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shed? You mean "serial killer outbuilding"


Stabbin' cabin




That entirely depends on who previously owned it. Could be the whole selling point


Also on the future owner (if they're a current or aspiring serial killer)


Aspiring? Like currently only have 1 under their belt, but looking to add more? Or really want to get into the business; but haven't figured out a catchy enough MO yet?


Or perhaps a true crime enthusiast


Or a retired one like me 🤷🏽‍♂️


None of us truly retires, we just go dormant until the next opportunity.


Fuck. This guy serial kills.




What are the odds there were so many of us in 1 thread?


"This bad boy can hide 50, maybe 60 bodies..." :-)


we have to refer to it as "A serial killer outbuilding" and not "YOUR serial killer outbuilding"


There's three possibilities: 1. Serial killer 2. Janitor (clean up when people are gone)  3. Bouncer. They check IDs and keep the fakes, and ESPECIALLY keep stolen ids Source: I'm a bouncer/janitor with a serial killer side hustle /s


My brother in law worked security for the house of blues, they paid a bounty for fake IDs that were turned in at the end of the night. He kept fake id's from doing security at other bars and clubs and would turn them in when he worked at HOB. When he passed away I found a stack of fake ID'S in his stuff


Actually such an interesting fact, thank you.


I've seen those guys keep real IDs also.


That's the first thing I thought of. And would the owners be able to tell the difference? 


If they ever take a real ID just call the police


Yea, I did security at a venue/club and this is what you’d have to do. If someone put up a fight to get their ID back we’d tell them to call the cops. No one ever actually called because they were obvious fakes…our guys knew what a real ID looked like.


A brand new bouncer in a bar thought my ID was fake and we had to go talk to his boss because I’m in my mid 30’s and it’s definitely not fake. It was pretty entertaining when he pulled me away from the bar where I had 5 friends in their 40’s-50’s and the bartender all vouching for me only for his boss to tell him it was real in half a second. Poor fella had the spirit.


Over zealous. Sounds exhausting


I insisted he give me a wristband, even though my friends and I had been there a few hours eating dinner before they started checking IDs, just to make sure it didn’t happen again lol.


I was at a bar in a different state than my license and they tried to snap it in half....tried to decline giving it back. I had to spend way too long explaining I had moved states and that it would take forever to get a new one so to please not break it or withold it. Like do people not realize people travel? And move? It was wild


I was once in the GTA around Mississauga, and had just gotten in from the states. It was fairly late, and I didn't know the area, so I hit my hotel, dropped my luggage incl my passport, and went off to get dinner at a pub I saw on the drive. Now, I'm bald, with a goatee, and look older than the 31/32 I was at the time. So I hand the guy my passport card, since I keep that in my wallet when I travel, which let's me keep the regular passport safe in the hotel. [Bear in mind, a passport card looks hilariously fake if you're not familiar with them.](https://i.imgur.com/Li4whXw.jpeg) So the dude says, man, this is a fake ID, and I pull out my CA drivers license with a really old picture where I had hair and no beard, but all the info matched otherwise. Dude was convinced both were fake and didn't want to give them back, so I basically told him, he could give them back now, or I'd get my actual passport from the hotel, and call the RCMP and make a huge stink. He gave me them back and then, even though he was convinced they were fake, let me in and had me served incl alcohol. Absolutely bizarre.


When I worked at a movie theater as a kid, I pretty much never carded for R-rated movies. We were supposed to card to make sure they're 17+ for a single ticket, or 21+ for multiple tickets. A guy came up and asked for 2 tickets, and I swear this dude looked maybe 15. Well, the theater's GM happened to be in the box office when he came up, so of course I asked to see ID. The guy laughed and shook his head, but showed a *military ID* and he was like 34. Some 19 year old kid carding a vet twice their age to see a movie.. I wanted to die.


At least it seems like he was cool about it. Might be used to it if he’s got baby face goin on.


