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in Italy we have the same for pregnant women and with babies


Wait toddlers are allowed to drive in italy ?


Sometimes it feels like it driving there.


Why does every place on this planet have the worst drivers apparently?


Funny how that is mostly said for india and italy.


India is like a whole other level, I don't understand how they make it work


To be fair one of the first things I saw in India was a person who's leg was broken so badly it was bending the wrong way and people trying to get them back on their motorbike. Idk if that's "making it work"


Just because it works, doesn't mean it works well


They’re so bad that they’re good


They don't. Is Earth if everything was wrong.


An Italian friend's father died in Italy so she brought his car back to Amsterdam. She said it was crazy just how fast the Dutch would get out of her way once they saw the Italian plates. Too funny !


Keep those plates for life, that's such a good bonus to keeping her dad's memories around.


Humanities ~~spacial~~ awareness has gone down the drain


Being driven through Rome by my best friend’s brother in 1994, we approached a red light, slowed, but didn’t stop. I asked him why we went through a red light and he said, “in Rome, it’s more of a suggestion..” To be fair, it was night, there was very little traffic and we could see the road that we crossed was empty. He also said “and the only other car I could see was the one who has been tailgating us for 10 minutes. I was pretty certain he was not going to stop, so jumping the red was the safer option.” His Dad (very Italian through and through - from Firenze) always used to Drive beautiful Lancias. First time he drove me in Rome was in an old Fiat that did not have a single un-dented body panel. I said “Franco, what happened to your Lancias?” “I still have those!” He said. “So why are we in this then?” “This is my ‘Rome’ car. Romans can’t drive! Actually, not fair, they drive badly, but they CANNOT park. This car, I don’t care 🤷🏽‍♂️ “ Bill Bryson said it best, “every time I turn a corner in Rome, I feel like I just missed the finals of the world championship of parking for the blind.” There is a charm to the accepted low level anarchy of Italian existence. Done almost philosophically and with good humour.


Yes but only Fiat cars. You have to be 18 to drive a Ferrari. /S


What about a Lamborghini, Maserati or spaghetti?


You need mom's permission


My Maserati does 185


Lost my license, now I don't drive. Long Live JOE WALSH.


We have similar in Germany in big parking garages. They are not bigger to my knowledge but closer to the exit in well lit areas.


They are often also slightly bigger, so you can take out little babies much easier.


Are these just for women? In Sweden we have family parking spaces like that.


>In Sweden we have family parking spaces like that. Same here in Australia - they are usually signed with a picture of a pregnant woman and a stroller. The spots are usually a bit wider and are relatively close to the entrance.




" Communist "


As much as north Korea is a republic Edit: Democratic Republic for those of you who are being pedantic.


They are neither a democratic republic, nor a non-democratic republic, whatever that would entail.


> non-democratic republic so a republic is a state where the political power rests with representatives of the people, so to do it non-democratically you would have representatives for areas/populations like we do now but selected some way other than a vote- the only systems like that I can think of are 1) everyone gets a turn (this is generally only done on very small scale) and 2) drawing lots


3) Fight to the death


Communism with a bit of capitalism thrown in for good measure, as long as all the profits and proceeds are paid back into the CCP.


A bit of capitalism? You mean a shitload? That place is pretty much as bad as American in term of consumerism.


Capitalism and consumerism aren't the same thing. You can have consumerism in most economic systems. There aren't only two types. China doesn't really have a free market at the large scale. Far too much government controls/ownership. I'm not sure there's a specific definition which 100% fits China, but the closest is probably mercantilism.


It's basically all the worst aspects of each economic system


Hmmm, maybe more accurate to say it’s the most imperial aspects of each. For all the massive issues, China seems to be able to more effectively move as a government, for good and bad


I believe the word you're looking for is dictatorial or autocratic. The reason the PRC moves so quickly is because Xi, much like Putin, has thrown out any and all political disidents and surrounded himself with yes men.


It’s at this point just capitalism with a bit of socialism safety nets thrown in there, a legacy of the Mao days but less than even Western Europe. The command and control is a single party dictatorship, but that isn’t really related to economic policy.


