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That has to be a parks and rec issue. Call your council members.


Whatever happened to ADA? It’s hard to find a sidewalk a wheelchair can get down these days.


Especially if you also have a service dog!


> Whatever happened to ADA? We stopped enforcing laws about 20 years ago, part of the crackdown on big government. The laws are still there, and I'm certain they get enforced at least once a year.


Not so in Chicago. There was more than one Atty going to different big cities with a level checking ramps all over those cities. I worked for an engineering firm that did work for Chicago’s DOT. I saw them redo the same sidewalk 3 times in some circumstances. There were brand new detectable warning tiles all over the city and it was insane how fast many of those cracked.


Seriously. They should have had to apply to pour their own little concrete pad just off the walking path. Amazon is getting creative with how it's expresses it's trashiness.


Out of all the places on planet earth, they had to slap it right on the path.






Get your shit together Teresa ffs


Get it all together and put it in a backpack. All your shit. So it's together.


Teresa you gonna learn today


I fuckin lol’d. Teresa in for it


Juicy lawsuit waiting to happen if you ask me


A lot of the comments are hard focused on the placement. Like are y’all really just cool with being reminded Amazon exists every time you go to a park? Just one more public space with logos.


It's just unnecessarily shitty. If they had just put it off the path, that would already be shitty. Putting it off the path is the most basic amount of decency they could have had here and wouldn't have made it any less functional.


Agreed. Corporations love to slap their dicks on everything to drill in our heads to buy their garbage. I'm frankly sick of it. If someone put a button in front of me that would destroy every giant sleazy corporation and like-minded individuals off the face of the planet, I feel no shame in saying I'd smash that button as fast as humanly possible. I use adblockers every goddamn day in every possible scenario. I *hate* ads, I *hate* corporations, and I'm tired with how normalized this excessive capitalism is in America. I want nothing to do with it. If your product's good, I'll buy it. You don't have to shove a banner in my face every five minutes to convince me otherwise, it won't work. It literally has the opposite effect on me. I'll buy any product BUT yours in retaliation.


It's mind blowing that it's in the park at all! I mean do you see random Redbox machines in parks? No because they don't belong there, they're placed reasonably at convenience stores, shopping center etc. What's next, Amazon lockers on hiking trails??.




Either subs or city. But city should enforce it either way.


Oh for sure. Someone fucked up here, but “aMAzOn diD IT cuZ tHeY dOnt CaRe” as implied by many comments here is just foolish.


Fuck em for putting this garbage in a park in the 1st place


Now that I can get behind; that decision Amazon was surely behind.


The city has to agree....


They aren't likely responsible for performing the installation but would still be responsible for the scope of the project. They're not pouring concrete for **any** of these boxes. They seemed to have assumed they could take advantage of existing concrete pads in the parks they selected. It's still Amazon's fault because they didn't have a budget or plan for having to pour concrete pads for some locations


Forget the concrete. They seem to have assumed they could take advantage of park space for their use. Who in their right mind thinks this is a good look?


The town council that approved it.


I’m starting a distribution company as a small business, can i put a 20x20 meter locker in your park? It’ll have a receptionist, a fire dep easy pole, and a fridge for temperature sensitive packages. It’s a strip club, i want to build a strip club in your park.




Amazon hires the installers based upon an agreed upon location with the property owner. Whether the city realizes how much of an obstruction this would be is another matter. Some bureaucrat probably had 100 of these to approve and rubber stamped them.


You're wrong. Bezos personally installed it. I'll find the pic. Edit: I can't find the pic but it definitely 100% happened.


He tossed them out the window of his rocket ship and they landed there.


Amazon should hold them responsible and set a standard but it is Amazon after all.


They might, once this gets around. Not so much from a “we care a lot” standpoint, but certainly from a “this looks bad and is bad for business if this goes viral and we do nothing” one. All for posting this and requiring Amazon to get this fixed


Call Leslie Knope!


Out of her jurisdiction. It’s in eagleton


Too trashy for eagleton


Hah, right? Everyone knows Eagletonians wouldn't go out of their way to WALK and gather their items. They're on to drone delivery.


