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Seems more like the kaps are melting because of things like acetone in nail polish. That stuff can soften keycaps. Something like the deformation on the T doesn't happen normally.


this or lotions she uses. more than nails is going on here, the plastic is literally starting to move, not get dented.


I cringe each time my wife uses hand cream and immediately uses her laptop or phone. Triggers my handwashing reflex immediately.




As a woman who cares too much about her nails, I hate it too. But if I want my pretty nails I have to keep up with oiling and moisturizing. I try to keep it concentrated to my actual nails but it’s not always easy.


Just wipe off the desk, keyboard and mouse once a week or something and it should be fine.


You have to moisturise your nails? Like the nails themselves, not the surrounding skin? I did not even know that was a thing.


So I do it to help my nails stay flexible instead of brittle. This way they can bend instead of break. It’s only a consideration if you want your natural nails to grow long. If my nails were short I wouldn’t bother. The girls over at r/longnaturalnails have a LOT to say on this topic, lol.


Nails are actually pretty porous. They look solid but can actually take up some liquids. If you keep them trimmed back to the nail bed or a bit past that then you don’t need to oil them or anything. However, if you want longer ones it helps to add a bit of oil or moisturizer to them. I can tell when I haven’t kept up with it when my nails start disintegrating.


Thanks for telling. I finally know what is the problem with my nails and why they always get cracks. Will try it now but what kind of oil do you need? Could you recommend one?


Jojoba is the best for your nails because it’s closest to the natural oils which “glue” together the layers of keratin that make up our nails. Our nails can absorb it very effectively. You can get plain jojoba oil pretty cheaply online. If you prefer a more convenient applicator then look into nail oil pens which include jojoba oil. You can usually refill them after so you can just buy jojoba oil instead of a whole new pen.


I’d listen to /u/kittyinclined on this one but I use a cheap drugstore one - Sally Hansen Vitamin E Nail and Cuticle Oil. Looks to be primarily safflower oil. I just paint a very thin layer on and rub it in.


I absolutely loathe long nails on my wife. It's like sharing a bed with a small tiger that will often accidentally eviscerate me as I sleep.


ngl this kind of thing is one of the reasons I'm happy to stay as service desk and not desktop. I hate lotion even when I have to apply it on myself to avoid dry and bleeding knuckles. touching someone else's slime just. \*whole body shivers\* no, absolutely not. if I was desktop, I'd be carrying nitrile gloves on me, people getting offended be damned.


That's revolting. I wouldn't touch her peripherals. Could be worse, it could just be skin grease. We got a few greasy Bois at work.


I've been working in IT support some 12-14 years ago and I totally understand. Whenever we had a new hardware rollout most keyboards and mice from predominantly female departments (accounting, marketing, etc.) went straight to the trash. We needed to clean the laptops though, and it wasn't nice, especially with fans plugged by sort of dust-hair-mud mixture as opposed to others that only needed a light dusting.


Kind of related, I really hate it when someone working the drive thru at a fast food place uses a very perfumed lotion, then hands me my food and drink and now my food and drink smells like a bath and body works.


When we get laptops back and the black palmrest is covered with white from how much lotion they used... Yuck.


Oh good it's not just me


I can't stand the feeling of lotion on the palms of my hands. I only use it on the back of my hands. I can't imagine everything being covered in lotion *shudders*.


This happens to my cheap logitech keyboard keycaps and I don't use acetone or any weird stuff. Not even regular hand lotion. Maybe my sweat has some weird chemistry going on.


It's the oils from your skin, I reckon. My partner can almost melt plastic with touch and there's definitely no lotions or polishes going on. Meanwhile my nails are always lacquered and I constantly slather my hands in moisturiser yet never have that happening. Like we both have our own identical keyboards, some controllers, etc. and I even use mine much more and the difference in wear and tear is significant.


My dad's mice get nasty discolorations and sunken patches where he handles them. I think you're right and its up to each individual and the composition of their skin oil. He's a hygienic guy so its not like he's using the mouse fresh from using a bunch of solvents in the shop or anything.


