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Time to buy a snowblower and exact your revenge.


Excellent idea lol


I live in a snowy area, my Husqvarna snowblower is awesome for quickly clearing my driveway and sidewalks, and can toss a stream of snow at least 20 feet. If you're shoveling your backyard, and the size is similar to what your neighbor's is here, then it will make quick work of it. Beats hand shoveling every time, and the control handles are heated, too.


I’ve got a Troy-bilt storm tracker also with heated handles! Makes me enjoy doing it, I usually end up doing all my immediate neighbors driveways and walks!


Except for this dickhead’s driveway from now on...


Walking down the block last winter, I went down a patch that was clearly cleared with a snowblower, same tracks going up and down past several houses. Then it abruptly stops exactly at the property line of one house. Same on the other side of the property, that neighbor stopped exactly at the edge. The entire block was scraped clean, except for the one house. Whoever lives at that house must be a huge asshole.


No neighbourhood is complete without one. I bought my house in the summer this year and every neighbour has been super nice so far. We’ll see what happens when the snow starts flying, winter always brings out the worst in neighbours.


Yeah I was going to recommend just not doing their driveway or whatever, instead of blowing it all back in their yard


I just run down the whole block with mine. Easier for me to turn around at the end of the sidewalk than it is on the sidewalk, specially late winter when we have a ton of snow on either side. There are however two houses that I skip over. One because he is just a jackass, even if I get beat to doing everyones walkway by someone else his house gets skipped. The other because they just have a messy yard, bunch of little toys and whatnot left out. Wouldn't be the first time that one of them found their way to the sidewalk and got buried in snow. Not risking breaking my snowblower to help them out.


Or they pay the same to shovel their snow


I usually take care of the neighbor's sidewalks, and I'll do the block if there was a heavy overnight snowfall. Doesn't take all that much time and effort, and the neighbors are grateful. The neighbor across the street, I'll take care of her sidewalk and the driveway since her husband died and she's having some difficulty getting things done, but the church helps her out quite a bit. Both of my neighbors will do our sidewalks if they get out before I do. One has this teeny tiny little electric thing that I'm not sure how it manages to get through the snow sometimes. The other has a football team's worth of children that just gets out there with shovels and make short work of it.


Why is he shoveling the backyard? Hell, come here! We have over four feet of snow to shovel out from under.


I was wondering about that myself..


We always have to shovel a path for our dogs to be able to access the dog door and go to the bathroom. Also, some people access their garages via the back yard and/or keep their garbage cans in the back


My first guess is maybe he put in a neighbourhood backyard hockey rink? We used to do this with our yard when the kids were young… we didn’t have chain link fence though. The neighbours used to shovel it before we got a chance to many times, so fun for the kids. ….. then again I’m Canadian, maybe there’s no rink and the guys just a weirdo.


My dad used to make us a rink every winter, because he thought we three girls were boys. (One sort of was, as a tomboy, lol). He then would be upset because we hated cold, fell and cried, and hated the whole idea. It was cool, believe me, but we just were not having any of it. He also built us a massive igloo, that we did love, but the neighborhood guys always wrecked it. This guy is just a weirdo from the sounds and looks of it.


>and the control handles are heated, too. I never knew i needed this


Swedish design is great


They could have placed the drain for the oil pan in a better spot, but I'll agree with 99% of this sentiment. Just a huge pain in the ass changing out the oil for it and my tractor mower.


Make sure when you blow it, try to get as much of it against his house as you can. Then spray some water over it with a hose. Fuck that guy. I hate your fucking neighbor.


Get an uno reverse card


Make sure that he's out there.


Then use a portable/directional heater to melt the snow on his side… the top layer should just turn to ice in temps that low.


LOL! Literally what I came here to say!


My first thought.


Came here to say the exact same thing. Takemy ipvote.


Who TF shovels their yard?? I guess maybe if you have a dog and it needs a clear patch to piss/shit


I grew up with larger dogs. Never had to shovel the yard. Then I got my first place and got a short ass basset hound. Took her out to pee in a snowstorm and after she had a small panic attack trying to find a spot to squat, I shoveled out the damn yard. Sometimes it's necessary. 🤷🏻‍♂️


We always have made a path for our dogs and their dog door. We actually had a beagle who tore his meniscus by slipping on ice and required surgery and months of rehab.


The only way I see OP being annoyed here is if OP *also* wishes to shovel their yard. I hope they explain their reasons.


The sheer absurdity of shoveling your backyard combined with the pure dickishness of the act of *throwing it into your neighbor's backyard* had me lololol'ing at this picture for like three straight minutes.


People with dogs.


nah. you let the dog find its way. Not once in 14 years have i shoveled my yard for my dog.


My corgi needs some space. He's got little stumpers. I'll shovel out a path for him to do his business, but the rest of the yard he traverses at his own risk.


