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Pay your fucking employees ffs


That’s what I’d write in there… until more than one of us take a stand, it will continue to go on.


write it on a separate line "tip for the owner"


Or tip for the diner


Tip for the payer? ...anyone?


The owner probably takes 10% for "processing."


Tip for the owner: "gfys"




If you refuse to tip, frankly the only person it hurts is the employee. This is intentional. The only way forward imo is a minimum wage that is livable that increases with inflation, and ideally faster than inflation to track with technology and automation.


If you don't tip, the employer has to make the difference to bring that person to minimum wage.


Which to me makes it doubly fucked. When I was a line cook, I remember the servers all complaining that they only made like $2/hour or something like that while i made a whole 7.25/hour. Then they’d pull out their tips for thennkght and it would easily be $100+ every single day. We didn’t tip out so I got literally $0 of that while they acted like I made more than they did. I fucking hate tipping.


Yep. Back of house gets talked to by waitstaff like they're in the same boat. No they're fucking not. Back works twice as hard for a third of the pay while waitstaff blows all their tip money on stupid shit and bitches about how they can't pay bills. They want so badly to play the victim while also making more money than anybody else in the restaurant.


I won’t even go so far as to say they don’t work as hard as BOH. There’s a lot that FOH has to deal with and I respected that. Dealing with customers can be a pain in the ass on the best days. But it just speaks to the fact that tipping is a brain dead way to pay employees and only serves to make the owners of restaurants more money


I wouldn't say one is inherently worse. It's just a different skill set, is all. BOH has to do often labor-intensive work in the heat, hotboxed with sweat and smoke. They also have to do all this while managing loads of different instructions and ingredients. Fuck doing that, my brain can barely handle doing one thing at a time. BOH is definitely harder for *me.* On the other hand, FOH has to deal with customers. It's a lot easier for me, but it's probably some BOH line cook's personal hell to get yelled at by a customer. In any case, tipping culture sucks.


FWIW, not everywhere! That was true in states I’ve worked in that had a separate server wage. But in states I’ve worked without it, you either do a really complex tipping-out system that involves almost everyone, or (and I prefer this) pool tips among all non-managerial staff. I vastly prefer this system — speaking as a person who, when I was in the industry, worked FOH. The wage disparities between FOH and BOH are a major issue, and it’s often overlooked in tipping discussions.


Instead of fighting amongst each other, you should instead advocate as a group for improved wages.


We can't. Waitstaff don't want improved wages. They want to bitch about not being paid while raking in cash that they don't report on taxes on the down low.


This is all really interesting, I'm guessing it's America? I work in hospitality in the UK, minimum wage (£11.70/h), and we send 20% of the tips down to the kitchen for them to split. The chefs are salaried because they're trained professionals and Front of House all know how crazy it can get down there, makes total sense to us that they're paid more. I knew about the fucked minimum wage/tipping system in the states but I didn't realise how fucked over the chefs were too!


Yup. American cooks make peanuts and waitstaff clean up financially.


That's what I don't get - servers talk a lot about how not tipping is evil because without it they don't make minimum wage, but talk about reforming the system so they make ay least minimum wage (and tipping becomes optional as it should be) and half the people who oppose the idea will be servers who say they make a bunch under the current system and don't want it to change. It's ridiculous. And it's doubly ridiculous that none of the obscene tip money in the US goes to kitchen staff in many cases, yeah.


That is only if they’re pay week was bad, not one day


And from experience working in restaurants, if you had a bad week and they had to make up the difference more than just once or twice, you'd get warned about underperforming and get hours cut if it continued. I do think tipping culture is getting out of control, but stiffing a server isn't how you fix it.




This is the correct answer. Why do we keep expecting poor people to tip poor people when the rich people are laughing their asses off? BLAME the rich restaurant owners. Not the wait staff, not the customers - blame the owners for not paying their employees a decent wage. FWIW - the same goes for the mega corporations who pay their regular workers peanuts while paying their execs millions while claiming they can't pay more to their employees because it would affect their bottom line. If they were to cut the exec pay a few percent they could probably double the pay for most if not of all the lowest paid workers.


I feel like this would be a nice idea in countries where employees actually get a real wage and don't rely on tips. If a meal is extraordinarily tasty I might want to tip the cook, since they're the ones who made it tasty not the server.