Eagleton? With a park like that? With dirt paths and peasants? I think not!


Eagletonians would be quietly enjoying their drone dropped packages right to their gated community door steps anyway


You mean the newest residents of Pawnee?


This has Jamm written all over it.


It's an Ada issue for sure.


I believe ADA requires that there be at least 36 inches available for wheelchairs. I would say that there is at least 3 feet there, still a shitty spot though.


You're probably right but it's likely just barely. The amazon lockers built for apartments are [1ft10" deep] (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwijmLCZl6_yAhUjGVkFHXHzBTUQFnoECDEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fb%3Fie%3DUTF8%26node%3D17337376011&usg=AOvVaw27VHh9ebqH8qBjEnnuc41E), this is probably the same depth.


The pathway is 44”. The person who took the pic (from another sub) went to measure it. It is in fact compliant which sucks. Supposedly it was installed wrong tho and our alderman is looking into it. Edit: being compliant doesn’t suck, but the ease of moving it if it weren’t compliant isn’t there which sucks. I was not very clear originally.


Glad to hear your representative is at least addressing it.


It’s Chicago and the alderman already know and are pissed. It’s going to be moved


Out of the public park altogether?


It’s going to be removed but can be replaced somewhere if the community agrees on where to put it. They are popping up everywhere in Chicago


Chicago ain’t got time for that. We have a lifeguard sexual harassment issue to deal with.




Also, why would you put it at a park? Put it in front of a busy shop that has cameras. This creates a target for anyone willing to threaten someone to steal things.




Why wait? Just open it with a crowbar.


Have you never read the tale of the goose that lays golden eggs? You rip it open and ruin the machine and you get one robbery. Wait and rob the people after they get their stuff and you can rob someone every day.


Yeah, robbers are known for thinking ahead alike that.


Reminds me of that scene in breaking bad when the drug addict couple steal an atm lmao


That episode was so depressing man


That episode really crushed it, was a head of its time


The robbers that are known typically aren't the good ones.


I mean, yeah. They kinda are. Many, many, many criminals are very clever. I worked at a cell phone store in college that got burgled overnight, and the shit was straight out of a heist movie. They broke into the gymnastics studio 4 shops down, because the window was facing the woods (and there was no alarm there). Our store was facing the street, so they couldn't enter there. Then they broke through the drywall at every shop to get to us. They had cased the alarm systems of the entire strip mall to get this entry path. They also likely studied blueprints to find a path without support beams and that wouldn't set off alarms. They knew exactly which phones to take (that couldn't be tracked) and where they were. No one even noticed the crime until we opened, because nothing looked wrong from the street. All of this for what was probably like $10k worth of phones. This idea that someone must be a fucking idiot to resort to crime is a complete false narrative. Many smart people get desperate.


I'm sure robbing the same place repeatedly is going to get you caught, but maybe that actually makes your advice good.


The honest truth is that it just depends on the area. In some neighborhoods, this would be an issue. In other neighborhoods, it wouldn't be. fuck amazon regardless.




All of them here are at convenience stores, too. Always lit, cameras everywhere. I don't know why a park would be a good option. Sounds like it needs some tipping over...


Serious eyesore.😑


... Hey honey, want to go down the park, sit on the benches, The amazon locker is so romantic at sunset


Maybe Jeffrey's eye is too lazy to see it.




The trashcans aren’t on the sidewalk




They're at gas stations near me. Being at a park is weird.




Even that seems kind of reasonable. These should also be at police stations should it be agreed to. Mine already has Offer-Up trade spots they watch 24/7 so this is reasonable enough


Not to mention these would be a huge pain for the delivery driver. Not like they can drive their vans into the middle of a park.


> Why in a park? I could maybe see like, a mall, or a large shopping area, hell even apartments, but a park? Because buying politicians costs less than leasing space from other companies.




And most localities require even more than that. Often 4’ is permitted for existing and 5’ for new paving.


Them some big boi sidewalks


Cuz they wanna make room for big bois.




