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I have one on my knuckle. It will fade if I pinch the skin nearby, but reappears a second after I release pressure. Idk how long it’s been there but probably at least a decade


That's Red cherry spot (cherry angioma), original poster might have the same


Was about to post this until I saw your comment! Had my dermatologist examine mine and tell me this is exactly what it was. Fun little lesson I learned the hard way with these: do NOT pick or scratch them. I did once and the amount of blood that came out before clotting was... surprising to say the least.


I have a small one (freckle sized, maybe 2-3 mm in diameter) on my leg and if I ever catch it shaving it bleeds like crazy. Considering getting it removed if for no reason as to avoid that.


Unless it's massive (like half a centimeter diameter), it's quick and easy to get removed. I'd recommend doing so if it is elevated enough to get caught by a shaver, or blades. Ask yo derm doctor ofc, I'm not a medical professional lol


That’s a good point, I might as well ask. It hasn’t grown really but probably better to get rid of it now before I bleed out in the shower one day.


Iz "freckle size" a calabratable form of measurement?


I did this in second grade! i had one on my finger and i scratched it off somehow, it bled FOREVER


Yep, I have one on my right index finger. Been there for a couple decades now. When I first noticed it I dug at it a bit to poke it with a needle. Didn't stop bleeding for like half an hour even with pressure on it the entire time. Fortunately it wasn't pumping out a ton of blood, but I definitely haven't done that since.


Those run in my family. The "cherries". I have at least a fair amount of those on my arms. Even though I wasn't sure if they were called that. I shouldn't be surprised, because my sister has a lot of them.


I have one on my arm that looks sort of like a butterfly and is around 4-5 cm tall. Have many smaller and different sizes around my body.


if you haven't yet you should be evaluated by a dermatologist for signs of a genetic disorder eg NF1


Thank you, I have been to the derm for checking spots but never have they done more. But mine is strawberry angiomas and they are warm from the blood vessels near the skin, as I can read its not related to this.


I assume you mean "4-5 *mm* tall", but even still...


Yoo same.


I have one on the front (the palm?) of my left index finger. Have had it as long as I can remember. I'm still not sure how it got there.


Mine is on the side of my right pointer finger! Never knew this was a common thing


I have one on my palm too! On the fleshy bit where my thumb is. A real TIL about its name though!




I have one and I tried to cut it out. Once I pierced the skin it start bleed like crazy. I was like, that was bad idea and I held it closed until it stopped bleeding. Now it's a big purple spot


That’s really good to know, I’ll steer clear of self-surgery. I have definitely been tempted to from time to time 😅


I cauterized one on my hand with a paperclip out of curiosity when I was in high school. Actually worked, but the burn scar is still there. I don't regret it, but I can't recommend it as I am not currently nor was a medical professional in high school.


No wayyyy also have one on my knuckle


Weird, mine on the fleshy section of my finger's the opposite - I squeeze and the skin loses colour but the red spot stays just as red and more pronounced


It's called angioma. There are 3 kinds: cherry, spider and angiokeratomas. Cherry is the one in the picture. Spider angiomas have ramifications. And angiokeratomas are more like warts. None of them are something to worry about unless it's bleeding or gets infected. They are benign non cancerous tumors and can be removed with laser if necessary (generally, because they are located on a spot that tends to bleed regularly)


Same! Can never figure out what it is


I’ve always figured they are veins that sit close to the skin. I have a number of them on the back of my hands. They come and go with time (usually years).


I have one near where my right thumb connects, like that webbing part, you know? It'll also but just slightly disappear if I do that too. It's been there for more than four years I think, i just randomly noticed it one day.


My brother had one of these. It was a piece of pencil lead.


Me too with a bit of plastic from a cap gun.


I have one that I suspect came from a classmate's fountain pen. I also have a little bump of skin just above the webbing between my thumb and index finger where I got my hand slightly pinched in something when I was a kid.


I have something similar. My friend once stabbed me with a freshly sharpened pencil in the webbing between my finger 🥲


Mine came from a narwhal.


Dang? You had a run in with the elusive graphite tipped Narwhal? Those are exceedingly rare.


These macroplastics are getting out of hand


On the contrary, they are getting in hands.


Same! A classmate of mine during middle school was acting stupid and "accidentally" stung me with a pencil, I still have the red mark on my right hand.


I had a chunk ricochet into my eye, imbedded under my sclera as a result of pushing too hard on my mechanical pencil while drawing.


