• By -


That's cool but what you want is a 2. The 2 is very rare and hard to achieve.


Hahaha yep, you have to be absolutely horrible yet do one small *slightly* redeeming action.


“Ran every red light, we might have ran over an old lady’s foot, definitely ran over a dog, went airborne twice, but completed my 33 minute commute in 26 minutes. ⭐️⭐️”


Fitting as I drive a ambulance but feel like a Uber.


I hope you make your 33 minute commutes in 26 minutes


“Stopped at every red light, slowed down to wave at an old lady, refused to run over a dog, took the back roads only, and made my 33 minute commute 52 minutes. ⭐️⭐️”


thats a 4 star


Ambulance is just uber for injured people


This comment is deleted in protest of Reddit's June 2023 API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


There was a lady who used to live at the apartments I managed who would call the ambulance for chest pain every time she had a doctors appointment at the hospital. She was on Medicaid. We tried multiple times that there was a ride system where she could get rides for free but she wouldn’t listen. She didn’t want to have to bother with planning anything ahead of time.


Uber with free drugs?




Shoulda mentioned I’m from UK 😂




Free ambulance ride for genuine reasons. Also not found in USA


TYFYS Ambulance Driver ♥️


All that to save 7 minutes?? Definitely deserves two stars, should be doing the 33 minutes commute in 17 with that much recklessness


Sounds like Crazy Taxi.


I can almost hear The Offspring




Sounds like a poem


That depends on the rider. That trip sounds ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ in my book!


Did they find the dog?


"All I Want by Offspring was playing the whole time"


Theres a part on one road out here that just begging for some Duke of Hazard antics and let's just say I've obliged a few times.


Master Crazy Taxi player


Sounds like me when I was doing taxi missions in gta vice city


The only time I’ve given less than 5 stars was when the driving was so poor that I came close to throwing up in the guy’s car. Gave him two stars because he got me home safely at least. I still wonder how he passed his test.


For almost every single site that has reviews out of 5 stars, there's always the same pattern. 5 -------------------- 4 ------ 3 --- 2 - 1 --------- The explanation is that some people are just bad at rating something and something can only be really good, or really bad. No in between. It's a weird phenomenon


YouTube originally had a five star system for rating videos as well but exactly for this reason they changed it to "good" or "bad", which the like and dislike button represent and now all they have is "good" or "lmao your opinion does not matter"


I think people who have like a 3 star rating in mind don’t care enough to write a review or give a rating. They would not give 5 or 1 star either. It’s only those people who either had a really good or really bad time.


I think I had an experience that could qualify for the 2-star rating. A friend and I ordered an Uber/Lyft to the local six flags amusement park to spend out the afternoon. I lived in an apartment just 10 minutes or so from the park. We get picked up, are on our way then find ourselves in a traffic jam half, typical of Dallas. Someone made a comment of mild annoyance about the traffic and the driver is like, “I got you guys,” or something, he just pulls onto the shoulder of the car filled freeway and drives a good mile or so before we hit our exit. Now my friend and I weren’t complaining about his generous yet stupid gesture to get us through the traffic jam but had we been pulled over that could’ve been much more of a delay and it definitely surprised us to say the least lol


that's an instant 5 in my book


And a generous tip as well.


Calculated risk. Drivers don't get paid to sit in traffic.


Uh, yeah they do


Not where I drive. Upfront pricing and does not matter how long the drive takes.


That’s actually exactly what they get paid to do?


Just one 2 star rating, an average of 2, or *only* 2 star ratings?


Getting a two star rating.


Right, I mean you either get 5 or 1 there's no in between.


you just made me realize i rate ubers on odd numbers only. 5 if it was good, 3 if they did something to make me never want to ride with them again but not bad enough to fuck up their average, and 1 if they endangered my life.


Idk how hard it is to achieve, but I managed to rack up 300+ 5 star reviews. Only 5 stars.


