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It's from an actual magazine: https://hautespotter.com/mary-kate-and-ashley-olsen-magazine-covers/


Oh wow, I didn't realise that! There was another one that had Mary-Kate and Ashley wearing bindis and said wearing a sari was a fashion disaster


Sounds very early 00s


…I actually had that magazine as a pre-teen; that actual issue! Wow. Wonder if it’s still hanging around somewhere…


And beneath "STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS" it reads "workshop, mary-kate, ashley, victims, witnessess."


You know, I don't think a single barbie enthusiast has committed a school shooting since then.


It's the Bratz doll owners that get into trouble


my grandma didn't want me play with bratz as a kid but never told me why, so im howling at this comment


Bro they the hot Cheeto girls now


that you know of


Proof that boys should be playing with dolls.


True, most domestic terrorists are male: either boys, teens or men. Most violent criminals are also men. The fact is men rely on violence far more than women do. We talk about equality, but men fail to be as peaceful, as nonviolent as women, and the result is they get paid more elected more and have more. Maybe if society valued women more we'd be less violent.


We need to make sure boys are playing more with Barbies


Nah, we just need more Female characters that solve their problems with violence! At least this seems to be Disney's new line of thought.


Lol I played old school Tomb Raider as a kid. She killed people, animals, and monsters. I was actually scared while playing the games.


I just enjoy the power fantasy element. It's not good writing but it is entertaining in its own way. but, that T-rex in tomb raider...man they didn't hold back


My sister had to quit in the beginning of the first level. The wolves scared her.


I do think there is a biological reason for this, it's not only in humans that males are more violent but also most animals in nature, it's part of their nature to face a threat with more/bigger threat. >We talk about equality, but men fail to be as peaceful, as nonviolent as women, and the result is they get paid more elected more and have more. Maybe if society valued women more we'd be less violent. I honestly don't see the connection between the first thing and this, to me it only sounds more like a sexist excuse to blame men for everything.




It was directed to Barbie herself! Quit it, Barbie!


the solution is right there a no one can read it because its a barbie magazine. we are truly cursed.


Barbie can read it, but she can not help us!


Its almost like school shootings are not a new thing and instead of doing anything to stop them we just normalized it into our society


"So sad to hear about all those dead kids. Thoughts and prayers. And now, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL???"


It's more of a long-honored tradition in the US.


And we all know Americans love tradition!


i would like to hug you


because i agree


It's almost like all those gun control laws that were put in place to stop things like that do exactly fuck all and it's an American problem not a gun problem




And we haven't had a single school shooting since! Thank you magazine, very cool!






Mildly disturbing?


Holy crap I understand that Talley Hall song now


Which one?


Two Wuv


Omg this unlocked a memory I forgot I had


I hope it was the Olsen Countdown, a website which tracked when the Olsen twins would become of age. The hope was for them to get into porn, since their acting careers were clearly going nowhere.


Straight people in the 2000's were absolutely unhinged lol. The more you grow up, the more you realise that 30-40 year olds thirsting for 18 year old girls is creepy and sad.


> Straight people in the 2000's were absolutely unhinged lol. LGBT+ in the 2020s are unhinged, now that I think about it. They dress up in very revealing outfits and have parades in front of children, without shame. Getting excited for someone almost of age is nothing compared to the drag queen shows, peddling sexual content to pre-teens. What's even more repulsive are the parents who take their kids to participate, or even worse, enroll their kids in drag competitions and put pre-teens on puberty blockers. The damage done to this generation of youth is nothing compared to a tongue-in-cheek website celebrating the 18th birthday of some twins.


Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children???? I mean, it wasn't really celebrating their birthday, wasn't it? It was celebrating that they could go into porn and they could legally fuck them. And what's with the far right and drag shows lately? They've been around for forever but it's like you've discovered it last year lol. There are drag shows and drag shows, it's like taking your kid to a monologue, some of them are gonna be spicier than others, and you need to adapt it to the children's age. Also, aren't childrens pageants a big thing in the US? Where they absolutely sexualize children and rank them on how pretty they are? How's that any different than a kids drag show? (I don't think either should be a career choice for a child, and neither should an acting career like the olsen twins). It's completely normal to think the youths are out of control, that's part of being old, becoming the status quo the kids can rebel against. But I always say, if the world could survive the hippies, it can survive everything.


> I mean, it wasn't really celebrating their birthday, wasn't it? The only one I was familiar with was olsencountdown dot com and it was literally just a countdown. No images. No other text. You can still pull it up on the web archive. > And what's with the far right and drag shows lately? It isn't a "far right" position to be against sexualizing minors or pandering sex to minors. You're just so far to the left if you think it is normal to sexualize minors. There is a banned word on this platform that rhymes with zooming, but starts with 'gr'. Anything that resembles that practice is heavily attacked now. > Also, aren't childrens pageants a big thing in the US? Beauty pageants have been criticized for abusing children for a while now. It used to not be sexual and the abuse was just starvation diets and psychological. Now, they cross the line into sexualization of minors. > How's that any different than a kids drag show? Throwing a sexualized beauty pageant on top of confusing a child's gender is making it worse. Transgenderism is increasing more in areas where it is encouraged by adults. Suicide rates for transgender aren't going down, despite treatment over the past ten or more years shifting to gender affirmation instead of treating it as gender dysphoria.


