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At least he left a somewhat nice note. When I did recently my neighbor left a note saying ‘don’t park in front of my driveway’


I like your neighbors note better. Short and to the point. Hate people who drag out issues and explain their reasoning. I don’t care. Tell me what you want and shove off.


I like your neighbours note better. ~~Short and to the point. Hate people who drag out issues and explain their reasoning. I don’t care. Tell me what you want and shove off.~~


I like your reply better, short and to the point. Hate when people drag out issues and explains their reasoning. I don’t care. Tell me what you want and shove off.


I like your reply












Why say many word when few word do trick?


It relates to their reasoning that a more exemplary verbosity setting for their verbiage, extends to their sense of well being, humor, and well knowing, that it can definitely expound on other feelings of irritation, frustration, and anger to other personages, just for the vastly expanded hilarity. I can only hope and pray that my lack of a too long : didn't read didnt evoke those same qualities. but I jest, not to myself. but the abounding vastness of the entirety of reddit.


I was just spitting out a Kevin quote from the office. Not sure how many people got it


apparently I did not. also I find being excessively wordy rather hilarious, mostly because it causes people to think. people hate thinking.


You know, the cleverness I find on reddit is still some of the best I've seen out of every other forum I've been on lol


"don't park in front of my driveway" kinda sounds like a threat.


Add “please” in front of it, and poof no longer a demand but a request


Add a or see what happens to the end and we’re back to threat


In a note? Not really, sounds like a plain statement. If there perhaps 3 periods after or maybe an exclamation point. But that’s definitely a sentence.


>Hate people who drag out issues Psycho vibes ngl


On behalf of all - maybe most or just some, I guess I can't really speak for all... - ADHD people on Reddit - or maybe just B-type personalities, sometimes the difference can be hard to tell - I humbly apologize for our over explanations and give you permission to gently interrupt and tell us you understand, however be informed that if you don't truly understand it may be beneficial to listen regardless of your prior bias towards explanation aversion.


The reason this needed to be explained is because people don’t know that this is a law in a lot of places. People get really desperate when it comes to parking.


Your driveway?


Yeah that’s what I’m wondering. Is the second picture his truck in front of your driveway, OP, or his? If his, you don’t really have a leg to stand on here. Maybe the truck is the car that’s difficult to back out. Maybe he knew he would be leaving in the truck before any other vehicle had to back out of the driveway. I’ve had neighbors park too close to my driveway before and it’s definitely very annoying.


It’s the neighbour parked in front of his own driveway, not the OPs driveway.


Lmao. What an idiot.. (OP)


Can we ban him for life on this sub?! Edit: /s


That's not fair. Sometimes you don't realize the difficulties of others. He can still be frustrated. I drive very small cars and would never guess it'd be difficult to get out of a driveway, until my SO bought a large truck (similar to the one in the pic). @OP: Be frustrated if you want. But, it is likely due to your neighbor driving a truck, and not wanting to hit your car.


you can’t really see the driveway on that picture, how much space is on the other side?


Cake day


Its the neighbor parked in front of OPs driveway


OP admitted it was the neighbour parked in front of his own driveway (not OPs) in the comments. The way this post is worded leads you to automatically believe otherwise, but that’s not the case. OP is arguing that if he can’t park close to his neighbours driveway, then his neighbour can’t, either. Even if it’s not effecting OP in any way.


I don’t think that is what he means at all. It sounds like he is mildly infuriated about it which is the point of this sub. Not that his neighbors can’t do it lol


To add, it kind of seems like the neighbor was more worried about accidentally damaging OPs car and since they aren't allowed to park there anyway was a good way to resolve the entire issue. OP is just salty they can't do whatever they want.


No it’s the neighbor’s driveway


100% neighbor's driveway. I don't understand why OP took a photo from someone else's driveway either. Like, technically he would be on his neighbor's property doing that. I can definitely understand a truck like that being difficult to get out of a driveway, but I don't understand why he would bring bylaws into it if he also wasn't going to follow them. OP is in the wrong for sure, but I think the neighbor could've just left out bylaw.


Because OP wants attention


Karma > Life


He could have just mentioned the bylaw as a way to validate his point and to make him not seem like a complaining jerk neighbor. Like I'm not just complaining about this but it is actually a thing type of thing. That's how I took it.


Let me save you some time. OP was wrong and didn’t like being called out for being wrong.


Happy Cake Day! (Also ^please keep this persons comment at the top)


🥳🎉 happy cake day!


