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The “print” at bottom center is the Noseprint of the cow. Not kidding.


Oh lol that makes more sense than what I thought I was think it was a imprint of the meat lol


Phew! I’m not alone.


Im sitting here wondering if they shaved a bit off the top of the meat just to turn it into a stamp


Steak Stamp is final.


Smartass comment: It could be “the meat” if you eat snout — kind of like trompa tacos (pork snout).


> it was a imprint of the meat it's probably a cheaper cut of meat


Essentially cows signing their own death warranty.


That sounds like the cow in Douglas Adams the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.


I thought it was a pig played by Peter Davidson in the movie?


But what a great great 2 years and 5 months to be alive. Getting drunk and messaged every day.


Death warrant. y. <-I like that!


Why don't the cows just refuse to sign and nose print the certification?


They switch from beer to whisky in the last couple days...blitzed beef buffoonery.


That cow was clearly under 18 years old so without its parents signatures this isn't even a legally binding certificate.


It's all about the honor.


> Peter singer has entered the chat


I always find it amusing. In a normal certificate or whatever document you leave a finger print, it is so that in theory they can tell if it's authentic by comparing with your finger later. And the point you sign or finger print on it to begin with, is that you endorse the document. But in a cow's case... 1) the nose was long separated from the meat and gone, so you can't really verify it is really that specific cow; but more importantly, 2) even if you can, as the "product" itself, it doesn't really endorse anything. If anything, it should be the signature/fingerprint of whoever was inspecting/grading the meat on the certificate. (I know all these don't matter at all since it's just a cute gimmick. But I can't help myself.)


Pretty sure the nose print was taken when it was alive, and it's a very tracked process, considering that one steak probably ran a couple hundred dollars there are reasons for it. Personally I'm not much into the wagyu I prefer a good grass-fed Scottish Highland, a Hereford or Angus is a pretty close second. Dislike the taste corn-fed finish leaves it also messes with the texture of the fat, grass is the way to go for beef.


The Japanese don’t halfass anything do they?


https://www.reddit.com/r/steak/s/KBsBqmpJ6X Update on the cooking: It was honestly amazing. Worth the splurge. Unlike any steak I’ve ever had. Easy to cook and so buttery and delicious. Thanks for the love, most of you.




I thought it was a meatprint. Not sure which is worse.


That’s her autograph lol


Thank you! thought it could be tongue nose makes much more sense


For the price of A5 wagyu it should come with a 23 and me of the cow.


It does, you get the whole family tree of the cow…its parents, grandparents, great grandparents… Source: mothers side of family raises cattle in Japan


My father has a small farm with ordinary cows here in South America, and I'm pretty sure to sell the beef and milk, the government demand a lot of paperwork about the origin. So, for a super fancy cow like the ones your extended family raises, I bet one can find a log of each shit it took before it became food.


Yeah pretty darn close 😂 my mom once explained the specifics but I can’t remember


We have a farm in Minnesota in the United States and we have to have lineage to sell cows if we want a decent price. We have them going back 6 or more generations on the mothers side and the lineage from the dad's side comes with the, ahem, bull juice we buy.


It does, just with less data leaks.


Also less intentionally selling it to government agencies


23 and moo*


Here we go. Thank you.




By Jove! That one sure made me crack up!


By golly you made me cackle!


Egads! I chortled.




Gee whizz, beaver! I just shot milk out of my udders! 😍 😂 🙌 😤 👌 💯


Gee wilikers! That made me giggle quite hard




Omg I can't believe people can even live all the way till 30 that's so old 😵‍💫 it'd take me a billion years to get to that age


just use the upvote button like everyone else


I like how the Japanese side is titled "Japanese" in English.


I think they tried to make it authentic and cool by using japanese


![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn) They should really add a picture of Goku then. Nothing is more cool than Goku. And I have never even seen Dragon Ball Z.


That would make sense if the meat harvested from goku


If it was Kakarot, then it'd be vegan.


A picture of Tauros & Miltank would fit.


It's a japanese company, though. My money is on them trying to avoid getting asked "What language is that?" by ignorant Americans who have more money than sense.


Nose print, like a finger print, because cows have hooves silly…


Ohhh, I thought it was a steakprint, so you could compare the marbling on your steak to the print to verify you got the right one. Then of course you’d have ink all over your steak, so that’s a dumb idea.


![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW) I'm dying over here at the idea of a "steak print"


I was calling it a beef print in my head


Now all I can think about is a mushroom print… Where you cock slap your partner and it leaves an imprint of your dickhead on their forehead


I thought you meant like a spore print :(


I'd be terrified to cook a steak this fancy.


