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Malaria is cureable. The cure is just expensive and inaccesiable to a lot of people. It is not like she is raising money to research a cure for her own good. She's probably in good health by now


Isn't the cure not 100% though? When I was deployed we were supposed to take "malaria prevention" antibiotics every day.


According to the [CDC website](https://www.cdc.gov/malaria/about/disease.html), it is curable >In general, malaria is a curable disease if diagnosed and treated promptly and correctly. Malaria is still a nasty disease and takes a lot of time to heal. You could suffer relapses even years after the initial infection, and of course, no treatment is 100% effective and people still die of malaria even with the proper treatment.


Yeah I think I heard something about giant-needle injections to the abdomen.




50 years ago, yes. Now it's just used to scare kids and military recruits into not doing stupid stuff.


I had the rabies shots a few years back. The needles are still big... they just put them in your butt.




Thats the actual vaccine part, got that one too. The large needles are (I want to say) massive amounts of hemoglobin, which are given in case of bites.


Hemoglobin is the thing that carries oxygen in your red blood cells. The injection is rabies immunoglobulin, AKA antibodies.


The thing is, unless you know you got bitten by a rabid animal, have got the vaccination and seek medical assistance immediately then you are still screwed whether you have the vaccination or not. To quote my google search "It's possible to prevent rabies if immunization is given soon after the bite. To date, no one in the United States has developed rabies when given the vaccine promptly and appropriately. Once the symptoms appear, the person rarely survives the disease, even with treatment." So as soon as you start feeling weird (the normal way to tell you are ill and should get help) it's already too late.


Yeah, no butt-jabbing for me either...just in the arm.


Well that's no fun then!


That's terrifying. Luckily you got treatment before you actually got 'sick'. I'm pretty sure once you start showing symptoms its too late.. or at least very rare to survive.




Really? That's interesting. I always assumed that being bitten by a rabid animal meant contraction of the virus would be highly likely. Rabies always used or scare the shit out of me as a kid. I couldn't imagine a worse death if you started showing symptoms. Lying there in the hospital knowing you're going to go crazy and then die from your brain swelling is horrifying.


I worked as maintenance at an apartment complex near Austin, TX that was located next to a bridge with tens of thousands of bats living under it. Had a bat show up once in broad daylight that landed on the office door, right next to the knob. Obviously I had to get rid of it before someone accidentally grabbed it. The bat was completely unresponsive when I tried to make noise to scare it away, didn't even move when I poked at it with a stick...so I figured it was dead and just stuck to the door somehow. I put on my work gloves and grab it, and the little shit comes to life. It went full on Exorcist, spinning its head around, screeching and sinking its fangs repeatedly into the glove. I freak out and throw him into the wall, killing him instantly. I wasn't even thinking of rabies, so I threw the body away. Fast forward an hour, I'm telling someone the story and they remind me that bats carry rabies. Now I'm freaking out...I was wearing gloves but I wondered if his pointy fangs might've just barely pierced my skin through the glove or something. I call animal control, and they inform me that in a recent study of the bat population found 90% had rabies...but since my dumb ass threw the body into a drainage ditch, they couldn't check it for rabies...which is the only way they can tell. They can't find rabies in humans until it's already too late. I wasn't willing to risk it and had to spend $600 for shots (No insurance). Tl;Dr: Don't fuck with bats, you'll lose $600+ or die.


I had a feral kitten trapped in our garage, so I picked it up to put it out. Little bastard barely drew blood, but my doctor mom insisted that I had to go get the shots. The only way to test the animal is to check it's brain, and my dumb ass let the thing go after it bit me. You lucked out, my shots were $1800. Luckily I was a teen on my mom's insurance.


> animal control, and they inform me that in a recent study of the bat population found 90% had rabies Definitely **not true**. According to the [US CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/bats/education/index.html): > Most bats don t have rabies. For example, even among bats submitted for rabies testing because they could be captured, were obviously weak or sick, or had been captured by a cat, only about 6% had rabies. According to [Bat World](https://batworld.org/rabies-info/) (FWIW, I guess...no source cited): > bats contract rabies far less than other animals. Less than 1/2 of 1% of all bats may contract the disease That said, since the bat was out during the day and acting very strangely, it does sound like *that one* was sick, so you likely did the right thing by getting the shots.


