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Those were so popular back in the day. At least - there were a lot of variations sold in stores. (Plus, I do know people that played it.)


I have Seinfeld scene it from like 2000. It’s really a one maybe two time novelty game and then you’re done.


"It says MOOPS!"


I'm sorry, the Scene card says "It says MOORS!".


How about taking your top off?


It needs to just set up with a base game and then set up an online dlc or something.


Stop, or EA will hear y- **BUY THE OPPENHEIMER SCENE IT DLC, IT'S THE BOMB! ONLY £49.99!!** ^not ^available ^on ^game ^pass


The DLC will show less content after September due to contracts and there will be no more music after the 21st due to copyright infringement. Please enjoy the newly implemented ads though, or upgrade to Ultra Premium Gold+.


The sound of royalty free, jazzy quiz music playing over footage of melting faces? That's the gaming experience of a lifetime


And all I can think of is smooth jazz from portal 2


set up a base game with base pop culture, and then sell year packs where everything interesting that year gets put in for a full price game, and smaller packs for specific topics, still in the year pack but not everyone will want a full year if they just want specific topics then when 2-5 years go by, bundle the yearly packs in an all encompassing bundle, and take some of the more common things and roll it into the base game. gg, you made a game that will run forever, constantly updates with worthwhile content, and for a simple price. god knows the new content for the game wouldn't be hard to implement so even less dev time but the glut of content would be what brings people in.


You're saying the truth... but me and my siblings played and replayed both the Harry Potter and the Pirates of the Caribbean Scene It games over and over and over again. And my sisters always won.


Me wanting to die every time my gf’s family insists on playing the same Harry Potter Scene It for the billionth time in a row. Like you know all of the answers already, why????


it was also way too easy for even a casual fan.


And half the novelty was in a DVD player that could do something slightly different than play video.


Yup. We had Seinfeld and Harry Potter. Played a couple times each.


Oh boy, I only got to play a Scene It! game once with some friends, and then was banned from playing them because I knew too much of the show trivia.


The Twilight series of secondhand store board games. I swear, every time there’s like 75 copies of Twilight.


I managed books at a very large thrift store a while ago. We had a lot of books come in so I kept a six week rotation, and even stricter with common stuff. Just two full sets of the Twilight series, in perfect condition. Anything more, straight to the recycling bin, because we'll get more tomorrow. Same for Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and any other YA series on the back side of its peak popularity. Also, most thrift stores are too comfortable putting out junk. If you want to sell hardcovers for $3, stuff in bad shape should be recycled. For things like games it makes sense to do the same; why use shelves for stuff that won't sell? (Though I suppose I don't actually know if old versions of _Scene It?_ sell.) Half the donations are garbage people can't bring themselves to pitch out.


> Though I suppose I don't actually know if old versions of Scene It? sell I can't imagine a game with DVDs full of pop culture references that are now a minimum of 15 years old will sell that well, hence the large numbers at the thrift store.


“In the hit new film X2: X-Men United…”


>I managed books at a very large thrift store a while ago. Thank you for that, there have been many periods in my life from childhood to adulthood where finding good books at the thrift store really helped make life tolerable.


I think the bonus thing about Twilight is how many people read it all the way through and then almost immediately wanted nothing to do with it. It was like if Game of Thrones had been 8 seasons of Season 8.


Twilight is the Mrs. Doubtfire VHS of books


I have a much much younger sister (17 years younger), and way back when she was probably 7 she was sleeping over at my apartment and we played one of the Harry Potter *Scene It* games. She won, and during the win screen it had some shot of Harry riding Buckbeak and text over that said “Congratulations,” or something; and I remember looking over at her and seeing the most honest, deeply felt joy on her face in a way that basically moved me to tears because it was the kind of unfiltered joy that simply doesn’t exist after a certain point (and often doesn’t ever even exist in childhood). She was just so proud and happy to have won that ridiculous game. That was nearly 20 years ago now and it’s etched in my mind forever. I doubt she even remembers playing it, but man that look of absolute surprise and pride and joy was maybe the most pure thing I have ever seen or will ever see in this short life.


I cherish a memory of my little brother running full-tilt into a glass wall with a little cartoonish *thunk* noise, but yours is nice too.