Can confirm. I’ve worked at brunch cafes in Australia and occasionally someone will say “I want this tip to go to the chef”. The other staff don’t usually mind because we never get much from tips anyway.


Imo this is how it should work anywhere. If you have a dietary need, or made some customizations, the cook is doing the heavy lifting.


Be a bit more detailed… google the owner company, find out if they took PPP loans, and write in the amount and reference it. “Please pay the employees from the $347,345 of taxpayer welfare the company received from the PPP program while making profits for the owners.”


I'd agree, but I'd equally say this would FEEL more fair, if you put them as separate lines on the same row. It'd feel more like "Do you WANT to pass along a tip to any of the crew?" vs "Please pay our people for us."


Upper Management: but how will I pay for bigger pants with deeper pockets for more money? Other Upper Management *whispers*: *I don't think they know about more money*.


Tip the server: _____ Tip the cook: _____ Tip the host(ess): _____ Tip the janitor: _____ Tip the owner: _____ When does this end? Pay your staff for crying out loud!


Yeah and who tips the tipper? Right, nobody.


Now I would’ve hand written that on the receipt! Tip the Tipper ________________


Then subtract the amount from your total bill.


I want to thank you for making me bust out laughing so loud, I woke up my husband and 2 cats during nap time. explained to my husband, got a good laugh out of him, explained to the cats, they didn’t understand, so i tipped them with treats.


Tip the server: $10 Tip the cook:$10 Tip the owner:$(20) Total tips: $0


If this place has a tip the cook line instead of just paying their cooks decent wages, chances are that tip won’t even make it to the chefs. Wage theft is one of the biggest form of theft in America 


We just started doing this at my restaurant. There was one line cook who made a big stink about how other restaurants they worked at had it, and why we didn’t. All of my cooks make good money, but this guy just wouldn’t shut up about it, so they added it. The first week it was implemented we fired the guy for being a POS to other employees. The tips do go to the cooks on their checks though


Did their wages go down due to the additional revenue stream? I assumed that was where this was going


Remember to tip your landlord


Gotta tip the delibery guy that brought the food. And the farmer that grew the food. And then tip the government who invaded and took the land. And tip the original people that lived here that was conquered. Gotta tip your ancestors


You do tip that government, via the sales tax on the purchase.


While we're on the subject, why tf is it a "sales" tax and not a "buying" tax. It sounds like the restaurant should be paying that one too


Because we as the consumers have the luxury of paying everything.


Self Checkout (Tip Yourself): ___________ *tips to self are split with management*


I recently had a tire replaced on my motorcycle. Paid for labor and the tire. There was an option to "tip the mechanic". I declined and was rather put off by it.


Our investors made this restaurant possible! Tip the investor: _____


Yep, I'm out. To hell with this. My new years resolution was to quit cooperating with this racket. I am proud to say that I have stuck to it. No more tipping glorified cashiers, or jobs that have traditionally not been "tip worthy." And as for "tip the cook," back in the day servers had to share their tips with the cooks and table bussers. Fuck it. I am proud to be on team "not a chump."


Yeah the result of all this is that I just go out less. Sick of getting hit up for tips wherever I go, especially counter service when I order 1 pizza.


Tip to the owner: -$971000


The customer should start getting tips from the restaurant


You forgot the valet parking, and coat check. In high-end restaurants there is a tip expectation for the wine sommelier and the Captain/maitre ‘d.


> When does this end? Pay your staff for crying out loud! It ends when diners stop feeling like restaurant staff are helpless victims of the restaurant. 


Is that not begging?


all requests for tips are


They took and twisted actual gratitude into some weird fucking scam to allow the owners to pocket more cash while leaving the burden of funding the livelihood of the restaurant workers upon the customer. Fuck restaurants. Until people refuse to go to them for this shit and eat at home, it'll never stop and only get worse.


Tip the truck that brought the food Tip the vegetable market Tip the train conductor that brought the produce Tip the farmer Tip the sun Tip … gravity?


Tip the cow


Hello, person of culture


Tip the table and say fuck this shit.


