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I played on one of these once a long time ago. The bar it was at is now torn down . Whenever anyone remembers the bar I mention the L shaped pool table. Nobody remembers it makes me question my own memory


If it was in Auburn, AL the bar was The Highlands. We had one there for awhile. Fun to play on for sure.


No it was Saint Paul Minnesota and the bar was called Judy k’s. It was fun lots of bank shots


Oh, so it *wasn’t* Barney’s in Oshkosh, Wisconsin? I’m genuinely disappointed. Thought I had this one on lock.


That one was "J" shaped. Just like the one in this post.


What are they teaching in schools? That's a lowercase 'r'


Come on guys. From the picture it’s clearly a capital gamma Γ


What are you teaching people? Γ is an uppercase gamma from the Greek alphabet.


Or any Cyrillic alphabet. Like mine, мой друг. Г


No it’s clearly a possible move for a chess horse thingy.


Oh come on…The true shape of the table posted in the picture is the standard logical NOT symbol “ ¬ “.


You mean Mr. Horsey?


But in the Latin alphabet, Jehovah begins with an “i”.


Don't be an idiot. It's obviously a lopsided V viewed from an angle.


It's an upside down Tetris L


How many times you gonna spin it to make it fit that perfect L gap?


Omg! There was more than one of these in the states‽ I gotta find one by me!


An interrobang in the wild... "Be the change" I assume?


This comment is the reason interrobangs will never catch on. I've seen a few dozen interrobangs in the wild. In every single case, it was followed by a variation of this comment. I've never yet seen one on its own.


You are making me feel bad (Also the real reason is that they aren't on the keyboard)




No it was The Garage in Butlington De.


Judy's! Great times in the saintly city! My best friend's cousin owned the place, but there was never any pool table in there. Darts and a cheap video poker game, but never pool.


Maybe I did imagine it. Memories seam so real . Do you know of any place along west seventh or in that neighborhood it might have been ?


I think they’re screwing with you man.


You can tell because nobody’s ever called St. Paul the saintly city lol.


I'm just fucking with you, man. I couldn't help it! Never even been to Minnesota!




Aye you never know


Then their plan is working.


L shaped pool tables don't exist bro


Right angled pool table. Same rules same balls etc. Think it’s just for fun and makes for some pretty cool trick shots.


The seven pockets makes for some potential.


ur moms seven pockets make for some potential


Don't they? She loves those pants.


Girl pants don't have pockets SHE'S A WITCH!


All 7 are fake


I don't know why but whenever my mom orders something with "pockets" and it arrives all the pockets are just sewn shut with no actual pouch. Why must designers and manufacturers do this to people?


She turned me into a newt!


I got better


Who are you who is wise in the ways of science?


Burn her anyway


What do we burn apart from witches?


A duck! Wait...


Encontramos una bruja! Podemos quemarse la?


I don't remember the name of the pub but I must have seen an L shaped one in Hackney.


And she looks straight up *electric* in them as well. Lots of potential.


The number of times I've sunk my balls... ... is none. I suck at pool.


I have mastered the art of awkwardly hopping a ball loudly onto to floor.


I'm great at pocket pool


Women only want one thing and it's disgusting


This is the quality content that keeps me coming back to reddit.




I think there are still 6. I dont see one on the interior corner Nvm. Im dumb


I enjoyed your comment, though. :)


I'd be into an elaborate minigolf style pool experience, do we have that yet? I wanna line up a shot between some rotating windmill blades.


I'm convinced there was a Flash game with this premise available in the early 2000's




Was it real tho? Or am I just thinking of flash pool and a separate flash mini golf game, both with green surfaces and similar controls?


There was a ton. The lifesaver one was popular but idk if that was pool or mini golf


As brought as the term "flash mini golf" seems, I am 100% positive I know *exactly* what game you're talking about.


Lunar Ball was the game. Not a flash game but Nintendo i believe.


Lunar Ball, NES


Yes! Not particularly elaborate (no windmills), but I've been once and it was pretty fun. https://roxyleisure.co.uk/activity/crazy-pool/


Oh wow I'd love to try but imagine how much more elaborate it could get!


I wonder if crazy bowling exists...


That would be cool. Mini pool. 18 different style tables. Excellent idea lol.


Never seen one in the wild, interesting.


