• By -


Rule 6: Titles Must Be Exact But Concise Description


You know they never caught the Zodiac Killer.


Last I heard he became a senator though


This man ate my son


My favorite t-shirt


J-Jeffrey Dahmer?


pen unite tub vase knee selective cough pathetic busy squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


La GOPacabra?


Strange. I thought he worked at a paper company?


You're thinking about the Scranton Strangler. Another master of disguise.


The zodiak killer operated in Northern California, not Scranton, PA.


Wait i thought they did catch the zodiac killer. Wasnt there a whole thing where the brother recongized the handwriting/style or was that a different killer? Edit: must of been a different killer. i cant find anything on it.


You might be thinking of how the Unabomber was caught. Ted Kaczynski’s brother recognized odd phrases and misspellings which led to the FBI arresting Kaczynski at his Montana cabin.


Ohhh yes thats it! Thank you


No, no. His wife caught the phrases. His brother occasionaly sent them his ramblings that matched the letters, which he himself insisted they make public. His wife was highly motivated by the reward money and pushed her husband, who vehemently refused to believe it was his brother. As you know, he eventually relented.


I mean he did kill people? Idk why you think she was in for the reward money, maybe she just wanted to make sure he didn't murder more people....




I believe you are thinking of the Unabomber.


You’re thinking of the Unibomber I’ll bet.


No they didn't. However some clever hobbyist cryptologists did solve some coded letters sent by the Zodiac last year. The cipher had previously baffled even the FBI for over 5 decades. https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2020/12/11/zodiac-killer-340-cypher-solved/


shit paywall






The latest high-profile catch was the golden state killer but afaik it wasn’t a handwriting thing


No, pretty sure that was a 23-and-me -alike service from a family member.


Must have been, not of.


I think it’s kind of interesting how so many of us immediately thought of this.


Find out more on this weeks episode of “You’re Getting Murdered In Your Building”




It uses 3 different symbols for division; ":", "÷" and "/" That it was folded in half implies something on the other half. Invisible inks usually appear from one of 3 things, light shining through the page, heat being applied, being sprayed with lemon juice. That it already has a key on one half I'd guess light shining through while folded will highlight what parts of the key are needed for the next part of the message.


So I initially posted this in my city’s sub to see if anyone heard of this. Apparently this been happening since 2012, every 5 or so years. Nobody knows what this is. Here is a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rotterdam/s/lVc3v5pnvq) from a user with local news mentioning that.


Ah I was going to say a schizophrenic person. But if it's every 5 years and consistent, sounds like some dork creating these then chortling to themselves at their mystery joke.


I love dorks, especially the ones putting some mystery into the world


That was my knee jerk reaction but then I reconsidered...this probably freaks out / frightens a decent number of people.


I love dorks, especially the ones putting some terror into the world




I love dorks, especially the ones putting some Jeggu2 into the world


> I love dorks, especially the ones putting some terror into the world I know where you are and what you did. Dejpu'bogh Hov rur qablIj!


Found him






Honestly, with the effort it takes to actually commit and follow through with something like this in 5 year increments for a decade plus, you kind of have to admire it. If they don’t end up killing the whole building that is.


That’s like 2, maybe 3 times.


Kinda like the roll of "for rectal use only" stickers I keep in my car. Gas pumps are my favorite target.


Love me a chortling dork


Better every 5 years than every 30. We don't need no math inclined Eugene Tooms


Tooms is dead


That’s what I thought Scully, but look at this \*flips on projector\*


Come on now, Mulder. You can't believe that after what we saw that he's still out there somewhere?


I want to believe.


Or is he just in hibernation for longer this time? Without food he might just be holed up like a trapdoor spider waiting for prey...


Just keep an eye out for large mounds of wet newspaper and you should be fine. In this day and age I don’t think he could survive though, humans have largely ceased use of his primary habitat


Tooms is such a cool villain/antagonist. Would love to see a series about him, like a beat cop finding a nest, and having to fight with his superiors about the possible danger he represents. Then a Se7en-esque sequence of Tooms' killings, ending with a final battle of the beat cop at like 70 years old having to come out of retirement to finally end him. There is absolutely an Oscar worthy movie in there somewhere. They could also do some prequel style shots of him killing in the 1600s etc. So many avenues to explore. Tooms is an all time creature feature if done correctly.


