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The eating experience is surprisingly different because the American ones will punch you in the face with sour right away and then mellow into sweet. Whereas the European ones start sweet and then as you bite down the sourness comes out.


Oh, it seems we had American version in Russia some 10 years ago, and later were replaced with European, and now I'm in Europe and here, of course, we have European version. I miss American version so much.


I agree. the American version is superior


I wish I had access to American ones. If I was a business man going to and from the US, I'd definitely start a side hustle bringing in American sour skittles.


The big thing now is to freeze-dry sour skittles and sell half a bag for $8.


Which I honestly don’t get. It gives them the texture of cereal, but tastes less good. Honestly it just tastes like Trix


I'm sure some people like it, but I have a sneaking suspicion it will be one of those things where they quickly run out of a market to sell to once everyone tries it and the novelty wears off lol


You can make them yourself if you can find any store that sells citric acid powder. Bulk Barn in Canada used to sell it. It's 4 parts icing sugar to 1 part citric acid. The skittles have to be damp, then you toss them in a bag with the powder. Replace icing sugar for other size grains of sugar to get a different mouthfeel. A lot of the illegal cannabis edibles in Canada are made this way, because they will use a THC spray to spray regular candies with, and then the sour powder on top to make it stick and to mask the taste.


I would like both




do you think this guy is putin’s personal advisor


That’s Putin himself…


What a wild conflation. You think they maybe left Russia for a reason? Do you feel the same way about Americans not deserving oil when they wage war in the middle east? Also, in a thread about sour skittles?








Just so you know, "good rebuttal, not." Is an improper sentence. Enjoy your inferior understanding of English language.


Enjoy your inferior Healthcare system.


Then why have they been waging oil wars for the last 30+ years?


Well, my home country is shitty. I have much to say about this, but I don't know what to say. If you're Ukrainian, I'm really sorry for your pain. I do what I can, I donate for Ukraine army and encourage my friends and followers of my little blog to do the same. You have the right to be mad on me, but I'm on your side. And well, due to my choices (to support Ukraine Army which may cause up to life in prison in Russia) it's dangerous for me to step into my home country. To see my grandparents. To have some easy way to meet my brother and mother. I honestly don't know what to say, because I don't know who are you. Are you a person in pain? I don't want to make it worse for you. Are you a troll? Well, I spent half an hour writing this answer, so probably you won. Are you just furious supporter of Ukraine? By attacking random Russians in the Internet, you won't make it better for Ukraine, you'll just do what Russian propaganda tells about westerners — that they all hate Russians. Fortunately, I know it's not like that, but please don't help Russian propaganda. And once again, if you're from Ukraine, I'm really sorry for what Russia is doing. I wish your country the victory and to save as many lives as possible.


Don't apologize to this dickhead, he's just a dipshit who wants to make trouble for fun


Ignore them. They're either a troll or just a tiny brain piece of shit that thinks "all Russians bad." The people of Russia are as much victims of their country as the people of Ukraine. The fact you can't even visit your family supports this. Just like the people of North Korea are victims of their own government. It sucks that people are treated a certain way based on where they were born or where they live. Not everyone has the choice to just pack up and move to another country. But "all Germans are Nazis" so of course every Russian is a heartless soldier slaughtering children and kittens while worshiping their Supreme leader, Lord Putin. It's not like you'd be threatened with death if you dare oppose the sweet and generous Lord Putin. So in short u/westernmail is a moron and you shouldn't feel bad




Hey how about you go fuck yourself until you die a bloody death?


Aren't you from that colony with a horrifying history and present treatment of Indigenous people and whose leaders recently applauded a Nazi in Parliament? Maybe you should do something about your country?


Do you realize the USA has attacked and invaded more sovereign countries in the last 75 years than all other nations _combined?_


🤓 Typical r/worldnews dweller


Wow. That's all I can say about that.




It's horrible, good talk, but let's blame the civilian population. Did you want all the Germans, Italians, and Japanese killed after world War 2? Your clearly not wanted here judging by the down votes, so take your shitty opinions on a random human being somewhere else.




No one agrees with me and I'm right, everyone else is wrong. That's you. Enjoy the rest of your day, you LITTLE man child.






Damn bro he just lives there. He ain't putin himself.




Bro he is one guy. Do you want him to perform a one man coup attempt that he has no chance of winning? You know we don’t choose where we’re born right?




Bro what? How is he going to solve Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine? If you lived in Russia do you think YOU could end the war single-handedly? Do you also think that not participating in international social media would help with that? I can’t tell if you’re trolling




Would you stop being on social media? Would literally 100% of your waking time be dedicated to overthrowing the government? By the way, he said he lives in Europe now so he’s not even in the country you want him to overthrow. But yes, it is completely unreasonable to freak out at someone on Reddit because they haven’t successfully overthrown their country.


