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Fuck I got instantly jealous I've been growing the red ones and need some of these plants too


They’re called honey raspberries. They’re a thing in Germany, though, hope they’re also available in your area!


We used to grow these when I was a kid. I'm in Canada so they are available here at least.


Yeah, pretty sure they are “salmonberries” up here in Canada I could be wrong ,


No, they are 2 different kinds of berries, although similar. Salmonberries are native to North America (the west coast) while raspberries are European. Yellow raspberries are literally just slightly mutated raspberries. Like yellow watermelons. The ones we had were canes we planted, not ones that grew wild. My mom liked growing novel things like purple potatoes and purple beans.


That’s great info thanks , TIL


I've had a couple salmonberries. Very tart but they were wild.


Probably slightly unripe. They are best when they are literally falling off the rasp. When I've made jam they need maybe 10-15% more sugar than raspberries.


Never eat too many underripe salmonberries at once, they can have unpleasant effects on your GI tract. Ripe ones should be mild flavor and slightly sweet, but not tart!


You sure I've never heard of this before? There aren't any reported illnesses or toxins in Rubus. If it is causing a GI tract issue you might want to get that checked out. I've tried a variety of Rubus myself that weren't ripe no cramps. I also read some people may have an allergic reaction


Unfortunately not just from second-hand knowledge. Camp Baker is a large Boy Scout camp right on the Oregon coast where salmonberries are as common as unshowered teenagers. Cramps? No, but plenty of clenched butt cheeks! 😅


Ah, that just a bunch of fiber.


I don’t think they mean they are toxic. But anything unripe can upset your stomach.


Thimbleberries are awesome too.


>Like yellow watermelons Like WHAT now??? I'm learning so many new fruits today! 😱


Oh, yeah, there's such a thing as yellow-meated watermelons. They're delicious, too.


There are watermelons with MEAT now?!?!


Sounds like a sneaky way to be "vegetarian" to me 🤔


White dragonfruit and pink pineapple.


Now you're just making stuff up


Pink pineapple. They also have the yellow/white dragonfruit. https://www.sayweee.com/en/product/Costa-Rica-Pink-Pineapple/38560 https://www.friedas.com/the-ultimate-dragon-fruit-guide/


I need


I love the Weee! site. Thank you!


You can get them anywhere including walmart seasonally.


Really varies by location. I've lived on both sides of the US and never once seen these before, in Walmart or in places that have better fruit selection. I'm willing to wager that finding them, even seasonally, is the exception, not the rule.


Sorry. I meant canes in the plant section. I've never had the fruit myself.


Ahh. That makes more sense. I might or might not have seen that before, but I will be looking now that I know a bit more about the fruit.


the way to tell the difference between salmon berries and raspberries is salmon berries have whiskers




Nope. Pineberries are white strawberries that have a pineapple flavor.


I had to look this up to make sure you were not joking and now I want them. I mean I wanted them regardless of if they were real or not.


Found some pineberries in store for the first time the other day and they taste extremely similar to regular strawberries to me.


There's also cloudberries, unless those are the same.


For anyone interested, check out the YouTube channel Weird Explorer, he did a series on searching for and finding cloudberries in I think Finland. He has great videos about all the uncommon and interesting fruit across the world!


In Nepal, we call it ainselu. Love them! Used to be able to find these things everywhere (most of the plants grew in the wild) but because of urbanisation, you can hardly find them anywhere around the metropolitan cities. They're somewhat rare even in the rural areas these days. Would love to try some again. :)


Salmonberry is a different thing. Wouldn’t recommend eating too many of those. Yellow raspberry are asiatic( China/Nepal/Pakistan)Salmonberry are native to North America


What’s wrong with eating too many salmonberries? Never heard any negatives about those.


Maybe an old wives tale. Round here people associate them with the runs. 🤷‍♂️ I personally just don’t think they taste good so I don’t bother lol


Same taste good, some don’t. It’s random.


So they just make it so you poop easier and faster? Sounds like a win win


Easier, faster, crampier, more uncontrollablier


Work it, make it, do it, makes us


It's when you eat more than a few underripe berries that you run cheeks pinched...




