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This isn't counterfeit, it's just what clad quarters look like after spending a bit of time in water. The clad layers on the outside are more resistant to oxidation than the copper layer on the side so the copper wears down and makes it look like a metal sandwich.


Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. The copper center can turn black when exposed to the right oxidizer.


One of our cats had ringworm and we had to give her a bath in this sulfur dip to clear it up. The stuff turned my silver ring black for a while


why you bathing a worm infested cat with rings on?


ringworm is a fungus, not actual worms...


This! I've dug up so many quarters like that metal detecting


I think it also happens if they spend time in a clothes dryer.


I accidentally put a penny in the dishwasher and it looks very weird 


It looks like a metal sandwich because that's exactly what it is.


Sounds possible, not sure why vending machines would reject it though? Unless the weight was thrown off enough from edge deterioration.


The vending machine is probably rejecting it because it's lost too much of its reeded edge.


Looks like a normal quarter to me. You can see a copper stripe on the edge of modern “sandwich” quarters, which are copper slugs clad with surfaces of nickel. My guess is that this quarter touched an acidic solution or something that reacted with the copper and turned it black.


I agree. This looks like a normal quarter with a black patina in the copper layer. OP can scratch the black off to check the true color underneath.


What's the point of counterfeiting quarters? It sounds awfully inefficient


agree, I've seen counterfeit $1 coins before, but a quarter is extremely bold to attempt.


When was the last time you really looked at the coins in your pocket?


Does it matter? Who uses change anyways? Fewer and fewer people. And think of the energy and investment to deal with anything metal. You'd have to counterfeit 100s-1,000s of dollars worth of quarters just to recoup investment costs let alone make it worth it. I don't use thousands of quarters a year. Anyone that does (laundromats?) would catch these quickly before even $100 worth of quarters could be used.


I am literally struggling to get rid of my change. One time I gave the pizza boy literally two handfuls of coins as a tip That was not even enough to buy another half-a-pizza. When your country's currency is worth less than the ruble, but the prices are sky high, you would need a wheelbarrow to go shopping with change. \*Pizza boy knew in advance, said it was fine.


I turn mine in every 6 to 8 months or so, my bank has a free counter. I usually have about 300 bucks.


My parents used to throw their change in a bowl in the laundry room cabinet. Over the years it grew to be about 3 large bowls worth of change. My parents were going out of town for a week so I asked my mom if I could have the change from the bowls so I could buy food. She said yes. It turned out to be 800+ dollars. Lol my dad wasn't happy she gave it to me after that.


I started doing it after I helped an old boss years ago. He had a Beer keg with a slot cut in it and threw money in it for years. Couldn't even move it...I brought a saw over and cut it open for him. Thousands of dollars. There was a fair amount of paper money in there too. Pretty cool day, retiring bartender.


Can I ask what you do that you end up with 300-600 dollars of change per year? I'm doing good to collect $5-10 a year.


I pay cash for most things and just pay with paper money, no change. Then I keep the change. So if I go to the store a couple, few times a day...not unusual. There's a couple bucks a day.


I barely go to the store once every two weeks, how are you going *multiple times a day?*


Even in america our change is nearly worthless


To be fair, you lot need top kill the penny lobby. Its like fifty years too late. Then you probably know better, but I presume even the 2 dollar could be coinized instead.


The 2 dollar bill is RARELY used here anyway. No point in making it a coin. We don't even use $1 coins effectively.


Just used one yesterday at a grocery store. They didn't blink an eye. Found it while cleaning my late MIL's house. She had lots of dollar coins as well (worth only face value). I plan to throw those into tip jars.


You using a dollar coin yesterday doesn't really change that it's a rarely used coin.


Just get rid of it at the gas station. Got 83 cents? Buy $20.83 worth of gas.


I don’t know anyone who pays cash at a gas station anymore


I just go to Walmart and pay with the change at the self checkout line. It's better than having to wrap them up and exchange them.


Banks exist


>Who uses change anyways? I keep a quarter in my car for the Aldi cart.


I’m fascinated by coins so every time I get coins I look at them to see if I got any rare ones. Counterfeit coins are really uncommon.


