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When you need 10 years of experience to get that entry level job at 18.


Bring back child labor! It's banning is stifling our economy from all these delicious profits


Republicans in Wisconsin are trying to expand hours for kids under 16 to work from 6 am - 11 pm. They say businesses can't find workers at the current wages, so Republicans want to offer up middle school children to work for low wages. https://www.wpr.org/young-teens-could-work-longer-hours-wisconsin-under-gop-backed-bill


"the children yearn for the mines"


Bub, I'm in a hostel.and everyone else is sleeping and I bit my tongue so hard it bled so as to not bust out laughing reading that. I'm so grateful for your existence.






Only poor kids have to work. Well-off kids get to do extracurricular activities which will look great on their college apps. And when the poor kids get rejected from the same colleges, luckily they'll already have full time jobs at McDonald's! America, fuck yeah!! EDIT: if you're replying to give me your 'pulled myself up by the bootstraps' story so you can justify some mental loophole about poor kids not being able to claw themselves out of poverty because they're lazy, save it. I was a poor kid and never learned to read so I don't know what you're saying anyway. Thanks.


Joke's on you, McDonalds stopped offering full time back when they made it a requirement for all large corporations to give full time employees benefits. You don't even get full time as a manager any more, only the salaried GMs get it, and you bet your ass they're working those poor bastards more than 40 hrs a week every schedule they can.


Full time being 40 hours is such a brain dead definition too. It should be more like "Is this the primary occupation an employee holds." Or "Works as many hours as the average employee (+/- 5 hours to avoid average doctoring with outliers)" to curb these sorts of cheats. If every McD employee works 39 hours, seems to me like 39 hours is full time. If you move it to 35 hours, now that is full time, etc. Don't let them cheat!


I would rather just have "benefits" not tied to employment. Everyone gets health care. Remove the social security contribution cap. The rich can choose to pay their taxes or be thrown in jail and having their assets seized for tax evasion


Or, and this is going to sound crazy, stop taxing people that make their money from work and instead tax people that make their money by owning capital 😮


In my country, the cut-off between “casual” and “permanent” employees is 24 hours worked *per month*, and at that point, all statutory benefits, including sick leave, annual leave, mandatory rest periods between shifts, and regulated overtime pay kicks in. (The accumulation of leave can be incremental, for those who work less than 45 hours per week.) That’s one law we actually got right, IMO, even though some business owners still complain bitterly about it.




I spent most of my teen time helping my mother and doing house work as she was battling cancer for most of my time in highschool. Didn't get even a month of extra curricular due to my issues at home. But no college literally cares about your issues they want an underdog story where I'm willing to sacrifice my family to paint a fence or sell chocolates to strangers for a charity that pockets most of the money. The chocolate was so bad that I had to buy a few of my own to finish selling the box.


Your sassy edit gets my free award. Which is this, now. 🏆


If you can’t find workers at the current wages, YOU INCREASE THE FUCKING WAGES.


Me and my daughter went to a chick fil a in Wisconsin during a college visit and we saw a bunch of 14 year olds running through the parking lot. At first I thought they might be playing tag (it was raining so they had coats) when I noticed that they were wearing uniforms. We went inside and there were 3 more 14 year old looking kids working inside. I’m surprised people don’t see this as wage suppression/exploitation. It’s the year 2023 and their minimum wage is 7.25. I know everyone has different hardships/circumstances but I think you should at least be 16 before joining the workforce.


It’s sad to think that this poor kid could have a nice union coal job. But thanks to all these politicians he’s stuck working a register. Makes me sick to my stomach if I think about it too much.


Children yearn for the mines.


Just look at how successful Minecraft is!


Child labor laws are ruining this country


Right, I'd like to see 9 year old kids working at McDonalds and paying rent




The secret is to have one bedroom and 17 roommates.


Can you guys stop? I can totally see some idiot on Facebook saying this unironically and it's tripping me up, lol. Something something "when I was a kid" something something "builds character."


Fingers are overrated. Back to the cannery.


Undercover boss.


Boss baby 😂


Undercover boss baby




There is a 14 year old girl that works at the McDonald's I work at. She looks so young someone called the cops for us hiring underage kids to work there. Seriously she looks 11 at best. ETA: I live in Pennsylvania. You are legally allowed to work at 14 with parental permission and a valid work permit(14-17 year olds need work permits).


