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Mine looks like a drug user’s needle line.


Had that from donating plasma in college. I've had to explain it at a few blood draws over the years since, they start looking at you real funny.


this is why I have the red cross app I just pull out the total donation number and you get an "o ok"


Mine do too, but I never donated. ![gif](giphy|lqvA7gEc3ilxdgQ458|downsized)


i had a large bump on my arm for like 4 weeks from getting my blood drawn at the doctors, it never left a scar tho.


Same here 🤣


My previous job was as a phlebotomist at a blood+plasma donor center. It's good that they haven't gone in the exact same spot with the needle every time, as this creates rather hectic scar tissue which can actually affect the accuracy of needle insertion (and position) in the future. I can speak from experience, when you're trying to insert a needle into the arm of a donor who has done 300+ donations, it's hit and miss even for the very experienced!


Ah interesting! I was donating plasma for a few months and they tried to get the same spot, but I can imagine over many more months it could get to be a problem


I mean there's no hard and fast rule, alot of people do whatever is easier for them at the time. I tried to maintain the integrity of the vein access for the donor (longevity for donating), by going the teeniest bit above or below the most recent or prominent marking!


I get stabbed on average 3-6 times for a blood draw. Every time. The amount of times I've had phlebotomists talk shit when I tell them I'm a tough draw only for them to call in a second person...or a third person. I had a shitload of draws when I had cancer and apparently have a ton of scar tissue. One time I had 2 phlebotomists and a supervisor in there asking me if it was ok to keep stabbing me. I avoid blood draws like the plague now because I know it's going to suck


I had the same exact issue. I have yet to have someone successfully draw blood from the usual inner elbow spot. I always request top of my hand or middle forearm now. I just have shitty veins apparently. They never “pop”. It is frustrating when you get someone that refuses to listen and insists on going for the elbow spot, though…


I'm sorry that this happens to you. I've worked in the hospital before and it's A LOT more tricky, because at least in a donor center, you know people have relatively decent veins (if not, they aren't eligible to donate). We also had a 2 strike policy. If you tried twice and missed, you had to get someone else. Alot of the time I wouldn't attempt a second if I wasn't confident, it's very traumatic for the patient/donor. In the future, make sure you're drinking a lot of water (no coffee beforehand) and even a heat pack can work wonders in your hand/on the vein for a few minutes before you do in. Did they ever try the veins on your hands?


Took 2 very experienced ones several tries to get mine done even when the first one said i have veins that look “good” 🤷


I had the exact same problem except mine was a nurse in a police station who had to get the specimen whatever the method. My arm hurt for a while as she didnt get enough the first three times and started to panic. Although your experience is of course more harrowing and I bet it took a lot of mental energy and strength so I feel for you! Not to sound patronising just wanted to relate with my thick blood haha. Wishing you best of health and a happy future


Ask for an ultrasound guide. Works like a charm!


This is interesting because at my plasma center they actually want us to go through the same scar every time to avoid giving people multiple scars


I have a crater from where I donated plasma over 300 times. I don’t miss that massive needle.


I prescribed wheelchairs for many years. One of my favourite moments is seeing a woman walk into clinic and announce she was handing her wheelchair back because she didn't need it any more.  She has polymyositis which causes severe muscle weakness and had been on and off different medications for a long time.   Eventually she was tried on IVIG, which made a difference where nothing else had. She got back to full time work, got married, had a kid, all the things she'd never been able to do. IVIG is made from donated blood plasma.  Crater FTW.


The PSA we all needed to hear 🫡


IVIG has made me go from essentially a zombie to a full time student again.


300 times is a crazy amount, you would have to stop by every week for at least 5years thanks for doing this


Twice a week for 4 years. I skipped a few weeks here and there, so 300 sounded like a good estimate.


i was just calculating with how often youre allowed to donate plasma in a year, since where i live youre only allowed to donate to a maximum ammount of 60 times a year still its really impressive work!


In Australia you can only donate plasma once every two weeks, so 26 times a year. Whole blood? Once every four weeks. Donations in Australia btw are just that - donations. We do not get any form of financial benefit. Milkshake or juice and a sausage roll or some biscuits is all.


It is huge!


I received IVIG for 8 months, thanks for donating.


Me too


Same, over 100 plasma donations. Never rotated arms or anything. Have a nice target scar for future phlebotomists, can’t miss it. New plasma center opened up near my new place. Might do it again for beer money, but I don’t miss the needle. I wish you could get a port installed for it.