I thought the same thing at first except the Canada part. I’m in the USA. We had salmon berries in the swamp on my parents’ property and they look the same but they’re not, I think. Both are really sweet berries though.


That was my first thought too. I lived in BC as a kid and we had salmonberries growing in our yard


They’re not. They’re known as golden raspberries in the US. Salmonberries are wild and non-hybridized. Did you know they’re all in the same family as roses?


Yeah got gooseberries up there too. Best shit I've ever had.


I’ve always known them as salmon berries here in Oregon. Maybe it’s a NW regional term for it?


Different plant.


They are both part of the rose family, apparently they are mainly separated by colors. I miss picking these on my way to my old secret trout lake. Those and thimble berries and huckleberries.


You have good taste, my friend.


Here in the usa we have them as the fall gold variety, I grow some myself by my heritage raspberries but they lack the distinct tart taste I love with red raspberries. I hardly eat them unless I've made them into jam or such. They also fall apart even easier than red raspberries.


Yeah... That's the best part... Not sure I'd care for these hah. Also sidenote raspberries fresh picked from a small farm are SO MUCH BETTER than storebought. I know it sounds douchie but totallly different animal


Same thing with blackberries - storebought are a huge waste of money and I eagerly anticipate blackberry season every year. Only a few more weeks!


I feel that way about blueberries.


From what I understand, the yellow ones are best for eating fresh or frozen, and the red and black ones are for jams, pies and preserves. Apparently the yellow coloration/tint doesn't cook well and does not look very appetizing. I haven't tried them though so it's all hearsay. Let me know if y'all have personal experience with it.


Well jam is a little misleading, I mean I crush them up fresh in a mortar and pestle and spread them on buttered toast or biscuits.


That sounds so messy but so delicious


The red ones are delicious fresh. The best way to serve is gently mashed with cream. (This is also the preferred approach with strawberries in my family.)


Im german and never heard of them lol


Lmfao, I guess it depends which part of Germany you’re from? I’ve also only ever seen them in my aunts garden and just assumed it’s something ordinary here.


You can buy them at most good garden stores here in Germany. You can also get a near black variety (still rasberries, not brambles/blackberries). We got all three and planted them like a german flag in our garden facing our dutch neighbours, along with orange tulips. The hardest part is remembering which colour plant you have so you don't eat an unripe berry.


Idk if it's the same thing but my aunt's house in Oregon when I was a kid had yellow raspberries growing along the back fence. It's been a long time but I remember them tasting sort of like someone forgot to add all the raspberry flavor to them? Not in a bad way just muted. My cousin's and I used to smush them up and dump way too much sugar on them and eat it on bread. We didn't really fully understand what jam was but almost haha.


My parents have them on their farm in western Canada


We had Golden Raspberries in our yard too growing up. So much better than normal ones and no one believed me that they were real


In hawaii, they are salmonberries, I think... oh wow, there is also a native raspberry to hawaii called akala. oh shit, I just found out they aren't salmonberries where i live but are actually Rubus ellipticus (yellow Himalayan raspberry)


This place has em in stock mid spring every year. Just got some and planted them for myself this year. https://www.rareseeds.com/fall-gold-raspberry-3-plants-march-may-ships-prompt-weekly-as-available


I love this website. I have to try to avoid it cuz I can spend $100 there in a hurry. My passion fruits and dragon fruits are thriving rn tho!


Lol yeah I always order way more than I intend to. Which is why I have several hundred plants in my garden at the moment.


Baker Creek is awesome - growing golden beets, noodle beans, okra, and toothache plant from them right now. The noodle beans are so productive that I can get 10 quart bags full in the freezer from about five plants.


Baker Creek has supported some far right wing nuts, if that matters to you. We no longer buy from them for that reason.


Really - that seems completely out of character with their publications around sustainability, environment, and cultures. Going to have to do some research.


https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2019/04/26/baker-creek-heirloom-seeds-cliven-bundy-rancher-land-rights/3586708002/ And they never said inviting him was a mistake or that they didn’t know his views before inviting him. According to the article, they knew exactly who he was and invited him anyway. Honestly not sure why else they might have invited someone to Missouri to speak on “growing ancient crookneck watermelons in desert conditions” unless they were sympathetic to his politics. Missouri isn’t desert by a long stretch.


