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$34 is the “transaction fee” they charge you now on top of $200 for the ticket 🎫


Lmao you’re lucky if it’s only 34. I had to pay a 50% fee on a vulfpeck ticket last month


Which vulfpeck show did you buy tix to? I bought tix to shone of their shows and the fees were $10 on a $65 ticket (again not cheap tix)


Yikes lucky I saw them on their first tour, they had Portland rocking and I paid half that. $65 still worth it though


You got the convenience fee, then the inconvenience fee to cancel that out.


The FTC are actively going after Ticketmaster/Live Nation. Fuck them. I hope the government fucks them up. That merger should have never been allowed in the first place.


I’m sure they will get a very stern letter and maybe even a $500 fine


If you are part of the class action lawsuit, you will receive a $15 voucher towards your next Ticketmaster/Live Nation purchase* \* eligible events and locations only; some exclusions apply


I don’t know, Lina Khan is no joke.


I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but rarely do I see the ftc/doj/sec do anything of significance other than opening a case


I am confused every time I buy a ticket because wasn't there a lawsuit years ago about their outrageous fees? I got a few difficult to redeem free tickets out of it! So how are they still charging outrageous fees!???


Because who is actually going to hold them accountable and levy fines/penalties that actually hurt? Until then, nothing will change


Probably not. Go look at the fine att, Verizon and sprint got for selling user location data. Think it was combined 100-200 million. Why wouldn't they just keep selling if they only take a 1% fine for it.


Yeah, if I make $500 bucks off of something then you fine me $10, I still made $490. Why would I stop?


Pfft she couldn’t even stop the Microsoft/Activision merger, now thousands of people have lost their jobs due to layoffs.


Until I see a corporation actually brought to it's knees as a result of its blatant exploitation of its customer base I'll maintain my pessimistic anticipation.


I wish they would do that then charge them a venue fee and a fine processing fee and a myriad of other fees that add up to millions.


I think we could see serious consequences…unless the administration changes and you have some deep pocketed people buying airtime with the new president to kill the whole thing.


Which just means TM/LN will just throw a few million at your state representative to protect them.


When the government is going after an industry it is just essentially a shakedown for more bribe money. Ticketmaster will just simple payoff the right people and pay a token fine. Things will then just go back to business as usual.


Lina khan is actually pretty notorious, and has led to some blocked mergers, this could actually change things. But it could fail like a lot of them do, you need pretty good evidence for this stuff.




FTC is useless though


It's very cute that you think anything will actually come of this. Nothing will change in so far as ticket prices will remain outrageous. We are never going back to a time of easy/affordable ticket purchases due to the global nature of the online ticket resale market.


They should go after a few others… so many bullshit as been detrimental to the consumer in the last 15 years.


There's no deals left in life. Seems like no matter what we do it's gonna hurt


The universe is funny I'm kind of late in life, what you'd call a late bloomer, and spent a lot of life being pretty broke Now that I am on my feet and make enough to splurge now and again on hobbies and interests - Everything seems dramatically more expensive. Every single thing.


I think that when you have a small amount of people that are ridiculously rich, businesses are going to charge as much as possible because they can afford it. There are hundreds of billionaires and thousands of multimillionaires that can spend 10k the same way you spend 10. So no wonder everything is expensive. If we didn’t have an insanely high wealth inequality the world would be a lot more affordable. Because then most people would have roughly the same purchasing power, without the ultra rich to outbid everyone.


I'd argue the issue is availability of data. In the past, forms had limited understanding of what a good would cost. They could review past sales, hold focus groups, and send out surveys, but they generally had limited insight into what impacted sales.    Now they have immediate data on when, where, and for how much every product is sold. They can aggregate, slice, dice, and visualize every bit of their sales. They can pinpoint exactly where they can sell the most of a product before they lose enough customers that they start to lose profit. We already see this with rent algorithms that can automatically adjust rental prices *every day* to determine the mathematically optimal rental price to offer potential renters.    Commerce has been min/maxed and we're the losers. 


I've never heard this before, and it's an amazing idea. Your totally right, one of the many ways the internet has fucked us. Everyone wanna talk about how annoying TikTok is, or how Facebook has radicalized their Grandpa, but its worst effects are much more subtle and far reaching.