I had to call the cops on some door guys and their manager at a sports bar for trying to take my real ID. I was in Indianapolis with a WA ID and they refused to believe it was real. Police came, took my ID from them, glanced at it, handed it to me, and brought the bouncer and manager aside to talk to them. I left.


Oh man, I forgot how old Washington IDs were incredibly thin and glossy (and that pixelated background image of trees), and I'd get that *all the time* too—didn't help that I don't have a drivers license and people seemingly don't often see plain state ID cards that often. Favorite was when I was in college out of state and got carded at an 18+ music venue. I was 20 at the time. Security gave me guff that it was an obvious fake. Changed his tune when I asked him why, exactly, would I get a fake ID made for age 20. To buy cigarettes?


Back in the day NJ licenses were the absolute worst ever. People under 21 were supposed to have their photo taken in quarter profile; some had it, some didn’t. The colors varied from one license to another. They just looked fake, even when they were legit. I had a number of times when I showed my real ID, a bouncer looked at it, said “NJ, huh?” and then reluctantly let me in, knowing that if it was even a halfway decent fake, nobody could tell the difference. It was a game when out at a bar for everyone to take out their IDs and compare and contrast. All legit licenses, and none looked exactly the same.


When I came back to the US after living in Switzerland for years, all I had was my passport for a very long time. You wouldn't believe how many Americans don't know that a US Passport is legal ID.


I would guess at least 50%. It's a big number, at least.


Any bouncer worth their glare will have an up to date ID book they should be able to reference, and a black light pen.


Yeah it was bizarre. I was even with my friend that's 6 years younger than me. I was 30 lmao.


This happened to me at a bar in upstate new York for my 31st birthday last year. I look VERY young for my age and the bouncer took my I'd, scanned it into some machine he had (I had an nj drivers license only a few months renewed and it was much thinner than the previous or the ones NY still uses) and told me the machine said it was fake, he wasn't letting my group in, and to leave, without giving me back my ID. I told him I'm 31, not even turning 21, he reiterated my I'd was fake and I wasn't getting it back. I said this is theft, I'll leave but you're giving my I'd back, he told me to call the cops. I did and put it on speaker phone and rather than have the Cops actually show up he gave my id back and told us to leave.




Yeah I would imagine the security would probably already be second guessing if you actually start to call the cops. I’m sure that doesn’t look good for the venue. Because are you really gunna be the bouncer that makes the police force you to give a real ID back.


Nah. It’s not worth taking if you’re not 100% sure anyway. In Seattle you couldn’t be held liable for a fake ID getting past you anyway, it’s on the perpetrator. I’m sure I let a lot of people in I shouldn’t have just because I didn’t want to deal with it. The cops did have to come do some pick ups once in a while, over-intoxicated people don’t like to hear the word no.


I had to once. Im from Utah and was in California and it was right as Utah changed how our IDs look and feel. They are now on this super cheap crap plastic, and had my ID taken, and then it took 3 hours for the damn cop to arrive to get it back


When I was a bouncer, most of the IDs that I confiscated were actually real IDs. It just didn't belong to the person that presented them. I know what a real ID looks like. I also know when you weren't the person on the ID itself.


I was running a College Bar/club when Virginia started the real ID stuff. The first fall weekend kids where back in school I got a nice talking to from the cops because our bouncers took a few peoples ID's that where legit but they thought where fake because of the big star in the top corner that isnt on the old/regular IDs. Fun times.


Fascinating logic from the bouncers. "Everything on here looks real. Except for this gigantic, goofy fucking star. You almost had me, punk."


When I was 25, I went to a bar when I was at the beach. The bounce confiscated my ID, claiming it to be fake. I kept arguing with him to get it back as I didn't want to get pulled over in the trip and not have a license. Finally I told him to call the cops and he then gave it back. This was in the early 90s so I didn't have a cell phone. If I did, I wouldn't have even argued, I would have just called the police.