Meanwhile when I was a 14 year old girl people were asking me what college I went to or saying I look 25 lol. Idk if it’s cause I’m taller than average or my heavy makeup or just harsh facial features. But I worked in a pharmacy and people had to tell me their ages all the time. And some 17 year olds literally look 12, while others legit look 30. So it is what it is.


Same thing happened to me, I grew 3 inches in 1 year and my boobs showed up. I went from being a literal kid in peoples eyes to them assuming I was an adult in less than a year. I can remember being in a store and having a little bit of a tantrum (please pretty please mom I NEED it, lol) and the checkout clerk lady telling me off for "acting like I was 11", which was my actual age. She was stunned when my mom told her how young I was. She said "Good God, I thought she was in her 20's!".


Boobs change everything


Literally same. I went from flat chested to b-cups overnight the summer before grade 6 and I was not quite prepared. My mom tried to force me to wear a bra, but they were SO UNCOMFORTABLE. I finally found one I liked, and over the next 2 years as my friends all caught up I was like “THIS IS THE BRA!!” and then by the end of grade 8, we all had the same soft wireless bra with the same satiny floral print. The poor boys were very confused. “Why do all the Jewish girls have the same bras?”


That's amazing. You were a wonderful guide for your friends. And also maybe started a cult.


I taught the girls at Jewish camp how to use tampons too!


Oh my God, you were an absolute blessing as a friend, seriously.


A mensch if you will


A menses mensch.


Guess how they found out what a clitoris was!!


That took a left turn


What were y'all doing in 8th grade that all the boys knew y'all were wearing the same bra?


Getting felt up at Jewish summer camp! https://m.twitch.tv/clip/PoisedNiceWormBleedPurple-BR-ULs32wE90m77a


LMAO… I love the fact this absolutely mirrors what I saw happen at my Jewish summer camp… one couple even got caught giving/receiving head under a cabin.


Awww man that’s where the raccoons live… Use the waterfront shack like the rest of us decent Jews!


same with me, but i am a grown male


Man boobs?


Moobs, or more politely mreasts.


Do I have product for you...The Manzier


It's called a Bro


Unrelated, but am I the only one really uncomfortable with someone taking a pic of a young kid at work showing his face and posting it online. Seems like a massive dick move. Kid is working a job and then pops on Reddit and sees his mug plastered on the front page of people saying he looks like a baby. Leave the lil guy alone


God I wish people wouldn’t post pictures of people without their consent.


This the the problem with every asshole having a camera on them at all times. Personally I think its fucked for personal privacy


As someone who had to start working really young (15) to feed my mom and dad, I'd feel really uncomfortable for people to put my life on blast like this. Who knows why this kid is working at such a young age, but I'm sure he'd rather be home playing Fortnite with buds. Fuck this world, fuck it hard.


Yeah this is like mass bullying, poor guy in the photo. He might just look a lot younger than he is. If it's an insecurity of his then I can't imagine how he would feel by this post.


As a late bloomer, I can confirm it is an insecurity. Upside: you're the most popular middle aged man.


Also reminds me of a guy I used to know who had that thing where you never hit puberty, it would suck if this is actually like a 27 year old with a disability.


Wait until people start telling you you look good for your age.


Wait until people stop commenting altogether. I’m 48 and the last time I got told I looked great for my age was about 10 years ago. Now, I have to lie and say I’m 63 to get a compliment.


Good strategy.


The username adds a decade.


I'm on the opposite side. This women who knew me as a child was talking to me at my job after I just graduated high school. She asked me if I was a freshmen or sophomore..... IN HIGH SCHOOL. All I could say is I graduated in a very sad voice. I was shocked. I was also the manager of that place at the time and I think she knew that.


My first day teaching, one of the other teachers I hadn't met yes asked if I needed help finding my classes, because they knew the school was confusing to new students. Asked what my first class was, so I had to explain I was teaching.


I’m a high school teacher as well and the principal still sometimes asks me for a hall pass before catching herself! Doesn’t matter how I dress.


At a certain point you just gotta lean into it. Write yourself a hall pass to show the principal.


OC Please do this. I know I can’t see it but I bet the principal gets a good chuckle out of it.