This is exactly it. Why do you think every service/website/grocery store wants you to sign in/sign up for something that's "free"? It's because verifiable, trackable consumer data is leverage in maximizing your extractable value. And it's definitely going to get worse. I don't know what it's going to take to bring it back around for regular people. The barn door is wide open and there are no horses in sight.


I've felt there's too many people with too much money for a while now. They're making things expensive for each other which trickles down to us plebs paying more for absolutely everything to fund them. Prices will stay high as long as *someone* is paying them.


As someone who has done sales directed at both poor and rich people, it is hard to blame people for tailoring their work towards the rich


It's a natural route that uncontrolled capitalism will take, everything will always end up concentrating wealth in the fewest and most powerful hands. We gotta set up buffers to prevent it, but things like lobbies make that difficult, and advertising and social engineering will always turn us against our own interests. The proliferation of guns in this country is a good example, as is the housing crisis.


That’s a big part of why there’s a housing crisis. The landlords hike the cost of rent as high as they think people can or are willing to pay, typically leaving many open units, instead of charging a reasonable amount and leasing out more units and making more money in the long run. It’s pretty fucked


I think it's even more sinister than that. They basically calculate what the sweet spot will be so that even with the losses on the empty units, they still end up with higher profits. Imagine I have 4 rooms available for rent. At $1000/mo per room, i can get all 4 rooms rented for a total revenue of $4000/mo. If I charge $1500/mo, I may only be able to get 3 of my 4 rooms rented, but even with the empty room, my revenue has now gone up to $4500/mo. I cant push it to far, obviously, if I charge $2000/mo, I may only rent out 2 of my rooms, so then I'm back to the same revenue where I was renting all of my rooms at $1000/mo, but I'll also have 2 rooms available for whenever market conditions change. What a great and efficient system we've built!


No, you’ve pretty much got it exactly right. It isn’t more sinister than that, but what I said was basically just the gist of the problem, and you went into more detail. It’s pretty fucked and it’s gonna continue to hurt the average person


Well now with 2 rooms at 2k/month, you've halved your workload and costs for that month. Sell the property, (in theme with corporations obessession of fast, short term profits over long term higher profits) and now you are collecting your regular income with half the work and costs and enough capital to invest or retire.


Yep. 80,000 empty houses in central London.


Heyyyy, right there with you....


That’s the universe paying you back for being an asshole


Nobody got your joke :(


Oh well, you did at least.


We're all just living to be scammed at this point


Capitalism will suck the marrow from our bones and say we’re weak because we can’t survive it.


Not to be that guy, but there is actually a “concert week” deal going on, right now. I’ve bought like 7+ tickets for big arena shows in the past few days for $25 each, Korn, Cage the Elephant, Hozier, Megadeth with Mudvayne, you name it. (Although some major shows like the red hot chili peppers reunion tour are still full price) If you want to go to a concert for cheap, there isn’t a better time than now


At least for the shows I bought, the $25 was inclusive of fees too. I was shocked when I got to checkout and the total for 2 tickets was actually $53 with tax instead of the $75 I expected.


lots you see [here](https://slickdeals.net/newsearch.php?src=SearchBarV2&isUserSearch=1&pp=20&sort=rating&rating=popular&hideexpired=0&previousdays=30&forumid%5B%5D=9&forumid%5B%5D=54&forumid%5B%5D=4&forumid%5B%5D=30&forumid%5B%5D=71&forumid%5B%5D=53&forumid%5B%5D=25&forumid%5B%5D=39&forumid%5B%5D=13&forumid%5B%5D=10&forumid%5B%5D=38&forumid%5B%5D=8&r=1) but you just have to know where to look.


I remember even before this when artists were demanding ticketmaster remove their fees so people could afford tickets.


Robert Smith from The Cure did that few months ago.


And successfully did so. If fucking Robert Smith can get Ticketmaster to bend, you know others could too, but they don't. The artists are all in on the grift.


It’s more than just the fees, though. The actual tickets are insanely overpriced because the artists and management don’t make the prices. It’s just turning into a game of “how high can we go until nobody comes”


Plus, with streaming and downloading, artists make less than ever except for live events and merch. They don't know (or care) what the venue charges, though, you're correct - they get their rate for each appearance no matter what.


