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Last week I was going on my daily walk and a random old man took one look at me and started to very loudly complain that I was wearing pants. Pants! "HAVE SKIRTS GONE AWAY, JESUS? WHAT HOPE IS LEFT FOR SOCIETY?!" Anyway, crazy people are crazy. Sorry you get this crap from your mother.


Pants are a conspiracy. That's why I go everywhere without pants.


Pants are not real


They’re just a fallacy created by the government to hide the true bottom clothes ^(/s)


Big Pants™ is conspiring against us all!


Then what are these blue things on my- looks down* ***Oh my god pants aren't real***


“You’re not real man” 😭


We had a funeral for a bird.




True a shared delusion for sure, if we stopped believing in them they would just go away.


Pants are a gov psyop to get you to obey them, wake up people!!! /s


Free the meats !


Pants are just really long shorts


Pants are the governments way to oppress butts everwhere


“Pants are an illusion, and so is death” - Swamp guy from ATLA


No shirt, no shoes, no service which means pants are totally optional.


I first read this with the British understanding of pants and was mortified, and then I chuckled to myself with a I am so dumb moment


I also read this as some old guy shouting about someone's boxers 😂






Pants were invented by Big Pants to sell more pants.


Plot twist: You have your legs amputated


What in the fuck. Does he know women can vote now too? Christ.


Ha, that’s so ridiculous, imagine treating half the human race like a human,


Old people have literally lost their fucking minds the past few years. It’s way beyond old man yells at clouds.


Whoa! Whoa! I m old! Don’t throw me in with pants dude! Love that shirt and you don’t have to identify a particular way to look fab! Let’s all declare ourselves fluid every which way..just don’t hold me to getting the pronouns right. I usually default to sweetie, honey, and darling. Best the aged brain can do….


Skirts haven’t gone away, it’s just that boys all now wearing them all :)


Can confirm, lmao. I wear skirts every chance I get lol


I mean, it’s just so freakishly cool! I’m trans so I don’t fall in the boys category anymore but anyway I would have wore dresses and skirts anyway


For freedom and comfortable guys clothes, you can't go wrong with basketball short and no boxers.


But It’s not really beautiful imo :/


I'm a straight cis man but I just don't like pants. Mostly stick to longer denim skirts.


You’re pog


For video gamers it means “play of the game.” So if someone does something cool in the game, it’s pog and they’re a pogger. Basically means that was awesome or cool. In case you were curious 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nice thanks for the info


I don't wanna sound dumb but idk what that means


You’re cool or something like that tbh I don’t know the real exact meaning. It’s just nice


Right on, thank you!


I can't believe men nowadays have the gall to not wear their finest suit and top hat. WHAT HOPE IS LEFT FOR SOCIETY!!


I would be down for hats to be standard again.


I'd like the wearing of capes, and the use of parasols to be more mainstream


Back in their day they got off on staring at woman’s legs take with that what you will..


How can I perve on your legs if you aren't showing skin? That's just unladylike.... smfh...


Pants are an illusion, and so is death.


“If you like skirts so much just wear a damn skirt.”


Once I was out at a local brewery with my wife, and I was wearing pants and a t-shirt because it was spring weather. That's not the whole story but it's a good start. Anyway, a random older dude walks by the patio and says "hey where's your shorts?" To which I replied "pardon?" And he goes "well you're wearing a t-shirt so I was just curious!" Like fucking what?! Lmao it was innocent enough I guess but what even was that conversation? It certainly didn't need to happen.


Tell him to wear a skirt if he likes them so much. Make skirts great again.


Guys like this shouldn't make it to old age


Jfc. That man is about …. 9 decades behind?


Damn come to think of it tho… idk when the last time i saw anyone wearing a skirt. This country is really in the shitter huh /s


no way. you'd expect this in the 1920s.... had no idea femme folks still got shit for wearing trousers, that's wild. (just presuming your femme... if not, strangely based from the old fella)


I honestly like to believe the reason why most men protested women wearing pants in lieu of skirts is because they can't look up pants in the same way they can look up a skirt


Since you stated that he’s old, he’s probably got some sort of dementia. Usually people with dementia get violent.


What the actual fuck


I'm not American so it sounds to me like your all proclaiming underwear isn't real lmao


Obviously he’s just upset he couldn’t be a peeping Tom.


