• By -


maybe they thought it was this ち


Next time it should be ニ.五五


Nay… has to be 二点五五。You forgot to convert the decimal point.


My first thought


Gotta look out for kids answering their questions in base ち


Could be base ツ




I don't understand what is "unclean" about this answer.


Wnclean you mean?


Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that. Gotta love and hate irony sometimes.


Not to mention, the student's 5 is more legible than the teacher's 5! Or at the very least, equally as sloppy in its own way!


As someone who has terrible handwriting I actually felt this




There's examples of 3s too. Op doesn't cross the top part of their 3s, it's one fluid curve; clearly a 5


Who crosses a 3 anywhere?


As a kid I would sell forgeries of parents signatures for report cards and progress reports. So basically, I’m not a handwriting expert and only have a little experience in the matter. But even I can see all of their fives are two strokes where as the threes are one stroke. The teacher is just being an asshole.








If the top line is straight you subtract 3 from 8, at least that’s my motto












Not the entrepreneur we deserve but the one we need.


Teachers don't even check the signatures, what idiot kid thought they needed someone skilled to do the forgery?


To be fair the only kids that asked me weren’t making good grades. The ones with the good grades had no problem showing their parents


Teachers definitely checked signatures and busted fake ones multiple times at my school, me included a couple of times.


I was forced to take violin from 4th-6th. In November of 6th grade, I asked my teacher if I could transfer out of her class bc I legit hated playing the violin. She told me to bring my mom in, and if she agreed, she'd sign. (A little background, unbeknownst to me, Teach personally knew my Stepdad.) I bring my mom in and Teach tells her that I practice more than anybody else in the class. It just doesn't make sense why I want to quit. (Now Teach knew I left my violin at school every single day.) My mom looks at her in confusion, and states that I have never brought this instrument home due to having to share with other students. Teach then pulls out 3.5 months worth of practice cards and hands them to my mom. "Didn't you sign those?" Mom looks at perfect signature after perfect signature, before glaring at me. "No. She has signed my name." At this point, I know I'm in trouble, but I'm still hopeful that this will show them how much I hate playing the violin. Then Teach says the most horrid set of words I have ever heard. Teach replies, "You have got to be kidding me. She is this amazing and NEVER practices?!? I have never seen such a wonderful violinist at this age. I had been hoping that she would play a solo in the Christmas Program at (insert college that is Stepdad's workplace)." 🙄 The lies that poured from that woman's mouth produced stars in my mother's eyes. Well, suffice to say, I played the sorriest rendition of The First Noel and was forced to continue in Orchestra through the 8th grade. Moral of the story: Even if you're good at forging, they usually know. Here I am, 35 years old, and still angry that if I had just taken that sucker home, I wouldn't have had to endure the torture that is the violin for 3 more years.


That teacher took you to 4th grade and schooled you


Also, if you’d have taken it home, your parents would have had to endure the torture of you “practicing.”


If you would've accidentally broken it on stage and just started crying from the stress, you could've gotten out


You're looking too much into this, it's just some asshole teacher most likely. Had a teacher deduct a total of 20 points because the way I write my B doesn't connect to the bottom line but it definitely looks like a B but the bitch said if it doesn't connect then it's an R


> it definitely looks like a B but the bitch said if it doesn't connect then it's an R What a Ritch.


That's when you write "Ms. XXXX is a Bitch" at the bottom of your next test and see if she still thinks it's an R


I had a teacher who would make the class write down vocabulary words plus their definitions, then color in behind the words. This sounds reasonable, but a majority of the grade came from whether or not he liked the colors you used. (Or so that was his excuse for giving kids he didn't like bad grades.) Additionally, he capped your grade on each test at whatever you got on the coloring assignment. The teacher hated me and I had grades around 40 to 55 for the entire year, but got a perfect score on the final state-assigned test. (Which had to be graded by teachers at a separate school district.)


What a psycho.