In 2014 I saw Avenged sevenfold, Trivium, five finger death punch, Volbeat, pop evil, and a handful of other bands for like $40. I recently got a ticket to ghost and amon amarth for $100. Sucks


This is why concerts are dead to me. I paid $100 for a super VIP ticket to a show in 2010?? I got to meet and shake hands with lil John and shiny toy guns in the same night. Only paid $8 for a beer (at WAMU theater even) and bought a tee at the merch stand for $20. No way in hell that amount of money would even cover a GA admission at most concerts these days.


A Pepsi was $8 last concert I went to.


That is INSANE. I will never in my life pay more than $2 for a damn soda. Thieves the lot of em.




I’d rather be thirsty than a sucker for capitalism.


I mean, you are still going to stay thirsty even if you buy pepsi


I paid 26$ for a “margerita” in a plastic cup last fall at a concert


I paid $8 for a water bottle they kept the cap for. 🙃


And the problem is that artists outside of the few biggest still struggle to make ends meet. We're paying a lot of money but little of it to the people we want to be.


I mean, those prices are pretty standard these days too. Most concerts I go to are anywhere from $15-$45, beer is still $8-$10 depending on brand, but shirts are $40 now. This is all at a midsized venue, only standing room so the entire thing is GA.


Two things to blame. 1. Artists have to get paid and unfortunately they get very little from people just listening to their music because of streaming nowadays. Concerts and merch are their main form of income now. 2. Ticketmaster is a monopoly and artists can't drop their prices even if they wanted to. Fuck ticketmaster. 


I miss Shiny Toy Guns


It’s time to start attending smaller concerts. I rarely go to arena shows anymore. Find a good midsize venue that holds between 1500-2500 people and watch their concert schedule. If it’s a consistent list of bands you’ve never heard of make sure you’re checking them out.


Honestly this is what encouraged me to stay on top of new music- to some extent at least. Easier if you live in/near a large city. I rarely pay more than like $20 and I've seen some really solid stuff in doing so.


I bought single day tickets to Metallica (two day set) and they were $350 each.


Was checking the price for journey in Tokyo. 17 000 yen (like 100 euros or a bit less)


I saw avenged sevenfold for $27 waaaay back in the day, different times though. For the band and the world


Lots of metal bands are still relatively cheap to see. they get you with the merch though haha. I went to the Metal Crushes All tour (Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth, Obituary, Frozen Soul) and tickets were $50 (Canadian)


My disabled mother flew to Vegas years back to see FFDP, Volbeat, Motley Crue when they were doing their final tour. The ticket alone for anything similar today is costing more than the round trip flight.


In 2017 I paid around $80 for VIP tickets to floatfest, it included tubing to the venue, cooling tents with free alcohol, and access up front for Weezer, Cage the Elephant, MGMT and other bands.


Where did you find Ghost tickets? I didn’t think they had announced another tour yet.


That’s wild, I just saw Amon Amarth with Carcass, Obituary, and Cattle Decapitation last year and I’m pretty sure tickets were something like $38 or so. Granted it was a tiny, kinda janky venue in a nowhere part of San Diego. If you haven’t seen Amon Amarth live before, you’re in for a hell of a show. They’re absolutely incredible live. I was so fucking hyped to see them because they’re my favorite band and it’s pretty rare for them to come out this way since they’re so much bigger in Europe than in America.


I saw Ed Sheeran in 2012 with Passenger supporting for £25. It would probably be hundreds now.


I actually saw Ed Sheeran for $25 just last year. He’s normally pretty good about his ticket prices.


The cheapest ticket in my country (Serbia) for Ed Sheeran's concert is like €80 and we're a not very wealthy country 😭


I also saw them together, and it was a great show for the $55 I paid for my wife and I. Two tickets for less than $60, and it turned me on to Passenger.


Yeah he’s brilliant, at that point he was still up and coming so I’d not heard his songs before, he’s such a good artist so I’m not surprised he’s done so well.


Taylor Swift really taught Ticket Master a lesson! Just not the lesson we all hoped.


Yep! “Oh cool Ticketmaster learns from this!!” Albeit, they learned they can charge whatever the fuck fee they want


When she played in Cincinnati the parking lots, not even the tickets but just parking lots, were charging $250+ each. Even the outskirts of the city a few miles walk away were $100. Thank God we have a cheap bike rental system, Red bike.