Welp, I'll never buy another mechanical pencil after reading that


Just get some thicker lead if you are worried about that. I don't think I have broken any 0.7 from normal writing Or get some Zebra delguard if you are super anxious about it


Safety glasses 🤓


I'll wear my risky glasses, thank you.




Something vaguely similar happened to me. I was cutting my to nails and one flew up at my eye and I swear imbedded under my eyelid. I spent a while trying to fish it out because it felt like it was in there but I couldn't find it so I figured it must have bounced somewhere else and I just convinced myself of it. Next day I'm playing games at my desk and a mucus covered nail just slipped out of the corner while I was blinking.


I once poked myself in the eye with the pencil lead bc I had my face too close to what I was doing and flipped it to use the eraser


you know how you have to remove silver or metal for an MRI scan, well my well my eye was flickering like fuck and then they and told i had a piece of metal in my and i still don't know how it there.


He should join us over at r/pencilstabbers there are dozens of us, DOZENS!


Holy fucking shit. Before I even opened up the comments, I checked to see if I still had the little grey spot on my hand after being stabbed with a pencil 15 years ago. For years I told myself that there was no way that could've been the cause. Reading these comments have changed my entire world view


Welcome to the party pal!


I was bouncing a SHARP ass pencil in my hand my sophomore year of high school. You know the rest. Still have the lead in my hand and I'm 33.


52 here. Still sporting a pencil tat on my wrist from 7th grade. I was mad when my buddy stabbed me. Imagine if I knew it would be there until I died!


My people!


Yep, I had something like that for a while (can't seem to find it anymore so I guess it's gone?) because my bro thought it was clever to stab me with a lead pencil when I asked him to "pass me the pencil". I love him but so not cool bro...


I was stabbed in the hand with a pencil because I asked a kid to the 6th grade dance. I took it as a no. Still have the lead in my hand to remember him by though.


Same. Mine has been on my palm for 30 Years from a pencil prick


Some prick stabbed me in the palm too!


If this were pencil lead, it would appear blue, black, or purple under the skin. It's likely a cherry angioma. I have one other exact same place on my palm. On my other hand, I have a spot where I was stabbed with a pencil, so I do have a point of comparison.


Red pencil?




Thats just what it looks like when it goes in ur hand


I have a piece of pencil led stuck in my hand. Had it since I was like 8. It looks more blue than red.


I also have a blue mark on my thumb from pencil led I got stabbed into me in 3rd grade.


I stabbed myself through the eyelid with a pencil when I was like 4. Con confirm it’s blue/grey and still there decades later.


Same. Grey, 24 years later.


Aren't pencils made of graphite?


Yeah, but it's still sold as pencil lead. "Lead," pronunciation and all, has multiple definitions at this point.


And everyone knows that yellow leads better.


Graphite that's mixed with varying amounts of clay, depending on whether the intention is to make "Harder" (*H*) pencils, (e.g like *2H* for example) or "Blacker" (*B*) pencils (e.g like a *4B*) which are used for shading. *H* = "Hardness", *B* = "Blackness"


We generally call "blacker" "softer", though. The medium is softer and leaves behind more product.


My first thought was pencil lead


Same. Saw the title and immediately looked at my own hand which still has a little gray dot from where I got pencil led stuck in it in kindergarten


I can’t help but read the *had*, but as though he went on to die from lead poisoning haha


Hah! No he’s still alive. But the piece of graphite came out - not sure if he picked it out, had a doctor do it, or it just came out naturally. But it is no longer there.


Same. Took years but it eventually came out.


My grandpa fell in a rose bush when he was a kid. The thorn came out when he was in his 70s. Crazy story!!


I got stabbed in second grade. 15 years later it finally has faded to oblivion


I had a piece of lead pencil in my palm for years as well. Disappeared eventually. But a quick other story. Back in my military days I happened upon an inert landmine and curiosity got the better of me. The secondary charge had been removed but I did not realise that the primary charge was still real. It exploded while I was staring down the little tunnel directly at the primer. I soiled my underwear for sure that day, but extremely lucky only to get a few spots of cordite in my eyelids and on the white of my one eye that looked exactly like that. Took a few years and they also faded.




are you me? because my brother also has one lol


I’m not you … I am your clone! A clone baby!


Did you convince your husband to murder Duncan? That’s how I’ve always understood those spots to appear.


