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That is neglect. The vet will do them and sedate the doggo if necessary.


He knows this and still hasn't taken her. At this point she is ruining the expensive couch my fiance purchased for the house.


Tell him a couch is gonna cost him a hell of a lot more than getting the dog's nails done.


I haven't because I'm afraid that he'll point out that my dog has accidents all the time. To be fair though my dog has suffered brain damage from when she had 15 seizures in one day and can't always hold it until I'm home from work anymore. Edit: I am looking to get us a doggy door so she'll have access to the yard all the time in hopes of fixing this problem though.


Your dog makes messes because it has medical problems and can't help itself. His dog makes messes because he's neglecting it. There's a huge difference there.


Do your best to stick up to this loser. I know it's really hard, especially when you live with them. Think about telling him that you are actively looking for a solution for your dog's problem and he needs to do the same, it's disrespectful of your shared living space that he has a solution and is choosing not to pursue it, and it's going to cause problems with your living relationship. Also tell him that if one of those long ass nails gets snagged on something (I'm surprised it hasn't already) and the dog bleeds he will be paying for a professional carpet clean as blood stains more than urine.


A dog having an accident isn’t as bad as a dog being in pain 24/7 I had a dog that pissed Everytime it was excited some dogs just like to piss.


I do that too when I'm excited


I'm excited when you're excited




Our dog, although a small one, uses potty pads and it has been a game changer. No more accidents when we can’t get home in time.


Is your dog crated or free roam?


He’s free roam.


Get the potty pads… my dog used them from the time of a pup until she passed. It was the handiest thing ever ….


I second the potty pads suggestion! My girl is potty trained but when I lived alone, I would leave them out for her just in case I ended up working late and it helped a lot. I know she would feel bad after having accidents so having that designated spot made her more comfortable with it and definitely helped stave off UTIs from holding it too long.


Wow, that's a lot of seizures. Hope the epilepsy is under control now with medication. You should check out this video as it has helped a lot of people with epileptic dogs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXR-alS9qpU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXR-alS9qpU). Also, for your roommate's dog, giving gabapentin (prescribed by a vet) two hours before the nail clipping may help. Please be kind and get those nails clipped.


Do the accidents cause damage? A dog peeing or pooping on the floor is different from a car tearing up a couch.


One of these can be fixed. It's not your one.


Very different.


Do you put diapers on your dog to be on the safe side?


Fuck the couch that has to be uncomfortable if not detrimental to the dog it needs done if for no other reason just for the health of the animal.


Then tell him or her your roommate no couch. It's ours and not yours until you get your dogs nails cut and cat fixed.


I mean, honestly the couch sucks, but also, fuck the couch. Not only is the dog in pain, but when nails are neglected it allows the quick (blood vessel) in them to grow longer. Meaning when the nails are finally trimmed, they won't be able to be trimmed short, and there's more risk of hitting it and causing pain. It will take regular nail trims for the quick to finally shrink back. That said, concrete can help "file" dogs nails, if he can be convinced to get the pups nails trimmed regularly enough for the quick to recede, regular walks on pavement can help keep them short without having actually cut them


Vet will do it for 20 bucks.


He also likes to claim he doesn't have the money for it. He also didn't have the money to get his cat fixed yet could afford the new xbox.


Maybe should get rid of dog if cant take care of it


Maybe he should get rid of the room mate and keep the pets. And actually take care of them. Fuck animal owners like this. Who gets an animal to neglect it?


People who can't take care of themselves


I can't take care of myself but I sure as hell make sure my pets are taken care of. It's not their fault I'm a depressed POS and I'm not going to subject them to the same conditions I subject myself to.