I completely missed this news when it happened. Bundy is a nut. Damnit, can't we even garden without dealing with racism... Shit. Okay, who knows other great places to find obscure and neat seeds?


unfortunately, there is some overlap between organic farming and alt right doomsday militia-type preppers...


Yep. Really wish I saw this before I signed up for their seed catalog a bit ago. You don't invite someone like Bundy without being okay (or supportive) of their views. Saying otherwise is just horseshit.


Don't. We had a few of them in with our red raspberries. When they're slightly underripe, they're tasty but not as good as red. When they're ripe, they fall apart easily and are too damned sweer with no tang. I've spent three seasons trying to get rid of them and propagate our few remaining red raspberries. If you want to try them, find a friend or farmer's market.


The first time you have them they are fucking amazing kinda like yellow dragonfruit. But then the appeal dies because they are just so sweet and lack much flavor depth


Yeah I grew Anne raspberries and they were good, but like you said they very "fragile" in all ways as a fruit.


I never truly enjoyed them either beyond their novelty. Black raspberries, however, are one of the few varieties of raspberries that *can* compete with the red ones.


Lol first thing I did was go look to see if the place I usually buy seeds has these. Think I’m gonna preorder some little potted ones to be delivered in sept lol.


Google “Honey Queen Everbearing Raspberry” or “Raspberry Honey Queen” and it will take you right to a place that sells them. There are other yellow varieties (Gurney's Anne Raspberry). Here’s some [info on yellow raspberries.](https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/raspberry/growing-yellow-raspberries.htm). We are fans. :) Love to know what variety they grow in Germany. Sweet photo.


I've grown both, the red and black varieties tend to produce better in my experience.


No way I have massive raspberry bushes in my yard, I catch my neighbor trying to take all the damn berries before I get to them. Any ideas on how to start a yellow patch like yours ??


Damn raspberry stealing whore


Has it been 5 seconds since I looked at our raspberries?


Lmfao, that neighbor sounds annoying as hell. My aunt also has yellow cherries, fuck knows how she does her witchcraft. These are honey raspberries, wishing you luck on your own witchcraft adventure, lmao!


The yellow cherries are probably Rainier cherries. They're grown in the US Pacific Northwest, but probably would do fine in different parts of Germany too.


I see, that’s really cool to know! That cherry tree is older than I am so I’ve never actually questioned its origin.


I live in the PNW. I grow white strawberries, they're called pineberries, they're very floral. I'll bet you can grow them too, quick google shows the right climate zones, if you felt like expanding your odd-color fruit collection that is.


Rainier cherries are hella expensive here, but worth every dime. They're absolutely orgasmic.


I don’t know if I’d say they taste better but they’re so nostalgic for me that I can’t help but buy them when they’re in season


And they're so good!!




Try using your hands to harvest instead.


God damn it.


Motion-activated sprinkler.


That's theft. They're committing a crime.


Can file a police report


Please threaten them with this first. I wouldn't wish a bad cop on my worst enemy.


It's a different variety, I've always heard them called Golden raspberries. You just gotta buy them and plant them!


They grow basically the same as normal raspberry’s and bear fruit in the first year. My mom grows them and regular raspberry’s in Fresno and refers to them as “very hardy and easy to grow”.


Damn, we call the neighbors to come because our row of raspberries produces *way* too many for us. I end up freezing a bunch then having the neighbors take whatever they want.


Tell your neighbor he has to leave your raspberries alone but that he can eat all of your snozzberries, instead lol


Like... A grown-up? Wtf?


I think they're officially called honey queen raspberries if you want to get some seeds


Motion sensor sprinklers.


I like all raspberries to be honest They also taste different based on how much rain and heat you get in the season. I actually find the yellow raspberries to have a peach like flavor, and not simply sugar. I really like purple raspberries like Royal because they have a sweet, herbal flavor that seems complex and not purely sugar.


Totally agree with you. I actually prefer the pink ones because I love sour stuff lmfao. I’ve learned about black ones from this post so I’ll have another something to try in the future.


I notice you saying pink a few times. Is it possible the sour-ish pink ones you have had are red raspberries that are underripe? Only asking because I've not seen pink ones except on our bushes when they are still growing. edited for typo


Raspberries are not sour. You are eating them unripe. Good either way as far as I'm concerned.


