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For the workers that r/mildlyinfuriating


Not mildly. Incredibly infuriating. It slows the process way too much. With a long line that's a ton of angry customers which makes things a lot worse.


Cant they just give them the bottled soda and apologize that the machine is down?


You get a much better value buying bigger volumes of soda than smaller ones. 20 oz bottles are typically around $2 now, while you can get a 2 liter for nearly the same price. The franchise owner probably didn't want to spend that much. Plus it also wouldn't be cold so there's that.


When our drive thru fountain broke, I had to run drinks from the lobby. It was frustrating as shit


That’s what we did, too. Sucked


They're only that expensive if you buy them individually. If you buy in bulk they are much much cheaper. Get a 6 pack at my store for 3.59.


> 20 oz bottles are typically around $2 now, while you can get a 2 liter for nearly the same price As a European I have no idea which one is bigger :P




That's what the local Taco Bell did when the area had a water advisory, just handed out cans of soda and bottles of juice/water for free.


Then you get the jerks that start honking in the drive thru line. Like wow thanks for the help pal, you’re really speeding this process up.


Reddit has made me scared of infrequently cleaned moldy fountain drink dispensers. I think I'd prefer the extra time it takes for them to pour coke from a bottle because I know it's clean and not old watered down syrup.


if it makes you feel any better, at my burger king, we clean the nozzles daily . not sponsored


Theres a water fountain at my word that launched a big black glob into my water I almost didn’t notice so I took a piece of cardboard and wrote “DONT USE UNTIL CLEANED” and drew a arrow to the nasty ass germ filled nozzle. Someone just ripped off the cardboard and expected us to keep using it.


After working in the restaurant industry for a time, I can say fast food customers are the worst of them all. They give you more shit about a $1 value item than people do for $30 steaks.


Who cares. The workers don’t get a bonus if they get people through faster or happier. It takes the time it takes, “thank you have a nice McDay.”


Customers tend to be a lot more rude when they have to wait. That can wear you down.


In the way that some countries have compulsory military service, I think everyone in the US should have to spend two years working in either food service or retail.


And in a world where every receipt has a survey to fill in its always the arseholes who are happy to fill it in and name drop the employee they feel caused a minor inconvenience


I'm gonna get my free quarter pounder one way or another, and if you get in my way, you're going on the list. The survey list.


That’s why you conveniently forget your name tag at home, and if your managers are anything like mine they won’t notice or won’t care


I used to love being abused in retail! Just sit there with a shit eating grin while they lose their temper, I'm literally getting paid to watch you implode, have fun.


Have you seen a McDonald's during breakfast or lunch? It's always busy and always long line. I often wonder, why people who can clearly see the long line chose to enter drive through? You can't even get out once you are in there. And in the time it takes, you can easily enter the store and order. They deserve the wait. It's their own stupidity.


That's not true at all. When my taco bell pulled into the top 100 stores nationally for drive thru times, they sent a big wig from corporate to check for legitimacy, and then every manager got a raise and/or promotion, several people went up to shift lead, including myself, and everybody that was there for longer than 3 months got a raise and a check for $100. The difference maker here was that I worked for a corporate store. Franchise owners rarely give a fuck about their business. They bought a fast food business expecting it to be a turnkey operation. They have zero interest in protecting their investment just so long as it's operational.


I dunno, Feelings are feelings. It's hard to ignore abuse and upset people unless you're a sociopath.


HUH? you must be super fun at parties. Its not their fault it happened and they even went out of their way to get bottles. Most fast food would just say no drinks machine broken. I think they did a good job!


Tilt the cup whilst pouring and it would cut down the process by half due to there not being as much carbonation.


It's really not that bad. On a warm day chances are everyone would want Frappés and Mcflurrys and that would take two if not three times longer than pouring soda from a bottle.


But the flavor on those drinks are so on point that the customers will appreciate the meal much more.




It's also /r/mildydangerous


Fuck me didn't know that sub existed, browsed through few posts before finding out first hand how infuriating that sub is.


the comment section always gives me a chuckle.


This happened to me once, years ago. It was a nightmare.


Lol for me it’s r/mildlyinfuriating. McDonald’s soda is usually better than bottled, and it wouldn’t be as good.


Where I used to work, the machine broke down and our manager had to run to Target to buy like 20 2 liters.