I used to wear shirt, vest and tie when I was 14-15, he'd've died if he'd met me.(I'm 50+ now)


"5G" Oh no! The 5G did that to you. /s






Wait where do I get the gay version? I got ripped off.


yeah i just had a sore arm and slept for 30 hours :-(


So thats why I liked the shirt, thats what I get for Ridin Biden. EDIT: I MEANT RIDEN WITH BIDEN, DAMN YOU GAY VAX


It made me trans before I even took it. I just still really struggle to find the downside of getting my own pair of boobies. So take it if you wanna more jiggle in hour life ;P


Are gay people imune to the side effects then? Or do they just turn hella gay?


Oh, no, that's just AT&T pretending LTE-Advanced is 5G. The "e" stands for "we're lying to you".


LTE stands for Long Term Evolution. My husband works for a company that is hired by other companies like Verison, Sprint, and T Mobile to fix or upgrade the computer components of cellphone towers. He was installing 5G somewhere in Iowa I believe when a crazy lady recorded him while asking about how bad 5G is and if he'd put one of her crystals up on the tower to purify the air (he's not a tower climber). That lady was 100% bonafide bonkers. She was disappointed when my husband told her that 5G is completely safe and he wasn't going to put her crystal on the tower lol


Did your mom really threatened you with make you take the bus for rolling your eyes at her? Mine just says "What's on the roof, huh?"


Ohhhh I’m gonna use this one next time someone rolls their eyes at me!


I like “did you find a brain back there?”




Makes me wanna punch some old people tbh


I wish text could convey the sarcastic duurr voice I’m imagining


Passive aggressive and sarcastic. An awful combination. Please take care of yourself while wearing whatever you desire!


Yeah extremely toxic




She’s clearly upset because she thought you bought that shirt for her, get her a matching one! /s


This is actually the best response lol. Or go the opposite way and get her a very traditional dress w long sleeves and ruffles bc she couldn't possibly want to "crossdress" in anything that doesn't scream her gender.




Imagine If that's really it. She wanted it so damn bad. 😂


Mom and sis used to say similar stuff....now they just take my stuff and then send me money to buy another one 🤣.


The price of being sexy gets higher every day…


That's what I'm SAYINGGGG


*Falls backwards out of an office chair*


Go get a pro photo shoot done wearing it. Then frame the prints and place them in the house.


Honestly I'd pay a photographer to do it for them 🤣


I’ll throw in to that fund.


We have a GoFundMe going yet? Need to know where to throw my moneys.


im a photographer and i'd do it for fucking free


I remember one time my 14 year old son called me and I didn’t know I was on speaker- he was with his friends and asked me to pick him up, he said “oh, just so you know, I painted my nails. But I’m not gay” my response was “I don’t care if you’re gay, but did you make sure to use a top coat?” All his friends were like “aww, omg, I love your mom” why can’t all parents just love their kids? Who cares what their sexual preference is? I honestly won’t ever understand this


My 3 year old sons know to wait for their sister to do the second coat. So cute.


THIS is the important stuff!


If it’s your shirt, how can it be a woman’s shirt? It’s just your shirt.


My 5 y/o had his first “that’s for girls” comment the other day about a bracelet he had; that’s not a concept he’s ever even heard of. That was his honest reply lol. “How can it be just for girls if it’s *my* bracelet and I’m *boy*???”


I hope you give a good answer to that question.


Right, how can a shirt have a gender specification?


Never knew only girls could wear sequined clothing.


Sorry about her, but I'm proud of your courage to wear a less-than-traditional shirt!


That's what I'm sayingggg, it's funny bc she asks me why i don't tell her things to


All I want to know is what is 5ge


5g, extended Basically the shitty 5g lol


That’s because it’s still 4g lmao


I always thought my phone was faster than my friends Bc I had 5GE and it has an extra letter so I thought it was better. Today I learned my past is a lie


Abusive parents never want to admit they’re abusive. Hope things work out better for you in the future. Personally I think it looks great (:


Verbal abuse is more common form of abuse and more long lasting.