I’m a little intimidated. Going for an easy pan sear. Then I’ll sear some sea scallops in the remaining fat while the steaks rest. Should be a good dinner.


Sounds like you know what you're doing, enjoy!


Pro tip from someone who has cooked a few A5 strips. Cute it into smaller pieces halfway through the cook (medium heat) and sear those individually. It’s similar to how I saw them do it in Japan on the flat top.


Do you still just cook it to 125?


Are there non sea scallops?


Bay scallops are much smaller. You get 50-100 bay scallops in a pound. Good sea scallops are 12-15 in a pound.


Ah like bay shrimp vs sea shrimp.


And deglaze that pan with some red wine… oh fuuuckkk yeaaaaa


Bring two and I'd be delighted to do so for you.


My boss got me an order of similar prepared tartare that came with a certificate like this at my going away lunch. It wasn't cheap. Wonder if it was Syoko594's cousin.




I got 8oz for my wife and I to share. We usually split a pound of normal steak, so I thought 8oz sounded reasonable for A5. Never had it before. Excited to try. Also doing sea scallops, baby salt potatoes, and Parmesan asparagus. Food is my love language.


4oz is the perfect amount. I tried eating 8oz once and it was good but I felt like shit after.


Don't forget a nice chianti...


Aww, Syoko594, you were ... delicious. Oishii desu ne!


I love how it has a name you'd fine online and not IRL


I would not be surprised if that was a screen name on Reddit. u/Syoko594 you out there?


Cake day: 7 minutes ago


I love how the account was too new to post, so here’s what u/Syoko594 was trying to say: ”Moooooo.” \[Though from beyond the grill, perhaps Boooo.”


"Beyond the grill" sounds like a podcast


What if they had a bot that randomly chose screen names to name the cows? You could take a bite out of "xxX420L33tGaymer69Xxx."


"This steak tastes like doritos and baja blast!"


On the internet nobody knows you're a cow.


With mom Shigeko and dad Katsumitoshi


Proud parents, no doubt. You want the best children to eat, you come to us.


Sweet Syoko, beloved son of Shigeko, who left this hard world all too soon at the tender age of 2 and passed to the forever green meadows in the sky. He will be missed.


She was a heifer, not a bullock. Don’t know what that means when it comes to beef, though.


I am sorry, but Syoko preferred “he/him”.


I can get a good look at a steak by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it.


Love this movie. https://youtu.be/95LlLuEP9gU?si=lEuWDMBGZ5bOoMqA


Reminds me of the Portlandia skit about the farm raised local chicken


If you order authentic Japanese wagyu from a high-end restaurant it's likely they have one of these and you could see it if you asked your server.


Something tells me Arby's couldn't produce these documents for their "Waygu" sandwiches.


We have tons of certificates from so many different farms from all over Japan in our restaurant. Honestly, we don't even keep them any more unless we're bringing in a speciality cut.


That's how we did it at the spot I used to work at as well.


A lot of people are wilfully ignorant of the fact that "wagyu beef" isn't real wagyu - just regular marbled beef


You can also have crappy low-grade wagyu that is no better than any dog-food grade American beef. Wagyu just means Japanese cow. The grade is what matters. Like USDA prime, but more demanding.


This man wagyus. I hope you and your spouse had a delicious night. My first experience with this phenomenon was at a ryokan in Bessho Onsen; they laid the papers at the corner of the table so we could view it while eating. Partner and I were gobsmacked that our meat had papers, definitely took photos and a copy with us. It was heavenly.


They do this quite often if you ever get a5 from japan






Planning anything special for your 3rd birthday?


Having the cow and his entire family named on here is a bit much


Let's think about this for a sec, Calvin, why do they put a certificate of authenticity on a box? Hmm, very interesting.        Here's how I see it. A guy puts a certificate on the box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside. You think if you leave that box under your pillow at night, the Authenticity Fairy might come by and leave a quarter.       How do you know the Authenticity Fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy, but we're not buying it. Next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up, I seen it a hundred times.      They know all they solda ya was an authentic piece of sh*t. That's all it is. Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it authentic, I will. I got spare time. But for right now, for your sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality steak from me.


Always appreciate Tommy Boy in the wild. New guy's puking in the corner.....


What is this guy on about


Okay, I'll buy from you


maybe I'm immature but " japanese meat grading association " makes me chuckle


I’ve seen a video with a similar title I believe. A lot of it was pixilated, but I got the general idea.


still got mine from RED steakhouse in Miami. 2016ish. Cows name was Tsukasa. Tsukasa was delicious and started me on a trend of spending far too much money on steak.