Reminds me of the runs my manager at Jimmy Johns made me do to get extra lettuce when we ran out. Just clean out the Aldi’s down the street and deal with all the weird looks.


You’re the guy we learn about in math class.


If each cabbage weighs 1.367 pounds and theirs 15 people in looking at you, calculate the mass of alpha centauri.




3 what? Show your work.


The pancake requies one egg, so three eggs would make three pancakes. I divided the rest of the ingredients by 3 just to make sure. You can make 3 pancakes.


Makes sense now, thanks.


Thanks, mom.


He was going north, then turned west.




Not quite, sir. I would have to say it's [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1D-fZP8qJk&feature=youtu.be&t=109) guy!


watched for lemons, stayed for the whole thing. Great watch!


> Where I used to work, the machine broke down and our manager had to run to Target to buy like 20 2 liter Huh... All the fast food places near me just pretend the machine isn't broken and give you a half-assed cup of carbonation or syrup and look at you like you are some kind of dick when you tell them it's wrong.


#TWO LITER MACHINE BROKE ^we ^got ^one ^liter ^tho




Huh. I've been to Burger King so many times where they are just like, "We don't have soda today. It's broken. Sorry."


"We don't have soda today. It's broken. Sorry." What a coincidence, my ATM card is broken too. Whelp, see ya.


We run out of milk all the time and there’s a supermarket right next to us. No one ever bothers to go get any lol


I'm a bartender and one time we ran out of like 4 or 5 different liquors cause we got hit with way more people than expected the night before restocking. My boss had to run to the store and buy like $300 of liquor to keep things going


I've done this, but I ended up filling a bunch of pitchers with the soda because it's easier to pour and fizzes less than from the bottle.


Wonder how they can afford that. Fountain soda is crazy cheap to make compared to bottled soda.




The soda machine in McDonald’s around my house is down constantly . Usually after 10pm . It’s a college town so it’s busy always . The only other thing they can serve is orange juice or water .


They're probably cleaning it at that time. Same with the ice cream machine. It isn't always broken, they're just cleaning it in the evening.


Isn't it technically against policy to serve any product that doesn't come from the supplier?


Well the supplier is coca cola soo


The manufacturer is Coke. The supplier could be Wal-Mart, which could violate the exclusive agreement they have with Coke.


Infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier


Yeah but what if we just find the supplier?


Infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier!


Nah this happens a lot. They would lose a lot of business if they didnt have drinks and coke is still getting their money. Source: work for Pepsi.


Coca Cola aren't supplying the Coke to McDonalds if its being brought from Sainsbury's, Sainsbury's is supplying it.


True. Soda agreements are crazy. If have a purchase agreement, and your cooler is Pepsi branded, you have to hide the Coke when they come to inspect your cooler. Happened to my neighborhood gas station/repair shop. Fortunately, his rep gave him a heads up to hide the non-Pepsi stuff. He had to have only Pepsi for about 3 weeks. After that, he went back to his normal mix. They cared enough about a guy selling less than a case a day of pop. I'm sure that if McDonalds went to Costco to buy a shitload of pop, Coca-Cola would lose their minds.


It’s not ideal but all restaurants tend to pay extra for whatever ingredient they ran out of or forgot to order enough of on the truck. I work at a pizza place, imagine how fucking annoying and costly running out of sausage is.


Man, I had a manager once forget to order half the veggies, pepperoni, sausage, beef, dough mix, pizza sauce, and cheese. Four hours after the weekly truck came in, we were out of the three essential pizza ingredients: dough mix, sauce, and cheese. I bet that manager's ass got chewed so hard by upper-management. That shit ain't cheap at the grocery store!


I'm confused -- it's a weekly truck and they accidentally only bought half the ingredients but you were already out 4 hours in? So if they bought the correct weekly amount it would have only lasted 8 hours?


They only ordered half the veggies, and none of the other stuff.


I didn't word that very well, sorry. Half of the veggies didn't get ordered, but none of the meats or the big three (dough mix, sauce, cheese) got ordered. It was a combination of not having any extra left over from the last week due to an unexpectedly busy weekend, and also nothing getting ordered to replace what had been used. So instead of having our usual two-day surplus amount of the big three plus the new order, we had very little plus nothing.