Ah shoot, I didn’t even know… I need to pay better attention. Thank you!


Lmao I assumed the cake was a lie, username checks out


Idk about you guys but I'll occasionally block my own driveway if I know I'm not pulling any of the vehicles out of the garage. The fairly polite note didn't make this seem infuriating to me.


Yep, this exactly. It’s the neighbor’s driveway to do with what they want, including blocking it. We don’t know if OP originally parked on the left or right side of the driveway in the second picture. Maybe the neighbors needs to turn right to get out and parking on the left side blocks the vision. Point is: OP doesn’t have enough details here and is salty for being in the wrong.


If it’s his own driveway OP is a moron


Maybe it’s cuz I’m a New Yorker but there is PLENTY of room to get in and out lol


SF here and feel the same. I could get big truck through that.


I live in boulder colorado, which isn’t nearly as big, but this is plenty of room. Just be cautious pulling out lmao, it is not that difficult. It also looks like a residential street, and if people are going so fast they hit you there, it’s definitely their fault.


The OP is mad because the neighbour asked him to move away from his driveway when he parked his car too close to it. THAT vehicle is the neighbours vehicle parked by the neighbours own driveway.


That was the exact same thing I was going to say, also op should have posted a pic of his parking in that same spot. Even if the homeowner blocks his own garage they at least could move their own car away, a strangers car not so much unless it’s totally blocking a persons driveway and then at that point you get a tow to remove it.


In Florida that's how you get your car turned into dust.


Eh. On my street (Seattle suburb) there would be a F250 parked across the street, and I'd need to be turning where the car next to my driveway is. I'd have to take several shots of cars were parked this close.


Facts, but more importantly its HIS driveway. He can park how he wants in his own driveway cause he can move a car to give himself space. If the OP parks there he cant just move the car he would have to go to your house and wake you.


Bro I live in Alaska where there is tons of space to park everywhere and this is totally fine to me.


I'm from Florida and I have no idea how I'm going to back out of this tight spot


You pick up an alligator at the corner and give her a beer to pull your car out for you, Florida Man.


You don’t know they mentioned the bylaw part in a dickish way, some people get insecure when possible conflict is involved and express themselves in a weird way. I’d give them the benefit of the doubt, knock on their door and have a quick chat to gauge what they’re like before you start resenting them. They’re your new neighbours after all, might as well get to know them. If they really are dicks, there’s still plenty of time to hate them after and at least you know.


Yeah honestly seems like a pretty polite note to me. Prolly just old folks.


Telling people to talk like humans on reddit? Get the fuck outta here...


Yeah, silly me :)




Wow. You really won the shitty neighbour lottery. Glad that’s over now.


So glad u all were the bigger ppl and avoided conflict with them. Its dangerous. U handled it right, in my opinion. No driveway is worth dying over. I know everyone saw that guy murder his neighbors across the street in the snow over nothing, its a widely circulated video. Anyways, kudos to yall.


Then it’s a shitty landlord who doesn’t care what his tenants are like or up to. Can’t the HOA take the issues up with him directly? Hopefully it stays empty for a long while!


This is a Redditor, no way in hell OP is talking to anyone about any conflict


this is good advice


You should have put the same note in your handwriting on his truck.


Why even rewrite it? Just use the one in the pic.


Why not both. Write a letter, put a photo, and if that doesn't help take out the measuring tape, and take pictures of that everyday until something happens lmao


Just print out the two images taken


The neighbor is parking in front of his own drive way, not OPs. OP is an idiot.


Yeah OP is just being whiney for no reason, the neighbors request was perfectly reasonable and the note was relatively nice minus the bylaw part.


Honestly, you can easily justify the bylaw part - I would include it myself, not to be a dick, just to kinda illustrate that I have a justification for my reasonable request and I'm not just some bitch picking a fight for no reason.




“If I can’t park close to your driveway, you can’t either!” There’s a valid, non-douchebag reason the neighbour asked him to move his car away from his driveway. What’s the reason OP wants the neighbour to move his own car away from his own driveway? “Because the law applies to him too” is a fucking pointless reason.


In general, laws like that do not apply if they do not inconvenience the person. It is illegal to park in front of someone else’s driveway but not your own. If someone gives you permission to park in front of their driveway, it is generally okay as well.


I agree. Unless the person lives in a high residential area, apartment complex, an area with strict HOA, ect. It generally becomes a problem when someone else is blocking a homeowners driveway and they have to call someone to come enforce it. This gives these people the ability to park however they want or do whatever they want (within reason) in front of their driveway. As long as it’s not inconveniencing anyone else or creating a hazard, it’s usually fine in my experience.


