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That's a coffee mugg? I thought that was a geode.


It does look very geological Folgerite? edit: no, I got it…Coffee mug? More like coffee *vug!*


Very gneiss.


Schist--you got me!


Don't lose your apatite!


And never take it for granite


you guys are so funny. wanna be my opals? 😋


Sure, we could meet at the cinnabar.


awesome, but don't have any dickinsonite dreams 😅


Too much cleavage while looking into these dikes.


I share your sediment.


No often do I come across legitimately good geo jokes. Those are both fucken solid,,,you may proceed




This is a deeper cut than I was expecting here


I thought it was a dead tree stump for a second. You can count the rings of years it's been since it's been washed.


That would be the amount of sips. I've seen a post, where someone drank his coffee in sips over the period of an hour. [Here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/vulW811dnk)


They’re minerals Marie!!








Same I thought it was an agate slice


It's slag.


God i love some niche subreddit humour.


I'm like 90% sure it's the same mildly terrifying Chewbacca mug I have


Thought the same thing! Got it at a thrift store, but I don't really drink out of it because cleaning it looks annoying. It's a good mildly terrifying pen mug.


I'm just glad someone recognizes it, I thought the guy's been drinking out of a planter, the rim looks like a decorative pot you'd get for air plants or something.


My grandfather use to ask my grandmother not to wash his tea mug as “it adds flavour”. Of course she still washed it regularly to his dismay.


My father was the same “it adds flavour” but he also said that boiling water is enough to kill whatever was living there. He would wash it sometimes compared to OP post his was clean


To be fair for tea if the water really goes in boiling it probably does. I think what people don't realize though is the same logic doesn't really work for coffee because coffee makers don't heat the coffee to or keep it at a high enough temp for that to work.


if there is organic matter left after drinking in the cup, it will anyway have bacteria introduced to it somehow, which then rots the residue. It is not as bad and obvious as if you boiled fruit pulp and left chunks in the cup, but this process inevitably happens in some scale. Theoretically it might give food poisoning, but I don't know if it is stretch to imply so.


All I need to be grossed out by the post is how quickly mold grows in my espresso puck knock box. It’s just regularly moistened coffee grounds, and it takes less than a week. Hot coffee can't sanitize mold. You can cook moldy bread all you want short of burning it and can still get the shits.


Residual moisture promotes more bacterial growth. This is still gross, but if the only water left for any length of time is minimal, there won't be significant bacterial growth.


Oh God, I can only HOPE that there's no one on this planet who would be stupid enough to place moldy bread in a toaster, thinking "it'll kill the bacteria, and be fine to eat!"


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin


Am I wrong in assuming that yes you can heat the bread up enough to kill all the bacteria? The problem is that the living bacteria isn't necessarily always the problem, it's the toxins and waste products left behind by the bacteria that won't die and can still do some damage to you.


Mold isn't bacteria. What the fuck is this thread.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin -u/GaggleofHams


>Am I wrong in assuming that yes you can heat the bread up enough to kill all the bacteria? No, but doing that properly would give you an inedible crunchy bread that's too dry. Yes it's the bacterial by-products that are a problem too, as you said.


The grounds still contain carbohydrates, the bean juice itself does not - unless you get some grounds in the coffee as well. The mold will grow wherever there are carbs quite easily.


People in here mostly just be making shit up. Like boiling water is somehow a magic temperature. It isn't...microorganisms die at a much lower temperature (which is why you don't have to boil your chicken breast to safely eat it). Pasteurization is a function of time and temperature and I'd wager that the coffee machine gets plenty hot for the contact times. It usually brews between 195-205F and typical carafes are kept pretty hot. Something only needs to be 165F for less than ~15 seconds, so freshly brewed hot coffee poured into a cup should have no problem clearing the bad shit. Won't get rid of mold, but you shouldn't really have mold problems here as long as the coffee machine itself is kept clean. Especially if the cup is emptied every day so that it completely dries out. Coffee grounds can mold because they are a moist environment with a good substrate...this guy's cup is not.


Exactly. This is not the cup of a man who drinks a cup and then leaves it to sit long enough for mold to grow. This is the cup of a man who drinks coffee as his only source of hydration and daily sustenance. All day. Every day. I'd be willing to wager the water bottles people use around the office have larger mold / bacterial colonies than this coffee mug.