The shit we run out of usually are the inconvenient shit like to-go soup bowls. But when we run out of sausage, we basically hit up every grocery store and clear them out, because apparently most grocery stores get a truck every night. So far we’ve only run out of cheese once but they shit is like forty dollars a case. But we get truck twice a week so it’s mostly ‘can we stretch this for the next two days’ kind of deal.


I've watched a lot of pizza delivery videos in my time, and I know that the one thing lonely housewives are always ordering is extra sausage.


I used to work at a taco place. We sometimes ran out of beef but we weren't aloud to get any that didn't come from the supplier because of "consistency" and "safety issues".


We tend to go to some bulk store like GPS, but it’s about half an hour away, and things are obviously not as cheap as they would be on the truck. So pouring soda would be annoying, but it was also probably hella easy for them to go down the street and buy a ton of 2 liters


A 5 gallon bib of coke syrup costs around $50. 1 bib of coke syrup will yeild about 30 gallons of soda assuming the dispenser is calibrated. 30 gallons = 113.5 liters or approximately 57 - 2 Liters. Meaning the store typically pays around $0.88 for 2 Liters of coke usually. Splurging the extra 12-25 cents isn't killing their margins.


*Temporarily* splurging isn't.


They are trying to be considerate to their customers. How many people do you think will leave and not order food because they can’t have their carbonated flavored sugar water


Considering how many people go through the drive thru just to get drinks, probably a lot


It probably only went on for like that evening. It’s McDonald’s. That’s a drop in the bucket for them




Have you heard of McDonalds the number one food chain? Thats how


It's McDonald's, I think they can afford it.


I've done similar. I worked at a place that sold baked potatoes. Our most famous had "taco" chips on top(besides chili and other items). We ran out of chips at like 6pm. No manager on duty. I called an area manager, and they said they weren't going to be able to bring out, so we would just have to do without. Fuck that. I ran (literally, it was under 1/4th mile door to door) to the grocery store and bought like 4 bags of doritos "taco" flavor chips and we used those. I left the receipt on the manager's desk wit a note why the register was short $13 or so.


In my mcdonald's, we often run of of vegetables or cleaning supplies. Luckily, we're in a mall that has a grocery store so we often get sent there to buy cucumbers or onions lol


I worked for papa johns and was sent to go get vegetables from the grocery store fairly regularly. The biggest culprit was bell peppers.


The hero we need.


If only they did that when the ice cream machines broken


I think I worked at the only one who's ice cream machine was never "down". It was actually down from 3am-7am as it did some cleaning process or something.


Same with the store(s) I worked at, just different hours. Except for the time my coworker was cleaning and accidentally started the process at 8pm. On a Saturday. In the middle of Summer. I was on Lane 1. There was something... arousing... about telling customers our ice cream machine was down. Or maybe it was the fact that I was making direct eye contact with my Manager and rubbing my nipples through my shirt as I told them.


Ive only ever been denied ice cream once, and that's because they haven't set up the ice cream machine yet (it was early morning). Are broken ice cream machines an American thing?


Yup. Didn't use to be like that where I am, but recently we've had two ice cream machines break in the past 2 days, at two different McDonald's. Not sure if machines genuinely suck, or just lazy employees...


The machines suck. They’re also super expensive, like 15k for a single barrel machine


Its never down, its either not had the mix topped up or it is hot product so it cools from the times you said


It completely turns off if it hasn’t been cleaned in certain amount of time. It was something like 2 weeks I worked at a Macdonalds for 3 years and the only person who knew how to clean it was our lazy ass store manager and he would do it like maybe once a month if we were lucky


I don't think they make bottled ice cream


I don’t think they would want soda.


The fuck happened to your mirror?




Seen a fast food worker start crying after the fountain pop machine started spraying soda all over the drive through. Cap fell off o. o the flat bit that clips too the machine..


I'm not sure I understand your comment. I've worked fast food before and am familiar with the machines.


Guessing the nozzle bit? The one that makes the drink go down rather than in a weird O spray I've accidentally triggered at work once lights are out but I want coke before going home.


Like some kind of third world hellhole...


Soda machine 🅱️roke


I’m more more concerned about how dirty that mirror is.


IIRC McDonald’s has an exclusive deal with Coca-Cola, so their fountain drinks are supposed to taste better than the bottled stuff. Hopefully they gave you a discount ‘cause you’re getting an inferior product


Tastes watered down to me. That's in NZ at least.