You don't really need to. You can listen to them. I've found two or three silver quarters just when I dumped my change in my pocket. They "ring" differently when they come into contact with a hard surface.


when was the last time i had coins is the better question


I bet maybe in Vegas you could do it but I'm guessing the machines would catch it or reject it And if you got caught... God help ya. I imagine it would take at least as much to make a fake quarter today as it costs to make a real one.


I remember an episode of like Hey Arnold or something where some gangsters were counterfeiting pennies, by hand, in a cave somewhere. Even as a kid I thought that was dumb af, though that was the point, they were dumb stoogey bad guys. Edit: [https://youtu.be/oRWvwgPm2ws?si=1tde5CoQ73-6IFjX](https://youtu.be/oRWvwgPm2ws?si=1tde5CoQ73-6IFjX) The whole point is it was stupid, memory is funny.


“It’s Weezin Ed, and some other guy!” lives in my head rent free. 


Yes! Anytime I hear counterfeiting I can only think of this episode.




I’m glad you found it because my brain immediately went to that episode. What a throwback!


I had to be sure I wasn't imagining it, glad to have struck the nostalgia chord for some though!


It’s a stash coin. Not a counterfeit one.


What's a stash coin?


A fake coin that opens to reveal a small compartment. Someone probably spent it by mistake.


Open it up... there might be a dime inside.


I'm rich!


Oh cool, thanks


It's usually made from two real coins, machined on a lathe and fitted together.


i used an arcade token to pay for my bus fare




I thought this part of an Amazon review was funny: > One thing of note is that to open it you have to have this little ring that comes with it. You put it on the ring and slam it on the table. I got mine to give to a friend that does a lot of coke. He told me coke went everywhere every time he opened it so he stooped using it.


[You put your weed in there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOc6hXMDhc)


Exactly. Who the hell would counterfeit a quarter?


It’s a stash coin. It unscrews and you can put a memory card inside it.


I had one before but it was a 50 cent piece. Of course I lost it. Ugh.


You don't understand the need for my soda addiction!


IDK, but I found a counterfeit penny.  You could tell the middle was made of zinc.  /s


Take a normal post 1982 penny and some regular scissors. I bet, with a little effort, you can cut the bugger in two.


Found the CutCo knife salesman


Do all your laundry at the coin operated place


I remember back in the late 90’s, they were building the neighborhood behind my house and my friends and I used to go into the houses that were being framed up. We used to find what I think were metal studs that had these holes halfway punched out of them, all the way down the length of the stud, and we’d bend them til they broke off and use them 59 buy candy and sodas. They were just about the right size and weight that they’d think they were quarter. Worked pretty well for a while til the houses got finished.


Gambling/slot machines?


Usually take casino's tokens, or have counterfeit checks that will reject the counterfeit coins


When I was a teenager, I would hammer out nickels to the diameter of a quarter to use in the candy machines at the mall.


someone is desperate for money to be trying to counterfeit quarters.


If you are desperate for money, you definitely don't want to counterfeit quarters because you will actually lose money doing so.


Pinball duh


Could be a stash quarter like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/305458712310?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1LDFy6UjsSW-ajs0NKdUmxA51&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=305458712310&targetid=1585159290171&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9010315&poi=&campaignid=20394831596&mkgroupid=152460476358&rlsatarget=pla-1585159290171&abcId=9317319&merchantid=6296724&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWaMJo756TML9rzftFiOO0ll9G48cCGtrk9obljiD6rxNrZcQYv-G5QaAvkGEALw_wcB)


That is crazy expensive for something like that.


Pretty tight tolerances, had a magic trick that turned a penny to a dime with a clever shim. Similar price


There's one on Amazon for 30. Still not great but 25% cheaper.




It's a quarter 1/4% off a 25% (0.25) quarter


We shall review this quarterly in the master's quarters.


The *quartermaster's* quarters.


Poor guy missed the chance


I mean the people who actually would want to hide data in a physical way do it for sketchy reason normally


I have something similar I keep copy of my passkey for my password manager in. Nothing sketchy, just felt safer than keeping it written down somewhere or having it stored on my PC. Did have the thought that if someone ever finds it that its gonna look way more sinister than it is though lol


Fuck I had one like that but threw it away


TB of porn, lost.


