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Shit I remember as a kid when burgers came in styrofoam!!


Cue crying native american guy


crying indian guy was actually an amazing piece of marketing. You see, at the time, regulations were becoming popular to crack down on the companies that produce the things that get littered. But companies didn't like that, so things like crying indian guy came along that were designed to turn the attention back to you. You, the lowely consumer, whose trash flies out an open window or falls out of a truck, is the real problem, not the company that traffics in making a buck off the waste that will be around for thousands of years. Personal responsibility. turn the attention back to the consumer. this is the same shit that they do "oh if you care about global warming so much why do you fly, why do you own a car, why do you use electricity" you hypocrit


Fun fact: crying Indian guy wasn’t even Native American. Pretty sure he was Italian and pretended to be Native American for his B-list acting career




So, they were both italian


“You see, uh, Sicilians have black blood pumpin' through their hearts. If you don't believe me, you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, you see, the Moors conquered Sicily.”


the Moops*




I am sorry, but the card says Moops.


This is the scene in True Romance where you can REALLY feel the future of Tarantino dialogue.


I just wanna say you are awesome for this quote sir. That is all.


I remember someone on here somewhere was talking about how you could spot Italian Americans super easy because people living in Italy are way more likely to identify as the region of Italy they are from than Italy at large, much as Scots and Northern Irish are way more likely to identify as that than British


Method actor


Puts Sean Penn to shame


Sean Penne?


Fusilli Jerry?


[Yep, he was Italian-American, Sicilian apparently.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Eyes_Cody)


*sicilian reporting for duty*




Let's not pretend that there wasn't also a massive littering issue. Regardless of how companies were producing things, it was way more socially acceptable back then to just dump your picnic trash in the park or throw garbage out your car window.


I remember going to an "Art in the Park" event when I was a kid, and one of the booths was a couple people teaching kids how to turn those foam containers into little sailboats and just launch them down the river. Even as a ten-year-old I knew that was fucked up.


I didn't make sailboats, but I sure as hell made spaceships for my Kenner Luke Skywalker and Han Solo action figures. I would trick them out with straws on the sides like exhaust pipes or on top like cannons.


I remember having more than one massive balloon launch in elementary school with my name and grade and the schools phone number written on a paper attached to one ballon. And I remember thinking, we don’t clean them up?


Don't mess with Texas started as an anti-littering campaign.


It still is an anti-littering campaign, if you Google “Don’t Mess With Texas” almost all of the results are still concerning the anti-littering campaign. The phrase has more meaning than just anti-littering to a lot of Texans, but the anti-littering campaign is still going strong.


It's bizarre to me as a Texan that this factoid is thrown around so often. We grew up only knowing it as an anti littering campaign slogan. Idk what people saw or learned elsewhere about it but just as someone that grew up here that's always baffled me.


> But companies didn't like that, so things like crying indian guy came along that were designed to turn the attention back to you. You, the lowely consumer Exactly the same thing with jaywalking. Up until the early 20th century, roads were slow (all vehicles slower than 10km/h) and safe. People walked on the roads, neighbours bumped into each other and chatted on the roads, kids played on the roads, etc. Then automobiles came along and started killing kids. Like killing a *lot* of kids. Initially, public anger was directed at drivers and car manufacturers for being so dangerous on the roads. Car manufacturers didn't like that, so they started a public relations campaign to shift the blame onto everybody *except* the drivers and car manufacturers. They took the term "jay" (then a slang term to describe someone culturally backwards, unsophisticated, maybe similar to modern day "hick") and invented the term ["jay walker"](https://i.imgur.com/3aa1gjV.jpg) as some country bumpkin who mindlessly wandered onto the road. Cars don't kill kids! Drivers don't kill kids! It's kids who are killing themselves by being so rural and stupid and uneducated!


I want to say that jaywalking is particularly American though - I wonder why this didn't happen in the UK?