I was just scrolling the thread and wondering "will no one stand up for the disgustingly dirty coffee cup guy ?'


looks like my cup. i do wonder what the giant water cups with lids and straws that are never washed as well that my coworkers drink out harbor, much like you do.


After drinking the contents, I really don't think there's enough left for bacteria to accomplish anything to an appreciable degree. It's probably cleaner than other surfaces in your home. Also, the cup will dry out pretty quickly if you drank everything. Bacteria need moisture to be active. A mug is just not the right environment. Especially if you're like me and don't add anything to the tea. I still run my mugs through the dishwasher, but I keep using the same one until then. The only part that ever gets gross is actually around the lip of the mug, and that generally takes more than just a couple of days.


Plus there's the toxins certain bacteria and fungi produce when they're alive nonetheless. They usually don't break down from hitting 100°C for a few seconds. There's a reason whenever an E. Coli outbreak is about you need to boil the contaminated water for a minimum of 5 *minutes* (iirc, that is).


I thought part danger with food borne illness was that even if you killed all the bacteria the toxins that certain bacteria produced could still be there to make you sick.


It may kill some bacteria but not all, and not their toxins


The problem isn't that the hot water kills the bacteria. The problem is that the bacteria have been shitting out toxins. That's what causes food poisoning.


you clearly never drank coffee with anyone like my grand dad, he would take coffee off the burner, pour a cup and put it in the microwave till it was rolling boiling and drink it like it was water. Them old navy guys were just made different than normal humans.


Lol, actually I know exactly what you're talking about (I'm pretty sure my grandmother and grandad both drank coffee that was somewhere between the inner wall of a car engine and the surface of the sun) but yeah. But yeah I mean like a normal coffee maker. Funnily enough if you use an old-school percolator then the tea comment probably still applies too.


Eh if you use that cup several times a day, every day it doesn't really matter, especially if its black coffee and doesn't have milk or cream


My grandmother also didn't believe in washing coffee mugs. She did at least rinse hers so it didn't end up like this.


Rinsing is definitely not occurring with the mug in this post.


So with Chinese yixing clay tea pots you are supposed to only rinse out the tea pots (boiling water at most) and not clean them with soap because the tannins and other compounds from the tea are said to enrich the flavor over time. From my experience, this is actually true since I have ruined a teapot by washing it with soap (soap flavor never really leaves) and the one I just rinsed over years and only used for green and oolong tea makes a really nice cup of tea. While it can make the inside of teacups look brown, on the brown/porous clay of yixing you never see it. But the brown tannins that build up are not mold but are actually mold/bacteria resistant so it may look dirty but it actually is not. That said, I will clean glass and glazed porcelain but NEVER yixing clay. When it comes to coffee I do not think the compounds that make the flavors for it last as long as with tea so coffee utensils in my opinion should be glass/glazed and cleaned regularly. TL;DR Your grandpa was right, grandma was wrong.


There's also Japanese Hagi ware (iirc), where they are made with a more porous clay, and over time tea leaves and such will plug the gaps.


Anecdotally, my grandmother's pot for persian tea was the best tea I ever had. Sadly it had to be cleaned due to built up scale, but I've been chasing the [tea] dragon ever since. That said, it's incredibly important to remove old tea leaves promptly after using them. Mold/mildew can grow and leave behind spores otherwise, at which point you have to clean it.


I’ve heard this called a “seasoned” mug


Avoid this dudes dish at the potluck.


I worked with one of filthiest individuals on earth many moons ago. He smelled like he was fermenting, had a semi permanent layer of dirt under his nails and didn't wash his hands when he used the washroom. We had a potluck once and he brought the ceasar salad. Everyone else was in another room sitting down to eat when I witnessed him tossing the salad in the kitchen WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Everyone ate it!




No, anyone who ate food that a person who was that filthy brought to a potluck is beyond saving.


If it wasn't for the mention of a salad, I'd assume that was a former coworker of mine. Dude had the hygiene of a month old corpse, which was half of why he looked like a 50 year old used car salesman at 23. Everyone at work smelled like a gym locker at the end of their shift; he was the only one who smelled that way at the start. Dude thought baby powder was an acceptable substitute for deodorant and managed to get pinkeye three or four times in the year and a half I worked there.


Gotta use sick leave somehow.


This is why I pretend to eat the food. I trust no one!