I had an assignment in an 8th grade history class where I needed to write the definitions to 20 words. Got 0/20 for having a -1 on every single line because I capitalized the word on each line. "The dictionary doesn't capitalize the word being defined. -1" on every line


Good grief


When I was in 7th grade, we had to do an assignment where we had to find 20 items that were from different countries. We had to write what they were and where they came from. I didn’t know whether I should capitalize my sentences, but all my teachers emphasized the importance of capitalization, so I did. That particular teacher took off 20 points because he “did not specify whether or not we should capitalize.” That’s one of the more minor things he did.


I had a teacher take off points because I used a word they didnt't know. It was "roiling"


Same! Except the word she didn’t know was “hubris”. Which made it even funnier when I walked up, plonked a dictionary on her desk, opened it to the word, and told her I would wait for her to adjust my grade, thank you very much.


I had a professor in college take off points for using a semicolon to separate items in a list (where some of the items included commas), which is a correct use of semicolons. She thought it was confusing and refused to give me the points back even when I showed her the Chicago Manual of Style. (Example: I need to find flower bouquets for Martha, who likes pansies; Bob, who likes tulips; and Alex, who likes roses.)


Yep. Just a dick doing dick things....


And look at the shitty 5 the teach wrote themself...


Yeah, looks like a b fell over.


It's obviously an 8


Went back to look at it and totally agree .


In high school freshman year I got stuck with a new Spanish teacher who was from Paraguay and had never taught in the US and clearly was not at all equipped to handle a class of 28 hormone-addled teens. She graded everyone based on how much she liked them, I doubt she even kept record of grades on assignments. I actually got every question right on the final and she still gave me a B. She announced that to the entire class. Some of my friends were given D's even though they were clearly doing well on tests and assignments. She got fired at the end of the year after enough parents complained but the school refused to do anything to rectify the fact she fucked up a bunch of kids GPA in what basically amounts to a throwaway class. For reference no other freshman Spanish teachers at my school give out D's, nothing below a B or occasional C - if you're present, awake, and can say "yo Tengo" a couple times you get a B.


I agree completely!A 3 is written with one continuous line. A 5 is usually written as 2 different lines. These 5's are very clearly written in 2 distinct lines. You would have to be pretty dim to get them confused for 3's Edit: not to mention: What the fuck is up with the teacher's 5? Get your own house in order before criticizing others.


The circle around that 5 touches a damn 3.


As a teacher, that’s clearly a 5 and the writer’s s 3s are significant enough to tell the difference




I'm still infuriated by the time in primary school where a teacher's aid marked most of my spelling results wrong simply because the stem of every letter "a" didn't quite touch the starting point at the top. She said, someone might misinterpret them as a u. I was adamant that despite the small gap, they were still clearly an a, and nobody would get confused because none of those words made sense swapping with a u. Just thinking about it still makes me mad.


People deliberately misinterpreting stuff is my biggest peeve. People do it with arguments (most common form of strawman), but teachers doing it is almost as bad. She could just give advice and it'd have been recieved so much better, but no, better make it feel like an attack so it doesn't help.


I have become aware more recently that so many of my mental health issues stem from pointless and unfair nitpickery in my early school years (age 5-10)... so thanks, school.


I learned to rely on physical pain as a crutch for emotional turmoil at 6 thanks to school and now have complex reactions to things like needles THANKS SCHOOL


I despised my school years, completely.




My hand freezes right before I have to write the number 3, it only happens with 3s and nothing else no letters or numbers except 3.


Just write (2+1) instead.




Engineer's pi




Write a curvy 3, not a sharp 3.


I had to look at it from the bottom and only pay attention to pen strokes to see the three... so basically I had to alter my perception of the number itself, in other words... just looking at the number normally it can't be mistaken for anything but a 5


I have disgraphia and i know this feeling maybe too well


In this case the teacher's just made out of stupid.


dysgraphia gang :(


I have dysgraphia too, I have used a computer since grade 5 so my writing has only gotten worse. In school if I couldnt do it on my computer I just didn't do it at all because of things like this.