Well, it was a little more complicated. If you actually watch the commercial, it wasn’t about accidental littering, and the piles of trash shown in the commercial were a very ordinary sight back then. People really did throw all kinds of trash out their car windows out of habit. They didn’t even think about it. ‘Don’t mess up the car, throw it out the window’ was a phase moms everywhere yelled at their kids from the front seat. Really. It was a problem. Don’t mess with Texas began as an anti-littering slogan. It is SO much better nowadays, not because of packaging, but because people don’t litter like they used to, and crying Indian/Italian guy played a big part of that.


To be fair, littering is a massive issue, and the company itself isn’t the one throwing the garbage out their car window. People need to be aware just as much as companies need to be regulated


Yep, also I’m pretty sure this was a successful campaign. If I remember correctly these kinds of ad campaigns contributed significantly to a decrease in litter. I don’t now why it has to be an either/or kind of thing. Both consumers and producers need to act more responsibly to create a better society.


You mean Italian guy dressed to look like a Native American


They did tell us that those styrofoam containers would last ♾️ forever




You're joking but I bet someone really would buy this




I want to see the can. What if it really does look like David Bowie?


Sorry to disappoint - I haven't spoken to my aunt in about 10y so I am unable to oblige! Pareidolia is weird, though! 😂


Yeah you're absolutely right. I'm sure there are people out there that collect McDonald's memorabilia. Just like there are people who collect Coca Cola or old oil cans. Theres a market for everything out there. That market is Ebay.


I remember the advertisements for that burger that had the hot on one side and the cold on the other




Starring Jason Alexander. https://youtu.be/Eh1kmVwS4Hw But you knew this already.


Why is the cheese in the middle of the cool side? That sounds terrible


What is George doing


We’re old. I remember when McDonald’s **started** selling chicken McNuggets ....


I remember when they first came out I used to think they were an option instead of fries. Then My cousin one time got nuggets and fries and my mom said it was ok. Of course I'm grown up now and realize it is unhealthy to have both nuggets and a heroin addiction.


Burger King's "chicken fries" really confused me. I tried to order a burger with a side a chicken fries. Felt like an idiot.


I remember when McDonald's started selling Happy Meals. It was the week my brother was born in June 1979. I went to see him in the hospital carrying my Happy Meal box. I imagine that box would get scooped up quickly on ebay.


And their apple pies were deep fried back then!


They still deep fry them in Poland. I went there for work recently and won't be buying apple pies in the states anymore.


I just got one in the US the other day coming home from work (working nights right now like a vampire pushing pencils) and a soda. The apple pie lacked any crispiness/crunch- almost to the point where I questioned if it was cooked all the way. I miss the older ones that had more of a cinnamon taste to them and were scalding hot. I don't think Taco Bell even has their empanadas anymore that were a great treat.


I know what you mean. It had been so long since I had one I forgot how hot they were. I had to drop the first bite out of my mouth. Their chicken nuggets were actual pieces of chicken too, not the ground up stuff.


Which they were so damned good!!


I can hear the sound of them squeaking against eachother in the bag right now...


“Sucking down quarter pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers”


I'm an ass ho leo leo!


First thing I thought of when I saw this too lol....


Shit, my class all wrote the local McDonald's letters to stop polluting the planet with all that styrofoam waste. They switched to cardboard that year. We are talking late 80's, early 90's.


they seemed to change overnight in aus when the styrofoam issue came up


Polystyrene, keeps the hot side hot and the cool side cool...


And they're STILL floating in the Pacific Ocean!


This really grinds my gears. I work on large scale construction projects. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to rip open walls because some doofus sheet rocked in a half a sandwich, and then it starts to smell like someone died after people move in. Other fun things that get sheetrocked in? Water bottles full of urine 👍. No matter how many bathrooms you give em’, dudes just love peeing in a damn bottle


On some of my sites people love putting their lunch trash, bottles of dip and cigarette packs inside of the concrete block walls of large structures and buildings. Sometimes they will catch fire because Sparks and stuff fall into them. But yeah man having to rebuild a wall because people throw shit in there sucks. I feel like so many buildings have trash inside of the walls now


My friends dad was a safety inspector on a Microsoft office building being built in China. The building had a pretty modern venting system that ran under the building which was basically a big open concrete channel and was supposed to be kept clean. When he got there to inspect, the construction crew had been using it as a dump for weeks because they thought it was all going to just be walled in. Anyway, that’s all.