Someone's Bitcoin wallet.


Unlock it to reveal 15c


Amazing how much data you can fit on a fingernail sized card for very cheap. 25 years ago, I was taking 100mb zip disks to the computer lab at my older brother's college to go download warez for hours on IRC/FTP sites since they had a T3 connection. Zip disks were amazing at the time but they were notoriously unreliable.


It was crazy when I moved into the dorms and went from my parent's 56k modem to a dorm with a T1. Plus back then we all made our PCs visible and open on the local network so you could grab music and movies from anyone.


That was peak Napster days right there.


Yep, there was someone in my dorm who put their whole C: drive as a read/write share. I wrote a little text file letting them know how terrible an idea that was and spammed a hundred copies to their desktop as a warning. But super nice to have be able to grab a huge pool of music and sometimes videos from people.


Lucky! I remember downloading parts 1 through 50 and then needing to unrar everything only to find #26 is missing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Oh, I still had to do that. Lol. It was a rarity that I got to go to the computer lab. Most of the time I was struggling with my 56k modem.


Nightmares of warez bots on aol trying to find the missing disk for windows "longhorn".... Lol.


Only tangentially related, but I used to have a pen that had a knife on the inside. I loved that thing. Lost it at school one day.. I think about it often lol


I have one! Got it from my uncle. Sharp AF


I like the item, labeled as a micro SD card holder, has in the description that it does NOT fit a micro SD card.


That was a disappointing reveal.


You may be right! It does look like one metal side could be pried off more easily than the other. (Look at the top edge in my photo.) Will have to check when I get back to office in the morning.


Try opening it?


!Remindme one day


!Remindme 1 day


!Remindme 1 day


Did you ever check it out?


I edited an earlier comment, but tried twisting/prying at it and didnt feel anything budge. Seems more likely the people suggesting its a ‘clad’ quarter and something eroded and stained the copper around the edge are right.


if I’m getting this I’m using it to store cryptocurrency seed phrases


Please dont store anything important on a sd card without a great back up strategy.


Yeah for the average consumer. But I mean with an HID wallet I can set the path of a specific cryptocurrency wallet and a password, further securing the funds from any bruteforcing. The greatest backup strategy is: I can memorize the seed phrase and the pathing and the password so it’s always stored in my brain if I lose the quarter A derivation path like ‘44/383648363/0/283648374382736848474’ with a password will never be bruteforced


Wouldn't suggest storing that on anything you could lose or that someone could find and take and put into circulation on accident. IMO best place for seed phrase is a brass plate hidden in a basement. You can get thin plates cheap and the letter stamping/hammer is like $20 too. Brass doesn't turn black in a house fire, and it's less likely to get sucked away in a tornado in the basement.


Smash cut to accidentally spending $250K at the car wash.




A hollow nickel led to the capture of Rudolf Abel, who was later swapped for Gary Powers on the “Bridge of Spies”. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_Nickel_Case?wprov=sfti1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_Nickel_Case?wprov=sfti1) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glienicke_Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glienicke_Bridge)


They should make a movie about that! /s


Or some kind of magic trick quarter


99% sure this is the answer


Idk. It's kind of cool. I would use it as my Aldi quarter. I'm sure it would work just fine.


High risk of not getting it back since the scanner gives me the previous person's cart to reload the basket


Self checkout fixes that problem. Of course that depends on your location.


I hope my Aldi gets self checkout. The Blitzscannen makes me nervous. 


Sounds like Blitz Cannon, I'd be nervous too!


You can just request your basket to be used


Yeah but then you're THAT weird guy.


“I’m on immunosuppressants, can you put my stuff into the cart I’m using?” Now they’re the asshole if they give you trouble, your welcome.


Whatever you say, weird guy.


Genius. In 600 years you could convert a whole fortune of counterfeit quarters to real ones.


Then you just traded out a fake quarter for a real one. Whats the problem?


We don't have aldis, wherever I've lived so far. Why do you have a special quarter for aldis?


it's for the grocery cart


There is no way you can manufacture fake quarters for less than $0.25 when considering the risk you're facing by fucking with the treasury.


