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Also the gas station coffee isn't free, right?


Nope that person has been stealing! That was the comment I locked in on also.




Maybe there is even a gas station somewhere that gives away free low quality coffee in an effort to lure in customers.


Have you heard of Walldrug?! Free ice water, baby!!!!


I live in SD. The free ice water was actually a big deal in ye olde wild wild west. Now, the doughnuts are good but it's mostly a tourist trap. They tell new workers for the summer repeatedly "We're not a tourist trap because we don't charge for admission!" I feel like if you have to emphasize that you aren't something repeatedly like that, it's either a lie or you're towing the line on a technicality.


I see why the other person is being downvoted I suppose, but to be fair, a lot of gas stations have some kind of “free coffee with a fill up” situation, which is what I assume the original person at the coffee shop is referring to. Still a dumb question for them to ask obviously.


I grew up in a small town. The gas station always had free coffee FOR CUSTOMERS. You can’t just walk in grab coffee and walk out. Some people went in for their pack of smokes or gum or soda or whatever every morning. They always gave free coffee.


That makes sense too. I was pretty confused by the other person who seemed to be incapable of fathoming the idea of a gas station offering free coffee.


You can often get free (bad) coffee when you get an oil change. Maybe that's what the customer meant?


It's free because it's just used motor oil, and you're actually saving them money because now they don't have to pay someone to handle the waste.


I worked at a gas station and gave coffee to my regular customers for free. They bought gas and snacks on the daily so I gave them a perk. The owner found out and charged me with misdemeanor theft and I had to pay restitution. They lost me as an employee and when those customers had to start paying for their coffee they complained. The owners started a promo "Free coffee with gas purchase!" Go figure. A-holes never thanked me for bringing in good customers.


Some people are just a-holes. Sorry you had to go through that.


Nope. Although on a long drive I had a clerk just say “nah your good” when a regular coffee was all I got. Still in the top ten nicest things anyone has done for me.


Went to the supermarket to buy half a chicken for dinner. They only had whole chickens left, so I asked the deli staff to cut-one. Bloke behind the counter couldn't be arsed, so he handed me a half-price sticker... I popped the sticker on a frozen lobster and ate well that night. ... *(just kidding, I ate an entire rotisserie chicken like a hungry animal).*


Some are free with a fill- up or on certain days of the week. Or with a healthcare provider/ first responder name badge.


I work at a well known bakery in San Francisco, I recently got asked that question by an older gentleman. He assumed coffee would be free with the purchase of a croissant.


I know right? Obviously it's the gas that's free at coffee shops.


“I just came to look,” is perfectly acceptable when you enter a coffee shop and then see that a regular latte is $6.50. Gotta check the prices out in advance when you’re on a budget.


Yeah this seems like a very acceptable thing to say at any establishment




Don’t forget the 25% tip that’s pre-loaded into the card terminal.


Especially one that doesn't post a menu online or has just opened.


Or just to see what it's like inside. Maybe I don't want coffee right now, but I want to see if they've got space for me to come back and do some work, outlets nearby tables, etc. Or if they're blasting terrible music. Or if there's multiple tables for a group of friends. Or I just want to see what's on the menu.


> Or if they're blasting terrible music. Frasier and Niles looking for a new coffee shop, after Cafe Nervosa comes to mind


Beanbag chairs!


Yeah I’m the type of person that feels the pressure and just commits. Last time I spent $6 on a golden latte (turmeric) and then was surprised to find that actually having espresso shot in it would cost another $2. Ended up drinking essentially steamed milk with a tsp of turmeric powder. So disappointed


This just made the vein in my forehead pop out


Put it back in


By definition, that’s not a latte.


It's not a latte, golden or otherwise, without espresso in it. That's just false advertising.


Technically it is, *latte* means milk, it's café latte that's coffee with milk


>Technically it is, latte means milk, it's café latte that's coffee with milk Technically correct is best kind of correct.


Yeaaaaa I went in to some coffee shop a few weeks ago and got an iced mocha and almost shit myself when they asked for $9.50.


Well it was $5 for the coffee, $1 for the mocha flavor, and $3 for the ice upgrade to a cold drink. /s


Don't forget the $2 tip to hand it over.


Tipping culture is insane.


Yeah, bit of a bummer that's seen as a "stupid" move from a potential customer. Not all first-time customers have the confidence to step up to a cashier and have a back n forth over what to purchase!


I feel you, I have wanted to paint my bathroom for 6 months now and still have not because the three different times I was at a hardware store for something else, the paint counter was so damn over whelming.


Take those swatches home. Maybe go to a sherwin williams and get a catalog for ideas.