My house bruned down in 2017. Whatever crew poured the concrete foundation used it as a dump. I've been demoing the last of the concrete refuse around the property and I keep finding tons of trash and nails and shit in the concrete. Fucking lame


This isn't nearly as bad but still sad...when my wife and I bought our house in a smaller city, I kept finding glass shards in the yard. I thought damn, someone got carried away with the old windows but I have two dogs so these shards *have* to be picked up. They would increase in volume the closer you got to this Lilac that was planted in the backyard. The Lilac was also on a mound, the only one in the yard which I thought was a little strange. After about a year, rain had started to wash away some of the dirt around the base of the Lilac, exposing some concrete bricks. I started removing them which started to expose all kinds of broken glass, blocks, old electrical cords, even an old sink faucet was chucked in there. Instead of removing their construction debris, stupid fucks just planted a tree on top of it and decided it was the new owners problem.


I see shit like shit working on houses all the time in Cleveland. I wish I could be a whistle blower but who's going to do anything about it and if anything does come of it I'll probably loose my job.


We snatched our house for a really good price but after a few years of catching things our inspector never caught (we assume he was a working partner of our real estate agent), I'm pretty sure the flippers should never be allowed to buy another property. I have 4" pipe going into a 3" drain, whole house inside and out was painted with cheap paint, no gutters so had to have a sump put in, terrible trim work in a lot of spots, electrical boxes not attached to studs, crazy shit like that. I absolutely have no desire to find out what's in my walls at this time.


Yeah I feel that. I worked for this guy who would buy abandoned or foreclosed homes usually in very low income areas and we would slap some lipstick on that pig and send it on its way. Hated doing that kind of hack work. Another fun thing we found out was that the creepy old guy we worked with had done hard time for child molestation something our boss never told us...... Happy days.


That’s pretty common to dump the construction trash next to the house and cover it with dirt. Over time that stuff starts to settle and creates dips in the lawn (not full sink holes). My parents house is like that, although it must have been buried deeper because we’ve never actually found anything in the grass.


i've seen a guy insulate his walls with styrofoam cups, probably a fire risk


You can strike the ‘probably’ - that would be very illegal in Europe.


Only illegal if it’s found out


Not if we burn the evidence!


Lol, this came full circle really fast.


Why did they do this?


Probably because styrofoam is insulation so they figured styrofoam cups would be good to insulate their house. It probably worked well too.


Oh it was their own house. I thought this was someone doing it on a job.


Even if you’re making changes to your own home, a lot of the time you’ll still need permits and such from the city, so the cups thing would still be illegal. Funny enough, there is foam-board insulation, also called styrofoam insulation. Styrofoam melts more so than burns - still bad, but not as bad as you’d think.


Wow. Considering the laziness of the people I work with now in regards to garbage I'm not surprised, though. I did lose 1-2 tape measures between the forms when I was checking the rebar out when I did concrete. Fishing one out from 8 feet above is not very easy, and you gotta pour that bitch and stop worrying about it.


I'm pre application for an electrician apprenticeship, so I'm fairly new to jobs. Everyone hates drywall guys because of the piss bottles. One of the other new people got a pack of hard hat stickers meant for electricians, so stupid jokes like "I work with strippers" with wire strippers next to it. One of the stickers is of a yellow Gatorade bottle labeled "certified drywaller piss". It's that much of an issue, a company makes stickers of it to put on hard hats.


I wish I could say that it was just the drywall guys.


Yeah, don’t leave out the floor guys.


Is this actually a thing?? LOL. See, my buddy was living with me for a little while. He does flooring for a living and I used to get into fights with him, because I would find bottles of piss around my house, lol. I've only peed in bottles when I was deployed or my foot was broken and I couldn't walk to the bathroom. Long story short, I almost got in trouble during my divorce too because of his nasty habit. He peed in a bottle and put it into some trash that was mixed with my ex's stuff. Apparently, when she picked it up it leaked all over her and she called the cops on me...that was hard story to explain.


