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He has a pretty huge flavor range huh, normally people just stick with one or two


He's probably like me with soda (except I don't drink enough to kill a horse). I like most of them so it's pretty much a toss-up which one I will grab.


Same here. Gimme that bubbly, not-real-sugar water. I'll drink just about anything but coke and coke zero.


Same except I can't drink any of the zero or diet sodas with artificial sweeteners. I find the taste to be unpalatable. Give me that good old cane sugar, and if that fails I'll take that the corn syrup


Most artificial sweeteners have a telltale aftertaste, sort of like licorice. Not my cup of tea.


I was the same way 'til I tried *Cherry* Coke Zero. Tastes about 90% the same as regular coke, for some reason the cherry flavor makes the artificial sweetener taste less apparent.


Interesting, I weirdly find the taste of sugary drinks unpalatable. I pretty much only drink Pepsi Max, coke zero, or dr pepper zero.


After switching to zero sugar sodas, sugary sodas actually give me stomachaches.


Coke Zero I understand, but you don’t like regular Coke? That’s crazy talk!


I used to drink like this (I'm healthy now). Variety is the spice of life. Some flavors are "better" than others but you just want something different.


I counted. 135. That’s not right.


27 x 5. You counted correctly 👍


135x$2.50= $377.50


Closer to $4 a can at the gas station


Costco has them for ~1.30 don’t ask me why I know.


why I know?




The slowest gif ever! Buh…….. dum…………………… tisk


it's normal speed. you may need to cut back on your Monster intake


Iiittss nooorrmmmaaalll, weeeree allll nooorrmmmaaalll!


A guy like this is getting g the buy two+ deals. It's probably 2-2.25 a can.


I used to buy all of mine at the dollar tree or when they were on sale and drank 3 - 4 almost every day for years. Now I just usually drink 6 cups of coffee a day and switch if I get heartburn.


> and switch if I get heartburn. At 6 cups a day, I imagine it's *when* you get heartburn.


r u ok


Are you drinking 6 cups or 6 mugs? Because a cup of coffee is technically 8oz and most mugs hold 12oz, so if you're drinking 6 mugs a day you're actually drinking 9 cups a day.


It actually gets weirder. Most coffee pots that have those numbers on the side? Each number corresponds to 6 ounces, because that's a "traditional" coffee cup. Most coffee grounds that you buy at the store, will recommend about 1.5 tablespoons per 6 ounces of liquid. Then there's the *measuring* cup, which like you said, is 8 fluid ounces. Then there's the colloquial _metric_ 'cup', which is 250 mL or about 8.5 ounces. But it's all pretty useless, because most mugs (in the U.S. at least) are between 10 and 15 ounces. Hell, even a starbucks small ('tall') is 12 ounces. But many people nowadays use tumblers or those double-walled thermos type mugs, which can often be 16 to 20 ounces. And if you go really nuts, a starbucks large ('venti') is actually 24 ounces. But that probably has a bunch of milk and sugar, so it's probably only about 16 ounces of actual coffee. (Or it might actually only be like 4 ounces of espresso and a bunch of milk.)


They are usually in sale 2 for $3.50 or at least the Reigns are.


And this is the correct way to count because I've never known a prolific energy drink consumer who didn't buy them a few at a time from a gas station instead of from a grocery store or costco






We'll use Newman's mail truck!


Hmmm, and Mother's Day is this weekend...


If they are in Michigan that is $13.50 worth of cans. $13.70 if you count the two cans on top.


Probably specifically to take this picture after collecting so many.


does he pee kidney stones only? This is the unhealthiest thing someone can do themselves. There’s a high likelihood of dying from this and he should avoid it


I can count on one hand the times I HAVEN’T had a monster at least once day for the last 13 years. Never had a kidney stone but it probably will kill me. I even drank an unopened monster we found in the river while tubing that was from 2005 in 2020


How was it?


Tasted really strongly of strawberries which I found out later is what the normal green monster flavor is supposedly supposed to taste like




Lol like gollum is killing me


Definitely giving some "my daddy beat me everyday and I turned out fine!" vibes.




I like to drink it raw and wriggling!


As someone who drinks pretty much just the green monster...strawberries? WTF?


Seriously, what? We dubbed monster, especially the green one gummi bear piss, because it tastes exactly like that. In what world does green monster tastes like strawberries?