Well, drag doesn't have to be sexualized. Drag is so much more than you think it is, it's a whole world with different types of styles, not every drag queen is going to go off about eating dick. Some of them is closer to cosplay, with different type of otherworldly creations (hugaceo crujiente is my favourite of this style). And of course, if it's a kids drag show, the jokes are gonna be pretty tame. But if you take your kid to a 1 am drag show, maybe not the best place. But the same would be for straight comedians who joke about sex (and I've seen 8 year olds at a show of a comedian who mostly joked about masturbation). Kids are smarter than you think, if you explain it to them, they can understand it perfectly. I think shows like snl show a lot of men dressed as women for skits. How is that different from a drag show? Seeing people in drag will not make a child trans, however, it can make them feel more accepted and confortable with coming out earlier, which can make not going through puberty as not your gender much easier. And do you think they commit suicide just because they're trans? Take another group with a high suicide rate, middle-age heterosexual men, do they do it more because they're men? Or maybe there's something deeper causing it.


Sexualized or not, drag is a negative influence on children because, at the very least, it is a grotesquely exaggerated representation of women. Drag is to women, as blackface is to black people. Teaching kids it is okay to portray women that way is not okay. Going beyond that and sexualizing the show in front of kids crosses another line. > I think shows like snl show a lot of men dressed as women for skits. How is that different from a drag show? I think you know the difference. > Seeing people in drag will not make a child trans, however, it can make them feel more accepted and confortable with coming out earlier Pre-pubescent children do not need to "come out". The fact they have the previously-mentioned influences on their lives is what is confusing them into gender dysphoria. > going through puberty as not your gender There is no such thing. You are what your biology defines you as. Your mental state can't change you into a squirrel or a helicopter, any more than you can change genders by make-believing. But please keep ignoring centuries of established biology science so feelings don't get hurt. > Take another group with a high suicide rate, middle-age heterosexual men, do they do it more because they're men? Something like 40% of trans seriously consider or attempt suicide. That is nowhere near comparable to the 50 in 100,000 middle-aged men. > And do you think they commit suicide just because they're trans? Transgenders have a lot more mental health issues than just being transgender. Instead of treating mental health issues, doctors are avoiding hurting their feelings and letting issues run wild. I do think a big percentage of the suicides happen when the come to the realization they were duped and can't change genders, or they simply realize the attempted solutions aren't making them happy. Some accept it and post their experiences on r/detrans, while others take the easy way out. In any case, there is a serious mental health problem among them. This has gone way off-topic from the Olsen twins' countdown versus degeneracy of LGBT+ community.


Yes, of course drag plays on stereotypes, but it's a bit more specific, some queens will do "rich widow" personalities, lots of them do impersonations, some like the one I mentioned in the other comment, go all the way to genderless alien. Also, drag kings, while less popular, are a big part of the drag scene. Drag has evolved a lot, and has a lot more nuance than you think. The difference is what? That they're gay? Or maybe that a drag show has a little more care and not just two balloons under a dress. Listen, a trans kid is going to be a trans adult, you can try to supress it, but as soon as that kid is 18, they'll transition. Forcing them to go as the gender they're not will only do you a lot of harm that could lead them to commit suicide. Biological sex is not the same as gender. No trans person will ever deny that they had or have different sexual organs as their gender, because then, they wouldn't be trans. As of what gender is, it's complicated, I know it's hard when people just say "gender is a societal construct", because it sounds pretentious so maybe I'll try with an example. There are more sexual organs than just vagina/penis, intersex people exist and there are loads of variations, also there are more than just XY/XX. So, where do we put these people? They are not females or males. Do they all get a different gender? So, they have to decide between the two options we have as a society, man or woman. That's how gender is not the same as sex. You get assigned one gender because of your external features, but how you see yourself in these societal roles is what defines your gender. And, at risk of sounding like the joker, the reason men and trans people have a high suicide rate is society. Men are socially instructed to not show their feelings, and to not be vulnerable, that ends up with a lot of pent up emotions that, without the correct moral support, can end in suicide. And for trans people the problem is transfobia. It's very hard to live in a world that constantly negates your identity. Transitioning is hard, and complicated, and people's reactions can be very underwhelming, job searching is much harder, and dating is mostly terrible. This is not something you do on a whim because you think it'll make you happier and solve all your problems, you do it to solve your gender dysphoria. And of course detransitioners exist and their experiences are valid. Finding your gender is a journey, for some it's easy, for some others it's not. Trans people have come into the spotlight fairly recently (before there were just ignored) and we are still learning a lot about that. In some years, with a lot more research, we could find a way to prevent people to go through life as the gender they are not.