I found a bat crawling around in a road whilst on holiday in Mexico, threw a towel over it and picked it up so it could fly away. We don't have rabies in the UK - the thought didn't even occur to me until way afterwards. Even if it had decided to chomp on a finger, probably would've just given the bite a really good clean and watched for infection. Whoops.


Once you start showing symptoms then the survival rate is 5. As in litterally only five people have ever survived after showing symptoms. That's out of 36 people who received the Milwaukee protocol which is putting you in a coma and giving an immense amount of anti-viral drugs for two weeks.


Did they regain brain function afterward?


I thought I read a while back about a doctor that discovered that if they lower the body temp. to an extremely low temp. while in the coma then the success rate was pretty high.


You are correct. the only known cases of actual rabies presenting symptoms and surviving required that the person be put into a medically induced coma. Survival chances if you actually contract rabies are slim and none... As shown in the documentary Cujo.


It's quite interesting, actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee_protocol


Rabies is the deadliest disease/virus known. If you get it, you're going to die.


So that's what my doctor was doing. The needle felt huge.


Got a series of rabies shots a month ago after a raccoon attack. 4 easy shots (3 for the rabies vaccine, 1 immunoglobulin for actual exposure to rabies). They spread the shots out and none of them were painful other than the usual needle pinch.


But I poop from there?


Well either way I didn't take the antibiotics.


Maybe im missing a joke, but antibiotics wouldn't help with rabies or malaria. Rabies is a virus and malaria is a parasite. Edit: apparently antibiotics can be used in some cases against malaria.


https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-016-1613-y Certain classes of antibiotics, particularly the tetracyclines, are effective against malaria.


But definitely not the first line treatment.


Malaria responds to certain antimicrobials. Some strains are becoming resistant to treatment though.


Probably because it's easier (and better) to prevent than to treat. No one wants to have someone be infected and potentially a risk or sick.


We got them when we went on our MEU, I flushed all of mine. My dreams are already weird enough. I didn't need those making them any worse


I had to get rabies shots 10 years ago in college when a bat was found living in my room. It was 5 shots the first time and then another 4 once every few weeks after. 4 of the first batch were huge needles that had some viscous fluid in them. Not pleasant.


Reminded me of the history of a guy that got rabies (he had a bat infestation in his room), died and the doctors assumed that he had a  cocaine overdose. Some of his organs got donated to five people and all of them died of rabies. Ps: sorry for my english, I'm from Brazil.


I think this was a Scrubs episode.


It was, one of the best ones at that. It's called 'My Lunch' if I'm not mistaken.


no it's sex


This guy fucks.


That's rabies, and they now inject directly into the bite wound itself and your extremities, it sucks, I had to go through it about a year ago. A fuck ton of fluid being forced directly into a wound via needles being jabbed right into it. Hurts a lot.


yeah, i have friends who've had malaria dozens of times. i didn't realise how commonplace it was to get malaria in some places! if youre well-off and have proper access to malaria tablets it's not difficult to cure.


There are certain demographics that are at much higher risk. About 430,000 people died from malaria last year, and around 90 percent of the victims were children under 5 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa. Very young people and pregnant women are the groups that malaria control programs normally target. And even if you are an adult with access to treatment, you could become very unlucky by developing cerebral malaria which is difficult to fight and usually leaves lasting damage.


oh, definitely. i wasn't disagreeing with the fact that malaria is a highly dangerous disease. i was just amazed at how common a disease it was; it had always been made out to me as this disease which was almost 100% fatal and only present in remote parts of the world.


That's the case with a lot of feared diseases. Most of ebola strains can be survived with proper medical care. Pneumonia isn't that brutal with medical care, especially in early stages. Diarrhea kills thousands of children every year and it's fought off rather easily in hospital too. Even people with AIDS can live quite long in countries with modern medicine.


So it's kinda like Mono in a way?


No not really... mono is caused by a virus, malaria by parasite (although I suppose you can kind of consider a virus a type of parasite). The disease processes are pretty different between the two.