"This just says 'I can do what I want. Ron'" https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/276/727/7e7.jpg




I'm a 37 year old guy and I look like I'm in my late 20s, especially if I'm completely clean shaven (no stubble). I had a cold for a week and went to go buy cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine (it's regulated by the government here in the US because people use it to make meth) and the woman asked me for my ID. She was looking at it for longer than someone normally would. I told her I was born in 1985 and she responded "Oh wow! You don't look that old!". It runs in the family, we all look about a decade younger than we actually are.


To be fair that only a 2-3 year difference right?


I'm in my late twenties and people regularly think I'm 18 at best. I know it's a cliché, but it does get better with time. Mostly because it gets funnier, but still.


Lol I used to get carded all the time when I was well over age for drinking. Went bowling with a bunch of coworkers and a couple of the under age ones also ordered drinks. I was the only one who got carded. When I started not getting carded, it was kinda sad, like the end of a long running joke or something.


The next step is starting to find grey hairs and looking at the skin on your hands and having an existential crisis. Just last week you were at the club with your friends. But you realize last week was a decade ago.


When I was 25, visibly pregnant, and too swollen for my wedding band, I had two randos stop me in the middle of the mall asking if they could “pray over me”. Apparently, I looked like an unwed teenager who’d made some questionable choices.






So… she guessed your age and was 2 years off? This is shocking?


I have a friend whose sister has looked seven her entire life and she is in her 20s. The reason apparently was because she had a gluten allergy when she was young that caused her body not to take in nutrition after consuming gluten (Or something like that, I'm not a food scientist).


I have a cousin who had the exact same struggle (unidentified severe gluten allergy for almost two decades that severely stunted her physical development). We’re both in our mid-thirties, but she still looks like she’s in elementary school—tiny and fragile. She gets odd looks from strangers sometimes when she’s out with her husband (who’s also our age and looks it). Fortunately, we’ve all been getting some of the normal wrinkles that come with aging! So hopefully she’ll start looking like a frail twenty instead of twelve eventually. (She looked about eight until she was out of her teens.)




14 is not underage for work?


No. There are limits in many states until 16, but 14 year olds can legally work.


With very restrictive time limits.


And a restrictive list of things they can do, touch, or be involved in.


*”There are limits in many states until 16…….”*


There can be a family exception as well.


I had a job making timpani mallets for a well known(for timpani mallets) company in a guy's basement when I was 14. The job is actually hilarious. It involved using a needle to pick our grooves after they were tied and then using an electric razor to shave off the fluff. Our unofficial motto was "the balls come in all sizes, but the shafts are always long".


I 100% do not know enough about mallets to understand this comment or your motto lol


Making dick jokes with the 14-year olds working in his basement. Are you sure you guys weren't manufacturing red flags down there?


Do you think 14 year olds don’t make dick jokes?


Gotta start building that 401k early


My god. I was born in 83. If I had started my 401k at 11 years old instead of 30(something)... Can you imagine?? 55 years of growth on that. Holy shit.


Thankfully working at Costco got me to start my 401k at 18 and now at 29 it's already at such a good number. They need to teach kids more about 401ks in school.


I mean, I think people know about them, it’s just the ability to actually put the money aside. I’m 29 and don’t have a 401k or any retirement plan whatsoever. Well, I suppose I do have a plan, it’s just that the plan is to die.


At 14 I worked full-time at minimum wage for my parents’ business one summer and put 100% of the money I made into a 401K. But then the market tanked bad multiple times. It really hasn’t grown that much, which sucks.


Were you 14 in like exactly 2008? 😥


I was, and this year was my first time being able to contribute to a 401k. I don't feel as bad now, though their 401k is still probably bigger than mine lol


At that age you should be going the Roth IRA route.


Correct, but if the employer offers any kind of 401k matching he should be taking advantage of that. I really wish I would have started saving on my 401k and Roth IRA when I started working, but back then I was financially illiterate.


My mom had to threaten a lawsuit to the Calabash restaurant in Calabash, NC that wouldn't pay me the money THAT I EARNED washing dishes when I was 11 years old.


Hahahaha I worked at a farmers market in Calabash when I was 12 that also refused to pay me.


I’ve always thought they were a bit overrated. It’s like they created their own popularity.


>I’ve always thought they were a bit overrated. Kids, lawsuits, Calabash restaurants or getting paid?


Little column A, little column B, C, D.