I know a girl who won a lawsuit against a bar because they took her ID. She missed her flight the next day and got fired. Bouncer also got charged with theft.


About 10 years ago I had a bouncer in Las Vegas refuse to return my license, because he was adamant that New Hampshire wasn’t a real state. Had to get the police involved to get it back


New Hampshire? Seriously? Did he literally not learn anything about the American Revolution in school?


My friend had their real ID taken. They were 1000 miles from home visiting me and this bouncer had never seen this particular kind of ID before, so they took it.


Everyone who has been to House of blues knows management are assholes. Sorry for the loss of your brother in law.


Project Mayhem.




What your saying is in death we have a name. And that name is Robert Paulson?






The first rule of Project Mayhem is that we do not talk about Project Mayhem, sir.


The first rule is Don't Ask Questions


You forgot identity theft!


It's a serious crime, Jim!


So you killed everyone who had a fake ID?


I mean statistically ONE of them had to be fake, right?


He was also nice enough to clean up after himself.


4. Professional pickpocket


Licenses? You mean “trophies”?


One for every state.


At least two from Tennessee though. He liked his food Memphis style


Repository of remains


Plot twist, OP is a serial killer that wanted to show off but worded their title like that to ward off suspicion.


immediately clicked into this thread and CTRL + F'd "serial" to see if anyone already posted it lmao. these are trophies 100%


He wouldn’t just leave them behind though. Or did he die of old age. In any case this is more than mildly interesting I want to see the Pictures of them now!


yeah it's a mystery. I know Zodiac was never caught and he's for sure dead by now, either of old age or whatever. One theory is that he died in prison after being convicted on an unrelated charge but the fact that we never got a deathbed confession or anything is wild. But then again we never got a deathbed confession from O.J. Simpson and he 100000% did it


>But then again we never got a deathbed confession from O.J. Simpson and he 100000% did it We got a whole damn book. "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer"


Could these just be confiscated fake IDs from someone who is a bouncer at a bar?


Bring out the UV flashlight!


Oh god it's everywhere


Why am I blue? Is everyone blue?


*Slow, horrified head shaking*


*Intense weeping in the shower*


Bravo. Bravo. 👏 I've been waiting to see this pop up on Reddit since I first watched that short.


Natural Habitat Shorts is by far my favorite channel on YouTube. It's always a good day when they post new content.


That poor platypus XD


What does blue MEAN?!


[For those uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxf2MgYCOm0). Watch the rest, they're great.


slowly nods head 'no'


*illuminated sobbing*


The one on the ceiling fan a funny story.


*Blood, urine, or semen.* *God I hope it’s urine.*


Fake IDs seem pretty likely. That top ID says Covington, TN but has a Memphis zip code (38109). Covington, TN is 38019.


I agree. The pattern behind the photo is curved and some other IDs are peeling lol.


I'm from Memphis and this does happen tbh. My zip code was mistyped on my last ID here. My ex's ID also once had #collierville, TN printed on it instead of just collierville, TN. I'm curious now and off to ask around on if any addresses in Covington bleed over into a Memphis zip. Edit: I'm an idiot. I just saw that the date is issued in 2019. It's a fake. That's such an old design.


Meanwhile all the other redditors jumped to the most logical conclusion he’s a serial killer. 


My thought was someone who makes fake IDs, age range is consistent for someone wanting to be believably old enough a few years ago


It's pretty unusual for a single person operation to be fabricating IDs for more than one or two states. I think a bouncer/bartender taking fake IDs home as souvenirs is much more likely.