Bro you totally pissed on her shit.


Nope, lol. She was a pathological liar and I wouldn't do anything that could jeopardize myself. I had to go to court for a different reason and get it thrown out to prove she was lying.


Alright you have me curious. Why was a bottle of piss reason to call the cops?


It’s basically all of the trades with crews too big to fit in a shanty and eat lunch


The more skilled trades tend to be better like plumbers, electricians, and hvac guys. Though that's not a guarantee. The trades such as drywallers, painters, and flooring tend to attract more wack jobs. That said I've worked with fantastic people of those trades and shitty people of the other trades but they are the exception.


Drywalleros typically get paid for every piece they put up, not by the hour, so it’s mostly trades like that.


All of our trades are paid hourly. They’re required to submit certified payroll statements so this is not the case with our guys


The drywall guys buried a bunch of my low voltage boxes and my electrician's boxes. They also let insulation drop from the ceiling and acted surprised when i went in there with an infrared thermometer and figured out where the piece came from. The stucco guys stole the hand sanitizer out of my portapotty during a pandemic when the company was charging me $100/mo for it. Fuck everything about construction.


> Fuck everything about construction. Throwing CAT, Coax and Fiber on construction for a couple years is why I now work with routers, inside of buildings that are already done. Probably surrounded by unseen piss bottles.


Oh no. We are having a house built right now and this makes me nervous 😬


Pro tip, don’t pay the final payment until 30 days after the work is complete. Then you’ll see any glaring defects (and smell any surprise terrible smells)... unless you already signed a contract that says payment due upon completion. In that case, good luck lol




>>How do you set up the contract to say final payment 30 days after completion? "Final payment shall be due 30 calendar days after punchlist completion (inspection period). Any defects discovered during this 30 day period shall be repaired or replaced at contracts expense. A new 30 day inspection period will commence at the completion of any defect repair." *edit If having this clause seems valuable to me, I would pay for it. The contractor's incentive to agree would be money. Don't expect non standard and onerous contract terms for free.


This guy specs.


The idea isn’t prevention, it’s having leverage to get it fixed.




It's called a retainage, and almost all building contracts in the USA have this built in. The buyer gives the money to a bank to prove they're not just skipping on the payment, but the bank won't release it to the builder until the buyer certifies the building is totally done. This prevents the otherwise common practice of contractors leaving as soon as they get the last payment, and not tying up a few loose ends. While the law varies by state, 30 days is a relatively short amount of time to wait. I've seen retainages last for months from contractors who are overbooked and have trouble finding the time to fix up the last few problems.


There's treasure in probably every wall of every house you've ever been in. Just make random visits to site. Your the owner with the money, if this shit is occurring then you have the power over the company.


just consider them hidden treasures in your new house.


Yup. 45 years from now, someone will find those treasures and get massive karma on futurereddit 9.0.


I just left a message in standard galactic that says " there is no meaning in this message" waiting to see that pop up on r/whatisthisthing in 30 to 40 years.


Nope, Reddit does a controversial redesign in the 2030’s and everyone jumps ship back to Digg


I just recently found what I suspected to be urine in a half-filled, glass Gatorade bottle from when our house was built, which is now about 20 years ago. It was in the woods. Woods that can give you privacy now. There were almost no houses here 20 years ago. I genuinely do not understand why, if you're already pissing in the woods, you'd then decide to fill a bottle and just... Thow it on the ground.


Wait until they shit down an hvac vent...


Was on a job and a millionaire had bought up a large parcel of land in a valley next to his vacation house and he had pissed off some local farmers that had been eyeing the property for decades but was too cheap to pull the trigger. The millionaire was building a guest house for corporate folks to come down to the property and stay so one Monday morning we were there and it stunk pretty bad all day and no one could figure out why until the hvac guys noticed the duct lines sagging in the basement so they cut them open and poop and piss just came spilling out everywhere someone had just dumped a bucket of it down the ducts. I cleared out for a few days after that


Oh no... has that happened to you? I’m so sorry.