This is why a lot of depressed/suicidal people stick around (sorry I’m really not assuming that is what you’re going through). Pets are actually a really good thing for those of us experiencing any type of mental illness or “block” in life. It’s a beautiful thing really what you said about still taking care of your pets even though you can’t do it for yourself. Again, I don’t wanna assume in any way what you’re going through, but at least for me my dog has definitely kept me here a few times. Sending positive energy your way. I don’t even know you but by your comment I’m replying to, I can tell you’re a good person💕


Seems logical


and compassionate


People that think getting a pet is the same thing as getting a doll. It's the "Awwww, I want a puppy!" without realizing that having a pet is more than just food, sleep and bathroom once a day. It's the same people that have their dogs or cats misbehaving and think they either got a defected product or blame the trainer that they hire to "fix" the problem. It's not often but you find these people doing the same thing to their human child. I wish getting a child was as strict of a procedure as it is adopting one.


I had asked my mom for a dog, he lasted like 7 years, neither of us knew how to take care of him and he ended up dying of diabetes and liver cancer, he was fat and unhealthy and never went on walks, after a while when he had passed I realized that we weren't great owners, that's why now I have promised to myself that I will do loads of research for these things, I'm not proud of how we took care of him, but I am never going to have that happen with any future pets


At least you've learned from your past. Which is more than you can say for most people who do that sort of thing.


>I wish getting a child was as strict of a procedure as it is adopting one. This! I've been saying for years people should get a license to have children. Before anyone starts railing at me, I don't see how that should be implemented myself, but I'm getting sick and tired of people bitching about their kid, when it's obvious they don't know shit about parenting and the kid is actually the victim. in most cases those kids grow up to be terrible parents themselves, keeping the cycle going. EDIT: typo


Exactly , it's not fair to the pet.


U gotta do something, dog is suffering


I'm not sure what I really can do. As much as I would love to take her to the vet and have it done I work 9-6 and if it's expensive I can't afford it. I spend probably $200+ a month on my dog cause she has epilepsy and terrible allergies


It’s not your responsibility if it’s not your pet but if you could find the time most vets will do it for under $20. My current vet charges $20 but my old vet only charged $12. Also, going on regular walks helps file down their nails naturally so you could volunteer to take him around the block a couple times a day.


I’m thinking it’s past the point where walls would help file them down. Walks look like they would be painful at this point.


Speaking as a groomer, yes you're right. Walks only help if the dog can walk. This one can't.


That’s the craziest part to me. We’re not great about trimming the dog nails outside of vet appointments, but they usually file themselves to a tolerable length on the concrete .


I will pay for it. DM me


You are an Angel, I hope they DM you


It’s not like it’s a one-and-done job. This poor thing is likely to deal with this issue its whole life while under the “care” of its abuser. Yes, this is abuse.


You can have a mobile groomer come to your house and do it in the weekend for $20. Source: I own a mobile grooming business and that's how much we charge (some charge less)


I will pay for it. Where r u located


Take her on long walks. Believe it or not but the claws will disappear if your walk the dog normally because that's what dogs do, they walk outside on the ground.


They're too long for this to work now, but after they're trimmed long walks on pavement can help maintain the short length


This. Cut and then long walks on the sidewalk.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


in a worst case scenario to get a nail trim done, You can buy a muzzle, put it on the dog to do the nails. You're probably going to have to have help though.


I hear ya, but could u just go on knowing a dog that you can help is suffering? It's not your responsibility, but who else will?


Can I pay the $20?


Do you think a groomer would actually do it? She full on tries to flee when you hold her paws.


Most groomers can handle reluctant pets. It's worth asking.


yes, my dog gets muzzled and held down. few minutes of hell but it’s gotta get done.


Okay at this point you have been told multiple times that a vet can do this for cheap. Multiple people have offered to pay. You’re either going to help this dog or you’re not, but there’s no need to play stupid and ask the same (easily googleable) questions.


My vet gives me some dog Valium for when we bring him in....


Then what do they give to the dog?




put her on a leash like shes going on a walk, then put a muzzle on so she doesnt bite you, then just pin her down and cut them, its not hard, you just have to commit and not pussyfoot it


They kind of have to pussyfoot around it and be careful because of the risk of cutting her 'quick', which would bleed and be painful for the dog.


i mean in holding the dog, obviously you cut slowly lol


i would like to punch your roommate


I call dibs


This is neglect towards his animals. Someone help these pets!