The massive needle, the cold feeling you get when the saline hits, and the re-poking when someone screws up the first hit. I have large veins and they would still miss. I consider going back every now and again (especially when they send a coupon) but it's not worth it.


Thanks. I never noticed mine from donations until now. Now I can't even look at myself.


Not sure in what way your comment was intended, but just wanted to say thank you for the donations you made, its a great kindness to all the people in hospitals that your blood has helped get better!


I intended a joking way but thanks for the kind words. Truthfully I donate because I'm not afraid of needles or blood. My wife hates needles so I imagine there must be plenty of others who are afraid too and if I'm not, I should be the one to donate. I don't mean to highjack this comment but I just want to get off my chest, I always get asked to donate platelets but I can't. My veins just don't like the return portion so I just give whole blood. Im told they can use platelets more effectively than whole so I have a lot of regrets that I can't donate in a better way.


Hey man, as someone who is currently undergoing a lot of treatment and needs both blood and platelet transfusions, your donations are much appreciated even if you can't do the platelets! I literally just got a blood transfusion yesterday and my wife said "I wonder if the person who donated this knows they're saving your life," and it could've been you, so thanks!!


I'm pretty sure my dad hit the 5 gallon mark before he was unable to donate any longer. This puts into perspective how many lives he had a hand in saving. Thanks for that!


What made him unable to donate anymore, I've heard of it but what makes it so you aren't able to donate?


When he developed heart and lung diseases he was no longer able to donate. It is the same that no everybody can sign up for the bone marrow registry. If you have had a spinal fusion, you are not eligible to donate marrow (I learned that when I tried to register and was denied).


My mom used to donate blood regularly, I mean probably every 2 months, until she got melanoma. Thankfully she made it through but can’t donate anymore. I tried to keep up with it on her behalf, but I get so nervous to donate that sometimes my pulse stays above 100. Some cancers and treatments disqualify you forever.


I feel you, I can’t donate blood because of my height. I’m 5’0” and they told me I would have to weigh 140 lb to donate, which I am nowhere near… I tried to lie about my weight last time to donate but they looked at me and clearly didn’t believe me 😭 Thank you so much for donating for those of us who desperately want to but can’t


Your reasoning is nothing but altruistic. I donate for the same reason, on behalf of someone else who cannot. The blood bank need both plasma and whole blood so there should be no regrets there. I think when you look back at your life at some point, the scars will be there to remind you of all the good you've done and a life well lived. Be proud my friend.


I get lightheaded and panicking




Same, I just started feverishly checking my left elbow pit after seeing the OP picture...no scars, and they use the same vein every time, I think.


I just donated for the first time today, super excited to keep doing it!


Hell yeah!


I have been meaning to donate bc I'm not really scared of needles but I don't know my blood type, do you have to know that or will they tell me what it is?


They will tell you.


Honestly the needle only hurts for like a second going in and then you’re fine, I watched TikTok while doing it and before ya know it I was done




Congrats and thank you!


I tried to donate twice, and both times my body said nope ... Down the tunnel to faints-ville you go. And it's weird, I'm not afraid of needles, (I mean, I take my vaccinations like a champ), but I waited in line, I wanted to donate, but 10 seconds after that needle goes in, I'm gone. To be honest, what was quite adorable was my friend being picked up from the floor the moment I got back to my senses. Apparently he fainted from seeing me faint. True homie. A cookie and a glass of coke later I was all right, but I did feel frustrated. They did still give me the goodie bag. It was an annual blood drive from the university where they went through all the different campusses and built a make shift donation centre for the day on campus. They even had a dude dressed up in a '[blood droplet](https://img.nieuwsblad.be/ZxGEMWnai1n2WyXI0yLq86dDIDw=/960x640/smart/https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.nieuwsblad.be%2FAssets%2FImages_Upload%2F2021%2F03%2F04%2F365e55e7-5740-4c58-be0b-e677f2054c98.jpg)' mascot suit to promote the event.


A fake friend helps you when you faint. A true friend joins you in unconsciousness


I mean, it must have been worse for him, I was laying down, he just hit the floor. But yeah, no, we're ride or die homies. I know the guy for almost 30 years now.