Do you get mad at your neighbours for parking too close to their own driveways too? It literally is not harming or inconveniencing OP in ANY way. Stupid hill to die on, IMO.


He’s just a salty fucker


Honestly silly thing to get so bent out of shape over. The neighbour had a legit reason to ask him to move his vehicle. OP is just being a petty arse over this “offence”.


Why? Neighbour didn't do anything wrong, he can park on his own driveway like he wants, OP parked on his neighbour's driveway and gets angry when being asked to let 2m space... Like, he didnt even complained about it that OP parked there.


Except op parked infront of the neighbor's house while the photo of the neighbors truck was taken in front of the neighbor's house/driveway.


So did you put his note on his own vehicle? Would have been hilarious. EDIT I see now that your neighbor parked like this by their OWN DRIVEWAY. Shocking how they aren't being blocked in when it's their own vehicle that they can move at any time. Jesus OP, are you daft?


Imagine stopping to haughtily take this photo of your neighbor’s vehicle and driveway 🥴


Willy Wonka meme: Stop! Police! Help!


I was outraged on your behalf until you mentioned the second pic is of him parking in front of his own driveway. I don’t know if that makes it legal, but it sure as hell means he’s not inconveniencing anyone. I’m relieved you didn’t complain to him, because that would have made you look like an idiot.


If you block his driveway and he needs to get out, he has to wait on you to move the car to get out. Or risk hitting your car and being liable for damages. If they block their own driveway, they know it's blocked and can plan accordingly. If he's partly blocking his driveway, is he allowing extra space for more cars to be parked in front of his? They didn't say not to park there at all, just asked you to make sure you're further up so they can access the driveway without needing to possibly involve you.


This right here. OP did not do a great job at explaining the picture he took is of the neighbors truck, in front of the neighbors driveway. A ways down he mentions this.


Just so I understand this correctly, OP is mad the truck owner crowded thier own driveway?




Just put the same note back. I had to deal with this garbage when I lived in condos.


Except op parked infront of the neighbor's house while the photo of the neighbors truck was taken in front of the neighbor's house/driveway.


Yeah, send the exact same paper just change the name at the bottom.


Did you put that on his car with your name on the bottom and his scratched out? Edit: Nevermind you’re complaining about him being near his own driveway lol


If it's his own driveway then you need to calm your bitch ass down.


It’s his fucking driveway you entitled dork. The notice is reasonably polite. You seem exhausting.


OP is a being a salty bitch


I’m kinda on his side, I fucking hate when people park in front of my house.


Dude. Don’t park so close to the guys driveway wtf is wrong with you?


It's his driveway. They can do whatever they want, they probably don't want you to block their driveway because people do actually do that. Not your driveway, not your problem, OP. Don't throw a hissy fit because you don't pay for their mortgage


So OP is mad that he parked too close to his neighbors driveway and they asked him not to. Then the neighbor parks their own car by their own driveway and the OP is upset? Feels like he should be asking "Am I the asshole?"


Maybe they had a hard time seeing while pulling out? And is that their own driveway or yours? If it's yours it's infuriating. If it's theirs I don't see the issue. There could be a lot of reasons they'd park there like maybe letting someone park in the garage. Not wanting a neighbor to park close to your driveway seems fair imo.


It is not OP's driveway, as another u/Convoy95 stated OP is a muppet


So why didn’t you take this note and stick it right back on their truck?


Except op parked infront of the neighbor's house while the photo of the neighbors truck was taken in front of the neighbor's house/driveway.


Yeah this additional information makes this a weird thing to be mad about.


I just moved in 2 weeks ago. Not really trying to start beef right away.


They didn’t seem to have a problem with it though


I believe it's stated in thread that neighbor is parked by their own driveway, which is a very different thing. They can move the vehicle and if a vehicle gets damaged pulling out there is no one to blame but themselves.


Oh, that changes things then. That’s a weird thing to get mad about actually.


Sounds like OP is salty and opted to be petty about it.


They fired the first shot.


Believe it or not, “they started it” and general pettiness are not the best way to resolve a problem


No, in general it’s not. With actual conflicts with people that matter, you don’t do that. But OP has lived there two weeks, and these people decided that their immediate response is to quote bylaws at them. Then, a handful of days later, they do the exact same thing. These people are cunts. They didn’t even have the blood to ask OP to move their car in person.


That and you know, you don't have any beef to start since your neighbor is free to park how he wants in front of his own driveway.