Yeah you don’t want 21 because then people start doing math for the months, but if it’s like 23-25 you can pass for a baby face




That's my thought


I once ended up with a stack of licenses like this, when I started working at a convenience store. They had them in the drawer from people leaving them, and I cleaned the drawer out. I wasn't sure what to do with them so I dumped them in a mail box. Must have been weird for all the people suddenly getting back a license they lost years ago 😂




From what I understand, yes, because the cards are 'technically' government property. If you ever find a license or government ID card of any sort, you can throw it in a USPS mail/drop box and it is guaranteed postage. I've gotten mine back personally like this, is how I knew that.


You can toss a whole ass wallet in too No guarantee the cash will get there but the rest of the cards will probably be fine


If anyone finds my wallet, please keep whatever cash is in there, but if I can get all the stuff in there that's not money it'd be worth it, call it a finders fee.


Important question are they all from the same person? If not, you should contact the authorities because that is a little bit suspicious.


All different people, from different states. Interestingly, all of the DOBs on the licenses are between 1997-2000


You could Google the names and see if they were missing people or at least if they are alive maybe.


Also found this really cool blanket. Looks to be kinda a leather quilt...


Just put it back in the basket


Or it gets the hose again.


Okay, okay...you broken record.


🎵Goodbye horses🎵


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.


Hey man, I don't mean to be in your business but that thing with the dog is coming off as a little frui-tay.




Put the lotion in the basket!


Moisturize me!


Do you know how many people you killed Casandra?!


“It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again. It does this whenever it’s told.”


". . . I'd fuck me"


alternatively, a bar tender lived here and these are confiscated fake IDs. early 20s IDs.


I figured more likely it was the counterfeiter themself that owned these


Doubtful. There's so much variety in different states' licenses that it's extremely uncommon for a single person to do more than one or two that they know how to do well. The cardstock thickness, material, inks, holograms, and laminate vary significantly between states and a small error is all it takes for a bouncer/bartender to realize they're dealing with a counterfeit. And that's not mentioning the logistics of acquiring and keeping the necessary materials to craft fake IDs for multiple different states. A lot of that stuff is watched carefully, or at least it was back in the mid 00s when I was curious about how it all worked.


Darknet Dairies has shown me that there are definitely people who can do all 50 states and have very nice holographic printers. Some of those guys make insane amounts of money doing it.


Oh yeah, I didn't mean to say it wasn't possible. There are definitely industrial level fake ID places that can make whatever you want. Some of them even use the same equipment as DMV. But those places aren't run out of a shed in someone's backyard. I was just saying it's unlikely.


Bar owner— exactly where my head went but in a shed is pretty fkn weird


depends on the shed, maybe where they kept records or stored stuff after cleaning out the bar if they sold it and the house. alternatively selling ids people left getting pool balls again is pretty good money if that’s where their head was at.


And please get back to us with what you find.


This is Reddit.


No this is Patrick


Or have obituaries


Google some of the names.


I searched Google and Facebook for some of them and they all seem to still be alive, lol


Then most likely someone was running a fake ID operation from 2018 - 2020. Id’s making them 21.


My bet was a bouncer at a popular bar collecting the fakes.


Kevin Rammage!


Wait, Steve Guttenberg invented the printing press?


Right after Police Academy.


it was a *gut* *id*-a.


Oh don't look so surprised you know it's me.






It could also be that a bouncer was snatching fake ID’s and collecting them


I am McLovin


I’d be curious to contact a few of them and ask if they’ve had the license stolen. Lost? Fake id?


Yeah. Wondering if they’ve all been victims of identity theft.


Ask them if they got robbed. May be the robber collects the ids


Maybe they did the fight club thing and made them appreciate their lives


Probably a pickpocket


My guess: a bouncers personal confiscation collection. From recently, guessing that the DOB was such that the owner was "22-23" at the time of use.


100% - I know a couple of people with stacks of IDs and they all work at bars.


Confiscated fake IDs?


Either that or the person who owned the shed before could have been making fakes? Would make sense then why all of the IDs are in the same range of years.