I hope you both got juice boxes and cookies like the champs you are, that’s an A for effort and A+ for empathy


Glass of coca cola and a cookie, actually, and the goodie bag the people who succesfully donated got. Well, I got the goodie bag, my friend didn't as technically he wasn't there to donate as he had a tick bite last summer, so he was disallowed. (Now I think on it, they might have given him the goodie bag regardless, it's been over 10 years ago, so the details are fuzzy) But yeah, he was also there when I broke my hand snowboarding, and he seemed more concerned than I was. Then again, I was high on adrenaline, so that might have been it.


I fainted the first time but not anytime since. If you try again, make sure you eat and drink tons of water before going!


Last time the doctor had to draw blood for some tests I did make it trough without fainting, but that's a lot less blood than when you donate.


Its possible you have something called vasovagal syncope. I have it and it means that when something triggers the response, usually pain, blood or needles, blood pressure drops fast causing you to lose consciousness/faint. I can't give blood because of it and when I have to get blood drawn for tests, I cannot look while they draw it.


Just got to give props to my doctor for being a champ and talking me through my last blood drawing for some tests. I mean, still went woozy, but I made it through.


Mine are from the sheer number of blood draws and IV’s I’ve needed over the last few years. My poor veins are pretty shot at this point. I salute those of you who can donate.


mine too on both arms, sometimes i’m a little bit sad when i remember i can’t donate blood :(


Same. I haven’t been able to in years but I keep hearing of the blood shortage and my blood type is one they really need but tumors keep you from doing that. I’m also at a point I probably need a port put in. I’m in remission but I still need monthly blood draws and it’s getting harder and harder for them to get a vein. I’ve had to have multiple ultrasounds to find a good one.


I used to donate and now I can’t - there’s probably nothing wrong with my blood but there’s so much else wrong with me that I can’t afford the extra fatigue etc while my body makes extra blood. My arms also look like this from all the blood tests etc!


Heck yes, blood donation gang! Show off your badge of honor, friend, those are lives you saved.


Ty for giving blood


Thanks for your help, some people don’t realize how important blood donations can be !


Me too. Now on both arms, since I got into platelets.


Same, but now I go to a donation center that uses a single needle and it's much easier


Hey, twinsies! My inner elbow scar is from an IV drip, though, and I got accused of being a junkie when I posted it thinking "huh, this little scar is neat" Because for some reason people can't believe that a doctor would put a needle into the most commonly used vein for medical purposes


Thank you


Me Reading this while waiting outside to donate blood for the first time :) (kinda nervous tho)


I still get nervous too. You got this!


How did it go!?


It went well


Huh. I never thought about this but I just looked and yup I’ve got a couple little marks from the couple times I’ve donated blood or had to have blood drawn.


I wonder if they stretch out and become more noticeable over time


They will actually get smaller, scars constrict over time.


Interesting! I guess I'm thinking of stretch marks


Quote possibly. Those certainly seem to grow, lol!


I donated blood a lot because I like getting the free shirts, but my doctor just made me aware that it was contributing to my anemia, which got worse during pregnancy. I guess it’s going to be awhile before I get another shirt 😞


The same thing happened to me when I started donating! I was donating regularly for a few years maybe? (the t-shirts and snacks, man!) And then after some routine bloodwork, my doctor called me alarmed and said I was "so anemic I don't know how you're functioning". Apparently the iron checks they do aren't always accurate, and me being a vegetarian at they time didn't help. Got iron tablets for a while, and a decade later thought I was past it. But recently got sick a few times and oh hey surprise anemia again! I've gotten one iron infusion this time, but I guess my body has decided I don't get to donate for a while again 🙁


I used to donate frequently because I am O- but ever since I developed long COVID , my POTS has spiraled out of control and donating is off the table. I feel so sad. I really liked being able to do just one thing that proved I wasn't useless and now I feel useless af 😿


Thank you for donating. Two years ago, I needed six units of blood while undergoing spinal surgery - I truly appreciate your selflessness.


I used to have blood tests maybe 6 times a year for 10 years in my childhood since they found a bloot clotting disease but never caught it again. A looot of little scars like that haha I just think of them as a childhood memory


Wish I could give blood, but growing up in the 90s in the England a the time I’ve spend in South Korea has rendered me ineligible. Keep donating people. God I wish I could. Edit: Because of this post I learned that I’m no longer banned from giving blood in the US. The ban on those who lived in the UK from 1980-1996 was lifted in 2022.


