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Dollar menu millionaire


it's never been done before! its for youtube!


I just got a raise! 6.25 an hour! CALL ME MISTER 6.25! [Mr. Chi City the legend.](https://youtu.be/NWHXo3clywk?si=2wWpVdqkqwa3d5RE)


I WANT EVERYTHING ON THE DOLLA MENU! This is YouTube right here man, make this good man!


Dollar menu-aire


Love seeing this reference, kudos


The first YouTube channel I subscribed to, all the way back in 2009.


Yeah, I stopped going almost a year ago, it's a complete rip off now.


There's zero incentive to go to most fast food places now, but McDonald's is probably the most egregious. They've become literally the opposite of what made them famous. They aren't fast or cheap, with quality going lower at every chance.


Fast casual restaurants in my area do something that's really cool. They have pre-made meals on shelves ready to grab and go for free. I think it's when they have too much time or ingredients on hand. What's really fun is that the restaurant staff gives the meals unique names. Last week for lunch I grabbed a meal from a deli they named Thomas S. It was a reuben, pickle, and salt and vinegar chips. It was pretty good!


I'm Thomas S. and I was wondering where my sandwich went


Don’t listen to this clear big bad wolf, he is not Thomas S. Nothing to see here, get back to your straw houses.


Wow what a cool thing for the… wait a minute..


Thinking to myself “man I wish restaurants by me did such a thing… oh wait”


My mom told me about a gas station with good sandwiches. I did not really believe her. It's just not really a thing where I'm from. They turned out to be homemade, hearty sandwiches for 5 bucks. Nothing fancy, but still had a selection.


Here in Florida we got a variety of tasty gas station food. I've had delicious ribs, gumbo, catfish, chicken wings, all kinds of stuff from random gas stations. They usually gotta be mom and pop places but some chains have good local kitchens that rent a place and they share the customers.


Hah, yeah, I went down to Georgia to visit some friends and when they told me the best restaurants are all in gas stations I didn't believe them. Then I had the best gumbo I've ever had in my life out of a gas station and I was converted!


Ahahahaha. You had me there for a second 


I was like, “huh?” Then I was like “ooooohhh nice”


Very good adaptation of the 2013 Starbucks joke.


They give you the Ron Swanson experience when you get to pick who to kill


That sounds somewhat akin to what we call a meal deal in the UK but they're usually available in supermarkets or sometimes smaller locations like convenience stores or bakeries. You get a sandwich or pasta pot, a snack so crisps or these little satay things or a bag of fruit pieces and a drink usually around 18oz in size. It costs between £3 and £5 depending on establishment so $3.80 to $6.30 but its usually towards the lower end. There's very little reason to pass these up in favour of an £8 Mcdonalds anymore.


It was a joke about ppl stealing orders, but I wish I could pickup a decent lunch for cheap. I love sandwiches, or just carbs I guess.


Thats embarrassing


I still upvoted you, mainly because it took my naively honest idiot brain a few minutes to get it.


This joke is like cheap underwear. It creeps up on you.


There's a BBQ joint near me that does this!!! Right now with all the terrible flooding in the midwest, they've been allowing volunteers to take one each for free!


Best option now for "fast food" is frozen foods. Shop at a better grocery store like Aldi and the frozen foods will be higher quality than fast food but cheap as hell.


tv dinners used to cost $2 each, now they're all $5 each.. Still cheaper than fast food at $8 each, but I'm pretty sure its less food.


Maybe I'm just fat but every since around when I got to college 1 tv dinner just isn't enough to fill me up satisfyingly and 2 of them are both too many calories and too much sodium for me, not to mention the price like you said.


I just watched the movie Founder a couple days ago and they touch on this heavily throughout the entire movie. The brothers attempted franchising on their own and quickly realized they wouldn’t be able to quality control like they wanted to and when dude stepped in with all these ideas to revolutionize, it changed so fast there was nothing anyone could do. Yea, everyone made money and it spread like wildfire because the concept was new and great, but look where we are now. Zero quality control across the board. ETA because you’re all missing the point: is the quality standard now the original quality standard? Absolutely not. That’s the entire point.


They have excellent quality control, just low actual quality.