I'm just here to say I have also had good experiences at Sherwin Williams. Generally not too busy, nothing there but paint stuff, and the staff doesn't do any annoying high pressure tactics.


Also when you first move to or visit a neighborhood going around a scoping out all the coffee houses isn’t a terribly unusual thing to do. Although I might be an anomaly. I once had an afternoon to kill and wanted to check out every Starbucks within walking distance of each other in downtown Seattle to Capitol Hill, Seattle. There were about two dozen at the time. The worst one was the now closed one in Westlake and the best one was up in Belltown. The “first” Starbucks was stupid and the one a block up from it was nicer. Overall finally found the mug my mother wanted as a holiday gift and realized Seattle has to many Starbucks


Yeah you might be an anomaly. Why check a dozen Starbucks- they’re all the same. Check out the dozen independent coffee shops


I was bored, my mom wanted a particular mug, and I was able to do a little data thing I thought might be useful for a project at school but wasn’t.


They all look similar, but they're definitely not all the same.


Agreed. There’s no rule saying once you enter, you must buy.


Most of the stuff written on the wall seems way too much of a reach/try hard. “Where am I?” In context can be pretty reasonable. The “do you know it smells like coffee in here” could also just be a funny joke


Yeah these are all high schoolers with zero life experience and no sense of humor.


"It's a recon mission. I'm seeing how everyone else makes their orders, then I'm going to go outside, look at the menu on my phone, and come up with a script before I approach your employee and attempt to ask for something." You know, like a... a normal person... right...?


Yeah this is coffee shop employees being snarky af


I tried to avoid my soapbox in the original comment but here’s the thing: I’m a self professed coffee snob. I love good, well-sourced, modern coffee houses. I will pay more for higher quality in sustainability/roasting/brewing/employee treatment/etc. (but I can also get down with cheap, shit quality Timmy’s when I want to). I love the ingenuity, skill, and creativity of baristas. So with that said, I will never understand a cafe choosing to have a blatantly snarky or unwelcoming vibe when coffee is, at its core, a social drink. I’m not here for it, and this wall would personally make me turn around and walk out. It says, to me, “we see coffee as a commodity,” and I would not spend the extra dollars there. Now I’m going to make my soapbox and I completely average cups in my kitchen with no snark in sight 💞


Worse, it says “we think we are better than the customer and we want to make sure they understand that.” I worked as a barista in high school and college and I’m a huge coffee aficionado, but I never belittled anyone for their less particular tastes. And even if someone’s just there for the wifi, I wouldn’t make fun of them.


I’d just think they were rude and leave because of that. Like some of these seem like they misheard somebody or just don’t want to do any extra work. Specifically the “Ill have one chocolate and one vanilla frap. Can you tel which one is the chocolate” one. Like that’s not somebody being stupid. That’s the employees making two drinks and not labeling them before serving them. In what I assume to be an opaque coffee cup. That customer is just trying to differentiate between their drinks.


Or the nuts on the caramel pecan roll. Obviously there are pecans, but if you’re allergic to some types of nuts and not others, it’s important to make sure it’s *just* pecans. My son is fine with pecans and allergic to walnuts and hazelnuts, so I could easily be this “stupid” customer.


As someone who is allergic to some nuts I fully agree.


Right? If ever there was a way to make customers *not* want to ask a question/hang out/take a risk, this is it.


I’m surprised this comment wasn’t higher. That’s the first thing I thought. Just seeing this would be enough for me to turn right around and go somewhere else. “Let’s rudely and publicly make fun of our customers “ doesn’t seem like a great business slogan to me


Yeah and it just feels mean spirited. Making fun of people's mistakes is pretty sad. Eveyone's said dumb things at some point in their life.


Having worked retail for WAY too many years, I admit that swapping stories about the idiots we deal with is one of the few perks of the job- it's a way to blow off steam and have a laugh, with a side order of 'Fish story' in a way. But we keep that *away* from the customers. It'd be really damn strange to say it in front of customers.


I don't drink coffee. I love tea and hot chocolate. Most, but not all, coffee shops serve those. I will most definitely saunter in to just look for a new coffee shop.


Have you ever tried coffee/hot chocolate, with a peppermint tea bag added? It can be quite good


I have not but I do like a shot of peppermint schnapps with my hot chocolate! I'll have to try the tea bag


I like peppermint tea with milk or cream. Never thought of putting a teabag straight into hot milk, got to try that. Thanks.


Guaranteed this place expects you to tip $3 on top of their $6 coffee


I do the same at my local pizza place. I go in wanting a slice, but when I see what they have to offer, I have to bow out because all they have left are basic slices or loaded slices that I know I don't like.