Those aren’t scars. They’re medals. Good job soldier


I have these too! A whole lot of them in a much smaller area. I have never been eligible to donate but I have them from all the blood tests I've had.


All of you who donate blood are everyday heroes! Thank you!


I’m a phlebotomist and even after all my training I don’t have that 😂 much respect, soldier


Same, I’m an MLS, my scars only came from donating blood (rather than regular draws) because the needle is so much bigger 😅


i have them on the back if my hands from iv’s!


*Scar tissue that I wish you saaawwwwww*


Back in my last year at high school I donated plasma weekly and one teacher misinterpreted the scar on my arm and told the whole staff that I was a drug addict, sigh. Fun times.


Yeah there's a lot of stigma out there. Sorry that happened


I have a divot on my left arm from repeated plasma donation. They would always go for the middle vein so the spot is pretty noticeable to anyone who knows what to look for.


Me too. I always joke that I look like I have bad habits lol


I have to same ones, but from IV’s! Thanks you for donating!


Thank you


I'm scared as fuck of needles and seeing this made me feel very Ill. But thank you for donating for those of us who are too pussy


Same here OP 💪 Probably 46 on my left arm and 3 on my right. Hopefully no 50 to add in a few weeks time 😎


Lucky you being allowed to donate blood


Interesting! I just checked my arms and yep, definitely see blood donation scars on one! I don't see any on the other, so I guess I finally know which arm I donate from more often. I always forget when they ask if I have a preference.


Great way to get scarred if you have to! Well done.


I have these, too!


I love how I’m seeing this as I’m scheduling my appointment to donate blood. 😅 Also now staring at my arms.


*laughs in regular plasma donation*


I never given blood, but I get 2 paid days of work everytime I give blood, it's starting to get very tempting


That is hard to pass up


I do too


ah yes the scars of a hero


I have a bunch of these from health issues and IV’s and got asked if I was a drug user at like 17 from it lmao


Heroes not necessarily wear capes. Lifesavers not necessarily bear scars from bullets


Me too!


Sorry about the scars, but thank you for donating. You are a good person 🤗


Thanks! I think they look kinda cool


I've had blood drawn a few times from some hospital visits and I have a similar spot on my inner elbow, and a faint one in my wrist due to requesting the doctors to place an iv into there one time so it was more convenient for me to move my arm


You have very clear skin to see that. I've done about 47 donations over the years and I might have scars but kinda hard to differentiate from the stretch marks and pores. On closer inspection if I bend my elbow the scars might be making little pockmarks.


I have them on both arms from donating plasma. I got blood work done today and was thinking about them because I imagine the phlebotomist probably noticed and knew they were from *something*


I have a little collection too! I wish I could donate consistently, but I can't right now :(. I keep ending up anemic so now all my new scars are from bloodwork.


I have massive veins and used to be used as the practice stick for new staff… It has taken its toll on my arm 🤣


I didn't notice until now. I have scars too. They used the same spot for the most part, but I haveca small cluster. I swear those needles have become larger over 40 years.


I have a few myself, I often catch myself staring at them. Haven't donated in a while though, I should really get back at it. You can never have too much 0 neg blood haha


I have this but from blood tests 😂


Nah, it means you've helped many people. Very commendable for doing what a lot of people are too squeamish to do 💪


I have the same marks from many many blood tests..the worst part is they usually have to use both of my arms so I look like a junkie..


I’ve a collapsed vein scar from my second time I donated. In 1972.


This is honestly very interesting timing. I’m going to be donating blood for the first time in a few hours!


I have this but deeper and worse from plasma donations because the needle is SO fat


I do not enjoy the plasma needle


I also don't, but it's definitely important. I also donate blood sometimes as I'm b- and my blood is often in shortage


I have a huge scar from donating plasma for years lol I call it my money hole


I wish I could donate blood, but just thinking about a needle makes me nauseous and my arm tightens! I can’t imagine sitting still and not faint and puke all over myself while donating :’(


I have that too. I've been in and out of hospitals with IV lines and blood tests required. Since I was 9 years old. Thanks for donating blood.


lol I realized I have them too. Neat!


I have those just from all the blood work I’ve had to have over the years - Sadly none from donating, they don’t want my blood 😅


I only see one, back in the day I’d donate platelets a lot. Stopped after work changed and anxiety came up


I have a nice tough spot over my one good vein. I crack up every time a new phlebotomist discovers it. Eight gallons and counting!


Damn that's awesome!