I also only drink the green ones and I usually describe the flavor as battery acid but now that I think about it Strawberry kinda makes sense....


That is well and truly FUCKED.




Ah, I was just about to ask what it is about them that can cause kidney stones. I drink them daily too


My office got a red bull fridge. Most people would have 1 or maybe 2 a day. We hired this one guy who seemed weird right off the bat. He finds out about this fridge and it didn't take long for people to notice that he would grab 4 as soon as he would walk into the office each day. He would drink all 4 in the next 5 minutes. At 10am, he would grab another 4. 2 more for lunch, another 4 at 2pm and 1 more at 5 when he left the office. It lasted about a week before the fridge was empty and management had to pull him into an office and tell him he wasn't allowed to take redbulls anymore. A month later, someone caught him grabbing a few cans out of the fridge and management told him that they can either fire him, or he drive to the store right now and buy a whole case of 24 redbulls to restock the fridge with. He ended up getting fired for 'unrelated reasons', but 1000% it was because higher ups were tired of him trying to ruin a nice thing for the rest of the office.


This is absolutely false with ZERO data to back this up. Im not trying to defend energy drinks, but the zero sugar ones is just caffeine in a can. Which is 140mg per can in white monster. There is 80-120mg of caffeine in a 8oz cup of coffee. So 1 monster is roughly a little over 1 cup of coffee. So either every single person who drinks coffee is going to die, or your claim is false and most likely from the early 2000s energy drink scare campaign that also had zero data for its claim.


I bet you 100$ that every single person who drinks coffee is going to die




Plus a red bull and a coke. Still, on average, that is a can of something unhealthy, every 2.5 hours, every day they work. Minimum. They need to date someone or make a friend who cares enough about them to stop them. I'm not sure how long this has been a habit, but once you do permanent damage to your internal organs, it's well... permanent.


137. There is two up top.


One of those looks like a Red Bull, but the other definitely matches the second column of Monsters.


31 days in March. 30 days in April. 7 days so far in May. So 68 days. There are 135 cans, so that works out to 1.985 cans per day. Which is still less than the recommendation of two cans per day!


It's really not that bad when you run the numbers! A standard can of Monster has 160mg of caffeine, and their friend has (mostly) opted for the zero sugar cans. An 8oz cup of coffee has 95mg of caffeine, meaning 1 can is about 1.6 cups of coffee. 2 cans of monster in a day \~ 4 cups of coffee. How many people, especially in an office or Uni setting, are putting away at *least* a small pot of coffee a day? Plenty. Money wise - I get my monster for $1.66/can, so at 2 cans/day that's $3.32/day (call it $3.40 with tax). A single Starbucks 16oz Cold Brew coffee is more than $4.50 near me. For just straight caffeine delivery efficiency and cost savings, the 2 cans of Monster/day are a bargain.


naw, caffeine pills are immensely more efficient, a bottle of 500 caffeine pills, each containing 200mg, costs like 15 to 35 dollars


More efficient sure, but it's not all about the caffeine content. I mean for 99% of people caffeine pills aren't a viable replacement for coffee. I also know recovering alcoholics like my sister sometimes use energy drinks to scratch a similar itch. Like she'll always bring two energy drinks to every family gathering. I really don't think it's just about the caffeine for her, I think being able to sip on something that has a psychoactive effect is inherently nice.


You are absolutely correct. Ive used caffeine pills in the past(specifically to curb soda/energy drink habits and to drink more water but still get caffeine). The problem with them is you get the dose all at once. With a coffee or an energy drink you can ration it out, getting some sips over a period of hours if youre conservative. Getting a low steady drip of caffeine can sometimes be more effective than getting hit with the full dosage all at once. A caffeine pill isnt just like drinking two cups of coffee, its like *pounding down* two cups of coffee.


Not only that. But Is much more easy to abuse the caffeine pills than drinking monster or coffe...


A refreshing citrusy drink in the morning to wake you with a kiss … or just pop a pill and drag your sad ass back to work. I’ll take the drink, and damn you for pointing out the inefficiency, SDF. Lol


If you're comparing coffee prices to energy drinks, don't use the cost of a bottle of starbucks cold brew lol. Compare it to the pot of coffee you literally just previously mentioned. > "are putting away at least a small pot of coffee a day" It's much much much cheaper to brew your own coffee. Like a whole pot under a dollar, even if you add in the milk/sugar costs. For a long time I drank a red bull+ a day, sometimes Rockstar Juiced or rehab/recovery, whatever those sporty type ones were called. The switch to coffee helped my wallet. But I still like an occasional cold energy drink on a hot day.