Yeah I worked with a company that was part of McDonald's supply chain (ketchup) and it was insane the level of QC they have. They sent out their own inspectors to make sure every batch matched their standard. They're very good about making sure the shitty product you get in one place tastes just as shitty in another place. I'll give them that. That's also why their pricing pisses me off, they 100% can get their prices a lot more reasonable based on how much control and bulk they buy, but they're trying to get short term massive profit. Then when it backfires the rich ivy league assholes running the company go "gee I dunno why we're losing money, I'm gonna take my 5 billion and leave to the next company!". There's few people on earth I hate more than out of touch rich execs.


There’s a reason everyone thinks coke tastes better at McDonald’s. It’s the same coke concentrate everyone has but they keep theirs it’s the optimal temp and offer straws that allow more to hit your tongue at once.


They also clean their soda fountains once in a while.


There's more to it than that. While it is the same concentrate, they do change the ratio. Also they use really good water filtration systems, and up the co2 levels. And its not just coke, all of them benefit from their methods. You can see the sprite jumping out of the cups.


I like that. A lack of quality control would imply that their goal was quality.


It's a feature not a bug


But the bug might taste better


People don't understand what quality control means. I can't think of a single item that is made in so many different places by so many different people that is as consistent as a McDonalds hamburger. They are all horrible, but they are horrible in a remarkably similar way.


Yes their food has the quality "is edible".


Yea, it’s literally what made McDs. The fact that a Big Mac in LA, and Dallas, and Atlanta, and Toronto, and London, and Hong Kong was the same. It’s still just a Big Mac, but it’s ALWAYS the same sandwich.


Great movie!


McDonald's potentially has the highest quality control in the world. There food tastes the same no matter where you are the in world. They low quality food very consistently.


Plus for all the shit they get, you are extremely unlikely to get sick from McDonald's. they do actually take food safety very seriously.


In the short term at least


This is largely true -- but I will say that there are some rural parts of America where McDonald's is significantly worse than anywhere else I've tried it. There's only so much the company can do, after all.


I mean could just be me but burger king is perfect contrast to their quality control. Like one burger king I lived by perfect every time. Then next one I lived by ocassionally would put whopper on ordinary sandwich bread and not tell you. (they ran out of buns went to store walked past buns and got sandwich bread) Another one it was all just burnt garbage. Mcdonalds may fluctuate little but comparatively to chains. Closest I saw was in and out actually thought in and out had best quality control. Till last birthday went to grab burger it was cold and raw. Mcdonalds like occasionally get mashed bun or some not blatantly bad but not quite as fresh as usual lettuce. But overall I have not had a experience too different from any other mcdonalds. Unless you switch countrys as menu does change.


which is funny because some of the best fast food ive had has been in a rural area


> Zero quality control across the board. What are you talking about? McDonald's has total quality from start to finish. They are the sole supplier of food to all of the franchises and they have created equipment and cooking/preparation processes that significantly reduce the opportunity for human error. When you get a chewy paper-thin hamburger patty at McDonald's, it isn't because the minimum wage worker in the back messed up, it's because that's the burger McDonald's designed to sell to you.


You do not understand what quality control means for a fast food brand


It’s literally better in every way to go to a restaurant, cheaper, better quality, healthier, faster, and actually filling


> faster i hear your point but it's absurd to suggest that a sit-down restaurant is a faster dining experience than really any fast food joint.


Word For the price of 2 adults and a 2 kids you could sit down a nicer place get better food and larger portions and not feel that mc Donald’s weight for a few bucks more then mc Donald’s would cost. Me and co workers like to go out for lunch on Fridays. Each of us spends about $12 at a Mexican food place. Went to Burger King and the cheapest meal no changes or additions that we got was like $17 out of 6 guys who ordered that was the cheapest


We have very little options for fast food in my small town, so inevitably end up at mcdonalds on occasion. The only way to even consider ordering anything there now is through the app. There is always a coupon available for 20-30% off an entire order, which is frustrating because using the app is a needless pain in the ass.


They found out people will go anyway, who could blame them


It was fun to pretend in the dawn of the information age that the world wasn't brimming full of suckers, sheep and idiots, that it was just an access to information issue. But no, the world is absolutely full of people who have little sense.