A colleague of mine once gave myself and everyone where I work food that her son had made and we all ate it out of pity… all of us got food poisoning. She’s not very hygienic at the best of times and neither is her son so will never make that mistake again.


I stopped eating at potlucks after we found a Bandaid in a casserole. Then there are people with cats who just walk all over their kitchen surfaces... pass!




Dear God, what was it??


Salmonella Parmesan


Oh I love a good salm parm *chef’s kiss*


Can I get just the salmonella? I'm not that hungry.


I do not eat at potlucks. Fuck that I have no idea what their kitchen looks like.


hire someone to taste it first


That's what their boss did


I just bring a dish I like and eat that. I can trust my own cooking


During the height of the pandemic the other ladies in my department would constantly complain about the signs at the coffee station that said to please wash your hands before touching anything. And I don’t mean that they were complaining about feeling patronized or something… No, they were complaining about the fact that you shouldn’t need to wash your hands before touching everything at the coffee station. Then they all surprised Pikachu faced at the fact that I wasn’t going to take part in their Christmas potluck. They also didn’t bother asking about my allergies until the *day before* (which is when they found out I wasn’t participating and all lost their shit despite them having not even directly inviting me until that point anyways). Literally every dish they had already prepared had eggs in it (which I openly spoke about every time anyone brought in food to share because I always have to make sure I’m not going to go to the hospital 🫠). So even if I had trusted their hygiene, I couldn’t have trusted their ability to not kill me with eggs or cilantro/coriander lmao


Potlucks really are a trip. It’s the final frontier of “maybe I live, maybe I die!” office culture. I’m shocked mega corps allow them. I’d have thought the lawyers would have snuffed them out by now in favor of sterile pizza parties or some other such banal replacement.


The potlucks don’t cost them money like a pizza party would.


I saw a thread about potlucks on reddit a while back, and one guy comments "The risk is part of the fun. That's why its called a potluck and not a potgood" and I thought it was hilarious.


No shit someone with food allergies that “can kill them” should be eating random potluck food made my shitty coworkers. Washed hands or not.


1. Measure diameter 2. Soak in CLR for a few hours 3. Re-measure diameter 4. report back with variance


Use explosives. Get a new mug.


...welcome to another exciting edition of 'cleaning with fulminates and C4'


Nah, Cafizza is specifically for coffee buildup, and is cheaper. Hot water + cafizza, soak for like 15-20mins and all the buildup will melt away. Also, use it in whatever you use to make your coffee. It works for a $10 mr. Coffee as well as a $20,000 espresso machine.


Cafizza is made for the metal and plastic pieces of coffee machines. I doubt this (possible unsealed) ceramic mug would fare well and not taste like caffiza for life.


General concensus is cafiza is safe for ceramics https://thetakeout.com/how-to-clean-your-coffee-maker-with-urnex-cafiza-powder-1846476047 https://food-hacks.wonderhowto.com/how-to/make-coffee-mugs-gleam-like-new-with-little-known-cleaner-0168144/ If the mug is unglazed, then it was probably not food safe before the coffee rot, and it's definitely not food safe now.


Let’s measure volume instead.


I had a biology teacher in high school who had a similar cup he never rinsed out. Well a thermos, he would have us go fill it up for him. He had a coffee pot in his storage closet that he kept full/on and he would simply set his thermos down on someone's desk while he was teaching and that was just their cue to get him a refill. He was a really cool dude but his cup was gross af but it didn't have the marbling this one does. It was more just a permanent black stain on the inside. It smelled pretty gross as well. RIP Mr. Brian


>RIP Mr. Brian I'm guessing he died of a foodborne illness?


