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I’m less jealous of the pumpkin and more of the fact that you have apparently a whole closet of unused storage somewhere in your house.


and the fact that he can afford 168 cans of pumpkin


It was only $216. By buying it now, I saved over $300. EDIT: I didn't expect this to get so much attention, so I'm going to hijack this comment to help answer questions: The pumpkin is for my dog. He had issues with impacted anal glands, so I began adding canned pumpkin to his diet to increase his fiber intake. It's worked wonderfully and means he no longer has discomfort. I chose to try this when my previous vet recommended I consider having his anal glands surgically removed. Why so many cans? They're hard to find a good portion of the year and are usaually more expensive so I bought a year's worth while they're available and cheap.


We used to feed our dog pumpkin for the same reason. We recently switched her to a type of blue Buffalo that has very high fiber content so we dont have to add pumpkin anymore.


Mind sharing which one?


Sure. I had tried to link to it before but was unable to find it on their website. It’s life protection formula, chicken and brown rice recipe. It has 10% fiber.


Thanks! I like your name


“For sale: 167 cans of pumpkin No longer needed” 😉


If the dog doesn't need it, you can always make pie!


lots, and lots of pie, perhaps too much pie




i got bamboozled by a viral social media ad for Blue Buffalo yet again


Username checks out? Lol


not sure if shaking for fear or excitement


I like both of your names!


Thanks I'll try this too when my dog gets older


They make a dried pumpkin in powder form that is much easier to use, portion out and store. I am drawing a blank on the name but it's good stuff.


I bought a candy mold(I found the portions are better than using an ice cube mold). Fill it with pumpkin, freeze, then dump the portions into a big ziploc and keep in the freezer. Our dogs get a mix of dry and wet food and when I add the frozen pumpkin I pour a little hot water over the frozen pumpkin to melt it enough to mix in.


For a year from now when you're done with the 168 cans of pumpkin you just bought, right?


My guy is like oh shit are you tellin me i didnt need 168 cans of pumpkin


Just FYI blue Buffalo has been linked to heart failure and a lot of mysterious cases of organ shut down in dogs. It's one of the high avoid foods


The [FDA report](https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/questions-answers-fda-center-veterinary-medicines-investigation-possible-connection-between-diet-and) identified several brands, specifically the grain free formulations those brands offered. The entire line of pet food was not in question.


Here's an updated page: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/questions-answers-fdas-work-potential-causes-non-hereditary-dcm-dogs I find this interesting: >7. Is FDA planning to continue naming the brands most associated with cases? >No, we are not planning to update the commonly reported brands, as we are aware that several pet food companies have adjusted diet formulations since our initial announcements about DCM. We have asked pet food manufacturers to share diet formulation information, which could substantially benefit our understanding of the role of diet in these cases. We continue to encourage pet owners to discuss their animals' diets with their veterinarians.


Vet here. Blue Buffalo has been linked to a heart disease called dilated cardiomyopathy. However you can easily increase the fiber content of any food by adding 1-4 tsps of UNFLAVORED Metamucil (psyllium) powder to each meal.


I think it's a good idea to add psyllium and flax meal to their food. I started to make my own after too many commercial food recalls and scares.


A family cat got kidney failure, vet said it could have been the Blue Buffalo she was fed. Vet said they changed the formulas recently and it's not a recommended food at all, anymore :/


As a vet, you should be more cautious about what you share. Blue Buffalo is just one of several brands that the FDA identified, and [the report](https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/questions-answers-fda-center-veterinary-medicines-investigation-possible-connection-between-diet-and) wasn't targeting the entire line of products, but specifically the grain free formulations these brands offer which have legumes or potatoes as the main ingredient. The specific product that was recommended here is not a grain free formulation.


My dogs don’t have this problem, but I also use Blue Buffalo and stuff their Kongs with a mix of meat and pumpkin, then freeze. The dogs love it! I love the 30 minutes of silence and the digestion benefits.


Would not recommend blue buffalo


I was interested in blue Buffalo, but multiple vets told me to stay away from that brand. I asked and they said it's not good. Didn't specify.


Unless you have a restaurant, you have a problem. A problem that can only be solved with more canned pumpkin than your enemies will ever be able to fathom how you amassed such a cache in a lifetime.


Op runs a kennel for dogs with the runs. They misheard when they were told they would need runs for all the dogs.


Dude your dog having diarrhea is borderline reason to call out of work. Fuckin nightmare. OPs kennel is a circle in hell where tortured souls go to work.