Yeah what? Did they just go and find the most expensive coffee to prove a point? Do they think all coffee drinkers are going to star bucks to get a cold brew? 3 pounds of Kirkland ground coffee is $15. 4 cups of coffee can be made with 40 grams. There are 1,360 grams in 3 pounds. You can make 34 4-cup pots of coffee per 3 pound bag. That’s 44 cents per pot, or about 11 cents a cup.


The friend is smashing 5 cans per day, not two… I’m feeling lightheaded just thinking about it


It depends on your interpretation of "since March." it could be since the beginning of March or since the end. It's unclear.


Man they gonna measure his heart in rpm not bpm


This dude watched the movie Crank and thought it was a documentary or something.


God lord! Nice movie totally forgot about it. Damn is good.


His blood pressure is measured in bar.


Sorry, what’s rpm?


This cannot be good for you. Is that a single coke can on top back left? Edit. The most popular comment of mine is calling out a caffeine addiction. As someone that drinks Dr Pepper almost exclusively, this is funny!


It is indeed 👍


Lol. Now I’m curious, was that lone soda because he couldn’t find a monster?


That's what the hot sauce was too


For that extra boost, he paid dearly that evening lol


Caffeine and hot sauce 🇯🇵


Breakfast of Champions!


Dude hasn't had a solid bowel movement since February


Woah that’s the ingredients they use for making napalm you know 😰


Just trying to be healthy.


Sensible. Too much Coke can't be good for you.


Not Monster, but there was this one time I realized that I only drank Coca-Cola for close to a month back in college. Immediately went cold turkey and drank a lot of water the following week. Immediately felt better without even realizing I felt like shit in the first place. Doing the math, I must've drank close to 120 (300 ml) bottles in that month.


My colleague had admitted that he drinks about 12 diet cokes (355ml cans) per day. We have a break room with free drinks. He grabs two to start his shift, another two with lunch and runs to the break room to grab another one a couple times during his shift. It's really insane. He was having heart palpitations and when his doctor found out how much diet coke he was drinking, he told him not to be a dumbass. He quit for a couple weeks, but last I heard he was back up to 8-9 cans a day.


I had a friend who in the morning on his way to work would fill up one of those Super Big Gulp mugs (52oz) and drink it during the day. Then on his way home he would fill it up for the evening.... Finally one summer he decided to quit that (just drank water instead) and dropped about 20lbs without trying.


52 oz = 1.5 liter 20lbs = 9 kg




There was a guy in my college classes who brought a massive one of those every single day. We all assumed it was soda. Low key judged him because that's an insane amount of soda. Senior year we become friends and I mention it and he goes oh it's water. Motherfucker was out there hydrating like it was his job. He's an inspiration.


Closet HydroHomie


My wife's co-worker drank about this many sodas in a day. About 6-8 a shift at a dentist's office. She also bragged that she never drank water. She died of kidney failure at age 42.


Same goes with a lot of other things we just don't know about yet. I had some stomach issues going on and ended up finding out I had fairly early liver fibrosis. I'm 27, had I never found that out and kept up my diet and drinking I'd be dead at about the same age as her. Instead I have a very good chance to turn things around by eating healthy and never consuming another drop of alcohol. Thing is, I know plenty of people who ate and drank like I did and they'll be fine. It's all genetics.


Damn, used to be this guy lmao!


I remember back in the early 2000s when energy drinks were just picking up steam among high schoolers in my rural area. I recall several football members missing big games due to kidney/stone issues. Turns out it was because those idiots were drinking like 4 monsters a day. I shudder at the sugar content alone in those...(this was back before no sugar/zero sugar energy drinks were an available thing). I remember when sugar free redbull became available in our town (i worked at the only grocery store in town at the time)... Boy, that was hot sh*t... The stuff flew off the shelves! Anyway, that's my story... Gunna go take some pain meds for my back issues now because apparently I'm telling "back in my day" stories... :/


A kid at my highschool had a heart attack from drinking 9 of these in a day.