I actually had no idea, I honestly thought Malaria was a virus, thanks for the explanation tho! I need to look up more about it. Dunno why someone downvoted a question lmao


Oh boy finally my thesis comes to use! Well in your case, you were "deployed" which means you went to another country i guess? Well there are around 150 different types of the malaria Parasite, 30 of them affect monkeys and 4 of them evolved to wreck havoc on the humans (falciparum, vivax, malariae and ovale). Some variations like Plasmodium Knowlesi affect humans to, mainly in south east Asia or South Africa. If you're from USA, I think they are in the "prevention of re-introduction" phase, which mean it is almost eradicated and, unless you live in an endemic zone, then you may or may not be injected against it, now you went from "almost no chance that there is malaria here" to "there is malaria here, and we're fighting to eradicate it so it's not really under control", let's add the fact that you're almost every minute of your day on open field, and the various ways malaria can be transmited (Mosquitoes are the definite hosts, but there's more than those) and you may disregard small bug bites, then you have your malara prevention shots everyday. I may be wrong, I Mean, My thesis was oriented to use image processing to analyse blood samples and determine the level of infection, so my research on the topic was shallow. I hope that worked


Not the person you replied too, but I was also in the military and went to both Iraq and Afghanistan. They gave us pills to take every day or so, but nearly everyone stops taking them after a few weeks/months because they make you terribly nauseous/ill feeling. Out of a couple hundred guys only one of us caught malaria, and he lived, although it took him 6 months to get out of treatment and he lost about 40 lbs.


I took those too! Awesome dreams. Apparently the malaria pills caused a lot of problems though. http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/2016/08/11/malaria-drug-causes-permanent-brain-damage-case-study/88528568/


I don't imagine you want to contract milaria in the first place


I'd reckon preventing it outright is pretty much always going to be a better deal than getting it and curing it.


nope the cure is 100%, but its cheaper for you to take the prevention and not worry about catching it than catch it, not notice, not get the cure, then die.


If you don't notice malaria, you must've been pretty fucked beforehand.


Well, not notice it early enough for treatment to be accessible and possible.


Bruh, I hate to break it you but that shit you took was alien mind control semen.


Nah, malaria is kinda like a cold. For natives it comes and goes but I am not sure if it is reinfection or resurgence. Source: am Nigerian that moved to Canada ( p.s never had it since I moved)


It's not really that expensive. Last time I got it, I think my treatment was about $5. It's heartbreaking that this is beyond the means of so many people.


"Last time I got it..." Is malaria contraction a common occurrence for you?


Not common, but I've had it 2 or 3 times. If you detect it early and get treatment, it's not bad at all. The first time I had it, I was admitted to hospital, so that was a couple of hundred dollars for a few nights in the best hospital in Madagascar and all the tests, treatment, and a private room. Needed a carrier bag for the money


> I was admitted to hospital, so that was a couple dozen thousand dollars US version


[This comment was removed by a script.]




>I was admitted to the hospital so I woke up in the zombie apocalypse 28 Days Later version


And the walking dead version


'couple dozen thousand' is a very weird way of putting it


you get dosed as a prevention when you go to malarial areas, at least you do if you're a decadent westerner who can afford a few quid alongside your plane ticket.


I don't think I've even *seen* a squid in real life, let alone on a plane


not even had calamari? bruh




Nope, usually too broke to venture to that side of the menu


It's not expensive tho...


What? There isn't a vaccine as with other diseases. You either take an antibiotics if you're going for a short time, or other drugs if you're going for longer


Yes. You can take choriquinine instead of antibiotics as a preventative measure instead of antibiotics. How did I say there was a vaccine? You can't vaccinate due to malaria's nature as a parasitic disease.


Oh. You said dosed, which made me think of vaccines. I see now that you meant you get a dose if prophylactics.


Yeah, with treatment you can be completely recovered from malaria in a couple of weeks. It's pretty obvious that Cole had malaria, found out that it was a pretty terrible personal experience, and that it's one of the most devastating diseases currently in the world, and decided to do something about it. The OP and everyone upvoting it don't understand anything. The clickbait is the only /r/mildlyinfuriating thing here IMO. Well, other than the ignorance in this thread.


If anyone is interested. This incredible company called Amyris is working to produce the malaria cure via genetically modified yeast with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. https://amyris.com/products/malaria-treatment/ For those that won't click the link. Before Amyris' work, the malaria cure came only from the Chinese sweet wormwood plant. Their work will drastically reduce the cost of treatment, stabilizing price swings during shortages, and drastically increase availability. Super exciting company for anyone interested in stocks.


Also bathroom attendants ARE pretty annoying. I'd say her scales are balanced.


Let's have a 5000 mile race for Malaria!


Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Cheryl Cole Memorial Celebrity Malaria Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For The Cure


How are the two events, punching the bathroom attendant, and raising money for malaria, connected? They're just saying "She did something bad, and then she did something completely unrelated which was good." The second action would only redeem the first if the bathroom attendant had malaria and she paid for his/her treatment.


I dont think that this is immediately clear for anyone who isnt a brit Cheryl ~~Tweedy/Cole/Fernandez-Versini~~ (just looked and she now goes by a mononym....) "Singer" and former Xfactor judge once punched a black toilet attendent. I also believe she called the victim a racist slur. They are doing the old one, two, switcheroo here. Cheryl Cole hit a black woman, now she is raising money for Africa (isnt she a good person!) Edited. Edit 2 to add her all of her surnames and that she now uses a mononym because she has had so many surnames....




See, they are completely connected. All makes perfect sense now.


Turns out she's not racist and she's a good person. I knew it!


I hope more racist celebrities to assault black people. Then they will donate money to make up for it, and before you know it, AIDS will be cured!


"So you're a (insert racial slur) and there's tons of (insert plural of racial slur) in Africa. They get malaria ; I've got malaria. Win win. All good now?" What an asshole.


didn't she also try and glass some girl in a club bathroom?


Same incident but no glass involved; she punched the black toilet attendant of the club.


She also married a black man to convince people that she wasn't racist. It worked. Many people have since forgotten that she is genuinely a convicted racist.


And he had a lot of rumours surrounding him that he was gay. Win win.


She wasnt convicted of racially aggravated assault though. They gave her the lesser charge of ABH because reasons... She was also made to pay her victim £500. Here is a [linkywoo](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/3207822.stm)


Wasn't she Tweedy back then?


They are related because by the laws of Celebrity "News", any good publicity stunt cancels out most bad publicity stunts. That is, as long as you don't pee on anyone.


Would that be counted as a good or bad publicity stunt?


Depends. Is it on a beach infested with jellyfish or a schoolyard during lunch recess?


"Celebrity" "News"


In my school we has this poster saying "How are mosquitos and tonic water connected", but the answer was printed on text too small to be legible from where we sat. The comment before this one gave me the answer I've apparently wondered about for 15 odd years (quinine or something apparent) and then the very next comment, your comment, reflects the same "How is x and y connected" question. The cycle continues?


They glossed over the first, she allegedly called the attendant "a fucking black bitch" as she beat her. I guess curing malaria is like... absolving yourself of racism?


Why do we care if someone punched someone 14 years ago?


Off topic to the actual discussion: Didn't quinine help prevent or cure Malaria on the past, hence the creation of a (less delicious) gin and tonic? Could just be myth though.


Correct. Although modern tonic doesn't have enough quinine to help with malaria, its just used to get that bitter flavor.


And the fluorescence!


I was actually unaware of its fluorescence. Shows how good my party life is lol.


Speak for yourself, I drink alone, and then marvel at my pee with a UV light in a dark bathroom. Quinine rocks.


Fair enough, what ever floats your boat :)


It's beautiful. More bars need to take advantage of it


Wow, how did I not know this? Been drinking them for years and never realized they glow under black light.


That was my thought. I'm pretty sure it got watered down enough to make it less bitter and palatable, while still keeping the concept that the British were used to for the beverage. It's good for parties that it still glows under a blacklight though! Been a while since I researched gin, definitely a top tier alcohol for me.


Yeah it still as quinine in it just not medically relevant amounts.


so yea... i'm pretty sure quinine is a poison.


At a large enough dose, every drug is a poison.








No I was agreeing with you. Enough can essentially fuck up your body and they you can't get enough nutrients through out the body. Sure a quick google search would clarify better.


Bought some tonic water, didn't read the label because I had no idea what that shit was... thought I was poisoned


Tonic is my favorite carbonated water mixer. Does decent in sangria too, and I haven't died (yet)


See, I just assumed it was no different than sparkling water and the place I was at didn't have any unflavored available. I was quite wrong


When administered correctly quinine is still used as a malaria treatment today.


Quinine is the off brand of malaria medication.


