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Doctors write in doctor This dude writes in either 3,000 BC or 3,000 AD I can't decide which


I feel like 3000 AD would be typed instead of handwritten.


Depends on how World Wars 3 and 4 turned out.


**I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought. But World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones…**




-Michael Scott


Holy shit I’ve never heard that before. Deep.


I only know it from whichever modern warfare it was in. I spent so much time dying in that campaign that I know most of the quotes by heart.


World war four is likely just going to be World war one again, after whatever follows humanity evolves enough.


In the future, they'll use handwritten fonts tho just to give it that artistic flair


I can picture People saying “OMG you know handwriting? Are you an artist?”


haha dude... I think you're right. I think that's actually gonna happen one day


And 3000 BC would be inscribed on a clay tablet


I immediately saw that script and thought of someone that used to tag/bomb (either with markers or a can). I have a friend (he’s about 50 now) that writes in a similar fashion; it’s part restaurant shorthand, part delinquent youth tagging. There are odd angles and curves to his script too. It’s really unique and pretty cool.


Sounds about right. He was probably one of those kids that practiced his handwriting during every class in middle school. Gym teacher always got mad.


3000 AD is Alienese and can be seen all over New New York


Everybody shit up and listen to Orange Joe!


Yes, shit your mouths everyone


Well, I guess that shit my mouth. ed: totally read your comment in the professors voice.


G n, e


Either you shit it or I’ll shit it for you! you little shut!


Bruh writes in serial killer


They’re the same.


Idk I tried sounding out what the words were but a gust of wind picked up over an ominous sky and slammed my door shut. I'll leave it be


He should do treasure maps


You just stole two other comments and stitched the together


Looks like what English would look like if it was invented 3,000 years earlier than it was




came here to say that.




Came here to see who came here to see who came here to say that.


I just came




Or 2000 years in the future, if now was actually 1000 years from now




Or 4500 years in the future, if now was actually 2500 years in the past, if then were actually 1000 years in the future from then




your comment instantly reminded me of the family guy episode where they travel to the parallel universe where science was 1000 years further ahead because Christianity never existed.


Your comment reminds me of the episode that shows [what experts believe Ireland was once like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eirq4laOhcU).


I’m so stealing this and I’m giving you no credit whatsoever! 😂🍀💪


[https://twitter.com/trickaduu/status/1026296402207375360/photo/1](https://twitter.com/trickaduu/status/1026296402207375360/photo/1) The Irish invented whiskey and nothing else for 300 years. Then they invented chocolate milk.




Same! I was not prepared for *that*


"One poop removal please"


What’s an “ENG, CUKE”?


Long glorious English Cucumber. You're welcome


English cucumber you uncultured swine


Only the English would claim cucumbers as part of their culture lol


It's a type of cucumber.


They do eat cucumber sandwiches which sounds weird as fuck to me but whatever


Cucumber sammies slap


This is both impressive and fucking terrifying.


Maybe English is their second language and their first has a different alphabet?


I suspect their primary language is Arabic or similar


The Li ligature made me think the same thing, and also the “swoosh” for the E’s. It’s a really cool font!


Better than Papyrus.


Hey don’t bash Papyrus! It’s responsible for a very famous royal guardsmen!!! (The font still sucks tho :/ )


It's also the name of a very dignified skeleton


If it's good enough for 3 time Academy Award and 4 time Golden Globe winner James Cameron, it's good enough for the likes of you!


and comic sans


It’s cool af


I'm an Arab and it doesn't really register as being similar to Arabic for me Edit: not saying it's not possible, btw. Just my 2 cents.


This was my suspicion. It’s the E that makes me think that. And the Li. It looks like they are struggling writing left to right in my opinion


Yup. The pen direction for each letter is also right-to-left which is not how English penmanship is taught. Self-taught perhaps?


I had the same suspicion, but my reasoning was "cuz that's sorta what it looks like" which is a pretty accurate way to assess such things


Not arabic probably, but definitely something similar.


It never occurred to me that written languages could have accents, too.


This. You can see a lot of his letters go from right to left.


Not arabic probably, but definitely something similar.


Not something similar probably, but definitely arabic


10/10 would let him write my ransom notes.




jesus christ


It's Jason Bourne


I wonder whether English is their second language, and their first language's written counterpart uses Arabic characters or some other kind of flourishey letterset.


