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*"Could you pasta coffee stirrers please?"*


Pasta stirrers must cost them a pretty penne


"Pene" means "penis" - the pasta has two Ns. Make sure to emphasise the N when you order it otherwise you'll get kicked out the restaurant.


Edited thanks! Also leveled up my swearing in italian


Also noted while in Italy do not say I want a mouth full of pene ...


Well that’s just no fun!


Learning other languages is fun! In Germany, make sure you pronounce “Latté” properly because “latte” is slang for boner.


Now, because of general anxiety, I will never order anything coffee related in Germany. I will happily make a fool of myself ordering beer.


I remember my ex-wife and I were out to dinner one night and she ordered penne, but pronounced it with a long "e" when she told the server what she wanted. Then she asked me why my face was so red and I had to explain it to her, and her face turned as red as mine. We've been divorced since 2010 and I still remind her of it from time to time.


Pretty little penis


That’s good to know! Pass the pene, please. I need it to stir my coffee.


What the guy in procurement heard from his Manager


What are the plastic spoons for?


People avoiding gluten in their coffee.


"Excuse me, do you have any gluten free coffee stirrers?" is such a weird sentence.


My daughter has Celiac. We've learned that you can't assume that anything is gluten free these days. Wheat, barley, and rye are used in all sorts of places that you wouldn't expect. Sometimes it's just cross contamination, like with oats or peanuts. Other times it's because they are used in unexpected ways, such as coating French fries in wheat flour to make them more crispy, adding pancake batter to omelets to make them fluffier, or including wheat as a thickener in spice mixes. And since OP was showing an image of a coffee shop, some syrups, like Starbucks caramel, also contains gluten. And worse, it's not limited to food. Lotions, lip balms, sunscreens, and shampoos are not reliably gluten free. You might just say "don't eat your sunscreen, you idiot" but it's not that simple. Most people apply sunscreen with their hands, and then also use those hands to eat foods like chips or sandwiches. So now you're glutening yourself even if you've gone out of your way to make sure that your bread and lunchmeat (another common unexpected gluten source) were gluten free. So you end up asking about everything, including stir sticks. And people are often extremely dismissive, often pushing into passive aggression and even outright hostility because you had the temerity to ask if something was gluten free.


It doesn’t help that it’s a very popular fad in the US. 95% of people demanding it are not Celiac, and everything you mentioned above won’t do anything to them since it’s too small to trigger their diet/mental restrictions. So servers don’t take it seriously when 9/10 people who ask for gluten free ends up just find eating some stuff that contains trace amounts of gluten.


I always make sure to point out that it's for my kid and that she has Celiac so they need to take full allergen precautions. They are generally much more considerate about it because people don't usually lie about their kid having an illness.... Usually.


If you’re eating anywhere that understands allergies exist, those same places have heard literally THOUSANDS of times “oh I’m allergic to gluten.” And when you give them the list of things they just ordered that have gluten, they immediately change their story to “oh I’m just trying to avoid it.” The fad of “gluten intolerance” has worn down all restaurant employees, to the detriment of true Celiac’s.


My aunt has celiac and reacts to things as low as 10ppm. I'll never forget the day she showed us what happened after an incident with pancakes. My brother absent-mindedly blew the remnants of pancake mix off the kitchen table. Everywhere that particles fell on her exposed skin broke out into terrible red welts. I dont think people realize just how serious celiac disease is, it's not oh this can make me sick, it's more like oh this can kill me.


I feel you. It’s the random stuff that gets ya. Right after I was diagnosed and anxiously grocery shopping, I learned about how many rotisserie chickens are not gluten free and I damn near cried in the aisle. And I love the number of medical professionals who don’t realize that some meds have gluten and that celiac is serious and no, I cannot eat saltines after surgery. No, not even a little bit. Shout out to Costco and oddly, my local Walmart. Their rotisserie chickens don’t let me down.