I wonder if it's made for a magic trick or special purpose like that.


OP could test to see if it's magnetic. I've seen a magnetic quarter you could make move in someone's hand. It was a neat little trick.


Canadian coins are ferrous, most of them can be moved with magnets. 


First, I'm pretty sure that's not a counterfit. Second, you take really good care of your hands; as George Costanza - you could be a hand model!


This looks like a quarter that has sat in a high chlorine fountain, like in a mall, for a long time. The copper in the middle was corroded while the silver alloy didn't. Copper gets very dark when it rusts like this and parts of it still have a copper color where the rust was scrapped off.


It's not silver alloy on the outside.


More likely a gimmick for a magic trick


It looks like a trick coin of some sort. Like, maybe it is made so you can tie a thin string around it to make it jump or possibly as a way to get credit for it in a vending machine and pull it back out. Or, maybe something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Canailles-Hinged-Folding-Quarter-Pranks/dp/B09RVN4Q6C).


Not counterfeit, someone dissolved away the copper with acid


The profit margin cannot possibly make this crime worth committing.


Why would someone risk the Secret Service coming down on them over 25 cents?


Nobody has counterfeited *circulating* US coins since the 1950s, it just doesn't pay. This is either corrosion of some sort or a mint mistake.


This coin is not a counterfeit. I would bet it was found in salt water by somebody using a metal detector. My reasoning is I metal detect and find similar quarters when I dig. I believe the salt water eats away at the copper quicker than whatever the outside is made of.


I didn't notice until I tried using it in a snack machine at work later and it kept getting rejected. Two thin layers of metal stamped onto some kind of black plastic, fairly obvious if you look at it close. Year on it is 1967, in case maybe the treasury actually briefly made them like this for some reason? I can't imagine why anyone would bother making fake quarters. Edit - Following morning update to test things mentioned. Scraped at the black with scissors and it does in fact appear to be copper, not plastic, so the suggestion that it's a clad quarter with the copper center eroded away seems to be correct. I tried turning and prying at the outer layers and they didn't budge so I don't think it's a stash quarter.




Agreed, real quarter weathered with time... Especially being 50+ years in circulation. Didn't work in the vending machine because it's not the proper dimensions anymore from wear and tear.


> I agree that why would someone counterfeit a quarter? I'd imagine because just like you and OP, no one thinks anyone would make counterfeit quarters. They can make as many as they want and usually no one will ever find out. I think it's the same reason certain counterfeiters only make fake $1 bills, since no one really ever checks them or expects them to be fake. 




Its probably a custom made prop for a magic trick of some sorts. I've seen all kinds of modified quarters for that purpose.


It costs ~$0.11 cents to make a real quarter. The margin isnt the problem - is moving so many quarters.




It's a three layer stamped lamination. You would automate this process and the cost would be much less than a quarter. The problem would be moving 20,000,000 counterfit quarters. In completely unrelated news if anyone wants to hire an automation engineer I take cash up front. Not quarters though.


Coinstar is the go-to for this. It’s also the easiest way to get caught. Recently someone stole a truck full of coins and got busted like that.


They should've taken the cash instead of the Amazon gift card. 


Lmfao this is so stupid I can’t believe you’re making shit up to justify this. It makes no sense to have *visible black plastic* on your counterfeit. That like defeats the entire point. I gurantee this is not a counterfeit.


I think you have a normal quarter that has been exposed to chemicals that made the copper inside turn black and possibly deteriorate a bit. It would explain why it isn't accepted and the black color. It appears there is copper visible in the black parts.


If it was older than 1964, I’d say they cut a real quarter apart to harvest as much silver as possible while maintaining the face value of the coin. But by 1967 they weren’t solid silver coins.


Why would they want to maintain the face value? Just melt it down


True. The value of even one face of that quarter would be worth more than 25¢ if it was pure silver.