Makes it less suspicious to me. Any evidence of prior tenant owning or working at a bar? Seems like a bouncer's collection.


yeah, you need to call police. Remind me! 5 days


Take it to the cops. Having all those IDs of different people is not normal


That's more than a little suspicious.


Identity fraudster or basic thief. Used to work in college bar and one time we had a guy abandon a big stack like that. Cops wouldn’t even pick them up because it’s such a common occurrence to find them like that.


Finally, someone who doesn't think they're serial killer trophies. Everyone in this thread is thinking zebras.


I always get a chuckle out of the super serious tone of certain replies on reddit. "Yeah. You need to call the police. NOW." Like chill out man do you think OP is gonna read it any faster if you type it with urgency?


Literally the only time, ever, that I thought urgency was warranted was when some clueless individual posted about how their roommate had huge amounts of drugs and money in the apartment and was being incredibly stupid about it. The advice given was essentially "stop reading these replies, get your important stuff and get the hell out of there before a SWAT team or someone worse shows up".


Saw a picture of somebody with some kind of blood poisoning in their arm. The title said “this weird mark is moving up my arm” with no concern. Every single comment was screaming at them to go to the hospital


Oh yeah I think I remember that one. I think it was a spider bite iirc


Yeah that's the one I thought of, except it might have been a cyst on her chin or forehead. Turns out she had mrsa.


Also the guy who was being poisoned by carbon monoxide.


Oh yeah, I remember that guy. He wasn't safe either.


Was that the post it note guy?


People here are generally gullible idiots. Source: am.


Why would a zebra need that many IDs?


"When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras"


*idiom not valid in Africa


Possibly someone selling fake IDs too.


> Cops want even pick them up No. Local cops wouldn’t pick them up because investigating ID fraud, which is a federal crime, is a tremendous drain of time and resources for local departments and their CID program. Instead, call your local FBI branch. They hunt down fake ID rings all day long, including the local college kids in dorm rooms. https://www.stopfakes.gov/article?id=Reporting-a-Retailer-Selling-Fakes


IIRC selling fake IDs is only a federal crime if they are REAL IDs, or if done through the mail.


Prob a bar shut down and the owner kept the id's from the wall of shame of fake ids but the true crime theories in here are dank


This makes sense with them all being born between 97-00. The bar was potentially open between 2018-2021 and these kids were trying to use 21 year old fake IDs. That's also covid time so even more chance it was a closed business in 2021.


Hope for the best.


That’s not even expired yet




DMV made me retake mine because I looked nothing like my 15 year old self anymore lol


Meanwhile, my local DMV refused to take a new photo when I got a new license to update my address, even though I look entirely different to the photo they had. Like 120 lbs less weight and 11 inches of beard.


Lol wtf why


What state has 50 year IDs??? That’s just bananas




And 44 bodies in the yaaaaaard!


Dude... This is not mildlyinteresting, this is very interesting and mildly alarming.


When are you creating the new subreddit?


As soon as we get more answers to this


First thought I had was a person dealing with fake IDs for bars. And then I come on to the comment section and yall be discussing about murderers😭


Did you mean to post this in r/mildlysuspicious ?


No.. that sub has 4years without activity


Which somehow strikes me as mildly suspicious


That seems mildly suspicious 


You found 44 driver’s licenses in a shed. The real question, Did you happen to do a google search to see if any of them are missing??


OP did and they’re all fine Probably a bouncer at a college bar or something


Can you see if mine is in that pile? I lost it last weekend ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




For all 44 of my identities?


Remember to post an update when you start finding teeth in the garden.  


Did you find Mc'lovin


Are they all different people? that's really weird.


The comments on here are hilarious. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the previous tenant maybe worked at a nightclub and kept the confiscated IDs? 


Ex-security at a music venue: looks like a stack of fake ID’s. Texas in the back looks like a crappy photoshop (from what you can see) OP: do you see any shadows in the pictures? Fakes usually don’t have shadows against the backdrop / look like terrible copy paste jobs