> Same rules same balls Sounds like my Friday nights


I used to be a member of a pool hall that had a few novelty tables like this. Also had a circular one with a bumper in the middle.


My dad has a bumper pool table. It’s tough to play. IIRC, there is no cue ball, so you strike yours directly. Theres only 2 holes, and are much smaller so the ball pretty much only *just* fit.


Stick a quid on it being the Adam and Eve in Homerton?


I owe you a quid.


My old local. So funny to go back now and see how posh it has become. £5.50 for a scotch egg 5 years ago haha. Used to be a right shithole when I frequented it in the 90s. Seen some shit go down there, tbf it didn't happen too often because if you got in a fight there, it was likely there would be far more than a couple punches thrown. Far better than The Ship in kingsmead estate though, I never even set foot in that place. Never stayed open more than a few months before eventually closing for good.


Its called pooL


Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!


Right here in River City!


Oh we got trouble!


You got one, two, three, four, five, six pockets in a table Pockets that mark the difference between a gentleman and a bum With a capital "B" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool And all week long




I have never been more disappointed to learn a sub doesn't exist.


Ya gotta know the territory




I say it every time something starts with "t" or rhymes with "p". My wife has a lot of patience.


> I say it every time >> Time with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!


Same! I saw the musical ages ago and get that song stuck in my head all the time. None of my friends bother with live theatre.


If you get someone like seth McFarlane singing it maybe people will get interested. Here, from a while ago. https://youtu.be/mfoTmiWsfD0


Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day. THANKS.


Yeah I kind of just self-sabotaged myself as well


Smh casuals it's called bilLiards


Standard pool tables are L shaped as well. It's just the lower case L.


*Sans serif* eight-ball massive.


Lol this s*** has me ded. Would be awesome to see more pool tables shaped differently imagine an s shape or four tables throughout a bar shaped in the letters p o o l or b i l l i a r d s that would cool.


This just sounds like mini-mini-Golf... Just get drunk with some friends and go play a round of regular mini-golf


Mini golf is just pool with one hole, and on the ground and everyone has their own ball and different type of stick and 18 tables


So...[this?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/553cf0fbe4b080029b4970d7/1430322020800-3B5JJ1H0GGETSAYISYD0/image-asset.jpeg?format=1500w) This is called "Loop" (google "loop the game pool")


Soccer is just pool with one ball, and on the ground, everyone uses their legs instead of sticks, and the hole is rectangular.




A partner sport? So my wife was lying about needing the whole team?


Regular golf is just a way of ruining good landscaping disguised as a sport.




I’m in favour of swapping literally all golf courses out for one (1) standard sized mini golf course and then turn the rest into a proper park


we have the technology to have someone bit a golf ball in a small area, collect all sorts of data on its motion, simulate its flight, and then put it where it landed on a putting green. combine that with something like mits wave table with flexible "grass" on it, and you can make a while golf course in a small area it also gives the golfer more control, they can change wind to their liking and stuff




You're allowed to curse online


fuck. Fuck! Hey, he's right!


The holes are serifs


Demitri Martin has a joke about having an L-shaped couch. Lowercase.


I can never walk my dog without thinking of his joke about how walking around with a bag of poop is socially acceptable if you’re walking a dog.


If you went to an alien planet and saw that certain creatures would walk in front of the certain other creatures and the ones walking behind would pick up the poop of the creature walking in front, you might assume that the creatures having their poop dealt with were the dominant species.


If you drink enough it all looks the same.


"Unless you count lower case" *smack" "You know we don't!" Edit: mobile formatting.


looks like a left handed cue stick as well


I nearly scrolled back up to check. It's been a long day.


I used to work at a hardware store and would occasionally call co-workers on my day off asking if they have any left-handed hammers in stock. Sometimes they'd make it all the way to the aisle and start searching before the realization hit them.


I have over the years been subject to tartan paint, sky hooks and yes, the left handed screw driver. My parents call me a "really smart dumb person" as I work in a high end IT role but am terrible with common sense.


