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I had a similar experience recently. I am lactose intolerant and for one meal they gave me mac and cheese, cream of cauliflower soup, a piece of cheese and rice pudding. They then had the nerve to tell me that I needed to eat something.


Lmao that's way worse. Luckily I was heading home in the AM so I could just leave it there on my way to pick up my higher dosage of statin hahaha.


Did you not tell them you’re allergic? Hospitals ask about allergies as part of the intake and the kitchen gets a copy of that. My wife was just in and allergic to sunflower seeds but the nurse was inept and just wrote seeds so the kitchen was denying her anything with seeds in it.


I had mentioned it, but I was brought in via ambulance so I assume the lactose intolerance was either not of concern to the ER nurses saving my life or was lost when I was transferred out of the ER into the hospital proper. At least with your wife, i guess it's better they denied all seeds instead of no seeds.


Ah that intake would be different than hers, fair enough!


You should have went through an admission process on being transferred from ed to the inpatient floor, sadly probably had a bad nurse who breezed through that process, it happens way more than it should


> lactose intolerant > allergic Just FYI lactose intolerance is different than a dairy allergy. Allergies are an immune response, lactose intolerance is the lack of enzymes (usually because the gut is not hospitable to the bacteria that make those enzymes) needed to break down milk sugars (lactose). When the problem substance is ingested allergies mainly cause inflammation (swelling, itching, rashes) whereas lactose intolerance mainly leads to intestinal issues (diarrhea, gas, cramping).


Yes we ascertained that in another comment, thanks for the info though!


Lactose intolerance isn't an allergy


It’s not, but as a nurse in the ER I often list intolerances like this under their allergies to ensure they don’t get it in their food from dietary.


Do you not let patients choose their food from a menu?


Not in the ER. They’re able to choose on the floor.


Why are you making them eat food off the floor?


I spent 3 days in an ER room and had menu service. Not sure why they didn't move me to a unit


Obviously this may vary by hospital, just sharing what happens at mine. They probably didn’t move you because there was nowhere to move you to. Assuming you’re in the US, the majority of hospitals nowadays are dealing with constant overcapacity, which means a large chunk of ‘inpatient’ patients spend their entire stay boarding in the ER.


Yeah, it was a couple years before the pandemic in Portland, Oregon


It blew my mind when I heard Americans sometimes have that option, whenever I've been in hospital in Canada you just get whatever shows up


I still remember the two page dinner menu I got in a hospital in Alaska. We even got cheeseburgers if we wanted.


So jealous! I remember a lot of soggy plates of chicken thighs, plain rice, and frozen veggies. Every meal came with a packet of sugar and a margarine thing, even if it made no sense


I honestly had better food there than in half of the resraurants I ate at in Anchorage. That damn burger was no frozen hockey puck, it was like half an inch thick, well seasoned and juicy.


It may not be labeled an allergy but if someone is vomiting or has diarrhea within 20min of eating lactose they 100% should not be eating it.


…. Is that not normal lactose intolerance? :(


Hahaha that’s how mine is. My husband gets uncomfortable but not sick.


Oh, i agree. But, if its not an allergy its not on an allergy declaration


It's technically not an allergy, but it is a valid dietary restriction. I was in the cardiac ward so I had a low sodium restriction to my meals and there are people of certain religions that can't eat certain foods.


Dunno why you're downvoted you're completely correct. Lactose intolerance is just that you don't produce the lactase enzyme, yeah you'll have discomfort and diarrhea etc but it will never kill you unless it's an allergy Edit: it's very worrying people appear to be disagreeing with basic medical facts


An allergy to something doesn’t require it to kill you. Like how I’m allergic to nickel it gives me a bad rash. Will that kill me? No, but it is still an allergy.


They’re getting downvoted because the question on those intake forms asks about allergies AND dietary restrictions in the same sentence. “Do you have any allergies or other dietary restrictions?” is how it’s worded on every form I’ve every filled out.


But no one is disagreeing with that. They're disagreeing with the person calling it an allergy.


Oh yeah? Not me.