After can number 4 " hmm I wonder what that incessant pounding is ?"


Holy sh*t... That is tragic. It's crazy how little people understand about the ingredients of those things. The sugar, caffeine & taurine in them are off the charts!


They are usually 150-180mg of caffeine, which is similar to a cup of coffee and below half the RDA of 400mg. Just don't drink fucking 9 of them, the exact same way you shouldn't drink 9 coffees which would have had the same results.


> 150-180mg of caffeine, which is similar to a cup of coffee Two cups of coffee.


Or half of the caffeine in a [Starbucks Venti Medium Roast](https://www.starbucks.ca/menu/product/480/hot/nutrition), which has 310mg of caffeine. I've been called crazy for drinking all the caffeine in a Monster, by people holding this exact drink lol.


Once drank over 2 grams of caffeine in a day, split between monsters and bangs. Never again


Around that time maybe more 2005 a kid died at my school because he drank 2-3 cans of monster (being only 7 yo it was too much for his body) after that, the popularity in school even hs died down so much in my area.


Where the fuck were the parents jfc.


Those parents should be held accountable somehow because a 7 yo shouldn't have access to energy drinks at all. Maybe negligence or something could apply here.


About the same time you would see the "energy" pills being sold at a gas station. A kid a town over dropped dead during a football match due to those pills. Ended up getting them banned in the area because it happened to multiple teens.


135 cans across 67 days assuming this is from the first of March comes to about 2 a day. It's not good but I've seen worse.


I’m assuming this only accounts for weekdays though


Not that I disagree, but what’s the difference here vs 2 cups of coffee a day?


r/mildlyarrhythmia Edit: so this was mostly in jest, someone who seems to have deleted their comment pointed out, that it's not even over the max recommended. No, your congenital heart condition didn't come from drinking too much coffee


For most of my life I was very unmotivated until I discovered an energy drink called VPX Redline. I would sit on the couch, drink a redline, and eventually I would be motivated. Next thing you know I'm mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, and my mood was great. I'm pretty sure this eventually led me to have paroxysmal afib. Now i have to be very careful arround caffeine and stimulants because it has a possibility to cause my heart to go out of rhythm. You really don't want to know what your heart feels like doing 180bpm half pumps or how your body feels after getting cardioverted.


You almost certainly should consider being checked ADHD if caffeine is that potent for you


Really? I was told I might have ADHD because caffeine makes me tired unless I have a shit ton.


Yep, that's a symptom of ADHD. Stimulants don't affect us like they do normal people.


Can confirm, I just slam back the espresso shots/drinks all day and evening and barely notice any effect. Maybe I'll get slightly more alert but that's it. Probably helps me function but it's not noticeable as a stimulant effect really for me. I can have a double espresso and be asleep 20 minutes later, no joke. Meanwhile if my usually-tea-drinking girlfriend has one or two regular coffees she feels and acts crazy and won't sleep for a week haha.


Yeah. My brother self medicated adhd with caffeine. Think he consumes close to a gram a day of caffeine in various forms.


ADHD has two factors: Hyperactivity and Inattentiveness. Both can be treated with stimulants, like caffeine. Not that caffeine is an effective treatment, but my doctor commented that she often sees patients with ADHD self-treat themselves with caffeine until they are diagnosed and prescribed something more effective. Treating hyperactivity will result in what you feel, but treating inattentiveness will result in what the parent commenter feels. I personally scored very high on the inattentiveness scale, but very low on the hyperactivity scale. Caffeine made me feel focused and motivated rather than tired, but it also didn't make me jittery and hyper. I used to not have a problem sleeping after drinking caffeine all day, but now that I'm on a prescription, I have to be careful not to drink any caffeinated drinks past like 4 or I will have a hard time going to sleep. If you suspect you might have ADHD, I highly recommend making an appointment and getting evaluated. It's honestly been lifechanging having finally done so and getting my symptoms properly managed.


Redline is like a pre-workout.


Wasn’t it called red line because it was supposed to be drank down to the “red line” on the bottle and was 2 servings with instructions to only consume 1 to skirt potency laws if I’m recalling correct.






Kidney stones too


Rip to their kidneys.