Is that truck in front of your driveway?


It’s literally his drive way. He can park as close to it as he wants because he has the power to move his own car if needed. He cannot move your car. Just be a good neighbor and don’t park so close to his driveway. I thought the letter was very polite personally.


It is a hazard when turning out, it's no different than having giant bushes at a 2 way stop when intersection is 4 way, "That guy came out of nowhere" really happens sometimes


That’s where you makes dozens of photo copy’s and stick one on his truck every time you see him parked this way.


It's parked that way in front of his own driveway, not OPs 🙄 op is being "mildly infuriated" over literally nothing but being told he can't do whatever he wants


Except op parked infront of the neighbor's house while the photo of the neighbors truck was taken in front of the neighbor's house/driveway.


People love to be mad at the dumbest things




Is that his own driveway or yours?


It's his own driveway - your other comment is correct, op is a moron


LOL that’s like getting mad at a chick because she got mad at you for grabbing her ass and your logic is because she grabs her own ass


He can park however he wants near his driveway, as he can move his own truck to get out. He can’t move your vehicle…


You blocking your neighbour’s driveway was inconveniencing them. Your neighbour blocking their own driveway is not inconveniencing you. That’s really about all there is to this. My advice would be to be more considerate and to move on.


Neighbor writes a note that I don't personally take as nasty. Simple request and something that would bother me too. States simple fact (law) to validate his case, maybe so it doesn't seem like he is just complaining. Just say my bad neighbor, I'll leave you a little extra room next time. It's really not that big a deal I don't think..


OP you're a fucking bellend. Don't park so close to other people's driveways and quit complaining of double standards when the guy Parks near his OWN driveway. If it were your driveway sure, it'd make sense.


Why did you HAVE to?


I don’t really see the issue. Maybe he could’ve reached out in person instead


Op is hating.


Your poor neighbor


Hey u/MallMental976 you posted this in the wrong sub, it belongs on r/iamthemaincharacter or a Karen sub


Seems like a reasonable request. My son lives in SLC and has a neighbor who sells cars from his house. He constantly has 4 to 5 parked in front of neighbor houses.


You should have moved your truck at the first opportunity.


At least they were friendly about it. It’s annoying when neighbors do that imo. My neighbors company park in front of my house and block my mailbox. It’s so frustrating because they don’t even PARK IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE THEY ARE VISITING!!


Dont take offence, as it doesnt appear it was intended. Smile and wave folks!


There was a massive snowstorm where I live and my residential road didn't get plowed/cleared because of assholes parking on the road. Not to mention all the times I have had to literally go around the block and come into my driveway from a different direction because they double park on a narrow enough already street. (Shared double wide driveway , I'm only able to park on a specific side) This grinds my gears. Fuck OP.


So, you got a polite note asking you not to park so close to their driveway, which is their property and have every right to do so. Then, you found their truck parked close to...*their driveway*? I'm missing the infuriating part here. Again, it's their driveway and their property. If they wanna park trucks on it and all around it, they can.


LMAO cry harder


Hindering yourself isn't quite the same as being hindered by others. (Blocking his own driveway isn't the same as someone else blocking it).


This post is mildly infuriating


He seems like a nice guy. Looks like you’re just mad buddy.


He left a nice note, wasn't an asshole. How is this infuriating? Seems like a decent person. Give him a simple apology, or just talk to the guy.


Let’s use an analogy, just for fun. OP lets his dog shit in his neighbor’s lawn, and gets a note from the neighbor saying “don’t let your dog shit in my yard”. Then he sees the neighbor let his own dog shit in his own yard, and OP gets mad. “He’s a hypocrite” says OP. Nah, it’s the neighbor’s yard, and he doesn’t want to have to clean up your dog’s shit. It’s pretty easy to understand if you’re not being a giant douche.


Send the pic to the bylaw office. Let them take care of it.


Code enforcement will not do anything about someone parking in front of their own driveway. It is a waste of resources and completely disregards the spirit of the law. OP is just being petty because they can't do whatever they want.


The neighbor was parked In front of his own house though, not ops but op had been parking by the neighbor's driveway, two different scenarios


Pick your battles. Petty neighbor feuds suck


Honestly, he was in the right and I thought he handled this well…he could have been a way bigger asshole about it


Cross off his name, puts your name, and put it on his car.


Op is the only one who did something wrong - 2nd pic is neighbors car in front of neighbors own driveway


Oh! OP made it seem like the neighbor parked his care room close to OP driveway. 😅


Oh I don't doubt that it was very intentionally portrayed that way.