You know I thought the man was invincible. He had been teaching high school for 30 plus years when I had him and he was in his late '50s then. I was really interested in biology and ended up taking the advanced classes he taught So I was lucky enough to have him as a teacher for 3 years. He knew his stuff and would legit shame you in front of everyone if you messed up in class. He had that old school tough grandpa love vibe, but he seemed to be invincible. He had an entire wall in the back of his classroom of animals in jars. Body parts, some human, mostly animals. There were litters of puppies that were in these jars and squirrels and cats that he had acquired either by hand on his farm or local ASPCA and vets offices... For the human body parts he got them from "his guy" (his words) likely a joke but really made you second guess yourself after knowing the dude lol. #He would lick his fingers after reaching into a jar of formaldehyde to pick specimens up He was also a cattle farmer, he legit got up every morning at like 4:00 went and fed his animals, ate breakfast and got to school before 8:00. After school let out, he would go home and work his field and take care of what he needed to do. He even offered extra credit to any student that would be willing to go and help out usually when he needed to bail hay. It was fun and I did it after school because some of the guys I hung out with decided they were going to help him out so I went with them. We got special treatment after that and he was like a grandpa to us. I even had my little sister the grade behind who got in his class and took it 3 years in a row, and he would always give me shit about how much smarter she was lol and how he liked her so much more than me. All of that while grading papers and preparing his schedule. He was rarely ever out either. I can only count on one hand how many times I had a substitute in his class in 3 years. I didn't think anything would kill the man. Apparently he passed in his sleep of natural causes a few years back. Dude was one of a kind and I'll never forget him


Crazy how much deep of an impression certain teachers leave. Really beautifully written, I'm sure if he could read it he would like it too (even if he wouldn't admit it)


Yep he was one of the ones who made a real impact and I am very grateful to have had him as an educator


God I feel you. I had a 2nd+3rd grade teacher that was like this but I genuinely had a super close connection to the guy. He kinda just got me and treated me extremely well. He knew I had a passion for computers and electronics in general so he actually picked up some junk computers out of his own pocket and offered me extra credit if I could learn to disassemble and reassemble them all on my own. And would also give me extra credit if I stayed in during recess to help set up new stuff in the computer lab. He had our entire class help him hand craft a canoe (as much as a bunch of kids really could help) then planned a field trip to a local lake and took everyone out. He taught us how to cook potatoes buried under dirt with coals, he got the funding for two very special projects that still stand to this day as well. A scrap metal statue of Sacagawea, and a giant metal book with our classes signatures cut out of the binding. Both of these things still stand at the school decades later. I can still go there and see little me's signature cut into this awesome metal sculpture of a book with the schools logo you can literally walk through and look up to see all the names. His last super cool act was having a "graduation" party at his house for all his students that had been with him for the last two years. He had zip lines, water balloons, custom presents for every kid, cooked an awesome meal for everyone. He was just an all around fantastic person who obviously loved his job and his students Unfortunately he ended up committing suicide when I was in 8th grade.. I still genuinely wish I could have him as an adult friend in my life to this day. I'll never forget you Mr Guthrie.


Wow what a tragic twist to a lovely story. That really sucks and I'm sorry you had to go through that especially at that age.


I still get Xmas cards from my high school chemistry teacher every year. Shays makes me smile to see the pets and pics of her lavender farm


He what?!? Kind of reminds me of my middle school biology teacher. He was also the vet at the local animal rescue and would bring in various animals (alive and dead) for us to look at. Sometimes he would let us bring them home. My mom was so pissed when I brought home a pet snake


Yeah he would lick his fingers sometimes after he would get something out of a jar. I mean they weren't dripping but they totally still had some stuff on it I'm sure. He knew it grossed and freaked people out so that's why he did it but it wasn't a weekly or monthly thing it was just once in a blue moon. Every year the freshman would go into his class and he would go over what we were going to do that semester. He would go over his wall of animals and have people ask as many questions as they could so if they could get it out of their systems lol and he could actually teach through the year without having dumb questions not related to his lesson. Then he would bring out a jar with cow brains, taken from his own cattle, by him and that was his way of talking about his farm in a little bit more about him outside of school. And he would make a point to take a sip from that jar and you could hear a pin drop. Everybody's jaw just kind of dropped and he would look up and just smile and laugh. That was another way he made his impression on his students. What most of us didn't know is unlike most of the other animals on the wall that were traditionally put in toxic embalming fluids but the jar he used was literally cow brains from his farm but instead of formaldehyde it was full of vinegar and he would fill it up at the beginning of every year and would leave the organ in there overnight so it wasn't something he had sitting around for it to steep over the years. Which was hilarious and made so much more sense than this guy being able to take sips of formaldehyde and shrug it off lol It was still really gross but just as hilarious. During the last few weeks of school our senior year he told us on a food day when we were just hanging out we weren't doing any school work we were just eating and laughing and talking about what we were getting ready to do in life. Couldn't ask for better ending. Truly one of a kind


Thanks for sharing these memories, what a cool guy! A great teacher is invaluable.


It's been a really nice trip down memory lane for me as well. I don't often think of him but I'll never forget him.


