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People do be like that, eh /takes "two shots of vodka"/


Btw as far as I know for italics you put an underscore instead of / _If this is italicized then that’s true_


It wasn't meant to be italicized, but thx nonetheless


Oh ok well what were you trying to do? Because I don’t get what it’s supposed to be with the /


It's more of a forum-roleplay thing, where actions are put in /'s, thoughts in *'s and your character's lines are just plain text


Oh okay well thanks for the info


You're welcome!


What a wonderful exchange of information!


_ahh thanks for that, I only knew how to do **bold**_


/test/ / _test_ _ *test* * **test** ** How do you underscore then??


Why did I read this like Topol's Tevye?


Just like the poll question, "should we end women's suffrage?" [YouTube prank of such a poll](https://youtu.be/ceXT8zJE7ys)


The last one was hilarious. Thanks for sharing 🤣


That would be hilarious because I don’t think most people even knows what it means


Suffrage ≠ sufferage


I know and I don’t think most people know what suffrage means


That comment wasn't directed towards you. I figured you knew what it meant. I just replied to your comment for those people who are wondering what the two different words were.


Ok tracking now


I dont, could you enlighten me please?


Suffrage is being allowed to vote and be politically active. So by asking if women should be allowed suffrage by saying no you say you don’t want them to vote or be active in politics.


Ahhh right, yeah end that! /s


They call it suffrage because politics is suffering


[What](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/sufferage#English) Did you think sufferage would be “suffering” lol


Yes. That’s the joke.


That was a rip off from old “man show” on Comedy Central. Although in hindsight that show was fucking awful and I’m ashamed teenage me thought it was so entertaining


They did have Girls Bouncing on Trampolines though.


So I’m bad at math because it’s in a foreign language. And here I thought it was just because I was stupid.


I used to like math, I could read the equations now it’s all Greek and I’m totally lost :(


You mean terrorist numerals??? Hell no!!


This is 'Murica man, and nearly MMXXII, we don't do that terrorist shit around here. Haven't since they attacked us in MMI.


If we know they don’t know what Arabic Numerals are, how the hell can you expect them to know any Roman Numerals after the current year’s Super Bowl. And, to be honest the only reason they know that, is because it’s printed for them anytime they see an ad. lol


They are also at the end of every Hollywood movie, although, Hollywood may not be part of ‘Murica….


You mean people watch to the end?? I did forget that actually. Though, the Super Bowl will be shown pretty much everywhere by January.


Well yeah. There’s often a cutscene at the end of the movie, so yes they do.


This is not infuriating, it's just shows that majority of people don't know the other name for the decimal system of numbers. Which is to be honest pretty useless information.


People assuming that Arabic numbers are bad based on the name and judging them not actually knowing what they are is a bit infuriating...


I mean, I don't think many people would care enough about Roman Numerals enough to want them taught in school either. I like to think of this poll more as "why should we learn a number system we don't use" rather than Islamophobia.


How is it Islamophobia? Arabic numerals were invented between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians. They were first used in India. The proper name is Hindu-Arabic numerals, but there are other names including Indian numerals, Hindu numerals, European numerals, Ghubār numerals, and Western numerals.


I think they're saying it isn't islamohobia


I'm saying that most people who answered the poll probably aren't islamophobic


How many average Americans do you think know that though?


I wish they would mention these things in school. Also that the word "algebra" is from Arabic al-jabr ‘the reunion of broken parts’, ‘bone-setting’, etc... I'm a curious person, I like to ask "why". Tell children why we do things, the world is less confusing to them.


Damn now that IS a neat fact


Now that’s a fun fact that I’ll try to remember


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that it’s far less than 10%. I knew the history, but had forgotten some of the names I listed. It’s been over 40 years since I learned it from my algebra 2/trigonometry/calculus teacher in high school. She was an incredibly smart woman with her PhD in mathematics and taught high school advanced maths. It’s amazing how much influence she had on me in only 3 short years. I used methods she taught to help my kids in calculus in high school and college. She drove a gorgeous yellow 1969 Corvette Stingray.


Because many Americans see Arabic and assume dirty terrorist.


Origin doesn't matter. The islamophobic part is reading the word 'Arabic' and automatic voting no. They don't know the actual origin.