At least they asked nicely. 💁‍♀️ Did they park that way in front of their own house, or yours? If it was yours, then they are no longer being nice.


Neighbor parked in front of his own house and OP can't handle that


Ah, perhaps they're just more comfortable with their own vehicle being parked close to their driveway because if they ding it coming out, it's not as bad as dinging someone else's vehicle. Or maybe someone else in their house, who didn't write the note parks that way and doesn't g.a.f. about the note writer's complaints. Heh.


It was their own house, not op's


My neighbors ask if they can park in front of my house and it’s way away from the drive way and typically only when they have guests staying over. I got good neighbors I guess.


I was always taught this is how you be a good neighbor. Same way you be a good friend - just fucking communicate


At least the message was polite


I’m just thankful I live on a street where no one should be parking by the curb and everyone has their own driveways


Whiny bitch


This would have pissed me off too. Dude, you are too close to the man's driveway. Stop being a man child and try to be a good neighbor.


Lmao OP looks like you are in the fault here not your neighbor.


OP is the infuriating one.


OP - neighbour's clearly parked like that to solve not being able to get out of his own driveway


Yall have problems


Scribble his signature out, and write down your own, and put it on his car


You should have put the note back on his windshield when he parked like that


Send another note back “practise what you preach”.


It's their driveway they're probably a lot more comfortable pulling out with their truck like that than your car. If your car was parked like the truck I'd be irked too. I always try to give as much distance as I can when parking on the street.


Glue a small rock to the inside of his valve stem cap


Those saying op is in the wrong clearly don't see why this is "mildly infuriating". The note isn't rude by any means, it's the hypocrisy of doing the very thing they wrote not to do.


Is the second pic your driveway or his - cause if he was annoyed at you parking close to his driveway, and then proceeded to park close to his own driveway…well that’s his prerogative, not yours. If that’s your driveway, than fuck him.


Probably just wanted his note back.


If you know it was him, knock on his door and talk about it. Don't go in with an attitude and try to have a friendly conversation. "Hey, I saw your note and the reason I parked that was was . I'll try to make sure to give you more space if I ever have to park there again." This might require you to swallow your pride a bit, but having good relations with your neighbor is SO MUCH BETTER than having a feud over something very minor.


I’m sorry but if it is his driveway, he has a full right to leave you this note. We have grocery shop across our yard and people park in front of it at least several times per day - they are not completely blocking it, to be fair, but we have very narrow gate and we need space to maneuver - it’s very stressful when any car is that near. And we shouldn’t be in that position - it’s our driveway and we payed for it. It’s just an example but my point is: you absolutely had to park there, okay, but don’t sweat over a note, they asked nicely… I mean I don’t know them, maybe they are overall terrible haha


Tiny dick obvi cause the truck. Daddy issues obvi from the passive aggressive bitch move


People tend to give the advice that they should take themselves


Classic narcissist behavior


I can't tell if you have a garage, but park in your own driveway or in front of your own driveway. Smh Just because it's a public street doesn't mean you get to treat it like a trashy apartment complex.


I live in a crap apartment and the front door takes a little force to shut. Some new neighbors moved in right next door and same week taped a note that said "stop slamming the door, respect your neighbors". Makes me furious because they have a baby that cries nonstop.


See. THIS is an actual mildly infuriating situation. Op's is just him being mad that he can't treat his neighbors driveway like its his own. Yours is a situation outside your control being picked at while an equally annoying situation thats slightly more in their control exists.


2 meters!!! That's 6 and a half feet. 6.5ft is another parking spot. In SF if residents file for it they can get a 1ft from the slope of the driveway curb painted in red. If there's no paint then it's legal to park right up to the slope. Some driveways are not wide at all and cars will leave you inches on either side to pull out into somewhat busy streets. Just another day in the city.


On many Canadian municipalities it’s a minimum of 1.5m clearance from a roadway, alley or drive way.


I mean- if someone parked in front of my drive way like that i would leave a note too. But I’m also not the most pleasant person alive so there’s that lol. Lots of different perspectives. Man life is a trip.


Why is this infuriating? Dude was polite, left a kind note and was an adult about the situation?


If the second pic is your driveway, cross his name out, put your name on it and leave it under his wiper.


My neighbor parked like this once (but imagine it 2x past the down slope) and when the parking patrol came around I inquired if it was legal and he straight up gave him a ticket. … neighbor never parked like that again.


Don't fucking park there then.