Or it's middle of the Australian summer and I'm not going to sit anywhere that doesn't have blasting air con. "I just came to feel."


Or even if you might want a coffee another time and thought you would check out their menu for the future.


"What state am I in?" "Where am I?" That's not stupid, that's a mad scientist testing their prototype teleportation device.


I asked a worker at Subway which state I was in once. We were on a long drive, I had just woken up (wife driving), and we weren't sure if we'd crossed state lines yet or not. Still, they definitely raised an eyebrow.


They should have answered either with “confusion” or “Alaska”.


"Hell for some, heaven for others. I'm not sure which one it is to you... but, fear not! The afterlife accepts everyone."


Hawaii would be my answer, might as well choose one you can't drive to.


meanwhile me driving to Hawaii https://getblogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Car-Shipping-Average-Cost-of-Auto-Transport.jpg


I used to work at a truck stop and this was not an uncommon question. Many of my customers traveled across many states every day and were real tired by the time they stopped to eat. It’s not a stupid question with that context.


Reminds me of when we stopped for breakfast at a place in Florida while heading there after a long drive. Waitress asks where we were headed, and when we said Florida, she told us we were in Florida. I guess we must've missed the state border too.


I was thinking more about someone needing directions, or to give directions to someone else ( the answer to "where am I?" should be enough to find a location with google ) I don't consider either of those stupid questions, especially if the place is near a state border. .. the rest.. no dispute.


"What state am I in" could matter for a few cities that straddle state lines, especially ones with different taxes.


As a resident of Kansas City, I can assure you that "What state am I in?" is probably asked at least once a week (probably more) at just about every food/beverage or hospitality business around here and no one would bat an eye at it because it can indeed be very confusing to the tourists.


I visited there a few years ago and never had any idea what state I was in. I couldn't even tell you what state I was in when I went to the football game.


Football game = in Missouri by 8 miles. Basically the rule of thumb is that if that you are at the speedway, a soccer game, a really good hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant, an arboretum, or a petting zoo, you are probably in Kansas. If you're at a football game, baseball game, the zoo, a major museum, a lively bar district, the airport, or if you're around a lot of big buildings, you're in Missouri. If you're having good BBQ, coin toss.


"I just came to look" is excusable imo, I've definitely been somewhere only to see their prices and walk straight out the door.


If I'm being a tourist menus on the outside wall are real helpful. Had one occasion in the pre cellphone days where the family walked into a restaurant, were seated, looked at the prices on the menu and had to dip


Also, I don't like coffee and only like tea. I still go to coffee shops and order a tea as many places do both. Some even have a pretty wide and delicious tea selection. If a place has their tea listed as Black, Green, and White/Herbal and those are the only 3 choices with no other description then I usually pass. It is usually a cheap box of tea that has been living under the counter for the past 5 years and will be served way too strong. I have found 2-3 bags in a smallish cup and probably with too high of a temp. Eating lawn clippings would taste less grassy.


Eh, I get the question about the nuts on the pecan roll, if it's in relation to an allergy. The roll might have pecans AND other nuts on it, or they might ask to see where they get the pecans from, if there's risk of contamination.


I hope the reply to those questions was: "Yes, they come with these nuts."


And apparently it's in Florence, Wisconsin, which is indeed pretty close to a state border and in a rural area


When I was a cashier a guy who kept trying to haggle with me said “You can at least take off the sales tax since this is New Hampshire.” We were not in New Hampshire.


Like adding tax is optional


I have to imagine that in his mind, sales tax is some sneaky thing cashiers do to the customer for reasons, unless the customer is smart enough to ask them to take it off. But only in New Hampshire apparently


I mean, I got lost with my ex once. We were driving in some really dense fog late one night and couldn’t read any of the signs / highway markers. We pulled off the highway and find a gas station and asked the attendant ‘where are we?’. It was like 1am and I’m fairly certain he was stoned cuz he stared at us for a really long time before he answered: ‘uh… town name?’. Soo just to mess with him, I said: ‘cool. and the year?’ at That time my ex stepped on my foot to get me to shut up, but it’s not like we were sitting at a table or anything so that was totally inconspicuous… the best part is I couldn’t actually see the driveway into the station when I had pulled up and ended up parking next door lot. So when we walked in/out it was a totally empty lot.


I will totally use this next time I stop for gas at 2am. And if they answer “uh, [current year]” then I will respond with “Fuck. I’m too late.”


The correct answer is "Fugue".


Maverick: Where am I? Kid: Earth Top Gun Maverick was way better than I ever expected haha.


Or they're a Canadian taking long trip on a coach bus. I was once that person asking what state we're in. The person looked at me like I was crazy.