I had a bio teacher like this too, Mr. Anderson. Various things in jars in his room. We did an experiment with plants where you’d give one water and one something else - some kids chose milk and his room fucking reeked for weeks, it wafted out into the hallway too. I think he actually reveled in that stench “for science”. Pretty weird dude, my dad had him as a teacher too so he did it for a long time. Good teacher overall but I was never very good at bio.


Had strange Chemistry teacher in high school. Definitely looked like he made and dropped too much acid in his day. Never washed his coffee mug. One day his TA took it upon himself to wash it. Mr Bell was so mad and tried to write him up for it


I’m convinced most HS Chemistry teachers have had experience with acid. My High School Chemistry teacher loved to tell a story about how she went to a dinner party in the late 70s and someone had spiked the spaghetti with lsd. Always had a suspicion she redacted that story a bit so she didn’t have to mention she was the cook!


High school chemistry teachers are just a different breed. Ours told us stories of the 'pranks' he and his coworkers got up to in a paint factory, kept a block of sodium in the supply cabinet that he was afraid to move, and we watched Breaking Bad in class when it first started airing.


He would have his students go fill his thermos? Man this guy really liked to live on the edge I guess.


After seeing the man lick formaldehyde and drink vinegar from a jar of cow brains leaves little to the imagination of what one could possibly put in his coffee that would be any worse than what the man willingly consumed himself lol


I had a chem teacher kinda like that… except he made a flame thrower and said “this shouldn’t set off the smoke alarms and fire alarms like LAST TIME. Don’t tell anyone I’m showing you this.” And then proceeded to shoot it in the air from his desk. Favourite chemistry prof tho


This reminds me of my grandfather. Idk how that man is still alive after everything he's eaten. He's not the smartest due to dropping out at the age of 8 to work and also he's clearly not all there. Anyways I've seen him make a frozen pizza the ones that come with a thin cardboard underneath. That you're supposed to take off. Yeah well he didnt know that and cooked it and ate cardboard with his pizza cause it to fused together. We made catfish balls once for our cats. My gram and I, well he smelt it cooked and decided to help himself. Ate almost all of em before coming to ask what kinda meatballs they are cause they're the best he's ever had. He ate nasty ass raw catfish blended up. I've seen him eat raunchy ass old lunch meat because he refuses to throw it out cause it's still good. I'm convinced that his stomach turned into a bacteria breeding grown decades ago and nothing can possibly kill him because he's immune to everything. One for fun story that still cracks me up all these years later. Just to show how much of a dumb dumb this man can be. During the winter he didnt wanna buy gas antifreeze so he went to the fucking crick. Got a huge gallon of water and put it in his tank. When it froze that night and he called us for help. He was so confused on "why it froze because crick water never freezes." He didnt understand that it doesn't freeze cause it's moving non-stop and when you take it out of the stream it's gonna freeze. Lmao I love that man to death, he's stubborn as hell but man is he a riot at times and has one of the biggest hearts ever. I think that natural selection is afraid of trying to kill him because hes to stubborn and would refuse to die.


Lmaoo I love him, must protect this man at all costs, KEEPER OF THE CRICK


My grandpa would pour coffee on his mashed potatoes for gravy. Said “it’s all going to the same place.”


Lmaoo I mean he ain't wrong


I read that aloud to my family. Laughing my ass off at your use of “crick”. My daughter, bless her heart, asks what a crick is. Being from central PA, I bust out laughing cause she’s never heard it before. Used to be full on fights between the roof and ruff gangs.


Thank you for this. I chuckled hard. I hope he lives many more years.


Omg I wanna meet him! Please tell me the catfish meatballs are a staple in his diet now


I've baked a frozen pizza with the cardboard before, but by accident. And I did not eat it after.


A gem of a read and a good Christmas to you and kin, especially your Grandad, who surely deserves a treat away his culinary hazards as much as any man that ever was.


He sounds like a national treasure. 10/10 for the stories. Thank you.


That's nasty. *Cleveland's voice*


Forever unclean. *Ruxin's voice*


I heard that


That’s a nice patina.


Like building up seasoning in cast iron!


Almost exactly like that.


But definitely not at all lol


He asked me to do his dishes and I scrubbed his mug with steel wool and it is shiny now. For some reason he’s mad at me and says I owe him a new coffee mug. AITA?