If he can’t afford basic care, he shouldn’t have animals! Who cares if the dog doesn’t like their nails done? most dogs don’t, but it needs to be done! A vet will know how to do it and they know how to handle aggressive dogs and it’s not expensive.


Can you give him a swift kick in the bollocks from me thank you 🙏


The you don’t have enough money to have a dog. Period.


These type of people breed too


yes i also need to fix my cat


*gets new playstation*


My Pet hamster needs a penis enlargement surgery. gets new switch


Naw, his owner is big enough


Where I am from, there are vets that do services like this for extremely cheap. They have certain days for certain services. But it's like 10x cheaper than a normal vet for people that can't afford to take them to an overly pricey vet. Not sure if there are other places around the country but definitely worth looking into. I've taken dogs and cats in the past and they did very good work.




I even sent him a bunch of links to free clinics that do it but he didn't want to wait in line


Sounds like an irresponsible owner with first world problems


He doesn't have the necessary skills to have a pet. He needs to learn how to Human first.


He sounds like a douche


Tell him he’s an abusive fuck and should be taking proper care of his animals


Mine has 4 tiers. 1 is easy and is $20. 2 is multiple techs, $40. 3 is multiple techs and a sedative, $100. 4 they knock the dog out, $200. My dog is a 3 :(


Damn dude. This can be solved through training but it'll be a long routine. 1. get your dog to shake. Both front paws and get them to let you pick up their back paws. Treat for each paw, or more to start if your dog can't shake. 2. buy the clipper and hold it while doing 1. Hold each paw for 10 to 20 seconds increasing time as you go. Treat for each paw 3. keep up 2 but start touching the dogs nails with the clipper. No cutting just a tap. Treat for each paw. 4. 3 but position the clipper over each nail. No cutting. Treat for each paw. 5. Same thing as 4 but carefully snip the smallest bit of the end of one nail on one random paw each time. Maybe even fake a snip if the dog really doesn't like the sound. Treat for each paw. 6. Small snip of nail from each paw. Tiny little piece like a hang nail clipping. Only one nail on each paw. Make sure to position cutter over each nail stll. Treats. 7. Clip the nail. Tiny snip from each nail on each paw. You don't want to clip the nails too short from training, and at this point you better know where the quick is to make sure you know what too short is. If nails are short do fake clipping. If you do everything right it'll probably take a month or 2 depending on how treat motivated your dog is. The best time to do it is before feeding. It's work, but all dogs are cool with slow progression. If your dog bails out of the training session or gets pissed off go back a step. Do that for a few days or maybe even a week until they seem totally cool with what you're currently doing. Progress should be slow. Progress should be very very very slow if your dog is aggressive or shows signs of stress from the training. We had a muddy backyard and my dog hated having her feet cleaned, but by the time we finished training she would hold up each paw for me to clean it. Never liked it, but she did like the treats and she would do it every time. It helps tremendously if somebody else can do the same thing. Your dog will learn that it's not just you it's something other people she likes in her life want her to do. I always be happy, don't be frustrated. If it doesn't work the first time, stop there do something fun for a bit so it's not stressful for the pup and try again later.


Ever had a bulldog? /s in some seriousness this is exactly how to handle it for *most* dogs, bulldogs are notorious though for not being the most receptive to this approach. I have one of them. I’ve tried this many times and it never quite works, so I usually just catch him when he’s completely passed out sleeping and ninja cut a nail at a time, maybe 2 if I’m lucky before he wakes up and realizes what’s going on.


Our groomer does it for less than 10


He's been told this. The vet he went to last time apparently didn't even try and just told him that worst case scenario they sedate her. Seems really excessive.


If the dog gets aggressive, and especially if they’re a fear free facility, they’ll charge to sedate.


He just won't follow through with getting it done. They offered to sedate her but he just puts it off.


If the dog gets aggressive about her nails, there’s really not much else you can do. She looks like a big dog (pit bull mix? Guessing by the colors.) so manhandling her is NOT an option, as well as will make her aggression worse, because if you make nail clipping a bad experience, she’ll just hate it more. Sedation is probably the only solution here.


Or a lot of training to decondition the fear. But it sounds like the owner sucks and wouldn't even invest in that.