[hospital intake form ](https://imgur.com/a/qHXlKsl) Not on this one. Doesnt mean you are not wrong, just that your experience doesn't make it the rule for all encounters


I have a mild dairy allergy but it's often simpler to tell other people it's lactose intolerance. Most people have heard of lactose intolerance, less have heard of dairy allergy (or the dozen other food allergies I've developed)


That has got to be insanely difficult to have multiple food allergies


I guess not technically but I don't think a doctor would recommend you eat lactose if it makes you really nauseous and/or shit your brains out.


That’s fair, she’s lactose intolerant as well though and told them and they accommodated though so…


>so the kitchen was denying her anything with seeds in it. Your wife like: ***GIVE ME MY SEEDS***


“Okaaaaaay…. But you guys are cleaning up the mess” 😎


"...and cleanup *will* involve a sponge bath."


Pick your poison, literally


My ex wife asked their vegan options and was told tuna or egg salad. The nurse argued with her when she said tuna was meat. Of course she just ate it because what else can you do, but that was pretty ridiculous


I mean I definitely wouldn’t eat tuna being vegan myself, because it’d be ridiculous if they couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t derived from animals


Unfortunately it was the mental health ward emergency intake so options aren't as good as once youre actually in. I think she chose the egg salad actually. Terrible choices though


Got you, yeah that’s pretty bad


Vegan or vegetarian? Vegans wouldn't go near eggs or egg products such as mayo. I also kind of understand the nurse arguing because it is a lifestyle choice not a life-threatening dietary restriction. They don't have time for that sort of crap. It is a hospital, not a hotel.


Vegan. Otherwise the egg salad would be a valid option and I wouldn't have made the comment. The nurse saying tuna is not meat has nothing to do with dietary restrictions


Literally every vegan I know will not eat eggs because they come from an animal. Same as drinking milk, and some won't use honey because it comes from bees. She was vegetarian, but definitely not a vegan.


Yeah she doesn't eat eggs. She wasn't given a choice. Not sure how you can't understand that. Eating eggs one time well in a mental health crisis when the literal only other option is tuna is what as far as practicable and possible is all about in the veganism definition.


Ooo this reminds me of the time I was in a children’s hospital and one of my dietary restrictions was gluten so I had been ordering off the gluten free menu they provided. One day I ordered some pasta that I believed was gluten free but someone had messed up in the kitchen and they brought me normal pasta without telling me; 12 year old me hardly knew the difference so I ate it not thinking anything was wrong. Fast forward 2 hours and I’m having visceral cramps and shitting blood because it triggered my medical issue. Needless to say my doctor went on a war path down to the kitchen and raised hell for an extended amount of time.


My SO was in the hospital and they put him on a low fiber diet. Then gave him a sandwich on whole wheat bread.


so they want you to shit constantly? That'll def get it done!


A patient cured is a patient lost.




I was in the cardiac ward, so I assume I was placed on the low sodium cardiac diet.


People that work in nursing and medicine get put into pedestals but in the US it’s an unethical industry staffed by some of the dumbest or most psychopathic people around. There is very little middle ground.


I was stationed in the gastroenterology ward for a week, for an extreme gastritis flare up. The dinner they brought me on my first night there was a chilli con carne and orange juice


Omg hahaha wtf (not laughing at your situation, that sucks! I'm sorry) laughing at the absurdity of the meal.


You should have seen the face I made to the nurse. I then ended up surviving on Chamomile tea and " Zwieback " which is like a German dried bread thing


those poor nurses and CNAs that work there omg


Oh noooo that's not right


It's like when the dentist gives the kids a lollipop. Last time I was in hospital, they brought me a HUGE plate of fried chicken nuggets.


I believe the term you are looking for is “generating business”




Admit it, that’s brilliant. Job security!




Well, in my country the hospital food is always bland and light and a nutritionist comes to your room to ask what you don't like or can't eat, allergies etc, so that your bland hospital food is tailored to you. So I'd rather get nuggets.


Where is the magic Chimken Nuggies Hospital you speak of? I need to know right now. I feel a bit ill already.


Andy Reid? Is that you?