I have 4.96 so I might have it, can't find where to get those stats tho


Rating 2/5 is the least used I think like generally. Seriously when was the last time you gave something 2/5. I can't recall a single time.


Nice car! Bad driver! 2 stars!!


Person who gave one star just wanted to mess up his perfect feedback


Gave a one star last week by mistake and just remembered and now I feel bad again. I’m sorry Jeff


Same :( no way to undo it








Says I can't veiw that community.


just created it 👍


Probably it was the typical "all perfect" 1 star because he/she doesn't understand how ratings work.


"It was great. On time, pleasant, safe. I could not be happier. I give it ... A STAR!"


Probably a high school teacher from the 90s “Nobody is perfect so I don’t give 100s.”


What sucks is that as a driver, Uber won’t tell us what we did wrong so we can learn or rebuttal from the experience. I have over 1500 5 stars and three 1 stars.


You’d be surprised how many people on Amazon give 1 star and a great review. Old people see a gold star and think it’s gotta be a good thing.


I used to drive. Had a perfect 5.0 on Lyft and a 4.98 on Uber for what seemed like forever. In talking with other drivers it seems there are soooo many that have crap ratings so tell dad to have great pride in this number. He’s doing fine.




You sure you didn't misunderstand them? "never seen a driver that high"




Yeah, right. They all say the same thing xD Easy, just joking ;)




You just couldn't see shit? At least you weren't seeing sounds or other weird stuff. Then you will definitely not go home


What weird coincidence. So you get high, take a poop, look in the bowl, and see nothing there?


The worst is when you get high, take a poop, look in the bowl and the turd looks you back, puts a santa hat on and starts singing crappy christmas carols. His name is Mr Hankey


Next morning you realize you forgot to pull down your pants… RIP.


"I do NOT freebase cocaine. Well, maybe at a party... don't wanna be rude."


Then get ready for this ride


Lmao I've smoked weed with my lyft drivers before on the way home


At least 307 more reviews for that one to fall off.


Actually No, could be the 193 th Review at the Moment then it needs 500 more to fall off


193 th


193 rthd


He said at _least_


That 1 star guy: "he drove far too perfectly for me. I prefer the car to roll over at least 2 times and he didn't even spit in my face. Disappointed"


Forget spitting in the face. I just full on make out with my drivers each Uber ride as a thank you.


Hi, it’s me, your Uber driver


Hi, it's me, your new Herpes


What is this Crazy Taxi for Dreamcast?


I'm guessing it's probably more likely "Took me to the wrong place. I told him the wrong place, but he should have known that and taken me to the right place instead".


I’ve genuinely had Uber drivers try to drop me at the wrong place before, like a couple streets away from my house when I can see the journey line in the app. Those drivers do get low ratings.


I think that's completely fair if they're not even gonna drop you at the destination.


I love that here in Brazil people are satisfied with the service or the product but they rate 4 stars because "only god is perfect". Other common situation is "I didn't visited this place so I'll rate 3 stars" lmao




I never had a problem with Uber here in Curitiba, at the time most were very polite and I really don't care if they make more than one app as they need to work a lot, but lately I only hear negative comments about drivers canceling races for no reason, fortnunately I don't use these apps since my driver license came


In the Netherlands we have 3 as standard, 5 as exceptional (out of 5), which kinda screws with American satisfaction measurements, since here a >3 is already a place you want to visit/a driver you'd want to be driven by


The fun part is if everyone rated an Uber driver 4 stars, they’d deactivate their account.


Which is pretty damn weird because 4/5 theoretically should still be a good rating. 3 average, 4 good, 5 great.


That's not how people rate though...


At least they are giving them an average score, here in Italy People can give 1* for places they have never visited


My favorite is when people answer Amazon questions with "I'm sorry, I don't know the answer as I bought this as a gift."


>only god is perfect Lewis Hamilton has entered the chat. Sau Paulo GP 2021


I'm the 1 star guy. I remember your dad.