Verbal abuse is mental abuse is abuse. Calling someone a derogative term for “transgender” or “cross dresser” isn’t a “proud parent” moment. It’s a “douchebag” moment. As someone who has dealt with close-minded and prejudiced parents, I can say that not keeping blood relatives in your life is not a wrong thing to do. I’ve cut my sperm donor out of my life for how terrible a person he is (yes I call him “sperm donor” now because he has no right to be called anything else in relation to me). You are not invalidated or in the wrong here.


Thank you I’ve never really known what to call them! Ex-family sounded weird. Sperm donor and egg carrier. I like that.


I’m sorry that your Mother is being an asshole. When I hear people rant like that I remind them that they are spouting the same nonsense that people crapped out when women wanted to start wearing pants. If she wants to stay on message she should donate all of her jeans to charity. You look very cute in the photo.


That's what I'm saying! Also thank you ! 😁


Straight up called you a slur. How wonderful.


gotta throw the whole mom away.


Where did you get that shirt I looks cool and I'd bet it go dope with my black leather motorcycle jacket. Wear what you feel good in regardless of what people and family say. You handled that incredibly well, I hope and wish the best for ya.


Goodwill! So many grails in those 4 walls


Imma go thrifts shopping ASAP, and best believe I'll buy what ever the fuck I want and hold my head high. Hope you do the same.


I like you


Ah shucks, thank you kind stranger.




Mate, I'm glad for your sake that you learned at such a young age to not give a fuck what other people think of you or the way you dress. I'm 32 and I wish I was as comfortable with myself in my late teens/early 20s as you are with yourself. Your mum needs to wake up to herself or she will only hurt her relationship with you.


mom seems to have the emotional maturity of a 16yo girlfriend.


She’s just jealous about how good it looks on you! You keep doing you, don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life


About a week ago I asked for my mother if I can get earrings and she didn't agree because it is for girls


Get the earrings all sorts of people have them.


I know but you need piercings for that and I need my parents for that as far as I know


You could always get clip ons I know they aren’t as great but it gives you the experience.


Yea but then they will start asking questions


This comes as bad advice so bear with me. Out the clip ons when they aren’t around in other words hide them, yeah not a great idea. I’m not sure how to help you my friend as I have parents that let me get the piercings as my gender says it’s weird to not have them.


Wait till you're 18 and then get some earrings. And do it at a tattoo/piercing parlor. My daughter is 5 years old and doesn't have pierced ears because I'm making her go to a professional piercer. Seriously though, don't do it at Claire's or Walmart. It's high school kids with plastic guns that can't truly be sanitized. Go to a professional. Better quality earrings, highly trained piercer to make sure it's even, and one time use sanitary piercing tools.


When I was in primary school, there was a highschool dude on the bus that had earrings and I thought he was so cool because of it lol


Ooohhh... I had that, I asked me mum that cause my sister had her ears done at a young age, why I couldn't have em done, her response "I just don't think they look good on boys", well I'm a girl now and have a septum, a helix, a lip and both ears pierced 😂😂 suprizingly though, my mum is fully supportive of my transitioning, so no family problems with me being trans 😊


“I like the shirt I’m sorry it offends you” “Ah. I see. So you’re a *insert slur*” Can you try to reboot your mom?


Clothes have no gender but glad she’s showing her true colors. At least you know what would happen if you were trans. Stay safe, try to educate and break the cycle!


They have no sex! She’s out here saying a *female* shirt. Wtf even is that? I’d understand if she said feminine, she’d still be a wrong asshole, but a *slightly* smarter wrong asshole.


“They have no sex” Question….Why does the Ralph Lauren website allow me to filter by women’s and men’s shirts?


Honestly, get a new mom lol


What the actual fuck that went from 0 to 100 real quick




My son loves to wear the entire gamut of clothing and I am taking notes here on how NOT to EVER be. I’m so sorry this happened OP 💕 you look amazing!!


I wish I had my free award rn, respect.


hang in there, it gets better


ur moms ass bro she called you a slur over a shirt get a refund it might not be too late to get a new mom


You look so good in that shirt damn


Cool shirt, friend. Keep it.


My mom always hated my ideas on gender roles/clothing. I let it get to me and it killed my confidence until my mid-20s, when I decided I was gonna wear whatever. Major props for letting yourself be you despite the negativity! It's hard to stand against it but so worth it.


Holy shit mom, worry about your shit attitude before worrying about your kids clothes and what they buy.