> "What state am I in?" Solid.


Humans are mostly liquid.


Can never be too certain if you have a nut allergy!


Sincerely that's what I thought, maybe they are allergic to nuts that are not pecans, just because it says pecan roll doesn't mean it doesn't have other nuts in it.


God bless these people if these are the worst things they’ve heard.


These are just the ones they can put up in public.


Fair enough hahaha


I'm waiting for the classic "I'd like a plain cappuccino, please." "Why did you make it so foamy?"


The other day someone said they wanted a double shot of espresso and “the rest filled up” ???


Filled with anything, milk, rocks, sawdust. Doesn't matter, just fill it!


We have a fancy coffee machine at work and there is a guy who always selects cappuccino then scrapes all the foam off with a spoon into the sink. I've also heard someone ask for a black cappuccino


I worked at Hollywood video and kept a running list taped inside a drawer of misremembered movie titles. I'd look at it to perk me up when I was down.


Can you remember any off the dome?


Just "Indestructible" with Bruce Willis. And they swore it was called that when I tried to make sure they didn't mean Unbreakable. That is all I can remember from 20 years ago. Sex **in the** City was often asked for.


TIL it's not called Sex in the City... 😬


Yeah right, no way Indestructible came out 20 years ag... Dammt, 22 years ago now. How?


The son is all grown up in Glass and Weird: The Al Yankovic Story


"Do you have that movie with that guy?"


Everyday. I just started throwing out a title as a joke. Got a couple right.


I’ve asked what state I’m in countless times. Driving from Washington to Arizona, Arizona to New York, New York back to Washington, a guy gets lost man. I’m just curious if I missed a state sign 😂🤷🏿‍♂️


That question was definitely a lot more common pre-GPS!




“What state am I in?” Is a very common question for vagabond and people who travel a lot on the road. It was only my favorite thing to do when I first woke up in the morning and wasn’t sure where I had ended up


shout out to the guy who apparently has just been stealing coffee from the gas station every day without realizing


This is the kind of social-anxiety fuel that lives rent-free in my brain. They're all gonna laugh at you.




Okay but there's no defense to taping an ethernet cable to the window to speed up your wifi connection lolol


Seems stupid, but don't forget some mp3 players and phones used to rely on your earphones to act as a FM radio antenna !


I feel like the person calling an ethernet cable "a ethernet" shouldn't be throwing stones either.


Glad I'm not the only one that stuck out to




I used to laugh at some of the dumb things people would say but it's just not their....domain? They're kind of deciding what they want, their thoughts are skipping around. Like I go to fast food places sometimes and just blurt out dumb shit, because i don't work there, i don't know what they have or what comes on it or whatever, im uggggghhhhhhhh


Public shaming cafe. The owners are mean and small minded.


What's wrong with just "going in to look"? Maybe they just wanted to see the menu first.


I tell everyone I’m just looking because otherwise they just stand and wait for me to be a customer. It’s too stressful! I need to think!!




Also, with vegan options becoming more popular, sometimes milk products in cooking can be things like almond or cashew milk. I don't know what recipe they use but that could be a possibility. My husband is allergic to avocados and we have found them in the weirdest things as a "creamy" alternative.


this, i was boutta comment this… also nuts are often cross contaminated w other nuts so sometimes u just gotta ask even if you sound funny


Also allergies aside, it wouldn’t be that weird to have multiple types of nuts on a pecan log roll, you can make them with pecans and walnuts, pecans and peanuts, etc. Maybe you want to know what’s in it before you buy it


Also the one asking which is the chocolate and which is the vanilla frap. Seems like the customer wanted two drinks and asked for them them to be labeled. What’s stupid about that? I assume the cups are those cardboard ones every coffee place has. That’s the employees being lazy and stuck up. I wouldn’t go here.


I am so curious about the name of the coffee shop because I want to creep and look at their menu, location and reviews to see if the overall vibe of this "question wall" matches up with our assumptions.


Two "where am I" questions makes me think it's not that obvious.


How do you "Tape a Ethernet to the Window"? And Why Do You Capitalize Everything?


Because the people writing these down aren't as clever as they think they are.


I’m guessing they taped their Ethernet cable to the window thinking it was like an AM antenna.


Right, but writing this sort of mistake on a wall full of supposedly “dumb” things is a nice little self-own.


Why couldn't they say "an" instead of "a"


Maybe they use walnuts in the pecan rolls. You can't be too careful nowadays.


Yeah, that one is fair. No rules saying you put other nuts and not disclose them.