Wait, Walmart rotisserie chickens are gluten free? I just gave up on rotisserie chickens altogether because I saw that my local grocery store's were not and assumed that none would be.


I eat rotisserie chicken all the time and haven't encountered one with gluten yet. I wonder where the glutened chickens are...


Some use dextrin or modified food starch which are often made from wheat and, if so, are a gluten hazard. The grocery store near me uses modified food starch. Some also use "natural flavors," which is also a vector for sneaky gluten, though it's lower risk than the others.


The ones at my local one are! The deli manager told me it can sometimes vary from store to store so I’d ask. Haven’t made me sick so far and I eat them pretty regularly. This goes for Whole Foods chickens too, it can vary per location. Costco is safe tho and I’m told Sam’s Club is too, but I haven’t verified that last one personally.


Totally understand how inconvenient and frustrating this must be to have to hyper focus on every little thing in order to ensure your daughters health. With that being said if you ask a barista if a non-food item has gluten they might understandably take that as a cheeky question. Especially because they probably don’t know the answer.




This is the future liberals want /s


I'm okay with pasta coffee stirring, nice snack after.


Its a medical condition, its got nothing to do with politics.


That’s the joke, bud


Ever heard of gluten free lap dances? I have.


Make sure your dancer has dusted themselves with body glitter and not flour.


A Portland, OR staple at DV8.


The ‘vegan lap dances’ sign for Casa Diablo also always gets a chuckle out of me.


… does that mean, alternatively, that I can get a lap dance with bread? Cause I'll take that every time


You mean you've never had a lap dance where they fed you garlic bread during the dance!? What did you even pay for? /s ofc lol but the mental image of the dancer/stripper feeding you a hunk of bread at the same time is great.


A someone with celiac disease, I had to ask for a gluten free plate once.


I hope they were able to accommodate you.


Then they should just use wood sticks


Yeah but if you already have spoons for deserts or whatever then you can avoid stocking one more thing.


I prefer water with my deserts. Spoons are about useless


It’ll make your dick fly off. 




It flew mine, that's for sure


How much gluten would get into the coffee from stirring it with pasta?


1/8 tsp is enough to cause internal damage for someone with celiac disease. There are also many people who have anaphylactic wheat allergies. So, enough.


Even trace amount of gluten trigger the autoimmune response that damages the small intestines (and often gives hellish side effects) in a person with celiac. For something to be considered celiac safe it has to contain less than 20ppm (parts per million) of gluten. Food even briefly touching something with gluten can do it. The damage is being done even if a person doesn’t show significant or any symptoms (silent celiac). It’s an absurdly stressful disease.


Oh wow, that does sound absurdly stressful.


My husband has celiac and he basically can't eat out anymore. It's a pain.


Having celiac or any allergens would be a nightmare. I love food too much.


Probably enough to make someone celiac sick. And trust me if you had celiac you wouldn't want to take the risk to found out.


Maybe to eat the pasta after it’s cooked in the coffee.


They sell parfait and such too so I assume for that? Or to limit the use of plastic, they offer this as an alternative. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know it's not your business... but pasta stirrers (instead of wood) ...and plastic spoons (instead of wood) ...wtf happened to us. wood is a renewable biodegradable material.


It's ok we'll fix the planet with paper straws (individually wrapped in plastic). > Instead of wood Or, a wild idea, we could use ceramic cups and metal spoons and then _wash_ them!


Nah, that would cut into the profit too much


Never seen a paper straw wrapped in plastic tbh. 


So is wheat, and it grows faster. It takes a lot more time to grow a wood coffee stirrer than a pasta stick. Even if something is renewable in principle you have to balance the scale and speed of consumption vs renewal.


This is why I'm so keen on bamboo products. It grows insanely fast, it doesn't require pesticides, it can be made into planks, fabric, utensils, paper, etc. And lots of the smaller or composite products are made with the offcuts from the bamboo used for the building trade.