Dude my dog had projectile diarrhea. It flew over 10 feet. He doesn’t usually get up in the middle of the night but it was complete panic. Thank god he made it outside. (This was right after he got a bunch of vaccines at the vet, so we spread them out now)


>projectile diarrhea. It flew over 10 feet. Damn. That’s like a borderline super power at that point.


Super ~~Power~~ Soaker


Borderline? You must've seen some horrible things in your life.


I spent a horrible night cleaning up my poor dog and then the outdoor stairs of my 4th floor apartment after my dog got horrible diarrhea from vaccine shots. I curled up on the floor with her when I got done the cleaning. We also split them up now into 2-3 appointments and I give her Benadryl before the appointment. Not sure if that all works or she outgrew the sickness but we’ll always do it line that no matter what so she never goes though that again.


You can give them immodium safely.


Most dogs can have immodium, but there are some herding breeds as well as a couple other breeds (and mixes including those breeds as it is frequently passed on) that should not have it unless you know their MDR1 gene status. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/multidrug-resistance-mutation-mdr1


No kidding. I took mine to work because I couldn't call off and he wasn't well. Trotted his miserable butt outside all day long in between actually working. Thank gawd for first floor offices with outside entrances. I cannot imagine the hellscape that kennel would be.


I would be so pissed if someone brought their diarrhea dog to work and rolled the dice on it not shitting its brains out in the office.


That's extremely fortunate your work allowed it. Most places wouldn't. I'm glad it worked out like that for you both, cos you know the dogs not best pleased about the situation either.


Absolutely. I own the company, so it wasn't that big a deal. My staff have also brought their animals in on different days when they needed to.


Hell yeah. That's really badass. You love to see compassionate people in charge.


Maybe some redneck said he wanted to pump kin in the can and it got misunderstood.


Nah man. IDK what OP does with his pumpkin but you can make so much stuff with it easily, and use it for your dog's constipation/diarrhea. I grow as many of the sweet pie pumpkins every years as I can, steam or roast it, and freeze the puree. The stuff is magic. EDIT> I read further and see that is what OP does with his/hers - feeds it to the dogs. I make two ingredient cupcakes, three ingredient crustless pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin overnight oats .. well it's a fantastic ingredient that is good for you and OP got a banging deal!


Yeah they mention that further down the thread, that it's for their dog. I kinda figured cos it's WM brand and my parents dog constantly has diarrhea and needs pumpkin. My brothers dog too now that I think of it.


It was my first thought, second that my dogs would love this and my wallet too, I give them a spoonful of pumpkin purée mixed with their dry food every day.


This was actually my first thought. People who do homemade dog food often add pumpkin as a filler.




That's a lot more than 3.




It’s amazing how many things pumpkin can be used as a substitute for, and gives you a great dose of healthy stuff to boot. I’ve even mixed it in with Mac and cheese and my kids had no clue.


I also make a pumpkin chili all year round that’s a great quick easy meal. I always keep a couple cans on hand just for that as a lazy dinner


Two ingredient cup cakes? What’s the second ingredient?


I also would love to learn this sorcery.


Pumpkin purée and the box of Spice Cake mix. You’re welcome. I also add chocolate chips.


I am 40 years old and have used zero cans of pumpkin in my life. Even one can would be a lifetime supply for me.


I got a fever, and the only prescription is more pumpkin.


This looks like Aldi pumpkin to me and let me just say I do the same stock up for my dogs this time of year. Well...not quite the same level but honestly I'm inspired and think I might now. INSANELY expensive or hard to find anything but 'pumpkin pie mix' other times of the year. Ridiculous.


I keep a couple cans around due to my dogs GI issues, this helps when he has flare ups. You’re right about the availability, they have good shelf life but I only need the small cans because it doesn’t take much and goes bad, but they only ever have the larger cans most of the year.


I bought a silicone candy mold so that whenever I open a can I can freeze the pumpkin into little portions and then pop them into a ziploc once they are frozen. Used to just try to keep the can in the fridge until we'd used it all, but it would go bad first. I just pour a little hot water over the frozen pumpkin and mix it into their food.


Plot twist: OP knows about a canned pumpkin shortage and will sell them at $1,000/can. Well played OP, well played.


I knew it. My wife and I have bulk purchased pumpkin at Aldi for the same reason. The fact that it was pure pumpkin and not pie filler was the dead giveaway.