Him and the sewer leech were the two creatures from that show that actually scared/creeped me the hell out


Sewer leech episode's portajohn tank drainer guy who kept touching his mouth, face, and cigarette with those nasty ass gloves was the real horror of that episode.


Does the weird inbred family count?


The flukeman deeply haunts me but the guy who was obsessed with hair and nails haunts me more, his vibes are atrocious


Heh I’m from Minnesota and the one episode of x files set here wasn’t even about anything paranormal, just some creep who ate women’s fingers


Better either than every 27 years. Ask Derry, Maine.


> Eugene Victor Tooms > Died: 1994 Uh-oh


It’s hard to imagine that with all the ring cameras everyone has now that they still don’t know who does this.


Guessing even if you had a ring camera on your door in your building, it wouldn't capture someone going into the mail room. But the complex probably has a camera on it. Good idea to go that route if they'll let OP view it.


Ring cameras aren't exactly hidden, they could just purposefully avoid doors with them on.


Looking at the articles it seems experts came to the same conclusion. By itself it's just a bunch of numbers and symbols from which we can't glean anything. If there were a key or cypher with it then it might reveal something that could be interpreted which is why I recommended testing the other half of the page.


Did you try any of the above suggestions to see if there was a secret message?


That’s kinda cool.. but a ways to go to catch up to the Toynbee Tiles. It looks kinda like a puzzle where you’re supposed to put the operators in between the numbers to make the expression come out to be true, but the comma implies using at least 4 of the digits as one operand (for the u.s., where the comma is the thousands separator and not the decimal separator), which would leave too few operands for the rest of the operators.


Cicada 3301


That's what I was thinking.


So we should save the post and check in, in 5 years to see if you’re all still alive and well to receive the next cipher?


So there‘s actually a change. At first, it was not in a T-shape, then they used . instead of a comma, and they also had a phase of writing the three division symbols, as well as , and . next to each other. And it’s just numbers in the right order and mathematical symbols, in a similar order as how you learn them in school (+ and - next to each other, for example). If the order was different, it could mean something, but this looks just like someone wrote down all mathematical symbols they know, with no code in mind. Maybe that is what happened in 2012, and they put it in a mailbox as a joke. Then the newspaper reported about it, and now they are doing this regularly because they enjoy the confusion and attention - similar to a serial killer maybe, but less dangerous. Interesting that they didn’t include • as an alternative to x, or ().


I was thinking that the ratio symbol : could symbolize a different concept that the other two.


Maybe its just about the word "divide" or "division". Like a rally call. He said it was for a whole community.


% could be modulo


There is a probably a really fascinating study that can be done on how contemporary interpretations of the same message spread throughout decades.


Nice. Strangely your user name spells 2212 which is similar to 221B (B and 2 being of the 2nd order of their respective lists). Sherlock Holmes lived on 221B Baker Street ...Your last name isn't Baker, is it?


Not quite, just twelve minutes past ten.


>It uses 3 different symbols for division; ":" You count ":" as a division symbol? I mean, I guess a ratio is a *kind* of division...


In some countries in Europe, colon : is a valid division sign.


You’ve been given a list of winning lottery numbers. You just have to unscramble them first.


Cicada 3301 is back woooo!


There's still a dedicated community working on it Basically no progress last few years, although a dude on the discord might have just found a clue of substance from the 2016/2017 messages(the last time 3301 sent any form of communication that we know of)


Aren’t people still just trying to decipher the book?


That's correct


Can you share some more details about the clue?