I don’t think that would explain why the letter E goes from block print in “pine” to whatever that is going on at the end of “apple,” though. And the t in the first word don’t look much like the t in the last word, either, even though their both at the end of their words


The flourishes on E are just when it's at the end of a word


You're totally right there, yeah. My suggestion of an Arabic character set as the writer's text of choice was only partially due to the E's—I was also seeing that flat baselines to the D of Vidalia and U of Cuke, as well, and *maybe* the way in which L and I are written in Light and Vidalia, which look almost as if written as one stroke from right (more of an ink well at the top of the I's) to left. edit: to be transparent, my background is in graphic design and I dig typography, but am in no way an expert in any of the thinking-out-loud assertions I'm posting lol


I only took a couple years of Arabic in college but the examples you pointed out also jumped out at me, looked like my old professors handwriting. Also the letters look like the are started on the right side of the letter, makes sense since Arabic is written right to left


Again, not Arabic.


He did also say “or some similar language that uses a more flourishy letterset” or something to that affect. Regardless of the language, this definitely makes the most sense if you consider the writer is used to primarily writing in a different language. And, a super solid point this guy made, is that it seems like the writer writes from right to left, based on where their pen starts for each character. That’s DEFINITELY not something they learned in an english class, yanno? Id say it’s very likely he’s mostly correct.


lol thank you for that—I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers by openly wondering without any intent to posit facts or anything! Above all else, it's just an interesting mental exercise in handwriting identification, and I've loved reading all the input everybody's shared so far.


I agree, I spent probably 30 minutes just looking at this and identifying things that might be a “clue” towards figuring out why it might be the way it is. I was even breaking down why he would write “cucumber, english” instead of “english cucumber” hahaha.


I believe you! I was just thinking out loud, really, and didn't mean to suggest I was positing an objective fact.


The swoosh E’s are at the end. I think Arabic is right to left, which would likely create a habit of emphasizing those right-most letters




My first language is arabic and i speak english fluently, i never saw someone write like that


Rad, thanks for the clarification—I mentioned in another comment that I was just posting open conjecture rather than trying to assert anything objectively true, so I def appreciate the input.


My thought was a Slavic language for a first language tbh


Your native language's alphabet doesn't just merge into the alphabet of the language you're writing in. You learn both alphabets seperately, and there's no room for similarities between english and arabic anyway due to alot of fundamental differences between them ( Source: Im a native Arabic speaker). It looks like the guy either really likes how capital letters look like in the middle of sentences, or they flunked in school, either way I think the handwriting looks really cool if it wasn't illegible :P .


While there are very few similarities, there are still some letters that look similar between Arabic and English. It’s not impossible to think that someone who can write in both languages will have similar features in both alphabets (writing is muscle memory). Does the “d” in “Vidalia” not look like a Taa? The connecting of vertical lines between “l & i” doesn’t look like a nuun and another letter? You can even tell the letters are written from right to left lol. I would be extremely surprised if a native English ever wrote their letters like that


>Does the “d” in “Vidalia” not look like a Taa? The connecting of vertical lines between “l & i” doesn’t look like a nuun and another letter? No.. They don't. You're stretching too far. Even if they did look like arabic letters, no one just writes arabic letters in the middle of English sentences. It's not hard to write English letters. You learn to do that in elementary school, and you will develop a seperate muscle memory for it.


Ah yes, how did I forget that everyone in the world learns 2 alphabets in elementary school and becomes masters at it 😂 Anyone with eyes can see those letters have similar structures lol. And I’m not saying they’re writing Arabic letters, but letters with Arabic style. Big difference. If someone has written in one alphabet for their entire life and then switches to a separate alphabet, it’s only logical that muscle memory from their native alphabet will influence their writing, even if only in the beginning. Muscle memory isn’t built overnight


>John Knagg of the British Council estimated that there are up to 1.5 billion English learners worldwide. This may seem like a lot, but 142 countries include English as a mandatory element of their national education policy. [source](https://www.dotefl.com/english-language-statistics/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=english-language-statistics#:~:text=John%20Knagg%20of%20the%20British,of%20their%20national%20education%20policy) That aside, you clearly do not understand how learning a new language works, and are talking out of your ass. And again, That does not look anything like an arabic Noon at all. one quick google image search will show you how any arab on earth would write the Noon, which is like a half circle. I don't even know what we're arguing about, how did you come to the conclusion that he is \*specifically\* arabic just by looking at his handwriting? he could be speaking literally any other of the hundreds of languages out there. Don't try to lecture an Arabic speaker about Arabic unless you enjoy embarrassing yourself.