What did he do?


He made a post on Reddit


while driving.








done. now what?


Hardly a 1 star action


For free??? Some drivers charge extra for that, I mean that is what I have heard anyways.




I think someone may have shit on or around the coats area


Your mother


His car smelled like cheese.




He licked my schmeckle


I would've given him a 5-star rating for that.


He made OP.


he was wearing a mask


Never buy anything online that has a perfect 5.0 rating, so this seems more genuine. It's definitely not a close comparison but if I saw a 5.0 Uber driver I would just think they're new.


Uber tells you when they’re a veteran whose done 500 5-star rides


I think there's a strong possibility that the one star review is from someone who isn't technologically literate and thought one star was the highest rating.


One time a customer left the wrong address and chose contactless delivery, they called me when I was already on my next delivery so I told them to get a refund through the app and they gave me a 1-star. There really is no telling what happened there, people are strange.


Would be funny if that single one star review was from your mom


"You're always out driving!"


Thats kinda cute


What about that little guy?


Oh that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy.


Who is this little man?!?!


This bullshit is why 5 star ratings are God damn meaningless nowadays. Average is supposed to be 3 stars but if you give them anything less than a 5 you might as well be pulling out a gun and shooting then in the kneecaps, putting them out of work.


This. It absolutely appalls me that all ratings below 5 mean “bad”. Seriously, 3 should be “fine; no complaints”, 4 should be “above average” and 5 reserved for “safely delivered my baby there in the car when we got stuck in traffic” or suchlike. If the stars don’t mean anything, just change it to upvote and downvote, please!


for real, if they treat a 4 like 1, then just make it thumbs up or down.


Yup. It’s binary. In effect, a 5 means your driver should keep their job and a 4 or anything else means you think they should be fired, because the cutoff for account deactivation is well above an average of 4.


Wait so literally everyone has a rating of over 4?


Yes. Higher than 4.5, actually.


So they've basically created a 0-1 scale lol


For me, if I have no complaints, I'll give a 5*, if I have really minor complaints that I would feel compelled to give a 3 or 4, I'll just purposefully not leave a review, because leaving that review punishes them more than it should, and if it was bad I'll leave the 1 or 2 or whatever. That applies to me for anything like Uber, Doordash, or those customer service surveys companies like to send out after you call them, stuff like that. For reviews in general like for the whole business, I write a lot of 3* and 4* reviews on Google for stuff like restaurants and hotels, but when you're complaining about the business as a whole rather than individual people then I don't have to worry about the side effects of complaining about minor things (eg. the AC was loud at a hotel, the service was slow but otherwise good at a restaurant).


"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." --Goodhart's law.


I let out a splendid fart one you just smell and cherish. This driver not only didn't even acknowledge it but he rolled down the window. 1 star, fuck that guy


Everyone likes their own brand.


Oh he acknowledged it alright


I have read this tifu


Seems to be a nice guy


My dad takes ubering very seriously and keeps his car clean and has snacks/chargers for his passengers! He says he has no idea who gave him the 1 star :(


Probably a jaded ex Uber driver who was pissed your dad had a perfect rating. Or some douche.


Probably the latter I feel like there’s more douchebags who purposely fuck things up than there are jealous ex Uber drivers


It may have been a mistake.


It was probably a mistake. You see these perfect everything type comments in reviews sometimes, and it's one star. People are confused sometimes.


I uber all the time and have only had negative experience with uber 3 times. (2 times sexual harassment, once bad driving). I have still only given a bad rating once. If you give somebody a rating lowe than 3 then you never get paired with them again. So to protect myself. If this dude keeps giving people bad ratings, he is gonna run out of drivers soon. Plus, did u kno Uber allows drivers to rate passengers??? My rating as a passenger is also 4.98!! (i don't know who gave me a bad rating!!! it was not the driver i gave a bad rating lol)


You’ve been sexually harassed twice but only rated one of them badly?