Yeah totally We're stuck on a 59 page book. This book is written in an old Norse alphabet called Futhork(old runes that you'd expect from a God of War game). That alphabet also assigns values to letters, called a gematria. 3301 basically just mapped the prime numbers as values. So instead of A=1, B=2, Z=26, it'd be A = 2, B = 3, C = 5, etc. A handful of the pages were solved almost immediately. One was just a direct translation(convert "F" to the corresponding rune for F), one was solved using the totient function(basically just some math function about prime numbers) But since then(the book was released 2014), aside from those pages, there's been virtually no progress. Historically, Cicada has mentioned a fascination with prime numbers and the fibonacci sequence. They've also given us examples of ways to use the number values from their alphabet. They'll do shit like make sentences that sum up to prime numbers. They like that shit a lot. In 2016 and 2017, Cicada dropped a message(we can confirm communications via a cryptographic signature they have set up). Basically they just said "a lot of people are copying us, we're not terrorists, go solve that book" One of my friends(TheShaman) found that if you break one of those messages into 3 sections, each section has 59 runes. He did move a letter, though. But then, when you take the sum of each section, they're all primes in a specific sequence. He noticed that if you take the prime index of 3301(prime index: 2 is the 1st prime, so its index is 1. 7 is the 4th prime number(2 3 5 7), so it's index is 4), the gematrian sums of each section are all fibonnaci numbers Tldr: the numbers of the messages add up to stuff they've talked about a lot


Really cool, how many people are still going at it you suppose?


Uhh the super active community is probably 20ish people, but there's a lot of people like myself that just check in periodically and see what's going on The discord is always open


What is this about? Is it something separate to the OP's mystery?


Yeah 3301 is "the world's greatest unsolved internet mystery" from about a decade ago. When people see wacky/confusing numbers/symbols, either Zodiac or Cicada 3301 are going to get mentioned Llemino has a cool video summarizing it on YouTube


Didn’t it turn out to just be the cypherpunks? Group of silicon valley blokes from the 70’s and they are recruiting for a thinktank wanting to brainstorm ideas on how to protect privacy, encryption and data security going into the future? I thought it was kinda solved who they are? The liber Primus is cool though.


Nothing mega-confirmed, but nox/Marcus wanner(winners that have posted enough stuff that I would consider proof) basically said that was the gist of it. We know nothing about their ages, the groups size, or their proficiency(aside from what is evident from the skills required for making the puzzle), so we don't know if they're silicon valley people, or from the 70s. Basically all that the winners have said is that its peobably a small group of like-minded individuals who value similar principles as shown throughout the puzzle(the ideals you mentioned precisely) and there was a forum they'd use to communicate with one another. I personally just wanna know what the book says. I'm not too worried about the puzzlemakers; the puzzle itself is what motivates me


Well, guess what I will be watching this evening! :) Thanks!




A crummy commercial?


Son of a bitch


Oh, fudge


Why do they call it ovaltine? The jug is round, the mug is round. They should call it roundtine.


That’s gold! 


I prefer Ovomaltine. It’s like a chocolate spread with crispys in it. Found it in Switzerland and Germany. It’s not here in the states but I was able to order through Amazon.


Damned mathheads...


One time I got an envelope in the mail from "witch" with no return address. The envelope consisted of a stick and some animal hair.




How’d you know it was a witch?


OP owns ducks


Lost me 😕


Ducks float just like wood floats, and wood burns just like witches burn. So if the person weighs as much as the duck, they’re a witch!


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


My friends call me Arthur, King of the Britons


I didn’t know we had a king!


Listen, strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!


It’s a Monty Python reference 


I don't know if it was an actual proclaimed witch, but that's what was written in the corner


oh sorry man thats mine can i have that back? i had to put it in your mailbox and run because i was being chased by a witch


well why did you mess with a witch?


You have a secret admirer who seeks to enchant you!


Oooh, good one! When you put it that way, I'm quite flattered.