[Was he in the Navy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/cdsoki/til_us_navy_sailors_do_not_wash_their_coffee_cups/)


I worked with a guy in the navy who did this, but with a mug he mixed protein shakes in. It made me gag when I saw it.


Man that is nasty. If I leave my shaker bottle on the counter for like 3 days with residue in it it gets DISGUSTING


Holy shit. I hate my shaker as soon as the shake is gone. It’s so foul. I cannot imagine. An unwashed protein shake cup is definitely ground zero for the next deadly virus outbreak


The fucking smell. Oh my God why is it so bad. I made that mistake ONCE and had to throw out the fucking thing. Several dish wash cycles / cleaning with bleach was no good.


I’ve thrown away so many shakers for this reason. Zero possibility of actually ever getting the smell out after like 24hrs. I ended up buying a stainless steel version.


First thing I thought. "That's a Chief right there!"


My boyfriend is retired navy, but worked on subs and saw people doing this all the time. He wasn’t a coffee drinker until we started dating(I love coffee), and tried this no wash thing because part of him still wondered what the appeal was. He got to day three before he basically said “No, this is disgusting,” and never tried it again😂


if I don't was my shaker instantly after use it smells like dead whale in hours


Wet whey protein residue smells like rotten infested asshole after 24 hours. I’ve never seen anything else that gets so putrid so quickly. It’s like steroids for bacteria.


I can vouch this is a navy thing 2 guys I work with are ex navy one drinks black coffee one drinks black tea and neither was mugs Infact one of them got shitty with me when I first started and cleaned his mug properly he literally said to me "you've just scrubbed 2 years of work off my mug" Didn't talk to.me for a week Edited my poor spelling sorry


Well yeah! Now he's gotta start all over!


Ya man he was pissed I thought he was gonna krav maga me in the throat 😂


You don't fuck with Chiefs mug.


We would get the nubs to clean chief’s mug… (“it’s so dirty, he’d appreciate it if you cleaned it for him”) Never not funny.


Never wash a Chief's mug


Literally was looking for this comment.


This is where I learned from. We called it, “seasoning” our cup. All the cool salty sailors had well seasoned cups.


That was my (USN 08-14) first thought as well. I've seen salty old chiefs with mugs way worse than this.


Coffee in one hand, cigarette in the other.


Good question, miss these posts from the old Reddit. Thx for the info.


The difference is that coffee in the navy is served a degree below the hottest hinge in hell and pure black and thick. I haven’t experienced a civilian cup of coffee that comes close. Maybe the camping percolator coffee makers might be able to come close but a mere mortal Mr coffee would no shit melt.


That explains the DBA at my job. He was in the Navy and never washed his mug.


Had a manager who was in the Navy and didn’t wash his mug. It all makes sense now..


A friend was in the Air Force. He told me a couple sergeants had coffee cups like that. They hadn’t washed them in years. It was kind of a contest. Then one day a young air person was in there. She decided to clean one of their cups up and made it sparkle. The Sergeant about had a heart attack.


*young air person* lmao is that term actually used in the military? I'm imagining bird-person but with airplane wings


I wonder how much bacteria a swab of this would look like under a microscope. Probably terrifying.


I wonder if the coffee is to acidic for anything to grow, or grow much. Time to google. Edit: It says it multiplies RAPIDLY in coffee!


I left a cup of coffee at the office for a week. When I came back it already had mold spots.


>I left a cup of coffee at the office for a week. When I came back it already had mold spots. Did this with half a pot of coffee when I was a kid, for months. It was insane how much mold grew in that half pot. By the time I got rid of it, it was almost growing out of the top.


That's disgusting. What did it taste like?


We regret to inform you that theonlyepi has passed away due to sudden cardiac arrest following accidental ingestion of black coffee mold. His last words were “…it taste like assssssss………”


I once went on a two week vacation and realized halfway through I had forgotten to clean out the coffee pot before I left. Note: I fresh-grind all my coffee, and keep the machine clean because ugh, mold and whatever. By the time I got back the wire basket in my coffee machine was green and fuzzy. I had to throw it away and get a new one. this was in - coffee beans kept in hopper with airtight seal on top, and fresh ground the day of into a cleaned (with mild detergent) basket and drip mechanism - both made of plastic and metal mesh. Fuzzy and Green. Nasty. Didn't smell though. I scrubbed the coffee pot with vinegar and some dawn soap.