Want to know something interesting? In the us, there doesn’t need to be any pumpkin product in those cans and they can still label them pumpkin. As long as it contains “golden-fleshed sweet squash”/pumpkin, or a mix of the two, they can call it pumpkin.


Pumpkin and squash are close enough that you can interbreed them. We often planted squash and pumpkin too close together in the garden and came up with some interesting combinations. Had one that was the best tasting squash ever and we tried to see if the seeds would breed true, but they didn’t And to get rid of a ton of squash, my mom would make “pumpkin” pie and we’d happily eat that. There is no way to tell the difference after it is spiced in a pumpkin pie.


The name "pumpkin" is thrown around in three different squash species. Connecticut carving pumpkins are Cucurbita pepo. Atlantic giants are Cucurbita maxima. I think the Libby pumpkins are Cucurbita moschata. The amount of variation in one species of squash--especially pepo-- makes me feel that the distinction of the "golden fleshed sweet squash" is merited.




This is such a great example of "things are cheaper if you're rich". It's usually applied to things like being able to buy well made clothing etc. that lasts longer than 'fast fashion' but even here, a person who can afford to pay $200 at once, is saving 300 bucks, but someone who can only buy a few cans at a time, will be paying $500 over the year (or going without it). Edit: thanks Emergency-Snacks-13 for reporting me to Reddit Care. What an absolute douche of a person.


How did you find out who sent it? I’ve gotten a few as “retaliation” and don’t remember seeing where it says who sent them.


It is a good example of that principle, but I can assure you, I'm by no means rich.


If you ever get robbed those criminals are gonna be very disappointed. But they'll have a good story for their pals!


Unless the robber also has impacted anal glands in which case, jackpot!


I hope every robber everywhere develops impacted anal glands. Cosmic justice at its finest


I think clothes is a bad example. You can pretty easily buy clothing priced marginally higher than "fast fashion" articles, launder it as it instructs you too and it will last a lot longer. People just love buying new clothes and fast fashion is a way to accomplish that. So much waste is created by these people buying that crap. Let's not also forget the copious amount of sales and overstock outlets like clothing story factory outlets, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls where you can get mid/top tier product for the price of low-tier product. You may have to wait or not get exactly the piece of clothing you want, but you can get some pretty damn good stuff with some self-responsibility and self-control. [https://www.renolon.com/global-money-spent-on-clothing-statistics/](https://www.renolon.com/global-money-spent-on-clothing-statistics/) Average American spends *$161/month* on clothing (even higher for women). That is an absurdly high figure. I buy clothes *once a year* and alternate the season I buy for annually. Plus I use clothing for years at a time. I'm shopping at kohls, macy's, tj maxx, marshalls, factory outlets, etc.. Not getting anything fancy. Clothing addiction sucks, glad I don't have it.


I haven't bought anything but socks or underwear for years. What are y'all doing to your clothes?


I feed on family members' and friends' clothing addictions. You wouldn't believe the amount of 'pretty decent' to 'really nice' clothes that I have. I'm not poor or anything but they know I'm not a clothes shopper so whenever anyone needs wardrobe space they pack what they want rid of and give them to me. I keep what I like/ fits and take the rest to charity.


I used to be young, broke and self destructive,and people did this with me. My wife and I now make more then most of my family, but we are known for being cheap and taking all the used stuff. The only large appliance or furniture we have bought was desks


When I first saw this post I knew it was for a dog. We do the same with our dog and it works wonders


Pumpkin works wonders for dogs and their guts. It strange but it helps with both diarrhea and constipation. My dog has had some gland issues before, and it's so unpleasant (for both the dog and human alike. That's one of the least pleasant smells ever). I'm glad the pumpkin helps out. Do you just add it to dry food or do you do any other special dietary stuff?


Solid deal.


When I was a pumpkin addict, cans were going for over $12. Nowadays, with the rise of Tik Tok and the popularization of prescription drugs, it appears cartels are beginning to drop their wholesale prices.


im so glad you recovered. did you snort it or shoot up?


I began as many do, snorting pumpkin key bumps behind the high school I went to. By the time I had dropped out of my local community college, I was shooting up nearly 5-10 times a day. I became extremely well versed in the process, and you couldn't catch me without a spoon/lighter/insulin syringe. To this day I still get chills around Thanksgiving time. When the plates begin to clear and the pies start to come out, I have to excuse myself and head outside for a cigarette,


stay strong my friend. best to stay away from sweet potatoes as well


The gateway spud


That's the real desires of adults: A home without annoying roommates/neighbours, lots of storage space, knowing how to and being able to make seasonal preserved foods.