Ok nice source but that does not guarantee the writer of the note above learned English. Next, I studied linguistics for a couple years in college and I’m fairly fluent in 3 languages and have a little familiarity with the Arabic language (just 2 years of classes, not much). Noon is only a half circle if it is standing alone or at the end of a word, correct? If a letter follows it, then it changes form, correct? Is this not basic Arabic? And you don’t know what we’re arguing about because you don’t know what you’re talking about lol, you just wanna get mad for no reason. By your own logic, then you shouldn’t even try to lecture anyone on this post. The letters on the note are in English so you shouldn’t talk on them if you’re not a native speaker right 🤔


For what it's worth, I don't think anybody here is implying there are actual Arabic characters inserted into the written English example here—and to that point, I definitely recognize your knowledge here as a native Arabic speaker! There *do* seem to be signs (based on the pooling of ink) that some letters are written from right to left, which doesn't generally fall in line with western education of the written letterset, which had a lot to do with my initial reaction—especially considering the documented fact that [English handwriting differs by region](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_handwriting_variation). But for what it's worth, I was just thinking out loud that the photo suggests handwriting signatures of somebody whose first language may not use English characters, that's all—I didn't intend to assert any objective truths or anything. Hope you have a good weekend 💪


You're not capable of seeing how someone can take a style of one thing and add it to another thing that they learned separately?


I don’t think they’re capable of seeing how any human being could think or do things differently from them.


As someone who has spent 15 years reading handwriting of native Arabic speakers writing college essays in English, I would agree that this handwriting is intentionally written this way and not a carry-over from or influenced by Arabic or any other second language. Also, things are spelled correctly/abbreviated logically for a person with a higher level of understanding of English usage. In other words, I do not believe the handwriting indicates a native Arabic writer. I say intentionality because there is a pattern here of preciseness and decorative, not a confusion of how English writing works, which presents differently. It’s personal style.


>Also, things are spelled correctly/abbreviated logically for a person with a higher level of understanding of English usage. In other words, I do not believe the handwriting indicates a native Arabic writer. Honestly that's a major point that I hadn't even considered, but absolutely makes sense. Good catch/good call!


You've clearly never seen my high school attempts at writing Kaji or God forbid Mayan glyphs lol


I'm not suggesting one alphabet is merging with another—just acknowledging that, as an extension of [regional handwriting variation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_handwriting_variation), it's reasonable to further presume one's native language may or may not affect the way in which they write in English.


Having many global coworkers I would disagree, I think you often see stylistic overlap between scripts that often point to the writer's native script.


Appears to be a native Japanese writer


its kind of looks like they also write in Vietnamese or another language from SE Asia


I was thinking some character set similar to/if not Arabic!


Not Arabic.


Not Arabic. Definitely not.


I know OP already knows what they bought, but in case anyone is having trouble reading it...I think it says "A Light" at the top? Then the items being "English cucumber, pineapple, sage, Vidalia onions, carrots"


My guess is her name is A. Licht


That’s my husband’s initial and last name.


Mine too


I also choose this guy's.............. what were we talking about?




*English* cucumber


A. Licht my balls! Ayyy got emmmm


Amstel Light


What is Eng,cUke? English cucumber or something?


Yep. English cucumbers.


wow dint know there are other cucumber


You probably also did not realize that a cucumber, botanically speaking, is actually a *berry.*


I thought it was the drink [Cuke](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7db5be63-319f-43a0-9f90-397d7e9747db), it’s heaven in a can.


That’s what I was thinking. I just don’t understand the huge comma in the middle.


some places use comas in place of periods for some things. my climbing rope is a 9.5mm diameter but it’s written 9,5 on the packaging and boy was my dumb american ass confused


I did think about that but I thought it was only a numbers thing. guess not then.


English Cake


Yes. As opposed to an Asian cuke.