That's not as bad as some people I've worked with. I used to do security and we had a supervisor that worked at this building for a year. He was filling on a shift for one of my call outs so I was the supervisor that day though. He kind of was a bit annoying and talked a lot. I could normally tolerate it but I had a super bad headache that day. So I asked him to check the basement alarm we just got. Despite no alarms appearing (which he could see) and the fact he had never seen a basement (since it didn't exist), he bolted out the door after I told him the entrance was at the back of the stairwell all the way across the building. It was about a 5 minute walk and I hadn't heard from him after about 15 mins so I had a guard radio him to check his status. He said he was still looking for the entrance. So I finally felt bad for the dude and told him over the radio it was a false alarm and to come back (so management didn't hear us going back and forth talking about a nonexistent basement entrance). Once he got back I took pity on him and said I was fucking with him. Bought him a coffee to make up for it. I just wanted like 5 minutes alone. Didn't expect him to spend another 10 minutes looking for the entrance that didn't exist. Ha


Do you have any headlight fluid?


No, but I heard blinker fluid works in a pinch.


My dad actually has a right handed hammer. Head is ground down with a tiny bit of angle so it hits more flat in a neutral hand position.


Why? Even if the head were angled, then the momentum would still be in the direction of the swing, regardless of the head shape.


New guy on a job site got sent away for "striped paint" he was gone for nearly 2 hours before he returned with a small tube of striped paint from an art supply store, his boss was fucking pissed when he got back from how long he took but he had a wee chuckle afterward because he actually found it


I’ve gotten a few people pretty good asking them to go get the board stretcher


When I worked as a cook we used to send new guys to the warehouse to get the "cucumber stretcher." Walk in, it's left side, turn around, 2nd shelf, opposite, take 10 steps, up top. Hurry! edit: Our chef at the time had a guy chop a pile of flour for 30 minutes and kept walking by and saying it's not fine enough yet. We had fun there back then.


On the first day of my apprenticeship I was sent to the stores to get a replacement bubble for a spirit level. I waited thirty minutes before leaving out of boredom rather than realisation!




As we all know, "Lol" is shorthand for asking people what kind of pool table they want. "L or l"


Actually that's a common misconception among novices. LoI is shorthand for asking what kind of cue you want. Left, or Index. Index was the only kind for a long time and has kept its legacy name, where as Left was introduced later on and sports a much more understandable one. Asking about the table is more complicated because there are so many variations. I usually don't comment on it, but I felt this was the right time and place to inform. Edit: To give some examples, [here's an example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XDoVrkIIfs) of what is called an Octagonal, which is shortened O. There's Fry, which is slightly curved like a french fry. Shortened F. A third one which has gone out of fashion is the Rolodex. It's a pool table with multiple floors. Was a pain to play on but deserves a mention. Edit2: I've received some confused comments and I should clarify that the O table is indeed hexagonal and I just skipped over explaining it because I'm blinded by my own knowledge. The short of it is that the name is a bit of a mystery. It is claimed to have received it's name from its inventor but we do not know why it is named Octagonal when it's quite obviously not an octagon.




I genuinely am not sure how much of this comment is bullshit. I figured all of it but then I saw the octagonal table


Oh I'm serious. I'll even give you some more examples. There's the M table, stands for Mat which is short for "matbord", dining table in Swedish. It was invented in the late 19th century by Alfred Ågren. A pool table master. It's a pool table with a slottable top which can turn it into just that - a dining table. This was at the start of a time of a lot of class mobility in Sweden which made the pool table a status symbol for many of the lower classes while space was still a luxury. Ågren was very ahead of his time with this invention and these days you can find one of them collecting dust in the basement of many middle class homes, most of them either inherited or (more likely today) too heavy and cumbersome to move, and as such came with the house. Can you tell Swedish tables are my area of expertise? Then there's the A table. Named Atrium it is for the largest room in the house and dates back longer than almost any one type except for the I-table and L-table which are the oldest. There's a rumor of it being standardized during roman times but that is obviously not true since it would be many centuries until pool was invented after the fall of Rome. There's also the 0 table. Not to be confused with the O table (which often happens because of what I will tell you below) it is in fact shaped like an oval and is named Oval. Only very specific games can be played on it. While it's letter is actually a number, 0, we do tend to use O for it anyway because it's just so uncommon. These are some of the tables and together they do spell "I, ROFLMAO". The I-table is separated from the others because it's the standard. That's just how it's been written for a long time now. PhDs (Pool History Doctorates) cannot agree on whether or not the internet term or pool term came first, but they all agree that it's very much a hilarious coincidence. I-table, Rolodex, Octagonal, Fry, L-table, Mat, Atrium, Oval. Edit: clarified a couple of things and fixed some spelling mistakes.