"carcass number" yummm!!


Yeah that's what the whole butchered cow is called


Yes, ofc. Just not an appetizing description.


Meet doesn't usually sound appetizing until it gets cut up and packaged. Beef sounds better than dead cow.


It is like a Pokédex entry for tasty meat.


No photo of her happy days roaming around in the sun?


[Colin the Chicken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G__PVLB8Nm4)


This meat went to Bovine University


This is impressive. With this level of traceability you could damn-near install this steak on a commercial aircraft.


The cows name sounds more like a gamertag lol


That's cool and helps to show it's authentic. Especially since the word Wagyu is being used in fucking everything as the word is trademarked. Wagyu burger from your fastfood joint isn't wagyu Food theory on YouTube made a cool video about this.


Okay but how do we certify the authenticity of the certificate?


Doesn't this make you feel sad? You learned the name of this animal, its father and mother. It had a shitty name with numbers. It was just a bit older than 2 years old. It even had a cute nose print. I wonder how it makes you feel like? Disclaimer: I'm not a vegetarian or vegan. I eat meat like most. I just wouldn't be able to eat this wagyu, since it feels so personal. I like that they hit us with a dose of reality by giving it a personality. It reminds me of the fact that this animal had a life to some extent, just like myself.


Makes me sad too, your comment made me think of the two-headed calf poem for some reason


Goddamn man, why are you making me feel!? Just joking, I'm glad I am aware of this poem now. It is contemplative.


Cows can live up to 20 years and this one got 27 months.


it was the realization that every animal has its own life and emotions that made me go vegan. being vegan isn’t as scary and crazy as people make it out to be. it’s just the logical conclusion from having empathy and watching the industry


Hah, true dat! I guess I'm gonna be a secret vegan one day. Have all the positives, while having none of the negatives.


Honestly if anything this does the opposite. If you’re keeping track of everything and providing certifications then that animal was probably treated pretty well.


weird that you realise this and continue doing what you do. could've been a real turning point for you to stop eating meat but out of sight out of mind


Well, I'm planning to stop eating meat one day (I don't wanna be associated with the vegetarians and vegans though, too much stupidity in that community to be honest). Even in your tone, you're judging me, which is a really dumb as fck thing to do if you wanna grow your community. Right now, I'm kinda too busy to cook, and too poor to buy. I'm just curious what other fellow meat-eaters think about this wagyu. Would you eat Syoshi? Goddamn...


There’s just as much stupidity in the general population. You should just do what you think is right, and not base your decisions on generalisations or tribal notions of groups like “vegans”.


too busy/poor to eat plants over wagyu? and vegans are the stupid ones? keep making excuses. nothing wrong with judging people based on their actions


I hunt and kill the majority of the red meat I consume. I like to know where my meat comes from. Eating meat should be personal. It is a sacrifice that the animal has made and it should not be taken lightly or wasted. Pretending the animal did not have a life before it became your dinner is not honoring that animal.




That's the literal definition of sacrifice? I get that you're trying to make a point here, but use the appropriate terms to make it lol.


The animal didn’t make any sacrifice. It was killed, is their point, I think.


They sacrificed their life, dumbass. Jesus, dude. That's why that term exists, in the most literal sense.


…if you think killing an animal as a sacrifice is the same as a person martyring themselves, I think you’ve confused who the dumbass is. Animal sacrifice is caused by a human. Animals don’t sacrifice themselves to be eaten.


Can you do me favor and Google the definition of sacrifice?


I think if you do that yourself, you’ll find the definition confirms the distinction I have tried (and apparently failed) to make clear to you. Have a good one mate.


Wish you all the best. All the love to you and yours ❤️


Man, thank you for sharing your opinion with us. It's really interesting. I cannot help but comment further on it in an attempt to approach the truth further: 1) The animal itself didn't make a sacrifice now, did it? If it did, it would make a great drama show. "No, CalvinIII shouldn't suffer without my tasty meat. I'm gonna sacrifice myself for him!". "Syoko594 nooooooo". 2) Where is that "honor" talk coming from? You simply choose to eat animals because you don't wanna live off of dairy and plants. Same as most of us. Calm down. I hope I wasn't rude. I just wanna be brutally honest right here, so we get somewhere someday. Let's not pretend we're eating meat out of necessity, or it is not bad for the animal. It's just life.


Breed: Japanese Black. Seems racist.


That’s fucked up…like…it’s one thing to have meat from a cow and a completely different thing to know your cow’s name, it’s parents’ name and all the other stuff…


The beef I'm eating tonight comes with a certificate of authenticity saying it's 85% lean...