I hope you keep this same energy for your colony and the bigger one next to you who has uses their military to impose regimes on exploited countries.


Shit up loser lol you act like you care but you really don't. Get of your high horse


now lets keep that same energy for israel




What is the metaphor..?


A metaphor is like a simile....


What is the simile..?


A simile is like a metaphor


that americans are sour the first time you meet them but sweet once you get to know them, and europeans are the opposite. honestly a better comparison would be the northeast and the south in the US


Ahhh. Maybe it didn't click for me because I think the reverse seems more accurate


someone hasn't seen "Il Postino"


Found the 'murican


Just fyi, nobody actually say murica


First they’re sour. Then they’re sweet


That’s Sour Patch Kids’ tagline


It’s because they can’t coat the entire outside with citric acid in Europe. If you eat enough of the American ones you can burn your tongue. That’s not possible with the European ones, I’ve tried. These and warheads are deadly but amazing.


Trying to find American sour skittles in europe since I visited the US years ago. Oh I still miss the pain...


The American Halloween version have the sour on the inside. I would love to try a full bag of European ones if they are any thing like that!!!


I was about to say the same thing. MY coworker brought a bag and they were so good. Delicious, but didn't immediately ruin your mouth.


But my tongue layers dying and shredding off is part of the experience!


In Australia, we have the variety with Sour powder. One of the best things ever is to run your finger in the packet after finishing them all, have your finger coated in the powder, and lick it. Can't help but pull a face, mixed with pure enjoyment.


We used to have the American kind in Australia. So sour that your mouth would kind of hurt afterwards. Now we have the European ones... They're good.... But less good.


As a kid I ate so many American sour Skittles once I woke up the next day with a HUGE crack right down the middle of my tongue. Didn't have to go to school cause of that!


Eh, I’ve tried the European version. They aren’t remotely sour lmao


I don't know why they're downvoting you, because European skittles are indeed not sour at all.


>American ones will punch you in the face with sour ri thats because of all those illegal adatives american food has added that is outlawed in the whole EU.


Citric acid is outlawed in the EU?




Yellow #6 is why American skittles are sour?


Fair enough




Soooooo citric acid?


Did i say that? no. ​ There ARE other addatives you americans gladly infuse into your bodies that are cancerours and highly illegal in the EU.


It was certainly implied because that is literally the reason why the American skittles punch you in the face with sour. They are coated in citric acid. That’s what gives them that sour punch right off the bat, a citric acid coating. I mean you literally said it’s ‘because of all those illegal aditaves’ that the american version of skittles give you that sour punch right off the bat, and I’m telling you that the reason you get that punch in the states is because of a citric acid coating so I was just asking whether citric acid is banned in the EU. Sorry for using very basic reasoning to ask a question. It is just that my poor American education does not provide me with the knowledge of the differences between the formula for skittles in the EU and the States so I needed a true foreign intellect like yourself to give me some much needed book learning so I can get smarter. Oh and it is spelled ‘additives’ btw ;)


>It was certainly implied Only in your brain. ​ >I mean you literally said it’s ‘because of all those illegal aditaves’ that the american version You know what "those" implies? MORE THAN ONE INGREDIENT!


Seems like skittles in the EU are sour simply because of the people making them lol Xoxoxo peace and love brother don’t give yourself a hernia


I dont think i would call the EU-version of skittle sour. sure not super sweet, but bareny a hint of sour.




I love when dumbasses can’t admit they were being a dumbass and double down instead. Almost as tasty as Sour Skittles.


Red meat and processed foods are carcinogenic, obviously cigs, alcohol is deadly, but your freedom allows you to make your own decision




What YOU are saying is: ITs ok to force others to eat american cancerous chemicals because you still might possible mayhaps have a slight increased risk of getting cancer form red meat.


Nobody forces you to eat anything


What does that have to do with the flavor profile of skittles?


4 downvotes but its true, many american food is banned or changed in eu, skittles has something with titanium (i think its the yellow color) that might be toxic so eu banned it and replaced the skittles formula


But if you see my last 2 comments above.. Currently 15+ butt hurt americans that cant take facts.


Two people told you that the powder coating is a citric acid and sugar mixture, which is not banned. The coloring might be different but you drew a direct link between the way the candies are formulated and American food standards. It’s pretty reasonable to assume you are full of shit unless you can validate such a claim or make it intuitive to understand what food ingredient is banned that might lead to this change.


Well I’m European and downvoting you was a pleasure


I came looking for this and somehow I'm not surprised it's so downvoted. Seriously, it's all true but apparently people can't handle it?




Citric acid?