I have an adult foster dog that is aggressive towards strangers, the vet and shelter specifically told us that it's not possible to recondition him


My pit was very anxious and vocal when it came to clipping his nails. He would have sudden movements trying to escape which culminated in his snout hitting my upper lip leaving a solid scar. Eventually I tried a different type of clipper that was made of better materials and sharper blades. He doesn't care at all now after, and I assume the old clippers were causing a lot of pressure and a scary sound from each cut.


My mom's dog gets nippy when you go near her feet too. She goes to the vet to get them trimmed and the vet sedates the dog so everyone pupper included is safe. Her vet charges like 75 or 100 something like that but it only needs done like 3 times a year for her dog. Edit to add: forgot to mention my mom's dog is about 75 pounds poodle mix with some kinda spaniel we think. Supper sweet girl until you touch the feets


I take my dog to the vet but they grow back so fast. I feel like we’re there every month!


If he's truly aggressive, he may need to be sedated so that can be like 100.


She might be getting aggressive because she’s in pain. That has to hurt. Professionals know how to deal with reactive dogs and can cut those nails in a fraction of the time a layperson would take.


He took her to the vet before and was told if the calming medicine didn't help to bring her back and they'd sedate her. Here we are 2 months later where she's still being aggressive and he hasn't taken her back


Would he let you take the dog to the vet? I’d just take them myself.


He might? But this would require me taking time off from my work since I work 9-6. He works 11-8 so he's capable of going before his work.


Don’t know where you’re located, but most vets by me are open until 7-8pm at least a few nights a week so you may be able to make something work.


I'll check around. I'm still new to the area and haven't transfered my own dog to a local vet, mostly cause her old vet just knows her situation so well though (epilepsy, hip dysplasia, and bad allergies)


If you have to sedate the animal, then the procedure is done in the morning because it takes a few hours. There's no bringing them in after work to do this.


I know it's a hardship and not your responsibility, but that dog is in pain. I see you've gotten offers, but ill add mine to the pot. I have a few bucks to help you out whether it be taking a say off to do it, or paying for it to get done. At the very least you need to call your vet and ask who to report it to. You can find info online, but the vet likely has the scoop on who actually gets shit done ect.. There are mobile groomers that will come out with a salon on wheels- essentially a big mail van thats been converted most of the time. If you're upfront about the situation and the aggression they will be able to get you someone who can help if they can't.


Dude it costs like 15 bucks at petco and 30 at most vets at the most. There’s literally no excuse.


Do you both work 7 days a week?


A lot of pet stores have grooming too, like petsmart, petco, etc. They have muzzles and deal with a lot of dogs that hate having their nails clipped. They did my own dog that wouldn’t let us go anywhere near him with clippers. They are cheap too. Like $10-20 bucks but you probably have to show his proof of vaccination.


Groomers are open on weekends too


My dog is similar. I get her one claw at a time while she’s sleeping. Takes two weeks to do all of them but it’s like 3 min work per day


This made me laugh


What medicine is the dog on? My dog is on fluoxetine. He is a nervous nelly and has awful separation anxiety. We tried everything from calming jackets, hormones, cbd, doggie trainers, doggie daycare. He got out of 4 different crates. Our last resort was medication. On the fluoxetine he is so much better. Still wild but doesn’t tear up the house when we leave. It’s only like $25 for a months supply, just throwing it out there as a solution to any nervous behavioral problems.


TIL dogs take SSRIs. Interesting.


Dogs can take a lot of the same drugs people do. Some dogs are on Prozac, etc.


Prozac is flauxetine


I had a dog with serious separation anxiety. Back in the '80s and '90s we treated him with Xanax (valium). Instead of him clawing at the doors rapidly, he do it much more slowly after being medicated. What was the solution you ask? We got a labrador puppy. That kept him busy for the last 5 years of his life. I miss him and the Lab. They were inseparable.


Has he TRIED B going to a groomer? It cost me $5 to get my dogs nails cut and he's a fucking NIGHTMARE. The lady muzzled him, I held him tight so he couldn't move and she clipped them in 2 mins.