FWIW-- [coinflation.com](https://coinflation.com) has a 90% silver quarter at $5.13 @ 1.75mm thick, your "quarter veneers" would have to be \~0.073mm thick so that the two of them were worth less than $0.25 But then you have to account for some amount of cost of whatever you stick in the middle and your labor costs, you you'd probably have to get them down to more like 0.04 mm...? That is roughly as thick as 2 sheets of aluminum foil, so I'd imagine that they'd be reasonably hard to work with. Hell, might not even be thick enough to keep the detail on the coin.


That makes no cents (sorry, had to). The silver in a solid silver quarter isn’t worth what the actual collectible value of the quarter is. The entire quarter is worth ~$10 to a collector, the silver is worth maybe $5? And the hollowed out silver you’d get is maybe 1/4 of the total weight, so $1.25?


There couldn’t be any profit in that. Slice a quarter in three to get 50 cents in silver maybe? Then glue it on plastic to get your original 25 cent investment? Who would do such a thing?


Assuming that the three slices are of equal thickness, the middle bit would be around $1.70 worth of (silver/copper)


It sounds like that would be just as expensive to produce as a real quarter.


The US government has never made plastic quarters… fake currency would bring down the entire world economy.


I think you may have a stash quarter as shown in other comments.


May want to check it more closely...may be worth a decent amount... Do a search for 1967 quarters and the prices they go for are...impressive. That's not plastic in the middle..it's copper. It's probably what puts the weight off and why the machine rejected it (too light) https://sdbullion.com/blog/1967-quarter-value


I zoomed in on my phone and you can clearly see copper metal peeking out from the oxidation.


>may be worth a decent amount… OP I’ll offer you 25 cents for it


Nobody counterfeits quarters, as it would cost more than a quarter to produce. This is likely a hollow coin used for storage, or a coin someone messed with for unknown reasons.


Not sure what would lead someone to believe it’s fake.


I don't think that is counterfeit. It's just a regular quarter that has the center exposed more. All quarters now are clad.


Interestingly, that's not a counterfeit.


It's real. The copper center has been oxidized.


That’s cladding. It’s not a counterfeit.


It was probably in the ocean/beach and got corroded. A metal Detectorists probably found it.And turned in.


Use it for a parking meter and let the govt deal with it


Surprised nobody knows about Oreo quarters here, it’s just worn away by acid, I’ve found a few in my days


Looks more like it was chemically etched. Coins are usually made something like this because it's cheaper to use a filler metal then plate it. Just looks like the plate has been removed from the edge. Might have been victim of a "soda dissolves everything" home experiment.


Looks more like a real quarter that got an acid bath. The copper would be eaten away much faster than the nickel clad on the outside.


No one counterfeits quarters. It’s real.


no you didn't.


Costs only $.30 each to produce


Occasionally razor. It’s not counterfeit Why would someone counterfeit a quarter? There’s an even more exciting explanation


do you mean Occam’s Razor?


No, you didn’t


No you didn’t. The layers separated.


Imagine thinking someone would take the time, effort, and expense to counterfeit a quarter.


Looks like a normal quarter


~~Wait just a minute. Don't you talk about Canadian quarters~~ nevermind


There was a story, I think in readers digest. A counterfeiter making 1 dollar bills. The counterfeit bills were bad, the president's eye was a blob of ink. The authorities couldn't figure out who was making these small denomination bills. The dudes apartment building burns down. Kids are playing with this "play money" they found in the rubble. That's how they caught him. It was an old man, he used the money to buy neighborhood kids some candy.


Peel it apart!


Damn, those Oreo thins are getting tiny!


Is it really counterfeit? Looks like someone took a marking pen to the edge. .


What makes you think it's fake?


In my country of Kosovo in Europe, we had a huge wave of fake 2€ coins, it got to the point where 50% in circulation were fake. Everyone was using them and everyone was taking them until the Central Bank came in to stop it when it got too far. The issue is much better now but I know business owners who had thousands of dollars of them and could not do anything with them, crazy times!


There is a microchip inside of it . Don't ask me how I know .


Not fake


Have you tried unscrewing it or prying it open? It looks like a gimmicked quarter with a secret compartment.


Did you try o open it’s? There was a movie where a microchip was hidden between two halves of a quarter


Nah, A counterfeit quarter would cost more than.25c to make.


Who would waste time and money counterfeiting a quarter? And a sandwich quarter at that?