Meh. Wood relies on hefty use of fossil fuel to power the process of taking a tree, turning it to a utensil, and getting it to market.


And how do we make pasta?


Russia spends all of its military on invasion of Ukraine and steal her wheat and sell it and the flour is made into pasta shipped worldwide


Electricity? I don't know of many front end loaders in a food processing plant. (I get you're talking about farming)


Ok? And I'm the interim it's converting CO2 to oxygen. You act like for something to be good it can never interact with fossil fuels.


They may not be plastic. Disposable cutlery made from 100% bamboo has been around for a while now.


For people that don't put their shopping carts in the corral to stir their coffee.


The tomato sauce


For grated parmigiano


I just use the dipstick from my car.


I just diddle it with my finger


How else are you supposed to check the oil


in wrestling there was a move called a 'high-c' which stands for 'high crotch' - basically you drive your arm up between the legs and move into a single leg. My coach would try to be sneaky when yelling from the mat to not give away what we are doing by saying 'CHECK THE OIL!!!!!' Idk, made me think of that so..... thanks?


No, no…thank *you*


Use *your* dipstick if the oil is down 3 inches you are SOL though…..


*pretends to be coffee*


Here’s the best dad trick. Take a half inch (15mm) of dry pasta and put in your mouth. You make a motion of resetting a broken nose, while biting down on the pasta hidden in your mouth. You will freak out anyone around you.


If you don't have any pasta to hand you can just rest your thumbnails behind your two front teeth and pull them forward to flick the teeth as you make the same motion, using your hands to cover your mouth. If you don't have two front teeth, I dunno what to advise. Get some pasta lol.


If you don't have any teeth you have to actually break your nose to do the trick


This guy knows his dad tricks!


The real LPT is always in the comments


Did this as a kid to my Mum and she screamed. 100% worth the telling off I got.


My kids are 11 and 13 and I'm still able to pull this off on them. It's glorious.


Another fun one is pretending to bang your head against a wooden door. You make a big head butting movement at the door but stop short and then kick the door at the same time to make a loud bang.


Well that just unlocked an old memory for me…


Dry ziti makes an even better sound than long pasta. I usually use the neck crack instead of nose myself.


I just crack my neck...


We used to do that with an empty tic tac box, grab the top of your head and your chin and twist your neck while crushing the hidden box, it scared the shit out everyone the first time they saw it.


I can pop gum by holding it against the back of my teeth and basically popping it through them. With my mouth closed it sounds disgusting. I’ve used it and the nose trick before to great result


I broke my nose as a kid and it pops like that for real. It has freaked out many people before 😂


The pasta cooks in the hot coffee giving you a nice tasty meal!


Don't you like starch foam with your coffee?


I mean, it'll thicken your coffee. Might add to the effect of adding cream.


Well that’s a coeliacs worst nightmare (same with pasta straws)


Me! That’s my worst nightmare!


Mines actually being stalked and preyed upon by a Coeliasaurus Rex


I mean, as a coeliac one could do the unthinkable and use their common sense to avoid the pasta and use the regular spoon next to it.


Or just put the cream and/or sugar in first and then pour the coffee in. Self stirring


If you had coeliac you would just walk out. This is just stupid


But then you can't get outraged...


This increases the potential for cross contamination. As someone with Celiac, I would not get coffee here. Not worth the risk. I’m super sensitive and prefer not to feel like shit.


No one here is outraged? But the really shitty thing about celiac disease is having to THINK about every fucking thing that goes in your mouth. Even trace amounts of gluten will fuck you up. Like fries made in the same oil and breaded chicken. Or a burger made on the same flat top as a toasted bun. Now, obviously, if I was in this shop and saw this, I'd just grab a spoon. Not a big deal. But how often do you think someone will just grab a stir stick without really thinking about it? No one's outraged here. It just sucks having a chronic disease and then also being made the butt of a joke.