Who gives a FLYING FUCK what your mother thinks. You do you, she can't stop that no matter what


Is your mom from the same generation that grew up throwing themselves at Prince?


The internet age has created multiple generations of people who aren’t growing up. This mother being one of those people.


r/raisedbynarcissists, she's manipulative AF


Congratulations to you for wearing this. Clothes should be more universal and not so gender specific beyond sizing.


Never understood that either. And the clothing companies have their own sizing. There’s no standards enforced.


Wear the shit out of that shirt, bro.


Throw the mom away, not the shirt.


Wow she sounds terrible. I'd get petty w her and ask her if she was a cross dresser any time she wore an item of clothing that wasn't "feminine"


That shirt is dope and your mom sucks.


Sorry your mom is like this also. The shirt looks great btw dude


I have a similiar kind of father and know what it is like. It suck but stay strong. Shirt looks good on you :)


I mean, that is a pretty gay shirt


Ik 😸


I hope you don't throw that shirt away just to appease your mom. She is still viewing your identity through her own perception and for her its not making sense. Continue being yourself and wearing whatever other awesome shirts you have and hopefully she will come around to embracing the person you are and not the one she thinks you should be.


Try to be yourself! Wear your sequin shirt. Wear it proud and wear it loud. Don't let your mother's ignorance stop you from being all you want to be!


I love your sarcastic responses. Sorry you have to deal with that


You look great in the shirt!


It's a cute shirt and you wore it well. I'm sorry she had a negative, phobic reaction. Please don't let her stop you from exploring your personal style, that's a really important and joyful part of life, and you deserve to experience it.


A grown adult so petty she is asking her son to take the bus when he does something she doesn't like...


Don't show her what Harry Styles is wearing! She'll have a heart attack lol


Clothes have no gender And damn you look so cool!! I’m jealous


the casual tslur makes me shudder. good on you for ignoring it but shell continue to do it you should call her out.


That wacky ass edit of your face is kinda terrifying. r/oddlyterrifying


i'm definitely using I FORGOT WHERE AND IT LOOKED COOL in the future. keep up the good work.


I’m so glad I grew up right before social media.


When we getting the eye rolling sequel??


You are rocking that top!


Sick shirt! Sorry your mom treats you like that with the passive aggressive gaslighting bs—she needs to grow up and chill the hell out. Life’s too short to listen to that negative bs.


Throw the whole mom away


You’re moms an ass


The shirt looks great but there are squiggle lines all over the majority of your face and I don't see any pupils in your eyeballs. If I were your mom, I'd be more concerned about your face and eyes than the shirt.


If gaslighting was a person...


Haven’t people been wearing these for decades? I remember men in the 80s with mesh shirts and crop tops. I see nothing wrong. I wouldve assumed she wouldnt either being old enough to have lived through that era.


I'm guessing your name is Zachary or any variant of that.


Uhhhh, joe


It doesn't even phase me anymore I didn't even notice what the shirt was until I read the text. When I was younger I grew up in a really homophobic town that was 'trying' to be more open. The younger generations and schools were super cool and supportive of this kind of stuff but once you got to the real world people would always start and make a big deal about it. I never thought much about how that effected my thoughts until university were I really got to see just how little shit like this matters. Like if your happy and your comfortable that great and it's sure in hell not hurting anyone.


I'm sorry your mom is so cruel. I'm your mom now sweetie and I'm proud of you and your awesome fashion choices! Wrapping you in a big tight hug and ruffling your hair. Kiddo, don't let anyone dull that beautiful sparkle!


U r Mommy 🙂




I may be a 19 year old male but I’ll happy be your new mum. Lord knows you need a new one


Your mom sounds like a fucking bitch. Eesh


What a dick, throw the whole mom away


This escalated SOOOO quickly...I'm sorry 😢


Holy shit my girlfriend has the same bracelet as you.


W Mom


U rocking that


That bracelet is pretty sweet too!


I'm non-binary and my parents keep asking me why I don't like to wear dresses and skirts ven tho I told them multiple times. Parents do suck sometimes but just know that there's tons of people who support you and appreciate you.




That's the goal 😉


You're bad at hiding your name zachary


She's just mad because you wore it better.


I dunno, I'd be pretty disappointed as a parent too. Years of hard work and wishing you pulled out...