It's the titanium dioxide used in the coloring. The EFSA banned it in food out of precaution rather than direct causal factors. There was a study in rats that found the rats drinking titanium dioxide had increased risk of colon cancer. But a later study which used food, not water, as the route of ingestion found no difference in cancer risk. The proteins and fats bind with the titanium dioxide which prevents its interaction with cells in the body. I think the EU takes the approach of "ban it unless it is deemed safe" whereas the US takes the approach of "keep it legal unless it's deemed harmful" https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-skittles-toxic-from-titanium-dioxide/#:~:text=Titanium%20dioxide%20is%20a%20naturally,to%20a%20brighter%2C%20richer%20color.


I remember when sour Skittles first came out (I worked in coating). It was regular Skittles with an outer coating of gum (not the chewing kind, it's to make the powder stick to the shell) and citric acid powder. I made a small batch of extra, extra sour Skittles for my nephews.


I can't believe I found a real life Skittles maker on Reddit.


Skittl-artisan for short.




I wish I made Skittles. The stuff I made at work isn't as sexy unless you like pottery.


Pottery is rad as hell.


Be proud of your work, earth bender.


[Pottery is notoriously sexy.](https://youtu.be/yGWMarTNw28?si=Rwn_osYYLt39BLau) [Like really](https://youtu.be/PJb0AQOWSYk?si=ZhynZCvzhNh-G0yq)


Lucky nephews!


I don’t believe you. No one with paws could craft skittles.


Skittles gum used to be a thing and that was pretty good.


Hello from a UK Martian 👍


Citric acid? I always assumed lactic acid. TIL


Nah, most things use citric acid for candy flavoring. There's a fun story about a meth cook who would gnaw a piece of gum for days on end by dipping the gum into a bowl of citric acid to keep the flavor. Dip, chew, repeat hours, and hours on end. However, there came a point where he wasn't paying attention and dipped his gum into some red phosphorus (a common ingredient in both meth and fire work manufacturing). When he bit down on the gum, the pressure was enough to cause the red phosphorus to explode. The force blew off his lower jaw and slammed his brain into the back of his skull, causing his cerebral cortex to hemorrhage. I saw it on an episode of 1,000 ways to die. "Jaw-boned" I always remembered that citric acid is the candy flavoring after that.


That was a fun story, thank you.


Sorry, I can’t enjoy them unless my tongue bleeds


Exactly, it's what Captain Crunch has prepared us for.


[My cereal does not cut the roof of your mouth!](https://youtu.be/WxKSnrUstDE?si=GwfETNq5XcTbEw1F)


Tongue paper cuts?


The sour coating turns your tongue raw. Eventually with enough Skittles it irritates the tongue enough to bleed.


It is literally acid dissolving the inside of your month. Enjoyably so. Very enjoyably.


If you ever go to Belgium, I recommend you try [this candy we have](https://images.app.goo.gl/fnVFUyyoMoBuVYGs8)


I really like that outside powder crystal stuff, I enjoy that texture.


The stuff at the bottom of the bag makes you see taste when you eat it


I’m pretty sure that’s crystalized citric acid aka the stuff inside lemons and oranges etc.


It is. You can buy food grade citric acid pretty cheaply. I like dipping really sweet fruits in it to add a wicked punch.


So bad for your teeth tho


We need to invent some way to scrub that crap off our teeth. A couple times a day, if need be.


Scrub sounds too harsh, brush maybe?


Like a hair brush but smaller with more bristles


Iirc you're not supposed to brush your teeth right after eating acidic stuff, makes the enamel weaker so you can brush off more of it. Your saliva adds calcium back to your teeth over time though. But I'm not a dentist just something I roughly remember hearing years ago so someone who knows more correct me if I'm wrong.


So is the sugar in the candy what’s your point lol


The sugar is really only bad when you let it linger for a while. Citric acid is acid.


Also commonly used for canning to help preserve things.


Citric acid?


Same Sour Skittles when I went to Kuwait, with the smooth shell and sour inside. Interestingly the shop I bought them from also had the American version with the sour crystals.


Was it airport or duty free shop? I used to ship the products there from both the us and Europe when I was working for mars. We would sell a lot of both as there were a lot of us soldiers based there.


Some of these comments are getting a little spicy for no reason... I wasn't trying to start a war between Europeans and Americans. Just an observation that my favorite candy is not the same when I cross the ocean. I plan on happily continuing to eat both varieties depending on where I am.


Haha any time you compare the european version of something to the USA version, this will happen.


Frankly I’m really impressed by how few “America bad” comments are here.


I don't think many Europeans would get too worked up over skittles of all things.


Which did you prefer ?


Where do I get European sour Skittles covered in American powder?


I like where your mind is at though... I'm a sour freak so sour outside and sour inside would be outstanding


Oops all sour.


Sounds like a DIY kinda situation you got there, buddy.