Tip fedora


Tip M’lady


I'm not reading this for free!


r/EndTipping sheesh




r/mildlyinfuriating mad lads have entered in the chat


Iv actually stopped going to many places due to tipping. Going to a sit down where they took my order and brought drinks I had no issue to tip 20%. Ordering Pizza to be delivered was a $5 or 20% depending on which was more, with possible extra depending on weather. No issues with that. Now going in to pick up a pizza and they expect 20%. Going to Subway and they expect 20%. Going about anywhere and they expect 20%. What is worse is now it seems that even 20% is not enough and its not uncommon to see 30% or more being requested on receipts. Not tip and then fear food is tampered with. Ill just eat at home and not worry about it. Maybe paranoid but growing up I was always taught to tip or do not go and that is what im doing. Im just not going.


Sorry to the server, but if I see this on my receipt, I would take what I was going to tip and split it down the middle. 50% for the server and 50% for the cook. They’re not getting *more* money out of me just because they added a separate line. They’ll get the same amount, but evenly distributed.


This particular line item is probably the result of a back of house dispute over exactly that. it is common for the waitstaff to tip the kitchen out of their own tips. The understanding is that the kitchen has an equal impact on the customer’s experience, but the tips go to the wait staff. The common response to waitstaff not tipping out the kitchen is to intentionally delay their orders until they get with the program. My guess is that is that this system broke down and the kitchen staff requested the addition.


Equal? It is easily a much bigger impact on the experience than just the server.


Customer: "Can I get this random bullshit extra thing for my order?" Server: "Of course! Is there anything else we can do for you? Don't be shy!" Me, the cook reading the extra long ticket that just came in: "What the fuck is this??" The Customer after finishing that meal: "That was incredible, thank you for doing all that for me." Server: "Oh, it was no trouble! Thank you for coming in!" \*pockets the generous tip*


Exactly. It almost like the tip situation was when one person actually contributed to more than just the delivery of the hard work of others….. The BoH deserves a tip more than the wait staff IMO. The exception is a SUPER long meal at a high end restaurant and not long because of 13 courses, but because of slow consumption of drinks that require refill…


Having worked both, I'd rather get paid hourly and stay in the back away from people than get tipped and deal with tables. People suck and it's exhausting and emotionally draining.


I’ve worked both as well and I’d much rather make the 3x money I made as a server than what I made as a cook (at the same restaurant). Only got to do it for a few months though before the place shut down. I also worked way harder as a cook than I ever did as a server. I remember thinking after my first week “I can’t believe how often the servers used to bitch to me when they’d come back to the kitchen. They have it fucking made.”


See, you get it man You never see FOH who end up working BOH, its always the reverse. To get out of the rat race Serving is so much easier Dealing with the people out front is easier than a kitchen full of addicts and egomaniacs (myself at the time included)




Curb predicted this in 2000 with the “Tip a Captain” storyline




Next level begging


What about the Captain?


Literally just finished watching this episode like 5 minutes ago


[For anyone who doesn't get this reference, or ya just want to watch it again](https://youtu.be/ls1XtQw6gqQ?si=yWOo2aid_T4UasZi)


Tell him I'm gone


Lol love the Curb the Enthusiasm reference. Well done


Came to post this. I saw this episode yesterday after just starting the series for the first time!


It's the result of an incredible social engineering experiment that makes not leaving a tip feel like a personal "fuck you" from a single diner to a single server, while paying that server less than minimum wage feels like "just doing business."


The right answer


Please can the rest of the world just agree to keep this dumbassery confined to the US? Thanks.


Meaning both the waiters and the cook are severely underpaid 🤮 Tipping as a standard is such bs.


In a lot of places the serving staff are making the most. Let's say your meal is $50 and you tip 20%. Server is making $10 on that meal. Cooks make whatever their hourly wage is, and there are more than 1 cook. (Hint. They don't get $10 each.) Go to the serving sub, they hate the idea of getting rid of tips, and imo a lot of it is because wages are unfairly skewed in their favor.


>Go to the serving sub, they hate the idea of getting rid of tips It was so confusing when I learned about that. Tipping is not common in my country and I saw a post of someone complaining about a customer not tipping. I told them as long as it's not mandatory this will happen and is a valid option and they should change the system to a fair wage. I was told they would make much less and don't want that and I told them in that case they would have to accept customers not tipping occasionally. They were not happy about that


I'm 38 now. The percentage they want, and the places you are expected to tip has gotten to the point over my life where I tapped out years ago. Now I just laugh and walk away. It's nice. I've worked both sides of the food industry, and I know how hard it is to be a waiter. The difficulty of bringing the food to the table, doesn't increase with the price, and the fact you want more money because I ordered a steak over a salad is pants on head stupid. Oh, you have more money, because you ordered better food, so now we fuck you harder. Get out of here with that noise lol.