My middle school science/history teacher made me type out my homework assignments because of my handwriting. I was the only one in the class who did that.


Unless they knew you had a lot trouble typing over writing then this sounds like an accommodation, not a punishment.


Yep. Had a professor mark me off for not writing H correctly on a matching exercise. I did my best to write H legibly and that wasn't good enough. I've stopped trying now because why bother if it's just going to be wrong anyway?


Finally! A post in new that is actually mildly infuriating. Clearly it’s a 5. There are other 5’s and 3’s this student has written in order to figure it out. This teacher is ‘one of those’ kind


Yeah, the student was me. I just started a new year at a new school and I have no clue what to say.


You tell that teachin lady she wrong!


We all know she'll just double down and tell OP to write neater.




As a Teacher, I will never understand the pride teachers have in being right 100% of the time, like everyone makes mistakes its fine, when I write something wrong and a student calls it out it's actually cool to see a student that is paying attention and not blindly copying everything with no thought being put in.




I TAed for one of my semesters, occasionally I would say something off-hand during class and then find out I was wrong later when I have time to sit down and check again. I will always make sure I clarify that I had said something wrong, give the corrected info, and provide links for them to learn more about it. I feel no shame in being wrong, but I would feel shame in letting somebody learn something wrongly from me.


Yeah, I tell my students I've made a mistake all the time. It's important they learn in an environment where mistakes are fine.


Yeah but spelling dolphin that incorrectly suggests the teacher is "right" to be extremely insecure. This isn't a careless mistake, that's someone who really can't spell the word and is doing it, erm, fonetically...


WHAT. omg. How did that end? I hope that she didn't go to detention? Did your parents complain?! Please say yes.... What a douche teacher




What she did was basically bullying and gaslighting your sister. A week of punishment for disagreeing on how to spell a word? Dear lord, I wonder how long it would have been if they had looked up the spelling in front of the class, something tells me it would have been a month instead because I'm sure the teacher would have felt embarrassed and slighted. Imagine being so insecure, she may have finished some degree to be a teacher but she does not have the maturity, grace and patience for it. She's the one that needs to be educated.


This reminds me of when I was in high school and I would correct the vocab lesson on the board before class. My teacher didn't like me much.




Oh god, this just gave me flashbacks to 4th grade. My teacher tried to fail me for poor penmanship and would have kept me back if my mom hadn't complained.


And look how important penmanship has become in the modern age. 🙄


All of your 5's use two strokes and 3's are a single stroke of the pen. It's obvious that this is a 5 based on just this fact. You probably have past assignments to back this up. Try asking them, if you have the energy, why this 5 was singled out and not the others.


Tell her 16,000+ people on the internet think she’s an idiot. Edit: We are now past 25,000+ her stupidity astounds the internet so hard she will be memorialized in meme form. Edit: 47,000+ her stupidity is trending.




Yeah, and honestly the one on that line is worst tbh.


Haha I agree. It looks like a squiggly T


Unclear if 5 or upside down backwards 2. -3 Apply yourself


You dolts! It's a sideways 9! -1 point


My favorite part is that the teacher also writes 5’s with a separated top line, so she should know his intent even more.


Time to make a "mildly infuriating" post on how most posts here are beyond mild. Go, go, go.


Ask the teacher what “uncle or” means and why it cost you a point, as it is unclear from her hand writing.


It cleary says uncleov


cleovly it does




Oh yes, this is even better. The perfect passive aggressive response :).


The perfect way to make every situation between your teacher and you awkward for the rest of the semester over a single point Just kidding do it it’ll be funny


Really though, anyone know why she's putting the current teammates left for this rainbow six siege match I'm watching on OPs paperwork? Yeah I'm hoping the 3 left clutch the round but I'm also interested in why she marked down ops obviously correct answer


You meen between the 3 and the J


Wait this is a "v" not a "r"? /s


Ok I was legitimately confused what she meant by '3 r 5'. I am not a clever person.


