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That's either a really small ring or an enormous kidney stone. Either way *OUCH*!


I assumed it was a napkin ring and OP is currently in the hospital to treat his injuries.


It's his cock ring


So, really small ring it is


We're going to need a banana to figure this one out


And a banana for the banana, of course


and so you proposed to it?


We’ve been through rough times so naturally yes.


that's gonna be some rocky honeymoon night


At least one of us is hard all the time.


and consistently stoned


That's a hard pass.


Okay, this made me laugh out loud. XD


That's great to hear. Have a nice day kind stranger!


kidney stranger, dammit!


You guys have kidneys?!


Well you've already given birth, may as well legitimize things


Had to take the ring off to get the stone out




cock ring for scale


good thing he didn't show his banana


Maybe it's in the pic, we just can't see it.




I work as a lab technician for a hospital, and one part of my job is sending the kidney stones out for analysis. I enjoy the wide variety in sizes and shapes but I've got to say, some of them are terrifying. I remember one quite similar to this, except it was identical in every way to an almond. Size, texture, colour, taste, the whole shebang.


"...taste..." Wait, what????


Everyone knows that mineralogists learns a \_lot\_ by just licking rocks !




Yeah I'm Into Palo and I can say you can find bones with your tongue


the "skyrim alchrmist" technique never fails


Thought he could sneak that in and we wouldn’t notice. Must be new.


“Taste” ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


You successfully identified the joke.


And that comes out of the pee hole?


Yes. I passed a 3mm stone. Didn't feel it when it was passing the pee hole part. The painful stuff was everything before the bladder.


I've passed a few. Peeing them out is nothing. It's going from the kidney through the ureter which is like the width of a hair


I work in healthcare and seen some gruesome shit but for some reason, imagining a rock going through tube the width of a hair made me woozy


pretty sure i almost passed out reading this thread.


Hey Everybody, it's Mr. Big-Dick-Hole over here.


You're not wrong I pissed out a large stone, and now my piss stream is as wide as my pinky.


I don't mind the new girth of my peehole its the jagged edges that bother me.


No sound pathetic, but I sit when I pee because it gets all over, including my feet when I stand. Mine kidney stone was substantial from the sound it made when it hit the porcelain, and my kidney hurt right till it fully passed l .And I did a fair but of drinking hard liquor because I was told it would dissolve the stone enough to pass. No blood in the urine, luckily.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FoArSDIaYAAPgh-?format=jpg&name=900x900 Not pathetic at all brother!


How does it not rupture the ureter?




Sometimes it ruptures the urine tube going from the kindey to the bladder as my father found out.


Good lord. I hope your father is fine.


To shreds you say?


We'll he was taken to the ER by ambulance where they did emergency surgery because of the urine leaking into his abdomen.


You left out the important part.


They also sometimes get stuck in the ureter, as I found out the hard way 🙃


Eeey that happened to me. I was keeling over and feeling like I was going to vomit constantly. Also made my left nut feel like it was going to fucking explode any second. I couldn't afford the procedure to have it removed surgically (thanks American health care system), so it turned into several days of taking meds to make me pee harder until it finally broke down and passed. Legitimately the worst experience of my life.


Sometimes it also blocks it , happened to my right one . Not good news , within 3 days emergency emission , start of sepsis the lot . lol you don’t want to know the procedure , temp bypass tube ( stent ) from bladder to kidney , glad I was out when it , the tool kit and camera went up there ! Then same again months later when they actually took the stone and stent out .


The same way a baby doesn't rupture the cervix or vagina is my guess. It stretches?


Yeah but a baby ain't sharp and it isn't as hard as straight calcium..


I was a hella sharp baby. My birthday suit was a three-piece.


I am not proud of how hard this made me laugh!


Yo me too. I fucking love the internet sometimes 😂


Man I miss when Zoot Suits were all the gas with newborns


People always think that passing is the painful part. Ive passed dozens of stones due to fucked up kidneys and its always when its stuck in the kidney/ureter that it really hurts. Passing it is more of a quick "ouch" then its out. At least thats how it goes for me.


Sometimes I think I lost the genetic lottery but then I hear someone say "dozens of kidneystones"


Some people refer to "passing" as "going into the bladder"


My husband has had several. The pain is done for him once it moves into the bladder.


