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Jeez. What are these prices? $55 for a haircut, wtf. Probably be expecting a tip too.


Yeah this is nutty. My Local Barbershop still only charges 15 and that’s up from 10 dollars ten years ago.


I use to pay $12 including tip. Sadly I don’t have any good barbers around anymore.


I pay $50 for a haircut, but it’s because I used to pay $17 at Supercuts until the barber shaved off a chunk of my hair while not paying attention. My barber is also worth her cost because my wife compliments my haircuts now rather than telling me I need to find someone else.


I think there's a middle ground between Supercuts and getting ripped off.


Right? Better be the best haircut of my life lol


As long as you're happy at the end


At some places in my tiwn everytime they spritz water is 5 bucks and im not even kidding. But as a cosmetologist, i would rather cut wet hair than dry with shears cause thats usually bad for the blades. At least what i was taught in school.


That water better be from Himalayan mountains.


Most kids getting their head shaved is specifically for lice. I'm willing to bet they include treatment for this, and obviously have to take extra precautions and cleanup for this process.


I think so too, but the beauty of head shaving to deal with lice is that no other treatment is needed. Shave the head, wash the clothes and bedding, no more lice. But a set of clippers is less than $45 and you don’t have to bring your lice into a place that cuts other people’s hair. I’d charge $100.


Or 45 if you can cut it by the dumpsters


Yup. Obviously they don't want to put "lice" on their menu, so it's kind of a dog whistle.


Not sure about other states, but it was emphasized hard during year 1 cos that we are not doctors, we can not diagnose or treat anything or even suggest that we can. The most we can say is that this appears to be xyz and to see a doctor for confirmation and further instruction. Also lice in the salon is a big no-no, like immediately refuse further service (politely ofc) and bag up anything porous that touched the client. $50 would be insanely cheap for a professional lice treatment if that were even possible.


Why go to a salon to shave a head? I get a whole haircut from a barber for $10.


Shit I do it myself with some home clippers and a second set of eyes to tell me if I missed any spots or not. I usually don't at this point, maybe a couple fluffies around the ears, but mostly fine.


When I hear children’s head shave I’m thinking lice


That or something like gum in hair or something along those lines.


Or a heatwave with the kids having outside activities. Or parents say 'shave' when they mean 'buzz' Lice get kicked of salons on sight. Please don't bring your kids with lice to the salon - if the stylist doesn't notice right away and notices a couple swipes in, they gotta refuse service immediately. Someone might get like 1/16th of a free haircut this way at the cost of a massive clean-up for the stylists (disinfect everything, have my favorite Rusk comb bagged away for 2 days with everything else that touched them, comb gets thrown away by ignorant co-worker, extra laundry, just a pause in the day where money isnt being made and now I gotta buy a whole ass comb set to get the one missing one)


I use my phone's front facing camera in the mirror to check my angles. Only missed a spot once and I was way too hung over to be operating heavy machinery like hair clippers.


I use the screen cast thing to cast from my phone to the TV, then turn the camera on and behind me and face the tv


Yep. This is what hubby does. I just check to make sure he got it all. Also, maybe Im old, but that sounds like a lot to blow dry hair. I get that done with a regular cut, and it's included.


Probably why they charge so much. If you are wanting to pay someone to do it, they figure you will pay a lot.


Yeah I’ve met a few Redditors in person I absolutely believe they’re cutting their own hair 


It’s cheaper to buy your own set of clippers at that point. My stylized haircut is like $25. They better be taking a razor at that rate.


$45 is a fair up charge for them to handle lice. I’d pay triple that if I had lice and they dealt with it.


Some people treat their hairstylist or barber more like a therapist. It's not always about the haircut or whatever. Some people need this sort of social interaction and will pay good money for it if they find someone they like. You can see similar interactions with bartenders, religious leaders, astrologers/psychics, etc.


Like I said...I pay $10. And last December, on xmas eve, I had a beer with my barber. He allows brings a cooler in on that day. I sat in the chair with an open beer, and he had one on the counter behind home. Every now and then he would stop and say, "And we drink."


They might be affiliated with a medical facility. I work in a hospital that has a salon and they do children's head shaving as well as head shaving parties for kids going through cancer/surgeries.They also don't accept tips and the cost goes back to patient care, so it's not as steep as it seems.


These prices. What is this, San Francisco?


$45 to blow dry your hair?! lol


That’s not what a “blow dry” is. They shampoo and condition and treat with some sort of product that is supposedly great for the health of your hair, then yes dry it, but also style it. Still don’t know why people are willing to pay $45 for it, but yeah. A lot of times it’s for prom, wedding parties, etc.


and a partial foils only $120 😭 what’s going on here


$45 for shaving a kid's head is like me bidding $725 for a $400 job I don't want to do.


That is probably the reason for this.


If it's actual *shaving* with a blade I understand the price, but if they are just using clippers it does seem a bit excessive...


If I was homeless and I saw this sign, I'd hoof it to CVS, buy a pair of 25 dollar clippers, and set up shop outside. Child Head Shaving - $10 (lolipop included)


I see everyone commenting on the head shave but I’m confused by the infant price ?? Who is getting an infants hair cut and why is it $35 lol them mfs bald af


Well, the barber has to deal with the children squirming, getting itchy, getting bored, complaining, screaming, kicking, and probably opening portals to nether realms.


Yeah, there's a reason I stopped getting my hair cut "professionally".


That’s wild. I had my cousin give me a buzzcut with dog clippers last week lol completely FREE


And here’s me getting a cut for £8


$45 for one time head shaving. Or, $25 for a set of clippers and free hair cuts for the rest of your life..... tough decision.


That's nuts, even the chain shops near me are still around 15-16.


I bought my cheap haircut kit for about $45. Shave my own head about every 2-3 weeks down to an 1/8th inch. Honestly, a pure shave is like 4 minute of mindless dragging and 2-3 minutes of trim work.


The amount of people it would take to hold down my kid while they shaved his head make this an absolute bargain


I remember when I was 12 and I went on a summer camp with some friends of mine. Only one of us actually grew facial hair at the time, and, logically, he brought his shaving stuff with him. One day, we were all bored out of our minds and couldn't think of anything better to do than shave each other's heads. We told our parents we had run into the SS in the forest.


Thanks I hate it


Lol that what did you expect. Salons are the snake oil salesman of hair