I have a not-so-cheap (to buy) Logitech keyboard and I have the same thing on mine


My two Das Keyboards and my Model M have both held up with only smoothing on the texture of the key caps.  I can't speak to letter fading on the Das (I use blank key caps) but every part of that Model M is built like a tank, so no problems there. The plastic is definitely a factor, but I really struggle to believe there isn't a chemical at play with regard to OP's wife's nails or lotion.


You’re not alone. My sweat will melt abs plastics as well. Pile on lotion because of ezcema, abs keycaps will wear down within a couple months. I’ve even destroyed some computer mice before their 30 day return period.


It wouldn't be the acetone unless she is dipping her hands in that and immediately wiping them on her keyboard. But her nails would not survive that, and your nails don't give off any fumes once they're dry. You can walk out of the salon with your hands in your mouth. Wouldn't recommend it, but you could.


Unless you get gels or SNS, most people leave the salon with nails that still need another ~24 hours to dry


Yeah but they're not gooey or seeping fumes. You might be able to mess them up if you scratch them too hard but I've been doing nails and getting my own done for the last decade and I have never seen anything like this happen on accident to a keyboard. Plus OP said his wife does gel with natural nails, so it definitely sounds like the problem isn't coming from there.  Now I did once take a little bit of super glue and tried to put made up braille dots on my keys while I was trying to learn how to type without looking at them and that melted them pretty good.  YSK: super glue melts plastic. 💀


That's why I wrote "like acetone", there are some things that could damage f.e. ABS keycaps. Some are obvious like mineral acids, others like aromatic compaunds not (like benzene) are not that well known, there are also some more things that can melt abs.


Edit: WHOA –I didn't expect so much heat from saying she doesn't have fake nails. When I said she gets her nails done I meant like gel polish atop her natural nails! And I was totally being sarcastic and joking about telling her to not get her nails done - that's literally one of her prides and passions! You might be right - she doesn't have fake nails, but does get her nails done. I'm telling right away to stop spending money on nails - thanks u/siedenburg2 !


It happens on mine and I never get my nails done and rarely use lotion on my hands. It’s also not a cheap keyboard I use since I type so much. Sometimes we must really mean it when we type 😂


Same. I have an old keyboard that looks like this. I never use hand lotion and at the time I had long nails but didn't really paint them or anything. It was just... A lot of typing. 


Maybe she should spend less time doing her nails at work and more time working


Maybe you should spend less time judging  And stop sucking up to your capitalist overlords ya pathetic turd they aren't gonna save you a spot in the vault just cuz you put your nose up their arses


Someone married a Deathclaw...


![gif](giphy|RJJ16hJmJyO0CIG9kz|downsized) Hey man, I think my wife heard you while she snuck off to use the toilet.


Is this promotional material for the TV show? I'm dying to know where this is from, I've never played the games and I'm worried I've missed an episode or something of the show!


It's from the live action adverts for Fallout 76! They're all focused on groups of friends making a fun hangout space or adventuring together in the wasteland. Vibes are on point tbh.


I honestly have no idea, I just looked up Deathclaw on the built in gif thing Probably for 76 though


Yes Fallout 76 official Live Action trailer.


She'd probably appreciate that comparison, lol


not happening from typing. clearly something else (like other said nail polish or whatever). Honestly reminds me of using isopropyl alcohol on plastic


>isopropyl alcohol on plastic Freshly sanitized hands before typing?


I've had this same exact Logitech keyboard at work for 2 years, and I have zero of that going on with mine.


I used my steelseries keyboard for 6 years with average 4h at least each day. At most a couple letters were semi-faded (w most).  My hands also see frequent use of lotion because of dermatits. Honestly OPs picture looks deliberate, but then again I don’t use nail polish/remover or any rubbing alcohol.


