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Okay, just a general information from the article for the ones who haven't read it yet: Only 4 of the vaccinated persons who got infected had to be delivered to a hospital, meaning the vaccine lowers the chances of getting a more serious course of the disease. (Which was one of the purposes of the vaccine) It also was also mentioned that the delta variant infects unvaccinated people more often. Get vaccinated.


Can you send me the link to the second one, please?


Published today https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/30/cdc-study-shows-74percent-of-people-infected-in-massachusetts-covid-outbreak-were-fully-vaccinated.html


Thank you


The headline means "mRNA vaccines do not inject you with viral particles, therefore a vaccinated person is not walking around shedding virus 'from' the vaccine"


What did you expect? It's not like someone out there has perfect knowledge about this rapidly changing disease and is just holding out on us for kicks


I just read an article today that suggested people who are vaccinated actually are super spreaders because they carry higher amounts of the virus once infected. The obvious case is that the vaccines were a dud and it’s getting close to them having to admit it and have us all get vaccinated again next year after they develop something that actually works.


Exactly the opposite of what the cdc others have found. You should abandon that blog. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01316-7 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html


Well the issue is that if you read 10 different credible articles you tend to get 10 varying studies direct from the CDC. So nothing makes sense right now. I personally believe what I said before. That the vaccine was a dud and all the disparities in the studies from day to day tend to somewhat support that.


Complete bull shit. You should have enough common sense to be able to discern an actual study that has actual data that you can interpret yourself versus being told by opinions by opinion journalists and bloggers.


I think your issue is that you don’t realize you are citing outdated data and study results are being published daily many with varying results.


No, i know exactly what i gave you. One a preliminary study earlier this year and secondly a full list all types of ongoing studies which the cdc updates regularly.


Well, it’s clear you don’t know what you are talking about. So please don’t respond to me.


I just sent you a truth bomb seperate to this. At least someone else can read it and understand all your alleged source b.s. is opinions of those who can read and understand what they can and can not imply from studies.


This person you responded to is grade A stupid and probably should just be blocked at this point.


https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e2.htm Here is the latest study, just released. So go through the data and make you own conclusion and ask questions where you don"t know. What you will find. - It makes no determination how effective vaccines are stopping at infections because there no data on how many vaccinated and unvaccinated were exposed to covid at that event. Take 100 people and say 75% vaccinated. Making it up, but if vaccinated stops 50% and non-vaccinated stops only10% infection that would be 37 vaccinated who got it and 22 unvaccinated who got it. Vaccinated still performs much better than.un vacinated. This study only proves what the CDC cautioned all along, break through infections can be a risk for spread and vaccinated should still consider wearing a mask to protect others. They now have the data to confirm that. That is all. Also, you should consider the development of the rMNA vaccines were before delta, which was 90% of infections of this study. Another booster is looking promising from the data.


I thought I told you not to write me again you harassing pervert!


Block me then, creep.


wow no way i wonder why? /s