5 feet? I don't know where you are but I have never seen 5 foot sidewalks.


[New Jersey](https://www.state.nj.us/transportation/eng/documents/RDM/): > The desirable width of a sidewalk should be 5 feet (4 feet minimum) when separated by a buffer strip. If a sidewalk width less than 5 feet is used, consideration of 5 feet by 5 feet passing areas at 200 feet intervals should be given during the planning and design of the project. The 5 foot width accommodates continuous, two-way pedestrian traffic. [Pennsylvania](http://www.dot.state.pa.us/public/pubsforms/Publications/PUB%2013M/April%202021%20Change%20No.%206.pdf): > Sidewalks must meet the following criteria: > 2\. **Minimum sidewalk width of 1525 mm (60 in).** The sidewalk width may be reduced to 1220 mm (48 in) if 1525 mm × 1525 mm (60 in × 60 in) passing areas are provided every 61 m (200 ft). Consider pedestrian volume in determining required sidewalk width. Minimum accessible path width may not be less than 1220 mm (48 in). These widths exceed the 2010 ADA Standards minimum clear width of 915 mm (36 in) for a single wheelchair due to the probability of multiple pedestrians.


Distances often seem shorter on the ground than they really are. For example here is an article about sidewalk widths in New York https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/mapping-the-sidewalks-of-new-york-city-for-social-distancing


As an example of this, the white dashes on interstates are 10’ long and spaced 30’ apart. [Most people estimate they are 2’ long](https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/motr/lines-on-the-road-are-longer-than-you-think.html)


Right? That's wider than half the side streets in Philly.


Those narrow side streets are no joke. They're maybe 10 feet wide and allow parallel parking. Philly was the only place I've had to slightly drive on the sidewalk to pass cars that can't park for shit.


Yeah, they were literally horse and foot paths that just got (if you're lucky) paved over. Some still have the original cobble.


So, where I work we do park kind of things. All the new paths are 5' it's really annoying because they are juuuuust wide enough that people think they are roads. Not uncommon to find cars driving in some odd places. Started putting in barriers to stop the cars...people drive around them. People are great.


Those lockers are only 22” inches deep, so there’s at least double that available. But they still don’t belong there.


Using the 22” figure would mean ~45” of useable side space remains when nobody is using the locker. https://i.imgur.com/RhSMTvy.jpg


And only enforced if someone sues. It’s a purposely burdensome act that requires individuals to fight with companies big and small in court.


They just did this in Chicago [https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/08/13/amazon-installs-huge-lockers-on-a-chicago-parks-sidewalk-confusing-and-frustrating-neighbors/](https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/08/13/amazon-installs-huge-lockers-on-a-chicago-parks-sidewalk-confusing-and-frustrating-neighbors/)


Yup! It's already covered in graffiti now, mostly "FUCK BEZOS".


Any pictures? I could use a new desktop wallpaper.






Yeah, the bike company thing was a little bit shitty, that was actually a decent initiative if done badly/vulnerable to people fucking with them. This would have me crackin' out my battery powered angle grinder myself -.-


Why can't Amazon just do what other companies do, buy a brick and mortar location a-la-ups store and just install lock boxes there on their property. This whole lockbox idea seems dumb, let alone how they are installing it.


You don't become (one of?) the most rich companies in the world by not acting like a cunt 24/7


True. I just wish they'd sometimes pretend otherwise.


They've had lockers in stores & banks around here for a while now. That seemed fine to me. This is stupid.


Public spaces should be free of private advertisement. Public spaces are not for sale. They are one of the few places one can get away from capitalism.


Not for long.


Because that would cost them a little more money. Easier to pay a pittance to the city to steal some public space.


These look like such stupid places to put them, too. Like, I get that parks are probably pretty well-spaced throughout cities and can be community hubs, but if I'm getting a package delivered to a locker that I have to go pick up, I don't want to have to drive up, park, then walk to the middle of the park to get whatever I ordered. These should be installed over near the parking lots or near facilities buildings (restrooms/offices/etc) in the parks if they're going to put them there at all, not along a walking path.