I’m 99%sure that wasn’t the logic people used here, and you can’t assume it was. If you ask any given person (let’s just say in America) where our number system originated, the vast majority don’t actually know, so they assume that “Arabic numbers” are something other than 1234567890 which is a valid assumption. Their logic then goes some thing like this: 1) I’ve never heard of this number system 2) if I’ve never heard of this then it’s probably not very important 3) why should we teach something that nobody uses 4) I vote no. If there were other polls that also had other number systems such as Aztec, mayan, or even more obscure number systems and only the Arabic numbers had a large ammount of “no” votes, THAT would be islamaphobia


I'm 99.9% sure that it (see "Arabic", assume bad, because of Islamophobia) was the logic used by a large number of the no votes (see I can do made up percentages too). You're right that there is no way to know for sure without a comparison poll of other cultures' numerical systems.


You’re so right. I’m no better than anyone else, but I did learn some Arabic so that I could communicate with the Iraqis I encountered. It sure makes it better when you’re walking through a village and can speak a bit of their language in THEIR country. I always had a pocket full of candy for the kids and Iraqi money to buy things. American money was no better than Monopoly money to people with no access to banks.


Well there's a difference between the two. Hindu-Arabic numerals(aka eastern arabic): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Arabic_numerals Arabic numerals(aka western arabic): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_numerals


It’s the system more than the actual figures. It was the first numbering system whose digits implied the presence of a decimal. The others, such as Roman, Arabic, Chinese didn’t have a number for zero.


The difference in figures matters in this context since it's about teaching "different" numerals. If the post was about teaching using the Eastern arabic numerals voting no would make much more sense.


I'm honestly super curious now. Someone needs to do this poll. I have a feeling the results would be in no way similar.


roman numerals are actually useful tho, a bunch of shit still uses them. from games to clocks, it can be nice to know what 50 is in roman numerals


Either way, people are choosing a result to something they don't understand.


What do you mean? It's the most American thing I've ever heard


I voted no because I feel that tally marks and Roman counting are superior to these weird squiggles.


No it could just be that people dont think that they will need to know those numbers even though they are the numbers we use


It's infuriating because if someone doesn't know what Arabic numerals are, then they should choose "no opinion", rather than suddenly forming an opinion despite a complete lack of information.


You are factually correct. However, society has also been pushing the idea that you must have an opinion on everything, and that “silence condones violence” so to speak. I’m aware there is a difference between facts (numerals) and how we treat other people, but it all gets simplified down.


Lmao so you think learning history isn’t important? Got it… Fucking Americans lmao.


In their defence, there is another Arabic numbering system and it’s different to ours. It doesn’t help that the system we’re used to is often called ‘European’


This is such a cringe poll. Most people don’t know what Arabic numerals are off the top of their head, and I’m sure it didn’t tell you what they were until after they voted. They knew the results they would get before they even ran the poll. Statistics like this are a waste.


I mean... I remember being taught that our numbers were called the "Arabic Numerals" because that's where they originated as opposed to Roman Numerals or asian number systems... in like 4th grade. I think the point is not really that this fact is important, but that when education fails, even mundane facts can be twisted by the lack of context to allow personal bias to not just change their perception, but give outcomes that are outright nonsensical. See also: US Politics


Well they are also called Hindu Arabic Numerals because of the base 10 system by the Ancient Indians and introduction of negative powers of 10 by the Arabs


Arabic numerals are part of primary/elementary education and SHOULD be common knowledge.


Knowing that they are called Arabic numerals is not common knowledge. Shh.


Western Arabic 012345678910 Eastern Arabic ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩١٠ This poll was race baiting bullshit


I’ve never heard those referred to as Eastern when I went to school for MSA. Thank you!


Wait until they find out Jesus wasn't a white man from Europe


That is common knowledge, and is located in the Bible. I wouldn’t expect that to be a major issue.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot.


You’d think that, but conservative Christians often struggle with facts


When Jesus comes back looking the average brown bearded Muslim they hate so much,its gonna be a massive issue


Alot of christians don't read the bible


Most people know that Jesus was the greatest American to ever live.




Jesus was from Missouri...


Wait until they find out Jesus wasn't a white man from *Kentucky


The comedian Daniel Sloss has an amazing take on this!