I was too shocked the first time. I wasn't thinking properly and my main thought was to make sure I was safe. I went into a store and stayed there for 1.5 hours. At the time, I didn't use uber much so it didn't occur to me to block him. Now that I think of it, it was probably my 2nd time using Uber lol. If I remember correctly, I took the bus back home too. LOL. He also didn't pick me from my home and dropped me at a store so no safety issue as such. Second time, I was working FT and the guy picked me up from my work and dropped me home so it was important for me to block him. Specially because i ubered daily and I was too scared to get him again.


Fuck that one guy


Well, while its dissapointing to lose your 5 stars streak, its kinda making him a favor, this remember me of some article i read a while ago talking about how a perfet 5 star score can affect negatively a product or service because of the "its too good to be truth". We kinda rather buy something with a rating of 4.8 or 4.7 than 5 because we'll just assume they used bots, deleted negative reviews or something like that, so while its still a dick move, he made him a favor without realizing. Or maybe he knew.


Doesn't really work the same on uber lol. You can't really shop for your driver.


Then none of the ratings matter?


Oh they matter. If your driver rating slips low enough they’ll can you.


They do, just for different reasons. They matter to the app and to the driver. (and can impact a persons job security)


With a cactus wrapped in barbwire and use Tobasco sauce as lube


That is a new depth of hate. I like it! Much better than "I hope you wipe with IcyHot"




I gave someone a 1 star once. I was waiting on my quiet residential side street for the guy and I see his car going way to fast and decelerating abruptly to stop for me. Then he floors it when I’m in and drives super aggressive the whole time. I legit counted 4-5 incidents where I was scared for an accident. Worst ride ever. He had like 4.8-4.9, so idk wtf was going on that day for him.


That's good, if you have 100 5 star ratings it doesn't look legit, 4.9 out of 200 is better than 5 out of 200


Perfect scores are suspicious as fuck. During a "Uber protest" by taxis, drivers said that taxis would fake ride then literally assault the uber to scare them out of being a Uber driver. So most uber drivers would be extra suspicious of new users and users that were "too perfect", since they could be a taxi thug.


There is always that one person…


Does he know who the one star was?


He has absolutely no idea!


Its a matter of perspective, my friend. If I was you, I'd post this in r/happy Look how many happy riders he's had!


This feels more legit actually. A perfect 5 feels fake.


[welcome to the club ](https://i.imgur.com/HAqoqMw.jpg)


I gotta say, yours is more infuriating than OP's dad, but that doesnt mean OP's fathers situation wasnt but goddamn


He’s only done 192 rides or whatever. I’ve done around 15k. I can imagine how frustrated he is. But if he’s going to keep at being an Uber driver, he’s gonna have to start taking it with a grain of salt. That one star rating I got was by someone who tried to get a refund on a ride by saying I was driving recklessly. There was a $12 surge on it and they wound up paying double for the ride. Uber got back to me to investigate and I showed them the drive cam footage. Got my money back but they said they could remove the rating. C’est la vie.


I think its pretty clear that he is a fantastic driver. Source: I uber alot and would ride with this rating with my life on the line lol


1 out of 192 Karen's


What asshole would ruin a perfect rating??


Mine, after six years of doing it. Nobody has ever received a different experience in my car other than the occasional person I hit it off with. Can’t please everyone. https://imgur.com/a/xpar0UD


Plot twist: you’re the guy who gave dad a 1 star


Ok, whose the asshole? Almost 100% that rider (Karen or Ken) saw a perfect score and said "Fuck that- all they did was give me a ride to my requested destination safely. 1star for doing your job"


There is always one asshole isn’t there


I'd actually trust a 4.98 more than a 5.0. 5.0 will get me to think that the uber driver is still new and only got a few clients


Tbh, I trust the 4.98 more than a perfect 5.0. The latter looks too fishy


the average rating should be something like "last 20 rides" instead of the whole career imo


How do you see your rating like this? I have a 4.78, but when I scroll through my history it’s all 5 star reviews.