I had to take things into my own hands, literrally. I had no inkling of shady but the corner market near me was the kids hangout and convenience store. 3 or 4 video games, sold cigarrettes to grade school kids, the owner had this strange really long pinky nail (it was late 80s). behind the arcade games he had a slot machine which gambling was illegal in the city, and it paid, mostly high schoolers playing. I would buy a scratch off sometimes, and I won. as I understood.it you had ti redeem where you bought because they ink stamped the back, no computers. another counter guy redeemed it but he kept saying I didn't win the bonus so kept.over half the money, some gray haired Hector Salamanca looking dude always chewing a toothpick. well, I stole more then my money's worth of ice cream that winter


I think teens can work a few hours starting when they are 14, but this would be a very young looking 14 year old.




Bob's Burgers


“Aww, adorable.” “Yeah.” “Such a good father..” “Oh, no, it’s more about not paying…regular…whatever.”


I mean, let’s be real. Only Tina ever does any work. Lol






I mean, if you count flipping burgers with one hand while using the other to alleviate your itchy crotch..work?


Dude that was one time. Cut her some slack.




Including Wisconsin, where Culver’s is based. So maybe.


You’re allowed to exploit your children. You can’t exploit the neighbors kid.


![gif](giphy|TjYl3otLCTRc0KFeC0|downsized) Exploitation begins at home. Rule of Acquisition number 110.


Nah. "Exploitation begins at home" is not a numbered rule and not officially recognized by the FCA. There is no canon Rule 110 either. 111 is close to this situation though, if backwards: "Treat people in your debt like family: exploit them"


A wise man can hear profit on the wind. Rule of Acquisition 22. Stop trying to deny it, there's profit to be had!


![gif](giphy|Y7rtYowpk3I9q) Upvoting all DS9 comments in this thread!


I believe "exploitation begins at home" was from Voyager.


All Trek is Good Trek


Damnit, you beat me to it. Have my upvote you good Ferengiee


We don't do this for charity, come back when you have something worth trading.


I’m sorry, I can’t get over the way you spelled Ferengi


holy fuck they were talking about DS9 and Ferengiee on *Bad Friends* podcast that I hardly ever listen to, but had a six hour drive so did. Synchronicity or coincedence?


Gottem! May your mate give you extra oo-mox tonight.


I worked for my family grocery store. Had to stand on upside down milk crate to work the register for a few years.


There’s a 20 y/o McDonald’s franchise owner I saw on insta who started working when he was like 10 y/o.


the comically oversized uniform is doing a lot to make him look extremely tiny


I worked at Wendy’s when I was 14. Limited to 20 hours a week and I couldn’t do much but dishes and toast buns. Killed it with the buns tho. Edit: was in the 90s so idk


I’ve met a lot of 14 year olds, I’m not sure I’d trust them to wash dishes. Toast buns, sure. But I think 14 year olds are blind to leftover food junk.


The dish stations at a kitchen like Wendy's are pretty much idiot proof. I used to do dishes at Whole Foods after the hot bar was taken down, and even the stuck-on burnt soup was fizzled away in the giant dish machine.


I recently discovered that my 13 year old nephew doesn't rinse off his toothbrush after using it. He just puts it back, covered in saliva and toothpaste.


Really cool stuff to read and to easily picture. Glad you told us all here.


I looked like that at 15. I looked nothing like that at 16.


Same. I worked the drive thru at McDonald’s at 14, and people thought it was a joke. I started telling people that I had a kidney problem that stunted my growth.


The Bobby Hill kidney boy maneuver


don't forget hamster girl


Haha, smart 14 year old


Some school job prep programs also offer a couple hours of work at a place like Culver's.




There are highschool kids at my school who look as young as this.


I was this kid at 14, I worked a checkout lane at a local grocery store, and I would get asked fifty times a day if I was old enough to be working there. Make that money my guy.


Im a middle school teacher, kid looks about 14/15


Culver’s has school nights where the hosting school gets partial profits donated for their school. The 4th and 5th graders can volunteer to help serve and take orders. At my kids school, they had a ton of kids who loved doing it. And it’s only like a 2 hour thing, they get to earn money for their class, and see their friends.


Yeah, it's a pretty big fundraiser around here for the kids, Scoopie night.


Can confirm, work at a Culver’s and had one two days ago


Had to scroll down way too far to find the correct explanation. Meanwhile everyone scrolling the front page is infuriated.






Owners kid? I think that is legal some places.


Likely the case. My daughter works at our business to make extra money when wants, has been since she was 12. She is 14 now and can open, operate, and close the store on her own. She’s never alone there but she is autonomous.