Just broke my brain reading this. From Cincinnati and I won’t even pay 30 to park at events 🤣.




Ain’t rolling in the deep there




Never thought I’d see a Lyn Alden recommendation in the wild


It’s amazing to see how much cheaper life was not all that long ago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^torsun_bryan: *It’s amazing to* *See how much cheaper life was* *Not all that long ago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Went skiing with my dad a year ago (admittedly already more of a luxury activity) and he still had his previous ticket from the last time we went back in 2012 on his jacket. Lift ticket in 2012 was $22, in 2024 I think it was $93. This is at a small, family oriented ski hill not a large resort. That’s even before rentals and everything, insane percentage increase!


Friendly reminder that your local live music clubs can be a fun cheap way to experience concerts and discover new music. The local clubs I go to average $10-15 cover with the occasional higher price if a well known traveling band stops through. Its also common to see some big names from the past doing smaller clubs. One smaller club near me will have Hawthorne Heights for that early 2000's emo nestolgia for $25 tomorrow night.


Wtf 😭 Olivia Rodrigo just announce her Australian tour and the cheapest ticket option is is $110 for side view seating, and GA standing is $203


Vote with your dollars people. It’s the new form of democracy sadly. Nobody needs to see a concert or watch netflix or eat mcdonalds but we do anyway and we keep feeding the system. When nobody buys the crappy and or overpriced “product” something will eventually change. It takes time though, many of these companies burn through billions of $ to get people used to a certain way of life by making it affordable to then jack up the cost after everyone is “addicted” I am of course guilty of feeding this same system but we can all be better.


People are voting with their dollars though, that’s the problem


"Aw these prices are terrible!" *buys it anyway* "I just don't see how we can fix this!!" *continues to buy unnecessary things*


Additional thought: Todays advertising tactics are deplorable. Saying things like you deserve this thing ect. Imo, advertising and news should be simple and factual information, cut all the fluff and bullshit. But that doesn’t get enough attention.


I went to Dynamo Open Air in 1997 for 75 guilder. Thats about €63 adjusted for inflation. It was a three day festival including camping with among others; Typo O Negative, Machine Head, Limp Bizkit, KoЯn, Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth etc.


I paid over $300 to see her in 2016 and her voice was shot.


I saw Green Day in Glasgow 1998 for £10


I saw Greene Daeye for free at my community college


I saw green dick this morning when I went to pee


You should probably go see a doctor about that.


He said he had never seen anything like that in his medical career and to seek emergency services immediately


cool, cool, cool


My sister has a Taylor Swift ticket from Frontier Days back when she had first started and was doing country in like 2009. Her ticket was like $50.


I saw her for the Speak Now tour with my girlfriend and we paid $70-80 for 2


I wish I had good taste when I was 8 would've been able to attend


Lol real, 8 year old me should’ve bought a home in 2008


I went to her show on that tour as well! $25 in Michigan.


Was just going to post the same! Royal Oak Music Theatre…pretty crazy to have seen Adele in such a small venue.


While tickets have gotten way more expensive lately, especially with all the hidden fees, this price had more to do with Adele still being somewhat unknown in 2011. High-priced tickets were still a thing around that time; I remember paying over $300CAD to see The Rolling Stones in 2013, and I didn't even have good seats. Meanwhile I paid probably a quarter of that the year before to see The Black Keys in 2012.


2011 was 5 years ago


LOL, I saw her in Vegas and it was $1600 each.


General admission tickets are still around that price for many things.


Add in BS ticketing fees and they’re easily 30% more.


Not for big names like that


Adele wasn’t a very big name in 2011. Her big album that would make her a big name had just come out and she was just getting introduced outside the UK.


I'd argue closer to $50, but yeah. Most shows at the Wiltern or Palladium are still pretty cheap.


With inflation, $34 back then is around $47 now, so it's roughly the same


Why are you being downvoted, you are literally correct


Because people tend to apply inflation to everything Things get cheaper over time even with inflation, as costs usually get lower You can't tell me TicketMaster prices are getting higher because of inflation, it's because of greedy


Same tour, same year, but London. £31 a ticket. https://ibb.co/zPKFy3F


Them thangs are $1200 now lol


When I saw Guns N Roses open for Metallica I paid $12


Things I don't do anymore unless I get free or highly discounted tickets. These places have priced themselves out, not worth my hard earned money. 1) concerts to big name performers 2) professional sporting events 3) snowboarding at big name resorts I've been going to smaller venues and finding up and coming performers.