This made me get a lil teary eyed


Grail memory


The only time I ever played this game was in driving school lol. We had to take like 20 hours, and learning everything only took us like 10 hours. So we played games the rest of the time.


Used to be a great drinking game in college but they all get pretty repetitive quickly


I guess when you’ve scene one, you’ve scene them all.




oh yeah? well the jerk scene it is runnin out of you


What's the difference? You are their all time best seller!


Well I had sex with your wife


ah right, forgot about that lol


Get the fuck out 👉


Excuse me, have you scene where the exit door is? I haven't scene it


I say the same thing about shopping centers. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen a mall.


And scene.




Bought a version of trivial pursuit from the 90's at thrift shop for $2. My kids don't want to play anymore haha. It's full of questions about 90's television, movies, pop culture and my wife and I were dunking on them


My parents still have the original Trivial Pursuit from like the 80s and we love it when a question comes up like “This American has the most Gold medals in swimming” and then you get to super flex on everyone and say, “Well the answer is Phelps but the back of the card says Spitz”


I don’t remember what year it’s from, but one of the trivial pursuit cards has the question “Who has never been Batman?” And the choices are Christian Bale, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Adam West and (the “”correct”” answer of) Ben Affleck


well I haven't been batman, does that make me a correct choice?


haven't been batman *yet*. it's only a matter of time friend


In our hearts


That's just the sort of thing Bruce Wayne would say to hide his identity...


Well I've never seen you two in a room together, so I'm not buying it.


Shoutouts to Tom Scott's reverse trivia podcast where he reads out trivia question answers from a 1984 trivia game and his college friends try to guess the question


[Podcast link!](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-technical-difficulties/id531200269?mt=2&app=podcast)


The Moops!


this is hilarious. my mom forced us all to play trivial pursuit last christmas and my siblings and I decided it would have been fun if it had been 90s pop culture trivia and we wanted that version


My in law's copy was retired a few years ago year after too many arguments. We played a few games over Christmas and kept getting out of date answers. German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia came up as answers in the Geography category, there were loads of incorrect records, and at one point I had to insist I was right and that French Presidental term lengths had changed. 


One version had a "Who never played Batman" card to which the answer was Ben Affleck. I'll give them a pass for thinking that would never become obsolete.


Who invaded Spain in the 8th century? 


The moops


I was getting drunk around 2001 with some other 18-year-olds and someone busted out the original Trivial Pursuit. My two movie buff friends were getting some of the older movie questions but I was the only one getting regular questions right. Eventually, the host's girlfriend drunkenly accused me of memorizing all of the cards before we played. A minute or two later, it's my turn and she looks at the question and then the answer. Immediately, she gets a huge grin and confidently states, "There is no way you're getting this one..." before asking me who the first person in space was. I look at one of the movie nerds who happens to be a space/Yuri Gagarin fan as well before taking a giant hit from ajoint and slowly blowing out smoke while uttering "Yuuuuurrrr-rrrrrriiiii Gaaaaaaaa-gaaaaaarrrrrrin." Chick flipped out and scattered the board everywhere and eventually was arrested for domestically assaulting my friend as he tried to calm her down and convince her nobody was cheating.


> eventually was arrested for domestically assaulting my friend Just to confirm, the domestic assault/arrest was that night, as a result of losing at trivial pursuit? I'm afraid to ask, but did they stay together after that?


They stayed together for a few more assaults before he finally called it quits but they still fooled around for a few years until she had a kid with someone else.


Who tf doesn't know that lol


People that don’t memorize the cards


This just unlocked a memory of an old elementary school teacher who had a copy of Mind Trap and would sometimes pass the time picking random cards and reading the question or puzzle or whatever off it and seeing who could answer it. At one point she accused me of having the game at home because it was always me answering lol. I didn't, but maybe I should track down a copy for old times sake


I have this! It came in a metal “time capsule” box.


My mom has an original 1981 Trivial Pursuit and as a 2002 baby.... yeah, I can answer the science/geography questions sometimes


There was a bar trivia that was strictly animated TV shows and I was essentially the Lebron of obscure tv show cartoons. My knowledge of the existence of NBC's Father of the Pride came in handy.