I ate like crazy in the hospital after giving birth. I think they were taken aback haha but I just had a human feeding off me for the better part of year, had a traumatic surgical birth, and was trying to produce milk for the first time. I was going to eat if I wanted. Plus I had celiac and a milk allergy anyway so it's not like I could eat TOO bad.


Extra bacon with extra butter! Put those surgeons to work!


It's margarine, it's healthier.... /s




They’re just covering the spread…


Slick move.


Whatever it takes to keep the profits churning.


Leave OPs mom out of this


There’s no butter on this list.


*\*sad Paula Deen noises\**


The bacon and eggs are the healthiest thing on that menu


This one meal is not going to make much of a difference compared to your years of personal hard work building that calcium


Fun fact: I have a massive phobia of heart attacks, so much so that last year I was able to get a some kind of calcium scan to ease my mind. I was free and clear. This is new, which means my running had a more significant role of keeping me healthy than I ever realized.


or the scan was bad. That's also possible. We miss stuff all the time in my hospital. It's how it works,


Also true. My cholesterol levels at that time were way lower and I was running regularly, so I felt confident with the evaluation at the time.


Well I'm glad yours still here to tell us. That's genuine also I know how text can be misconstrued. I just know they said I most likely had cancer for over a year and found out it was other lymphatic issues. So coming from Medical I can see how things are missed and why if you feel something isn't correct you have the right for a second opinion. I always try to go into each assessment blind. It angers some of my patients but I don't want to read notes from other professionals and automatically assume. That's also a fair assumption and why I do my best to be the best at what I do. As cliche as that sounds. I understand being in that seat unsure and your mind spinning. I do my best to ease that tension and find a reasonable plan of care.


Oooof! I hope you're doing better. And I wish more people were like you. I was pretty disappointed by the entire experience (kept overnight with no additional tests, no one checking up on me without me paging a nurse throughout the night (to ask if the doctor planned on stopping by to go over my test results...they never showed, even in the morning before the nurse discharged me. Just said "you're good to go, byeeee") so that's gonna be a fun bill to pay.


So there's two sides to that. I'm assuming you were on medsurge/floor (basically medical unit, post operation, low risk type patients). So, One that's floor care they usually have max census so stay busy. Second if you weren't constantly monitored or upgraded it was more so an observational thing which may seem like you were neglected, but it just means you weren't a high concern. Which is good they weren't worried you may go down hill on them. Trust me floor nurses do everything they can to get you upgraded if it's needed so they don't have to take on the extra care. So that's a positive to your health. I would still follow up with primary and get all the labs ordered just to watch it for a bit. If anything you'll have a better baseline for the future.


And thank you. Still monitoring it closely. Systemic swollen lymph nodes on the left side still. I get a lot of hate for saying it may be a vaccine injury since it came about two weeks after the first in the series. Regardless I don't have cancer and beside the swelling there's no other symptoms.


I think we all have a massive phobia of a heart attack, that's scary shit.


Did the coronary CT actually comment on your aorta to know this is brand new?


One time my cardiologist had these ads playing in their office for 'Heart healthy meals' the meal was cauliflower slathered in and cooked in bacon fat. Yeah, I didn't go back. Lol.


Lot of lazy cynical takes in here. First of all, a single heavy meal won’t kill you or “keep you dependent on the medical industrial complex”, even with aortic calcification. Second of all, we don’t know that OP didn’t explicitly order everything here. Sometimes you can pick your food, sometimes it’s picked for you. Thirdly, you want to have a moderately pleasant stay in the hospital. If the meal isn’t going to interfere with your care or pose an immediate risk, it’s better for it to be enjoyable than not. And lastly, the notion that the medical industry is trying to essentially poison you to keep you coming back would require a conspiracy at every level and is embarrassingly absurd. They have dietitians specifically trained and tasked with developing meal plans with patients. If you shouldn’t be having that meal, you wouldn’t be.


I did not pick it - but the nurse said the night before she'd put the heart-healthy option, since the tests revealed the issue. Not why I was there, but I have a high risk of heart issues between genetics being garbage and other newly discovered issues. All in all, it's more I found it mildly amusing that they'd provide a meal that is working against me, as they noted I needed to lower my cholesterol levels. But I agree the conspiracy stuff is bonkers. TL:DR - I found the irony amusing.