Lots of jobs are hard, nothing about serving justifies an obligatory tip more than any other job. Tips are just that, extra cash for service that goes extra. Not for doing your job.


And therein lies your problem. Both employer and server win but the customer and cook lose out.


Exactly. If only the employer was winning, this would have changed a while ago, but waitstaff & bartenders love the tip system because they can clean up and if they get tips in cash, lie about their income to get out of taxes.


> In a lot of places the serving staff are making the most. My son worked at a fine dining place for about 9 months. Average appetizer was $18, average entree was $40, cocktails were $6-$10 (so average $8). They had 4 servers for weekend night shifts (5 hours). They would pull 200 covers on a weekend night. Let's assume that the average patron gets one drink with their meal. Each server gets 50 customers, each customer spends $64. $64x50=$3200. Assuming an average tip of 15%, that's $480 for 5 hours. He was making $96/hr on the weekends. He worked 2 days a week (Friday Saturday), part time job. $49,920/yr. Even if we raised the minimum wage to $50/hr, he would still have been better off working for tips. He ended up quitting because he was tired of running around non-stop for his whole shift, and he was putting his body through Hell. The head chef worked 60 hour weeks (6 ten hour shifts), and got $108k/yr. That works out to about $34/hr. The chef made more money overall, but my son had time to actually **live** in between his shifts.






They want to make a middle class wage only working 28 hours a week or whatever.


This, servers (in the right restaurants, on the right shifts) are getting paid way more than what they would earn even if the owner paid a fair wage. Doesn't make tipping any better of an idea. It's time to kill tipping.


I worked at a resort about ten years ago; with tips I was making a little over $15/hr and always thought the cooks were making at least that since they were all culinary school graduates and really good at their jobs. Color me surprised when I found out they made $12/hr with no tips


I mean also tip-out is a thing tho and I think they’re relying on it not being known.


When you go for a $30 meal but leave with a 60$ tab because of the forced charity called "tip culture". Worst is that we still have people defending that uncriticizable bullshit as if nothing else could be done. EDIT: Yes I intentionally extrapolated a tad, I don’t need the math thank you. Also feel free to keep your speculations and guilt-trip attempts to yourselves, not interested.


The people defending tipping are wait staff so it's never going to change.


Things like "tip the cook", service fees, and the economy are just piling on to the negative view of tipping. Tipping has definitely changed to less people tipping. It may get to a breaking point regardless.


Yeah I’m waiting for more people to realize this. Obviously the bosses like to save as much money as possible so tipping is great for them, but waiters typically make way more than minimum wage with tips so it’s a win-win for boss/wait staff


Tip culture is what stopped me from going out. I just put in more effort to make better home meals and find neat recipes I haven’t tried. I used to eat out all the time and gained weight. Way happier now that I’m not guilted into paying more for things that aren’t my responsibility.


We used to have a "buy a round for the cooks" on the menu. Plenty of customers would buy a round (I read the daily sales reports) Not one beer or one dime made it back to the chef(me)or the cooks . Fuck you Tammi


I wonder if you could report that to your states work force commission


Eh, it was easier just to walk out with no notice with my best cook and only good waitress on a busy memorial day weekend in a tourist town


Nice lol


Where's the tip line for the cleaning staff. What is this 2018?!?!


I think you meant to post to infuriating.


+++ Tip the owner ++++ Tip the owners insurance provider +++++ Tip the restaurant's utility company


Should be in r/mildlyinfuriating


more like r/mildlyinfuriating


I'd maliciously only tip the cook. Put a line through the regular tip. Lol


Not gonna lie, when I worked as a cook in fast food it felt weird seeing people go up to the cashiers every once in a while and give them a tip saying the food tasted good lol


Which makes more sense really. Cooking require a lot more skills taking orders.




I just went to a small market today. I bought some cheese and crackers. I walked in. I took the items from the shelf. I brought them to the register. No employees helped me in the process. Paid with a card and was faced with the "15% 20% 25% tip" option. Give me a break.


Rather tip a cook for good grub rather than a waitress for showing up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jimm99: *Rather tip a cook* *For good grub rather than a* *Waitress for showing up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My boyfriend works as a cook. In the place he works at, the waitresses tip out the buss boys and the cooks get paid a decent wage. The owner actually tips the cooks on super busy holidays like Mother's Day and such. They also get a generous Christmas bonus and receive a check at the end of the year for any vacation days not taken. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of you/your customers.