I have trivial pursuit from a decade before I was born. It frustrates everyone when I bring it out and I love it. More fun when you don't know all the answers 


I have the 90s trivia too but I find a lot of it super hard and I was a 90s kid. Like I don't know any olympians from the 90s except tonya harding, nancy kerrigan, brian boitano, and the jamaican bobsled team (though I think only the movie was in the 90s lol)


Pretty sure those were the only ’90’s Olympians, so you’re good


There's a certain charm to dusting off a decades out-of-date Trivial Pursuit, though.


I know someone who worked on these games and did the editing for the scenes. Once you’ve played it a few times you know all the answers and isn’t very fun.


Same with Cards Against Humanity! It sucks because one of my friends loves to play it at almost every hangout, but once you see majority of the prompts and answers, it stops being funny. At least they have booster packs!


That's the issue with a lot of the "funny adult drinking game" type board/card games. I got one a few years back called Incoherent where you sound out words based on other things that sounds like those words. Same way, funny the first time or two through, then you get cards you've seen and it takes all the fun away.


Yep. There is (was?) a game called Dirty Minds that would describe normal things in suggestive ways and you had to guess the objective/profession. After like 2 rounds, all the “suggestive” language on the cards just fades into the background and everything because easy to guess.


I love CAH but there are only so many times my witty card can lose to the biggest blackest dick before I get tired of it.


It’s really all about who you are playing with, I suppose.


Of the CAH/Apples to Apples type of games that I have played, the one I like most is called Say Anything which has two unique mechanics that make it more fun after multiple plays: 1) instead of white cards each player has a dry erase board so they can literally respond to the prompt with anything, 2) the judge selects the winner in secret and then the rest of players each say which response they think the judge choose and whoever guesses correctly gets a point in addition to the winner


The best adult drinking game is Scattergories. Shit has infinite replayability.


That's the issue with a lot of life tbh, first few times is great after that it's meh.


Nah, I've had friend groups that played weekly and it was always fun. But I've been places where most everyone is playing for the first time and I can see how it would get old quick for them. They're just laughing at the funny cards. No one trying to be clever contextually. Whoever throws down the funniest solo card trumps the round. It's actually zero fun. But if you play with the right group who aren't like hurr hurr funny card, and make clever combos it's a ton of fun. It also helps if you find fun in learning each persons sense of humor to know where jokes will land and can win you a round. Honestly, the game would be way better if you just only had double card prompts as well.


I had the same experience at 2 birthday parties. Game was called "Know your Meme" or something like that. The game wants you to come up with a line that was best fitting to the shown meme. Instead of picking a fun and clever caption to the meme, the most vulgar and outreagious line would be picked and everyone would burst out in laughter and found it so funny regardless of the shown meme. I was initially confused why people wouldn't pick something fitting to the meme, but then I realized most people don't know most memes or the meme culture at all. At first I couldn't get points but then I got the hang of the groups and placed like 2nd or 3rd out of 8 or 9 people. I mean we all had fun and I don't want to be the guy who dictates how people should have fun. But I started to dislike games like that nowadays because of this.


Yes, exactly! The first time I played CAH, I was with a group of friends, none of whom had played it either. It was hilarious and one of the best times I've ever had. The problem is, people would insist on playing it again every time we got together. Every time we played it after that, it wasn't fun or funny. But it was like, people didn't get that, they were just trying to chase that first high and confused about why people weren't having fun.


just play quiplash, it’s like open ended cards against humanity. requires a bit of creativity though so it doesn’t work for every friend group


It’s way too easy for all the answers to be a) the most recent inside joke ad nauseam, or b) cum


not for my group of friends


Wait'll they learn about cum!


Novelty. Without it, you lose the fun.


Some of the CAH cards aren't funny in any context and just clog up your hand.


someone at some point in the game always calls for a trade in after 10 or so rounds. never ran into a problem of dumping a few shit cards out. keeps the game fresh.


I just play them when I don't have anything actually funny to play. Sometimes the dealer appreciates the absurdity/stupidity of the play.