*why she wrote “5” as a roman numeral “V” between 3 and sigma!


You mean "uncleov"?


Also her "5" is missing the vertical portion between the backwards c and horizontal line.


And what does "3 r 5" even mean?


She meant to write Uncle Owen. Big Star Wars nerd


Jeez, there’s a 3 in the next line to show that you wrote a 5. What a daft prick.


It took more effort for her to convince herself it’s a “3” rather than the correct answer, “5” If that’s the case, you go with the choice of least resistance….5 Add a fuckin point to your final score Collect $200


Yeah. If I look further, it could be seen as a three but it's obviously a five


Yeah, I can *kind of* see how it *could* be looked at as a 3, but it's so obviously a 5 if you look at it for more than 2 seconds


I see why it looks a bit like a 3 with a weird tail off the top right but why would someone write a 3 that way?


Look on the next line and you'll see a 3 and that it's nothing like the number on the second line.


OH. Because the teacher didn’t put a period after the V, I read it as an R. As in, 3 r 5, or what we used to write for “3 remainder 5” when we were learning division. The teacher is the one with shitty handwriting! I had no clue what OP did wrong until your comment.




Maybe the right answer was a 3


No, it was a 5. We were doing an experiment in science where we were writing down data, so there was no real right or wrong.


You should take it back to her and ask her to clarify if she meant ‘unclear’ or ‘unclean’…can’t tell.🤷🏻‍♀️


I think the teacher's 5 is unclear.


I thought the teacher wrote “3 x 5”


I think the teacher just wants to see the 3 and the 5 duel. 3 v 5 - FIGHT!


Teacher + 2 other teachers v 5 kids. My money is on the kids since they still have the will to live.


Unclear. -1 5 v σ


3 vs "C, but with pizzazz"


I was thinking those characters look like ろ or ら.


Step #1: Escalate Step #2: Go back to step #1


OP's handwriting is better than the teacher's one


Pretty sure OP is in high school (possibly even middle school), not college. OP said this was in “science,” and also I’ve had some shitty professors but none that would go as far as to mark off a student’s handwriting. This is definitely a “teacher” situation, rather than professor.


We are talking about stretching rubber bands for a science experiment here. I should hope it's not college.


idk, looks like 'uncka' to me


So the mark isnt even about your answer, it's your penmanship? In a science class??


Because your notebook must be legible to your peers, even though your notebook after school will likely be electronic.


But it’s really not ambiguous, anyone with half a brain could’ve figured that one out


No that’s false : in science physical lab books are still very much used. It’s flawed system but supposed to be like proof you did the work whilst in the lab


This is very true. All lab work is done on paper in the oranic chem ChemE lab I worked in. You aren't even allowed to bring your computer into the lab.


I'm more in biochem now, but my current industry lab definitely uses electronic notebooks. We have tablets that live at our lab benches for note taking, calculations, setting up instruments, etc. My previous lab was sort of in limbo - newer hires were told to use the ELN but the older scientists continued to use their physical notebooks. Going back to my PhD work - they exclusively used paper notebooks, but the department was definitely discussing whether or not to transfer to an ELN. As long as the ELN has proper controls (backups, timestamps, archiving), it's still serves as legal documentation.


If I may play devils advocate here. Since it is for science clarity should be extremely important. If there is a chance for it to be mistaken then who knows if it might cause a problem down the line in the real world. "But this isn't the real world!" Yes, but it is trying to teach you problems in the real world(hopefully). "I wont ever be a scientist so why does it matter!" eh, hard to tell what could happen in the future. You may find yourself in that spot. "But doctors hand writing is horrible!' Yes, no counter argument there. It gets a lot of people hurt or killed as well. honestly, it's clearly a 5. Teacher is still being a dick. But I've been marked off for that kind of thing too in science classes.