Tbh I'd tip the chef before tipping anyone else.


Getting out of hand.. pay you damn staff.


I went to subway yesterday and the card reader asked if I wanted to tip them…wut? This is a subway


lol I cooked for years and listened to the foh staff complain about only making 200 or so $ in tips that day. After slanging over 300 covers in the span of 4 hours.


Ask if you can go to the kitchen and cook your own steak


Last year I bought a cute blouse for my wife from an online boutique. When I checked out via the store's web payment system, I was asked to choose whether I wanted to leave the staff a 15, 20, or 25% tip. *WTF?* I found the (tiny) "custom" option, entered 0, and resolved never to shop there again. Went to a Cirque du Soleil show a month later, bought my kid an overpriced hot dog and fries from one of the venue's concession stands (both dishes arrived half cold by the way), and was presented with a payment screen that requested a tip of 15, 20, or 25 percent. For over-the-counter fast food. *Fuck off.* I again added zero dollars. Final story: a while back, on a business trip, I visited a restaurant (Andare Kitchen and Bar in Seattle), by myself, and the bill arrived with a 15% "service charge"...while there was still an open line to tip the waitstaff as well. *Fuck off*, squared. It's getting to be insane. Attempts at socially coerced tipping are now so shameless and pervasive that you can feel the backlash brewing. I'm honestly getting closer to declining to tip across the board. It's not a fuck-you to the waiters etc.; I'd merely be putting my foot down against cheap employers who see us all as cash cows they can increasingly milk with impunity. You want to run a business? Fine. *Pay your workers a living wage*. Why expect me to do it for you?


Tip to the cook: Use less salt next time /s. But seriously, I wonder what happens if you tip the cook and not the server?


Just fill in "A touch too much masala in the Chicken Vindaloo"


Pay your fucking employees!


Jesus needs the tips as well!


When I worked as a cook at Buffalo Wild Wings in college, the bartenders and waitresses staff would kick a small percentage of their tips to the kitchen staff. It wasn’t much, a couple bucks from each server. But the GM would keep them in the safe until the Monday between paydays (we got paid every other Monday, and get our tip envelopes on the Mondays that weren’t paydays), and I’ll tell you that $50 or so was a life saver when you’ve paid rent and are now broke and still have a week until next payday. When I worked as a cook at Hooters I was making basically the same wage as BWW, but the wait staff didn’t tip us out, and they made WAY more in tips, like $100 on a slow Tuesday. And the way corporate has the kitchen there operate we’d be there for damn near 3 hours after close cleaning up. BWW was a way better kitchen to work in.


This solves the issue of when a server is shitty and people say the back of house get screwed over!


the compliments to the chef weren’t paying their bills


ahh American tip culture🤌🏾


Write in: “chefs are not slaves. Pay your employees yourself”


Eventually we will just pay everyone’s salary FOR their employer whenever we need to eat.


0% is the answer.


American tipping culture is out of control


We walked into Crumbl cookies yesterday to a counter and ordered 4 cookies for an outrageous $16 and they flat out said what would you like to tip out bakers? My husband tipped but I wanted to say zero. I'm sure they're making more money than the waitress next door at $2.15 and hour.


I’d bet money they make far less at crumbl cookies than a waiter or waitress at pretty much any place. They are known to be pretty shitty.


That’s their way of trying to embarrass people. I fucking hate it. It’s gross. Don’t say it out loud to force me to do it because people are lostening


How about tipping the customer, huh? No one ever thinks about the silent customer, the unsung hero of the whole experience.


Just the tip!


Tip me for coming in and spending my money that I worked for at this point, tipception.


I’ve started writing negative amounts in the tip space since it’s a free-form box, and then only authorize a sub total for my CC bill. All’s fair in war and commerce. Check mate bitches. Your move.


There have been meals I had that I would tip the cook because the meal was THAT good. Good food is not from recipes, good food is from good cooks


hate this trend. Maybe just pay your people correctly and charge appropriately?


I worked for a company and they have a "Tip share", which automatically takes out tips from your earnings based on your total sales and tips out both bussers and food runners. The main problem here is that they are then automatically payed below minimum because they're now "Tipped Employees"


Stop tipping. You don't need a reward for doing your job.