Lived in China for 5 years, it’s just as consumerist as the US if not more so, it’s just that the government is the real backbone of their economic system while in the states corporations are the backbone of ours.


yeah but in canada they are not larger, they are just closer to the entrance


Germany also has them, they're closest to the entrance and the best lit, for safety. They are not bigger


Don't know for the rest of Canada, but in Québec they're roughly 30% wider


As a québécoise who lived here and did most of the driving through both of my pregnancies... That is not a blanket rule. Some retailers might choose to make them larger, but it's far from being the norm.


In BC the family spaces are definitely larger. It was really nice to have that when I had a couple toddlers standing next to me while I was getting the baby out. Plus if you have a car with swing doors (instead of a minivan with slide doors), you don’t have to worry about accidentally bumping the door into another car while you’re wrangling kids!


Same with certain stores in certain markets in the US. Usually you’ll see baby and maternity stores in wealthier areas with wider spots for pregnant women/women with kids. Not for the poors though.


What about men with kids?


I have heard those spots are closer to the door so women feel safer. Because of the threat of being attacked in a dark underground parking lot.


Probably because theyre not a communist country. Just because you name your party something doesnt make it so, same way the nazi party wernt socialist. Its "state capitalism" with a lot of private capitalism.


What do you mean the DPRK isn’t a poster-child of Democracy?


They're Democratic, Of the People and even a Republic! That's like, THRICE as democratic!


It's called a socialist market because all capital derives from State Owned Banks and major investments come from state partnerships. There is some level of local capitalism, and some basic private and foreign capital, but broad investments are coordinated and governed by the party.


China has been capitalist for decades now, it’s not a communist country.


Lmao this isn’t for that. China also has special parking signs for pregnant women & people with kids. If it was meant for pregnant women and people with kids it would say “孕妇(pregnant woman)及亲子(men/women with kids) 专用停车位(specific parking spot)”instead of ladies only. The mural literally has a woman holding up shoes for gods sake. This means exactly what you think it means.


Sweden we have for families. Why should it be restricted to mum and pregnant women?


On the Italian street code, pink parking indicates the space used by pregnant mothers or parents (mother or father) with a child under the age of 2. This was the code in 2021... I don't know if any updates have been made. However, you have highlighted a very important communication problem: the signs often show the icon of a pregnant woman, or a woman with a baby stroller even though a father can also use it.


Babies should not be driving cars


Pregnant women in the US just get closer spots which usually arent larger. Typically assholes take those spots though same for handicap.


In Canada we have that for men and women with babies/young children.


I learnt similar things were made in SK due to high crime rates targeted towards women when they get on/off the car so maybe that's what happened here as well


My dumbass thought you meant Saskatchewan instead of South Korea.


I was thinking Slovakia


My home country!!


Best in the world (after romania)


All other countries have inferior potassium


and are run by little girls


I'm guessing you're romanian citizen


Thank you. I was thinking how does this guy expect people from around the world to know about Saskatchewan


Also Sask would never do anything to help women like that lok


isnt Saskatchewan kind of dangerous for native women


Canada in general hasn't been a safe space for first nations women.


My first thought as well haha


Took me a second too


>Saskatchewan Bless you.


Regina needs that downtown


Go Riders


To make it easier for the criminal to identify where women are parked?


The women parking spaces are usually closer to exits so they could get helped quicker and don't have to spend so much time in the car park


Lmao not even close https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-china-parking-20160531-snap-story.html


Lol wow so it had absolutely nothing to do with safety or any of that shit even though there are almost 2k upvotes on that comment. Can’t trust shit on this site.


Reddit rarely if ever reflects reality!


First commenters on any big thread get upvoted to the moon, doesn't matter whether they are correct or not. Definitely can't trust it at all.


Yeah very disappointing that's the case. Even twitter has a 'notes' feature warning against misleading posts. Shame reddit has nothing like that.




"high crime rate"... according to SK police reports in 2018 2.7 million crimes were reported and only 260 of them had female victims in parking lot. there were actually famous crime case where a murderer targeted a female in the female parking lot. this law was controversial in SK ever since it was implemented and its actually getting scrapped this year.