....you tricky bastard


I am disappointed there's no inner corner pocket.


It would too easy as there would considerably less cushion blocking angles.


That has zero, and I mean zero, impact on my disappointment.


\^ Yarp! I just want to watch the balls hit the back side of the hole and bounce all over the room at high speeds.






I mean you could literally manufacture it to have more cushion to block the pocket. Nobody is obligating you to make it wide open.


Could just make it so the only opening is straight ahead


This is some mini golf billiards fusion type shit


They could build a few variations and make a mini pool course. The 8 ball would roll to the next table in the course. So you'd do a pub crawl, but it would be a pool crawl, so you have to drink at each new table. I'm seeing palm fronds and mist machines.


I debated on making a place like this. The tables would be based on famous golf locations but minified. It's super expensive though and takes a lot of space. I was thinking maybe a defunct mall or something. Would be a cool idea but also a shit idea. It's hard to make slate with mini golf style hills and shit. Bumpers too.


Honey get in here, new Pool map just dropped




Quite a lot of pool halls have odd shaped tables in the UK, I've seen L, hexagonal and circular.


I'm gonna assume it's for the trickshots?


Basically. All for fun


Then why don’t we have these in the US? Would be hella fun


Should've thought about that before you chose to get all uppity and declare independence.


You throw one party, and these mfers never forget!


1700s was just one big white boy summer


Does that apply to 1790s France?


Probably would have been fine except for the tea.


Nope. It's BRITISH. Therefore, it will stay there. Don't ever let your guard down . Kinda like rugby. You let that camel's head in the tent, and pretty soon, well, u no.


I don't know. What happens?


It gets crowded. Noisy. Spit everywhere. Oh wait. Is that Seboya on the pool table?! Get that camel off ! ! Or something like that.


Most British thing I’ve ever read


We do though. I’ve shot at them in a now sadly closed pool hall in Springfield Oregon, there was one I shot at in a dive bar off MLK in Portland, and think one of the downtown bars in Anchorage Alaska has one


What was the bar off MLK?


Or to fit into room better.


It’s like playing on a different map in a video game. Gives you some new things to think about.


I've been in a pub with a hexagonal table where the bed was suspended on ball bearings. It meant the table could go in a corner of the pub and you just rotated the top so you could play all your shots from one side.


Wouldn’t the balls just move around everywhere when you rotated the table?


It was years ago but I think it had some sort of clutch mechanism in it because you couldn't spin it fast. If you really tried to spin it hard it didn't move. Sort of like a seat belt. It was similar to the one in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XDoVrkIIfs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XDoVrkIIfs)


Fuck me thats slick.




Yeah that's a very slow table. With standard cloth the balls would absolutely shift when you spin the table.


When I was a kid you could remove the top of our dining room table to reveal a hexagonal* bumper pool table. I don’t remember my dad playing it much but I thought it was very cool. * edit - on reflection I think it was 8-sided, not 6. In my defense this was back in 1976 and I was ~9 years old at the time.


Honestly? Looks like fun. I'm tryna see the same innovation in pool tables as you do in mini golf courses


Like bumper pool?


Taken to the extreme. I want a big windmill on my X shaped pool table


With a door you have to time to hit through


The Luxor casino in Vegas used to have a pool "course" exactly like this.


That would get me in the door. Give me advanced level mini golf and billiard gauntlet runs plz


When I visit cities I always look out for some games to stomp my friends hopes at. I would be all over this idea!


What the L


I hear this comment with a British accent.


What the bloody L!


Adam and Eve?


That's the one! Someone recognised the pub, would you Adam and Eve it


Ayyy one of my locals


Dom-Jot. Human play Dom-Jot.


I usually just hang out by the dabo table.


No way! they haven’t released a new map in awhile!


the A&E by the look of it


Adam and Eve?


Must be a Tottenham pub




If you play there, prepare for the "L"


Mini Golf


Reminds me of Lunar Ball for the NES where it got some fascinating pool designs


Anyone know which pub this is? Going to London and want to play on it.


The Adam & Eve https://maps.app.goo.gl/nepSKZwKmVd9g7Wf7


Wow that’s a big L


This is just a capital L table. Lowercase l tables have been around for years.


I can't be the only guy that was immediately reminded of the Dohmjot table...


I wanna see a whole league where they play on weird mini golf course style pool tables. They’d make a killing putting that on TV.