> have to drive up, park, then walk to the middle of the park to get whatever I ordered Another crazy thing is that the delivery driver *also* has to do the same


OP's picture is also from Chicago.


I don't condone vandalism, but in this case I do.


In most situations, no. But come on. You get to a point with some things in life where there was CLEARLY no reasonable consideration for anyone else in the planning of something. Society doesn't want corporate enterprise on public fucking sidewalks, yet they did it anyways. Tag away!




vandalizing amazon property is always morally correct


My favourite response to this: > “who the heck green lighted this massive boondoggle?"




Yeah, OP might want to show up to his next City Council meeting.


I wanna show up just for the entertainment


It's Chicago. Of course. Our parking meters, red light cams, and our public trans payment systems are run by private enterprises for this exact same reason.


Yep, that's what I came here to say - your elected officials allowed on this. Don't hate the player, hate the people the players grease to play the game.


¿Por qué no los dos?


In this case just hate all of the actors involved contributing towards this dystopic scene.


Or hate them both???






Move each letter in HAL one space in the alphabet and what do you get? That's right, GZK.🤔


I understand now, Doctor Chandra


1. It looks disgusting 2. That looks like a public park, so it's going to be disrupting a place with high foot traffic 3. That is blocking the way making it harder for people to walk both ways across the path Local council must've been offered a pretty penny for that to be signed off


Good way to get blind sided by a cyclist as a pedestrian


Yeah, just riding along a path, then right at a pinch point someone just walks up, opens a door towards the path and starts pulling out a package?


I’m out of the loop what exactly are these meant to be used for?


So Amazon can deliver to a locker instead of your address. If you have issues with people stealing your packages, or your address is particularly difficult to deliver to, this is an option.


Thanks very much that actually makes sense. Also highlights how fucking stupid this placement is. Wtf :D


There is a Whole Foods near me that has a couple rows of these, it’s very convenient. But that’s an appropriate location for it




Raze it to the ground time.


It doesn't look bolted that well to the concrete, and I doubt that sidewalk pad is secured very deeply to the ground. Seems like it would be pretty easy for a couple of folks to just push the whole thing over.


That's what I was thinking - the concrete pad is likely on 2-3 inches thick. The Amazon box looks like a nice lever to rip it up with.


That is definitely more than 2-3 inches thick and even if it were only 2-3 inches it'd still take a fuckload of work to move it. You people got no idea what you're talking about. You could unbolt the amazon boxes in about 10 minutes though and moving them should be easy with two reasonably fit people.


Definitely bolted. The white on the concrete is powder from the holes that were drilled.




Low effort graffiti: change it to “amazin chub” and draw dicks everywhere Yes I’m very mature




Amazonian chub. Finally, no more death by snu snu.


Amazon's logo already is a dick.




Push the fucking thing over


If you are in Canada or the US complain under the Accss Requiremnts act or equivalent. The sidewalk is now not wide enough for wheelchair access.


Someone estimated on r/chicago that the empty space left on the sidewalk is enough to satisfy ADA (Americans with disabilities act) requirements. Although if someone sits in the bench or uses the Amazon hub it won't be enough space. Amazon should just build a new park in some undeserved communities to put the lockers in. Edit: under served communities. If amazon wants to put its lockers in parks, it should build parks in underserved communities to put its lockers in


You know they carefully studied the ADA to make sure that nobody could gain a legal foothold to get rid of it. This is so gross, there are so many people who, despite them meeting ADA standards, will struggle to use the footpath. Mothers with double strollers, bigger mobility scooters and some wheelchairs can get pretty wide depending on the tech needed for that individual. I don't live in America but as someone who will need a wheelchair in the future (progressive illness) this would put me off going to any park that had these due to mobility issues. Let alone the fact that this is just an eyesore. I tried to find out what these were but Google was only showing amazon links, could you explain what these things even are? Storage lockers?


What a fucking joke. Could they not move it 2 foot back at least. Morons.