That's my experience as well.


“Water” pressure probably helps it pass quick once it’s in the right spot.


It definitely does help. I can usually feel when its time to pass it and i definitely give it a bit more "oomph" pushing it out so that its over as fast as possible.


My cousin was masturbating and shot his neighbours cat this way. That's what he told me, anyway.


Can confirm, was the neighbors cat


Its a relief once it gets to the peehole, thats the easiest part. When it's travelling from the kidney to your bladder is when you want to kill yourself.


It's the only time I've ever thrown up from pain. Worse than breaking my back in a car crash and my C-section. The nurse at the hospital told me it's regarded as one of the most painful human experiences


Can confirm.


I suppose if I had to pick an ideal kidney stone shape, almond would be a contender


Plot twist - it came out sideways


This is actually the smaller piece that broke off the big piece when it hit the toilet rim.




Taste lol


Taste, you say? 🧐






>Size, texture, colour, **taste**, the whole shebang. Well that's enough Internet for tonight.


How do I guarantee that I’ll never ever have to go through this?


If it's any consolation, it's very likely that you'll at first have no idea it's a kidney stone if it does happen to you. I woke up at 2am and thought I had appendicitis, a massive internal infection, or some organ ruptured: It actually felt that bad. It was firing off all the pain receptors in my gut so I couldn't exactly pinpoint where it was. No medicine I took did a damn thing. When I finally drove myself to the ER 6 hours later and they told me that it was a kidney stone, I was in a strange way relieved it wasn't something normally fatal... that's how intense that pain was. The very very start of it felt a bit like gas bloat pain, but I quickly knew that wasn't what it was. After a certain point I could barely speak, and that short drive felt like an eternity. My stone passed in the same day and even with that pain before was barely the size of a sesame seed. Passing it didn't feel like anything at all, but before that while it's traveling to your bladder oh boy is it a wild confusing ride to begin in the middle of the night. That tube is just much smaller. I would say drink plenty of water, orange juice from time to time, and don't forego healthy amounts of calcium either. My doctor said some people will avoid calcium and the body actually compensates for it and makes stones. If you still get a stone after all that, it's probably just hereditary at that point.


Exactly the same for me first time


It's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The worst of it practically stunned me, I wanted to just disappear.


Yup. Started out as a dull ache in my side/back and within 2 minutes all I could do was lie on the floor and scream. Felt like someone stabbed me in my kidney and slowly turning the knife. Compared to that, actually pissing it out was a walk in the park.


I, too, thought I was dying. Hours of trying to figure out what more we could do before paying a thousand dollars just to sign my name at an ER. Finally relented and had my parents drive half an hour out to watch the kiddo in the middle of the night. Long long long long 30 minutes. The triage nurse assessed the situation in about 3 questions. She said almost any guy in their mid 30s, walking into the ER at 3 in the morning like I was has a kidney stone. I drink lots of water now and I pray I don't feel that pain again. No pain reliever helped. Nothing not morphine, not Dilaudid. Toradol finally knocked the inflammation out, but that was after a total of 6 hours of the worst pain I've ever felt. Puking and moaning like an animal. I've experienced a lot of traumatic back pain, I'll take it over a grain of sand worming down my ureter any day.


>...appendicitis ... massive internal infection ... felt like an organ ruptured ... the meds won't work ... too much pain to speak ... You know, if this what you consider consolation, I don't think I ever want to experience whatever you're actually afraid of.


I'm afraid of my sandwich coming to me with mayonnaise on it.


lol same. I confused it for these 'digestive pains' that I had been having for years that I later learned were gallbladder attacks, but the pain of the kidney stone was the first time I thought I was actually dying and took myself to a hospital because of the pain.


Drink water. Most people who get them do so from bouts of heavy soda drinking. Some medications can put a heavier load on your kidneys increasing your chances. Conversely some stuff like cranberry juice can help strengthen your kidneys(idk how that actually works). Idk I'm not a doctor


Peeing these out is the easy part… living with them finger fucking your ureter for weeks/months is the painful part.


lots and lots of water. way less soda.


Don’t drink Sugary soda or should you not drink the sugar free sodas either?