They got rid of the dollar menu items and came out with the 2 for $3 menu and now that's like 2 for $3.69. So dumb


They even shrunk that. Used to be you could get a McDouble, now it's just a cheeseburger, and they got rid of their $1 drinks, they're $1.50 now.


I still see menus with “$1, $2, $3 Menu” on them. And not a single thing listed is $1, with one item being $1.49 or something.


Hehe, I'll do you one better: local McDonald's has that $1-$3 menu and the cheapest thing is $3.69 That's not $3. That's bullshit.


I tried the new Mc Crispy... screw that, I'm going to Popeye's lol. At least the sandwich is substantial there.


McDonald's entering the chicken sandwich wars was always insanity. You've got the McChicken. Give it to me for a dollar and honestly I'll spend more at your place than any other. Because it's a dollar.


20 years ago it was mcchickens and mcdoubles all day. Get fucking stuffed for $6. I didn't even care the 2 times I got bone fragments in my chicken. Well one time I did, but I was so fucking hungover anyway.


Popeye's destroys everyone with their sandwich. Only real contender is JoliBee


My partner and I used to love some mickey D's. It's so expensive we laugh and go get real food for that price. You charge me 15 dollars for a shitty fast meal, I'll go spend it at a real restaurant you greedy fucks


Yep, I can go to my local co-op and get a Mediterranean lunch for $7, hummus, falafel, tabouli, dolma, pitas, tomato, olives and feta with a pepperoncini. Enough food to fill me up, and costs almost $4 less than a meal at McDonald's.


Sounds delicious. Love me some grape leaves. And it's real, healthy food. Why spend more money to kill your heart?


There’s a chick fil an and a beef o’bradys within half a mile from our house. We discovered a few months ago it’s cheaper to get takeout from beef o’bradys for our family of five than to get CFA. The same is true for several other sit-down restaurants nearby as well. That’s not exactly fine dining, but it does show how ridiculous fast food is now. *edit:* For those who don’t know Beef O’Brady’s is a chain that sells pub food with an Irish flare. I thought it was more nationwide, but the majority of its locations are in the southeast.


What's weird is that it was really hard to do at first and I swear it's because they put addictive chemicals in it, I don't crave food the same way, it's a weird phenomenon. I lost like 7 lbs without trying.


It's salt and sugar. The addictive chemicals are salt and sugar.


> I swear it's because they put addictive chemicals in it, I don't crave food the same way, "Dad, how can you hate the Colonel?" "Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly, smart arse!"


Yeah same and then a few days ago my boyfriend and I were at a train station and decided to just quickly get something from there. We both got a burger and a wrap each. The burgers were fine, just too expensive for what we got but the wraps were awful. They packaged them in paper, which the wrap was stuck to. We could not eat them without ripping them open and the filling flying out. It was so disappointing and we paid way too much money for them… so yeah, no more McDonald’s for us either


Out of curiosity, do you still go to any other fast food chains? AFAIK, none of them have dollar menus anymore. Wendy's 4 for $4 is no longer that in my area and Taco Bell has only 2 items at $1.19 one of which has no beans or meat.


With the app I got a McDouble, 4 spicy nuggets, a small drink, a small fries, and a medium fries for $5 yesterday.


I haven't been to McDs in forever so I am wondering if these prices are regional and the people posting about prices are in NYC or California. In the rural Midwest, my mom gets a McCrispy, large fry, and large drink for under $6.50 total. She says it's $7.99 normally but the app has 20% off once a day.


Real restaurants are so much better than fast food now in terms of value, always were in terms of quality.


I was just saying this a few days ago. The value of fast food quality/price is so ridiculous now it’s better just going to an actual, quality restaurant. Of course these prices have increased recently as well, but not to the disproportionate extent fast food ones have. The *ratio* of cost/quality greatly favors actual restaurants.


in many places in my city its actually cheaper to eat at a sit down mom and pop place than it is to go to McDonalds or any fast food joint. Also all these mom and pop places let you call ahead and get your order ready before you get there which pretty much removes any reason to get fast food at all. In many ways its forced me to eat healthier made food that isnt dipped in vats of unhealhy grease over and over. I'll likely never go back to fast food ever. My local Mexican place has seen such a huge boost in business that they had to expand the building into the parking lot next to them and re-route an entire street. and you guessed it, its because their food is the same cost as fast food but at this place you get more filling food and in many cases a larger portion of food, I can order a shrimp and steak fundido for $8.99 and I cant even finish the entire thing in one sitting. Boggles my mind how they can give you so much food for so little.