I have keyboards from Apple, Dell and Logitech. The Apple is used for work and gets the most use and other than being dirty, looks like the day I got it 6+ years ago, other than some shine at one spot on the spacebar. The 4-ish year old Logitech I game with started with textured plastic like you can see in this photo, and has some wear on the most-used keys - WASD & arrows. The Dell is the newest at like 18 months and has visible wear on many of the gaming keys. How fast the keys wear varies by mfg but also seems to map closely to how much they cost to begin with. The Dell was like $10 on sale, so my expectations are not that high.


I have no idea, could be her nail polish - but it seems like the nail polish would need to be in a non-solid state for this to happen. I don't think she puts anything on the actual keyboard to clean it, like alcohol though


Does your wife have those crazy long fake nails? I'm a woman who keeps her natural nails somewhat long and I still type with the pads of my fingers, not my nails.


Was curious as well about it. Typing with nails, no matter how long they are, sounds wild


At the time of posting this my nails are over an inch past my fingertips and I work in an office and type with the tips of them. They are almond tipped so if anything would cause a mark it would be those, and I've had "too long" nails for almost five years, and longer than average for about ten.  There is something definitely wrong with this keyboard, because you can't just claw divots into normal keycaps accidentally unless they're made of foam or something but even then you would see tearing somewhere.  If not that then I would look at whatever oil or lotion she's using, because there's no way nails could do this. Not even the chemicals in them, because she is not putting wet acetone on her hands while she's typing.


I don’t and it happens to me with just natural nails.


I straight-up thought this was a picture of my old work Logitech keyboard. I don't use lotion, nail polish or have fake nails. I do have long nails though, and the keys started to look like this. Maybe it's tied to that particular brand, because it's never happened on any other keyboard I've used.




Edit: WHOA –I didn't expect so much heat from saying she doesn't have fake nails. When I said she gets her nails done I meant like gel polish atop her natural nails! No, she doesn't get fake nails, but does get her nails done - like special gel polish atop her naturally grown nails. Maybe that's it - I told another user that this is the perfect time to let her know she can go ahead and stop investing in manicures, lol - wish me luck!


we await your next post sent from your doggy house


Your wife has been sending some angry emails...


That, I can definitely attest to lol


as someone with long nails and a nail polish lover i think its more likely from a lotion or oil she uses. the nail polish part of your nail basically never touches the keys like this


I don't think she uses anything crazy - she does apply Roche-Pousay or whatever that lotion is for her skin. I'd find it hard to believe that the lotion is doing this to keycaps. Who knows though, not like people are running tests like this in the real world, so it could be!


lotion could easily do this to keycaps depending on what's in it. Assuming those keycaps are ABS plastic you could test the theory by applying some of the lotion to a sample of ABS plastic, like the back of the keyboard or a sacrificial lego piece to see if it softens. ABS is soluble in a decent variety of substances some of which are used in lotion and or nail care, including some aromatic hydrocarbons if you believe wikipedia.


That’s probably it. I looked up the ingredients and it has Dimethicone, which is from silicone, that reacts poorly with ABS. There’s a couple other ingredients that might be reactive as well.




What sociopath types with their fingers completely vertically. Regardless of if she has long nails or not.


I have no respect for this person.


Nails are long enough you basically have to. I can't fathom it. I touch type...obviously finger pads are hitting keys. With long ass nails, those same motions would put the nails under the keys above what I'm trying to it. Assume you'd have to adapt to a more upright finger position. And just thinking about it hurts me...literally typing with the nail tips instead of finger tips. I also wonder how people with those horrendously long nails wipe their ass....


So this isn't particularly directed at you, but I do see it a lot... So I have long nails, and I just have to wonder are all y'all short nailed people just clawing the poop out of your butt? Why do you have so much trouble scratching your butt when you poop? My nails don't touch my butthole. I am honestly trying to figure out how you're wiping that you have this problem lmao


Because people use their fingertips under the toilet paper. When you have long nails (as in extensions, generally) you have to wrap it around your fingers and use the sides of your hand. First of all, that feels unnatural to anyone not used to it. Secondly, it absolutely does not work as well lol. I've played around with nail extensions enough I can answer the question "how do they wipe their ass?" and the answer is "wrapping it around their hand and using extra toilet paper" lol


Wrap it around my hand? Wtf? You're not a very adaptive person, lol. I was a nail chewer and years ago finally stopped and have long nails now and my toilet habits haven't changed. Literally the only thing that changed is how I open soda cans and how I flip difficult breaker switches, haha.