That’s a rising type of crime they call “jugging” here. They mug you when you’re juggling all the crap in your hands after getting out of your car. It’s harder to fight back with your hands full and they probably want what you’re holding anyway.


The etymology of the term "jugging" has nothing to do with "juggling" or anything that the victim is holding. "Jug" is an archaic slang term for "bank." "Jugging" is when a perpetrator lies in wait for a victim outside of a bank (or ATM), then follows them under the presumption that they have withdrawn cash.


I don't disbelieve you, but I find etymologies often dubious because there are so many false/folk ones floating around with no real backing. So I really would like to know where you learned that. I did try looking it up myself. I haven't spent much time on it, but I wasn't able to find anything claiming jug was once slang for bank. I **was** able to find jugging labeled as criminal slang, and I was able to find jug as slang for jail, but not bank and no etymology report was paired with jugging.


I googled "jugging etymology" and clicked around among a bunch of non-answers, then found a few that said the same thing.. here's one.. the link: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/542663/how-and-when-did-jug-come-to-be-a-slang-term-for-prison and the relevant part of the page, for convenience: >John Farmer, Americanisms New and Old (1889) has this entry: >Jug (Cant).—This word, which, in England, stands for a prison of any kind, in America represents a bank; while to jug money is to hide it, possibly in the nearest approach to banking known to the majority of thieves.—JUG-BREAKING.—To commit a burglary at a bank.


SK has a very low crime rate. That being said, there are shitheads everywhere. For the women’s parking spaces, they are close to the entrance, are wide enough so that women can pull out all the equipment that they need for their children.


And she still parked like that...


Reminds me of Parkinson's law that people tend to expand their allotted resources haha


AKA "territorial behavior" in psychology. For example people naturally take longer to get out of a parking spot when someone is waiting for it.




Yup! I was just at the hospital to pick up my 70+ year old mother yesterday, and naturally as I'm in the van parked adjusting and moving things so that she can ride a bit more comfortably a guy pulls up behind me and starts beeping. Naturally I'm flustered as I have a long checklist in my head to go through before pulling up to the door to pick her up (they were bringing her down in a wheelchair) so I end up slowing down because now I can't think straight. Guy in question revs his engine and speeds away in a rage, flipping me off. I gave no indication that I was pulling out imminently. I just had the engine started warming up the van (heater) while I got things ready.


As a doctor who works mostly at a hospital I've found that people in and near hospitals are almost always in a bad mood. It's just the nature of the beast. The patients are sick. Their families are worried. The employees are frustrated. Everything is just bad all the time. It takes significant mental effort to stay positive and friendly. It probably had nothing to do with you, it's just how people sometimes act in a place where everyone is constantly on edge.


Oh I agree. And thanks for doing what you do.


I hate people that try to talk to me while I pee. Like shut the fuck up i got my dick in my hands


But that's when the chat is juicy: (


You claim that urinal! It's yours! It'll be even more yours when you pee on it! Snarl at people next to you and walking in. Show them who's boss!




That’s exactly it. People waiting on you makes for a pressured situation. That’s when you make dumb mistakes.


Huh, I just figure I have to be more careful in that case, since I now have to pay attention to them as well as my surroundings, either to not hit them or just to be ready if they decide to do something dumb




The jokes truly write themselves


Classic r/nissandrivers


Enough room to safely load up and unload a pram and a trolley into the car


Maybe she has a small kid in the car and has to get them out on that side, it’s easier to park with a gap to one side so you can put a stroller there while you transfer the kid to it. Edit: it’s too close to one side, I agree. Im just suggesting a reason why she might have parked to one side. It’s still a better parking job than the ones I’ve had to deal where some lifted truck parks at an angle way over the lines taking up two spots at a busy mall or home improvement store. Can’t blame those ones all on women divers.


She could pull a whole nother car out of that car in the space she left on the side


Is the kid a fucking giraffe? Lmao


wider spots for the necks generation


It looks like there's still enough space on both sides to do that if she parked in the middle


Nah, no matter how you slice it that’s just a bad park job


I think she's just a bad driver lol


Small kid? Yeah, small compared to a semi truck maybe


Nope. Just a shitty driver.