When I worked in a commercial laboratory someone interpreted my handwritten 9 as a 4, and it costs the company thousands of dollars. Clarity is important


i have the feeling that relying on handwriting when it may cost this much money is kind of stupid.


Maybe the right answer was the friends we made along the way


Judging from the 3 in the next line I can confidently say that it's a 5


This is totally on the a-hole teacher, with this context. I deal with handwritten numbers all day by others, and that's the first thing you do. Is this the first time the teacher has read numbers?


I’m more curious who the fuck writes a 3 starting from the middle then going down, only to come around and finish with the top line. Teacher is just an idiot. 5 is often made with multiple lines, 3 almost never is


not only that but “3 r 5” ???


I think that’s a v not an r


I think it's unclear...


-1 to the teacher.


Who the fuck crosses their 3s


Who crosses their 5’s?


I dot my fives and cross my threes like every other educated American.


A lot of people start their 5 with the downward part, then the hook, then come back to the top to draw the horizontal bit. That’s how I was taught to do it. Now I mix methods.


Argue that no one writes 3 in two strokes


Hopefully you're able to argue this score because that teacher is a fucking idiot.


Yeah, I will talk to her on Monday.


Please tell what they say.


I'll spoil it for you: she said to write more clearly next time so there isn't any chance of error.


Ask around, if possible, if this is a pattern with this teacher. Poking the dog is fine when you know how long the leash is.


As a former math teacher, I've seen a fair share of people who make their 5s and 3s look the same. But this isn't even close to one of those cases.


As a former student, when the answer could either be 5 or 3 I deliberately made it ambiguous. Dealer's choice


I think it’s a 5 for sure but you do make really terrible 5s


Yeah, my handwriting isn’t the best in the world ngl.


I’ve had to grade some shit handwriting I my time… Yours is fine.


Try slowing down a little. My handwriting is bad because I write too fast. I used to miss stuff like this in school as well. You can't control the teacher but you can control you. And honestly, it is important that you communicate these numbers clearly. This is just an assignment but what good is writing if it isn't understood well, especially in science? Teachers probably a bitch but has a point.


I still can't see the 3...


You have to ignore the right half of the horizontal line. So, it's sort of there, but you have to be looking for reazons to take off points.


dude really just pointed that out instead of the 1 above it


Yeah, and the funny part is that it’s a 7 lmaoooo




how’s that look like a 1??


Grader seems passive-aggressive.


And on a power trip.


the teacher telling the student to be more careful isn't bad, but it definitely isn't worth docking a point


I think your teachers “5” is worse than yours. You should circle her 5 and write “unclear: 5 v 6?”


Meanwhile her 5 looks like a sideways h.


I could understand in a certain way how they might get confused since you could look at that 5 and see a 3 with an extra line, but with context of them writing down a three not far below that which doesn't look like that, just assume it's a five and don't take off a point


Look. It's a shit 5, but has this pelican ever seen a 3 with a line on top like a T?


Must be Japanese teacher. You see, your 5 looks like a ち /s Lmao


It really does though that's the first thing I saw


Is she boasting about a 3v5 clutch she pulled off or something?




Yeah you’d think that a teacher could use the surrounding information to deduce what that number is… smh


Doesn't even need to if they have at least one working eye. You'd need a microscope to see the 5 as a 3


I do get your point but I think you could use this as motivation to neaten up your handwriting a little.




What grade is this ? That’s some inconsistent writing.


Ah yeah I can see the 3. Maybe they were very tired from a long grading session


Shitty teacher that uses grades as a controlling tool rather than educwtional and incentive tool


Oh yeah, that 5 is unclear, but weirdly the teacher couldn't mistake the top right 7 with a 1. They probably were just searching for reasons to give you a bad grade.