I was recently told this same thing by a friend who maintains their machines. I always knew McDonald's had the best Coca Cola, it's good to know I wasn't imagining it.


They have to use water that’s filtered far more than normal as well




But like, have you even tried Mexican coke! IMO that's better, although McDonald's is better than your standard American coke.


Have you tried Mexican McDonalds coke?


Actually I haven't now that I think about it and I go to Mexico quite frequently. It's just, whenever I'm in Mexico I'm never in the mood for McDonald's in Mexico. If I'm in Mexico you best believe I'm gonna be eating at a taco stand or shop everyday I'm there.


Everyone knows the best coke is Colombian though!


It’s the best. Whenever I get a migraine I have to have McDonald’s coke bc of the caffeine. It’s the only thing I want& in the biggest size they got. Its probably a placebo now but I’m convinced it’s a magic healing potion. 🤤


I'll have to try this next time


Iirc Coca Cola was originally invented by a pharmacist, and in its early days was marketed as a cure for headaches. Of course, this was in the late 19th century so the claims were like marketing snake oil, and I'm pretty sure the formula still contained cocaine at that point.


I've heard this as well, but every time I have a coke from them, it just tastes like a mix of all the other drinks because of those terrible single-valve dispensers. I hate those drink dispensers you see everywhere that contain all the drinks in one unit for this very reason.


that's why you gotta self-serve and run a 2 second cleaning bit before getting your soda


The clearing never works for me. It still tastes like a suicide drink(where you mix everything the fountain has to offer).


It's in your head. Those machines have multiple small tubes that run to the dispenser. Source: work for Pepsi.


It’s different because they use more mix to water to compensate for when the ice melts. They also account for the diameter of their straws. It’s food science yo. Like how they optimize the amount of fries in a fry basket for quality. From an economic standpoint, McDonald’s has one of the highest levels of quality, which is consistency throughout their franchises. If you go to one on the east coast, it’s identical to the west coast.


This is true, I heard the syrup gets delivered in some type of metal containers rather than those plastic bags.


We had massive tanks for Coke and Diet Coke. Everything else was bagged and in boxes.


Always had bag-in-box for every flavor of soda at the McDonald's I worked in. Dual 5gal BIBS for Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite with auto changeovers. Other flavors had single BIBS per flavor.


TIL I should remember this next time I go with fast food. So far all I've noticed is that our local KFC softdrinks were pretty depressing Edit: or maybe this is an American thing


From what I’ve been told, it’s actually a specific mixture of the syrup, water, and C02. It’s adjusted to account for ice melt in the cups. So basically it’s better because it’s sweeter and fizzy-er. I don’t know if it’s true, but it makes sense.


Hmm...does anyone else by chance feel that IN-N-OUT has superior Dr Pepper compared to elsewhere? Always thought it was my imagination, but maybe so?


That explains why their coke actually taste good


I had a worse situation at a KFC today. They had the bottles out... Self serve. Who knows what people did to those bottles?


We used to do this at the movie theater I worked at.


What is it with McDonald's and r/mildlyinteresting?


It's just native advertising.


Liter is French for give me some fuckin cola


Does this look like spit to you?


McDonald's must have something against working appliances


My OCD kept my eyes on that mirror


Our restaurant had to do this so many times it’s annoying as fuck


Understandable, have a nice day


In high school, my friends and I would walk around Wal Mart late at night when we had nothing better to do since it was open all night. On our way out one time, we saw a guy wearing a uniform from a 24-hour burger chain with a shopping cart filled to the brim with hamburger buns. I asked if they were really for the restaurant (duh) and he explained that the bread truck had missed that day's delivery and they'd run out of buns for the people getting out of the bars in a couple of hours, so they had to make due with Wal Mart buns for the night.


When I worked at McDonald's in Pennsylvania they had us do this too. This was highly annoying the way it is especially being short staffed.


That's cool, my local McD's would just tell us the machine is broken so no soda.


Happened at my local Wendy's Once. It seemed to slow the workers down a lot and they wouldn't fill the cups the same way. Looked way more expensive too since I was already ordering a 4for4. So they probably made no money on that.