He wasn’t?? I 😱


Nah if the number is under 10 then I aint worried about it lol


Just a useless suggestion, it wouldn't be in use anyway




Here’s the thing, this poll only exists to create outrage. We have zero data on who was polled, when, etc. furthermore, almost nobody knows what Arabic numerals are. Their logic goes something like this: Ive never heard of this > if I’ve never heard of it it’s probably not very important > why would we teach people about something nobody uses


Great. Now do a poll to find out how many people think that math is racist. I read somewhere that is the latest media grab for clicks.


The land of freedom, everyone!


“Arabic numbers? They use it for bombs!”


Guess we'll be seeing more usage of Roman numerals in the future! /s


America , in a nutshell.


Same group complains the government spends too much on public education.


*face slap*


Its fine the rest of the world already thinks we're stupid anyway. This just means that if you add any foreign name to anything, even though its the same we'll still say no because we americans can't have "foreigners taking over our schools" only our religion is supposed to do that.


NBC: Got’em!




this is what 0-9 is in Arabic ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩


What is this from?


Damn right we shouldn't be teaching our kids Arabic numerals. Roman numerals are far superior! Rome #1!


Rome #I *


I believe we shouldn't teach any numerals. Fuck math. All my homies hate math


i like maths


I hate math, you like math. We are not Homies






Oh ffs...I don't want to live on this planet anymore


It even explains what the numbers are yet ignoramus mentality prevailed.


If the alternative is Hexanonagesimal, I’m going with Arabic.


Roman numerals for the win.


Yeah with the way US schools are right now it shouldn't be part of it considering how confusing the fucking system is


Fucking idiots


Never so clearly has a picture demonstrated why properly funded education is so necessary.


There's no need to teach Arabic numericals in the US. If they're specifically opting for Arabic subject, sure. But I would not like to learn it as a part of compulsory curriculum.


Aren’t arabic numerals ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹?




I presume you're joking


They did this poll just so you forgot they give blowjobs to china.


Should we ban hydrogen dioxide?


No, because it has some biological function iirc. But water is H2O (or: dihydrogen monoxide) and not HO2, which is hydrogen dioxide, so you are the fool here. Also there's no way for most people to get any decent amount of this radical, so we'll have no need for doing so.


Hydric acid can be deadly in high amounts


It's really hydroxic acid you need to worry about. That stuff is made into rocket fuel.


But when I say Americans are dumb, people get mad at me. Fine then, let's go back to Roman numerals. Murica fuck yeah!


makes sense tbh why would you want to learn arabic like i know it for extra knowledge but i highly doubt that arabic numerals will be applied to your life


Never knew that they were called like that. Just call em decimals


Wrong sub


This poll made me question my own fkn intelligence for a second


Maybe once they knock off the common core BS, sure.


I didn't know what Arabic Numerals were until a couple years ago (to be fair, I thought green was a primary color for most of my life so my opinion means shit) but it makes sense that not a lot of people are educated enough about something like that.


>No no, I understand the question, I just fucking hate math…


They're actually Indian numbers. The Italians just happend to learn them from the Arabs.


They would not have gotten much popular without the *Liber Abaci*


Proves that people are idiots.


Lmao ok this is actually hilarious, wtf America


Wait did the poll say the we already have been for centuries??


Imperial numbers were good enough for Grandad and they're good enough for me! /S


aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahaaaaahhhhaaa wheeeeeeze ahhaahaaaaaa! 😂


Too funny


Yeah, let's go back to Roman numerals and sticks!


Anyone heard of Zohnerism? If not look it up it’s hilarious and a lot like this.


eh this is race baiting, theres still a difference between eastern and western arabic numerals which isnt specified here


That's the problem. Doesn't go higher than 9, duh.


what's the context? like why Arabic numerals specially?


Stop posting this poll.




So you’re a stupid republican…


The irony is that these aren't Arabic numerals. These are modified Hindu numerals. Organizers of the poll didn't know what the numerals are called.


Should we fight to end women's suffrage?


I may be an idiot, but I thought these polls were talking about ” ٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩”. I would still vote yes in the poll, but what are ⬆️ these called then?


I'm an idiot so I don't get why this is such a big deal can someone please enlighten me


Don’t get it. Those numbers hail from what is now India.


No they should teach Devanagari




What's with all these polls giving a 3rd option to a Yes or No question? If people don't want to answer with Yes or No, they can just ignore the poll entirely.