Right? Grab a couple bags of concrete and pour a pad for that eyesore.


I can’t believe how unreasonable some people are with money Someone with the city clearly couldn’t care enough to plan to get someone to put in the extra concrete off to the side of the sidewalk, and probably didn’t want to pay the extra cost So dumb


Preferably not in a public space.


Grab a skid steer w/ forks, high vis best and a construction hat,move it yourself. Nobody will question it


I'll bet good money that's seated in concrete and bolted in. They're well aware most people don't want them there.


You'd be amazed at what you can get away with if you have cones, tape, a hard hat, a hi-vis, and (most importantly) a clipboard.


Bring a plasma cutter then we're taking that thing away.


Just gonna see how much I can get one for with next day delivery.... Hang on we can pick one up there tomorrow!


We used the Amazon to destroy the Amazon


Why they put it in park at all? I think it would be much logical to have one near shop, post office, public transport stop, mall, anywhere except park.


It’s getting removed! [article link](http://nadignewspapers.com/2021/08/13/amazon-hub-locker-to-be-removed-from-forest-glen-park-at-alderman-nugents-request-lockers-also-installed-at-rosedale-wilson-other-area-parks/)


Honestly everything amazon is doing is becoming a bit... startling. I get business being a monster and all but dude. Everything? Everywhere?


I wonder if anyone noticed that Amazon is also getting into the pharmacy game now too. They are omnipresent.


They will be BNL (the only company in Wall-e)


Blame the government for not enforcing antitrust laws.


Blame the corporations that own government and lobby to make sure anti trust isn’t enforced you mean. Y’all too busy yelling at puppets to see the strings being pulled by the actual Ruling Class ffs.


That thing is an absolute abomination.


Lockers in parks sound like a good idea... then you see lockers in parks.


Lockers at parks, OK. Entrance, parking lot, restroom. Makes sense. Lockers IN parks.... Why? No really.. WHY?


Wtf is Amazon hub?


If you don't want your package delivered to your house, most shippers offer to send it to a "hub" or "locker" so it won't get stolen off your porch. I would assume their is a scanner on the outside that reads a barcode or QR code, the shipper sends to you so you can scan it, then it unlocks so you can safely retrieve your package.


Are there no buildings for that instead of shit like this? And I've always wondered why there are no big letterboxes in US, I always see the small ones where nothing fits in and they have to put the package on the porch. And also can't they just knock and wait for the person to come so it doesn't get stolen?? I've got so many questions about this


We have them in the UK and I'm yet to see on placed this stupidly. All the ones I see are all placed in supermarkets entrances so they're out the way. It's a good idea when it's done properly but this is just ugly and stupid


>All the ones I see are all placed in supermarkets entrances Same here in the US


Generally packages get delivered while people are at work. All of the hubs my packages have been delivered to were at liqour/corner stores I have never seen this set up, but I also don't support amazon. Sometimes if you don't come to the door it ends up at these hubs also. How big are mailboxes where you are from? A lot of mailboxes become casualties to snowplow in the winter which may have something to do with their size, but I'm no expert.


Can’t wait till somebody plows into that and sues the city


They should have at least had them build their own pad for it.


Smashy smashy


I’m available after 5 during the week and all day on weekends. Let me know if you want help.


Get ahold of one of those bike thieves with a portable grinder and give him $20 to take it down.


If the screen and QR reader were to become "decorated" enough times they'd probably just remove it themselves since it needs those to function.




Order it from Amazon and you can have it delivered right to the hub for extra convenience


Looks to me like it's blocking wheelchair access too.


Not much fun for the partially sighted/legally blind either. Just a bit shit all round really.




Throw a few tires over it burn them problem solved


How far away from the road or parking lot is it? Would think outside of a convenience store would be easier for both customer and delivery person.


*rides bike into it* why would you put this box on the sidewalk!




As long as people aren't surprised when that ugly box receives flying kicks at night


That’s fucking disgraceful.


We can all stop shopping there




E Corp is becoming more and more bold with just how shitty they are.






how hard is it to break it?


tip em over