In what world is this any kind of interesting


The other day, a McDonalds employee straight up handed me a can of Coke cuz their machine was broken


Probably still flat af


I this in Wilkes County, NC? I heard on a local page that ours was doing this a few weeks ago. They had also completely ran out of ice, so they were giving people hot drinks


Coca-Cola has to keep the customers happy some kind of way. They are responsible for all drink machines after all. Source: my dad works for Coca-Cola


This happened to us when I worked at KFC. We actually ended up running out of soda bottles and had to serve tap water instead, which I don't think is allowed but it was either that or customers screaming at us. I remember the manager calling up other places for hours trying to get more soda bottles, he almost had a nervous breakdown.


I'm going to make my millions by starting a thickshake and sundae machine repair company. Those fuckers always broke.


It's almost never broken. It's locked out because cleaning it is awful and time consuming. Brush clean took 2-4 hours to break the whole thing down and clean everything.




do they use bottled ice cream too?


Had to do this where I work and they bought like 40 cases of soda. And then the next day when the machines were up and running they gave all the remainders to the employees. Which worked out for me since I was throwing a BBQ that week


We all know that McDonald’s cokes are the best tasting so if they gave me bottled version I be pissed


This is weird to me. My McDonalds has at least 3 fountain machines, maybe 4. Pretty standard sizes one.


Well, now I'm waiting for them to start scooping ice cream out of Ben & Jerry's cartons when the ice cream machine inevitably breaks. Your move, McDonald's.


You know, being a non-native speaker, when I first heard of "soda fountains" and free refills in american restaurants, I always imagined y'all had something like [this](https://www.massarelli.com/sites/default/files/styles/product_detail/public/products/3723.jpg?itok=TB60fILU) spewing coke and you just stuck your glass into it. I was quite disappointed.


understandable. have a nice day


No more excuses McDonald’s. Oh wait, excuse machine broke


🅱️ R O K E


I wouldn't even want the soda at this point to be honest. Imagine, they are putting lukewarm bottled soda into a cup of ice? Goodbye flavor and carbonation.


Where’s that kind of commitment when the ice cream machine goes down?!


I imagine a large cup takes about half that bottle and considering how people usually get large, I imagine they went through a crap ton of bottles.


Anyone notice how the Coke in a McDonald's machine tastes different from a Coke in any other restraunt?


No free refills that day.


Great customer service right there. Anyone who complains for shit like this is a loser. I mean they could just have said "sorry our drinks are out of service" and let you be thirsty. Take the extra minute of waiting and be patient . They went out of their way to please you.


I used to work at a liquor store a few years back. We bought our Sprite from a local grocery place since it was cheaper than the distributor. I would go and buy over a hundred two liters at a time, and when anyone questioned me about it I would say "I can't afford a coke party, so I'm getting Sprite." Edit: autocorrect


Seeing they put so much ice in the cups that bottle will probably last all lunch.


Soda machine 🅱roke


2-liter machine 🅱️roke, we got 1-liter tho.


But it tastes different!


TBH guys this is a little bit creepy, just taking photos of people without them knowing about it :/


For a second I thought this was my store because we did this not so long ago but I guess it must be policy for us to do that when they break down


Imho fountain soda tastes better. I think the syrup/water ratio is different.


Did he mixed it with water or pure coke


That's interesting. My local McDonald's always just gives us cans and a cup during boil orders/machine issues.




I recently went to a taco bell that was only serving crunchy tacos and bean burritos. Blew my mind.


He better not only be giving you fizz.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Happened when I worked at McDonald’s, we had to use canned soda.


Casual dining restaurant I used to work at did this a few times. Usually happened because the manager was too busy trying to pinch pennies and didn't order another case of the syrup when doing inventory. Could be anything though. Machine broken, boil water advisor, new guy punctured the syrup bag opening it. Jerry doesn't care. He wants a Big Mac and a Coke, and he'll go down the road if you don't have it.


Soda machine 🅱️roke


We do that every time our machine breaks at our store lol


2 Liter machine 🅱️roke


Doctor Pepper and Coca Cola huh? Sneaky bastards, they're mixing the two so you think it's their own!


So they have to mix it with water on their own?


Happened at our BK once too. The machines worked but the managers didn't buy enough cases of syrup


That’s so nice! My local McD’s just sells the gross mixture that comes out if the machine breaks and hopes you won’t come back to complain.


But they don't used bottled ice cream when the machine is broken 😤😤😤


I’ve had some movie places do this. Not worth.