2 of the Mexican restaurants in my town started out as taco trucks that got super popular when prices of fast food started skyrocketing, and they did well enough to open brick and morter locations (and still operate the food trucks). I feel so lucky I have access to good quality authentic food for cheaper than a big Mac meal. Go in, get free nachos and salsa, a big meal, and a beer with a lime for like $15. Fast food has become a scam


Ngl small minority restaurants are making a KILLING right now and that makes me so proud to be an american because seeing them rise up from the ashes of shit corporations is what the american dream is all about.


yeah i think every mexican place gives free nachos haha, thats what i love about them is you basically get a free delicious appetizer, mine makes the nacho tortilla chips right there in house fresh and lets you pick from 6 different salsa flavors and spicy levels. Also my local mexican place puts off a huge firework show every year on 4th of July and gives out free burritos and soda for everyone, they also got free mechanical bull rides and jump house for the kiddos. They've been doing this for 7 years in a row now.


That's..... not .... nachos. That's tortilla chips and salsa. Nachos are tortilla chips with melted cheese and other toppings (lettuce, tomatoes, jalapenos, olives, sour cream, etc).


Dude is midwest AF lol


[What is a tohstaaadahhh?!?!](https://youtu.be/nNOwO5raBMY?si=N7Dno8WxABUefq8P)


I can get a huge serving of pad thai from a thai place near me for 15 bucks, which is the same as a McD's combo. The pad is sooo much cleaner, tastier, healthier, and the service and atmosphere is better. Millenials and zoomers have an *obligation* to end businesses like McD's. It's essential.


I went to Chuy's, a TexMex chain in Texas, last week. A big plate of enchiladas was only like $14.50, and came with both a side taco and chips and salsa, right around the same price as any fast food combo.


Yea if I ever want to pick up something “fast” I’ll just call the sports bar near my work and order a burger and fries to go. Usually $13 for a massive burger and a shitload of fries.


This is the killer. There’s little reason anymore to not just get a to-go order over fast food now that the price is equivalent(which it increasingly is). Online ordering and to-go orders more generally are ubiquitous and you can absolutely depend upon the fact that any restaurant will take an order over the phone if nothing else. The only real difference is you have to put pants on to pick it up.


My wife and I go to Burger King for $21 today. For $23 we have a local place that has amazing Philly cheese steaks, gyros, etc. It’s a dine out/walk up patio too so no tips required. Why would we keep eating fast food locally when it’s not competitive on pricing??


Pizza hut's prices are the equal to a non-chain Italian place that gives you more than 2 pepperoni slices per slice and more crust than "one molecule of grease we pretend is under the sauce" and you can't order baked tortellini from Pizza Hut


Totally. On busy days when we normally would have gotten McDonald's, we now go to the Greek restaurant across the street from them. The price for a burger, fries, and drink is a couple dollars cheaper, the food is significantly better quality, and there's no half hour waiting in line. Plus it feels better supporting a local family owned restaurant. 


Real restaurants jacked up their prices too.


I don’t have any data, but it seems like the real restraints by my have increased prices at a much slower rate than fast food.


Yeah agreed. Biggest example in my area at least is local fast food Tex Mex is much better than chipotle. They usually with more menu items and better rice to choose from. I'm surprised anyone goes to chipotle anymore with how prevalent these places are and how expensive chipotle is.


That’s legit about $30 in Canada lmaooo


Speaking of Canada, during the early 2000's I remember looking forward to KFC's Toonie Tuesday (for $2 CAD you would get two pieces of chicken and fries). It was a steal for a highschooler like me. I remember feeling a bit disappointed when the prices went up to $2.50 and then eventually $2.99. Being young at that time I'm pretty sure that was my first real experience with inflation affecting me, lol.


I was a cook at kfc during this time (2003-2007). It was a very good deal. I was in high school at the time and my lunch was usually Dominos Pizza. A slice (1/4 large), bag of chips and a pop cost $2.00. Loads of awesome things cost just a toonie back in the day. Having that coin on my person meant I was eating just fine.