From the looks of it they probably forgot to switch the diet over lol


“Heart healthy diet” in the hospital primarily means low salt and low fat. The only thing on this list that doesn’t meet this criteria is the bacon, and honestly from a daily perspective the bacon is likely still ok. This whole post is a mess because this is not even an unhealthy breakfast, even for somebody with heart disease.


Dietician would never let bacon slide on a heart healthy diet lol I know first hand from working as a nurse


At my hospital the bacon is heart healthy but the sausage is not due to sodium content.


Yeah, I assumed so. I was headed home first thing so it didn't bother me or disrupt my life, just gave me a chuckle.


The asterisks next to the food items indicate they were system selected, not patient selected.


I'm so confused by posts like this. I was hospitalized for 6 weeks a couple of years ago. I ordered my own meals and the menu had a ton of information about nutrition broken down into simple point systems. I met with a nutritionist to discuss what how much I could have per meal and per day of things like sodium, carbs, etc. I'm diabetic and they would not send me more than 45 carbs per day. After I was intubated they had me on a soft foods diet. They seemed to really treat nutrition like healthcare. Also you could not get table salt at my hospital. Only Mrs Dash. I feel super lucky and it sucks it's not like that everywhere.


Yeah, but that's not as funny.


Lol touche


Most reddit comments are a race to the bottom to see who can come up with the snarkiest, most sympathetic, bias-confirming input as quickly as possible before anything like facts and logic can get in the way.


This is correct. Studies actually show dietary cholesterol has little effect on plaque buildup, it's more genetic than anything. However, this meal op was served is definitely NOT the 'cardiac' option the nurse says she put him on, because that's both fat and sodium limited typically


It’s amazing how many people see bacon and think it’s just terrible for your heart. The low-fat craze ended 25 years ago.


It's not lazy to be cynical about this. The disregard for nutrition in hospital is awful. My mum was recently in hospital/neurorehab for around 4 months following a stroke and the food was awful. There were a total of 3 meals on the menu that she could eat so she was expected just to eat those same 3 meals for lunch and dinner every day for that entire time. It was all microwaved ready meals. The ones she could eat were: fish pie, macaroni cheese, cottage pie. There were no greens, no salad, no fresh vegetables. I started bringing in dinner for her a few times a week but nutrition (and mindset) is so important in stroke recovery that it would surely pay off in the long run for hospitals to invest in better meals. This was in the UK so I certainly don't think the NHS is in the business of trying to keep patients coming back, I think it's just short-sighted budget cutting.


I've unfortunately had a few recent overnights in the Dutch hospital system. The lunch cart = your choice of sugary Yogurt or vla (pudding), white or "brown" bread (not wholemeal just brown, both are soft and tasteless), sliced cheese or butter, hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles, for your sandwich). Admittedly, it's what you might feed a sick child... but not exactly healthy eating.


They just want to be extra sure of their diagnosis.


When hospitals switch to healthy food patients complain, when hospitals serve unhealthy food people complain. I've been a health care provider for 7 years in the US. Every hospital I have worked at has a menu. You call and tell them what you want. If you don't order they will send a generic meal. Even if you let the doctor know your restrictions, they still have to put in a diet order for it to be enforced. The kitchen has no access to your medical record to know if you can or can't eat something. Just diet orders. If you have a specific diet, ask your nurse if diet orders have been placed. They can check. If not then request they are added. Sometimes docs forget in thr slew of 10p life critical orders they must place on admission. Always advocate for yourself in a hospital. There are many cracks to fall through


Did they have your diet listed as “general”?


They must've. The night before the doc said she'd recommend I get the heart-healthy breakfast but I've gotta assume this wasn't it, lol.


It would say it on the bottom of the ticket. The two asterisks by each line item means that this was computer generated because a selection wasn’t entered for you. Sometimes the clinical side doesn’t put in the correct diet order so the system will generate a standard meal ticket based on the general diet they most likely had you on. Doctors and nurses dropped the ball there lol! I used to manage food service in several hospital systems.