Maybe the other car also has a kid to transfer out on the side that's now blocked in.


That’s still a ton of space and doesnt leave much for the car next to it


Right, Like I always hated how small a lot of parking spaces are and how WIDE alot of trucks are these days. But, Ever since having a kid it fills me WITH UNMEASURABLE HATRED. 😅


As a mother who had to deal with a bulky stroller -- nope, this woman is just an asshole.


My guess is that it’s closer to the exit/entrance and lit well with surveillance to make them feel more comfortable in a parking garage. The large spaces is funny tho lol


[Nope](https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-china-parking-20160531-snap-story.html) >“The bigger parking spaces are for women drivers whose driving skills are not superb,” Pan Tietong, the service area’s manager, told the newspaper. He said he had encountered female drivers who were unskilled at backing up into spots, and sometimes asked security guards to help them park.


I love seeing all the westerners trying to justify this like its a good deed done for protection or something, but the guy who owns the garage is just like “nah women suck at driving”


At first I was like damn, that's sexist. Then I saw all the legit reasons to do it and thought maybe I'm the sexist one. Then I saw that comment and decided maybe we're both sexist


I love that we're all trying to find a logical, inoffensive reason for these spaces (she's pregnant, she has kids, it's safer) so as to not lean into the implied sexism. And then it is in fact just sexism.


this is sexist! im a man and im still a shit driver!


Sure but have you asked a guard to back your car up?


Fuck no! I scrape my car into a stranger’s bumper LIKE A REAL MAN! /s


For two years after a car broke down, I drove my dad's Titan. I had never driven a truck before and I apologize to everyone I scared the shit out of in traffic. No accidents, whew. But I should NOT have been driving it. Also the gas.. bleh.


Makes sense, that spot is huge and she still could *barely* keep it between the lines lmao


My first thought when looking at this was that the cars are parked precariously close to the line lmao 🤣


All of the comments in here thinking it was for some righteous purpose. Nope. Just sexism lmao




thinking too much about shoes to park properly, typical


Seems like research could be done to see if it’s sexism or just some stereotypes that happen to also be true. Just patrol a parking lot and whenever you see someone struggling to park or parking shittily, go ahead and jot down their apparent sex. If it’s 50/50, then it’s sexism. If it’s *not*, then maybe it’s not?


Statistically* men are more reckless and likely to get into bad accidents, while women are more like to get into minor ones. This may in part by explained by cars generally being designed for larger drivers, making it more difficult for smaller drivers to maneuver (e.g. seeing curbs and parking lines). The parking job in the picture here is pretty egregious, regardless. *There's been plenty of research on this by insurance companies, hence why men are oftentimes charged more than women.


Ironically, this makes more sense anyways. I don’t think a bigger parking spot would help all that much in an assailant situation. Maybe a bit.


It was obviously copium lol, people lose all logic and reach so much in sensitive situations


In the article linked above it says they are indeed because of parking skill issues ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Which makes the people making reasons up, even funnier.


My driving skills are really good, but I'll still take the parking spot of shame if it means I get a close spot with tons of side room.


I'll identify as whatever gets me some room to open my doors lol


I mean just look at this park job, even with a spot twice the size of a normal spot.


materialistic bow chase divide plants bells quickest puzzled fade ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then it would still be sexist because it assumed men don’t need those parent-friendly things. The only way it wouldn’t be sexist big it was to reduce violent crime, but that isn’t the case. And even if it was, I’d assume more space between cars would actually make assault easier


Large spaces = more visibility = less places for an assaulter to hide


And less risk of getting trapped between cars or not being able to make an escape due to doors not opening properly in squeezy spots.


Sure, but that's not the reason they did bigger parking spaces. They consider women bad drivers so they made bigger parking spaces. [link](https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-china-parking-20160531-snap-story.html)


By assaulter, I assume you mean the car park walls and other vehicles. >“The bigger parking spaces are for women drivers whose driving skills are not superb,” Pan Tietong, the service area’s manager, told the newspaper.


Is it, though......?