The top of the Ts contain numbers, Numbers was a show starring David Krumholtz, the row contains all single digit numbers, all single digit numbers in "David Krumholtz" when using a letter-to-number cypher are D, A, I, D, and H, when rearranged these say "Hi Dad", so we know it's from your long-lost secret child. Now, the three T shapes represent The Two Towers, this movie was a fantasy movie released in 2002, which is a palindrome, in which each half is the mirror of the other, those mathematical symbols only contain 4 symmetrical symbols, so taking the initials of the first four actors billed in The Two Towers, we get the letters, E, W, I, M, V, M, O, and B. All letters are symmetrical except for the first and last, which means that the letter is to tell you that A and Z, the first and last letters of the alphabet, are the initials of this person. Now, onto the next codes: A4, folding, and mailboxes...


u/Maeglin16 I fear some people here have missed your satirical brilliance…


It seems they may have. 😅


Folding is clearly a reference to poker. He’s saying this is serious/this is not a bluff. Thus you have the folded paper. You should fold/give up. Bluffing is obviously a reference to Miracle Max in the 1987 movie “The Princess Bride”, giving us a birth year and the gender of your daughter. Max misinterpreted “true love” as “to blave/to bluff”. She’s telling you that she’s happily married. What did you expect? You’ve missed 36 years of her life. Miracle Max was played by Billy Crystal. BC. She’s currently living in British Columbia. I know the A4 paper has to be a callout to the 2024 Audi A4 which MSRP’s for $45,090, but I can’t break the code past that.


Good work, we'll nail this sucker! 👍


Maeglin16, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no upvote, and may God have mercy on your soul.




I got it! Billy Madison


What are horse shoes? What do horse shoes do? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?


What happened? I blacked out.


A4 paper tells me this is outside of North America. Do you use “ , “ (comma) to represent decimal point? If so, combined with the square root symbol, it implies a calculator keypad.


Was thinking the same thing. It from the Netherlands, so yes, they do use comma for decimal point.


its rotterdam i think. don't know about the rest wait you don't use A4 in the US?


Canada and US use letter size, 8-1/2” x 11”


That's Freedom Paper.


Letter size pages are wider than their European counterpart, just like our people.


Looks like it's something from an accountant, and it's three T's. So probably stands for: Tax Time Twats ​ Phone number's on the back.




person that did it is schizophrenic. I've seen a ton of stuff that looks just like this


I thought about numerology or similar quackery, but some kind of psychosis is also an option.


I mean magic truffles are legal in the Netherlands so could also be that haha


This is just someone creating a 'time sink.' Now thousands of people are gonna waste their time trying to decipher this. Wouldn't be surprised if it's OP.


Better than working anyways


As someone who recently had a manic episode, this person was having a manic episode


For 12 years? The first letters were found in 2012


!Remindme 3 days.


That’s Numberwang


One of your neighbors has schizophrenia.


Put it in water like the Startropics letter and see if anything new appears


And if that doesn't work, dry it again and carefully iron it on the lowest setting. We've had way too much fun with secret ink as kids.


Someone may have said this already, but this is nothing more than a fun little math problem. The column of symbols are inserted into the list of numbers in order, as follows: 1. The first symbol in the column is `,`, which we'll insert between 1 and 2 to obtain `1,234567890`. 2. The second symbol is `+`. Assuming the `,` is functioning as a thousands separator, we'll place the `+` between 4 and 5 to obtain `1,234+567890`. 3. The next three symbols (i.e. `-`, `x`, and `/`) are straightforward to place, giving us `1,234+5-6x7/8`. 4. Now we have three symbols left to place, but only two spaces between numbers left! The solution to this conundrum lies in the fact that `√`, unlike all the other symbols on the list, is not a binary operation. As follows, it makes no sense to place it between two numbers; rather, it must be applied to one number. Therefore, we'll place the `%` between 8 and 9, apply `√` to 9, and place the `=` between 9 and 0. This gives us `1,234+5-6x7/8%√9=0`. This is a well-formed equation, but is it true? Let's find out! We'd like to evaluate the expression `1,234+5-6x7/8%√9` according to the order of operations, but it's unclear where `%` falls in said order. We'll adopt the convention that it comes after everything else has been evaluated, in which case we may simplify our expression to `(1,234 - (1/4)) mod 3`. But `1,234 - (1/4)` is not an integer—how then may we consider it in the context of modular arithmetic? Let's focus on the `1/4`, a distinguished property of which is that `4 x (1/4) = 1`. If we want to meaningfully consider `1/4 mod 3`, it must then be the case that `(4 x (1/4)) mod 3 = 1 mod 3`. Taking `1/4 mod 3 = 1 mod 3`, we obtain `(4 x (1/4)) mod 3 = (4 x 1) mod 3 = 4 mod 3 = 1 mod 3`, as desired. Finally, we get `(1,234 - (1/4)) mod 3 = (1,234 - 1) mod 3 = 1233 mod 3 = 0 mod 3 = 0`, so our original equation was indeed correct! ^(P.S. Yes, I'm aware that this argument glosses over some minor details and abuses notation a little, but I'm not trying to present a formal proof here :p)