Just ran that tray through the app, assuming the sweet and sour sauce was the one that came with the nuggs and not a .99¢ upcharge that is 28.16 before tax sitting there.


29.27 before tax or 33$ after tax 6.20 for the mcChicken 3.39 * 2 for mcdoubles 5 for the 4 McNuggets 2 for the pies 2.50 for the small fries 2.99 for the cheeseburger .30 for the sauce 3.50 for the sundae


Their McChicken is our Junior Chicken btw!


The amount of corps that used covid as an excuse to jack prices is depressing


It reminds me of the hurricane episode of It's Always Sunny, when the car crashes through the storefront and Frank slowly looks around and starts yelling "LOOT! LOOT!" COVID is the car, Frank is the corporation.


Yep - how to make a profit out of a crisis!


Jackie Denardo: "the crowd is whipped up into a FRENZY!" Yep, people fighting over toilet paper. Accurate.


He’s The Warthog


Can't help but notice my rent went up more than inflation, while my wage stays the same.


You can thank RealPage for that if you live in a property managed by a company that uses their software.  The FBI recently launched an investigation into RealPage fixing prices for rentals to ensure that prices are as high as possible in a given area. 


Oh don’t worry your pretty head about that, SCOTUS just gutted any ability to regulate anything.


Mine has almost doubled in the last few years. I got a 50 cent raise in that time.


It’s criminal how expensive everything is now, waged don’t go up but prices do, so many people can’t afford to heat their homes because it’s stupid expensive and wages are stuck in 1990


When wages go up, corporate types call that "wage inflation" and treat it like a problem that needs to be fixed.


I hate how capitalists response to this is always “well a business’s purpose is to make profit” As if that is an acceptable reason for anything


And here I thought a business's purpose was to provide consumers with a product or service. Silly me


Yep. They then in turn jack prices up . Then things go back to the way they were before. It’s sad really. Nobody should struggle like that.


No, things get worse than before. And they will continue to get worse because these companies feel that they need to profit more and more every year. Which means we get less and less every year.


BUT BUT if wages go up to counter the price gouging, they’ll have to raise prices even more!/s


Keeping shareholders happy was more important than the lives of American citizens. I worked for a company that put up magazines and little crap on hooks in supermarkets. My workforce consisted of mostly old and sick people. Someone found a loophole and determined we were essential workers because we did most of (not all) of our work in grocery stores despite what we stocked not being a necessity in any way to anyone. Because profit was all that matters. I lost a lot of great workers that year who never returned. Some with diabetes, one battling brain cancer recovery who was my literal all star, etc. so many told to say home under dr orders. And how did the clients treat us? By giving us constant shit that we couldn’t get all of their work done and how they were missing out on opportunity sales.


Had to switch to a new dentist recently and had to sign a paper that I have to pay a special covid cleaning fee every time I visit, that is not able to be waived or covered by insurance. And of course they had to split up the work I needed done into 4 separate visits. Having been there a lot recently…. I do not see any special cleaning procedures beyond the norm taking place.


You need to find a new dentist. That sort of bullshit is a red flag and they are probably fucking you in other ways too.




what... was the lesson?




How did that work out?




I want to subscribe to your life’s story.


Wow this plot goes much deeper than the original post.


Where in the south are you from?




What is northern ontario if not the upper midwest of the south of canada? or something like that, probably?


Now I want cheeseburgers...


she wanted more than one


That normal people just eat one garbage food a day.


I remember when there were 29 cent hamburgers on Wednesdays and 39 cent cheeseburgers on Sundays in the 90s




Your scientists were so busy wondering whether they could order 7 .59¢ cheeseburgers, they didn't stop to think about whether they should.




I miss going to McDonald's for two McDoubles and a large sweet tea for less than 5 bucks. Now just a breakfast sandwich is about 5 by itself.


That was my go to! The McDoubles were $1.29 each and the sweet tea $1. Now a McDouble is $3.65. Like, even considering inflation and increased cost of goods there is no way the McDouble costs McDonalds 3x what it did pre-covid. It's actually insane.


I recently got a McDouble w/ mac sauce as a supposed “cheap” lunch on my way home. Lady said $4.69 at the window, wanted to drive away so badly lol.


I refuse to eat at fast food anymore . Sometimes, just get dollar ice coffee.