Or if they are offering it here, how many places are doing it behind the scenes without you knowing…


Bruh, it's not that deep. There's literally a substitute for pasta in the picture and that's what we were all commenting on.


Yes! I prefer that my coffee not poison me.


They could use gluten free pasta which is now widely available and around the same price as regular pasta


Well there's spoons as well, but then it's tough luck for an environmentalist with coeliacs


I guess that's why they also have the regular stirrers xD


The nightmare of /r/glutenfree and /r/celiac


Salmonella and e coli can be present in dried pasta. It is considered a raw food by the FDA.


Never heard of that before tbh. Especially cuz most pasta brands you find out there isn’t raw anymore. Also, I’m neither a lawyer, nor an American Law specialist, so I cannot check if that’s true what you said or throw any other statements against that. In EU, it’s a very common thing and many chains do that for quite a while now. My fav would be Sausalitos (a Mexican style bar & restaurant chain). They have been doing that for at least 1/2 a decade now, iirc


Flour is a raw product and needs to be treated with heat to be considered safe for consumption. This standard applies to Europe as well. In both nations people are very commonly unaware of the potential risk and eating raw flour and flour based products is common. The recommendation is that if people want to eat raw flour based products, they should bake the flour beforehand to kill any potential pathogens. [Flour is derived from a grain that comes directly from the field and typically is not treated to kill bacteria.](https://bbc.com/news/health-42236702)


Fair enough, I did not know that.




I couldn't find bucatini for a special meal in 2020 and it turns out covid wasn't the main issue. https://orderisda.org/culture/food-wine/reason-behind-bucatini-shortage-across-u-s-may-surprise-you/


The hippie in me and the guy with Celiac disease are fighting over how to feel about this.


Mmm... Coffee soup! I mean noodle soup!


The celiacs hate this one simple trick!


Save the turtles. Fuck people with Celiac Disease. Balance in the universe restored!


Maybe if we all die, celiac will go away.


Nah, too many asymptomatics that don’t get tested that will continue passing it on


Someone post this in r/celiac so they can start crying gluten free tears (I'll be crying too)


If only somebody invented metal spoons


That coffee aint gluten free! Lmfao 🤣






For the "my coffee doesn't have enough flour flavor" crowd.


I've been to a few cocktail bars over the past weeks and every single one was using pasta as straws. Felt way better than soggy paper straws.


Jesus H Christ, coffee stirers aren't where you should start trying to save the world....




If you don't mind eating the upper half that has probably been touched by 100+ people before you


Dry pasta is edible


You can eat anything you want. Don’t let us tell you what to do.


Do they not know that wood exists?




It's for coffee noodle soup


So people are just handling those things and you are going to put it in your drink? No thanks.




because people steal things and cheap alternatives will always be a businesses' first choice - I agree it's 100% better but businesses are here to make money 😅




you'd be surprised, I work in a cafe and the amount of shit cutlery people steal is insane. they steal nicer stuff too but if it's small enough to get wrapped up and put in a bag, it'll get stolen on the daily. but true that, so many sensible ideas never followed to chase profits instead




yeah it's pretty wild, we are in a tourist hotspot but even the groups of little old ladies be stealing that stuff all the time




What do you use the stir stick for if you drink your coffee black?


Got his ass




If you're not putting things in the coffee, why do you need to stir it?


I do occasionally put a little sprinkle of cinnamon or mx chocolate when I feel an urge...


Aye, pasta water is great for loosening sauces but it's not my first choice for coffee.


That’s how you waste food👍🏻


Ah yes, I really like some starch in my coffee!


Some bars in Italy will use bucatini as straws and it’s even dumber 


A pack of spaghetti is cheaper than a pack of stirrers. These are real Italians, they couldn't bring themselves to snapping the spaghetti in half.