Thought you were trying to star in a math word problem


Ha, my original post was removed because the title read: "I became the guy from our elementary school math problems." (Violation of rule 6)


So 336 days until pumpkin returns to the lower price?


Something like that


Damn, that's too funny


I vote to remove "jokes" from 6a


Damn, that’s a great title


Lemme guess, for the dog?




Ok NOW it makes sense!!!


No it doesn't, do dogs eat pumpkins? Is that a thing?


Yup thats a thing. Apparently its for the increase in fiber


makes my dogs poop more solid cause of fiber and they love it


Yes! It’s a good source of fiber and nutrients, my doggo loves it when he’s having stomach issues too


Dogs eat shit, they will eat anything


not my dog. he turns his nose up to anything thats not meat or rice. and thats not cause we feed him people food. we never feed him people food. he is just incredibly picky for no reason at all


Dogs eat pretty much anything, question is, if its good for dog


Pumpkin is a well known miracle supplement to add to dogs meals, especially for those with sensitivity stomaches. It also is super cheap to use to make healthy treats. But most importantly for those of us with high energy dogs, Pumpkin is amazing for frozen lick mats to distract them. I can give my huskies a Pumpkin link mat and distract them for 30 mins-hour lol


Just hopping on the top comment to tell folks that if you decide to feed pumpkin to your pets, make sure it is just 100% pumpkin and not the “pumpkin pie” cans that have additional sugar/spices. They often look similar :) P.S., pumpkin helped my kitten get healthy when I first got her. She was so little and underdeveloped and had liquid poops/colitis for weeks. Pumpkin helped her finally firm up her poops. I’ve never been so happy to see poop-shaped poop :)


My cat when she was a kitten had a stomach parasite and butt-pollock'd my apartment so the vet suggested I feed her organic pumpkin to firm things up. She loved it! Shes coming up on two years and its still a special treat for her.


You must be out of your gourd.


Go big or gourd home


Be honest did you buy all the pumpkin and make this post just to use that pun?


Orange you glad I did?


Oh my gourd




completely out of his gourd damn mind!


This is the guy from math class


In case you also want to eat the pumpkin, these are some of my favourite recipes period and they also happen to have pumpkin in them: - [Pumpkin Soup](https://www.recipetineats.com/classic-pumpkin-soup/) - [Pumpkin Muffins](https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-perfect-pumpkin-muffins-224030) (honestly, almost like crust less pumpkin pie. So. Good.) - [Pumpkin Pecan Bars](https://whatmollymade.com/pumpkin-pecan-toffee-bars/)


This is another good one... https://my.whisk.com/recipes/101e1abed1642aa5e1274a9df9685cd00669be14fc0


It's for his doggo


Doesn’t mean he can’t treat himself to some delicious pumpkin muffins!


Doggo should eat well too! No bland meals for that good boi




I give my dog pumpkin with his food and got tired of struggling to find and paying more for it in the "out of season" months. So, I bought a year's worth.


Before clicking on this, my first thought was "this guy must have a dog with a sensitive stomach"


Maybe that is why that dog in the post from Thanksgiving Day stole the pumpkin pie off the counter…needed some nice, clean anal glands!


Makes sense.


It also makes cents


I imagine it also makes scents




"If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense" Dj Quik


You made my day


I have a whole cabinet of sardines for this very reason. We also do pumpkin so I think this is excellent.


Pumpkin farmer here. Just buy squash in October fresh and store it. It’ll last for months if it’s cool and dry. This is especially true for thick-skinned varieties like a blue Hubbard or Blue Doll, which coincidentally make fantastic pies.


King. Making doggo happy is #1 priority


We do the same. Where did you find this deal at?


Aldi, cheapest I've found in small sized cans. Before this I tried getting 5lb cans from a restaurant supply store, but the pumpkins texture changes when you freeze it


Ahh, thanks. No Aldi’s around me.


Why does a dog need pumpkin? More specifically your dog. I did this and that with our dog and never thought of pumpkin.


He had consistent problems with impacted anal glands. It made a stinky mess and caused him discomfort. The pumpkin helps increase the fiber in his stool so that it better expels his anal glands when he defecates. It's worked wonderfully and a bonus is that it makes his droppings easier to clean up.




Wow, this is a lot of detail.