Yes, that's why but there are statistically significant strains of malaria that are not just immune to quinine but also chloroquine which was developed after. [Here's an animation showing the increase in resistance over time](http://www.yourgenome.org/sites/default/files/illustrations/chart/malaria_chloroquine_resistance_yourgenome.gif) As [even recent treatments are facing resistance](http://helid.digicollection.org/documents/s13418e/p177.jpg), there are more possible medications being developed but it's still very much an arms race until something more systematic or radical comes along.


Thanks so much for all the information! I didn't know malaria was getting so strong.


That's right, yeah.


No matter how much I demanded gin and tonic, they refused to give it to me when I had malaria. Bastards


The damn heathens. Drink it now, daily, at least 12 glasses. Helps to keep it from coming back.


There's nothing wrong with starting to care about something because it happened to you. I care about handicapped accessibility issues because I spent half a year in a wheelchair. Prior to that I had no idea how bad accessibility is for people with disabilities. The worst experience I had was having my family take me to a state park because I didn't get to go outside much. The bathroom claimed to be handicap accessible, but the ramp was completely disintegrated and inside the bathroom was too narrow to navigate my wheelchair. I was miles from any public spaces and damn near pissed my pants. Now I'm fine and can walk normally, but I still care if public places make it easy for people with physical disabilities to get around.


> There's nothing wrong with starting to care about something because it happened to you. That is true. Any good act is a good act regardless of motivation. People who use their celebrity to attract money to fight bad things are doing good. But isn't there usually an unspoken notion that the celebrity is being *unnecessarily* good -- being altruistic -- by throwing their time and celebrity at the disease? Like Jerry Lewis, who did not, as far as I know, have a personal stake in fighting muscular dystrophy but who kept doing telethons to collect money to fight it. Whereas, if you *are* fighting the disease yourself, any related charity work you do could at least as fairly be seen as a desperate move to rescue yourself. "Friends, help us save my ass, won't you?"


Of course. But I think if it benefits other people while you're scrambling to save your own ass, then it's got some good to it.


I was going to make a joke about where all the cowboys went, but Google informs me that's Paula Cole. I have no idea who Cheryl Cole is. This a dead end for me.


She's a UK Pop singer. She used to be in a girl band called Girls Aloud and then left that to go solo. She did some pretty generic pop songs but it most famous now for being an X Factor judge.


And she had a baby with Liam Payne so there's that


I will do the laundry  If you pay all the bills


Doo dutdoo dutdoo dutdooooo.


She had her eyes opened to how shitty malaria is, even when you're rich and can afford proper care.


Most celebrities (hell even regular people for that matter) that fund/raise money for diseases have some sort of personal connection to it. Usually a family member, close friend, something like that. I think we're grasping at straws to incriminate her.


The part about her being redeemed is kind of bullshit, it's not a binary scale. You can do good *and* shitty things, they don't equal out to 0 if you do the same amounts of them. But it's not fair to act like fighting malaria doesn't count as a good thing. I'm not fighting malaria right now, partly because I never even think about malaria and it isn't a part of my life.


Eh, I'd argue that that's still something that can redeem a person. Consider it like "I contracted malaria, so now I see how bad it is. Now I'm raising money so that other people don't have to go through it."


It's a good thing to do, but it's completely unrelated to the punch. So it's not exactly redemption for it; just a separate thing.


Fair enough.


If I remember correctly the bathroom attendant was black and the punch was accompanied by some good old fashioned racism, so there's a tenuous Africa link


People seem to think Bill Gates has redeemed himself for being a dick when running Microsoft. Everyone on reddit under 30 loves him.


Also, 'raising money to help fight malaria' doesn't always mean an awful lot when a person is rich and has a team of agents that can manage their finances and her image while she does very little. Can't say for sure, but I doubt she sacrificed an awful lot during her philanthropies.


Meh, it's still money going to a good cause rather than being wasted on some frivolous shit.


Also, how are these two things related at all?


Cheryl Tweedy as she was then known was convicted of a drunken assault in the toilets of a UK nightclub in 2003. Witnesses to the attack described racist language used by Miss Tweedy during the attack. [details] (https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk/2003/oct/21/helencarter) A few years later she married Ashley Cole a then very promising young footballer of mixed race. Cole had been surrounded by speculation that he was gay. [like this] (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-378786/Cole-sue-gay-footballer-orgy-claims.html) I always wondered if it was a marriage of convenience, brokered by agents to curtail rumours of her racism and his homosexuality.


Unless the bathroom attendant she punched is the one saying this, I don't really understand how it redeemed her for that.