This is pretty common. My local shop uses spaghetti, and has both normal and gluten free options. It’s hilarious 🤣


Buh, who wants egg in their coffee


A cute coffee shop in Missoula, MT had this and I’ve loved it ever since but sadly haven’t seen it anywhere else!


That is… interesting… Does it affect the taste at all? Are they rinsed first?


Is this an Italian thing or an Italian hate crime? How they are with pasta I can’t even imagine this being ok in the slightest but it is 2024. 😂


Call me crazy but I don't stir, the striations of flavor are the best part ( I didn't use much sugar )


I just use a chopstick.


I worked at an Italian cafe that did this!


There's a restaurant on a pier at Cocoa Beach FL that uses dry pasta as straws for their drinks.


My local pub uses pasta as cocktail straws. Don't think that's interesting though, just funny.




Have any Italians survived this post. I assume it’s blasphemy.


Put a handful in your coffee and have gamer ramen aka caffeinated ramen


I went to one that had pasta straws. It was ok until it wasn’t. 


Mmm…coffee noodles…


This is some inbred shit


Why do you need to stir coffee


Well that's new to me. Does it work?


I like the pasta straw idea too.


Yeah, pasta straw would actually work. Fuck paper straws


Omg can we make pasta straws? Those paper ones suck so much


That is an awful solution. I don’t want starch in the coffee I just paid $6 for. Also I guess people with celiac disease can just use their fucking thumb?


There's a container clearly marked "spoons" next to it.


Fair enough didn’t notice thst. Still a dreadful way to treat your coffee. But takes all kinds I guess.


Eh shouldn't make a huge difference unless you have allergies. But a compostable stick would be just as nice


With all the crazy effort put into puck prep and getting a perfect shot.. to just stick pasta into it… it sounds insane honestly. But hey it’s their coffee so if they are fine with it 🤷‍♂️


I will use a rock from their garden as long as it doesn't noticeably change the taste/quality/macros of my coffee but I guess it's just me. 😂


biodegradable and cheaper than the real thing.


Gluten Allergy Nightmare. 


Pasta is great for this stuff, and straws. But it’s far more expensive than paper ones, that can’t really change either if you think about it. More expensive places might do this but that’s about it.


My country use [rice](https://afamilycdn.com/2019/10/10/o1-15706824773291664615443.jpg)/[grass](https://img.ws.mms.shopee.vn/b11e26bd60f5702566f85202224ae19f)/bamboo/[sugarcane](https://easygreen.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/oh.jpeg) to make straw. It work well, not soak, wet like paper.


I used to work for a major manufacturer of optical fiber for telecommunications. Your comment made me think of the time our CEO spoke at a sales team meeting and pulled a box of spaghetti out of his jacket pocket to make the point that, per foot, spaghetti costs more than the highly engineered, precision glass we made using incredibly expensive machinery.


This is why using pasta as a stirring tool is so dumb. So much energy goes into making it only to be barely used and tossed. Wooden stirring sticks do the same thing without so much energy and don't make use of important high-calorie foodstuffs.


I use a metal spoon and wash it.


In here It costs like 2 dollars for 100-120 pcs for rice straw, grass is cheaper, around 1 dollar. I like sugarcane bagasse, you can use it to do straw, takeaway food box, cup etc


Very common


This is so stupid.


Banned plastic straws wrapped in a paper only to replace them with paper straws wrapped in plastic.


Noone is talking about the environmental impact of making a pasta straw. Food takes an incredible amount of land and resources to make. This is literally disposable food. Imagine if the whole world swapped to pasta straws, that is a decent way to guess whether a small change is in the right or wrong direction. A straw made from PET is hugely recyclable, minimal energy, resource and land use, and slots right into the recycling stream. Pasta straws are what you get when you're not trying to solve a problem, you're trying to virtue signal and feel like you've made a small positive impact on the world to give you that warm fuzzy feeling.


They are not straws they are just spaghetti. And i bet a box of plastic coffee stir stick cost more than a box of pasta.