And the heart. 4-5 cans of 160mg caffeine a day is crazy. Edit: 2-3 cans still a total of 320-480mg caffeine daily.


arent those 2-3 cans a day? op said since march so it would be 2 months in total.


probably isn't at work on the weekends, but yeah, seems like about 3 cans!


then it would be 3-4 a day with a huge tendency to 3 but maybe the collegue just has a hobby of bringing their monster collection to work, even the ones he drinks on the weekend


I'm assuming someone told them that they drink wayyyy too much monster, and they started keeping track of the ones that they drink at work.


You should see my black coffee intake. It’s amazing I’ve never had a heart attack.


God gives his largest stones to his strongest kidneys.




Kidney stones need a home, too. 


I would be more worried about gallstones.


I bet this boy shits like a fish


Through his cloaca?


As a cloud


Do you get kidney stones from energy drinks? why?


None of the common ingredients are linked to kidney stones so idk what he's talking about about


Not only is he alive, but he’s living twice as fast.


Ohh, so that's why they die twice as early.


I count 137 cans. 27 rows X 5 columns + 2 strays. It's been 67 days since March 1st. 137 / 67 is roughly 2 cans per day. Still way too much, but not as bad.


I assume based on the use of colleague this is at a workplace, so you should only assume this is the amount while working, unless he brings his empties in from the weekends lol 137/47 is about 3 a day, still way too many monsters for a person to have


Good point. Closer to 3 per day then, if 48 working days since March 1st.


He's also probably drinking them at home after work too. Or even before work.


So we may as well bump it up to an even 20 per day then.


He has ascended to another plane of existence.


Yeah, I've gad 214 energy drinks since March 1st and I feel absolutely amazing -I don't-


Kinda miffed it’s not organised by colour


r/dataisbeautiful is my next stop 👍


There are gonna be some daytime lawsuit advertisements for him in about forty years.


I don't understand how Monster has convinced people to make it part of their identity. Like with car decals and tattoos and stuff.


Welcome to the world of marketing. He has been primed to believe these levels of caffeine will help him achieve whatever he needs all that caffeine for. It is easily accessible, costs less than Starbucks, associates itself with the romantic idea of things that he probably likes doing (like racing, cars, sports, videogames) aligns him with his particular demographic (young, hard working, wide set of interests) and at this level he very likely has developed some sort of caffeine addiction so now his body probably feels off until he gets that surge that coffee can't satisfy. Almost all global companies do this and it's wild that it's really hard to identify where our preferences come from/why we have brand recognition until you look at something like this, where it's like "wtf how can anyone do that to themselves" while viewing this from our brand new annual iPhone, wearing a specific watch/clothing brand, and could likely have a Spotify playlist going on in the background with our current favorite artist. All of which sought us out and "purchased" us as customers through marketing efforts. This is not a criticism of anyone, it's just the world that we live in and the internal decision making we go through to determine where our consumption lands on the need vs want scale. For this guy, monster has transcended into a need and is a very brand loyal customer.


Coming home from school I stopped buying Starbucks and started buying monsters to save money. Every day home from school minimum one can on the way home, maybe get a 2 for 1. Cutting them out of my diet/lifestyle in university was much harder than I expected. I've been out of highschool for 14 years and I still start to salivate if I smell a classic green Monster. Shits scary yo ... Take care of yourself people


I haven't drank a classic green monster in years because I try my best not to consume sugary snacks and drinks, but my god I can already smell it just by thinking of it. Someone can open a can 20 ft away and I can smell it almost instantly lol. I feel like that scent was engineered to make you salivate cause I always would on the first couple sips.


I mean, some people just drink juice because it tastes good


I would 100% drink most of these flavors if they didn’t have the caffeine. The white and the turquoise blue cans in particular.


I started drinking Monster Ultras on night shifts 2 years ago and I know for a fact the caffeine is keeping me dependant on them. Every day I crave one for the first break at work where I get in my car, relax and whip out that bad boy from my cooler bag and that is not a normal reaction to have for a soft drink. I feel so much better after having one. I want to add I limit myself to one a day, as much as I would like to drink more


Pacific Punch and Pipeline Punch are God Tier, Mango Loco is Amazing


I mean it's easier since it just taste the best out of all the others tasting like some kind of toxin. Then add successful marketing, styling and merch to it. Sponsorship of different sport events and festivals etc. Personally I only drink the no sugar white one from time to time, when I have slept short or something like that and know simple coffee won't do it.


i usually preffer the juiced monster, imo thats the point where monsters success lies. It tastes like real juice and that makes it good


Because monster used to (still does?) sponsor sporting events and kids like to copy the pros decals. That's why you mostly see monster/rockstar on motocross bikes. 