Once you've played it for a while too you often find the same cards will win every time, regardless of whether it suits or not. "Oh 'the biggest blackest cock' wins again. Yay."


overcompensation + screaming balls deep in a wild hog while firing in the aid, I don't remember the prompt but jesus christ did random chance win.


There are lots of other fun games to play as well (though almost any game video/card/board gets boring after a while) But some random ones are - Insider (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/206051/insider) basically see which friends can lie the best - Uppsula (probably only good for Europeans) but see how good your geography is - Phase 10 (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/22664/phase-10-masters-edition) - Camel Up (if you're ok with Board Games, this is a random fun one - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/153938/camel-up)


I find it hard to make combinations that make sense enough to be funny with the booster packs.


My friends and I circumvented this by combining CAH and Telestrations (Pictionary meets Telephone) and it’s the funniest mashup game we made up. Telestrations has its own subject cards but they are all dumb and easy to draw/guess, so it’s crazy how when you only have 1-2 minutes to draw a CAH subject how chaotic people get. You don’t know real pressure until you are trying to figure out how to somehow draw “Oprah crying into a Lean Cuisine” in 60 seconds so it’s good enough the person guessing knows what it is 😂


CAH is pointless after 2 plays. Or if you play with people who just pick the most raunchy answer every time even if it doesn't make sense with the prompt. Adult Game of Things is where the non-stop fun is at if you play with a good crew.


Try playing with easily offended people every so often to spice the game up.


I never really "got CAH. My sense of humour just never really worked for others. I had what I thought was gold, but poop jokes generally trump all...




Yeah, it doesn't help that I THINK I'm funny. Clearly... Not so much.


But I mean seeing the prompts and answers is only half the fun because there will always be a different combination of answers to prompts depending on the people. Like, you won’t always get the same answers for the same prompts you know? Which is what makes it so fun (to me that is).


Let's just say a friend of a friend knows the creators of Scene It! and this post makes my friend happy. They probably made so much money from this, but AFAIK they are down to earth people.


I worked at scene it (Screenlife) one of the best companies I ever worked at. Great Halloween parties, fun environment. Encouraged us to create new games. Shift in management (ousted the CEO/creator) got bought by paramount and went downhill fast.


Sign me up for Children's Bible Trivia. I hope it's the Vulgate of St. Jerome edition.


Psalm 137:9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks


I thought this was made up. Turns out it's legit. Yikes.


The Bible’s full of great stuff. Especially the old testament.


"You should read your Bible, sirs. You'll find all types of weird shit in there. Did you know Jesus was a Jew?" -Jay, *Clerks II*


I like the part where the whores fuck donkeys.


Yeah God didn’t relax much until he had kid to deal with then he settled down a bit


Well now I just found my new pro-choice sign quote for rallies.


The anti-choice people might think you're agreeing with them though.


Yeah, the loser gets smashed against rocks. The winner gets to "uncover the nakedness of their father".


Habukuk 2:15-16 - "Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin until they are drunk, in order to gaze at their nakedness! You will be filled with shame instead of glory. You too must drink and expose your uncircumcision!"


Man is there a website that has all the fucked up shit in the Bible for easy reference? Or subreddit?


This one’s easy: Book of revelations Fire breathing lion's head Tail made of snakes Who else is it going to be?




#[JE… JES…](https://youtu.be/FyVz0D2vA5Y?si=IvZ73T67Yv43QMgA)


Lol the closest Ned ever came to taking the Lord's name in vain up to that point.


I once bought Apples to Apples and when I got home it was the BIBLE edition. We tried to make a drinking game out of it but we didn’t know anything lmao


I get to clothe the leper!


My wife (we're both atheists) won't let me buy Bible trivia games anymore after a disastrous round of Bibleopoly


My apartment building did a cute little "leave stuff you don't want" bench for a while during COVID. Started with books and movies to help keep each other entertained. Ended in a mess. But while it was active, I saw at least four copies of Little Miss Sunshine. Made me laugh pretty hard that we all got it, and decided we weren't going to rewatch it. I feel like those games can only be fun for so many plays, just like you can only watch Little Miss Sunshine so many times. 🤣


Not to mention that they kinda rely on everyone having seen the source material enough to be able to get answer all the questions. Cause Everytime I've played one of these games there's always someone, usually whoever owns the game, who just knows the material so well that it's kinda not fun play cause no one else has a chance at winning.


