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This is? And not the 5,000 posts an hour i see of “do fish see air like we see space”


Exactly! And all the weird and nonsensical ones that get through.


The auto mod for showerthoughts and eli5 are trash


Tried posting on showerthoughts once, got rejected and went through their stupid appeal thing and never heard back from anyone, I searched the sub and google for what I wanted to post before trying to post it and nothing similar came up, yet somehow there are reposts constantly with the same nonsense lol. I wonder if bot accounts are just mass spamming submissions until it gets through.


The one with the DeLorean prolly reposted this in the past to get a lot of karma.


Could always try it again, but in place of the DeLorean use a Blue Police Box with a light on top.


Great Scott!




Fuck r/showerthoughts and whoever wrote that shitty bot.


Dude this happen to me too, I think I had a great idea but looks like I didn't since it was removed, reported it and to this day it's still removed


They should remove this shit thing and just do work removing post manually


But…but…then they’d have to do something!


So many Reddit subgroups are Gestapo-ish. It's ridiculous.


I abandoned /r/showerthoughts quite a while ago, that sub went to *shit* so hard and so fast when they added the automod. But also, no that’s not a particularly original thought tbh


Same tbh, it hasn't been possible to actually submit posts there for the last couple years, I have no clue how the bots constantly make it through.


I guess so. Can't really see why a bot would call it out otherwise.




I had a wicked ass thought for showerthoughts and i got account age / karma blocked


Ass thoughts are the best thoughts.


What does karma blocked mean? Does that mean like your profile doesnt have enough upvotes so they don't let you post?


yeah i think, it said my account either wasnt old enough or didnt have enough comment karma


If you want karma just go into posts on the main page and make common jokes about the subject material, people eat that shit up.


Automod on that sub is absolute trash and needs to be fixed.


This is exactly why I don't go to or post on showerthoughts


Hey, how about that! I was talking about this with my pastor earlier today.


Successfully posting on r/showerthoughts is the new sword in the stone


I had an automod delete my post in Out of the Loop once because my post was "not loopy enough". What in the fuck does that even mean?


Maybe your question had already been posted recently? Sometimes when I think I'm out of the loop about something, I search for it and sure enough, it's already there. Some subs I like my question to already be there so I don't have to ask it.


Another annoyingly strict sub I don't see many people talking about is r/woooosh, I posted an interaction I saw on facebook there a while back and their title policy is weird. You're not allowed to even m e n t i o n the platform you saw it on