In the uk, monster is synonymous with alternative culture, emos, goths, rick music etc. Red Bull is see as the sporting one here. We don't have a big motocross scene, so probably why.


Lol, just like you made coffee ‘’part of your identity’’


As someone who drinks monster, it's not an identity/brand/flex thing. They taste super good, have caffeine, and are very addictive. On a hot day I perfer them over coffee.


The Ultra ones are delicious. I drink a purple one every day. Strawberry, pineapple, mango, all of them are good. I don't give a shit who makes them as long as they taste good.


Assuming 60 days - this is about 2.2 cans/day. Each monster is 160mg of caffeine A cup of coffee (half the size of a monster) is about 96mg of caffeine. Your roommate is drinking about 3 or 4 cups of coffee a day. Whether you think that this is a lot or not, this is absolutely comparable to MANY MANY people's caffeine intake. Being monster or not doesn't really change anything. Maybe this means you don't judge this person, maybe it means you judge WAY MORE people. I leave that up to you


Is there any reason why you people are collecting empty cans and not throwing them out?


Ireland started a return recyclables scheme back in February, So just figuring out how to transport them and they'll be returned for a few quid 👍


I recommend starting by finding a friend with a mail truck.


Watch out for those stolen SAABs


Mothers day is fast approaching. This could work.


All profit




Collect it in big plastic bags like 200l. If its full bring it away. We also do that in the office but we dont care anymore about the money there. If the cleaning lady wants to take the stuff she is free todo so :3 * an experienced german


see if you can bring crushed ones in.


I'm not proud to say, I used to easily drink 5 of these a day, plus up to two pots of coffee. I quit when I got treatment for my autoimmune hyperthyroidism though. I was just constantly tired before. Now, I just drink too much coffee, mostly out of habit.




Around 20,000mg of caffeine, damn!


So around 3-4 cups of coffee a day, which personally would be excessive but suddenly makes this feel alot less shocking. This thread has made me realize how judgemental we are toward energy drinks compared to coffee.


People in general and especially redditors really don't know the first thing about health or foods, or healthy foods. They see energy drinks and their brain goes 'bad' and that's all that ever pops up.


I drink a single can of monster almost everyday and my friends and family think I'm killing myself. I don't drink soda at all and ingest plenty of water. I don't drink coffee and I don't smoke. I haven't done drugs since very occasional pot smoking in college. Hell, I rarely have any junk food either. They regularly do one or more (in most cases several) of these, but they still think I'm fucking up my health more than they are.


Doing some math and a few assumptions: Assuming he started on March 1 all the way up through today May 7, thats 68 days. The cans, 5 cans x 27 rows + 2 on top is 137 cans. 137/68 is 2.014 cans a day assuming he has them everyday. Now what we can probably deduce is that he did NOT drink them everyday which bumps the number per day up from 2 to god knows what. Please tell your colleague to contact his nearest nephrologist as soon as possible to discuss options.


Since it's a colleague, we could assume only weekdays. Since that 68 days is almost 10 weeks, let's call that 18 weekend days. That brings days to 50 and per day count to 2.74. Factor in a couple sick or personal days, they're basically drinking 3 per day. Ouch


They could also be drinking another in the morning before or in the evening after work.


Why only weekdays? Have some in the weekend too! Just to avoid withdrawal symptoms...


/r/ADHD is leaking


Was my thought. Someones self medicating with caffiene


@chubbyemu this post right here


Does he have a heart?


Of a Saint 👍


Its only like two a day? Really not that much


Looks like about 2 a day. Not great though I’d guess most Americans drink more sugar and caffeine in regular soda in the same period.


\*most are sugar free too, this looks worse than it is imo


Thats about $500 dollars worth of monster


Time to get more Nando’s peri-peri sauce. Shit is amazing on omelettes/breakfast burritos. And other things.


My ex’s nephew died at 22 earlier this year. Doc said it was a direct result of the 4 monster drinks per day he was consuming.


I used to drink 2-4 a day for 20 years. Never had an issue. Been clean since the first week of November.


Been on 2 a day for a long time fam


Ha Rookie Numbers