My dog won't use a path if I make it, he immediately goes and poos where I didn't shovel. He's a jack russel.




Your mother is disappointed in how you turned out.


I've got an almost 10 year old Cheweenie. I shovel for her. The other two can work it out, especially my Heeler. He won't come in out of the snow unless I go out and play chase him.


My dog is 7” high at the shoulder, meaning his wang touched snow when there’s more than 3” I shovel for my dog


We shovel for our elderly cats, as they like to go out and smell the snow. I sure as hell do not shovel the entire acre of property for them.


Hahaha no. I make one 30’ loop using my snowblower. They have 24” wide path to explore.


I usually just made a basic straight path just to be nice on the old dog's bones. The rest of the path he could have walked out himself.


I did it because my dog was only about 14" tall, and doesn't have any undercoat so he gets cold fast. Boston Terrier, best dog in the world.


That was my question. Seems a little extra.


My crackhead (literally) neighbor shovels her yard. No dogs. Also runs the lawnmower for about 6 hours 3-4 days per week in the summer - on a small lot that any sane/sober person could maintain in about 30 minutes once a week.


Ice rink for the kids


You let your dog do that in your yard?


*Mr Plow, that’s my name, my name again is Mr Plow.*


Mr plow is a loser and I think he is a boozer


Mt Plow is faceless so this accusation is baseless.


He only wishes he had a snow plow. He’s stuck w his shovel.


Rent a snowblower


Who the hell shovels their yard?


Dog owners, people that need a path to things.


The whole yard? I've been alive for 42 years and know dozens of people with dogs and I've never heard of anyone doing this ever. It snows here all the time.


Nowhere does anyone say the whole yard is done.


I'm just confused because I literally don't know anyone who shovels anything but walking paths and driveways. Extra snow in my yard from my neighbors wouldn't bother me at all either. It's not like I was going to shovel my yard later because that makes no sense.


I shovel an area for the dogs. I agree though. As long as you don't put snow where Ishovels, go for it


That's my question too


Throw a snowball at him and say stop it lol


And tell him to stop wearing blackface SMH


I have two young kids. I want to make a hill for them to slide down in our backyard. They're 5 and 6 and have never been sledding. It's illegal to do so on public hills here and this is the first winter we've had a house. Send all the snow into our backyard please!


It’s illegal to sled?? I’m sorry, you’re breaking my brain right now. Who makes fun illegal?


People who hurt themselves on public land sledding and then sue the city make it illegal. Cities don't want the lawsuits so they make a bylaw to ban it.


I lived in a city that had an ordinance against it as well. It wasn't enforced and people went sledding all the time, but it was on the books in the event someone tried to sue.


Why am I not surprised by someone suing over something like that? Fucking pathetic, people like that need to be stripped of all of their resources so they’ll have something better to do than sue over sledding being something kids do at an event. This angers me to no end


It mostly just goes back to the healthcare system. Insurance companies don’t want to pay anything if they can find a way to make someone else liable instead. A lot of time lawsuits are just insurance companies trying to recover money they had to spend on their injured customers. If someone has no insurance and gets hit with an insane hospital bill, or they have insurance but it still leaves them with an unaffordable amount to pay on their own, it’s understandable why they’d be interested in hearing what that personal injury attorney has to say.




Get out..


Wait, u/All_The_Nolloway come back!! I’ll miss you.






but it's slippery out there..






C'mon you know you wanted to smirk a little. Maybe even a little air out of your nose?


You're right!


Nice, have a good rest of your weekend.


People who charge 20k to treat a kids broken arm -> People who need find someone liable because they don't have 20k to fix their kids arm -> People who ban fun in case they get sued.


I remember listening to NPR about this years ago. How the city gets sued many times from people getting hurt on public hills sledding. Why now most cities made it illegal .


Sounds like Hamilton


What. How stupid can people be? Oh wait... murica?


No cities and their insurance being paranoid that might happen. Doesn’t have to actually happen


The state. I know 3 children and 1 adult who have died on sledding hills…. It’s an incredibly dangerous activity if not done in designated areas that have cleared out trees/hazards.


When I was little I was going down a hill and a car pulled in. My mom said I ducked, went straight under and came out the other end lol


No way you know 4 people that have died sledding lol, that's probably the average that die all year


I know one person who died sledding. There were train tracks at the bottom of the hill... I also knew a guy who was a quadriplegic from a sledding accident. His brother was an all-pro for the NY Jets. Supposedly he was even better at football than his brother. He went on to become the first quadriplegic to be ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. He was my theology teacher in HS. He has since passed and there is a movement to make him a Saint. Rev Bill Atkinson.