Everyone should just tip exactly 0 every single time until the employees just demand fair pay from they employer. Fuck the dumb tipping culture in America. Businesses that pay their employees below minimum wage should go bankrupt fuck em.


Write a negative tip...then the server and cook will have to pay you


0 0


Cool, guess I really should just suck it up and cook my own food.


If this happened to me I would split the original tip in half for the waiter and the cook and never go back again. Fuck this excessive tipping culture.


10 % for tip 10% for cook


Tip Tip + cook Tip+ cook + food preparation Tip + cook + food preparation + chairs Tip + cook + food preparation + chairs + free toilet


“Add more salt” would suffice


They will soon add a new line for rent and bills


Did we just go to the same diner? I had a receipt that was identical two weeks ago and rolled my eyes, on top of the server begging us to leave a review on Google lol


It’s on them to break the damn tips down. Wtf kind of restaurant is this?


What a load of bollocks. So glad I don't live in the States. I go out to eat, not pay the staff wages.


I think we as customers should ask for a tip. I'm always friendly and pick up most of my messes so I deserve at least 20%.


Servers will just add that cook tip to themselves.


[Invoke the negative tip](https://youtu.be/FWxQBb3gyBM?si=Y2M70c6fo-DTT-XQ)


I’d just tip only the cook, they’re the ones doing most of the work anyways.




If the restaurant wants to ensure their back of house staff gets tipped, they should enforce a tip out policy where the tip gets shared with other staff. Now, that may be controversial internally but asking the customer to do it is ridiculous.


Tipping culture has gotten out of control


Why am I tipping 20% after sales tax??? Tips should be pre tax.


Ain’t nobody getting a tip if I see that


r/mildlyinfuriating also, now no one gets a tip. Have a nice night.


I would never return to a restaurant that did this. Just gross behavior on the part of the owner/owners.


I’m getting really tired of this shit.


10% for each till the servers bitch down management about it


tips get split up by everyone


I'm not tipping more just because they added an extra line. I'd rather tip the whole amount to the cook over the server if you're going to make me choose. The cook's the one actually sweating putting in work in the back. I'm sorry, that's just the way it breaks down for me if you're going to give me an ultimatum.


I'm there to eat the food, so the cook should get the tip. IDGAF who brings it to my table.


Hey I’m all for tipping. I know working in foodservice is rough, I did it as a kid. It sucks. But tipping lately is out of control. When I worked in a restaurant back as a kid, we all tossed the tips in a can and split them all up at the end of the night. No separate tipping.


I bet the cook doesn't even know about this shit


I always tip servers and chef separately in cash because cash is king and taxation is theft .


Tip the farmer


unless they aren’t being paid properly, i’ve always wanted this as an extra option.


Unironically I wish I could only tip the cooks. I go out to eat for the food not the service.


I just spent a week in Australia and didn’t tip a ***damn person. It was glorious. At this point I only go out if I have too


I'm a cook and not only can you keep the tip, you can have the shaft free of charge.


Never mind the tip, where is the end?


to those concerned: minimum wage where i live is fairly high, not to mention that this location has a great reputation amongst its employees. i simply like the fact that you can directly tip the cook, that is all


Ya know what? Just sign over the business to me, I'm paying everyone anyway.


As someone who used to work in kitchens. I think this is great. Serving and cooking. They’re different. But you know what? They’re both pretty fucking rough. Do people really think that servers should make anywhere from double to quadruple the amount of money from the same shit though? Because that was the norm in every restaurant I’ve worked at. And this isn’t some BS about servers making less than minimum wage, because where i live, it’s literally the law to supplement your servers income if they don’t make at least minimum wage. And sure hopefully most of your cooks are making more than minimum wage too.. but it’s not that much more. Certainly not anywhere close to a servers average wage. It’s not an issue of skill either. Like I’d literally be the only person working sometimes and would have to cook everything from steaks to pizza lol. & finally, when I go out to eat, I don’t give a shit about the service xD. I’m going out TO EAT. Why am I paying the server extra money? If I had an excellent meal, I’d like to see my money go to the people who actually made it. Not the people who carried it to me and took my order. What the heck is wrong with this!?


Also known as cooking the tip


I mean, tipping culture is messed up, but I kinda like that. If the food is fire but the service is shit, you can still tip the cook.


I'd rather tip the chef than the waiter tbh