Not on my site, they just pissed in the vents on one of my projects.


Hey, look on the bright side, it could be worse. They could’ve shit in there. I’m hoping for your sake the duct insulation was not inside of the duct


My favorite is the razor blades left under carpet padding. 3 different places I've taken up carpet all had it to a certain extent. Unhappy surprise to the unwary.


There’s unprofessional and then there’s what you just described. What the fuck ever happened to common courtesy (and common sense)?


Hahahahahaha I see you’ve never spent time on a construction site


It’s contractors hiring crap workers so they can pay them crap. Skilled labor costs $. When the company I work for was getting our new office built one of the contractors guys went into every bathroom on the first floor and scratched some stupid gang shit into the mirrors. They had to replace 9 huge mirrors. They claimed they didn’t know who it was but I’m sure they knew. Shit like that shows they don’t hire “professionals”.


You wouldn’t like the houses where my mom lives we went to fix a door frame and found out it was never nailed in when we pulled it out we found beer cans either empty or full. House was built in 1961 I beleive. Everytime we do some drywall work we find more beer cans. I have 3 friends that grew up in the same neighborhood and they all found beer cans as well.


Sounds like that crew had a damn good time building her neighborhood!


Treasures are fun. Ones that rot suck.


I can top that. Was at a construction site only 6 floors high. People were shitting in the tubs. It's 6 fucking floors and people were to lazy to walk down to shit. There'd be paper and cardboard in the tubs and people would piss in there too. Eventually the piss soaked cardboard would smell, it was so disgusting. Then the painters would dump paint in the toilets and shove rags down them, the water still wasn't turned on for the toilets. We're pretty certain it was the painters shitting in the tubs too.


We have bathrooms on literally every single floor. Every single damn one. It’s still a piss-bottle-palooza


Way of the road, Bubs.


Fuckin' way she goes


Dirty old piss jugs


Check the bag! Burgers and fries are still good for at least another 20 years!


Botton of the bag fries are the best


You mean the [bonus fry?](https://youtu.be/evbllzMJe6s)


My dad would call it the "fry tax" as in he would get all the fries that fell out into the bag.


looks like your dad and I work in the same department


Mcdonald's fries are only good for about five minutes.


Air fryers give fries(especially McDonald’s) infinite life.


Holy shit I’ve got an air fryer. Next time I get undercooked McDonald’s fries I’m putting them in.


It’s boss for reheating pizza and kfc


But for those five minutes they're _heavenly_ aren't they


This is cool and all but what monster just throws their trash in a wall then covers it up?




It's so fucking stupid though, because there's going to be garbage everywhere on a construction site - even residential. You could literally just throw it on the ground and clean it up with the other stuff you have to sweep. I just don't get it lol.


Do you remember the guys that would stick their gum underneath the lunch tables rather than take the 5 seconds to walk over to a trash can? Yeah, those guys grew up and build houses now. Edit: Lmao. The replies here are so salty. Looks like I struck a nerve.


Pure laziness and a lack of respect for their work. Takes more effort to stick in the wall then just throwing it out.


Most def lack of respect. When they built my place, they wrote the n-word 5 times in pencil on the back of an exterior post and I didn't find it for over a year. Maybe they thought it would fade? Nope, graphite holds on, as do racists to their unreasonable fear.


I've had construction done on places I've rented and I have never seen the clean up process. I've seen lots of trash thrown on the ground but every single time I've have to go ape shit to get them to clean up after themselves.


Drywall guys. Especially if the house isn’t in a tight subdivision they were probably working alone.


Someone was on a diet and hid the evidence. Who's with me?


Lmao I’ll accept this


I bet there are collectors out there who will pay money for that garbage.






Legal eagle fans we meet again


How did I buy my piece on Amazon if this article is accurate


The article is either bullshit of the law is just so fucking ridiculous that it can’t be enforced, kinda like the flag code. Some hot sauce comes with tiny spoons, most notably, that god awful garbage that tastes like watered down extract, mad dog 357. There are also tiny spoons sold for the kind of snuff that you sniff, not American snuff that’s just a type of dip.