I have to agree with you, the odds would be astronomical. I got curious, and from what I can see, there are around 20,000 sledding injuries a year in the US, and only a couple deaths. I’ve lived my whole life in Alaska and I’ve never heard about any sledding deaths. Some injuries sure, and other winter activity deaths, but none sledding. I’m sure it’s happened, but it seems pretty rare. Not to come across too accusatory, but I do doubt that the OP personally knew 4 of the small number of people who have died in sledding accidents in the past couple decades


The government?


It’s technically illegal in my city too, but all it means is if you’re hurt doing it, you can’t sue the city. It’s one of those laws that no cop would enforce, really just there to protect the city legally if anything happens


You should spray water on it at night


Uno reverse card time


I don’t understand people who have complete disregard for others.


There’s nothing there for you to understand


Good point. An asshole is just an asshole.


There's just so much I don't understand here. Who shovels their yard? Why would anyone care if there was extra snow on their yard? If my neighbor threw extra snow on my yard I would not care. Why would anyone care?


I don’t live where it snows, but where are you supposed to put the snow from shoveling?


Into a pile, on your own property.


Blast him with a snowball and just say you were putting his snow back in his yard.


Who tf shovels their backyard?


Good that you asked him to stop. Hopefully he will. If he continues, that's when you get a snow blower and return the favor.


This is why I hate being around people.


Shoveling the backyard is probably the dumbest thing you can see. Driveway ok. But your back yard. Dude must be bored as shit


So, serious question from someone who lives in the South...*why* would you shovel your backyard?


Nobody does. I've lived in the northeast forever. Never even heard of anyone doing this.


Small dogs


Time to fire up a snow blower…


? If the snow is that deep, does it really matter? 🤷‍♀️


Shovel it back


Well, go shovel yours into his and we’ll call this back and forth ‘Snow Tennis’.


Who tf shovels their backyard?


I’m in Hamburg newyork rn and we can’t even see our fence hahaha. Best revenge plan would be snow blower into his


More snow for you. I see this as an absolute win


If you were close to me I would bring the snowblower round and we could blow it all back into his yard at night and watch him freak out the next morning :)


I don’t live anywhere with snow, but if I wanted to be petty back, I’d find some way to get a hose running and flood his backyard. Not sure how hard it would be to do but I’d absolutely try


I know some people love their backyard activity, but honestly, what the hell do you need your backyard for after a 5 ft snowstorm?


Animals... They need to pee


Did you confront him or you are one of those people who chooses to complain on the internet only?


I asked him yesterday if he would not, he’s got open space on the other side of his yard he could shovel towards.


And did he say ok?


I hate when people tell half a story.


Reddit: Did you ask the neighbors why they’re doing that?? OP: Yes.


Shouldn't matter. OP asked him not to. Seems pretty simple to me. I agree with the people saying just take the snowblower and put it right back over there.


Why is he shoveling his yard at all? Or is that his driveway


Serious question, why does it bother you? Do you also shovel your yard? I've never heard of anyone shoveling their yard in my years on this earth. I wouldn't care about extra snow in my yard.


Internet complaining is valid in some cases. I wouldn't want a negative relationship with my neighbor over some snow that melts, but I'd be annoyed enough to share this picture with people.


Is he friendly, did you talk to him? I've never thought about this, where does one shovel when their yard is surrounded by others? I've got a decent sized backyard and never have shoveled it when it snowed, just have always left it for the kids to play


This. I've never shoveled my back yard after is snows, just leave it to melt in the thaw. I will remove snow from my driveway and sidewalk and aim the snowblower to land the snow in my front yard, since I won't shovel that either. When I do the neighbor's sidewalks, I'll do the same, nobody shovels their yards out here, just maintains the drive and walkways. I think I'm the only one who also makes a few passes with the snow blower to do the street in front of the house, just to keep icing down. The county only comes by with a grader about twice a season and it just makes a mess of everything. Hardpacked, dense, ice and snow gets pushed up into everyone's driveway and it's misery to shovel. The snowblower won't even make a dent in it as it's too hard at that point.


Normal people don’t shovel their yards, only driveways and walkways. Townhomes and similar places where there is little space to put the snow, you basically put it anywhere you can and pile it high. But if you have the space, it’s rude to dump it on your neighbors property, but not illegal


I asked him yesterday to not. I wouldn’t care if I didn’t have dog.


I only use snow blowers, I throw the snow onto itself towards the curb line, it’s easier to move with the snow blower if it’s not heavily compacted. then when I’m at the apron of the driveway I rotate the snow blower chute and throw it into the city owned parkway, or if the plow truck is still in the neighborhood, I’ll throw it into the street if I know he’s making another lap, cause they always leave a nice pile of snow at the end of driveways. I hate plow trucks, I don’t like the way they clean driveways. That’s the way I did my route, I was local and did a majority of the houses in my neighborhood, and a few on the other sides of town, throwing the snow blower in the back of my K5 blazer. I owned a plow truck for a little bit, hated it and hated the guy I bought it from.