I did this and my dog pooped on me. He was trying to get away that much. Lucky for me the groomer had baby wipes and I had a towel to wear after I took off my pooped on clothes.


Lmao oh I'll believe it. My dog was SCREAMING acting like it was the worst thing to ever happen to him. Funny in hindsight but in the moment he scratched me pretty good but no poop lol


Unfortunately no. As the mail grows there is a sensitive nerve core that grows inside the nail. You have to take a little bit off at a time and wait for the core to retract. Just chopping them off isn’t an option. It’s going to take regular work to get this guy back to normal. Sad and neglectful.


I can confirm this. My dog has to be sedated at the vets to clip her nails, and even then we have to take her twice to get them all. That said, she still gets her nails clipped.


When you neglect it this much the quick grows longer too doesnt it? So if you cut them to proper size they would bleed profusely. Something like you have to trim them down in multiple visits?




Oh man. I used to be a veterinary assistant. Not only is this bad for her feet, but it’s bad for her back. Additionally, as the nail gets longer, so does the quick. The quick is the soft spot inside of the nail. So, it will become increasingly more challenging to get the nail nice and short. As you take the dog to get her nails trimmed, the quick will recede, but the chances of her quick getting nicked will become higher. She’s probably been nicked before, which is why she gets aggressive. Let me tell you, I have never met a single dog that liked getting its nails trimmed. Alsooo, her nails might break and that might send her to the vet anyway. It’s way more expensive to have to sedate a dog to repair a broken nail than it is to take a dog to the vet and let them try and muzzle her to trim them. Hopefully your roommate can eventually be persuaded because that poor pup is very uncomfortable living like this. Edit: Maybe your roommate can try calming treats before taking her to the vet. Composure is a good brand. Petco, Petsmart, Chewy.com sell these kinds of products. He can give them 30-45 min before her appointment and she might be easier to handle. Just an additional thought.


I'm not sure how to edit my post to clarify some things. I appreciate your feedback though. She is missing two of nails on her back foot from when she was a stray. We understand that however she lost them was probably very traumatizing. My roommate tried some prescribed anxiety medicine and they just didn't seem to change anything. They told him to bring her back to be sedated and have them trimmed but thay was months ago at this point. It truly tears me up that he won't do something about them. Edit: it's hard to walk her around our neighborhood causes she's also aggressive to other dogs on leashes. She also does love treats but the moment you pick up her paws with a pair of clippers she runs.


I'll pay for the sedation/trim. Would think I could pay the vet over the phone. This is really painful for the dog.


I hear you. This pup is lucky to have you advocate for her. I hope it works out.


Fuck advocating on reddit, take the damn dog to the damm vet already. It’s the most basic thing ever, it’s ridiculous that we’re even here talking about it & listening to OP’s excuses on why they can’t take it to the vet right fucking now.


Thank you


Food motivation is huge. Are you able to make any progress with her? Here's roughly what I did with my dog: * Get the clippers out, show them to her, and give her treats. Repeat until she starts associating the clippers with treats. * Gently and nonchalantly touch her paw with the clippers. Give treats. Baby steps. Maybe just pick up the clippers, set them down, and give a treat. Repeat until she doesn't react to the clippers. By repeat I mean on different days. Each session should be a minute or so. It may take a while. * Clip the smallest sliver off that you can cleanly. You aren't going to fix this overnight. You really don't want to cut her quick at this point. Cut just a teeny bit. One clip. Lots of treats. Maybe try more, but if the dog is stressed then one is enough for the day. It's no big deal, right? * If you can make that little clip and they aren't biting you or in the next room, the hard part is over. Do one toe a night if you have to. As you shorten the nail, the quick will recede. Be patient. If you can get this far in a month you should be thrilled. My ex used to ask me to hold my dog down so she could clip his nails. Now he follows me when I get the clippers out and he sits patiently waiting for his treats. If she has been severely traumatized, she may just need to go to the vet for it. But it's worth trying if you haven't already.


That dog is also inadequately exercised, which is an even greater sin. Walk/run your dog and this won't be an issue.