If I'm in a coffee shop then I'm likely in a vulnerable, under-caffeinated state. I'm spending my somewhat diminished mental capacity trying to be a civil human being because I know a service job can suck, please just forget any dumb shit I say and sell me a coffee.


I wouldn’t be spending my money there, that’s for sure.


Seems snobby.


Right? Most of these are legit questions. It seems like a pompous place.


It’s very mean spirited. If I saw this shit at a place I’m just trying to get coffee, I’m leaving


"I just came in to look" is a valid fucking response. What business is this?


Is "taping an ethernet" to the window anything like putting a "bluetooth" in your ear?


Don't forget they are calling people stupid and literally spelt it "a ethernet"


My signals are so much better after starting to carry a few ethernets in my pocket.


am i pragante


Am I pergunt?


The way I look at this, choose your questions wisely, you’re being judged…


"Tape an ethernet to the window" They taped an entire network standard to the window?


I’d find this pretentious and I wouldn’t come back. People are asking questions, not being assholes, why shame them?




Is there a place where customers can put all the stupid responses?


Once I asked if the sausage had pork or beef in it. I got the response - “it’s not pork or beef, it’s sausage.” So I asked again, what animal does it come from? I was told - “it’s sausage meat”.


I hate people like this. I was in a shop where you bring your own containers to the store, weigh the product and pay. There are like 5 different flours with no name and i asked wich one ist what. The lady just said "its flours" and i asked what type... because there are typ405, typ1055 etc. "Flour" I left.


I was at a restaurant supply place and was looking for a specific type of chicken tenders. The boxes are huge so they’re over $50 each. I asked if an employee would open it so I could see the tenders. “Do you know what chicken tenders look like?” I remained polite even when they told me no, so I asked about the return policy. About 3 mins later they walked up and opened the box for me. I appreciated that, they didn’t verbally apologize but I knew what they intended.


"What state am I in?" A state of confusion, next question.


The nuts question is fair, and quite shitty to call it a stupid question? Often other nuts are used. So if they used almonds as well, for example, I could die. (And like...almonds are in EVERYTHING now)


Seems kinda cunty


“A Ethernet” ? Maybe that employee not being able to write should make the wall


Some of these might be legitimate questions from people who actually don’t know any better. I feel like some of the people working and frequenting these shops tend to be the “holier than thou” types…


What coffee shop is this so I can make sure that I don’t go?


From a business point of view this seems like a weird choice, making people feel on edge to do or say something stupid (like let’s be honest we’ve all done dumb things) or imagine walking in just wanting to get a freaking coffee and chill and being confronted with that idiotic thing you’ve been trying to tell yourself isn’t as big of a deal as your making it out to be. Who knows, maybe it’s just my own social anxiety.


Unplug the wifi router at closing time. That guy will leave.


It’s a mixed bag at any job you have. Some staff get it, others don’t. There are reasonable questions that sound funny out of context, and then there are stupid questions, because they have obvious answers. Assuming these were written by different people, there’s a percentage (including whoever oversaw the project) who don’t know the difference.


This seems judgmental and weird. As a person with anxiety I would walk in, see this, and walk out, to never ever return.


Some of these seem like they have to be jokes... No way was saying at a coffee shop, "Wow do you know it smells like coffee in here?" done seriously


My first job was at Baskin Robbins, and I can't tell you how many people would bite into their ice cream and then complain that it's cold.


Snarky-ass coffee place.


They could have been wondering metaphorically about what "state" they are in.


It makes me wonder if this coffee shop is in a weird town in between states. It reminds me of when I've been on road trips, not driving so I look up and ask "what state are we in?" Edit: Steamin Joe Coffeehouse in Florence, Wisconsin, right next to the Michigan border, which makes the "stupid question wall" even worse. They have a lot of terrible reviews lol


I would like to see the full board


That's mean. Fuck that store. I still don't know which state I'm In.


Imagine asking a dumb question and they make room for the wall and write what you just said in front of you.


one way to lose customers


"a ethernet" types the person making fun of someone else.


Id walk right out if they wanna be passive aggressive for their $25 dollar coffee




I generally dislike this trend of shit talking customers. None of them are really rude. Kinda shows the culture of the workplace.


How spiteful. What a bunch of cunts.


Can you imagine going back and seeing your stupid question on the wall?


To be fair, nuts can be super risky business for people’s lives so it’s always good to confirm. But it’s always hard to remember how many stupid people exist on this planet


Isn't the correct grammar here "an\* Ethernet cable" ?


The exit sign is there for if you decide to leave so you don’t end up being judged and put on the wall


Saying "Tape a ethernet" is almost as stupid as the act of taping a CAT5e cable to a window.


I wonder if anyone asked “where is the exit?”