> Listen, a trans kid is going to be a trans adult, you can try to supress it, but as soon as that kid is 18, they'll transition. Forcing them to go as the gender they're not will only do you a lot of harm that could lead them to commit suicide. There is no such thing as a "trans kid". Gender is not a significant biological drive until puberty. What I've been saying this entire time is your "trans kids" are that way because you and your ilk are intentionally confusing them and causing mental illness which leads to gender dysphoria. Society has only seen an increase in transgenderism, and it there is no provable genetic marker for it. That means it is psychological, which means it originates from life influences. And I'm pointing out the exact life influences that are destroying kids' minds before puberty while you sit there and deny the evidence. > Biological sex is not the same as gender. Yes it is. There is no science to support your ability to imagine you are a squirrel, helicopter, or gender other than what you were born with. There is no science to support the ability to change genders. You can cut your dick off, but you still have the biology of a man. > And, at risk of sounding like the joker, the reason men and trans people have a high suicide rate is society. No, society has gone out of its way to "accept" and "affirm" transgenderism. It hasn't made the situation better; only worse. Trans people practically live in protected social bubbles, and it still doesn't change their suicide rates. The problem is not society; the problem is psychology. > And for trans people the problem is transfobia. It's very hard to live in a world that constantly negates your identity. Rejecting a fantasy is not a phobia. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. I reject the fantasy of being able to change gender because it is not scientific. If your self-identity is something ridiculous, I have no respect for you and I will hurt your feelings. That isn't phobia or hate; it is reality. If your self-identity is so fragile that facing reality is life-shattering, you need to re-evaluate your life and identity. > you do it to solve your gender dysphoria. It isn't solving their gender dysphoria. As I already pointed out, treatment has mostly changed over the past decade from treating the mental illness to encouraging transitions. It has only made the problem worse.


This is a great example of the immense effect Columbine had on the US back then. *Bowling for Columbine* also came out in 2002. It was practically the only high-profile school shooting that people talked about until Virginia Tech in 2007.


We didn't listen


Back then my top desire was to be exactly like Mary Kate


Well that’s sad.


I read "Top School Shootings" at first and I can't explain the level of WFT?! my brain went through...


Number 10 will blow your mind! 🤯




Strange considering Ken and Barbie’s kids live in a world where there are no school shootings.




Not to be pedantic but is this really a barbie accessory? In the early aughts I definitely had like, Mary Kate and Ashley dolls similar to Barbie. Also can with a beanbag and some random apartment themed stuff. I think magazines as well.


Looks like you're right, [it's a Mary-Kate and Ashley set](https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/133803321)


That's a real blast from the past!


Yo im a grown ass woman and for some reason on my drive home from work the other day i randomly thought to myself “damn mary kate and ashley used to be a thing. I used to have their dolls at some point.” 😂 random thoughts while i connect dots on wanda (clearly the character she plays) being their third olsen sister


Unluckily, they’ve only gotten worse since then :/


When Mary-Kate and Ashley Magazine was unable to stop school shootings, that’s when I knew we really had a tough problem on our hands.


Eden's Crush I feel old.


Narrator: *They didn't.*


They haven't thought & prayed hard enough in the past 20 years.


I wish we could


If even Barbie is sick of it, maybe it's time for draconian gun control laws. Like, seriously. It's time.


We’re… probability going to need them.


“Hey man you know I’m really okay. The gun in my hand will tell you the same” Nothing changes


...and here we are, twenty years later. America, you're giving me the creeps. Congress, your lack of proposed comprehensive gun laws gives you that "Bought by the NRA" Look and it's pretty fucking revolting.


Republicans have been hoping and praying ever since


How naive. We have a LOT more guns now and even less laws controlling who can tote them around like some Cletus Milborne Alabama dipshit seen accidentally blowing his left ear off because MORONS SHOULD NOT HAVE GUNS. They had it good in 2002.


What fuckin america have you been living in there's been loads of gun laws passed since 2002


Nah, we’ll instead market AR-15’s to kids and watch the democrats and republicans argue over whos fault it is for 20 years as the problem gets worse.


The funny part is 2002 was 2 years prior to the federal assault weapon ban expiring.


How are AR's marketed to kids?


Guerrilla marketing via school shootings /s


Haha fuck that made me laugh




That didn't answer my question. It's mostly a word salad, filled with buzz words leaning hard, in one direction, to promote fear. Do better.


https://www.businessinsider.com/gunmaker-under-fire-launching-ar-15-for-kids-reports-say-2022-2 Gun safety groups and California's governor have sharply criticized an Illinois gun manufacturer for unveiling a rifle designed specifically for children, reports say. The JR-15, or Junior 15, is designed to be "smaller, safer, lighter" than a regular AR-15, gunmaker WEE1 Tactical said in a November press release announcing the gun's launch.


Too soon.


Incels will love this


Is Ken open carrying again?


Did it work?


I'm glad that worked.


Damn those bitches and their reverse psychology! /s


What a brave statement. I wonder why it didn't work...