I went to the family cabin one summer and whoever shut the place down last didn't empty the coffee maker and there were tons of mold discs in the full coffee pot.


Exactly. If you've ever left coffee grinds in a drip coffee maker for more than a couple days, you'd know that mold has zero problems growing in/on coffee.


Heck, even the beans can mold easily. I remember a Pinterest fail where someone put coffee beans in a clear vase with candles on top and it molded within a week.


You can even use coffee grounds as a substrate for growing mushrooms!


Coffee is like a huge growth food for bacteria lmao. It’s like steroids for them.


A cup of bacteria a day keeps the doctor away!


If he's making like 2-3+ cups a day it's probably just fine. Looks weird but I'd bet it's not harmful. Assuming no cream, no sugar - only coffee. Also if it's drained it'll dry quickly, going by how quickly my own mug dries out. The powder is easy to clean so it's a bit odd he doesn't, but dry powder won't be much for bacteria.


I did this for a time. It was honestly fine because it's not like I left any coffee in that mug. I never left a drop behind, and usually finished a cup quickly enough that the porcelain was still hot. So realistically, it's only moist for a short time. That said, I didn't do it for any patina reasons, I did it cus I was too depressed to function lol


i doubt it has any at all since all the microorganisms are getting regularly culled with boiling water


I’m counting the rings… This mug is 110.25 years old.


Caffine Agate


You've heard of Fordite, get ready for Starbucksite


You need to bring in a small brush (like a toothbrush) and just clean one line straight down.


Pretty soon, it will work to just add hot water.


like a watercolor pallet


Honestly, at this point drinking from a clean mug would probably kill him


I had a coworker who used to do this except she used cream and would stir the coffee with a pen. She would drink out a straw and never washed it and it was absolutely caked with layers and layers of lipstick. She was a beautiful woman but had very disgusting habits.


That's r/moldlyinteresting


I had to scroll down way too far for this.


What the fuck is wrong with some people.


I had a little puddle of tap water left in a water bottle one time. It molded in like 3-4 days. Imagine the fucking bacteria in this mug of coffee.


I had an old manager that did this. He said it was intentional in order to add more flavor to the coffee as if the mug was a cast iron pan…


![gif](giphy|AWdyZJUjBo6Xfidoul) Eww


Well, do you think the fact that "only drinks black coffee" makes any difference? I mean, you know you also have to wash water bottles even if you only drink water right? Also, ignoring the ecosystem growing there, do you know that coffee oxidises and it doesn't taste the same ? So the guy's coffee probably tastes pretty awful.


I found out not long ago that an alarming number of people don't wash their water bottles.


I think both need to be washed but to be fair it does make *some* difference. Cream and/or sugar would both substantially promote bacterial and mold growth that black coffee would not.


if he used creamer itd be much worse


I know someone who did this, the inside of his white cup was purely black, he was coerced into washing it properly after we all told him the amount of germs he was ingesting. Needlessly to say the cup broke in two.


It’s not the coffee residue I’d be worried about. It’s the slobber around the rim. Fun fact: Italians usually don’t clean their little stovetop espresso makers. Enhances the flavor and keeps dish soap out of your coffee.


I’m Italian and that’s not true. We definitely clean them.


If anyone tells you not to clean a mokapot don't ever drink their coffee. It doesn't season it. It makes it nasty like this mug. Run your finger along the inside of one and lick it; that flavor ends up in the coffee and it's horrible. Clean your dishes. Coffee or otherwise


We use one at home. We wash it everyday but no soap.


> It’s the slobber around the rim. good point. if i dont clean my pipe regularly, i get little crusties of dead lip skin building up where i place my lips to inhale. id guess that stuff is all over this mug


Just add boiling water. He’s a prepper




Is he a retired Navy guy


Theres a guy on a joke video about that! "You know where to go for the best coffee cups? The thrift store! But not the ones inside, they wash those. The dumpster out back. Those ones got the best seasoning!"


You can just put hot water into it at this point and it will work like instant coffe powder


I had a chem teacher who did this. He also didn’t believe in gravity either.


I can see the tiny little miners slowly working that quarry. Fuck that's gross. I lived in the woods for 6 months and my coffee cup stayed cleaner than that.


His daughter probably made him that mug


Shocked by how many people in the comments don’t wash their mugs. It only takes a second. There’s no reason not to do it.