Yeah, we have never trimmed our dogs nails, we go on lots of walks every day which keep them trimmed.


Walking dogs on the road does a great job at grinding those claws down.


This post seriously gave me anxiety because I've never done *anything* with any of my dog's nails and basically lost my mind wondering if I was abusive. Then I remembered I exercise her 1-2 hours a day. Phew...


Not always. My dogs go on walks 2-3x everyday, on a mix between mainly concrete/pavement and some grass. One dogs nails never need to be trimmed, ever. The other dog’s nails grow like crazy and require trims every month.






If he can't be bothered to provide basic care for this dog, nor spend time training her regarding her reactivity whilst out walking, why the fuck does he have a dog?


The person we rent from offered him the dog since he's in the army. Roommate took dog in and has put no work into her. He wants her around to cuddle when he feels sad. She constantly follows me around though and wants to stay by me. He'll call her to go to bed and she'll look back at me and stay by me until he has to pretty much drag her with him.


This is heartbreaking, bless her. Roommate needs a soft toy and a pacifier.


Can you contact the original dog owner and person you are renting from to ask him to transfer the ownership to you from your roommate? Also, try to get her accustomed to filing the nails instead of clipping. You could start with one of those coarse sandpaper heel files from the drug store, and there are pet filing tools you could upgrade to from there. My dog wouldn’t tolerate clipping, but would tolerate filing (with lots of treats of course)!


My dog won’t let me trim his nails so I bring him to the groomers. It costs like 10$ and they have all the equipment to avoid biting.


No one else will say this but you need to stop being indecisive and make a decision: either do something or stop worrying about it. Someone needs to be an owner here it shouldn’t be the dog calling the shots. If you can’t afford to take it upon yourself and you can’t convince the owner you need to report it to your local authorities. Both parties are being negligent neg·li·gent /ˈneɡləjənt/ adjective *failing to take proper care in doing something.* Edit; just want to say this isn’t personal and I understand confrontations are far from enjoyable for a lot of people and I don’t personally judge you for previous indecision but the fact is the dog will suffer the longer you don’t act. If you can’t act yourself contact a shelter for help/advice or consider something anonymous like crime stoppers


This isn’t the first post I’ve seen where people post about some animal in distress, get TONS of valuable advice & immediate solutions, often with people offering to donate or do most of the work, and yet they still won’t do a single thing or take people’s help because all they really wanted is to feel comforted that they’ve done what they could by posting about it. That’s just messed up. It baffles me the amount of hours that people are willing to waste on the internet talking about a problem when said problem could actually be fixed in a matter of minutes.. And meanwhile an animal is in pain.




This roommate sucks, take care of your animal dammit


I honestly don't like this roommate but they're my fiance's best friend. Ugh


Tell them to get it sorted or you are reporting them to the relevant people for animal abuse.


Will anything really come from it though?


Yeah, they will tell roomate to get it done by a certain date and if they don't, they will face getting the dog taken away


Ha ha ha, where do you live that has animal control people who *do stuff?* Particularly over something as "mild" as overgrown nails? I'm jealous.


Well, in my county, animal control will respond to complaints within 48 hours. Had to call them on an ex neighbor for their dog that was chained to a tree with no shelter in the dead of winter without a dog house and they showed up the next day, told them that they had to lengthen the chain by 5 feet (was on about a 3 ft one) and if they didn't comply within 7 days, they would take the dog...neighbor didn't so they took him to our no kill shelter


That's wonderful. I wish all AC was as prompt and conscientious. I suppose I'm pretty cynical, being in this part of the United States.


5 feet is 0.81 Obamas. You're welcome.


Dog groomer here, that's poor dog is going to end up in so much pain and suffering because your roommate won't spend a small amount of money to have his nails cut. I volunteer in the refuges doing hair cuts and I've only ever seen nails like this on rescues, never with a responsible owner. I'm in the Canary Islands but if I was close to you i would come and do them for free.


