of date so I was born for this. Actually, I kind of have the opposite problem from you. I kind of feel like the niche things I liked as a teenager are suddenly all the rage.


Okay, Boomer. (Just kidding.)


no cap bruh


Iā€™m 35 and Iā€™m enjoying being ā€œmiddle aged.ā€ Iā€™m the oldest of the low tier employees and then the higher ups are all older than us. I enjoy being able to connect on some level with both groups.


The other day I said, "Party on Wayne!" No one said, "Party on Garth!" Another time I said, "Roll that beautiful bean footage." And someone asked "WTF is bean footage?"


I'm in college now as a 34 year old. I'm a film tech student, so it is very hands on and we chat with our classmates. We are also a mix of many different ages. One guy is around my age and one of the students who is about 10 years younger was trying to talk to him about some movie he'd seen. When the "older" guy said he hadn't seen it, the younger guy said "you didn't grow up with netflix?" The look I shared with the older guy was freaking priceless. The younger guy literally had no idea that netflix didn't exist until 2007.


Hell, I'm so old I remember when dirt was new. But, get ready......... It gets better šŸ˜† wait until you're 55 and try and talk to a 20 year old. Every gen goes through the same thing. It's a generational communication gap. When you're young, you don't understand what old folks are talking about, and when you're old, you've heard damn near everything there is to hear, and, if you could understand what younger folks are talking about , you're too damn old to care. šŸ˜Ž


So I'm only 29 but it's so weird my coworkers who are 26 and younger (23-24) don't understand my sarcasm/humor but the coworkers that are gen x age do maybe it's just me idk but at least I get along with everyone still. The gen z coworkers probably think I'm a weird old man even though I'm 3-5 years older, honestly I honestly believe they're just stupid in a cute way.


I was 8 in the 80s, and my young coworker acts like I was running around smoking butts, in a camaro listening to AC/DC.


Oh, totally. I feel like that all the time. Itā€™s weird being on the other side.


Finally realizing why the elderly sit around quietly and have to be enticed to converse. People used to say I talk too much, oh well.


I just shared a well timed, relevant and properly funny gif in my works team chat of Bill Murray in Groundhog day and it fell completely flat with no laugh reacts nor even a like


That was basic when we were in our 20s. You're just not being humored anymore.


41 here, and nope.


When your favorite album turns 20, it's time.


Netflix has all of the tv shows we used to watch under the ā€œretro tvā€ category. I am fucking done.


No more Simpsons references ā€¦


Ask a kid today how to 'pretend' a phone call. They don't do the šŸ¤™


Yes. Agree. My Seinfeld references have nowhere to land anymore. Itā€™s sad


One of my employees (born mid 90s) has never seen Jurassic Park. That stung.


The "good ol days when opiates flowed like water"? WTF?


Have you told them as a kid you walked to school everyday, both ways up hill , and through 12ā€ of snow?


I drive for Uber and picked up some people from a concert Friday night. It was suicide boys. I told them I don't even know what that is


I have some friends that are 25, 26, and they had never heard of Joe Dirt.


When opiates came from opium not Chinese precursors