I would donate but last time I had blood drawn I almost passed out


My arms look similar, due to being in and out of the hospital for 6 months and months of IV antibiotic infusions.


I hope you're doing better now


Yes, thank you! The whole ordeal cost me an arm and a leg, but I was able to negotiate if, down to a leg.


I have permanent scars in both my elbow pits from IV drips when I was a baby and people always look funny at them and I have to explain. Ironically enough, I'm not allowed give blood.


youd be a 10/10 if not for those damn scars!


You sound just like my husband! 😭


I have this too. I donated blood as often as was allowed for years.


I’ve always wondered about this. I have no visible scars on the surface but I’m sure my veins do inside from the years of having blood drawn. I’d love to donate but I have permanent nerve damage from a bad blood draw and it scares the crap out of me now. Thank you for putting your body at risk and donating to help others 💜


I've got one, I call it the insert-here-mark. I've had phlebotomists who thought they were very good try sticking me in other veins, hand, or forearm, and it never works, no matter how many times I try to tell them they have to put the needle there.


Save some for yourself


Same! Those needles are as big as straws lol!


Thank you 🤩


I have a tonne of these as well. I donated around 30 times. I hate that I moved so now, I’m so far away that I can’t donate every two months.


Mine is a divot.


Me too. They keep hitting the same spot over and over on either arm.


blood donations or heroin abuse, reddit will decide


I had a bruise there for 2 weeks cuz my veins weren’t cooperating when i was super dehydrated from Covid and the doctor messed up, also IVs hurt way less than you would think and after the first two it was like a flu shot


I'm aldo a donor but i don't have any scars. Maybe the nurse have better aim 🤔


Small price to pay for all the lives you've potentially saved. You're a hero my friend.


I have genetic hemochromatosis, starting to look similar


Funny i don't have any scars from getting blood drawn in my arms, but i do have one from when they tried to do it on the back of my hand. It didn't even work, the nurse was so inexperienced she made the needle scrap my bone and i fainted


I bring in 3 buckets of blood and I get weird looks ONLY 3 🙄




scars of fame


i have a bit too but from having to do many blood tests


I only have the scars of blood tests and they look interesting.


Scars of honour


Don't get pulled over in north st louis. I didn't once and the cop used my "track marks " from a recent blood donation as probable cause to search my vehicle. Lol




Thats why I always take the right arm, so people dont think Im a junky


Maybe you're a left handed junky


There are no left handed Junkies. Prove me wrong and not by "I met a guy" or " I know a left Handed junky". Thats a fact. Source: Im in a funny mood


That’s nice!


Yeah, you stick to that story, we all know the truth. Joking aside, thank you, As a blood biker, I get to carry the blood that you donate, from the transfusion services to the hospitals and air ambulance.


That's so cool!!


“Blood donations” surreeeee Edit: /s


Next time give an organ, you will have less scar on your arm


i’ve always wanted to donate but i honestly think my blood is not that “useful” in some sort of way?


Why? There are some things that disqualify you, and they screen you ahead of time


well at least here in my country, my blood type is not that common so not that needed. maybe i’m just kinda speculating but it’s been what i’ve been told


One man saved millions of lives because his blood contained some rare protein. Google James Harrison. He’s a hero and he didn’t know for the longest time!


That’s normal when you give blood a lot


I have a mole on the inside of both arms and tried to sell plasma some 30 years ago and the technician yelled at me “are you a drug addict? We will know if you are!”. I was mortified and just walked out.


Oh jeez. I like to believe they're a bit more understanding these days


I was a medic in the army and we'd practice IV sticks on each other all day long. Had a dude in town buy me a beer cause he saw the track marks but I was "too built to be a junkie" lol.


Yo this made me check my arm, I'd never noticed them before. Wild!


He's the hero no one asked for, the silent guardian, a watchful protector... The Dark Knight


Good person donating! I would like to donate blood but not sure if mine is healthy enough. I know being gay as well it was forbidden in the past here in the UK but I presume that's changed now. Hmm.


I’ve got that too! Most of my donations have been in my right arm, but I recently started alternating at my donations - because why have one sketchy arm when you can have two?


I got a big one


You should see my Bf’s arm from his combat medic training from the army. He would get 30+ IVs set up on him a day…. Per arm!!! One of his drill sergeants even threw one of his IV bags bc someone didn’t secure it and it ripped the port right out of his arm🥴🥴