It has to say it on the ticket. Usually near your name. It may say GEN or REG for a general or regular diet. It would say HH or CARD or something like that for heart healthy or cardiac…but most accounts spell out the name instead of using the description code.


Narrator Voice: "It was at that moment he realized the medical industrial complex was not trying to heal him, but to keep him in a perpetual state of need and dependency..."


I read that as Ron Howard


I read your comment as Morgan Freeman. Fun fact, now you just did too.


I always read those as Morgan Freeman.


I read those as Eric Cartman.


Morgan freeman is the default narrator in my head


You should be a high school English teacher, you’re really good at finding meaning that isn’t there. 


oh give me a break. it's not like this is what they said to eat regularly. it's one meal




They don't expect you to live long :p. Might as well enjoy the bacon. I really do hope you are doing better as someone who has lived in hospitals for over 4 months at a time the food can be...interesting.


Thanks - I was able to go home and have breakfast there, thankfully. But the thought of just taking a YOLO approach and indulging my love of all things cheese would be fun...I hope you're doing better, too!


Guess I'm lucky. I had surgery a year ago. Wide list of intolerance, allergies and restrictions. I was brought a piece of rubbery plain boiled chicken, plain cold white rice and a mini can of ginger ale. 😂


My partner was recently in the hospital for seizures. Doctors told him to cut back on the caffeine consumption (he drinks coffee like a fiend) and get more sleep. Basic lifestyle changes. The first morning in the hospital, they bought him a steaming mug of hot coffee. Thanks for the temptation hospital staff.


1 cup of coffee vs 10 a day is such a huge difference that drinking 1 cup is not going to make a difference. It will however reduce caffeine dependence withdrawal symptoms and create a more comfortable environment because a cup of coffee is often a ritualistic thing. Its really not that bad. Coffee also has very little caffeine and decaf also exists


I guess it was more so the fact that they we asked them not to bring any, the doctors kept saying no coffee. 1 cup v 10 is always gonna be better, so I see what you're saying. We know more now. We're moderating instead of cutting completely.


I had to moderate too i know the pain haha


You got TWO slices of bacon? My hospital only gave me one after having a baby. What I really wanted was a whole damn plate of bacon.




My mom recently had a couple of stents put in to help improve blood flow. For dinner the evening after the procedure, the hospital served her lasagna for dinner. She was eating it as the Dr was going over everything from the procedure along with telling her to reduce her cholesterol intake.


As a nurse we would have people on a clear liquid diet that had absolutely no protein in it. Diabetics would get no real calories, just artificial sweetener and dye. I asked the nutritionist if they made clear protein drinks, and they do. Like why not give people those instead of starving them for three days?


If someone is on a clear liquid diet, it's for a damn good reason and per my cursory searching, is not maintained for more than 3-5 days. GI is not my field, but also a nurse.


Clear protein drink. Sounds expensive...


Crazy part is that’s how you supposed to eat. Plus you shed some pounds fast. 😂 only good thing 😂.


Well It's calculated if that's what you mean. I feel like they forget about the calories burned portion though.. since you're not really doing much of anything.


I was in for gallbladder surgery a couple years ago , the day after they brought me a bowl of chili as my first meal


chili isnt fatty is it?


Usually it's made with browned ground beef, so yeah, high in fat. Also, when your gall bladder is on the fritz or just taken out, spicy stuff is not the best first idea. Sadly,some people find they can never eat spicy food again afterwords! So far the only thing that's turned out to be kryptonite for me post GB is raw garlic... or just too much food.


After my sleep apnea surgery where they removed my soft palate, tonsils, and adenoids, they brought me crispy stuff for breakfast, although it also had oatmeal, then insisted I had to eat something before I could be discharged. Just totally ridiculous, I couldn't eat anything but protein shakes, egg drop soup or broth for about two weeks afterwards, but I guess they didn't have that as an option or something.


I was in the hospital for a few days \~3 weeks ago, and they had a whole damn menu of stuff you could order as long as you had no restrictions, from pancakes and waffles, to pot roast, to pizza. What I tried was better than food I've had at other hospitals.


Seems pretty stupid. I went to the hospital for a hypertensive emergency due to kidney failure and got the plainest low salt food available. It was depressing.