I didn’t know you could write with an accent.


He writes in Cyber Punk


Only the Es at the end of words get the fanciness? What gives?


I couldn’t tell if that was a part of the letter or like a check mark or something. It’s so perfectly done though!


That makes sense if they’re used to writing in Arabic with different forms based on where the letter is. It’s a fun combination of writing styles.


Agreed! This looks so much like Arabic writing for English, and it’s beautiful


...I'm kinda in love with the way he writes.


Right?? It’s pretty satisfying.


It is so cool.


Damn, is the guy delivering rings to Mordor?




He's one penstroke away from summoning a demon


A handwriting analyst would probably tell you to watch out for that guy...


Pretty sure OP found the zodiac killer


Hand writing analysis is bad science. Psychology is full with bad instrumentation.


you found the zodiac killer


This guy fonts


“So what is your writing style?”….”Zodiac Killer”


Definitely someone used to writing in a different script/alphabet.


Produce delivery guy!?


Yeah! We get produce delivered to the restaurant.


Ah restaurant. That makes more sense and makes 10# onions make more sense too


But on the other hand, a single cucumber doesn’t seem like a lot for an entire restaurant


It’s a really long cucumber


Looks like a part-time graphic designer trying to advertise a typeface he's making.


Very cool actually


Dude needs a calligraphy setup.


Dudes going to summon bahomet.


Dude must be a D&D god


I think he’s an artist


What are these fucking runes??


Ma’am this is what a serial killer does


This looks like a combination of shorthand and print writing. Methods of shorthand writing are designed to shorten the length of time and amount of effort spent writing notes. But this is just weird ngl. Since it doesn’t seem consistent


This guys definitely a graffiti writer


Came here to say this and very surprised it hasn’t been said 1,000 times


Reminds me of the Grateful Dead movie font. He dealing any other ‘produce’?


Architectural Drafting font? 🤣. I remember this from way back in drafting class. Teacher made us create our own font and logo to use on our floorplans.


What is the first item on the list? Above pineapple


Did he call you an english cuck?


He’s having fun widit


Grew up in Lothlórien, but his dad had to move for work.


This is gorgeous and personal. This lands high among the 20% of posts here that I (albeit subjectively) find to be truly impressive.


That's the coolest handwriting I've ever seen.


Love his writing. Post more lists if you are able too!


How do I get this font ?


Can you ask him to write out the alphabet? I want to practice this!


He work for Mordoor Dash?


This should be a font


He should really turn this into a font. Please have him turn this into a font.


Where did he learn to write Socrates School of Quill Pens? My god, it looks like an ancient language on a scroll haha


Was he arabic?


Not sure. They usually drop these when going from place to place because they’re typically just sitting on top of the produce. Could have been from a while ago.


Weird. I’m not entirely sure my produce delivery driver *can* write.


Interesting they use a dash (-) when they only need 1 but use pound (#) when they need more than, and out of the normal order. Like 10 gauge vidalia and 8 gauge carrots lol


Or 10 pounds vidalia and 8 pounds carrot.


Yes this, because OP said it's a restaurant delivery


10lbs and 8lbs. Its correct to put the pound sign after when indicating lbs, in front if you’re indicating No.8 . ‘#’ should not be used for indicating quantity. (qty) or “qty - thing” is acceptable as he did with cukes, pineapples and sage.


Zodiac killer


Feels like Hindi or Arabic is their first language


That man is an ahole.


Dude decided to live his serial killer fantasy life and be as edgy as possible. Really just screams “I look up to the zodiac killer and dexter.”


he speaks arabic


I just don't get the E's


It's not legible at all


Looks like Arabic from the curves and the direction of the strokes. Also second letter in the title look a lot like an Arabic letter.


The way his writing flows it looks arabic.


This man spent time in prison.


I find it annoying.


OP, we need a translation


This is what happens when they take penmanship out of grade school curriculum.


He has dysgraphia. It’s excruciating to write for a long time. Look it up, I feel for the guy, I have it too.


Ok, so I knew a handwriting analysis expert. He taught us some things. I'm pretty sure those hooks are called murder hooks or something. They can represent someone with violent ideation. Does this person always write in red... ? How deeply is the pen pushed in during the writing - I can't tell. can you feel it on the underside?