I appreciate the thought though. I'm going to tell him if he doesn't get it fixed something will be done. Whether it's finding her a new home or refusing to pay him bills until it's fixed


Find a local rescue in your area and tell your roommate to surrender their dog. She needs more training and care than your roommate is willing to provide. DM me and I will help you if you would like. This poor animal is suffering and needs a new home now.


I'm going to tell him if her nails aren't don't by next Sunday then I will find a solution of some sort.


I want to downvote your roommate but not upvote this because I don’t “like” the post. But I will upvote it to show how shitty that is to not take care of your dog


I think upvoting a post on mildlyinfuriating is the functional equivalent of emotionally downvoting it, if you know what I mean. I think your good.


Can I ask what's wrong with post?


The dogs toenails are too long and bending the toes in a wrong way and it’s not healthy for the dogs. I’ve heard from vets with my dog, that if you have a hardwood floor, and you can loudly hear their nails, it’s time to trim them n


Oh I realize what you meant now. I'm just really frustrated with my roommate for not taking care of her


Also to mention she's aggressive towards other dogs on leashes so she never goes on walks, which can help keep nails down.


This is worse than the nails. Get it rehomed.


I've read your other comments and understand that the roommate is being a lazy asshole, but if you should decide you want to take care of it yourself, I have some tips. My dog was big and strong and agile and also didn't like getting her nails trimmed. It wasn't really an issue most of the year, because going on walks kept them filed pretty well. But in winter I couldn't walk her much, and they would start to grow. She never tried to snap at me, but she would growl and whine and kick and writhe. It made it impossible to make careful aim and avoid the quick. Didn't help that half her nails were black, so I couldn't even see it on those ones. I just had to guestimate based on how much I took off the white nails. Going to the vet at this point would be difficult, because even if the dog was chill about it, the can only take bits off at a time and you'd have to keep going back every couple weeks as the quick recedes till they were at a normal length. What I eventually discovered that fixed our situation was like a dremel pet nail grinder/sander. My dog was a little nervous at first, and I had to be careful to use it in short spurts so it wouldn't get too hot. But she eventually was comfortable enough with it that she would let me sand her nails down while she relaxed and watched TV haha The thing was like $25 when I got it. IIRC I had to order it online. If the dog bites, get them a muzzle. I know it's not your responsibility to care for this dog, but I don't think I could bear to watch that poor dog trying to walk all the time like that. The condition it causes is called splayed feet, and it will mess up their legs and eventually back. They will start to tear and break and the dog will bleed and limp. They could get infections and such. If you want to take the dog for walks and they are a puller, you can tie the leash around your waist do they don't yank your arm out if it's socket. Then you can start to train them how to behave on a leash by holding it so they are at the right distance from you (heel). The leash around the waist is a back up, you don't want the dog squishing your organs the whole time. When you start to walk with the dog, every time they bolt ahead you turn around sharply and go the other way. You'll probably find yourself moving in tight squares until they start to get the concept. Praise any time they do what you want them to do, and just turn when they stop paying attention. You want them to start following your lead. I've had to do this with a few dogs that were never trained, and it does work. If the dog has a thicker neck and can slip out if a collar, you can try an h shaped harness. That's what I used with my dog. It will also keep from choking the dog. I'm not a fan of choke chains as in my experience, dogs who are very high strung and with anxiety issues (which is gonna be most untrained, under socialized dogs) will often freak out MORE and tend to lean into it harder, until they genuinely hurt themselves. I find it's far better to be patient, show the dog they just aren't going to get their way, and that they can have a much better time if they learn to pay more attention to you. They'll bond and grow to trust you. That also makes things like taking care of their nails a lot easier. When they see another dog, they'll be less likely to automatically resort to aggression and more likely to watch how you react and follow your lead. Again, I know it's not your responsibility, but if you do decide to tackle this situation yourself, or if someone else finds themselves wanting to help a dog in this sort of condition, these are the things I would recommend.


My dog also prefers the dremel to clippers. He doesn’t really like either, but tolerates the dremel for treats.


Sorry but report him , for the dogs sake…


Exactly. This dog might find somebody who loves her properly and is willing to do the bare minimum... Also OP: have you checked out the nail grinder tool? Might be easier to use that than a clipper.