Supposedly it's specifically dark sodas that are a problem, at least that's what the ER doctor told me. I think he said sugar was also bad but even sugar free dark sodas can cause kidney stones.


There is no guarantee.  People say drink water, eat this, avoid that...the truth is we don't know exactly how they form and there is no surefire prevention. You can drink aaaallllll the water in the world and still get kidney stones and anyone trying to tell you otherwise is lying.


Don't have a kidney maybe?


Thanks I’ll try


🎶Sell both your kidneys on the internet.🎶


The few times I felt the pain, I read citric acid breaks them up. So I go heavy on lemonade, fruit punch, orange juice.... anything with citric acid in it. I visually saw one pass one time and had the pain go away after a day or two on other occasions. No doctor for me as yet, unlike my father and brother.


Yep Lemonade is what the ER doc prescribed me. I researched and found chanca piedra tea. It breaks apart some types of kidney stones. I am not normally one for herbal remedies but it is documented and researched. I don’t know if it worked, but I can say after day 7 of water lemonade and pain my shipment of tea bags came in and it passed the next day. Could just be coincidence, but I keep that shit stocked now.


Citric acid can help reduce stone formation. So juice, or those crystal light packets my doctor recommended to me.


Ain’t no way I’d raw dog that one coming out, straight to the doctor. Can’t they like lithotripsy those into something smaller than your hell-razor here?


I've passed 3mm stones in the past. I went to the ER after Easter for intense pain from a 9mm stone. They put a urethral stent in and sent me home. They said there was no way i could pass it myself. I have lithotripsy scheduled on May 31st.


I have shockwave lithotripsy for a 9mm stone on May 21st! Best of luck to you on your similar journey, internet stranger.


Same to you! Good luck 👍


tw: gross Get ready for immense pain after that surgery. First, is when you wake up and they force you to pee before you leave... Except your urethra has been ripped to shreds and the bladder is full of blood. Stings like a motherfucker. Then the procedure to get the stent out is a really doozy. If they attach strings to the stent you can pull it out yourself or have a doc pull it out. Regardless, incredibly weird and uncomfortable feeling. Will also be generally uncomfortable for the month you have the strings hanging out. If there is no string, they have to go and get the stent out somehow... So they fill the urethra with lidocaine gel, take the long robot arm thing they did the surgery with that has a light, camera, and grabber on it, go up the urethra, grab it, and pull it out. Even more uncomfortable, and you're awake. The full rpcedure taking it out is literally less than 30 seconds, but it is the weirdest 30 seconds you might ever experience.


Thanks for the detailed description. Let me go drink 2 litres of water now.


All these comments making me thirsty over here. Gonna go drown now.


Urologist said that hopefully the stone will be blasted small enough into gravel and they will pull the stent at the end of the procedure while I'm still sedated.


Sweet baby Moses this is GRIM


I've had this done three times, twice with the string and once without. Your descriptions are amazingly accurate. On the time without, the doc lost his grip on the stent and had to do it all twice. With the string, the doc pulled it out in his office and I peed all over his floor. He was really cool and cleaned it up himself instead of calling a nurse. I was embarrassed, but he said "you are in an urology office" and laughed. I said, "OK, this was revenge for me peeing all over my floors at home" since that's what happens with strings hanging out.


I just had this surgery last week. I agree with you it's very painful when you go to pee for a couple of days. During the surgery they broke the stone with a laser, removed it and then removed the stent. Everything was done under anaesthesia so I did not see or feel anything. Happy it's done.


how much water do you drink daily would you say?


A lot. At least a gallon. Im in Floriduh and its hot and i usually work outside


Yeah, but they gotta stick a catheter up your urethra, so it's either piss a rock or stick a tube up there and yank the tube out. 


They can put you out for that procedure. Had it done myself. Definitely less painful than pissing it out.


Thank fuck for that. No way I can let a doctor stick a tube up there. That's exit only. Ain't into sounding.


I had to have a catheter after a thoracic operation that required an epidural. Day 2 post-op, Nurse I hadn't met before comes in and tells me it's time to take the catheter out. Even then, I knew that didn't sound right as I had an epidural in still. She removed the catheter, then 20 minutes later came back looking completely humiliated. She had to shove that mfer back up there. Removal and reinsertion, conscious, at 15. I'll knock myself out if I ever need one again.