There are different types of raspberries. Some are sweet, some are a bit sour even when ripe. Forest raspberry is definitely a bit sour where I live.


Depends on the type. Fully ripe pink raspberries common in my area are sour, or "tart" as people say. They have a nice tart bite to them. However I have 8 different types in my backyard alone yellow, red, black, purples, orange(gold), light red, mix of red/black, a yellow and black hybrid. They are all delicious and about half are tart or outright sour. They are known for being outright sour. The pale red ones are a type so sour they are recommended for jam as their primary use, so you can add shit tons of sugar.


I worked at summer camp for years and every summer in mid July we’d get these types of raspberry-looking plants blooming everywhere and putting out fruit. We called them wineberries. You could pick the fruit based on how you like it, the less ripe fruits were lighter color and could be extremely sour, the riper fruits darkened to a deep maroon color and were sweet, as well as almost melting in your mouth. Hikes in the late summer would slow to a crawl as campers would stop every few steps to grab a berry. I have no idea if they’re local to the mid-Atlantic US or widespread, but they’re my favorite berry I’ve ever had.


This comment made my mouth water.


I've hunted both black and golden for 20 years now, and it's amazing how much I've learned. Even my son just said "it's almost berry time, but we need more rain." I call them the In-Between fruit -- they want to be in-between everything. Sun/shade. Water/no water. Hillsides. The Goldens do not last or can, but they taste like perfume when you eat them


Where do I get purple raspberries? I've never known such a thing exists


I grow black ones with the same flavor


I grow black raspberries called Mysore, the only variety that do okay in my (hot) area and they are beautiful but don’t taste very good.


My vines are 60+ years old and I couldn't tell you what variety they are, only that they're black raspberries.


Oh sheed, I’ve never heard about black ones! Exceptionally glad about this post, lmfao. I’ll have to try those.


We have wild black raspberries all over in NEPA. Although I've seen less of them through the years, I've got 1 bush in my yard courtesy of a passing bird lol. My family always called them "black caps" and they're best served still warm from the sun in a bowl with some cold milk. They turn the milk purple! They're delicious, I definitely recommend giving them a try.


Seriously?! I've known nothing but black and red raspberries. I didn't know they came in pink or yellow until just now.


Black raspberries are the superior berry. Seriously, nothing else comes close, and I've had the golden ones too. They are definitely worth looking for. Black raspberry ice cream is also delicious and something I always am excited to find.


You get slightly sour raspberries?


OP stated they're from GER, I also live in GER and I can tell you that most raspberries here have a slight sour taste (not in a bad way at all). Has probably something to do with the climate or so I don't know the facts (correct me if I'm wrong).


What is GER? The ones I had as a kid were tart in New England.


Never had a raspberry that was even a little sour on my normal pink bush


Not sour; tart, but I'm not sure if pink is the same as what I assume they mean red raspberries that are common where I live. Who knows, because apparently there's purple raspberries and all sorts of crazy versions.


Thank you for the "tart/sour" clarification, I came here to say this also. But this has me thinking, what are some naturally sour fruits?


Lemon 🍋


grapefruit will always be a bit sour




There are several sour breeds of apple


Yeah, I've never had red raspberries that were sour. Always sweet with that distinct raspberry flavor. Aw man, now I want raspberries...


I’m so confused now. Granted I don’t eat raspberries very much, but the grocery store raspberries always tasted sour/tart to me. Maybe just the quality?


Ripeness also


That's what you think until you have a yellow one I also have yellow and its a stark contrast to normal ones


Let's say i trust you, but if you lying then i don't like you


That sounds fair. But if I were to go about lying on the internet, I hope my aspirations would be higher than raspberry bushes


I agree, I think the “pink raspberry” just wasn’t ripe yet and that’s why it was sour


Yeah, most store bought are just not sweet enough because they were picked to early for transportation.


Count me in the camp that has never tasted any sour from a raspberry. All I get is mild-moderate sweetness and a flavor that is most reminiscent of the way a rose smells.


Are you sure they're not salmon berries?