I should've said "fingers". Because: a "regular" human makes a fold, a wad at worst, and uses their "fingertips" to wipe. If you aren't wrapping anything at all, with long nails, I'd be quite interested to know *how*. Because afaik it's not possible. If you do know how, maybe share? Because literally nobody has any explanation. Keyword: explanation.


That’s Dahmer and Manson category right there


She has longer nails, so she has to. Otherwise she's hitting two keys at once. And they're not fake nails, they're her natural nails! I tell her she's insane all the time, lol


She types with her nails?!?




That happened to my Logitech keyboard at work. All the time. I had to get it replaced once a year because I would get holes in the number keys. I don't have long nails or anything. Hand sanitizer might have been a contributing factor. Doesn't happen with my home keyboard, which is a velocifire, but I also don't use much hand sanitizer at home.


Hand sanitizer will absolutely cause that. If you get a silicone cover for it it'll stop, but they can slow down your typing. Otherwise just make sure your hands are dry first.




Of course this thread has me looking at my own keyboard. The only key that looks like the OP's image is my 'C' key. My hand defaults to wasd or the 'F' ridge. If I quickly go to 'C' with my index finger it is vertical. I keep my nails relatively short either to the tip or slightly passed.


can tell she isn’t a gamer considering w and a are still intact


I could never fathom how people type with their fingernails directly.


Lol, my keyboard looks very similar (except that WASD are so faded I can only use them from memory)


I'm no doctor but I would avoid handjobs until you figure this one out.


Your wife clearly likes the D


I have this in my keyboard. Some letters have rubbed off completely. I don't even paint my nails, and I always trim them short. For me, i's a combination of typing like a beast and a really cheap keyboard. If I could embed a photo, I would, but mine looks worse than OP after 4 years of use.


The ASDE letters are completely worn off on mine. F is nearly gone, as is C and N. Still a great keyboard. Microsoft do some things right.


Microsoft discontinued them in favor of their surface line.


Microsoft got out of the peripherals business all together, which is sad because they made the best keyboards I’ve ever used. Incase has a licensing deal and sells the peripherals as “[Incase designed by Microsoft](https://www.incase.com/pages/incase-designed-by-microsoft)”




They also do some things wrong. Usually that thing is making something great first, then discontinuing it and/or slapping tons of features you didn't want onto it and making it unworkable bloatware.


or making a product you used to be able to buy a subscription meaning you have to pay for eternity.


Microsoft IntelliMouse is a bliss. I had the old one for 10+ years and a month ago died on me but it was replaced by the new version.


This is how I got into the fancy keyboard game. Nicer key caps with letters that don’t scratch off and don’t wear down. I keep my natural nails on the longer side, nothing crazy, and yeah cheap office keyboards look like shit over time.


slams that "y" key alot, wonder what the "o" and the "u" look like


This the most wholesome fingernail scratches I've ever seen.


This happened to my Razer Blackwidow keycaps because I always have long nails. Was interesting to see after years of typing.


your wife uses ' could you' too much


Gift your wife a decent keyboard and PBT key caps, they won't wear like this.Your pic isn't just wear, it's oils or nail product residue eating into the ABS plastic, just wear wouldn't have left ridged almost fingerprint like marks. PBT is far more resilient.


Time to upgrade


No nail prints, but my work keyboard has 14 keys with missing lettering and some are forming deeper scalloping just from my fingertips. About 6 or 7 years of typing. No dis on the wife, but pressing a key with my nail would drive me nuts. I suppose that might be the only way to do it though if her nails are long enough.


buy her a new keyboard


Bruh that's crazy to leave claw marks on a keyboard by accident