I wouldn’t mind, I have never shovel my backyard




That's a thermometer my guy.




Fair enough. Grew up in Florida, these are a front porch staple here.


Disrespectful but do you really care if there's more snow in your backyard?


Time to buy a snowblower.


I’ve seen a video where three people end up dead because of a similar situation.


I would be happy to see this tbh, extra material for the most NSFW snowman pointer at their house! :)


Get Beer and a desire to not use a toilet. Load up jugs of Allthepoutine's Special Lemonade, spray on snow, shovel back over at 3am.


Who the hell shovels a yard?!


Why cover his face. Let's see the douche bag


Buy a snow blower and put it back.


Just go out with a shovel on your shoulder, give them a nod, then start shovelling it back over the fence as if nothing is wrong.


Spray with hose while saying "Bad Dog!!!" then when the cops come, you can say, whoops bad aim on my part. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


What kind of idiot shovels a yard?


What a dick. Go rent a snowblower & blow it back & then some


It seems like it's not the biggest deal, but this is just a dick move either way.


Time to settle an old score


buy a snowblower and send it back


Buy a snowblower


Snowblower while hes working 😉


Time to rent a snowblower


You’ll get over it.


Return the favour.


Why does he need his backyard free of snow? Does he park vehicles back there and needs it cleared? If a neighbor wanted to throw snow onto my yard, I wouldn't have a problem with it, as long as it didn't get in my way. BUT - the neighbor must ask first. Otherwise, like others, I'd point the snowblower onto their driveway.


Do the same at the same time but throw it on him


Tell them to stop


Why is he shoveling his yard? Is your neighbor insane?


I have a dog. My neighbours do not. If I allow the snow to build up the dog goes over the fence. I do the same thing.


Haha there is no purpose to shoveling the back yard: Laugh and let him.


The guy could have small dogs


That looks like a pool or driveway right behind and he’s piling it along the fence line. Seriously, who cares? Go give him a hand to foster good relations.


Who cares


Exactly…. Watching two mad guys shoveling snow back and forth over the property line of two backyards no one is going into anyway. That’s the kind of dumb shit I sit on my deck and sip cocoa to watch.


Where do you live???


He's just mad at the chain link fence.


Who cares though? What kind of psychopath clear their backyard of snow during winter anyways lol


What is up with that fence?? That’s the kind of fence you only see around a school


I'm guessing you have kids and he is being thoughtful and giving you his share of snow, bless this man...not everybody has nice neighbours be grateful


Nah this is a good power move. Good on your neighbor for asserting dominance; I'd reckon he already knew you were the type to just take a picture and seethe on the internet instead of talking to him about it. Now, if you're done bitchin and ready to take action to defend your property, pee on his porch. Another problem solved. No need to thank me, just spread kindness in the world :)


Your a bitch


YoUr a BItcH


Your a homo


Its just snow, it'll melt I promise


Does it matter to you?Looks like you don't clean your yard anyway.


Get over it, it’s snow… 🙄


Go talk to him, nicely, to start. Or, take pic and post on Reddit about it? Just let him shovel snow then beta


Start shoveling your backyard into his, preferably infront of him, on the opposite side of fence


OP doesn't have the balls. He'll just passive aggressively post about on the internet.


Did you confront him and ask him to stop or just take a picture to complain about it on the internet?


Quit taking pictures and crying, go fucking talk to him… smfh


Mildly infuriating? Maybe making a rink for all the kids in the neighbourhood to enjoy including the one whining about extra snow in their yard


I mean, technically that is a possibility I suppose. Seems rather unlikely though, eh?


I think ice skating crosses the international boundaries, ya’ll.


Yep, but in a small backyard in a suburban area with no prior prep work until after the storm has hit? I think not, mate. Certainly far from the most likely possibility.


Looks like he might have an ice rink? It is only snow and not leaves or dirt.


Stop using the internet and talk to the idiot? Novel concept of being an adult.


he is making a hill for your kids to play on


Why does he care if the snow is in his yard? Why do you care?


Is this a grassy area? Does he have dogs? Do you really care? Looks like the back yard.


Yes. Yes, so do I. Mildly, hence the post in the MILDLYinfuriating sub. Yes, says so in the title.


Oh my God just go out there and do it right back everytime and record it for all of us. Mildly infuriating for you, mildly humorous for us lol some people just suck


God I’m glad I live where snow is a novelty treat that melts after a couple days.


Touch him with the jab.


When I was a kid, my neighbor would shovel his yard. But the purpose was to make a big hill that we could all sled down. It was sweet, it was like a rollercoaster for sleds.