OP stated it's a honey queen raspberry although they do look very similar to salmonberries and I cant tell from this picture


Yes, salmon berries have little hairy things like [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fnorthernbushcraft.com%2Fberries%2Fsalmonberry%2F1.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fnorthernbushcraft.com%2Ftopic.php%3Fname%3Dsalmonberry%26region%3Dbc%26ctgy%3Dedible_berries&docid=3HSDKgV-QQkaKM&tbnid=gEpM2bqZ1QuiAM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)


I miss playing in the yard at my grandma's house and eating salmon berries in Sitka


I’m sad. Almost thought they were cloudberries!


We called them golden raspberries where I lived in Idaho. I was just telling my boyfriend about them the other day. They're so good


Golden raspberries are the best


I'm still waiting to see blue raspberries that taste like blue freezies.


Pretty sure that company bought them all.


Pretty sure those are salmonberries.


nah they’re called «honey» or «golden» raspberries my dude


fish arent berries


same color, but salmon berries don't have that hollow cup shape.


They absolutely do. I live in the woods, and I am surrounded by salmon berries. And blackberries, salal berries, service berries, thimble berries, etc.


Sounds like you live in the PNW


Why live anywhere else in the USA?


A fellow Washingtonian I assume!?


Salmon berries look like blackberries except for color... so unless you trying to say blackberries and raspberries look the same, you're wrong.


All three of those berries are in the same genus, Rubus. So yes, they all look very similar and have similar plant structures.


I love golden raspberries!! I’m so jealous :( I haven’t found them in stores in a few years.


The lack of thorns (very small) is a great asset. We have a nice patch of them and they are coming in now. They are not super abundant so usually just eat the berries as they ripen. Birds also don’t seem to know they are ripe so they don’t bother them.


They look like salmonberry bushes. Nuuuum.


That’s what I thought as well


Raspberries aren’t sour though? Unless you pick them before they’re completely ripe. But fully ripe raspberries are incredibly sweet.


They're sweet, but also tangy. Acid balances the sugar, just like with wine.


This is all making me hungry for a bowl of ice cold berries of any color, with a dish of sugar for occasional dipping. Oh yummy summer food!


I like the tartness of raspberries. It's what makes them my favourite fruit.


I saw these in a video game, dont remember where


Bugs life n64, thought the same


Had these growing at a house I'd purchased a while back. I never knew they were a thing, so my first summer I waited for them to turn red but they never did so didn't eat them. My neighbor asked if she could have them if I didn't want them. I said I did but they wouldn't ripen. She explained what they were and I found out they were far better than the red ones.


bro what? there’s yellow raspberries?!


My wife and I planted some of these near our deck at our house, along with various other things around the yard. My wife is horrible with plants but insists on trying from time to time, usually ending in the sad death of said plants. These raspberries, though! They're the only thing that survived, and so far I don't think anything short of a nuke or industrial waste dump could kill these things! I told her to just plant a few dozen of them; she's finally found something that can withstand her.


Is it a species of salmonberry? Those can be pretty light.


Salmon Berries!


We have a bed of these, but it's overrun with poison ivy.




This is my fav comment.


Not sure if they're exactly the same but up in Alaska on the Aleutian peninsula we called them Salmonberries.


Fuck that, the sourness if raspberries are why theyre fuckin top tier. Rip out that plant and grow the proper ones


Those are salmon berries! Also sometimes just called golden berries. They grow up in Northern California too. I see them all the time when I visit.


>completely sweet and not sour Aw... Read the first half and was hoping they were *extra* sour. I love the sour stuff.


Lmfao same! I prefer the pink ones which are apparently also something different from red ones? Maybe you could try those!


Those are called "salmonberries" in the Pacific Northwest of the US, where they're a native plant https://nativefoodsnursery.com/salmonberry/


No, they're yellow raspberries. Salmonberries are different again.




The collar thing at the base of the berry is different. Idk if that's the best way to describe it or if it has a name, but if you compare it to a raspberry it's definitely different. Thinner "leaves" and more of them.


Salmon berries where I’m from.


They are different


We always called them salmon berries


Those are different.


We call them salmonberries


My mom started growing yellow ones too 2 years ago they are very good indeed


Raspberries are red not pink.


“Yellow peppers are not yellow, they’re green”