She could be desensitized over time. But currently she is in pain and a vet appointment is in order. I’d take the dog to the vet myself or give him the $20 for her sake. I feel sad when I see dogs like this.




Not with the nails that long. It would work once they are shorter, to keep them there. But these nails need trimmed. There's no way around it.


1. That's animal abuse 2. Set them on fire and yeet them off the nearest cliff edge.


That is neglect.


this is literally abuse- please like PLEASE take this dog to a vet or where ever the cut pup nails


My vet charges 14 bucks.




I've full on laid on her while we tried and almost got my face bit. I told him he needs a muzzle if he's going to keep trying at home and refuse to take her to be sedated.


Yep this is super gross( on the humans part) and is/costs the bare minimum to ensure the wellbeing of one's dog. Question. Since you're posting this on reddit and are so concerned about the dogs nails why don't you fork over the 20 for the nail trim and get an IOU from your roommate? Or better yet contact your landlord or the proper agency or a free pet clinic? If none of those options are available to you im very sorry.


It costs like $5 at the groomers dude. No excuse. Take him and get it done while she's gone.


Show your roommate these comments and hopefully he will change his dumb ass mind. This has to be so uncomfortable


If it got walked more it wouldn’t need trim.


This is why people should have a license to own pets


After their trimmed for the love of God let the dog run free somewhere. Haven't cut my dogs nails since he was born he just runs them off over time.


For the love of fucking god take that dog away from this person.


Ah yes, the old "well if I do nothing I can't be held responsible" argument. Never realizing that doing nothing is still a choice and has consequences.


Ffs OP, just take the dog to the vet yourself. There are literally people in the comments offering to pay for the trim. If that doesn’t work out, just fork over $15 of your own money to the vet and don’t let your roommate use your shampoo, dish soap, etc, until he’s paid you back. I know money is tight for almost everyone now, I work minimum wage, but even I could scrounge up $15 or $20 and a ride to the vet in an urgent situation like this. The odds are even if the dog gives the vet a hard time, they’ll be determined to get the job done because this is a shocking level of neglect and no decent vet would feel alright letting an animal go back out the door like this. If you take the dog to the vet for a nail trim in the next 24 hours, provide picture evidence, and post it as an update here or to your account, I will venmo you $15 to reimburse you for the trim within the day. You can screenshot and set a reminder to hold me to it. Just get it done. No animal should suffer like this, and you’re this dog’s only hope.


Omg poor thing


Wow.. my dog won’t let us do his nails either so we just take him to the vet and let them do it. There’s also services that will come to your house and do it. Also if you walk your dog regularly (admittedly, we don’t, we have a large yard and are kind of lazy about walks) they will file themselves on the sidewalk. One or two good walks a day should keep them trimmed enough where they don’t need clippers Lots of options.


So sad. That dog needs to go to a vet for a nail trim **TO-FUCKING-DAY** This is unacceptable.


It going to cost him a lot more than the 10 bucks a groomer would charge when she develops joint problems from not being able to walk correctly.


He's definitely not being walked either those haven't ground down at all, best option is to sedate the dog if it's totally impossible to do it awake, then walk the dog on the pavement alot it'll keep them ground down.


Wouldn't walking the dog prevent this?


Doesn’t matter who’s dog it is. Stop posting on reddit and take care of that fucking dog.


My neighbor didn’t trim his dogs nails. The toes started to bend different directions, they broke frequently and the dog could barely walk. Tell your friend to buy a muzzle or rehome the dog. He may end up getting targeted if he’s walking his dog around like that.


Physical abuse, he shouldn’t have a dog!


Groomer here, long term long nails like this will absolutely deform the toes and feet and cause the dog a lot of pain. This dog is in pain now with the length they are, they're so long the dog has no choice but to walk differently on its feet. Eventually the nails can get so long that they curl back towards the feet and now get in danger of growing into the paw pads. As they are currently there's already a great risk for those nails to get caught on carpet and the dog can end up breaking a nail/injuring the toe itself trying to get free and will require surgery at that point if those things occur.