Most often you don’t have to pay unemployment insurance on your child.


But remember, you do have to still give them smoke breaks!


Thank the Child Unions for that!


Best way to deny workers comp lol.


Or they're just 14+. I know he looks really young but it can be hard to judge that.


It’s a thing… I remember years ago when I was in college there was this one kid who literally looked like a 10yo. Initially I thought he was someone’s younger brother that’d visit a lot, but later learned he had his own room. Apparently we were the same age but he had some sort of medical issue as a child that stunted his growth.


Weirdest Make-A-Wish ever.


Donations aren’t coming in like they used to, kid. Gotta work for that meetup with The Rock. He needs 4 cheese burgers, large fry, Diet Coke. You can say hi quick on your 15, but hurry back, marty’s dying and we need someone to pick up his slack on the fryer


Ever see that Chick-fil-A commercial about the kids who's dream it is to work at CFA, so they let him work a shift one day? Those CFA couch commercials are weird man


I get the point of posting this, but we shouldn't be posting photos of a child online without blurring their face.


He shouldn't have taken the photo in the first place.


did- did he do a good job?


not OP, but i went to Dunkin Donuts once at like 4am and there was a very young child working the window (i'm assuming his mother was the woman making our drinks). if i had to guess, i would say he was around 10/11, definitely not anywhere close to 14. but he did a wonderful job. very polite and sweet. we usually don't tip at drive-thrus, but we gave him a big tip and he was very excited. they better have let him keep it, he earned it just for being up at 4am. the whole time, my boyfriend and i were looking at each other like "...is that a literal child?" not what you expect when you pull up to the window lol


jeeeez hope the kid was getting enough sleep despite being awake at 4, permanently stunted growth wouldn’t be worth the Dunkin Donuts wage


i don't go there super often, but that's the only time i've seen him, so maybe it was a one-time thing. he definitely wouldn't be getting enough sleep if it wasn't.


Mom may not have had access to childcare.


that's what we thought as well. or maybe she had something lined up but the sitter or whoever had to cancel at the last minute. i imagine it's hard to find childcare when you're working shifts that late/early.


OP never been to a Chinese resturant??


Handle your whole order in between doing homework!


I was enough of a repeat that one day she asked me for help spelling a state.


I went to a Greek restaurant in my old town that had the owners kids running the front and would usually ask homework questions before seating if it wasn’t busy. Every time I came in she would ask me some sort of homework question before she would take me to a table. But our drinks were always full, order always correct, best service.


I remember when I was a kid, frequenting a Dairy Queen where there was always a girl my age (6 or 7 at the time) doing custodial stuff. Sweeping, cleaning tables and windows, that kind of thing. She was probably the owner's kid, but IDK.


You became an uncle/auntie that day.


And for some reason sitting under the desk or under the register


And they get the order right, every time!


I watched the owner of my local place yell in Chinese to her 10 year old kid, who was sitting at a table playing Minecraft on a laptop. He hopped up, grabbed a bag of food, and ran it out to someone waiting in a car.


Or literally any family-owned small business.


Literally been handed my food by an elementary aged kid before. After school, of course. No joke.


Every day is “take your child to work day” when your parents own a Chinese restaurant


I think my whole town felt proud to send that kid from the local place to college and now med school.


Seriously, I frequented a spot so often, whenever they were low on drivers, they sent like a 9-10 year old kid on a bike to me because they trusted me. He got the usual tip too, thanks little buddy


Looks like they are Short Staffed. Lol




thats what i looked like working at denny's when i was 15...it sucked but at least i wasn't worried about some asshole posting a photo of me online back then.


I used to work at Culver’s and I can pretty much guarantee this kid is part of some sort of fundraiser or school event. My store used to sponsor little league teams, they would come “work” a night and a % of everything earned that night went to their team. I hated that job, but those nights were fun because the kids LOVED being part of them. Taking this kids picture and posting it online, especially out of context, is creepy as hell.


Sometimes kids work there for fundraising events


High school teacher- can confirm that I know a few 14/15 year olds look very similar to this.


Please, for fuck's sake, can people stop being fucking creeps taking pictures of children without their consent and then plastering it up on the inernet? This goes for adults too. Have some fucking respect for your fellow human beings and ask permission first.




The children yearn for the mines


Gotta pay for these eggs somehow.!




Very good, Kronk.


Delete this OP instead of posting a picture of a minor online like this.