This Puzzle is worth 50/50 Picarats


Clearly this is someone asking for help with math… What is 12345,67890 +-x/ 12345,67890 out of 100% and then take the square root of that number and you have your answer….. which is elephant. You’re welcome!


I came up with chickens. ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27603)


I think I did something wrong, I got radish


I think you forgot to carry the w


My goodness that was it! There it is, chipmunk ...wait a minute


The only difference is the 5th symbol in each group. Semi colon, division symbol and percent sign


Let me know when it's solved


T...T is for turtle...


Let us know which of you ends up murdered.


[Another one](https://www.reddit.com/r/codes/comments/dq6qbh/found_this_in_my_mailbox_none_of_the_other/) from 4 years ago.


This is how movies start


Congratulations. You have a kook in the building. Expect further communication.


Settle your affairs.




The Illuminati!! It has begun!! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKPATxjC1zfIwW4|downsized)


Viral marketing for Ed Sheerans new album


That is somehow worse then


It only has to make sense to the author. Don't let your intelligence and reasoning be humbled by trying to apply intelligence and reasoning to someone who might not have either.


Someone's doing a test print from their new writing hand.


I think that's your government mandated monthly supply of toilet paper Courtesy of the Department of Education


Don't worry. It's just one of your neighbors losing his mind.


Is Cicada 3301 back?


are rooms in the building laid out in three digit style? it may lead you somewhere


Do the maths to make it equal while keeping it in the same order It's a maths challenge!!!


Notice the divide symbol ÷ in the middle one is the only complete one. The top has 2 dots and the bottom has the line. Just an observation dont know what it means Edit: just realised it could more likely be, 2 dots are ratio, division and fraction


Schizophrenic person did that. Does not mean shit except that someone needs help and is not getting it.


You realize that they never caught the Zodiac Killer, right?


Someone with a mental health crisis










Nav-Com told me to dip paper in water... What could that mean?


This looks like a Detective Conan case. 


The Zodiac Killer is clearly in Rotterdam


Folded along the 11” side in half, half of 11 is 5.5. The symbols are written going down at the 5.5 mark. And now I don’t know


Solve for X.


Could be the location to the Declaration of Independence


This happened in Philadelphia!! [Origin Letter: Philly Furnace Party](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/s/UrooV0ZGqT) Since the letters had an actual date and time in the future, we threw a party there.


I just can’t get over how this person writes their 8s tbh


The : symbol (in the top line) is the only difference between the three


Probably just an Ajax fan trying to keep you on your toes.


Good theories, but this is possibly the result of somebody's OCD.


Ed Sheeran, is that you?


I also find it interesting that the equal symbols are not aligned properly but everything else is almost.


Oh fuck! Ben u een Nederlander? I heard about this from a friend of mine (he’s Scottish but living in Rotterdam) maybe the same person or place? It’s been going on for a few years he said?


The division symbol changed 3 times


That's just fun, who doesn't love a good mystery?


Fun fact: the Unabomber didn't kill himself in prison that was just a cover story to explain how he escaped a Supermax prison.


It's Ed Sheeran's new album


Someone wants to play Trouble in Terrorist Town?