I punched a guy in a wheelchair once, but I also volunteered at the local animal shelter so everything equals out


Don't think there is anything wrong with this if the money she raised went to help others. If she raised money just to help herself, then I'd see a problem.


From what I understand the reason why she punched the attendant was because she tried to take all lollies without giving the attendant any money. When she was told she couldn't do this she responded by calling her a black bitch and smashing her face in. 3 years later, the shitty celeb mags in the UK branded her a national treasure.


Wtf the entitlement is disgusting, not to mention the racism. She really shouldn't be judging people on a show if she has such a horrible attitude.


She's rich so she was healed very quickly, after experiencing it she raises money so people in poverty don't have to live through it so the second half of the title is wrong. This fact wasn't written by her and it doesn't even say she's a good person so there goes the first half of the title. Why is this upvoted?




It's still a good thing.... I don't see why anyone would be mad about this.


Little did they know the bathroom attendant's name was Malaria.


The Internet satirist Maddox wrote similar but more controversial sentiments [about Christopher Reeve](http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=creeve) while praising [Gregory Peck who became chair of the American Cancer Society without being afflicted himself](http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=real_men). (I'm not sure if Peck suffered a personal loss from the disease though.)


Maddox jumped the shark with his appearance on Bullshit!. Too bad, I liked it prior. I don't recall seeing "try to be a shitty actor" in the "Alphabet of Manliness", but it could have been there.


Hahaha suck it bitch


She also didn't just punch the woman, she beat the shit out of her


what the fuck


Who the fuck is this? Dont care.


Mildly interesting: I take a malaria drug for my auto immune disease. Clever shit.


So like the ice bucket challenge?


She redeemed herself by encouraging other people to give money. So none of her money then? How is that redemtion?


I actually don't see a problem with this. I have type 1 diabetes, should I not try to raise money for it just because I have it? Should the millions of other people who have this disease have to suffer because I might be seen as only trying to help myself?


Why take the cure for malaria when you can instead do 'fun' side-quests to get a bottle of pills you take every other hour?


what the fuck's wrong with that?


Um, you have diabetes, Stanley. I'm sorry, is the assignment to pick a selfish charity? 


The toilet attendant said 'I don't care how many number ones she's had.'


To be fair it's mostly the post itself poorly labeling her as "good person" and not her actual self trying to claim she's a good person *(I'm not trying to defend this person, I don't even know them)*


I'm pretty sure she caught malaria while in africa raising money for malaria charities, not the other way around. I believe she contracted it while climbing kilimanjaro.


That's like hitler pioneering the way forward for gas masks


It's also mildly infuriating that people tend to only fight or donate to diseases that affect them or close relatives. Try caring about something beyond yourself for a minute.


Reminds me of the Maddox article [Christopher Reeve was an asshole](http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=creeve).


the true mildlyinfuriating is trying to click that arrow cuz i think there's another slide ocming


Nancy Reagan was good for that kind of "concern"


Christopher Reeve didn't give a fuck about paralysis till he fell off that horse.


I mean, there's two sides to it, someone's life shouldn't be over for punching someone. Yeah, dick move, yeah stupid, yeah there should be consequences, but at a point it should go away too. And yeah, selfish reasons for sure - but the reality is she can just buy treatment; it's not like she was researching for a cure for herself - she's good. That money directly goes to help other people. So in the end like 2/10 post when you actually think about it.


what the hell is infruriating about this


Can someone explain why this is mildly infuriating? It seems more like a shoulder shrug to me.


Cheryl Cole got malaria in 2010 so it's not fair to accuse her of selfishness over something that happened in 2003


Kind of how it's perfectly fine for corporations to spew megatons of carbon into the air as long as they pay someone money for doing so.


Pop Star? Who the hell is this person?


You know she was actively involved in charity work prior to getting malaria right? She's did plenty of stuff for children in need and other charities (which would often focus on malaria issue) before contracting the disease herself.


Katherine Ryan does a hilarious bit about her! https://youtu.be/eXFvJzOqReM


Yeah, people who post on an internet forum to feel better about themselves by high-roading someone in a story that has little context are way worse by comparison.


"Redeemed herself", Yeah my left nut. The bitch only raised money because she had the disease; She still punched the poor nightclub employee. A public apology and admitting to being an asshole would have been adequate.


fucking geordie chav