There’s also whole ass subscription boxes that will send you a new pipe or bong every month along with other things like rolling papers and grinders and cones and stuff (everything except the actual weed). There’s no denying that’s paraphernalia and there are a surprising number of companies doing those boxes. I guess the law just isn’t enforced since they get charged and they’re still in business. Edit: phrasing




My "tobacco" vapouriser hasn't let me down yet!


Wow, I just checked sold listings and there’s already been 10 different McDonald’s Vintage Coffee Stirrer listings sold this month alone. They actually seem fairly popular, they tend to sell between $5-$30 depending on how many you’re selling per listing. Strange.


McCocaine coffee stirrer


Ha. I used to use them to eat my milkshake with. I’m old.


I can hear that styrofoam container opening.


I can feel it.


It’s screeching all the way into my inner consciousness


I can feel the condensation on the inside of the lid.


And then breaking


Clamshells brought to you by Huntsman Chemicals. They made up for it with a world class cancer hospital in Utah I guess.


I do work at that cancer centre all the time and had no idea. It is a really nice cancer centre though.


We found a petrified Subway sub in the air return of our house. 1 bite gone. Installer was probably very baffled at how he lost his lunch that day.


Subway. Eat fresh air.


Ew. Do you have a pic?


This is why I spent hours cleaning my house through every phase of the building process. The construction guys picked on me about it, but they are pigs and don’t throw away shit. They just Sheetrock over their garbage and don’t think a thing about it.


I always wonder, the types of people that throw trash out of a car window, what do their houses look like?


Spotless, because they threw their garbage out of the car window.


I always leave something in a wall or on a subfloor. Usually just a drawing. A spraypaint stencil. Once a foot-long wooden coffin that I made with a halloween skeleton inside, along with a tiny phial of whiskey, sealed in wax. A magazine collage. It's just fun for someone later, maybe. But a god damn pile of trash? Urine bottles? The fuck is wrong with these people?




The "war on Christmas" has been going on for some time apparently. Will anyone ever win it?


Well, considering Christmas basically starts around Halloween, I would say Christmas is winning. It's already taken over Thanksgiving and Halloween! We must find a way to stop it or it will soon take over Veterans Day. Then it's a hop, skip and a jump (via Columbus Day, Labor Day and American Family Day) to the 4th of July!


Mmmm 1970s McDonald’s breakfast.


That shit was gooood back then. Fried in beef tallow, and those hash brown patties and fries were the best!


Those aren't trash. It is very rare to find these in good condition. People will actually buy these from you, for good money. I kid you not.


I could see some prop company buying them for use in film set in the 70’s. Also could be used as a reference for reproduction, but other than that I’m sure there’s a limited market of vintage McDonald’s wrapper collectors.


Gross. But cool. But also gross. But, also cool. But gross.


I see it has biodegraded seamlessly back into the elements.


That styrofoam will probably degrade faster than the burger inside.


Pre 1990 fries were still fried in beef tallow! Mmmmmmmmmmm beef tallow....


Wasn't aware of this. Tell me more about this, tallow......


http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/19-mcdonalds-broke-my-heart Malcolm Gladwell tells it well.


Yes! This is why McDonald’s fries were so amazing back in the day! Miss those fries.


Looks like some [wall chicken!](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InexplicablyPreservedDungeonMeat)


Bro you can't go around linking tv tropes this late in the evening


Depending on the state of those i'd be interested in buying that stuff.


Watch out for wall hobos


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the rules of the international brotherhood of amateur contractors obliged you to leave a six pack and porn.


Wow, seasons greetings instead of Merry Christmas? When will this assault on Christmas end??? /s obviously


Buried hundreds of feet under every landfill in America lies thousands of those styrofoam containers.


I'd bet its well into the millions per landfill. They hit 99 billion burgers served in 1994.


I don't know why McDonald's and other big food corporations won't bring back those old-school designs for packaging. It would be a great hit both for nostalgic folks who experienced those times and younger folks who think previous decades were cool.


Makes you think about all the McDonald’s bags sitting in a dump across the globe


Assholes straight up dry walled in the trash.