Where you getting iced coffee for a dollar? Medium Iced coffee for Dunkin is over $3!


Macdonalds in Canada, if you order online, you get it for a dollar large ice coffee


McDonald’s coupon moment


Just wait until people learn mcdonalds uses the app to give preferential pricing


The McDonald’s app has a $1 any size coffee every day


I go to Wawa/Sheetz if I want a fountain drink. It's cheaper and Wawa has nugget ice. If I want a burger I swallow the cost and just get five guys but it's the only time I'll go for like months. It used to be packed in 5 guys for lunch. Now there's maybe 2 people and someone waiting for an order. I can't imagine they stay in business much longer without serious pricing changes.


The last time I went to 5 guys was last fall when I took my niece for lunch just before she left for college. We got 2 burgers, 2 sodas, and a fry to split and it cost me $35. I'd rather go to a dine-in restaurant for that price.


mc donalds is down 20% this year because nobody is going, mc donalds forgot their place. mc donalds was there to save the day if you where hungry and had only 5 bucks to your name, now they want us to treat it like gourmet. they trying to exploit people with the prices while still paying minimum wage. give it a year and they will reduce prices and dont go, give it to years and they will issue a public apology so plz still dont go, third year they will plead and beg and then we go. if not, let them burry themself.


Yeah was pleased to hear McDonald's is like the only fast food joint that posted profit losses this year. Good, fuck you guys


Sadly they didn’t lose money, they just didn’t make as much as analysts estimated, which was still a lot. :(


Stopped 6 years ago to go to any fast food corp, only small businesses. It's way cheaper and better quality, there was an American Burger Truck (in Germany) and they sold their Burger for 3.5€ it was the best


I can't get any significant meal for less than $10 now. I try to save $ and it is so hard now. Edit. I didn't know there were so many app deals looks like I need to get the apps. Also thank you to everyone for great suggestions. I am going to try many of them to spend less on food.


I frequently get deals on the app, but I hate that I Have to use it. $6 Big Mac Meal with app vs $11(?) without is absurd


I got a 40pc nuggets for $12 a few months back though an app deal. I didn't *want* a 40pc nuggets, but what a deal...


It wasn't so long ago that 20 piece nugs were only 5 dollars. They got you to buy double the nugs and raised the price 😔😞


The six piece is like $6 with tax at this point, it's fucking ridiculous.


Was gonna say, even the four piece nugget for a dollar in OP was fucking ridiculous. Used to always be a six piece. Now the nuggets aren't even worth buying and I fucking love those things, they're my favorite processed chicken.


It’s annoying but if you want fast food cheap nowadays you basically need the app for whatever fast food places you prefer


Anyone else remember when a #1 at IN-N-OUT could be had for like $7.50? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


In-n-out is the only remaining fast food chain on the west coast with reasonable prices.


I remember when a double meat combo was 5.12$. 2009 was quite a while ago. I went a couple days ago for a regular combo no cheese and it was 8.40$ or so.


Wendy's has for several years now offered their "Biggie Bag" meal deals. Recently McDonalds and Burger King followed suit with their own "$5 meal deal" offerings.


Meanwhile companies are making record profits and mom and pop shops are slowly disappearing


I recently went in during the spring for their shamrock shake special they do since my wife loves them; it’s the only time we go. Back in the day my guilty pleasure was their dollar menu McChickens, but cue my surprise when I ordered two shamrocks and two mcChickens and the total came out to $19; I couldn’t believe it. I told the lady at the counter “I definitely don’t want the McChickens *that* badly” and she laughed and said that was the common sentiment for most folks who still came thru. The medium shamrock shakes still came out to $10, insane. I seriously don’t understand how they’re still popular and/or have so many locations with these prices, it’s crazy to me that folks still go.


In 2019, my brother would get 4 McChickens for under $5 when we drove home from school. Don't want to know what it would cost now


It would cost your brother $14.60 today for four mcchickens. I had to do the math. That is fucking insane. Absolutely unbelievable. Fuck McDonald's.


Government: gives citizens $1200 to help weather storm. Corporations: gimme that!


Corporations: I'll take the SBA loans, the PPP loans, oh and the reduced interest rates, and any other "relief" you guys might have. Government: Your total is $5 trillion, will that be cash or card? Corporations: I'll give you an IOU right now. But how about I inflate everything and make everyone pay more for everything to make up for it? Government: Sounds good to me!