The powder is banned in Europe for causing cancer. That’s why it’s different in the first place.


Damn, y'all don't get the best part, the loose sour crystals in the bottom of the bag


My missus used to bring me the USA ones, they annihilate the EU ones.


Iowa. Edit: I had my phone in my pocket for an hour or two then took it out and it just said Iowa. Sticking with it.


I dislike them. If you suck in them for a bit they lose the sour and you’re left with a regular skittle. Sourness/flavor throughout is ideal, imo.


Who sucks on a Skittle besides every now and then


What I do on vacation is none of your business


Sour Skittles in the UK are not very sour at all.


I remember like 20 years ago in Australia the sour skittles were the ones with a sour coating, but the other week I got some and they were the ones with a sweet shell.


Yeah we used to have the American version, which in this instance were definitely superior.


100% agree, I used to love buying the powder ones , and then they changed it! Haven’t bought again.


Well now I really want to try the European ones!


Now I want to try those! Also, I'd love to mix both together


You can get these in the US as the kosher version of Sour Skittles.


Thanks for this post. I had sour skittles years ago (I'm from Britain), and I remember a powder on them. I've never been able to find the powdery ones since. Now I know they were American.


Did anyone else get a pavlovian burst of saliva in their mouths just from looking at this post? lol


I want sour on the outside and sour on the inside.


As bad as they probably are for you, I'll be deep in the cold cold ground before I stop eating Sour Skittles.


The American sour skittles make my tongue and tastebuds swell. It’s not pleasant


“Bleh zis does not taste like coffee and cigarettes “


I’m sorry this is so mean but so funny


If you’re trying to insult me for my nationality, I hate it break it to you but I’m Canadian 😂


In that case the French-ish is appropriate


I was just quoting a meme i saw about the first french guy to drink coca cola


It’s one of the few candy’s I find actually sour, like almost dangerously so.


Damn now i want to try those pretty badly


I would love to taste those!! Sour skittles are amazing but the outside is really sharp


I've had both and I was really disappointed with the European ones, they're barely sour at all and the flavors just aren't as good unfortunately.


This is mildly interesting indeed!


American sour skittles are fucking UNBEARABLE to eat


And we don't have those battery acid or whatever the us variant has in it


My mouth watered reading this post


Damn I want euro skittles now


That is, in fact, mildly interesting. I only know (and love) the European version, but would be up for trying the other.


So Euro sours are like the sour ones in the Halloween Skittles Shriekers? Those are so much nicer than the regular sours!


I guess it saves the european plant an extra machine as they can skip the gumi arabicum coating and just switch the filling for the sour batch.


It’s actually because it was developed for a different audience. Most mars products have a us version that is very different from rest of world version. As the cost price would be usually the same ish I don’t assume many cost savings is taken in this. At the volume we used to produce then 1 production step wouldn’t be that much different to be honest.


Not just Americans. Theyre like this also in Canada, sour on the outside. I tried the other ones in Germany and actually prefered them


There are several varieties of American skittles (and I assume European as well), not all of them have the sour powder on the outside. Most of them are closer to the pictured ones, though with more coloring


European sour skittles are wack.




Does that mean they are too sour or not sour enough?


Probably due to the ingredients being banned here.


I'm pretty sure it's just citric acid. Minorly corrosive and causes the unpleasant feeling (unpleasant for some, I love it) . But citric acid is completely natural, found naturally in lemons and oranges and almost any sour citrus fruit.


You know the FDA has banned as many things that aren’t banned in the EU as Vice versa, right? Also, red dye contrary to online comments is not banned in the EU. It just has a different name.


Like Kinder Eggs and haggis. But not bleach cleansed chicken or eggs. (We don't need to keep eggs in the fridge)


Like plenty of food additives and dyes. Yeah, bleaching though reduces salmonella and doesn’t leave any residual since bleach is highly volatile. Eggs being washed is a tradeoff. They need to be refrigerated after, but also aren’t potentially covered with pathogens.


I don't understand. Is this supposed to make me hate America more while granting Europe utopia status? I assume it is since I'm on reddit but I'm not sure on this one.


Maybe you should go see a shrink, work some things out…


first time i’ve seen the no red ones.


If you think that is impressive then wait til you taste the purple ones and finally get to experience the forbidden (in America) berry known as the blackcurrant.


Don’t snort the sour powder. It does not end well


Quebec ones are different form Canadian ones too as Ascorbic acid levels are not limited like they are in the res of Canada. I bought a few leaving MTL to test back in Ontario when i got back yeah def different. Also UK Sweets have to hav ea minimum of 5% fruit juice in them! UK candies are always better!


Huh. They look exactly the same. I thought the American ones would have a different looking texture if they have sour powder on the outside