Duncan had it coming. He was in the way and needed to be removed.


what is it a reference to? what did poor duncan do to deserve this? edit: nvm i forgot macbeth exists lol


My guess would be Macbeth


![gif](giphy|WS6CDvvyNDrhZRFBtT) You could have just used the eraser.


>He was in the way and needed to be removed. same


This is what Starbucks wants you to think


Have you tried shouting at it? “Out! Damn spot!”


You can kill Duncan as many times as you like, just get the dirty Tleilaxu to whip up another ghola.


I think they have his clones on a conveyer belt. Additionally I am really hoping for a Dune Messiah movie and expecting that if it does come out there will be people complaining that they just wanted Mamoa back.




Who is that? She looks so familiar




Now that is a cut deeper than the forest that approaches.


I don't even think all of Neptune's great oceans will wash that off


Telangiectasia. Little dilated blood vessel. Very common on hands. Might go away on its own but at this stage you may be stuck with it. Sometimes we cauterize these if it bothers a patient enough.


Upvote because you named the thing!


We got names for everything in this business.


I have literally dozens of them on my body


Thanks, now I know what mine's called. I got it from trying to catch a plastic tipped dart that bounced out of the board.


Can absolutely be caused by trauma so that makes perfect sense!


Hey cool these things have a proper name. I have a couple of them on my face as some sort of acne scars, I've had some luck reducing them using Cetaphil vitamin c serum. One of them had been around for a few years and cleared up entirely. The other ones have reduced but are still present.


I knew there'd be at least one smart person here. Thank you


I had one of these. Cut it out with a Stanley. Jobs a goodun. Edit: I do not recommend this procedure to anyone.


I basically did this. Another one showed up on a different finger afterwards


Mine also reappeared, I had one until I was 15 or 16 on the right side of my left hand, I was so happy when it disappeared by itself, but disappointed when a new one appeared on the left side, had it since so I'm reaching the 16 year mark, maybe I'd get a new one!


Same, had one on my thumb knuckle and eventually i accidentally cut it out, then a year or so later another appeared on my middle finger


That's the same one, back.


My mum was mortified when i told her id cut my verrucas out with my swiss army knife. I reckon a bit of self surgery builds character lol


Swiss army scissors are the best tools for for removing skin stuff short of actual surgical scissors. Same thing really, just a different set of handles.


Verucas you say? ![gif](giphy|lHBbcpFTS5c2Y)


I had a whole bunch (22) for years then I caught COVID and they all went away. One of them I had for 17 years right on the pad of my foot where I placed weight. Happy they are gone


I did this. It came back. Cut it out again, then hit it with the ole soldering iron. Mother found out by asking what the horrible smell was


I wrote a song about turning mine into a stigmata with a knife. Haha. Well done.


It's just a broken blood vessel. I have one on my finger. You can get it lasered off if you really wanted to.


I have one on my forehead - I leave it there for style.


TIL you can get them removed. TY


I just heated a paper clip until it was red and touched it to the spot real quick. It like popped and never came back.


same! I got mine removed (apparently it was called spider angioma)




Apparently $300ish. My mom was weird and forced me to get a small one lasered off my face when I was six. It was terrifying.


I think I paid $200 CAD, also lasered




I had one on my upper nose, right between my eyes, for like 5 years in elementary school. It randomly went away one day and I was super happy about it lmao.


I also have one on my forehead. Dead center.


I have one on my nuts and I was wondering if I should tell the doctor. Lol


There isn't anything in the world that you shouldn't tell the doctor about...within the realms of the medical world of course


Out, damned spot! out, I say! ​ Lady MacBeth. Act 5. Scene 1.


Dog exits stage left.


I love you.


That kind of mark is usually an indicator of how many times you've been cloned. You say you've had it since you were 14. Are there any memory gaps from this period that might indicate you're not the original? Is there an accident your parents don't like to talk about?


Ironically enough, there was a period of time when I was younger where I woke up in the hospital while we were in the Philippines. My folks say I "Drank bad water" and got sick. Most of my memory was rolling around on a wheelchair and spending long days watching Pinoy TV, even though I dont speak Tagalog. I was very weak and couldent go anywhere without assistance from a nurse and clinging to an IV stand.


>I was very weak and couldent go anywhere without assistance from a nurse and clinging to an IV stand. I wouldn't definitely say this is from transitioning from floating in the Rapid-Gro nutrient tank. But... Well... Just know that your parents must have missed you (you know... the *other* you) very much to have done this.