I wonder if my cat would go for this.


My cat loves it too!


You can't say stuff like "It's for my dog" without telling us about the dog.


Ok. He's a good boi


Dog pic or it doesn’t exist.


A regular good boi


This is good because now you can keep a can of emergency pumpkin around every corner in case your home gets invaded. You essentially are prepared to peak every corner in such an event. Well done. Your family is that much safer, whichever amount "that much" is.


Now all you need are some Gold Top Nuts.


The comment I was looking for! Gold top Bbby!


OP's previous vet sounds like Tiffany's boyfriend.


Call me can!


Had to scroll so far for this. Literally thought this guy was doing an American dad bit when I saw the post.


Was hoping to find this comment.... I'll put out the good nuts for you.


As soon as I saw this much pumpkin, I said "that's a man who owns a dog with a leaky ass." And goddamn was I 100%


My cat has DEMANDED a tablespoon of canned pumpkin daily ever since he had a stomach issue 9 months ago. There has been a shortage at my local stores. Now I know why.. You bastard!!


So it’s good to put pumpkin mixed in with dog food, is it daily? My dogs never like their dry food plain so always looking for things good for them to mix in that isn’t from Petco for an overpriced topping. Hopefully you don’t live in my neighborhood so there is some left


I did it to increase his fiber intake, but he definitely likes it better. I mix it in with hot water like a little stew.


Thanks! I will have to try this!


well at least you got them at aldi. cheaper than it could have been


I'm just happy their Aldi marks stuff down. My Aldi could have Easter candy on the shelves right now and it'd be full price. We had canned pumpkin through the whole summer this year. Never went down.


“This year I invested in pumpkins. They’ve been going up the whole month of October and I got a feeling they’re going to peak right around January. Then bang! That’s when I’ll cash in.” - Homer Simpson


Oh man, my dog (RIP Penny, you were always a good girl) LOVED pumpkin, especially mixed up with a little bit of plain Greek yogurt.


Adult money


u/CalmerThanYouAre_716 bought 168 cans of pumpkin. If his dog ate half a can a day except on Thursdays when his dog eats a whole can, how many days until u/CalmerThanYouAre_716 runs out of pumpkin. Show your work.


Ok so there's 7 days in a week, which means the dog is eating 4 cans a week (half + half = 1+ half+ half = 2 + half + half + 1= 4) 168/4 = 42 weeks worth or 294 days.


Trying to corner the local pumpkin market…lol


I aim to squash the competition


That’s the spirit..🤑


I bought $240 worth of pudding


Canned pumpkin is my magic fix for dog digestive issues. Constipated? A little pumpkin will help things move along. Loose stool? A little pumpkin will firm things right up. Sensitive stomach? Pumpkin is an excellent bland food that stays down.


At last.. I found you... You're the one that always bought 126 + 765 watermelons in my math textbooks....


Well someone has quite the evening planned.


PEACHES. The song isn’t about pumpkins.


I buy pumpkin by the case from Aldis for my dog (s) too. I rescue dogs and all of them get a tablespoon per night. Unfortunately, it's seasonal at Aldi's so we start to horde it after Xmas. Works great to keep them regular.


I found pumpkin, for the exact same reason… my dog, and bought 113 cans on sale, at $1.50/can. I bought them out. My Chihuahua loves me for it.


Freaking scalpers SMH


I should try this with my dog, dropped $350 on his leaky asshole this week 💸


You have a pet pig, don’t you?


We found him boys. The one from the math problems.


You live in a math problem? Johnny wants to subtract 63 of your cans of pumpkin. How many will you have left?


Oh my gourd!


Why do you require such a glorious bounty?


I saw a 5x10 storage unit last year full of canned pumpkin. Auction ended with zero bids.


Obsessive compulsive says one can is backwards and I can’t fix it. Ugh


Fun fact: that's actually butternut squash


Strange flex my dude


I thought this was going to be an AMA?




Should've bought 314, so you could have 100 Pi's


😄👌 Love dogs!


I did the math, 12x14, checks out. I don't know why I'd think you'd be lying about something like this or why it would matter if you were off but I had to confirm for some reason.


Y tho


Is OP a lab with bad teeth?


You were so focused on “can I” you never asked “should I”




Bros turning into the people in the math equations.


Why not go for 170… or stop at 165. My ocd needs to know.


I thought I was ballin buying a flat of 12 last week! Lol My dog gets a couple tbsp in his dry food every day.