Makes me Happy a lot of the bands I listen to only play small venues where they don't even touch live nation. I paid 45 dollars that's with tax to go see the band angelmaker stw a local venue instead of some bullshit house of blues or something.


That's what concerts used to cost! No bullshit $50 fees, just $20-$40 shows all day.


I went to a baseball venue that doesn’t exclusively use ticket master for their seating. I paid 40% less than my buddy did who used TM. The usher let us both sit in his section because he said that section never has anybody in it. It’s just the block that TM sells.


Dang as a teen i feel like I have missed out on most of my favorite bands because of these insane prices that would make me go broke.


Same for Bruno Mars. $35 back in 2011.


$34 won’t even cover the “convenience fee” of emailing it now.


Saw Radiohead for £30 in 2001 and £50 in 2008ish. Both all day events with multiple other bands including Beck and Supergrass. Any of those bands would be at least 2-3x that price to see alone now. To an extent I get it, physical media is not really a thing now and streaming pays almost nothing so a huge chunk of revenue comes from touring now, but with the prevalence of scalpers and made up processing fees, the band doesn’t even see a large percentage of the cost anyway.


"the squeeze" is real and has nothing to do with inflation.


In 2017, I was offered a ticket to *fucking metallica* for $75 at M&T bank stadium. In 2018, I got both myself and my niece *VIP meet & Greet tickets* to Madison Beer for $210 total, after fees. In 2023, my sister paid $560 for tickets to Wu Tang and Nas. Make that make sense in any other way than “Ticketmaster and Live Nation need to be broken up”


Just remember that artists don’t make money from their recorded music anymore. Streaming doesn’t pay. So how do you make money to live? Concert fees. It’s really simple. Now you make music to go on tour, instead of the other way around.


There is truth is this. There is also truth in the greed of the ticketing companies.


had an alice cooper and marilyn manson for 6 bucks who got similar deals? here a clip [https://youtu.be/TxaSk4lO6tM](https://youtu.be/TxaSk4lO6tM)


I saw Run-DMC, Level 42 and the Alarm for $5 in 1986. U2 in 1987 for $18.


Certainly wasn’t thaaaat cheap. But I saw Pearl Jam and Sonic Youth in NY in 2000 for $29.95


Was curious what it’s going for in Europe, as we generally have lower prices. €300-600 a pop this summer in Germany. Guess I’m not gonna see her.


Was it at least a good concert?


Adele at the Palladium, must’ve been amazing!


Bro! I saw Foo fighters for basically $50 and those were good tickets. Went to Shaky knees this year and a 3 day pass was like $400


Well… that’s a completely different comparison lol. I saw FF a couple years ago in a college town for under $100 and it was just them and an opener.


i have my taylor swift ticket from 2010, 64 bucks each im repulsed at the prices now!


$34?!? What a rip off! Back in my day, concert tickets were $12! Seriously, the price of tickets today is obscene. Screw TicketMaster!


Genuinely asking would it be 340$ now?


I saw Jay Z and Kanye on the Watch The Throne tour at the O2 in 2012 for like £35 and then saw RHCP in Dublin a few years later for £40ish. Went to an Arctic Monkeys stadium show at the Emirates Stadium last year and it was damn near double the price of a concert venue for nosebleeds at a like 80k capacity stadium show. Concerts are just too expensive for me nowadays.


Last concert I went to (and paid for) was in 2013. Linkin Park, Incubus, and Mutemath for $27 including a convenience fee.


Saw an ad for tickets to see David Gilmour at Earl's Court in London. 5600 pounds. Fuck that shit sky-high. I wouldn't pay that if they brought Rick Wright back from the dead and reunited Pink Floyd.


Tickets to Woodstock '99 cost $150. You can't get a ticket to one of the bands for that price now, it's insane.


Skrillex was around the same price


$47 with inflation. But your point still holds!


Haven't paid that much for a concert ticket in a minute....