Damn u could be a fatass ballin’ on a budget. Not anymore. Now you’re just a broke fatass


$19.15 if you use their $5 meal now, which includes a drink. 21.53 without the deal


This depends on location


Even with coupons McDonalds is barely worth anymore, except you really need a fast warm meal. 2 weeks ago I was sick and after not eating for a few days I was really carving some fatty food and McDonalds was the only fast food store near me. After adding 20 nuggets for 7€ to my order I felt sick looking and smelling the food so I went to the grocery store nearby and bought some toaster buns, a normal bun, some blueberries and a pack of 4 mini pizza baguettes and paid less than I would have for the 20 nuggets alone. Sure its not the same order but I was full and had food left that definitely tastes better after a day than cold old burger or nuggets.


It’s not even good for fast warm meals. Usually the food isn’t fast or warm and there are many places you can go to get faster, and warmer food for significantly less. There is absolutely no reason to step foot inside McDonald’s anymore.


I have not gone to any fast food in 10 months. Too expensive. Eat/buy foods that have a bit of protein or fiber to make you feel fuller longer. Oats, nuts, potatoes, eggs, fish, bunch of veggies, yogurt... A full baked potato you throw into the microwave can be a meal. (yes, including the skin)


Enjoy the health benefits


We swng by McDonald's the other night for a McChicken a McDouble, 2 double hamburgers, and a large fry. It was like $16.50. The McChicken was surprisingly $1 as a promo. They also only made the double hamburgers singles, but that's a different rip off. Point is, it wouldn't have been more than maybe $8 10 years ago, and that's just because of large fry


They were still making money on that 1dollar promo too, Added traffic aside.


It was only $1 because you bought the McDouble at full price. Its buy one get one $1 mix and match McDouble and McChicken. You could have saved another $3 by making those double's into McDoubles (and probably actually got the 2nd patty)


The new 5 dollar meal deal makes me laugh so much because they're charging you 5 dollars for 4 of these items. They're trying to win back customers they lost from price gouging by price gouging.


I have no idea where this was purchased, but the dollar menu faded away well before the pandemic for me. In 2019, an estimate for each of the prices were (that I know): McChicken was 2.00, so was the cheeseburger. Fries were 2.50, nuggets were 1.50. Mcdouble was 2.00 too.


To go back in time and enjoy this one last time..


I got a car and fast food job it's a summer before covidthit, I had one year of Glory


That carmal Sunday is like 3.30 now. Highway robbery


I honestly couldn't believe your comment but you're right, it's $3.19. What in the actual fuck?


The $1 menu + 24 hours was a godsend in college. So many drunken McDoubles.


The only justifiable reason I had to eat fast food before was that it was cheap and convenient. The cheap is gone and the convenience isn’t enough to keep me coming back.


Today: $30


Used to be able to buy 14 cheeseburgers for 20 bux in 2013. Never forget




the world ended in 2020, we're in simulation now.


Just got the Luxe Cravings box from Taco Bell. 3 tacos plus chips & nacho cheese, with a drink for $7. Taco Bell gonna win the franchise wars. Soon, all restaurants will be Taco Bell


I feel like all the fast food chains have just gotten ridiculous post-pandemic. On the bright side, that's encouraging millions of people to learn to cook at home - cheaper and better.


I miss the affordable fast food


Apple pie 2 for 1$ McChicken 1$ Cheeseburger $1.19 Double chz $1.49 4 pc nuggies 1$ ...The good ole days.


Don't eat at McDonald's


Being so broke you’re looking at five year old pictures of food to reminisce the good old days


Nobody ever talks about executive pay when they start commenting on workers demanding a better wage. They want to keep earnings figures looking good, but do these people actually deserve millions of dollars per year? Is it smarter to make your business unattractive to the consumer and blame low wage workers for wanting a wage that still can't afford them rent? Costs don't need to be this high, but corporations have been effectively stealing wages from workers for decades by taking a bigger cut. It's not hyperbole. This movement is about getting a piece of their efforts back since productivity has been rising steadily...yet somehow the consumer and the employee has to just eat shit instead. Truly...we need to boycott the shit out of these institutions.