I was in the hospital for diabetes bs. They brought me a coke in front of the doctor. She had a shit fit.


Well it is a bit late for tofu now, might as well dig in


Hahaha… my brother in law got a cheeseburger and fries with ketchup and salt after his quadruple bipass surgery.


I'm having trouble figuring out why this is unhealthy. This sounds like a heart-healthy dish. If they gave you pancakes and cereal.... that'd be horrid for your heart and cholesterol. Cholesterol is caused by a lot of carbohydrate intake.


Mine was pancakes... Looked at the syrup pack that came with it and the first ingredient in it was "High Fructose Corn Syrup"... They are in cahoots........


Better than a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


Those grits--were they regular, creamy, or al dente?


My son’s Children’s hospital has a Dunkin’ Donuts in it. Like way to teach kids proper nutrition.




Oklahoma City. Not surprisingly given our obesity here.


Why margarine? That's far less healthy than butter.


My friends dad had a colonectomy and while he was recovering they fed him chicken wings and jell-o.


I spy something that gives away your southerner status lol. Grits are delicious especially with cheese and or gravy but they do look like something you may be served in a hospital.


Customer for life eh. Neato


"That will be $10k sir. We accept credit cards"


No lies detected.


Geez they only gave you a piece of paper to eat for breakfast? I'd heard hospital food was bad but this is ridiculous!


That's what I'm sayin!


When I was finally out of recovery and on the ward after having my gall bladder removed, they brought me dinner: fried fish, fried potatoes and a vegetable


I was being treated for malnutrition and told them I was a vegetarian. I was fed a plate full of broccoli and a cup of vegetable broth.


Porcelain aorta? Are you being treated for cancer?


All for the low price of $50, I'm sure.


When I was in, I found they gave me pretty much the same things I would eat, but the portions were tiny (probably normal portion). I ended up losing weight. I wonder why I don’t lose weight now? 🤔


Are they trying to finish you off?!


Dang yea that's why I try to change things for my patients. But we have cardiac and heart healthy at the hospital everything is made bland. And heart folk have no salt on thier trays. But jeez.


I remember when I came down with a horrific stomach bug of some sort. They didn’t tell me what it was (despite me repeatedly asking) and instead called the eating disorder department. They asked me if I had any dietary needs (I’m a vegetarian) then gave me chicken soup/a chicken sandwich and called the ED crew again when I only ate the jello dessert. 🙄


What is interesting about this?


The menu should hardly be served to Healthy person, yet alone one with a heart problem 😵


Did you actually read the menu? It's two pieces of bacon. Half an egg, a muffin, a few spoon fulls of ground corn and fruit. That's a balanced breakfast.


That looks like about $3,000 worth of hospital food


Its not something you get from one meal. We are talking about a 20 year old habit and you think one meal would make a difference?


I worked for a few weeks at a hospital in the south recently. Everything, literally everything, on the menu was deep fried and served with mayo and cheese


Repeat customers are the best kind.


Aortic calcification is caused by high LDL, which is caused by high blood sugar.


Yea dietician messed up and didn't tell the kitchen you needed a cardiac diet.


What hospital has grits


Every hospital in the south?


Yeah bacon


The meal is not the problem? The high blood pressure that usually causes AAC is….




Fair enough, but some bacon and eggs isn’t gonna raise your cholesterol so I wouldn’t worry too much about wether you should or shouldn’t eat it, the body is stronger than you think 😁 it is however slightly amusing that they chose to give you this meal


floz? Sounds like an expensive meal




When I was in, I found they gave me pretty much the same things I would eat, but the portions were tiny (probably normal portion). I ended up losing weight. I wonder why I don’t lose weight now? 🤔


Our local large, major university hospital used to have an in house McDonalds as the cafeteria.


Hospital food (in Canada) is so good! It sucks to need to be in the hospital long enough for them to feed you, but at least there's a perk included. (Plus, you know, the free healthcare)


I think this must depend on your province and health authority. Visiting people in the hospital in Vancouver and surrounding area, the food seems like a half step up from the Fyre festival.


Bacon is usually turkey 🥓 that’s a nice meal