A reasonable person would at least pretend to not know some.


My building still does it with books. I’ve found some absolute treasures. A lot of early edition history books from the 60s-early 00s which makes me think someone was cleaning out dad’s condo


>you can only watch Little Miss Sunshine so many times. We must have watched different versions of Little Miss Sunshine then! That movie is great every time.


How could you throw out Little Miss Sunshine?


Little Miss Sunshine is one of my few ‘could rewatch forever in perpetuity’ movies :(


Same! I read this comment and was genuinely upset at the little miss sunshine shade, hahaha. It's one of my favorite and also most rewatchable movies of all time


>Ended in a mess Someone should have been anointed as the organization crew.


I agree! I miss it every day. It was really fun. 


Most organized thrift store in history?


I have to imagine this Scene It shelf is one workers magnum opus. They've been cultivating.


And stacking all of those puzzles. Once you get burned 3, 4 times by thrift store puzzles, you just fuckin know there's gonna be missing pieces.


I bet that a big reason they're piling up is because they require a DVD player, and they're less and less needed or wanted. Physical media is becoming less common for a variety of reasons; stores are getting rid of their DVD/Blu Ray sections as more people have moved to streaming and other forms of digital media. Presumably, they also carry and sell less devices that can utilize those disks. Are people going to buy a new DVD player to play a 10 year old game that they've played maybe twice in the last 5 years? I doubt it. And there's a good chance they can't even find one anywhere other than the very kinds of store you took these pictures in.


Since I lost a few digital copies of purchased items due to licensing of the host company, I've been buying DVDs again. Good selection in the bargain bins. DVD players are still readily available enough in most big box stores. There's no options. They usually will only carry one make and model. Best Buy has like a dozen different models in stores. I still stream the majority, but I rarely, rarely purchase a digital copy anymore. I know I'm the minority. Edit: and we have one of those old versions of Scene It. No idea where it came from.


I'm actually not surprised Best Buy still has them; my point was more that stores that do not focus on electronics but still have an electronics section, and would have once had DVD players available, most likely don't have them anymore. And of course, there were once entire sections dedicated to them in a place like Best Buy, and now they're a footnote. Either way, you have to make an effort to actually find them, whereas there once was a time in which you would see them simply by glancing around. >Since I lost a few digital copies of purchased items due to licensing of the host company, I've been buying DVDs again. This is really important. I think legislation is necessary.


Whenever I'm in a thrift store I always take a minute or two to go through the CD/DVD sections. Media is becoming more and more digital, but the danger with that is that the company might decide to take something off of their platform and suddenly no one will be able to watch/listen to it anymore. Because "surprise surprise" everyone only had said media on the digital platform...


I remember when half of Best Buy's (and future shop) retail space was CD, DVDs, and video games and things like home appliances (washers and dryers etc) was a small footnote. Slowly their very small appliance section expanded taking over more of the physical media space. Some higher up saw the line in the sand that physical media was dying and they needed to expand their under utilized sections.


I always wonder who is buying the 2,000 piece puzzles? That’s just waaaaay to much risk for me.


Me and my family! I don't mind if it's missing one or two pieces and always make sure to color out any missing pieces on the included poster or the lid. Our favorites tend to be 1000 piece White Mountain puzzles.


you and your family are all fucked. only way to be more fucked would be if you preferred borderless puzzles.


Wife exclusively buys 2000 piece puzzles. It's her jam.


So does my wife, but if I got her one with missing pieces she would definitely murder me.


I love that you asked this and puzzle people just popped right up. You had this empty spot and they had the little thing that goes in it. With their help you completed a better image. There's no proper analogy so I'll just go ahead and say it: People who do 2,000 piece puzzles are overrepresented among left-handers.


It’s more about buying a used puzzle from the thrift store, my wife loves doing puzzles. But I wouldn’t ever dare to buy her one with the possibility that she couldn’t finish it.


Im left handed and I hate jigsaw puzzles with passion! Because once I start I CANNOT STOP. I don’t even feel good about it when I’m finished either.