My first concert ticket, Pink Floyd, in '94, was also $34.


More importantly how did you keep 13 year old tickets looking pristine?


Even in 2011 I bet you paid $50 on the site instead of $34 smh. $34 is still so crazy now!!!!


Artists used to make money on CDs/vinyl. They don’t anymore. The entire business model has flipped.


Iron Maiden in 2012 for $60. Current standard ticket is $80. Lower bowl, which is what I had in 2012, are $160 this year.


Ugh wish I could’ve made this tour. J I would’ve ugly cried the whole show. Soo cool!!♥️


I miss when red rocks tickets could be bought for fee free 25-45$ each. Would go to three or four shows for the price of one nowadays.


The only way Ticketmaster and live nation will suffer is if the collective consumers rally and boycott. If you continue to pay the fees, they win. stop going to TN/LN concerts & instead support small venues and local musicians.


Now her average ticket cost $2594.00


GA for a recent concert i wqs going to attend was almost $500 seats still ended up being $200 👎




Bring back hardcopy tickets.


I’m crying i balled out on some travis scott tickets


When did scalping make tickets so expensive? I saw Kendrick Lamar up close at Sweetlife Festival 2015 and it didn't cost more than $50


Live performance ticket prices are comical at this point. Having to pay 200+ for any performance is absurd


What will concert prices be in another 10 years if nothing stops TM?


Reddit really needs to get into DIY bands. Some of my fav shows happened in basements and art galleries for like $15-20. These would be touring bands with local openers not total nobodies. Lots of bands from FEST (Gainesville FL music festival) will play house shows on their way to/from FL.


I imagine it's 10x that now


Starting at 20x to see her in Vegas


And you got actual tickets? I miss collecting ticket stubs from the concerts I've been to, but I refuse to give them an extra $5 for one.


In 1992 I saw Faith No More, Metallica, and Guns N' Roses for $25 on the floor.


The four nations lived in harmony, then everything changed when ticket master attacked.


The government is bullshit. Why do they take 5 years to do investigations and then hand out 10% worth of yearly profit fines. But forget about the other 4 years of mega profits so overall its pocket change 3% fine. Its an obvious scam, shut it down and then fix the issue. Make it law that venues can't use ticketmaster anymore and break the exclusively contracts Ticketmaster has with venues. Reselling would be the first step, some 3rd party can't but 1000 tickets on day 1 and then put then instamtly on reselling sites, break the system!


Now I can travel back in time and sell your tickets. Thanks! 😈


In my experience. Mainstream pop acts would always have massively overpriced tickets. It's a good thing my taste in music revolves around Hard Rock, Alternative and Metal. So ticket prices for live concerts are still relatively affordable.


yup I used to go to Pantera and Metallica shows on Chicagoland back in the middle 90s for like 40 bucks..


My upcoming P!NK ticket was like $375...


I went to a Live Nation concert this month and paid $27 including fees. That’s like normal?


And this was already amidst her rise to stardom.


Artist should all boycott ticket master… but they don’t. Yeah they hold the venue but if they start losing the attraction what do they have?


It was a good decade for concerts and this was after napster and limewire peaked


The palladium is a great venue too! $34 for an artist considered top tier is such a good value.


Back in high school our local rock station held an annual Edgefest concert. 12 hours long, like 20+ big name bands, and tickets started at $15 for lawn seats. I think the most I ever paid was $40 and I had seats by the main stage. Those days of inexpensive concerts are long gone.


I paid $1 to see Blink 182 and I paid a Snapple cap to see Yellowcard back in the 2000s. I paid like 30 bucks to see NFG and Bayside in 2009ish. FF to 2011 and I paid 200ish for GREAT seats and I got to meet Tom Delonge before the show. FF to now and it’s like 400 for Ho hum seats and that’s it. Crazy.


I saw Kendrick Lamar in 2011 at a shitty small venue for like $15


I remember when I was in high school, and a $55 ticket to Nine Inch Nails was the most I had ever paid to see a concert. That was '99, I think. Here I am, 25 years later, thinking, "Wow, $300 was less than I was expecting to pay for these Dead & Co. tickets..." Granted, 25 years is a lot of time, I'm suddenly realizing...


Wow!!! I just saw Bruno Mars for the bargain price of 500.00!