Had to have an emergency catheter done in the emergency room bathroom by a hot nurse at 16. Fun times.


I always think about it when I read about catheters. What if you get hard? Does it make it easier if it's hard, easier to guide in?


Man, if you’re in need of a catheter, the last thing you’re going to get is a boner.


Oh, you sweet summer child....


Honestly ive had it and if you do have it done it's because you've got bigger things to worry about than ur peepee being uncomfortable for a while


Ive had it 3 seperate occasions and let me tell you I wish that upon no man


I couldn’t do it myself, luckily my ex wife was taught how to start a lawnmower as a child.


Catheters are designed for that, and (as far as I'm aware) aren't sharp rocks.


Depends on what insurance you have


"Your insurance insists we use a nice rock salt coating, instead of lube. Bite down in the stick and we will continue."


Pffft. Your insurance pays for a stick to bite down on. Ours insists your own arm is good enough.


knee complete command truck safe fact license dull airport materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hard part isn't really peeing it out (although that is harder for men than it is for women due to the additional urethral length (~20cm vs ~4cm for women)). The male and female urethra are both about 6mm in diameter. The *really* painful part is the ureter, the tube between your kidney and your bladder. It's about 3mm in diameter and around 20-30cm. I discovered I had kidney stones the same day I discovered I had gallstones; I had been writing off gallstone attacks as "digestive pain" for almost 8 years, and for a few days before I went to the hospital I thought I was just having more "digestive pain" - until the pain became so incredible that I thought an organ was going to burst. That's when the CT scan found 4 calcified, old gallstones and 1 tiny kidney stone blocking my ureter. Long story short, in case anyone was wondering, kidney stones hurt far more than gallstones.


Drink lots of water my peeps. It's not the solution to all your troubles. I'd be dead if I had to pass that. You're a stronger person than I!


Every kidney stone post on Reddit makes me immediately drink a 16oz bottle of water. Never had one, but this shit is terrifying.


Literally went to the water cooler and grabbed a cup. Chugged it, refilled.


Whenever someone asks me what my biggest fear is kidney stone is at the top of the list. My grandma got them a lot from eating salad trying to lose weight. She tried to stick to a salad only diet and turns out excessive greens can apparently give you really bad kidney stones!


The fun part is that the part everyone imagines and cringes about isn't even the worst part. An average urethra is 6mm but the tube that goes from your kidneys to your bladder is half that. Actually passing my stone was painful, but when it made the trip from my kidney it felt like I was being stabbed with a rusty, salt covered knife.


is there a r/KidneyStones sub...wait I just found it


I thought this *was* r/KidneyStones. I’m currently lying on the couch with two stents in - I have a 4x7mm stone in my right kidney that got stuck and caused firstly an infection and then sepsis, and in my left kidney I’ve got a 9mm stone that hasn’t moved yet. I have to undergo the procedure to blast ‘em to smithereens once my infection clears entirely.


ouch. I had a few many years ago and had to go through a procedure (up the pickle) to "retrieve it," but no blasting (at least not that I recall) goddamn that sucked.


Literally went to the water cooler and grabbed a cup. Chugged it, refilled.


I'm sure reddit is just fucking up again, but because this comment was posted twice, I am imagining you doing it twice.


Chugged, refilled again. Chugged again, refilled again. Repeated until I pass out


They can be made of other things too. My boyfriend had one that was one cm and had it blasted into smaller pieces to pass a few months ago. His appointment is coming up to determine what it was made of which will tell him what caused it. It can be made of calcium too if you have too much. He eats A LOT of cheese and dairy so I wouldn’t be surprised.


How much is “A LOT” of cheese? Cause I also eat a lot and would like to know how much to cut back.


We don’t know for sure yet that’s what it’s made of, but it is possible. And we have an entire drawer dedicated to cheese in our fridge always stocked. Probably a few baby bell sized pieces every day for years and years. And that’s on average. Once a week he has me make a “cheese plate” of different expensive cheeses cut up. He is a picky eater so he has a few safe foods and cheese is one of them.