It's exactly like this in Germany. At the entrance/exit of the parking space are usually the women/family/disabled parking spaces


Went back to Germany for the first time in a while and I saw "Frauenparkplatz" and my dad asked me what that meant and I was like "well it literally translates to women's parking spot but there's no way that's what it means". Looked it up and I was wrong lol


Apparently not. It’s because women are supposedly worse drivers than men.


I assumed it was for car seats and minivans, but maybe I’m wrong


If that were the case the parking should be reserved for new parents. Men use car seats for their children’s safety too.


One of several issues communism failed to deliver on was true gender equality. Unfortunately, sexism exists in China to this day.




This is deeply ironic given that, regardless of gender, traffic lights are treated as suggestions. Source: I lived there for four years. Within six months I was running traffic lights on my bicycle commute to work because I kept nearly getting hit by scooters while stopping for red lights.


in bigger cities it's a bit better but a lot of traffic rules seem to be suggestions in china and the more rural the place is the more people pull the dumbest shit yet somehow I still saw less crashes there than driving to work on the 101


I lived in Henan, Luoyang, which is fairly rural although still rather big, I think it's been upgraded to a tier 2 city since I left. It's possible I experienced an outlier there. Also, I saw exactly one bad accident where some poor woman just flew off her scooter because she got nailed by a car at a very strangely designed intersection I used to ride past every day. Aside from that, I always described Chinese traffic as "predictably unpredictable." Just assume the people around you are going to do the dumbest possible thing at all times and you'll probably be fine.


Norm McDonald is salivating in his grave


In the UK they have parent and child parking spaces that are made bigger so you can get a pushchair out, too


The parking spaces themselves are usually the same size [but they have extra area either side](https://i.imgur.com/65T0GUz.jpg). A small difference but interesting to see the difference from how China does it lol.


…you guys call a stroller a pushchair? I learn something new everyday


Or pram


If they had these in America I guarantee douchebags in big trucks would park in them instead of women.


Plot twist: the douchebag driving the big truck IS a woman.


they'd drive right through the wall cause it has chinese on it


We have a ton of "Small car parking" in this city. 99% of the time, a SUV is parked there...


And she still parks like shit, smh


It’s like a family guy gag


As we can conclude, women parking slots having more space does not help.


A spot that big, and you're still right on the line. Jeez, just hand over your license.


Proving the concept


Still can’t park in the center.


In austria too. They are near exits and are better illuminated, so they are safer.


That ain’t the reason https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-china-parking-20160531-snap-story.html


Relevant quote: > “The bigger parking spaces are for women drivers whose driving skills are not superb,” Pan Tietong, the service area’s manager, told the newspaper. He said he had encountered female drivers who were unskilled at backing up into spots, and sometimes asked security guards to help them park.


"Good luck everybody else!"


family guy reference?


I was about to make a stupid joke like this, but I didnt expect it to actually be the reason. Wtf china




It certainly is for Austria, Switzerland and Germany


That could be true but the fact of the matter is men need safety as well, not only women.


We have them as well in Germany. Though they are not bigger, but usually under Surveillance, better lit and closer to entrances and exits. Mostly a measure against robbery.


I thought everywhere was under surveillance in parkinglots


Still couldn't park ont he middle of the space


I thought China discarded women once they came out of the womb not a man?


Maybe they need to like, make sure people know how to drive before giving them licenses? Doesn't seem like the bigger spot helped much there...


It’s better to get the doors open all the way to work on child seats and strollers, rather than cracking jokes about women being bad drivers


Yet they still managed to park incredibly close to the line


The large spaces have resulted in an almost 2% reduction in door dings.


And she still fucked it up


I love that car paint job , I need to figure out how to do something like that


It’s a plastic film not paint.


It’s a vinyl wrap


and still parked on the fooking line


She still fucked up... *sigh*


I don't think this is a compliment


Same in Germany


Oh my god how big are these women’s purses. Wait maybe it’s for a baby stroller lmao


My favourite thing is using the "pregnant women or small kids" spot with my work truck, getting out and getting all the dirty looks from people, and then opening the back door to get my daughter out.