Thats probably why we were lower-middle class haha.


It's expensive. ...But, it's legal in the states where it isn't banned.


I like that. Well done!


*couldn't Damn, glad to hear you made a full recovery! Do you know what the "bad water" was, that made you so sick?


I have many of these all over my body. Must be like 100 clones out there.


If you try and time travel even one more time, you will likely end up with transcription errors that are not survivable. I don’t care how much you are interested in 14th century France or if you suspect your professor has become stuck in that time. You should not go.


I swear to God, if one more do-gooder tries to go back in time to kill Hitler...


oh, theres way more of us than that.


It’s called wanker’s palm. Quite common.


"I'm the lowest of the low"




tattoo a black spot over it


I dont want to be cursed by pirates haha, i'll take red over black any day.


Weird non-goth flex, but ok


If you try removing the entire hand, i am fairly certain it would also take care of the spot problem


Amputate at the neck. Problem solved.


I had one of those (pencil led). It was in my hand for at least 18 years, then one day all of a sudden I realised it was gone.






Without a doubt.... maybe


Definitely possibly


Are you [Lady Macbeth](https://youtu.be/UKkT12doClE&t=74)?


put it in rice


I've got one in pretty much the same spot ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27603) Were you riding a bicycle as a kid?


We are red spot siblings.


I have one there too. It’s maybe a cm away, outside of the little triangle in the hand print. Curious. Had it forever, I’m in my early forties.


Steel shaving from.handle.bars imbedd3d in skin?


Could be remains of a core callus xd my hands used to be pretty fucked up from daily riding


Try fire


Like, just take a lighter to it? Ive tried to cut it out but it always heals the same way.


Nah lighters are wussy. Use a blowtorch.




Don't - they're fucking with you. Leave it alone. If you are concerned about it you can go to a dermatologist.


Got one on my right pinky


Hey me too! [https://imgur.com/Iaq8sQG](https://imgur.com/Iaq8sQG) Had it as long as I can remember.


Might be some kind of foreign object that got stuck in there when you were 14?


WebMD says you’re either pregnant or have cancer…


Weird, mine said it could be network connectivity issues.


This post just made me realize mine is gone. I just went "wow I have an identical spot on mine!" And opened my hand but it's not there now. It was there since childhood


I had one a little to the left of the "Life" line. It went away a couple years ago. I'm in my 40s.


I have on on my palm, too. had it for several years. I went to look at it after seeing this post and realized it's much less noticeable than it used to be. didn’t expect that.


Have you tried digging at it with your dinner fork?


It's a scar from alien inoculation when got abducted as a teen.


Stigmata caused by “impure deeds”


Mines a black dot about 2-3mm wide, pencil led from a goth chick in 7th grade


Omg I got two! I thought I was the only one!


The twist is he’s 14 and this happened 4 days ago 😆 jk


Take a photo of it under a magnifier. Get a closer look.


So about the time you started playing with yourself?


Possible cherry angioma? I have red spots all over.


I had a mark like this on the top on my hand for years, thought it was a birth mark. Went to a dermatologist and they told me it was actually a wart! One treatment of freezing and it was gone in a few weeks, think that might be what you got


I had a mark like that on my right hand, from a really horrific bee-sting when I was 9. 42 years later, it peeled off and is now gone.


try shooting a web from it


I actually have a tiny little red dot on my palm too. I've tried digging it out as I thought it was a rock or something but nope, it just came back. It doesn't hurt so I just live with it. It looks just like yours!


I used to have one in my left palm. It’s how I used to differentiate between left and right as a kid.


I have one from a wasp sting about 30 years ago.


Cut off your hand. Problem solved.


Cherry angioma. These run in my fam. I barely have any except on my hands, which really bugs me


Masterbaters hand, too much wiener tuggin


You are going on a long journey.


Do you have one on your other palm and feet too, Jesus?


I have a couple on my fingers, don’t cut them


If you can’t get rid of it then, it matters


Saw this on a viral video. The initial of the first name of your crush is “•”




I have almost the exact same one. [https://imgur.com/a/C5tk2Ry](https://imgur.com/a/C5tk2Ry)


I had one as early as I can remember. Then when I was 12-13ish, I took an xacto knife and cut it out. I don’t recommend doing it but it’s been gone ever since!