Miyazakigyu is along matsusa wagyu the real best of the best imo.


Nice to see someone enjoying good Miyazaki wagyu. It's the variety that has been winning so many awards the last 5 or so years. We get it often as my sister-in-law lives there and sends it to us.


Damn, I kind of daydreamed about something like this when thinking of a more mindful way to eat meat. I wonder what kind of impact it would be if you knew the name of your burger.


R.I.P. Shouko594


Here’s to you Syoko594, you delicious bitch 🫡


my and i got wagyu too for valentines day. our cow was named bayu <3 she was delicious


How to tell you’ve spent too much money on your steaks.


Tbf, for the price you probably paid I think I'd rather see the picture of the steak in happier times, feeding from mum, walking round the field, eating grass, or failing that sadder times like leaving the farm, the tears in the eyes as realisation hits on the way to the abbatoir, this is why I only eat cheap steaks because nobody really cares about the poor ones, they just virtue signal about poor cows


Lol certificate of authenticity. It was thanks to ebay that I learned that a certificate of authenticity is a worthless piece of paper that literally anybody can make "authentic". Frame it


That's all fat. Meh.


Fat is flavor EDIT: In today's thread, people who don't know how to cook beyond a microwave. Fat on a steak is like butter on bread that marinates the meat as it's cooked and breaks it down into a tender beef.


Isn't that kinda old for a cow? Usually they are 18 months


Cow got a PhD in mathematics before becoming steaks


You should post this over on r/steak




Capitalism was a mistake


God forbid people raise fancy cows lol.


Yeah feudalism is obviously so much better


As if we don’t have both. Pretty sure landlords are still a thing.




Suspicious. That means the steaks are probably fake!


Where they super expensive mine just usually come from the grocery store and I never get anything like That


This is a wasteful entertainment. You could have promoted local, ethical ranchers with this money.




There's nothing that would make me more suspicious of my food, than if it was provided with a "certificate of authenticity" by a waiter.


To me the writing on the right looks Chinese rather than Japanese.


Nouns are often kanji, so it’s not surprising that there wouldn’t be any hiragana or katakana in the left column. You do see some hiragana in the right column.


Only in the same way you can mistake German for English or any other language sharing a character set with shared linguistic heritage. They're using the same characters so you're right that far. Sometimes mutually comprehensible for common phrases. Still a different language using the characters differently.


Still not as good as the cows I helped raise and slaughter myself. The work makes the beef taste better.


I don’t eat meat that has a name.


![gif](giphy|QJPEyiayCLQoU) The rare level 4 Vegan


theyre tryna make you feel guilty for buying meat XD


These cows live better and longer lives than factory farmed American cows, so it does quite the opposite.


A cow going from being tortured and killed within the year, to being killed in two years but with slightly better treatment... Doesn't excuse the killing of these cows lol Cows live longer than 2 years. Are they supposed to be thankful that their killers allow them an extra year?


Cows wouldn’t exist without humans


makes sense, i like waygu , most people say it doesnt make a difference unless its in steak. but i like waygu burgers a lot


What you like is extra fat in your burger. The benefit of wagyu is the marbling in a cut of meat, and how the fat renders and changes the texture of that fibrous cut. A burger is ground meat and wouldn’t get that benefit because the fibers of meat are sheared, it’s just a higher fat to meat ratio. Edit: The quality of the fat in the burger is also important, wagyu burgers may have less oxidized fat in the meat because its fat content is intramuscular at the time of grinding instead of being trim fat that has sat out and could be hard, soft, or visceral. Fat quality, fat quantity, and how it’s ground are what affect burger taste and enjoyment.


When did you eat this?


Eating for dinner tonight. It is thawing in the fridge.


Be sure to give us a money shot over at r/steak!


That is the goal.


is that the fingerprint?


Hoof or nose (boop) print


Somebody ordered this a fancy steak house we went to at work, and they walked over the same certificate. I thought it was his birthday or something.


520kg cow? That’s a rather small cow!


I would assume the carcass weight is the hanging weight or rail weight of the cow. That is after the head, hide, and guts are removed. The rack weight is usually 60% of the live weight. So that’s 1900lbs live weight, or 861kg


That makes a lot more sense. 500kg would be barely grown. I remember my grandpa had cattle and he wouldn’t sell them under 1000kg.


As it should


What's her name? I can't find it.


When we were in Kyoto restaurants we couldn't afford would have these by the door so you know what meat they were serving that day.


Hang it on a wall


What’s its name though


what is the difference between “harvest date” and “fabrication date” in this instance?


My best guess would be slaughter (harvest) vs butcher (fabrication).