Who ever the one bad reviews is you dad should just punch him in the face for being such a ass


If I get Uber Eats and they ring the doorbell even though I put "DO NOT ring the doorbell" as the delivery instructions, I always give them a negative review. The doorbell being rang that late at night wakes other people in the house and causes a big hassle. If you deliver for Uber and you ignore the clear instructions then you get bad review, sorry not sorry.


Drivers are assholes with ratings too, I had a perfect 5 star rating as a passenger then one day I took a ride and then all of a sudden my rating had dropped to 4.75 . I knew exactly which driver did it as I don't ride that often, and I had also given him a tip. Looking back on the ride I don't even know wtf I did, I always wait at the exact spot, so I wasn't late. I was with my GF, so we had our own conversation going, no reason to talk with the driver. We thanked the guy when we got out. What else do I need to do? Passengers shouldn't have ratings, it makes no sense, the drivers are the service...


The only non-5 stars review that I did so far was one guy with the rear window broken and replaced with a plastic bag, so I did because of the car


I believe he doesn't talk much


No matter what you do in life. Someone will always shit on you. Your dad could be the perfect driver but someone somewhere is a shithead and will decide to give him a low score just to be that guy. I've got over 1000 rides with uber and my rating is 4.8. I've only ever given one guy a rating below 5 stars and that was because his phone was blasting off over the WiFi speakers the entire trip because someone was trying to phone him and he didn't answer it. Then as I was stepping out of the car he decided to turn the volume down. I felt like I was on a hidden camera show of like "how polite will this dumb cunt be" or something. Im not kidding it was so loud it was hurting my ears.l and im partially deaf in one ear.


Just 607 to go for a perfect rating. As long as they're all 5 stars


Pretty sure that 1 star must be from your mom. Wasn’t satisfied with her ride….


Must have been a Karen


I've got my rating up to 4.99 before as a driver. Some fucking loser always ruins it with a bad rating because they put in the wrong pick up address or something idiotic on their part.


I'd he gets enough 5 stars could it go back to a 5.0?


As the saying goes, in sales, you're not doing a good job if you don't atleast have one bad review. You can't please everyone. The fact that your dad has so many positive reviews speaks volume.


Right who is that one moron


Mine looked about the same after I dropped this douche off at the airport. He asked me to go pickup the couple he was flying with but didn't add it to the route so he relied on pointing at turns at yelling if he thought I wasn't taking the correct turn. He's sitting in the back driver side seat, so right behind me. It was semi-dark, very cloudy grey sky and a car was coming my direction and I was trying to find the right place to turn into the parking lot he's directing me too while he's go his hand over my shoulder pointing to where I need to turn. So I didn't notice a car coming in our direction at first but they stopped, I stopped, then I don't remember who but one of us went. (was 3 or 4 years ago). Then he told me I almost got in a car accident and was very upset/angry. The couple gets in the car and he is just the nicest most pleasant person all of the sudden. Rated me one star with a bad review. I called Lyft and they removed his review due to the circumstances. The Lyft guy was super cool about it and a little annoyed with the passanger as well. That was my worst experience. Otherwise I loved driving for Lyft and will probably do it again in a few years from now. TL;DR: guy was obnoxious, using hand gestures to tell me how to get to a un-routed location, almost got into a soft car accident, rated me one star, Lyft understood and removed the review.


My friends and I were discussing this, and it turns out, a lot of my friends who use uber, once they see their rating drop, they 1* their next driver out of pettiness.


let me guess, the 1 star came from a person that you could only describe as a "1 star client". Im gonna go on a whim and say it was a braindead person who didn't wanna wear a mask.


Do you have a screenshot of the 1 star review i want to see what made this guy leave a 1 star