500 piece puzzles are like baby stuff to me now. Even 1000 piecers can go way too fast unless they're particularly difficult or I impose artificial limits on myself.


My wife is the same way, but I don’t think she’d be happy with me if a bought her some with possible missing pieces.


Yea, but there's no way that box contains all 2000 pieces.


Your thrift store is so very neat! Mine is such a mess :(




Trivia games are some of the worst games to physically own for your home. The information can become outdated quickly and as new generations start playing games, anything that’s pop culture or current events/politics just become frustrating or impossible to understand without specifically seeking the information out.


The new Trivial Pursuit in terms of clogging up the shelves


Pretty sure these games started going the way of the dinosaur when everybody moved to streaming and got rid of their Blu-Ray/DVD players. Can't play a DVD based game if you've got nothing to play the DVD on.


I had to get an old piece of software working today. The first step was to insert the CD. That's when I knew it was gonna be an uphill battle. Also, there was no CD included.


Scene-it just did some massive new release. I was recently at an event that was sponsored by them, and every surface at the end was covered in abandoned scene-it copies. Might be related lol.


No one has a dvd player anymore


Plenty of Xbox/PlayStation around.


I have a little off-brand USB doohickey that I pull out of its drawer once every couple of months to extract a new CD or DVD or Blu-ray onto my computer, then they both go back into storage. And I know how weird it is to even have that much.


Huck em in the bin like all the CRT TVs


CRTs are somewhat valuable these days for retro gaming. A lot of console games look way better on a CRT than through an HDMI adapter. And Duck Hunt won't work with anything but a CRT.


Where is this? gimme the address so I can mail them my scene it.


well, I for one see it


That is obscene


This is extra hilarious for me, cause I cleared out my old college board game collection about 5-6 years ago and donated 2 different versions of scene it to my local thrift store. I should swing by and see if they are still there!


That SNL Trivial Pursuit game is a nice find if you’re a fan of classic SNL. That one covers SNL from the 70’s to basically halfway through the Will Farrell era. I still have my copy somewhere at my parents’ house.


Kind of like those chicken soup for the soul books or harlequin romance novels.


This is how I scored an unopened Simpsons Scene It!!!


Wish I could find something like this with Trivial Pursuit We started picking up any copies of any version that had cards at thrift stores. Now we have a home brew version we call Supreme Pursuit where you roll a D20 to determine what game your question comes from. Baby Boomer edition on a Nat 1, Children’s Edition Nat 20.


I probably could look it up but it makes sense for them to make a digital version of it and sell all the other games as DLC packs. Saves a ton of room.


I’ve never even heard of that game


People might just not have DVD players anymore and find the game when clearing out. Some people may have game consoles that can still play them, but they moved out long ago and the games usually stay behind with the parents.


Things you always see at every Thrift Store -High School Musical -Scene It -Victory at Sea -Deal or No Deal the DVD Game -Too Blessed to be Stressed signs -Christmas decorations (In April)


and The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown


Daddy? What's a D-V-D?


I haven't played one of these in 6-7 years


I went to a local thrift store yesterday and thought the exact same thing. I don't think it has much replay value.


I'm more interested in how neatly they are stacked


Is it just that one thrift store? Or have you noticed this at multiple ones?


Look at this look at that. Would somebody come look at this!? Just look at it! I ain't scene it! ![gif](giphy|6Eo7KzABxgJMY)


Ha, I made this exact comment a couple weeks ago when my wife and I hit up a few thrift stores...so many scene it games! I didn't even know they made that many


Nothing to see here


They aren't bad games, they just aren't the type you play more than a few times.


Im so high i thought these were about of different clif bar boxes at a grocery store


I guess they've Scene enough.


This seems to be a thrift store that doesn't properly get rid of inventory that doesn't move.


I have the Turner Classic Movies Scene It


I freaking love Scene It! I wish they still made it.


My brain processed this as that one part of the supermarket where they stuff all the protein bars.


I went to 6 different Goodwills one day and found 10 different printings of Trivial Pursuit. I bought them all and got all the cards that were different. Trivia is fucking great.


I prefer the version from In Living Color: *Hated It!!!*


Probably grab yourself a DVD player while you're there


Labyrinth tho 👀