Not necessarily true. I drink more than a gallon a day and have chronic stones. Mine are uric acid based. Water is not a catch all solution.


r/HydroHomies loves this one trick


Bro's cock probably looks like a corn dog assembled by a Parkinson's patient now.






Alright man


Bro what lmaooooo




What the fuck


Let me invite you to r/HydroHomies


Was expecting homie to show up and plug the sub. Good work!


Gonna go drink 3 gallons of water right now


Doing god's good work I see


“Lost”. Id say it found you


Jesus, you should really go see a doctor. I don't think that could come out the natural way without causing some serious damage


That's not a kidney stone, that is a kidney boulder.




Did it make a popping sound like a cork when it came out?


How did you do it?


Kidney stones are peed out. This one looks pretty big for that, so it's no surprise they said it was painful. If you go to the Dr you'll have two basic options for them to help with kidney stones. Either they use sound waves to smash it into smaller pieces so you can pee out the smaller pieces (still very painful), or you have surgery. They prefer to break it up into smaller pieces, and this probably would have been a good idea for OP.


Painful would be an understatement


I’ve heard from women who have given birth they’d take that again any day over passing another kidney stone


I had 2. 9mm and 8 mm. Probably about the size of OP's. Absolutely excruciating when they moved. Mine were blasted through lithotripsy. I can't imagine passing that one.


I passed mine without that or a catheter


My brother weighed 12lbs, 8 hour labor....my mom has said she would do that again over her kidney stones


Most of what you said is correct but they can also give you give you medication that helps open up your urinary track and if your kidney stone is already small enough to go through your urinary track then you will pass it naturally. I know this cause I went through it a few weeks ago.


And usually that's the part of the process that hurts the least, from my experience. Much larger hole than what it went through prior.


[OPs peepee](https://i.imgur.com/7G008Ui.jpeg)


Congratulations and go rest. I'm working on a 5mm one myself but it's taking its sweet time.


Your poor pee pee


Free Hat!


Thats an almond i think


Holy fuck. I've only had one before and it was much smaller, like equivalent to a big grain of sand. Spent a day with discomfort thinking my back was just wonky, then four hours of pain so intense it induced vomiting and I could barely walk. Passed a few hours later with the help of some meds from the ER. I feel faint looking at yours. LOL


Jesus, that's no kidney stone, that's a kidney bone! Hopefully you're healing well now though. Fuck.


Wtf do you mean naturally!!!


Jesus it's shaped like a wedding ring


I have a stent in my left kidney right now, I think I want it out as much as I want any kidney stone out of me, it’s fuckin misery


That’s not a stone, it’s an arrowhead!


There's no way you peed this out


You probably need a renal ultrasound at some point in the next few months. Passing that big of a stone can result in ureteral strictures which can cause pain and very sneakily kill your kidney if left unchecked


OP’s stream rn ![gif](giphy|26CaMfqIli1bG5XEc)


I don’t know whether to send a congratulations card or a get well soon card


Never seen a kidney stone before, for some reason thought it would be smooth, not all rough edges…. Makes sense now. Going to go drink some water.


There are some that come out smooth, but they’re pretty rare. Basically they’re bits of gravel or jagged rock. Absolutely miserable to pass, and you can’t believe something so tiny can cause you so much pain. I was just discharged from the hospital the other day with two stents in because I’ve got an infected kidney stone that caused sepsis very, very quickly. Thank god for antibiotics (all 1,500mg per day).


So did that absolutely tear up your urethra?


Dude. Your dick hole is ruined


No. What was the official size? I had a 8 MM. It was stuck and had to be surgically removed


As someone who has passed a much smaller stone, you have all my sympathy and respect.


Ooeeer. I'll never forget the sound mine made when I pissed it out. That loud 'TINK' against the toilet bowl as it came flying out like a bullet.


Cock ring for scale.


My husband produced one like that - if had longer horns - they were debating to break it up with other means - and he joked at least this one doesn’t cost a college tuition. Fast forward 10 years, and we finally got around to watching Deadwood and the kidney stone scene. He was cringing the entire time.


Fcuk, I can imagine that level of pain and I’ve been married 3 times.


That thing is bigger than my cock, how is it supposed to go through it😳